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295 · Oct 2018
Colm Oct 2018
Who are you?
    Chaff on the wind?
    Child on the swing?
    An acorn falling midst the thick of Fall?

And what are you?
    A babbling brook?
    A winding road?
    Or a born tree with lead lined ink, skyscraper tall?

Why are you so?
    A constant ache?
    A worried mind?
    A mentality amongst those most small?

And who are you?
    And what are you?
       And why must I ask?
         Are you even here at all?
Who, What, Why?
294 · Jun 2019
Hooked On You
Colm Jun 2019
Bricks cry your shy name
With tearlessly hopeful eyes
Ceiling tiles wooden floors
How they hang unpon your every word
Hooked are they
On the frame of this room
And on you as am I
Like the fixtures of this room
293 · Jun 2022
A Heavy Pen
Colm Jun 2022
When you look at me
See not my deeds
But the gravitas behind who I've become

See me and only me
If you please
Boxing Poems . 10

This set was all about short, and sweet, and hard-hitting sentiments. The kind of stuff which means both everything and nothing.

I hope all is well.
293 · Apr 2022
A eulogy of us
Colm Apr 2022
I haven't forgotten you
Or fallen softly into the arms of the forlorn
Almost memories no more, no
I haven't forgotten because because
I haven't forgotten the last of us
Of which once was
So much more

I still remember
293 · Feb 2021
to be True
Colm Feb 2021
Don’t cast your belief upon other people
  or think yourself too dreamy or not
no lasting deal is ever left on the table
  no potential memory is wrought with forgot

Cast stars like lines and looks like dice
  and roll and roll yourself ever on
say yes to the self which you’ve yet to be
  speak truth to the could of want and beyond
292 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
A gentle, delicate, beautiful hand
Extends from the Excursion
And drops a can
Ugh, what a hideous hand
Are you kidding me?!?!?!
291 · May 2019
A Mind
Colm May 2019
A door
Large and impending
Leave it ajar and I'll be regretting it
For a drafty age to come
Just being honest.
291 · Mar 2018
Regardless And Unending
Colm Mar 2018
When the air is cold, and the night is darkest, because the clouds refuse to let the stars shine.

When the quiet sound at last is heard, echoing atop the snow.

When there is a will within and a will for me.

To return to you, with words anew.

Because all of the quietness of the calming nights and winters resting urn, cannot separate you from my thoughts.

Regardless and above.

The stars still burn.
A smile is regardless of choice, to speak or not to speak matters not. Because the smile simply is, because the expression was true. *pause* Much emphasis here on the "was" aspect because times change. People change. And even sooner still, our fragile little human feelings change.
291 · Apr 2018
Of Music And Mind
Colm Apr 2018
New songs
are like lovers
once newly discovered.

When you find them
you'll loop them
and listen unendingly.

Thinking that the newness
they provide
is what perfectly defines
your life as it is.

Yet knowing all along
in the back of your mind
that such feelings wont last
once a few days have past
and the love which you felt
is no more playing back

Yet we loop in our minds
doing no more to define
the true meaning of presence
in another person's life.

Because all feelings will fade
like the end of all days
and Martin Luther was right
when he proclaimed God remains
“Feelings come and feelings go,
And feelings are deceiving;
My warrant is the Word of God--
Naught else is worth believing."
290 · Dec 2019
To Swim Is To Live
Colm Dec 2019
Learn from this undread
Come wave or crashing waters down
We all get wet in the sooner or later
Don't fear
Only a few ever drown
Fear is natural, in order to keep you living and breathing. But only certain waves would actually **** you, if you know how to swim.
290 · Nov 2021
Lovers voice in my inbox
Colm Nov 2021
Even tree whispers
Cannot compare
To the words once left
In perpetuity, mine
To touch and kiss
With loving ears
To caress and ever remind
This mind
Of the way you once
Would leave words behind

For me
Such a simple sound
290 · Jan 2021
Colm Jan 2021
Words carry me and coerce me
Drive me further away and on
They ever emplore me
Never employ me
Help to diversify me
And occasionally to yawn
Not just the at but with the person
I am impersonating myself
A staggering man
A sentenceless soul
A distant floodlight casting clouds
No word were ever a cry for help
290 · Jul 2019
Tone is Tone
Colm Jul 2019
If my name was more unique
   My cadence more strong
   My words more angry
   Or my roving eye of justice
   — More outstretched and long
Maybe then I would stand out to you
Maybe then I would start to sing anew
But probably not
As you cannot sing what is not meant to be your song
Words are words. Tone is Tone. All voices are meant to be themselves, no exceptions.
289 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018

That's what he means when he says that she... "Pulls on his heart like she pulls on the sea."
289 · Mar 2018
Colm Mar 2018
Careful we
Must always be
Not to isolate ourselves
Because the mind may think
That it's best to fall
From the reasons of former self
But prepared for such things
Lest we are not
Or never will
Ready to concur the former self
To maximize you
Is to challenge through the eyes
Of me
289 · Feb 2019
Life As A Raindrop
Colm Feb 2019
Think as raindrop falls
Exclusively towards it's goal and aim
Without hope it falls short
Of becoming snow
Although sometimes as rain it does not remain
Full of surprises and changes
289 · Feb 2019
Dear Romantics
Colm Feb 2019
When you ask or beg saying "please never leave"

