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511 · Jul 2019
Balancing fireworks
Karijinbba Jul 2019
It's the fourth of July 2019
bittersweet fireworks illuminating darkness
shockwaving my soul earthquaking this tower
at Richter scale 4.4 to 8
aftershock warning doomsday
feeling fullfilled revered cherished and adored
in dream modes alone
all this needed for balancing
the darkmess of ignorance
but how the poisoning past
profound loss defeat
in body and in heart
lifetime felloman injustices
loneliness abominable solitude
How to balance fate
ill karma bad luck regret
when dreams is all that remains
illuminated by the blast and
sorrowful bitter sweetness
of true July 4th
revered heartfelt fireworks
How? I'm telling you how
The joy and happiness
of all others is my own
My pain and suffering belongs to my enemies I am balanced
in the scales of injustice endured
forgiveness to grant
as others may ask
but most never do  
In all this and lots virtues
thinking myself true
feeling myself whole
gracefully achieve I
By: Karijinbba
Inspired by Poet Pagsn Paul's poem "Balance"
I am balanced in darkness
I love life children apeace me
the kindness of strangers felt
balalnce my inner core
the prayers of family estrenged the joy and happiness of others is my own! all this balances the dark in my world.
500 · Sep 2021
Manifesting ideas
Karijinbba Sep 2021
Our ideas are bullet proof
they can't be shot nor destroyed
our ideas eject upwards like fireworks from special volcanic places releasing pressure creating new places in nature and being magnetic with our treasures found we manifest
our true nature with lovers imaginations;
for in love and war all is valid,
if love is the means the beginning
and the end.
There's no room for shyness
maybe a bit self consciousness
and we never feel pressured..

Sometimes after the honey moon
the groom becomes shy
with the brides implossive ideas.

And who knows what the loss
if we can't decifer it nor read
its melancholic kinesis
radiance timely.
I surrender only to true love.
By An- Karijinbba.
498 · Aug 2021
Victoria Verdad
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Malignant predators.
You cut me up, hunt me down,
maligned my medical records!
I can't even go to a dentist,
nor check up with medical MD.
But still I am my kid's mother.
Can't separate genetic geneology.
**** you ignorant superstitious
hainas you the villains in
my interesting fairy tale life,

Gone wrong when I missed
my mark not in pride nor disobedience but in grief
truth known to higher authorities.
You all are well known to me,
the many you trash me to,
are your murderers for hire.
  Covert greedy cowards!
hunting me down still in USA!
You are not above the law.
Everyone must ovey the law!
Life liberty, we the People!
I have rights I am a human being.
Take me to the court of law!
******* habitual drug user
Yes BBA.- AA its just a name
ignorant malingned unforgiven
criminal satanic worshiper fools!
Back off my V for Vendetta!
"Beneath this mask of mine,
there's more than flesh,
there's an IDEA!
Beneath my mask BBA- Karijinbba
my ideas are bullet proof."
Nothing and noone can k'l them.

Assassination of character
is your only banner of pride!
Mine is truth grace
I obey and respect all USA laws.
judged by my contents of my character where I shine best.
where all you bafoons shamefully failed and in all my fertility blessings,  all you failed miserably in yours!
your worst is my best
in motherhood i shine brightest.

The universe is wiser about kids.
My new name is Victoria
Verdad Truth!
Eat your heart out jealous nagas.
flip now banished be to
another darkest
realm where you shall render
restitution and penalties due
fir all your crimes known to me abd tonyour accomplices and God against me and ny children unprovoqued
Back off Elizabeth Arthur Susan RHenrys ***** nurse, and Judy Gim A
ignorant mendicants hill Billy fools. .
By: Karijinbba
In reference to criminals of
1984- at (Harmony Pictures.)
Burbank CA.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.…
— Mark 16:17,18
496 · Jun 2019
Eternal Bonds
Karijinbba Jun 2019
No matter how
past hurts molding us
our twinsouls remain like
precious children bonds
staying lifetimes linked
sometimes as a blessing
we can't get either one
of them out from our heart
Perhaps its only human
to remain ever linked
in the arena of
to heavenly or hellish
bonds unconsciously
wooven in us
like me unto you
simply missing my mark
failing to seize my moments
all mine for the taking! Happily ever after! eternal bliss
forever missed

"to deny love is an eternal loss
it has no reparation
neither in time nor in eternity."
ancient DeJa-Vu! love!
please take your masks off fear not.
revised 2/26/2020
written 2019.
I was thinking of why you walked away
from each other once lost and found
instead of working problems out not to regret it all later on
perhaps walking away
from someone precious
is not possible
if linked in the spirit soul
as in twin flame souls
the instant we met
Afterwards you hurt
me badly and after many
lifetimes I still love you!
its called true love.
494 · Jun 2019
Karijinbba Jun 2019
Call me change joining
                  goddess art of
one of nine arts
       changing muses among
many several other arts mine are            
           memory at best!
I am changing my art
            and mouse
                   to include
          the beauty I see in many poets and poetessess
                on here H.P.
you are like gods and
    possessing nine glorious arts expressing
             diverse entertaining
inspiring muses
         memory commedy
idylic poetry
             beauty dance
                          grace allure
              a great poet showed me
to unstock from my
                   same old muse rhyme
to "fly free to glide soaring"
               exploring my mind
into change
         applying other arts
                 So I read your various
arts diverse muses from
             many of you
                  on here H.P    
                     greatfully learning
the many glorious poetic arts
                diversity humility
treasures best
                  to stick around
  H.P when the going
                         gets tough
         my ink flows freely
my best commedy mask's on!
                 shephesd's crook!
wreath of ivy!
        beauty grace in all of yours!
is here to stay
Inspired by great poet
 Pagan Paul to use
                       my other arts  
             changing muses
updated 06-12-19
Gratefully yours.
               Thanks everyone.
          here on H.P. reading liking.
loving reposting.
        All of your
Art inspires me.
K.X X.
482 · Aug 2021
Exit Not Free Speech
Karijinbba Aug 2021
🦋On HP since 2017.🦋
Been writing and
reading heavy on love betrayal
patience honesty trust truth.
I found so many treasures
So many dark secrets revealed
I found the exits fast enough.
Sooner or later most poets
most true lovers do.
The feeling is bittersweet
Love letters attest remain
their perenial truth love.
Some can run but can't hide
forever from themselves.
We all know who we are
How some pretend to be
Unwell to Exit the
easy runners lane,
no matter whose heart,
the game players strike.
I exit NOT love, nor free speech.
My banner is truth
I hide nothing my heart is pure.
Judge me by the contents
🦋 of my character like I do.❤️
🦋By Karijinbba🦋
I did EXIT TWICE IN YOUTH TO escape malignant covert narcissinst who trashed me a lifetime because I survived his human predatorial violence. I NEVER re marry fearing betrayal but I did love again.
Karijinbba Jul 2019
Pardon the way
that I stare!
reading your ink
leaves me weak
leading me strong
and bare
wanting to read yours dear
can't take my finger
off this cell mirror
keyboard cyberg

My words expressing
my hells
my paradise lands
all gone
madness is not an option to claim

courage and patience
are winning clues
others a must!
Going mis-understood isn't with the great sages reading this;

it's with cold
and timid souls,
knowng neither triumph nor defeat.

