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Karijinbba Dec 2023
For my babies born and stolen at birth by jealous habitual drg users in USA targeting Hispanic immigrants mothers like me.

For my few babies butchered
by liar butcher abortionist in my womb. R I. P.

For my three babies I birthed raised adored admired cherished and trusted blindly dearly I love you all my grown babies

My God protect you bless you free you from yours mates
evil treacherous gang arrangements.

For my three children's. kids that were taken by Jews in CA USA along with my daughters
and sons in law from hell.

May you my children soon be free and survive.
This mother's love is eternal.
By Karijinbba
All Rights reserved
Karijinbba Apr 2020
Dearest precious eons old
caterpillar the playful ***** rushing swimming to the food bank a Matrix egg; birthed as babies growing to man to women to grand-parenthood transforming aging to
cross to grave in short,
what a ride bittersweet journey.
My friend, pro life I am.

Indeed we the human race are
absolutely magnificent with all the poisons we over come by air bad foods;
all the enemies we face from the womb, to the mystery of daily living.

This goes for all of mankind indeed
In this world we are born to belong!
but remain strangers dear fellow men
and women poets poetessess.

Death is so common yet so dreaded perceived untimely unnatural.
Life so delicate so graceful,
and utterly short to be marked
for pandemic depopulation.
Life is precious mysterious!

I was born pro life though couple
children were lost an RHO negative motherhood Mom maligned but
other wonderful children lived
my dearest butterflies
my fireflies beloved.
K a r i j i n b b a
beware of vaccines it may sterilize our boys and girls our children. reducing the "diverse" population
in fifty years all billions sterilized
will be no more.

naturally the very rich their kids can have many children for who forces them to mandatory killing vaccines..or to anything
naturally the wealthy thus become the mayority in due time Don't you agree??

We are in a titanic only the rich will safely not freeze.
251 · May 2020
Revolving door
Karijinbba May 2020
Ye have writen to mine heart
a memorandum in gold and blood
ancient revered venerable Angel beloved.  
These withered red roses
bloom again E.T. divine.
Gold hearted Thermo King
wing mine
Revolving door fly by
patient ancient Lancelot
Knight commenting;

Ye shifted to one better human by mine story poems
consigned to thee and the four wise winds.
Myself regaining sanity
yet sighing madness despair
revealing mine heart to thee
Ye agreed I've got more than wisdom owning truth in mine ink revealed  

Ye've delighted reading mine scribble as thine beloved pet
to run hands on mine kitty fur
all as truth in thine mind's eye,
and yeah ye're dearly aroused
as ye cry me a river.
Privileged is thine life partner!
relished recipient of thine better change.
While still mine vessel soul is unresolved shunned
destitute forlorned bleeding
crying thee an ocean for thine river wept hush-hush.
I sigh all night til morn,
Mine nucleous inner core pains for thee waiting too long to offer small charity shielding
before mine bereavement
quietus curtains end.

Even dogs eating of thine table's crumbs lived, thus surely can "i."

I adolize delighting in thee taking heed thine steps quickening
fast lifting wing and landing
onto mine heart's chambers
longing to see thine will
break free rescuing me-cpr

mine wrecked ketch cursed existence empty forsake me not
and shelter me please.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights- 5-19-20- revised
I have more lives than my cat
.ore patience the. G**
more blessings then a nun.
247 · Aug 2018
Karijinbba Aug 2018
Where is my poem
you might
everyone tells me
I write too long
and too much
So here is it
Short and sweet
I am getting better
as a less is more poetess
Karijinbba Dec 2020
When a man one adores
shows up a call girl photo card,
make sure you love him more
then you love yourself,
to let such sweetheart
true love best lover go,
like I let mine fly off.
My king understood love by his woman's  jealousy dinamics
shown for him. I understood love
by the trusting self assured
non jealous attitude owned.
So, for this kind of lover.
Fight for his love do cry!
Instead of letting this jeweled king
go to his call girls like I did because
his joy and happiness
was above and beyoud my own.
iI turns out he had given me all his love in written prenuptial contract and had no love for no other queen or slave or call girl to give her he was telling me he was my true love
only mine after two decades!
Foolish me was amnesic and couldn't speak up about the plot of his ancient prenuptial was since he told me
he was married and to never
look back  then he cursed me
to hate him from afar and move on;
which I did, but I didn't choose right .
I fell victim of human predators.
because his lyrics deceived my naive soul in youth I did not tell him I loved him and I lost his love.
slowly but sureky he took his Kammazutra back but I had my own
and just like him my lover brain sixty nine I give to noone I haven't found one worthy to be loved. .
It's disastrous and very foolish.
As I observe a lifetime after,
we both adored each other
in our own well intentioned ways
interchangeably even but other
forces conspire dod to wreck us up.
  without wanting to or knowing how.
We both understood love
in different ways;
this interpretation was
both our downfall my demise was only silence for in my mouth lips and words I had my cure to his live enchantment and end eternal love.
His Karma had pledged
in his Rhett Buttler past life,
he would search world wide,
or buy love if he had to,
but he was going to be loved
only in his way.
So we both lived out our destiny
but life was never the same
ever again as that which
was between us we were identical within m, twin flanes twin souls