Let it not be out of fear or weakness

But out of a desire to have no such other eternity
287 · Jul 2018
Small and Indicative
Colm Jul 2018
In peril elsewhere I may be
Or not
And yet
In this quiet place
You may find
A small piece of me
Of my quiet mind
In a wood above a town, resides lane to climb, from which we would never want to come down.
287 · Jan 2020
Electric Skies
Colm Jan 2020
One day a new energy burned in the sky
Bright as the sun beasts eyes
And just as strong as this wind engine of mine
And I could see it, finally
Though it had always been
It was like... Electric skies
286 · Nov 2019
The Question of Life
Colm Nov 2019
The real question
Real struggle of life
Is how
You will live
With it
Whatever IT May Be
286 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
This song is the sound
Reincarnate of love
Feels like to me
In the absence of be
And yet
This song is the sound
Of reincarnated love
286 · Jun 2021
Colm Jun 2021
Though my eyes may turn
And in darkness
Try to hide

It is beneath this earthly chest
In which where, light
Will always reside

286 · Jul 2018
Pouring Out And In
Colm Jul 2018
It's like pouring water down a well
To find someone
To hold within
Your darkest thoughts to secrets tell

Because if they listen
(And there's no guarantee they will)

Understand this...
That all is well
Because the understanding itself may not matter
When you’re pouring water down a well
This presumes that both be true. Be aware of that.
285 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Mirrored like a windowpane
I know you’re there, but not at all
No great height at last it would be
To fall like this, endlessly
Into the wellspring of it all
But to a craft and wet stone be
The way you hone the idea smooth
Like a riverbed, put me to rest
And toss me as a stone unto
And in doing so
Smooth me into you
No comment from behind reading glasses - Because now is not the time
284 · Aug 2019
Scenic Tears
Colm Aug 2019
When I'm here
My eyes are full of scenic tears
And I tilt my head back to hold onto them
Because the beauty overwhelms me
Scenic Tears
284 · May 2017
Too Personal To Read
Colm May 2017
I do not know
What I mean to you
If anything
But I would like to know
I would like to know
No note necessary
284 · Jul 2022
In the arms of cafe
Colm Jul 2022
To be had
I don't know where you're at
But this coffee has me
284 · Jun 2022
Moving and unmoved
Colm Jun 2022
Why is it in my nature to GO
And to never to stop
And see the simple sun
Rise as it was meant to be

Unless it is my own idea that is
Then instead, I'll stop for whatever suits me

Fancy that
1Sight . Always going, but never where expected
283 · Nov 2017
Perhaps Maybe?
Colm Nov 2017
Searching for the truest of words
The quest of me
Is a sermon for an audience of one
Or two perhaps?
Just a little thing.... (;
283 · Feb 2021
Wait fearlessly
Colm Feb 2021
Waiting for you to rush into my life
Is like waiting for the seacrest to reach the base of the mountains
So instead I will stand and shift the earth
Or my feet which ever gives first
Sit only when you feel called to wait.
283 · Jan 2020
Conversing As, A Tanka (S7)
Colm Jan 2020
Short the conscious span
Clicks mere seconds on a clock
Which ticks and talks more
Quietly than by we know
No conversation lasts long
A lot of what I write and struggle with is just the basic human emotion of emptiness. The realization that the new car, new friend, or newly arrived Amazon package will not fulfill your true hearts desire. This is life. God is God. And no enticing conversation will ever last.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
283 · Jan 2019
Not Today
Colm Jan 2019
What do we say
To a god of death
Perched precariously high
Upon this rocky way?

Do we walk
Or flee or fight?

Either way
With the spit in its eye
We say not today
Not today
"There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'not today'."
282 · Nov 2021
Her Eyes Are Orange Essence
Colm Nov 2021
Your essence is simply everywhere
like the orange hue
mid afternoon in the summer sun

Your glow, your radiance, resonates clear
in the eyes of other twos and ones

I see you here, your rippling there
through everywhere I pass is you

Your family flutters through the air
such loveliness beyond radio waves of hair

Like ember essence, burning fair
you are midnight candles
your radiance is simply everywhere
Fifteen Feelings. This is just another set of poetry I wrote on my day off. But this piece, in particular, is probably my favorite one of the lot. Becasue now I see these glowing eyes at every turn. (:
281 · Jul 2017
Building Words
Colm Jul 2017
No words will ever say or stay
The chilling storm
The quiet calm
Or the persistent want which cannot be reached

Words can only bridge those gaps
Which wish to be bridged  

Because storms give way to rampant floods
Which wash away the builders hopes
When poorly built

In such instances as these
Words are not always the best way
To build and begin again
Sometimes you need to let it be. To let it wash away. To wait. To be different. For something be it anything.
Colm Nov 2019
No paint speaks for me
My favorite words fall utterly short
And I, no song could ever be you
And yet I can see you here
Before you are known
Before you exist in this world of mine
I can see you as if you were in present time
Just as if you were already mine
Sometimes all of the venues you use, the methods of communications and expression, fall incredibly short. Which is life I guess.