Poets across the globe
write much this way
and thrive
Our honorable metaphors
living in interesting times
poetic writers
all tuned in
diverse minds global united we are!

One single thought
our minds become
One single beat
our hearts sing
a tune

Here at Hello poetry
honorable metaphors
with likes and loves
heart throbbing poems
linking us all
at once
from Hello Poetry
across the globe
so that we may
linger on
By: Karijinbba
revised 01/2020.
Revised 07-20/20.
Thanks for reading even if you don't comment like or love. Stay blessed please pray for one another no harm in praying is there!?
474 · Sep 2020
Liquid metaphor
Karijinbba Sep 2020
You know you stopped me dead
while I was passing by
while you were inking gold
and glancing by;
reading poetry you like.

Oh my Lord I loved your style
and though I hadn't written
of this feelings all of my life,
I always thought in metaphorical
deep formating style.

One beastly soul
just loved my style becoming
a better patrkCham mind.
along with other Poets
thought of me
as different true and wild.

Two wolves pretended
to even like me in any form
As a rich goody two shoes
forelorned perceived was I
in my skin so wrongly viewed,

No sheep but Ram I am!
Some even called me weird
in dance and song so feared
I guess they saw
their own greedy eye revered.

So as my story in poem flowed
like a river rushing to the sea,
some poets joined my plea
to the sea I longed to join.

And as my river ran along
diverted its rushing went wrong
my river the sea never joined.

What's a river flowing!
what's a metaphor in poem!,
Copy Rights 09-2020 revised.
Some poetry makes it to it's destination
read by the intended target
this kind reaches to the sea joining in.
452 · Mar 2020
I Rather share you
Karijinbba Mar 2020
What a beautiful way to say it
thank you I love you too the most in this whole wide world
for the many times
you found me everywhere for the many times you reappeared, even on here HP I love you
adore you, and pain to not have grabbed you back then when it mattered to you still
you are a genius to plan your love life chronologicaly a success to not lose no matter the pain or loss life forced my life and love life a chronolical disaster systematically a downhill slippery ***** as if unseen forces did all to prevent changing Earth as you dreamevf8r us to do had you known me better you would have made it easier to get to you earlier before life men and women made more scars
if you suffered she'll shock I suffer PTSD none if this suffering though was a problem to win big your way long before mother's day time changes things you could have thrown a big party for you and me but realize
that I was already bitterly wounded
by kidnapping himan predator men and a Charles Manson advocate hunting me in USA
I couldn't follow our old script since you mentioned being married I felt deeply wounded
I felt the hell of jealousy by bad people since age six and later
by demonic Medeas torturing my new born babies I still hear their screams today my ptsd
the only failure real culprit was
your rush to show me your next woman begging you for it all
I can still feel the knife
of those words digging me numb and mute you beast, I was present inches from you owner of your love and treasures why
in hell or in heaven not just grab me and hold me there forever!
weep with me love me to happily ever after!
If i was worth to you everything it was all only yours too already just for the taking!
I am glad my suffering has changed you can I benefit?
see, feel such change! or your wives do? naturally
maby others in your world  benefit.
you were easy to love a Good attractive handsome in manner and in form intelligent gifted rich
gentleman I didn't pass you on you ran from me
and I had chicks 8n the best to tend to asap
everyone can see all this in you
I was blind folded far away
scripted fighting malice greed of others hunting me in a world filled with unreality no helpers my allies were invisible
how was that ever fair and then you jumped to put the icing on my devastating puzzle
you got me all wrong and blessed me to test my heart
giving me a live in woumb treasure I lost
then you placed a scriped fairytale tale in my hands as you layed hurting in someone else's nursing hands but you didn't forget me neither did I
and please look at me truth is all that's left for my great loss.
yet I take all this world of reality gone wrong and unreality stink to heaven in a treasure chest heart of gold and soul I am deeply sorry to not win your favour my wounds were fresh and shame was deep mute lame

If you see an Artist in me,
I accept your compliment it's beautiful I am just you too artist in many ways identical two hearts of gold beating as one
however strange.
You like myself are a true romantic a poet a true elite above the greatest minds ever read about or met.
Glad my art ink has changed you for the better and others benefit
your words apeace a rock off my chest I wrote for me for you firstly and I welcomed all efforts to aproach me from every angle
I am eternally greatful thank you

I wanted you to know and understand my inner core
unconditionally expecting whatever is given is given to me
not 2hat I want to for all comments you wrote I thank you for your time your popping up to read to follow to
learn what's in my RHO- core

I meant so much to you.
You still a bittersweet blessing 
understanding you too late
my misfortune loving you my
survival paradigm blessing

I was your sand hour glass
time sensitive disaster!
I go lamenting all day long hearing from you
is healing that you enjoy life and breathe helps me breathe too
you remain the love of my life.
I rather share you then lose you
think of me I need you.

Your chronological ink lost me but later found me apeacing me; understanding people
and myself was my winning other key.
I'm reciprocating to your
Scarlett letter A's and so much more.
So be it, let it be its better late than never.
Without you present here my air has been thick, food bitter prayers painfuly unenswered

in my world no person is owned
by anyone dear one.
Someone else you predicted
got to our TwinOaks home.
its all into the Lord's hands now
where else to go in your absence
my dear JPC-RK?
"This is the true loving of the woman who loves you most in the whole wide world."
 "I  rather shared you then lose you" I Think of you.

In an eye blink tears fall again
"I am wishfully thinking of you"
for you fall in love also
By:Karijinbba -03/03/2020.
Copy Rights.
You were my Unicorn but in your absence The Lord...

The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall in no way pass away."I love you.
Thank you for loving me and waiting for me so long how no to love you.
429 · Nov 2020
Time machine
Karijinbba Nov 2020
We hearts of gold
both already possess
our very own
private time machine.
It's our mind
So precious twin soul, meet me
at Astilleros or Independence street;
walking, smiling
desperately hungry, to devouring
each other, regardless of name, nationality or social status.
We belong together.
Just one thought away
our personal time machine
By: Karijinbba
74-2020 infinite love.
First day I saw your eyes your hair your face i lost my mind
that was a life time ago.
precious love...
If I had a time machine
I would always go back
to the same exact
moment in time.
424 · Apr 2020
Power Fortress.
Karijinbba Apr 2020
My mind is a fortress
and so is yours united to win
are summoned to heal self first
calling my own spirit guides
my guardian Archangel Ariel
eager to guide
Aries me exuding innocence (like that of a child) Ariel
“Angelic Ambassador of Divine Magic and Miraculous Manifestation healing others is
near or far healing the inner core first Cimi transforming
the mind whiter then snow
knowing how is the key hole
where goldlock unlocks
summons for urgent healing.

