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276 · Jul 2017
Like A Knife
Colm Jul 2017
It's getting better
But every time the sun sets
On another age
Another opportunity
My heart sinks
A few inches more
Deeper into my chest

Although there's nothing more to be done
I wish that such things would pass me by
And leave my heart alone at last

Although it's getting better
I wonder what will remain of me
And who I will be
If I survive to see it pass
Certain interactions are not easy to me because of how I utilize language, tone, diction, information, etc.
Colm Oct 2019
Meandering … I know right away
What the context of this dark entails
What the question of this day implies
And so I'll answer
In distilling this … in the stillness therein lies
Though sunshine isn't yet necessary
To bring a shining smile to my face
Squinting on a day like this … born distinguishment
When I know, I know
Like the *** and groundless coffee based
It is good today
Gosh it's good today
Such a natural feeling, when you better yourself. When you can self-diagnose, identify and adjust. Not change mind you. Just adjust (as true change takes time). But it feels so good to me, to just wake up after a day of unconsciousness, and be conscious again. Or perhaps that should be the other way round, LOL. But truly… To go from being blocked, to being unblocked. To go from being frustrated, to being at ease. Nothing feels better than that. No drug or high can compare, to the artist content and at their leisure, having since slayed the dragon in their subconscious mind.
And this is a verse for a day like that. Woot woot.
276 · Jul 2017
Orr Canoe
Colm Jul 2017
Like a paddle lean
Cut the water with yourself
And dig it deep as I have

That way you may not forget yourself
Within this tidal swirl
The wave of life and the currents underneath
You get nowhere without digging deep.
276 · Jun 2018
Reflected In The Trees
Colm Jun 2018
I see the sunlight in the trees, the newness of the summer night.

The rich green leaves, fresh cut grass and the threat of autumn. Ever in sight.

And every root and bark and stem is reflected in the builder of my own home.

For it will be a reflection of me, my power, my arms. Finite. Strong.
Random verse.
275 · May 2019
Time Lies (more and more)
Colm May 2019
Time says
"Love me and I will love you back, want me more and more"
And I, find less and less of those things within time to adore
Hence forth, I will love time no more (;

A neutral feeling is better
275 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
Give me quiet ambition.

Give me blank space and lines.

Give me jazz like cold coffee to cool this hot headache of mine.

Give me presence most impartial.

Give me back peace of mind.

Give me time but not too much of it.

Give me only what's mine.
Or so I pray
Colm Feb 2019
Space to think less
Space to be more
That is what your coffee shop means to me
And no matter how tempting the owner may be
It's is no such she who I adore
But the absence of the former self
And the discovery of what is meaning more
Just a thank you from one artist to the next. Be it a selfish one aimed mostly at me. (;
275 · Dec 2019
Without Wind In The Sails
Colm Dec 2019
Somedays I am a ship which sails
No lull or shore could raise me to the ocean floor
When I am on a swell
And yet somedays I’m lost on an oceanfront
Without Wind In The Sails
Colm Jan 2020
Distant as you are
Undiscovered yet in sense
And sensory ways
Known is no keeping us here
A part from these distinct days
The idea being that you could meet anyone, at just about any time. Provided that you're open to the connection and willing to try. To put yourself out there and speak first. That is bravery. Or mere extroversion at work.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
273 · Jun 2017
Colm Jun 2017
The most difficult thing about knowing more
About realizing that someone is capable of more
Is that you may come to expect, and desire more
Which becomes more apparent, when only one mind adores
273 · Nov 2018
Tall Golden Trees
Colm Nov 2018
Jet and handsome you'll never have
With eyes as dark as treebark
Hair curled and seasoned as the leaves
But I can tell you what you will have
You'll have everything he never had
The gold afield, the blue of sea
The tallness as a yew of trees
Tall Golden Trees
272 · Mar 2018
Proving To Her Someone
Colm Mar 2018
Staring into the eyes of life