From the Midnight Wood Series
281 · Jun 2019
Always, A Mind
Colm Jun 2019
Find answers at the bottom of a cup?
I think not.

Find freedom in the freedom to choose how you will be?
Not me.

Find a lack of self in a deepless sleep, where no answers are present for a moment?

Find yourself on a way, to being OK, with the inevitability of everything?
Now that...

That sounds like something substantial to me.
Fervent Series (8/10) - 06/23/19
280 · Aug 2019
Fated Notes and Letters
Colm Aug 2019
On quiet little corners turned
And freshly folded blackened ink
Beneath pillows raspy, hands left grasping
And above all thoughts which were recently freed

There are pages stating and there is change
As there is fire waiting for the freedom to be

Pleasnt quiet little corners turned
Though you once had held a candle to me
This one is about all of the old letters and notes from my various exs. Just one of many options. Truly at peace regardless.
280 · Jan 2017
If I Were
Colm Jan 2017
If I up and died today
Would anyone know?
About the archives stored away?
About the words which I've locked away?
And if I died on such a day
Would anyone ever find a way
To link me back to those former days?
To hear the words I once did say?
If I were to die this present day
Would you find me here along your way?
Thankful for life - Quite about death
280 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Expansive un
O' mind unkind

Prestigious thought
Occurs to who?

My never where
O' not of which
Mine unto you
Gibber gabber
Colm Jun 2021
Just beyond the hillside windmills unstill
Where the horizon meets the sky
and eyes are lost in clouded light
Brighter than all cares and graduation caps combined

It is where the goodness of present day
And the tides of gifted times glide past
Beneath the feet of the lover stands
A happily shifting sand which has eroded away

And the only thing left there between us to be
Is the sea
In all of its wonderous and most secretive
Glory to be shared as one

(And all this my dear, is just beyond)
These moments are like waves, or so I find.
279 · May 2017
Pity The Famous Man
Colm May 2017
The worst illness available to man
Is not a fever of sorts
But fame
And the expectations stored within
That he has been solved
That he has been called by his true name
Which, ironically
Is never true at all

Because it's better to live in a house of wood
It's better to build without a name inscribed
Than to be called by all
And requested at all hours of the night  
Because what then becomes of life?
When you suddenly have
All of that which you have wished for?
For he is not free
279 · Jun 2016
From The Shadows
Colm Jun 2016
My heart is in the shadows,
Though my eyes are on the sky.

Full of light, aware of darkness,
Amidst these hallways where I hide.

Behind the walls and whitewashed doors,
My alter ego the other side.

A phantom man I have ignored,
A different person I've entwined.

A gentle guy who gives you things,
The grounded soul which yearns to fly.

And though the shadows slowly seep,
It's here they meet and coincide.

To form the future and the present,
To sort the truth and dispel lies.

Because in the shadows I've risen,
But in the light is where I'll rise.
Keep looking for that burning light. :D
279 · Jun 2018
A Dream
Colm Jun 2018
As the fragments of a mirror
Once did shatter
Stuck in place
It cannot be, turn back the clock
It couldn't be your face
I see. True story. From a dream. (:
Colm Oct 2017
How little do I think of you?
So little that I will delete this soon,
Just to erase all living memory of you.
You deserve no such words more than two.
Forgotten now,
Forgotten are you.
278 · Dec 2019
Grit, A Competitor
Colm Dec 2019
When I lose myself, in the quiet, I go
I dig till the tin scrapes rock and Orr
Find soil in the sand and make it so

In my sign, unfound
Reach down into the well for a drink of cold
Pluck stars from the sky once young and align

It is not enough to claim these seas, my own which roll
And boats that turn on waves a dime

What I do in each moment is this

To the pit of my stomach I reach
I grind
Intimidating much?
277 · Nov 2017
As You Are
Colm Nov 2017
The expression you are as you say you are is not true if you actually are not as you say you are.
Colm Nov 2019
Deep and somber currents cold
Turn beneath a calming surface young
As darkness subsides above as below
No older have I grown

The vision - A Pond Slowly Settling and Freezing
277 · Sep 2017
Peter Pan
Colm Sep 2017
Eventually you forget how to escape
To open the door at the back of your mind
And walk on though it
Into the new
And that is why we should value our innocence
And our children in such a way as we do
I was speaking of imagination...
277 · Mar 2018
Well Wishes and Hopes
Colm Mar 2018
Hope beyond all hope to be
Smile in earnest objectivity

Stand aside
Walk away
Drink a tall alone in stay with room for milk

And scribble furiously at me
Be it not at all

For within some distance
Far away
As a hope for me I feel called to say

Or with half an ask

That I hope though know that you're okay
Random or not (;
276 · Jul 2017
Orr Canoe
Colm Jul 2017
Like a paddle lean
Cut the water with yourself
And dig it deep as I have

That way you may not forget yourself
Within this tidal swirl
The wave of life and the currents underneath
You get nowhere without digging deep.
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