I close my eyes surrounding myself with nature's best
under the bright warm lumminous light of ten suns
My Guardian Angels appear
to guide dispersing darkness
with sun light beams
circling my whole being applying
Saint Germaine's violet flame adhering to this healing circle
of light waiting it's turn

Gold beams emanates from
My king's Jeweled mind
it's a heavenly healing golden light 
wrapping itself over this Violet flame circled beam
in deep meditation I beathe in light and exale out any darkness
unhealthy legions, until light exaled is whiter than snow
In the presence of light shadow people virus cannot infiltrate
darkness sickness all dissipates

I breathe in violet flames of Saint Germain and zeal in it's healing
breathing in the violet flame
exaling fear as pure as violet
flame exaled.

with mind busy my imagination becomes a healing deal fascination
the mind becomes its own healing fortress wheel
rolling is action ignition
enableling invoking the heavenly light healing beam plight .

all three circles become the
life breathing rings.

I breath in for others who can't who still wish to be healed.
it's all on a free will field.

Others breathe in healing violet flame undoing bad karmic trash

and exale out legion sickness
regrets averting untimely death.

dispersing healing living light
from this sanctuary tower plight
with healer mind replicating
circles of healing flame light
beamed around fellow Man's vessels
of distressed virulent souls;

they gladly re-live and breathe
we are all one mind united indeed we win.

Our minds joined as one
are the rolling drive needed .

Healing united mind to mind we are all the manifesting power for healing by the violet flame
04-12-2020 besting cov-19
Copy Rights.
Beware coloidal silver turns skin gray on white skin and even blue.

Top Natural Anti-Viral Agents
Winter is the time of year when we seem to be particularly vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses that are caused by viruses including colds, flu and cold sores. A virus is not to be confused with bacteria, which causes infection. Viruses are tiny bits of nucleic acids that contain information and use your body’s cells tor create more copies of themselves.

There are very few treatments, allopathic or natural that can **** a virus outright, as usually a virus must run its course. However the list of natural remedies here come as close to stopping a virus in its tracks as Mother Nature can get.


Silver has been utilized as a medicine since ancient times to treat scores of ailments, including the bubonic plague. Colloidal silver is a suspension of pure metallic silver in water, that is used to dramatically reduce the activity of the *** virus in AIDS patients, slow down the ravages of the hepatitis C virus and combat other viruses in general. It works by interfering with the enzymes that allow a virus to utilize oxygen thus, in essence, suffocating it so it cannot do damage in the body.


The common black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has long been used to reduce the length and severity of flu symptoms and studies. Taking 60 ml a day for adults and 30 ml for children helps to facilitate a complete recovery, often in three days. Elderberry extract binds to the tiny spikes on a virus protein that are used to pierce and invade healthy cells and destroys them so that the virus is ineffective. Elderberry may also be effective against the ****** simplex virus and some *** strains.
418 · May 2020
Grab change by it's horns
Karijinbba May 2020
A lifetime suffered a lost love be found wearing no mask
but lovers wore many
each time we crossed roads again.
Now a mandatory sinester splinter
requiring mask as chip to buy food,
is implemented overnight.

I was hunted down trashed for years
and wished I wore masks for safety. prayed long my enemies be isolated from staining my treasures with distrust.

dreamt to be loved regardless of race creed nationality or social status;
we all seem faceless prompting
equality but, are we just one race?
Are we really faceless underneath macabre fear stained masks?

Now everyone good and evil tastes a bit of their own enforced medicine
on locked down mode eat sleep
isolating themselves just like they did me
this offeres no justice no relief
This pandemic universal malady
seeing no class no status
our abodes or manssions are prisons prisons for our mind!
clipping our last freedom wings
we are so tired of wars after wars.
Louis Amstrong song
"What a Wonderful World"
just keeps popping in mind at
6:49 AM George Noory radio show
Have we surrendered our freedoms
for safety to live life free-less?
Do we then deserve any?

Isolated years endured has saved me from untimely death where enemies
ploted profiting from my demise.

I remain aware awake enough to understand there's a cat inside this
Pandora's box lid closed up quickly.
Governments hording many a secret
unreleased but what is the mystery?

The value of liberating truth
is the price placed on a lie
sold to us all for mare peanuts
to keep us asleep sheeply
masked obeying or else
face illness untimely death,
distrusting all even ourselves,
is the new way of life the big change.

Can the world ever trust anything
anyone entity government
friend family stranger?
We aren't cowards nor lack courage
we are exausted enough to give up
surely temporarily though
for the human spirit relentless is
resilient outwordly born free
like you, like me, like us.

ditch the masks accept no chips
Let's grab this weird dictatirial change
by it's ugly covert horns.
30 million unemployed Americans out of 360 million throughout North America Usa..
417 · Aug 2020
gold-lock to gold-key.
Karijinbba Aug 2020
And so many dreams
do not breathe
in the face of a harsh reality
or drowning in the shock silence
of a lovely once upon a time
ancient scripted surprice.

Playing old sad unkind songs
can't help much either
Only loves songs pry open
the gold lack, gold key mystery.
Spilling ones gold heart out
loud and clear is point key.

Understanding others
and self is fundamental
fireworks delight;
winning trust,
Your gold key lover mine
opens my gold lock.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights
Revised 08-2020-
No more sad songs please play some nice music let the music play I want to dance the night away untill this misery subsides
the blade burn of gaps.
Karijinbba Apr 4
I think of you miss you JpcPjc-rdd
Greet you, hug you, love you.
Beautiful your ink is gold as it was just written from my beloved twin soul Twin Flame just for me alone.
My precious grown offspring
We can't ever be apart.
Evildoers lie divide
and murderer and
soon will meet
their merited end.
On this side my Abby's goes from the Gulf of Mexico, to further on far to Gaza where I too feel am such Mom, roaming, sinking and lonely in GA holding on to my true love's mind to mind, heart to heart, mourning our once upon a time loss.
How I wish i too could hold  
my true love's manly strong powerful distinctive go rescue the Jewels of my crown motherhood..our kids.
I think of you daily

I look around at this rented
forest lands feeling your presence darlings beloved.
Trees the carpenter bees mating on air, and other wild creatures tiny rabbits, cardinals birds and homeless, hungry cats
that I feed
I may look a the moon
but I am only looking at you
Thank you for your sweet notes
and chronological love letters
(that jealous bad people stole)
but to my good fortune
photographical memory
To my rescue.
We are together
Always my beloved Sonnet 75.
How I love thee.
407 · May 2019
Elite Geneology Me
Karijinbba May 2019
I couldn't root me into his geniology in this lifetime,
after he'd offered it;
so my twinsoul, found
a madly in love couple
among his elite
Irish geneology
in his world to implant
the star seed Aries of me
in their heart and womb
and I was reborn
around April sixteen AM
RH-O negative again
with beauty galore
fair of skin!
starry looking eyes
with my heart of gold too
born of a couple's love
as before Mom & Dad's
the happy couple
nick named me Karijini
Angelina SanGutier by name
cherished and adored
a star seed reborn
rooted protected not forlorned
among the very best
geneology and all
All rights reserved
Honoring the Cunn-ham geneology in PA and Texas USA
may all good things come to them
may they find eternity and beyound
for they possess holiness are wise sucsessful generous
with unquestionable integrity
a geneology who values their word honoring another persons well being
befor their own interest
long live the Killough Cunn-ham geneology
most holy of Earth after Christ.
405 · Jul 2020
Dear Neowise
Karijinbba Jul 2020
Neowise comet 07/2020 dearest
take me along with you to another world another galaxy.
Take my children and their kids on your brilliant geneologic vast RAIL.