And to be not afraid of another day

Is the essence of a man most confidence

And to hold it confidently in such a way

So as not shake or waver within

Or to back away from the wall of change

But a change as it is, is a chance to remain

And to never break from your life's first gaze
See? Hahaha. Play me some Living Proof.
272 · Apr 2019
Colm Apr 2019
The greatest secret
Allowed to survive in this place
Is that this place is hers
And that I am here
Next to her own
About two tall people
272 · Mar 2017
As It Is
Colm Mar 2017
You reap what you sow
Or so I’ve heard
You get what you deserve
Or so it’s been said
Well whatever it is that I certainly want
I can't speak about it
I can't even think about it inside my head
Because how could it be
Or even come true for me
As it is?
Having sown something else
Beneath a much different tree
And as it is so you see
Never once indifferency  
And the only one who could've planted it
Was me
Somedays I just don't know - But I don't tell them that
271 · May 2019
Watching Rivers
Colm May 2019
It's like I spend my life
Speeding through rivers
With the occasional wade or float
But when I sit and let the water catch me up
My life no longer flies
Instead the world passes me by
For a change
For a change indeed
271 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
Shadows dance across the collar
A striking contrast above the eyes
And there beneath the pavement lies
Where the contors whip and flee
Where the hollow outlines always try
And run and hide
271 · Nov 2019
Colm Nov 2019
A more simple man builds a more complex house
But as for me and myself, I find
That I will never be content with myself
With my motives and mind
I am ever at odds with the person who I couldn’t be
That is why I will always try
There's no sense in comparing yourself to that which you will never be. The lack of comparison is what should make you YOU!

From the Midnight Wood Series
271 · Dec 2017
Winter Break
Colm Dec 2017
If you were here
I’d take the day
And you on a tour
I’d carve your name into the snow
Instead of hers
We’d rewrite history and revisit these
The songs which have yet to be sung
Together anew
Written weeks ago. Also - My publish poems option is erroring - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
271 · Apr 2019
Hinted Sounds
Colm Apr 2019
Eternal time
Is hinted at, implied
For a moment within this solumn sound
But that is not for us to know
As humans with, within this truth
Surrounded by and all around
Everything we do and create, implies
270 · Sep 2017
A Shared Thought
Colm Sep 2017
I wonder if she
Thinks about this
As much as I do?
Herself being
Of course
Who she is
It's possible
That she does
Just as I do
Never spoken though
270 · Apr 2019
Our Future Ceilings
Colm Apr 2019
The wood and stone and plaster we will share
Is unknown to me at present time
But like the stars we will look up at them
And ponder all that was here before
And the time that's been left behind
And the times that's been left behind.
269 · Jan 2020
The Human Mind A Tanka (S7)
Colm Jan 2020
No god of grand heights
Nor the devils depth be mine
Know only stillness
When I let you rest never
For I am you and your mind
This one was an interesting question to me at the time. What if God isn't neglectful, nor the devil always moving? I guess sometimes all that the mind needs is to be woken up so that it can lead itself astray. Thus is humanity perhaps. Very imperfect in heart and head.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
269 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
If I vanish
If I fly
And do not return to such a height
Know me here
And that I tried
Endlessly to express the un at the edge of life
This is how I live. And justify my not saving these. Haha!

Dive into the light.
269 · Mar 2018
The Heart of all Hope
Colm Mar 2018
You cannot compare yourself to them -- Be it anyone, sibling or self -- Because God cares not about the framework you desire -- Or the shape or the size of your house -- But God looks inward, with the truest intent -- So does man fail to see past the skin - Because God builds a house in the heart of all hope -- And that hope is where contentment begins.
Honesty.... I need more of this in my life. Both with myself and in my interactions with others.
268 · Jan 2018
Self Disgust of Sorts
Colm Jan 2018
I hate being human.
I hate the waiver.
Because the things that I do habitually, aren't even me.
I just learn them.
The learned yet subconscious, Me.
Thanks for the site fix EY. Good to be back.
268 · Aug 2019
Fickle Want
Colm Aug 2019
WANT is such a fickle thing
Worth no more than prior words
Spent unwisely in the spinning of a slot machine

