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Jan 2015 · 1.1k
AMcQ Jan 2015
Ever catch yourself
caught between
the light and dark?

Has the stark contrast
blinded you, both
from lack of
and abundance of

Ever rounded a night corner
and prayed that the road
materialises beyond you;
that it follows the path
the very way you
imagine it?

And have you ever felt utterly ALIVE in that
frantic millisecond of uncertainty?

I have.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
-Ink Well-
AMcQ Jan 2015
I am the quill;
fleeting and energetic.
You are the consistent
flowing ink.
Your color knows
not of bounds.
In the inkwell we dance
You enveloping me.
Me, steeped in you.
Alone, we are but
pointed feather
and darkness.
Together, our stories
emerge from curved letters
on old, worn pages.
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
AMcQ Jan 2015
I look down at the arcs of white;
at the tattered bows which skirt my fingernails.
They signal the very edge of my extremities.
Each one with unique imperfections
owed to the muck and dirt lodged underneath.
They're hideous; soiled and grotesque from
digging deeper into my love affair with mortality -
my lust for the knowledge of what happens
when we are 6 feet below sun-lights' reach.
Jan 2015 · 2.6k
-Casting Shadows- (Limerick)
AMcQ Jan 2015
There was once a flickering flame,
Its rising heat causing no pain.
But a shadow it cast,
telling tales from her past.
Now she runs to escape it in vain.
I should note the interesting muse behind this. On my desk in work today, sat a candle and some painkillers, both back-lit by a frustrating, flickering, fluorescent light. Funny how little things fall together. Needless to say, escape was not an option.
Jan 2015 · 435
You Promised...
AMcQ Jan 2015
You promised me the stars.
But what you promised was a ghost;
A last glimmer of light
journeying from something
which had long since
I wrote this one a few months ago as part of a poetry challenge on Instagram. The task; to write a poem with the words 'You Promised'.
Jan 2015 · 3.9k
AMcQ Jan 2015
Sometimes I wonder
Whether I truly fear
the spider
or I have simply
become obsessed with
its every move.
Sometimes, you are
that spider.
Jan 2015 · 817
AMcQ Jan 2015
I've dropped the reigns
which hold firm
my fingers and wrists.
They have galloped from
my control,
as I struggle to
steady them.
Inhaling through
flared quivering nostrils.
I struggle to fill the
space in my chest,
so I can empty it
with a tight ****** scream.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
AMcQ Dec 2014
A locked lake lies lonely,
deep beneath ice and snow.
Pieces of past still present
in delicate misty glow.
We wish to wake it.
We wish to know it.
I wish they'd leave it alone.

I think my mind calls it home.
Lake Vostok is the largest sub-glacial lake in Antarctica. The surface of the fresh water lake is around 4,000m under the surface of the ice. Scientists are keen to see what kind of living museum could have survived for the thousands of years that the lake could have existed. It's pretty amazing!
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
AMcQ Dec 2014
A malady of spirit has taken up residence
somewhere in the gut.
Its' presence is announced by hollow sounds
and the falter of hands.
Beneath puckered brow, my jaw has tightened.
Clenched. Rigid.
I float on inflated irony, somewhere in the gap between
nostalgia and regret.
Like a flat rock meant to skim the surface...
I've been flung too hard by a lazy grip.
I look towards the surface as sunlight fades from view.

I know now why it's called
'rock bottom'.
I was throwing stones into the sea this weekend and this came together :)
Dec 2014 · 658
AMcQ Dec 2014
The haze of breath
in frostbitten air
makes machine of
a body with a drunk
at the wheel.
Wisps of air  escape;
engineered to heighten
awareness of self.
Each ones exit increasing the
I've always loved hearing;
"Any port in a storm".
Trimmed with an air of ambiguity.
How unambiguous is it though,
when looked at in hindsight.

I chose that port for this storm!
Late night musings
Dec 2014 · 753
I wonder...
AMcQ Dec 2014
If blinks did not capture stars instantaneous and still.
If eyes in slow 'shutter-speed' stared towards the heavens
while we 'slept' and composed the image layered and bright.
Would we wake to know a different night sky?
One of light trails and arcing lines; of paths stalled by Sun.
Would all stars be shooting ones?

And by morning, could we wish on every single one of them?
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
AMcQ Dec 2014
It seems so far from here and now,
Both in distance and in kind.
That place I found, through winding ways;
The time when I cared not for time.