I have sought thee with all my heart till my orbit yanks you in view
Oh Neowise what a ride that would be
Comet so intriguing beloved!
How I love your great long brilliant cool expanding vaporizing tail.

Please ride me along on your diamond dust trail n tail, let my Aries fire adjoin to your fire ball head's glare!
O what a ride indeed dear
O rescue me and loved ones along
drop us all off into your peaceful galaxy world O graceful heir!
I can't wait 6,800 years for your return Neowise mystery ancient traveler.

Oh sweep me of my feet accept my tender warm wise song
for truth and grace define me alone
ever so strong
" I dreamt that I was a Photon of light streaming through space."
By: Karijinbba
In memory of a great true love best father best husband best lover best friend ( 1974-75-1995.)
Despite its age, scientists discovered Neowise commet only very recently. NASA astronomers detected the snowball on March 27 using a space telescope, also called NEOWISE,
the comet's namesake.
(The name stands for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer.Jul 19, 2020.
Great name.
399 · Aug 2020
PA E.T's Leaf
Karijinbba Aug 2020
His beloved beauty's leaf
got flown away and one by one
priceless leaves fell of
her tree of life
Lovers hidden treasure loot
Mandrake fertile root
blowing traveler obvolute
to far away strange land route
dragged by passer by deceitul dustiest ever contaminant
wirl-wind devil geek.

Still fertil twigs sacred grow
with green leaf shoots aknew
for the beauty of creation
must contine to amaze
it's infinite divine grace
E.T. maker mine.
07-07-20 revised.
Life goes on the forestlands
turnng green again oxigenating
mother Earth it's bountiiful
diverse life.
Mandrake plant has a forked fleshy root that supposedly resembles the human form formerly widely used in medicine and magic, allegedly shrieking when pulled from the ground.
391 · Sep 2021
Quenching Lamentation
Karijinbba Sep 2021
"Ishq woh Aag Hai joh Jagaye Na Lage - Aur Buzaaye Na Buze"*
Many waters cannot,
quench love,
neither can the floods
drown it.
If a man offered for love
all the wealth of his house,
he would be utterly despised.
Many women cannot quench
a real mans heart only one,
A true love twin flame, may.
A twin flame can't be bought
nor sold or given away
his art is priceless.
Loves flame cannot be
except contained by my beloved.
flame who truly loves me.
I would lead thee, bring thee
into my mother's house, who would instruct me to cause thee
to drink of spiced wine;
of the juice of my pomegranate,
or my aged bubbly Purepecha champagne aged by my father David
under my starry skies where I was born.queen of my father's
forest lands.
Oh dearly mine beloved..GR
How I love thee.
Inspired by King Salomon.
and the love of my life.
391 · Jun 2019
Creative writing class HP
Karijinbba Jun 2019
// H.P \
// "I dreamt \
√∆∆∆∆// that I was a song,\∆∆∆∆√
   ∆∆// astounding tune \∆∆
// and every one \
// was \
// singing me \
// off-key for \
// way too long \
/ /until they got \
// the Gist of me \
// and then the music \
// was fine" \
By: Karijinbba.
inspured by PC
my first ever teacher
The Art of Comedy
my other muse
Ah i hope i dont get sunk!
379 · Jul 2019
Open ended statement
Karijinbba Jul 2019
In open ended words
tis open ended world
but silent scaled eyed inaction  
nor writ response may prove futile on time sensitive stride
we fail, we fall we
splatter apart
and alone succumb
so say it sing it and write it
be thy thankful for poetry
teaching those asleep to wake up
to speak with action then
the brightest star
at dart to bull's eye
an essay writ conquering
far and wide
it changes mind then ignites
All Hearts Alike
aiming ever high
changing the world
stride by stride
By Karijinbba
All rights reserved
Experincing defeat makes a
poet and poetess
open ended wise
to travel far
Karijinbba Jun 12
Dear poet on HP, G..C; Are you familiar with Dukeoftx?  
SMc. Hu? Do you know them it's imperative
I know please.

I am just a time traveler like the love of my life...but only he or his significant other, his brother her grown daughters, son, parents might know about reading old love letters, written for me alone, not for his significant other" finding them
 distant and faint memories!,
our perils became.
As for being trapped by disillusionment
with misleading comments it
isn't happening with me.
I am, and have been open minded.

I know when comments
aren't from the love my life
writing back
but from others
who wish to inflict further
I don't dwell on such
cheap shady manners.

I am so used to this kind of cruel retoric insinuations to make me feel inadequate and late a nothing, as if I remain in the midst of such shallow concerns.
I know who loved me; how when, where he loved me.

Money wealth given earned or bought to those by his side is not happiness. Neither is deceiving an old sweet Caroline like me who remains lovely loving someone behind their masks visiting Hp.

My beloved will always be the love of my life, and deep down I his very own, sacred imaginary friend companion.

Bittersweet as Rhett Butler, to Scarlet told.
It's my misfortune, as in Gone W The Wind