Cash out while you can?
Better instead, to not play with that which you do not believe

Better yet, indeed
Fickle Want
268 · Feb 2019
God Alone
Colm Feb 2019
Your work, your will
Both the unconscious free and purchased thrill
All of it being inside yourself
Burns fast to ash and with a flash
Is gone into the nothingness of the still

But God
Being more than free and willing to wield
The honest truth in relation to man
Is outside of the self
Is outside of the endless pleasure wheel

Though redundant as this life may be
To pass over the distant hill
It is in his freedom you most feel
The completeness of his higher will
And may you be therein
The only pattern I cannot learn. The only freedom I have found. The one thing which cannot, will not quit me. Amen to that.
268 · Jun 2018
Where He Is
Colm Jun 2018
Find him in a corner seat
With a present step and a mind set away
With a drink not to define the style of man
But to open his eyes to another day
With a furious scribble from a gifted pen
How he carves a stone for a future day
An enscription for only the eyes of her
At a coffee shop he chips away
A clear depiction of a young patient man. (;
267 · Apr 2016
It Is Love
Colm Apr 2016
Love is in the swell of the trees, the subtle breeze,
Which for all of its might cannot be seen.

It is love which shifts the steady feet, of the traveler.
And moves in ways unbeknownst to me.

It is love which propels the honey bee, across the field,
And back to the comb of bitter sweet.

It is love which seeps through the autumn leaves, and tumbles down.
Like the leaves before in the autumn breeze.
Nature - It is very lovely
267 · Jun 2019
Holding For You
Colm Jun 2019
Is having held once before
And having time alone
Say no more

Holding For You
Holding For You
267 · Nov 2019
Justice To Challenge
Colm Nov 2019
Justice isn't yours to challenge
Observe the only change with ease
It's best to simply let it be
As when you're not involved
In the sinfulness of it all
Don't let your mind wander for even a second
Instead be free, smile and flee
"Clean your room. And set your own house in order first, before trying to reorder the world."
267 · Jan 2019
End Of The Road
Colm Jan 2019
You go to the end of the road
And you know
Immediately what's there
That is why you don't acknowledge the sign
The street
The loop
It leads nowhere
267 · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
Though I dig the arrow out of my chest
The metallic breath remains in me
Breathing slowly with inward beat
And never still
At least in mind and memory
The taste of arrowhead
Colm Apr 2018
Blow the whistle
Hear the rumble
Rolling in your chest

With tracks bound down
And feet locked east
These carousels a crest

Around and round
With heels of steel
And steam so deep to mist

As a southbound train
He whistles now
And his heart she travels west
The best writes have no thought or self judgement attached. They just are, as is, as they're meant to be. Stop planning your life down to the hour and live it. Enjoy it. Every minute of it. Please.
266 · Jun 2018
These Are The Things
Colm Jun 2018
The only thing
Between these arms which ache.

The only falling thing
In this loveless town.

Like every passing sight
Which was meant to be felt.

And pride...
For the only thing in your life
Worth tearing down.

These are the things always abound.
They're everywhere and yet nowhere.... these are the things always abound.
265 · May 2019
Silent Meaning
Colm May 2019
Ill will held on
Dries out my hands
And cracks in the sky are never welcome
Hence why the attempt is never planned
Though apart from my old self
I find, I am
And yet
With contented say grown out of sigh
Though I may be quiet
Having pushing myself far away
In the silence, know this
You are always welcome
Le nathlam hí
265 · Jun 2018
A Morning Memory
Colm Jun 2018
In the quiet hour
With three am alive and well
In the background close behind

I hear it now, as you spoke to me
Going on long ago
In a voice heard only in mind