When shadows stretched meant day was new
And as they shortened haste was made.
Butterflies played and danced and flew,
Distracting minds in need of shade.

Pain in toes and knees and hips
Dissolved all ailments of the head.
Stories poured from sun kissed lips.
Easing aches in time for bed.

I wandered back to times gone by
To grief, to love; so bittersweet.
I played them out, I laughed, I cried-
To the echoed fall of dusty feet.

In all the things I've so far learned,
Of all the 'me' I've yet to know
I've found that peace and calm is earned
Through open minds, on unknown roads.

And if the names, the talks, the places;
If they try to fade with time
I'll think of all the smiling faces;
Kindest hearts, now kept in mine.
In July of this year, I walked 350km of the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. A beautifully moving and life altering experience. This is a little memory of that journey.
Dec 2014 · 696
AMcQ Dec 2014
There is fire in her.
Fire deep within,
but too deep for her
lungs alone to fuel.
So she waits;
unaware of the blaze
that will flare,
when his breath meets hers.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
AMcQ Dec 2014
A storm built and broke around her.
Lightening met earth by her feet.
Thunder shouted and bellowed;
its icy breath burning her cheeks.
But inhaling right down to her stomach,
she threw her eyes up to the sky;
let the rain wash her clean of her worry,
as she exhaled her fears with a sigh.
Dec 2014 · 1.8k
AMcQ Dec 2014
I have conjured up
an aversion to empathy.
It only opens the heart,
awarding her influence
over the mind.

*I know how she feels.
Dec 2014 · 730
AMcQ Dec 2014
And so, the waves
returned to my feet.
That lunar beauty
had stolen them away.
She bellied the ocean
bent it elliptic;
stretching the walk
from me to tide.
But no longer full
her grip weakened.
Salt water trickled
from her fingers
to rush cold
between my toes.
Dec 2014 · 663
-That Lonely Moon-
AMcQ Dec 2014
Sleep has grown tired
of my demands.
I ask more of it
on shortened nights.
Seduced by warmth.
Betrayed by sudden
I stir, I sit
I speculate.
Perhaps the moon,
she nudges me in my sleep;
to wake and keep her company.
Dec 2014 · 6.7k
AMcQ Dec 2014
Today, a door was left ajar.
My thoughts have escaped me;
I wonder if they know not to play in traffic
or strike matches found in the tool shed.

I'll wait 'till dark before I worry.
Dec 2014 · 4.4k
AMcQ Dec 2014
With dusty wings
and awkward flight
Your tiny buffalo body
bounces on the
delicate glass surface.
An exaggerated shadow
announces your plight.
Is it the beauty of
the butterfly
that spurs you.
Why so frustrated;
so persistent?
Do you know of emotion?
Maybe you do,
and it is your own
dark turmoil
that draws you to the
glass skirted flame.
Dec 2014 · 445
AMcQ Dec 2014
I'd love for you
to feel the love
the way the love
feels for me.
Dec 2014 · 801
AMcQ Dec 2014
She has whipped me up in a whirlwind.
She has stirred each sense to a flame.
Not an ounce of my joy does she know of,
nor will she be told of the same.
Dec 2014 · 724
AMcQ Dec 2014
I rarely yearn
for childhood days,
but these blue skies
encase me in
a haze of melancholy.
The swelter of
Summer sun in
sweet smelling cars.
Sand falling dry
from pockets and
untangled hair.
That rush of ice-
cold water, from the
wrong tap; always
with the promise
of ‘penny sweets' when
loving, aged hands had
towel-dried behind ears.
I miss the smell of
sun on my arms...
the taste of sea
on my knuckles.
The warmth of copper coins;
leaving circular
designs in the palm of
my hand.
Inver is a tiny little place in County Donegal. The photograph on my cover is of Inver Bay, where all my memories of the sea were made.
Dec 2014 · 9.5k
-My Fears-
AMcQ Dec 2014
One day, all of the 'coulds' will change into 'cants'.
Dec 2014 · 317
-Trees and Humans- (14W)
AMcQ Dec 2014
Though your roots are bound in darkness,
let your life be fuelled by light.
Dec 2014 · 860
AMcQ Dec 2014
Often, in mornings, I wake by your side.
                                               A magnetic field pulses from your core;
                                   summoning beats from my heart in its sleepy haze.
                                    Mesmerised, I fold into you, pulled            
                                       ­                                                                 ­                                            to the right;