but knowing I was loved truly, wished well near or far to me, this is very healing
If on the other plane it is the love of my life commenting
saying I am but
faint so and so,
like I too say it's my misfortune. I rather die feeling once upon a time loved then never loved. Until someone loved me I became somebody.
Come to me anytime
Beautiful love divine in spirit and in form young old sick healthy, poor rich.
I forever love you
I pledge my love to yourdd.
All Rights.
377 · Aug 2018
Boomeranged Poetess
Karijinbba Aug 2018
This bumerang effect
I thought it was a dream, I thought it wasn't real
But pain really hurts and it's really how I feel
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears
I don't know what is happening, because you always held my hand
You said you would never let go, that is what I don't understand
So many promises you made, and more of them broken
Lost and confused, feels like I'm choking
A lot of things I did not say
Now I can't find my way
I feel like a boomerang, you throw me but not only that
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back
Back to you, back to pain
Nothing has changed, you're still the same
I cannot start over because I don't know where to start
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can't I follow you
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too
All my life I felt boomeranged thrown
And i came back ashamed feeling like an aunt small dead calm in shock more lost then found speechless.
Boomeranged lost and found and found again yes i touched you I kissed youI had tasted you and swallowed
you to no abay you were all mine in spirit but physically upsent-that much I knew. Later on you pcrc even wrote that you would be mine for the taking when pcrc knew my real birth name if i'd met you half way but pcrcjpt wouldn't call or email me
your photo because you knew I knew you. it was only a safety issue for me since everything had been compromised to criminals and i had been kidnaped i couldn't risk my childrens life...meeting a man who wouldnt let me hear your voice nor see your present photo naturally you pcrc were protecting your married life you wanted to be taken from her but i wanted you pcrc to divorce her first on your own!
so boomersnged as i was i let your ugly monkey face ugly emasculinated black hole destiny concubine keep your *** and your many banks and mine among them. I know deep down in and out smc is an ugly two face murderer. Smc killed our love our life and our children were never born our geneology never intermingled later either because you d mentioned marrying her in the past in the beginning!oyou lost me right then.
So i raised fatherless children the devil would have been a better ***** donor father then the human trafficant poisoner I ran to broken hearted.!all because of your evil lies fake names saying you'd gotten married back then in my youth
when you werent and in fact you were waiting for me. Yes i am only human too i didn't understand you. I loved you pc.just to reapear twenty years later saying you were my true love just to soon turn atound and marry smc and again leaving me behind.,!! finding me again leaving me again and hoping i rescue yout *** from your viper concubine smc and her greedy daughter!
I rather be Boomeranged then with an idiot who can't ask me to.marry him upon finding me again! again and again!
what a nightmare.!!you were pcrc.!!
what a hearache heartbreak dwarf Duntz Richard troll you were to me.pc
369 · Aug 2020
Heart of gold
Karijinbba Aug 2020
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything.
heart of gold King of hearts
Dear twin flame twin soul
we are lost and found again
profile after profile I seek thee
let's bless, the curse
darling to heavenly grounds
transition our fated paths.

No more sadness your joy and pain is my own into the forest land we roam free at last, nothing can break us apart

No Naga snakes can deceive me
to strange geek sociopathic Medea infested lands mislead ****,
nor poison me.
I feel safe in the dream scripted
for us crafted

I know there's only,
only one like you
There's no way they could have made two we are uniquely tied in one dream
St JudeOhpat my Saint
you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for ever more
King of Hearts Adam true love
I am your Eve lover.
Thine beauty Eve is me Karijinbba
from here to eternity.
Ye paint mine own Heart's divinity;
two spirit souls forever one in unity
my first love my last
oh my everything!
glued together babe oh babe
sweet baby oh darling
I love you.
By; Karijinbba 08-2020
there's only one of you and one of me.
366 · Apr 2020
Lingering Excstasy
Karijinbba Apr 2020
And that great love lingered
He at 22/23 -me at 18/19.
Beside me, on the left, appeared an angel in ****** form ruddy blonde
he smiled the smile I was smiling
our eyes moved scanningly about both sharing same soul.  
He was not tall neither short just like me and just perfect in manner and in form and very beautiful my twin flame soul,
a G* like heaven sent real man
a mad passionate lover was he
just like I was in his arms..

His face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest rank archangels, one who seemed to be all on fire,
my ever ready honey bunny just like me by the mare sight of him;
He entered swiftly as if from a parallel reality to wriing my story down,
from a larger a beautiful world.
Mine was a small world in shambles.
My thoughts projected to his future
seeing another woman in his world
and I froze instead of fighting to earn
his love
he was really easy to win with just
the simple truth of my life the
spilling of my heart.
He was fantastic romanticaly covert.
In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron ruby tip there appeared to be a point of great fire.
This He plunged into my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails.
taking my breath away.

When he pulled it out I felt that he took them with it, and left me utterly consumed by the great love of such Adam's nature and the love of G.

The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans never felt before.
The sweetness caused by this intense pain was so extreme that one cannot possibly wish it to cease, nor is one's soul content with anything but G
loving transforming passion expressed through such a man.
His kissing breath gave me life.
I was all his, body heart Spirit soul all.
This was not only physical but a spiritual pain, though the body had some share in it, even a considerable share
a lovely ingering exstasy.
Saint Teresa describes an intensely spiritual encounter in physical, even ****** terms like I did with my lover Why me and why St Teresa?
Both St Teresa and I deeply loved
and our ****** lingered.

We know that an important goal of Baroque art is to involve the viewer.  
Teresa explained her vision in this way to help to understand her extraordinary lyngering experience
just like my excstasy lingered
for both
I fell in love with one angel man
and with G* who sent him to me.
After all, being visited by an Archangel and filled with the love of G
* is no common event but it happens
as it did to me too.

Today what else to feel?
when I experienced such beautiful heavenly love in a man's arms?
who else but G* can fill that space?
I have the love and protection of G.
His Archangel did kiss me!.

I believe what is given to us that's valuable and good is more than just a blessing it is because others sacrificed their all unselfishly for our benefit.

Some people threaten lie cheat and steal to keep selfishly what they want from others for themselves enough is never enough for them, they want it all.
(this isn't me.)
is that love? Is that a blessing?

Some of us let go of loaded good ships trains castles even
because they aren't within our reach
to enjoy simply as that.

Even though, our loved ones have moved on they still have a space in us that rightfully lingers on forever.

I accepted all that heaven sent,
good along with tough through my free will or unwilling terrible decisions affecting me and everyone else.
By: Karijinbba/ Copy rights.
Inspired by St Teresa Sànchez
who had my last name she loved G

like I loved my twin soul and G
(Angelina San-Gutier)
04/16/5. Michoacan a native perupecha tribe
(A Mestiza mix- French-&Irish.)
363 · Apr 2020
Ancient Wishing Well.
Karijinbba Apr 2020
Archangel Patpàpa ruddy mine
I'll be seeing you.
Our old rddbba song.
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day and through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut trees
The wishing well taking in your daily coin twenty years?
true love how not to adore you.

I'll be seeing you darling
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you

But I'll be seeing you
you "youme, meyou"
my sweetest dearest love.
In Hollywood by Billy Holiday
For Karijinbba. 74-95-05/2020. revised 06-16-20
Ill be seeing you.precious beloved
because you were always back after each storm fell as gaps opened up
you loved me so thank you..
your patient spirit soul is God like
it healed my ink silences.
my thought processes.your own
thinking modes restored me
and I keep breathing connected
in disconnection.
361 · Feb 2021
Repost Sonnet LXXV
Karijinbba Feb 2021
Sonnet LXXV
So are you to my thoughts as food to life,
Or as sweet-season'd showers are to the ground;
And for the peace of you I hold such strife
As 'twixt a miser and his wealth is found.
Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon
Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure;
Now counting best to be with you alone,
Then better'd that the world may see my pleasure:
Sometime all full with feasting on your sight,
And by and by clean starved for a look;
Possessing or pursuing no delight
Save what is had, or must from you be took.
   Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day,
   Or gluttoning on all, or all away.
and rddjpc 75-present.
In memory of you beloved rddjoc-74-75/1995-2006 to present.
I am thinking of you. The treasure was stollen i was all alone wolves all around sharks in my seas. the only way out was your love in me.
353 · Dec 2020
Flying Balloon
Karijinbba Dec 2020
Your prayers in church
to God Sundays
were daily routine
with me decades long.
I woke up this morning
like before alone
on a flying balloon
in windless silence
as companions
viewing the greenery below
until you materialized in it
in another queen's arms.

