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Nov 2014 · 446
AMcQ Nov 2014
If I am to face this life
in the dim of your shadow,
I'd rather it be where harsh
rays of sun beam from crystal skies;
where looking outward
would blotch your vision
with patches of black
and make taut your skin.
Then, tuning back, your eyes
would behold my sunlit face.
You would see me,
flaws and all.
Together we could emerge from the dark.
Nov 2014 · 679
AMcQ Nov 2014
Little twisted pages,
Soiled by frantic fingers
In you I hope I've outgrown
the woes of days gone by.
Your delicate leafs crackle
now gently peeled apart;
thick with tales of past
and hopes for future;
Summers' days are immortalized
by stale, flattened daffodils
and arrow pierced love hearts.
Words flow in arching loops
leaning top heavy to the right.
One of my own favourite poems :)
Nov 2014 · 3.6k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Delicate shoot,
not yet anchored...
How you fail to foresee
your beauty adorned
on this wilderness.
You are weak now.
One day your silhouette
will dance on the horizon.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
AMcQ Nov 2014
If your heart
truly had strings,
I would wear my
fingertips raw
in search of your melody.
Nov 2014 · 2.9k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Sounds echo;
My eyes are aware
but not looking.
No focus.
No sight.
I've stepped out
and no one even knows

I wonder where I went...
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
AMcQ Nov 2014
My soul is dense,
Saturated with tears
spilt and caught within.
Like rainwater
they seep into the depths
avoiding the external cascade.
But this will subside!
I know it will...
As I take in your form
skipped heartbeats make
ripples of the dark pool.
The dark turns to mist
and curls off in your breeze.
Nov 2014 · 2.4k
AMcQ Nov 2014
Darkness plots and plans in hiding.
Shadows whisper undisturbed.
The next room, below the floor;
It cowers behind all we can see.

But light!
A renegade strand of you,
finding but a keyhole
ignites the dark.

Dust dances with your touch...
Nov 2014 · 852
AMcQ Nov 2014
Rain on me.
Wash away my trouble.
Cleanse my wounds and
break me free of my vacant daze.
The snowstorm of thoughts only
rush past me...
Are my eyes forever fixed on
that place
Where I expect you to appear?
Flow away with the water;
Be gone from my mind!
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
AMcQ Nov 2014
She draws up the tide
within me
Laden with debris and stone
Barreling green and white,
It heaves against
the inside of my chest.
In time the breakwater weakens
And the storm flows outward from me.
Nov 2014 · 785
AMcQ Nov 2014
I hold on still
to the breath I drew
when I knew I loved you.

I will exhale only when
your mouth meets mine.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
AMcQ Nov 2014
I am but pacified in your presence;
Relieved by your absence;
Broken by your existence
and in awe at your soul.
Nov 2014 · 409
AMcQ Nov 2014
My eyes sting
with tears not spilt
for the touch of a face
which remains unfelt.
Nov 2014 · 803
AMcQ Nov 2014
Before I knew of you
I knew not of beauty,
but of what satisfied the eye
and kept busy the mind.
Now my mind smothers
with memories of days we never spent
and hours we never kissed away.
Beauty is forever redefined
by all that you are.
Nov 2014 · 965
AMcQ Nov 2014
She stood;
chin raised,
facing moonbeams.
The light only
gifted me half
of her face.
It was enough.
I could understand
why the night
held on to most
of her beauty.
First Poem on Hello Poetry :)

— The End —