                                                         ­            Nudged onto my side, by blood
                                                           ­                                                            rushing to be close to you.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
AMcQ Dec 2014
A meandering mist
leaks from your
barely parted lips.
I am in awe
at the slow motion
If only my open mouth
could catch it,
perhaps it wouldn't haunt me so...
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
AMcQ Dec 2014
You take my
   favorite breath
   from me.
   The one I
   draw through
   sweet smelling
   hair, splayed
    on fresh linen;
   when the curve
  of my arm
   and the crease
   of your neck
Dec 2014 · 2.9k
AMcQ Dec 2014
Your leeward left lays
steeped in shadows,
as a perfect line flickers
outlining your silhouette.
Incandescent light makes
porcelain of your skin.
Its honest touch embraces
you with artificial moonbeams,
airbrushed and pale.
I watch your chest rise,
as you inhale the
atmosphere you have
created with your presence.
Dec 2014 · 957
AMcQ Dec 2014
...the War that is fought
beneath glazed eyes and
puckered brow.
How epic the battle,
in all its
exaggerated glory.
No bloodshed;
just words spat from
the trenches
to make casualties of
ears and pages.
Dec 2014 · 4.3k
AMcQ Dec 2014
Like ivy wound
and woven through
you envelope
my very being.
Curling, gripping
clutching my skin.
Inching upward,
reaching for
wispy blue skies.
Perhaps you are
climbing beyond
I ask only that
you do not slight
my role in your
Dec 2014 · 361
AMcQ Dec 2014
On reflection, I prefer the moon...
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
AMcQ Dec 2014
The space between each breath and beat,
is vacant now, a hollowed nest.
Where once wings fluttered soft and meek,
dust now settles down to rest.

The raider knew not of my plight.
With twisted key, she opened wide
the place where butterflies take flight;
the cage in which my heart resides.

The butterflies they danced and flew.
Some filled the mouth with words unsaid.
But lips were sealed, so numbers grew;
the crowding forced them out instead.

The ripple of their wings fell still,
their sprightly quiver fled my chest.
She drew them out, with time and skill.
I spat out love; truth wrapped in jest.        
When all was said, the flutter waned
From love to hate, the din grew weak.
Though her hold lessened, her face remained
in the space between each breath and beat.
Dec 2014 · 928
AMcQ Dec 2014
"I cant even write"
she whispered.
"Don't", I said,
"You've already written
It all behind
sleeping lashes.
Come closer,
so I may read
from your eyes".
Dec 2014 · 370
AMcQ Dec 2014
She walked empty and silent
towards what looked like nothing:
The silhouette of an aging tree in moonlight.
The echo of her childhood
curled around her face,
as frost edged its way
into fist filled pockets.
Her thoughts drifted outwards,
as she exchanged them for a deep breath.
Her own feet, now heavier, drowned
out the remnants of youth.
And...with each step, she shrugged them off...
The ghosts of all the things
her mother thought she would be.
Nov 2014 · 514
-Now and Then-
AMcQ Nov 2014
I've grown wary of time;
its immutable intervals
of incessant hours.
The warmth of now,
the grey of then.
Is now not just
an analysis of when
this happened
and that was felt?
Scars, of mind and flesh,
act as bookmarks in
secret autobiographies.
Was it even dark then?
Will the present etch in me
a reference point;
a bench to sit and reminisce.
Or will this all be lost
from the narrative;
omitted casually from
the now of days to come.
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
AMcQ Nov 2014
My left leg
is draped
across my right.
I know that
pretty soon
the pins and needles
will take hold.
Starting in the
fold behind my knee
and slithering into
a tiring ankle.
I don't much mind.
The rhythmic shake of
a nervous left foot
is mirrored,
as my right hand
finds my lip
and feels in earnest
for a loose flake
of dry skin
to pry off.
It will probably hurt.
I don't much mind.
I've fixed my eyes on
an empty stool,
analyzing the pattern.
Imagining the feel.
Imagining you;
What you'll say
when you get here.
To be honest...