I fall off that ride
just to find out it wasn't
any re-occuring dream
I wake up glad right before
I hit down
in my final big boom

Per your promised word dear
we are always together
it just hurts being physically
apart twin butterfly mine.

Asleep or awake it seems
it's all the same heaven
all in the midst switching
from paradise to hell
off and on
I choose Heaven with you
when you chose hell
to be with me
I fell deeply in love with you

Understanding now
I rather share you
then lose you love,
and I no longer fall off
in dreams, or anywhere
Real Kings, mostly
do have many wives
I am glad I was yours
first love,
second wife to be
decades long fianceé
we wanted each other
for our first and last love.

Glad to know what it is
to be loved and love back
to be deeply in love
and without boundaries
enjoying this out
worldly ride.
By: karijinbba.
Revised 02-2021.
All rights reserved.
345 · Jul 2021
Loving thee the most
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Open your eyes.
True love in heart.
Love matters most  
People muster much
Truth integrity a must
firstly sought in self
Ofter found in few

Truth is love's root
True lovers fruit
Without your loot
still love of thee abounds
besides the sinking boat
thine treasures scattered yee
for mine delight to find,
Adventure plotted for us
In turmoil flight indeed.

Fame and great fortune
Invested misfortune
reigning over reason
clueless as my prison
lure's dance in song
our best love honeypot
arrived for us in rhythle.
Habré tus ojos
darling, beloved.
By Karijinbba
Happy Independence day fireworks and all my love.
342 · Nov 2020
A parallel world
Karijinbba Nov 2020
Well I was born a self existing
Yellow Star on April 16 AM
a portal to heaven a seed star,
more then half a century ago.
Under a brilliant star I was told
like Jesus Christ I too was born.
Only I am female though
this must be a parallel world
remembered in the negative light wrongly perceived isolated
while all I do is love, give life
save lives protect loved ones.

I'm barely known or viewed even here
persecuted like Jesus was
Just look what happened to Him!
strangely in a way, I've lived His life
I heal myself and others by telepathy
with my healing hands and touch.

The same things happened to me
around the time Mom's birthed me
where she nursed me newborn
one deceiving snake covertly hid.
Later on another bit my leg
immunizing me for what was to come of me that I survived poisoning torture rejections jealousies
envies and was trashed mocked
and sold yes just like Jesus was sold
but for more $ the Jesus was
by a Catholic lunatic nun at age twelve
Perhaps because I am also
God's daughter and my fathers name was also David.
Wasn't Jesus from the house of David,?
I was plotted to be banished
as a baby and later on survivied
while many times left for dead.
Yes death is my friend, it didn't stay
or it released me every time
back to breathing
and among the living
or is it with the dead walking,?

Well then, I hope the Angels lift me up
from this grave called apartment
I shall conquer
death's final sting.

How about you? Describe
your life to me in a story poem.
By: Karijinbba
True story poem
living a parallel reality wish to influence
the errors so I can change this outcome.
342 · Jul 2019
In grave disbelief
Karijinbba Jul 2019
I can't believe
in fairy tales again
only because
I am my own
true life's
gone so badly wrong
so f*
my one infamous
fairy tale
my ****
By: Karijinbba
facing death alone is very tough
this poem was inspired
by one of poet Paul's poems
"Grave Expectations"
340 · May 2020
Mother's Day Roses
Karijinbba May 2020
Dearest True love
I am the woman
who loves you the most
in this whole world
I am thinking of you
and can't help
but realize
you sure are like wine

I am drinking wine in Hollywood
all alone and bathing in it
since you aren't here
to spill it on me and me on you
I have drank half
and then I made a bathtub
and added half to the bubbles
I love you forever
Thanks for the huge buquet of roses
red and roses white
I pain so sorry for my lilys

Mothers day 199..
roses whites and reds
your grand Hilton's antorage entrance
the shampagne waiting there
  two cups full for two
I see my old letter you kept hidden
in a safety deposit box up above
your magestic lovely love roses

that view is healing magic
it will last an eternity
I miss you love you
mourn US deeply
I am
with you in spirit your home
in your world
every May 10th Mothers Day
still speachless
bad people made sure i had no idea what second chances meant

DARLING It's been
I first met you

46 long years, 0 months
0 days, 15 hours
27 minutes, 11 seconds.
Its been this long since
we planted our garden
45 years, 10 months 15 days,
15 hours, 2 minutes 19 seconds
Hiltons upside down kiss
I didn't know I was ill and dying
I needed you
I didn't know I could earn
your love trust and heart
I've mourned deep within in silence
for us a lifetime now
nothing I did helped to forget you

the life that grabbed me
in your absence
tortured me, abandoned me
to virus my heart of gold and all

but the memory
of your precious love
elates me upholds me
thank you for loving me
once upon a time
and on Mothers Day
yes we never say good bye
By: Karijinbba
Thank you for the rooms filled with roses
in memory of RDD/BBA
1974-to present
335 · Aug 2020
Karijinbba Aug 2020
You must be a mean
old queen-hen
laying on someone else's eggs
lactating your stolen eggs
and a beggar in the nest
that belongs to someone else.
Copy Rights Karijinbba.
324 · Mar 2020
Gold Lock shivering
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Hold me holy lover sinner
worldly lover mine twin soul,
like Rhett Buttler
beheld Scarlet in his arms
as she sobbed

hold me speace me madly
love me long like
Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman) and her husband, John (Sam Neill),
held each other on their yacht
rocked by oceanic waves in
Dead Calm!
Oh beloved gold key come stay rock me hear my plee

regardles of names time and space or sand hour glass
I love you
fly to me I am wearing my red robe waiting for you up the magestic flight staircase,
the captured sacred
chronological dream spell
impregnating imagination

come up quickly search for me
inside your master bedroom
kick the door if you must
grab me apeace my despair
find me shivering in the closet burning with anticipation
save me hold me
put my fire out gold hearted lover mine
praying eons isolated hold on to your photograph
patiently waiting for a word
news thwt you caré as promised
I am breaking save me

Pop up the bubbly bottle is chilled O sweetheart sweety pie
I long to get high with you
fill up my cup full
twist my gold lock open with your
gold key Enter me! I can't live without you

let the fireworks begin to sing
I adore you do with me as you
eternity is ours to love
let me devour you apeace me
the nights long the days and eves long ***
see you ginham shirt buttons popping up strong long
pants zipper tearing up
my He-Man Ruddy divine

the nights eons long I sought you
out of time and space is only for the devil not for true love.