And the memory somehow
I now know more intimately
Fondly, as if it was yesterday

Because memories and decisions
In the early morning light
Make more sense at that time
"Hey... We should be friends!"
Colm May 2018
Having children of my own, somewhere, someday...
Will be to me, the most phenomenal distraction from self which could ever be...
Because what else will you have to live for (besides faith obviously) when you're 50-60?
264 · Dec 2019
Indescribable Sight
Colm Dec 2019
And in asking of self, most honestly, said
“Are you afraid, once you’ve spoken the words, that you’ll truly be free?
That you’ll fall off the earth without purpose or being
Just because you’ve finally shared, what for so long you yourself could not see?“
I am afraid of this?
Perhaps, maybe
You ever feel like you were meant to do something? Edging closer and closer towards creation. And then, the closer you get it the more negative your inner self becomes? I swear, half, or at least two thirds, of my own problems are just me talking to myself.
264 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
All the small little bobbles of humanity
Are but stones settling in the sea
Sinking down
When I am awash in the sea of voices at Calvary
Cresting on hope
I float
Awash and float
264 · Jan 2020
Psalms My Dear
Colm Jan 2020
For blue eyed want
   Look to the sky
For tall encouragement
   A Mountian range
For warmth of hand once felt alive
   The youth of dawn
And for next of kind
  The same old stars to arrive
Look up, look up, for all that is
   Without frame or screen to hold no more
Look down and inward for all that's been
   In the Psalm where our first love was born

   You need not eyes to see where we were
   Or even where we will be one day
Originally "1304" lol
264 · Oct 2019
Please & Thank You
Colm Oct 2019
No monument of me be made
Or carving placed once I am gone
But please instead
Let my borrowed words be but a memory of mine
And if you should find yourself compelled by them
And must appreciate them based on a similarity of mind
Letit be done so, quickly, quietly, personally
Don't ***** out a single stanza in the name of me
Thank you
I'd appreciate it most greatly
Please & Thank You
Colm May 2019
When your hand reaches, grasping mine
It's like I'm pulled through the ice on the pond my own imagination

With fingers waking
I fall from the clouds without landing
And return to the wandering desertless streams

Until you squeeze again
I forget who I am
Daydreaming And Hand Holding
264 · Apr 2017
For Those Who Feel
Colm Apr 2017
If I'm too busy for you
I'm too busy for me
And that is unhealthy

Because perhaps in vain and vainity
We are the same?

Skilled at creating for someone else
At adapting for the US entirely

But could it be that within the entirety
That we lose the ability to see?

Like the blinders of love
Be they ever imposed
By this realization of who is me?

Perhaps we are the same indeed?
Perhaps one day you'd let me try
For you, as also you could for me?
In truth, I often think about more than me.
264 · Mar 2018
From A Distance
Colm Mar 2018
Behind the mask of distant past
Where the memories still mill abound

Within the frame of paper mache
Where the words, oh yes, the words can be found

Beneath the eyes, below the cheeks
Is a smile ever winding down

And I am but one such memory, perhaps
As a word once kept around
No more? No more...
264 · Sep 2019
Crazy Weather
Colm Sep 2019
It is September
And this mountiantop mind
Cannot make itself up
Or make itself out of the true sight
That this warming snow exists
263 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
It's like the air molecules in front of you
Are split by the hands of a nether being
And torn apart
As a new world opens up to you in an instant together
Never again to be closed and then
Never again to be one singular heart
When Lips First Meet
Colm Mar 2019
My echo
My desire to be heard
Died long ago

In a notebook winding longer than the build before the great crescendo

And I noted in this
As a young man of old
As a conductor of sorts

Not attempting to refire all of the old songs turned cold
But rewriting them each for me alone
Indefinitely and until the long silence comes home
Experience allows me to not walk that path. Again and again. And thank God for that.
263 · Jan 2018
More of Someone
Colm Jan 2018
The soul so crushed that she dared not dare to dream again.

Always saddens me indefinitely.

Not because I wasn’t the avenue to her success, but because she wouldn’t try and be.

More of her former self around me.
No notes
262 · Aug 2019
A Wentworth
Colm Aug 2019
Not Mary, never Elizabeth
My Anne Elliot
Marry me
Why do you tarry
Especially when I'm not longer at sea
Turned Captain - Persuasion

Which is probably the best of her works TBH
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