I don't much mind.
Nov 2014 · 912
-The Night-
AMcQ Nov 2014
I hate the night and it's untimely creations.
The avalanche of loose words
doused on closed eyes,
begging to be assembled
into flowing images or
melodic alliterated sentences.
Adjectives lurk under sealed eyelids.
Verbs implore the body to respond.
Mocking my stillness they urge
limbs to act out in their name.
Verses arrange and rearrange
of their own accord.
They ebb and flow.
I'm too tired to grab them all.
Why now, when I crave nothing but sleep?
Why can't I conjure this brainstorm
in waking hours.
I grab a pen to write; semi-conscious.
It all jumbles into nonsense.
The dream state draws me back
to act out unconscious intentions.
I hate the night and all its promises;
Its lyrical musings
behind twitching eyelids.
I woke up one morning having written the bones of this poem during a really disturbed and unsatisfying nights sleep!
Nov 2014 · 776
AMcQ Nov 2014
There are times
when my struggle
to summon but
a single word
provokes a
slideshow of
Vague, nervous
and unsettling.
Aged, like
flickering old movies
projected through
dusty beams,
absorbed by white
painted walls.
Nov 2014 · 485
AMcQ Nov 2014
I have walked this road barefoot...

a blistered wreck
maddened by love.
Pain has brought
with it reason.
All this time
it was you alone.
It's always been you.
Drawing me to you.
Of course it was.
You... keeping me aware
of every single beat
my heart made.
Never letting up.
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Shaking, tossing, turning,
Stomach knotted; churning,
Light of day I'm yearning,
Darkness fades for you.

Raging, pulsing, chasing
Heart is pounding; racing.
Creaking boards I’m pacing.
Make haste morning dew.

Stirring, calming, slowing,
Curtains lightened; glowing
Misty solace growing,
My mind returns, renewed.
Nov 2014 · 883
AMcQ Nov 2014
I don't listen
to the words you speak.
Instead, I watch
as your lips curve
and shape each sssound.
I don't hear
a word you've said,
but I agree
with every breath
you've drawn between them.
Nov 2014 · 3.0k
AMcQ Nov 2014
I wish to enter your mind;
to scrub clean its walls
of frenzied brush strokes
and scribbled words.
I will not stop
until my hands blister;
until I make of you
a blank, echo-filled room.
Only then, will I
leave for you my art;
A single flame,
glowing bright
to fill and warm.
You will only feel it.
But all will see it
in your eyes.

**Let me in...
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
AMcQ Nov 2014
I stop and inhale,
drawn in by the beauty
of cherry blossoms
and discarded petals.
Like confetti
dancing in a soothing
Spring breeze,
they celebrate
the arrival of Sun.
Twigs unfold seeking
like new-born fingers
loosening grip
and spreading out
into tiny reaching
Springtime in South Dublin
Nov 2014 · 15.4k
AMcQ Nov 2014
there was an eclipse;
But not of blood orange
draped on a dazed moon.
'twas of my blood red
pulsing heart
accepting its solitude
in the shadow of yours.
Nov 2014 · 3.9k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Forever beating heart;
Why do you flee
the safety of
my chest once more?
Is it so that
you may confront
your opponent...
has the mind provoked you?
Perhaps you sailed north
of your own accord;
to pry open my lips
and pour out love
as I battle to suppress
your persistence.
Nov 2014 · 3.5k
AMcQ Nov 2014
I love her most
When the dawn glow
makes shadows on her face.
When the fog of unconsciousness
has relaxed limbs
and warmed her soft skin.
When her waking woes
have played out in dreams.
When her hold tightens
and I let go of
everything but her.
Nov 2014 · 2.9k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Words swirl through parting crimson.
Each syllable reflects on
the warm surface as it passes.
Some are almost drawn back
by the delicate wisp of breath.
Others are bitten off
stalled by a thought,
a look...
that look!
A tooth gripping soft red.
Released, the cherry
lips fall back in place.

Another butterfly flees my chest.
Nov 2014 · 797
-Night Theater-
AMcQ Nov 2014
Oh transient theater,
adorned with perfect
voice and script.
Why do eyelids chase you
night after night,
only to dismiss you
in the light of day?
Or mumble disquiet
at your imperfection?
If only the day
and night were lovers;
two plots embracing
in flawless script.
The perfect act,
on the perfect stage.

In an imperfect world.
Nov 2014 · 671
AMcQ Nov 2014
Last night
the earth spun
too quickly,
making chaos  
of my senses.
The churning stole
away sleep,
making ghosts of coats
draped on bedposts;
demons of the
sheets against my skin.
How inconsiderate the morning,
to all but rush to my aid.
Nov 2014 · 465
AMcQ Nov 2014
Loneliness is that moment
when you enter the room
and my heart longs
for you to leave again.
I am most abandoned
in your presence.
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