I have dreamt with this dream
since you and I carved it
lovingly photographic memory
and all once upon a time
has come suddently

and though another soul grabs
you tieing you down
as you gave her presence ring and name
I know you love me forever
more as you're a man of your word
hold me for the ocean waves
drown me they now wrack
our boat for you two as I watch
I break uphold me
Oh how it hurts not to feel you
caressing my existence in person

but I have felt your beautiful loving passionate ways
long time ago my gold lock
and your gold key did laid your bridge
openning heavens portal in me.

and that makes all the
difference today

To honor you in memory
closing the chasm with a poem
a gold lock to gold key.
321 · Jun 2019
The end
Karijinbba Jun 2019
When a woman
your home phone
your technique
for igniting in me
jealousy worked
just not as you
had expected it
your methods
were not
but it hurt me
very deeply

naive lonely teen
left behind as I was
later on time machine
looped us up again
Single Mom struggling
your loot still buried
where you hid it aged
39 barely surviving
your joy and happiness
still my duty above
and beyond my own
happily ever after!

if you'd known what
war some fiery fields
of malice jealousy
and greed had
shaped inactions
to later be trapped
deceived almost
claiming my life n
my little children's

that jealousy further
had taken the life
of little loved ones
in my childhood years

if you'd only known
how jealousy malice
greed of bad people
had bled me
my existence how
all that tinted my
ability to show
my innermost
you would've used
another method
less bizarre
to force me
to disclose
my terrifying
deathly secrets
of torture and sadomy by
those who were supposed
to protect me but used me fir being naive alone looking rich
being broke robbed left and right.
the sharing
of such pain
was loving you!

had I seen in my finger
your gold wedding
ring with your
name in it and or
a diamond
heart ring promised
with your heart
and my tears in it
instead of
just all written
i would've
to show you
my innermost
caring loving
feelings timely love.

if you had
understood me
you wouldn't have
lost me
nailing me to that cross
digging knifes to see where
I squiled louder
and all you wanted to hear
was that I loved you to stop?
What kind if beast
dud you think I was?
And I called you home.
I would've grabbed
her greedy bone fish
hinny out!
our bedroom
and beauty rest
in an eyeblink!

how foolish of you
to not perceive
I loved you
more then I
loved myself
enough to let you
go even to
another woman!

How sad not to
have perceived
that something
horrible had
happened to me
your twin
flame soul that
amnesia was an
traumatic past
rooted from mis
naiveness loneliness
and not by any lack
of heart or feelings
nor inability to feel
hurt and pain

I am born a pristine
feeling empathetic
deeply feeling
beautiful in-n-out
caring woman
so now you know.

what you wrote
long ago
what others
would be
to us both when
we married
ever after"

it hurts to be
dead calm
and just a
"distant and
faint memory!!
By: Karijimbba
All Rights reserved
revised 06/13/19
Iwhat hurts the most of my past was in action followed by silence and both were my only safety net growing up.
I suffered but not all of us who suffer make other suffer sometimes we just don't have any choice.
321 · Jun 16
My king's nose
Karijinbba Jun 16
"I got cancer here."
My Kemah King said, pointing to his nose.

"Cancer in your nose?
Liar, I thought!
I didn't voice it!-
"I don't want you to die"
I thought, yet telepathically
my gold- heart read my mind word by word.
How I love you, adore you,
live long, healthy happy prosperous.
Hey handsome wild bird of paradise divine,
Will you cut off your long nose then hu?,
(I asked, inwardly)
Hu Handsome Pinocchio!?
It's been 50 years, how do you do?  Surely with your prosperous wealth, you are in abundant best of health care anywhere on Earth!
Beloved Kings among Sheikhs.
Perhaps joined your space ship crew towards that new found peaceful world.

Oh you rddjpc! Handsome Roddy traveler Pinocchio, of mine!

Infinite true love,

By: Karijinbba.
313 · Mar 2020
Karijinbba Mar 2020
In accepting anything
life has given me,
I accepted everything whatever life gave me and might still be given,
in good faith again I shall receive.
For I've learned in strife
along the treacherous road taken
and in much lack
"We cannot have what we want to but whatever is given to us."

And I can sincerely say
I received abundant treasures timely in the spring time of my love life as
meeting you changed my world.

Untimely unintentionally unknowingly later on lost
When the lost was found
it was Mother's Day
a revolving door suddenly opened up!
rendering all treasures lost
be found
but only if I spoke within the window of time openning.

I being in shock was mute
Mother's Day to do it was dire
to me cruel to rejoice or win
let along marry to change my life and Earth
I didn't change powers between rich joining marrying poor
So 25 years later
this virulent pandemic
intimately affects me deeply so.
as change arrived for all Earth!
How am I to blame?
The giver liver of my loots was
a chronological genius
failing to see I was made
by many a foe
fated to become a chronological disaster of another kind
amnesia played a roll extreme pain both physical and psychological clutter foes
very easy to cure
with just one hug and many questions not rendered.
I needed protection
understanding trust.

He and his antorage left me behind instead of fixing
my ill fated failures
and still my beloved King
for all the bittersweet blessings and all evils entwined crushed
with his presence alone
couldn't close the gap.

but love is many a blessing many a spender thing
all effort understood a healing
medicine became
I sincerely remain
ever thankful
ever greateful ever healed
to have loved and lost
lost found again and again
to regain sanity amidst
a hellish world too early thrown
by the evil in bad people's hearts.

And truly feeling ever so blessed
ever honored rebuilt in so many ways recovered amnesia
my mind became fortress
by one man with wisdom and foresight to bet on my future
that I choose life
even death protects me now
Cimi is me and Etchnab knife
is a gift from birth by my Aztec -Mayan calendars saving me cutting pain of ice and fire
as it arrives and I transform.

Although my beloved moved on
he read my story poem being truth
as better then wisdom
my old true love understands
my long un-requited love
was once for too long
his very own

I forever love the man who ransomed me on Mother's Day
for we share one soul
one heart one single thought...

..twin souls just forsaking flame.

If God blessed me many a time after I had fallen out of grace and trust
in the undeserved hells of my life.
gone wrong
in so.many ways my lord will bless me all over again and again
312 · Apr 2020
Ginham White Bears
Karijinbba Apr 2020
Dear Poet artist how do you do?
one of you wrote wearing a mask
like always before cov-02-19
I wanted to wear V for Vendetta type Mask we all should.
Karijnbba response on poem
"Ratoncito Blanco"

"I've been reading bunch of your
work, and I've become a better person reading them.
You have got more than wisdom, you have truth and a higher understanding of the existential paradigme, that's to say,
a better then most, a true artist."
What a beautiful thing to say!
I love you too!
"I love you the most in this whole wide world"
I read your art too resurfacing from

my healed memory chip.
How amazing a true artist yourself are.

And as I understand it too;
a true artist always minds his or her own business and does not get carried away by other people.
He or she is self-assured and grateful for the very little things that come to bless such life of survival lacking on even
the basic necessities but still is able to genuinely freely offer  
a slanted smile to die for
enveded in our soul so deep
it's there like a sunshine
the moon and all stars above!
Understanding how
true artists love what they do, but they do not obsess over it.
True artists are confident about their art, generous at heart, and free of ego.

Thank you dear Poet it's obvious a true artist like yourself  understands another true artist like myself hum?
I guess in the art virtues we are
twin souls too ha!.
How interesting indeed it's ttue
Art isn't something that's made by artists.
Artists are people who make Art.
Seizing new ground, making connections between people
or ideas, working without a map these are works of art,
and if you do them, you are an artist, regardless of whether you wear a smock, use a computer, a cellphone to type story poems like I do,
or work with others all day long.”
Your compliment has truth wisdom very wise a delicately graceful way to communicate
your innercore feelings
about how you benefitted reading my art mu true story porms.
you too are fascinating in my hearts eye
and I am forever greatetul too
and changed in Awe of how your mind can trace my soul pleeding to hear from you beautiful soul.

You always find me you are fantastic!
I always call out your names along side the Lord's name
you still take my breath away till tears flow and laughter seals the realization deal indicating painful defeat.

You were the best husband best lover best father patpapa grandfather best friend best poet best artist that many meet but few know intimately.
I suppose the wisdom you see in me is your very own artist and all.
By Karijinbba 04-03-20
Copy Rights;story poem.
Revised 04-09-20
millions have the exact same date of birth but aren't twin souls
some get lucky read someone else s love letters corner the king in his own castle get him drunk lie pretending they are his beloved Ginnyver calling out checkmate.
308 · Jun 2019
What we don't know
Karijinbba Jun 2019
What we don't know will
harm us faster then we blink.
Whatever you do for pity's
sakes run if in danger call out "help" socorro, auxilio, ayuda
in any language needed!!
yell knock on doors
take on arms knife rock
defend your life but above all a childs life in danger
yours or not defend it
if you can pets lives matters too
love live constantly
in awarenes that not all is as it appears to be with others
theres meaning in everything
thats spoken or covertly done
pray unstapably day and night
rest vigilant until
you find safety but move put
and then dance to the tune of freedoms peace
seek timely justice
of civil rights violations don't be naive too trusting too distrusting
see the clues of good or right
or bad and wrong in all carbon units at home and with
all strangers alike
test friends in the spirit
ask them many questions
bad entities aren't too clever
their clues of deceit are always in plain view if you are
meditating with eyes
half open
half closed mind allert awake
you'll live like I did just for pity's sakes don't wait too long for weird elements to change
or grow a heart they won't
and you and your dear ones could be harmed irreparably
or perish loosing all other treasures if your spirit remains broken too long
If you lose accept defeat
triumph will arrive in another
believe it and it will come.
Bt Karijinbba
Sometimes all we have left is knowing other many souls thirst for love
of friend mother brother sister
in the sages willing to offer it.
stay blessed always.
300 · Jul 2021
Healer Violin's Voice
Karijinbba Jul 2021
If you don't find me
It's because I became the singer's Timbre love poetry.
A hundred violins in her orchestra dig deep beneath the core to heal
Any pain felt within.

I too become the music
vibrations piercing in soul
singer of lover's poetry

In memory of a tantric Spanish poetess who sang poems for lovers all her life.
my great friend
Rocío Jurado's healer song
linked in song below.
By Karijinbba
292 · Jan 2021
Behind crumbling walls
Karijinbba Jan 2021
****** number two was Democratically like the emperor's clothes Trumpudo wore and everyone like him following his dictatorship **** as all the world
watched his nakedness.
His first lady's body language rude public rejection was his first problem;
It's well said,
behind A great man,
a great woman Reigns!
T wife obviously didn't keep him adored nor honored sleeping all alone at the white House.
The laughing stock there.
I just couldn't help feeling sorry for Trump happing from woman to woman and all his millions couldn't tame his dark fire within now cinders.
She wasn't right for Trump neither him for her.
In his conduct scinistic bigotry racist walls grew,
Trump mocked every immigrant's dream with Putin's Neil to finger the pair, his wife among them.
I kind of feel pity for his beggar physical demeanor feeling unloved was his downfall and her public shame.
He could have done much better Melania could have honored him leading him powerful in heart
patient and just
So, both failed each other thus failing the world.
Very nice story poem Joel bling.
Surely karma is a ****** goddess Kali hindu mother noone escapes her wrath. Good thing is
we all learned
with this sad pair
how to begin at home, by loving one another, to transfer that seed along the way to others.
Hugs to all
Karijinbba Jun 8
If you feel sad depressed anxious breathe walk drink water, squeeze lemon in it bit honey relax. Ask the universe creating powers to show you what you cannot see and what it wants you to see to understand.

Just repeat: "This too shall pass, "rejoice true love never really leaves us it bonds with us if we let it and keep doors open.
Be thankful for what it is there's always a karmic reason for the pain a loss causes. Opportunity arises though when least you expect it.
Only make sure you know what you want for yourself, present and future.
If you fail to visualize the future and write it down,make goals, check points crossroads avert slippery ***** if it drags along.
Do not despair. If you feel threatened
You are a winner if aware if such evil lurking.
.how do I know this !? Because I didn't understand the warning signs and lost it all slippery ***** style. Don't let it happen to you..
I've never owned a house but made a home for my girls and me nothing though had permanence but one can build bonds in heart mind and spirit soul that last a lifetime.

The dangers of possible slippery ***** for my life was once upon a time fortold in our book of my true love warnings about it.
I was just too naive and young to avert such tragedy..
I was saved by my Photographic memory chip; reading all the love bestoad to me did keep me safe.

Love feeling loved, stopped my slippery ***** even though all that's saved is my life,as  everyone else faded away.
Like a candle light are our dreams and in the vast universe we are but candles in the wind spelling Love.

Beware if you notice your life is being robbed by jealousy envy and greedy entities. Turn the tables.Do something do move, fly away, don't be a sitting duck, for those who envy you wish to destroy you. Don't wait for evildoers culprits yo change by your loving them in their wrong doings
Lead loved one but leave them to choose their path.
Awareness action correct speech and understanding with comoassion is key..
Moral lesson: For all us heartbroken,-Choose a heart of gold a forgiving heart for a lifetime mate beware of kind men many are there but are evil within. The unkind ride playing hard to be are the real ones owning a heart of gold they hide. Fight for love inside your heart & understand who left you behind and why, so you can fix it, and don't sing like me,  "Fall to pieces."
By: Karijinbba 🌲🗽👪💔🛸🗿
282 · Aug 2020
Tiny Ink delight
Karijinbba Aug 2020
The tiniest it is the more
views globally it begets.
The longest, the less views
and fewer comments
Thank goodness
this is about tini poems
not lovers inch plight.
By; Karijinbba
if less is more I get views.
Karijinbba Aug 2023
Uembekua, UEMBECUA te amo. I love you
Te quiero.

"I LOVE YOU" in Puré native Mexican Mestizo people.

the purépecha style of Michoacan, Mexico. The Purépecha, a proud people with a strong ancient culture, claim to never have been conquered by neither the Aztecs nor the Spaniards.

PatRick jpcRddbba: Lala Sassy Coco and grand- babes

BY:  karijinbba

All Rights Reserved
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