Without him physically
my existance was like a dream.
more often like a nightmare.
I lost everything,
and everyone I ever adore.
like a house if cards it came
tumbling all down and,
it materialized even here on HP
since then I learned to close doors
to disconnect say good bye
but to my twin no good bye
it's impossible.
I feel blessed and cursed.
all in all I found misery and pain.
By Karijinbba 1974-95 & on.
196 · Aug 2020
Continuity of time
Karijinbba Aug 2020
His handsome countenace
is my everything as he
holds my face in his hands
smiling whispering

"My beauty it's you I want."
we are a couple cherished
among our beloveth offspring
we will be hurried side by side
watching freedom fireworks
counting the billion stars
camping making love
watching our wedding day joy
we will breathe our last

His vessel lays in the meadow green
our forest land our paradise
On the continuity of time
and space we reigned as one
we married we had eight darling precious children we changed Earth
now rich can marry poor

Now we slowly advance through
the last departure gates
even Lord Christ went through
this mirage deaths gates

clams my ancient vessel form
as it breathes its last breath
" I love you beautiful love"
to thanks for the unkind mask
Our Earthing fate known

to meet my maker in fate prayed
re-gluing weaving us back
to one-nes togetherness
Into my true loves ether
Forever melting renewing two
Out holy new soul and mold
And G*'s grace blesses both
breathing eternal life
Into us twin souls
our twin flame's
goes on.
By Karijinbba
Twin flames are forever in the spiritual world where perfection not competition where justice not jealousies nor envy malice nor greed reign..we relive
our happily ever lives.
169 · Feb 2020
You purrrr I smile
Karijinbba Feb 2020
"I will smile, and you wil purrr"
Bba my pet is thinking of me

we are special creation
when one smiles the other purrs
across time and space
smiling purring is the bridge!

I am all smiles
and my precious one purring is
for treats for my tender
touching petting!
cutie pie E.T- of old divine
By: Karijinbba
Across the miles the cyber mirror
death isn death I am Cimi transformer April Aries diamond rare gem jewel
165 · Apr 2020
Prenuptial agreement
Karijinbba Apr 2020
April 54 - Jan 51
I promise to honor you to love you to never conceal epics of my life no matter how tragicly painful a victim fated to lose loved ones I was.
I promise to share my Joy's passions and all my pain.
Darling beloved King of hearts. Heart of gold twin soul,
in another life if you ask me
to marry you I will say I do!
And I will spill my heart to
say I love you, I am sorry
I will marry you timely
if I must
my dearest precious Beast.

From my virginity I promise to be only yours your first love
your last love
I promise to love, to cherish to join making mad passionate love to you as you and me did
once upon a time
I promise to fill up our world
or heaven with children
that look just like you and me
There will be no hell
no wars no disease no pandemics there will be a paradise
new world imagine
I promise to continue to not be jealous without justified reason
not greedy nor malicious
and to share you rather than
to lose you lover divine
if need be, naturally.

I promise to forgive you
if you hurt me despite amazing creative and passionate romantic venues in each other's arms.
I promise to love you like I was never hurt in this Earth or past lives by you or anyone else.

I promise to forgive you seventy times seventy if you ever cheated on me and fill up rooms with red roses peony and carnations
to make up to heal our hurt
as long as you never abandon me and our kids for another woman
like you did in this lifetime
after we found each other again and again you always
left me behind and another waited for you for money

I promise to tell you if anyone has hurt you very deeply
that you can heal with me
we can have a beautiful huge family to cherish adore
that physically mentally I am attracted to you and wish
to earn your love if necessary.

I promise to place all my good fortunes inheritances in your hands to give you and your family every treasure I possess
so you will never be afraid
that I will abandon you
for any other person.
You will give me your heart
and I will give you mine
to know each others secrets
and hope we won't have to cry.

you will cry knowing my sufferings and I will bitterly weep knowing yours loving me
if we are ever a bit apart
we will find each other timely
and never part.

Before we die of natural causes our children will be
by our bed side
we will watch a video of our happily ever wedding day.
I promise to be burried by your side eternaly to rest by your side our mortal vessels my beloved.

You must promise to keep me
to grab me heart spirit soul body and all when you find me again
darling beloved.
Beg if you must lift me off my feet take me home lay me down in you bed call me wife
best wife best lover best Mom best friend
like you wrote with our prenuptials in this life time.
If there is anything you wish to change in our prenuptial
agreement for our next lifetime wedding day
or change anything here
please do so
By Karijinbba
©Copy Rights apply.
In memory of Rdd/BBA Jpc /!JPT
163 · Aug 2020
Wishful thinking
Karijinbba Aug 2020

            *to hold

               *wholly good

                    in my hands
               thinking of you
              beloved true love
             in the forest laying
                I'd hold two sacred
                        long avocado
                           shaped seeds
                            in my hands
                         ever so gently
                         stroking both
                      Day dreaming
                   Of the one king
    who loved me the most
    in this whole wide world
     My twin flame twin soul
    Great among great elite
   Richest among richest
        King among kings
            My wilderness
Copy Rights Apply
I miss you wishing you recalling your creative writing class -rdd/bba-74-75.
162 · Apr 2020
Entwined in gold ink
Karijinbba Apr 2020
Through the last few years in Hello poetry I met your tender caring comments becoming engraved in my heart giving me strength as I grew butterfly wings writing about my innermost feelings my truth.

I have grown more since then fond of most of you your tender grace.
I apologize if anyone of you ever felt neglected
unattended the truth is I am like you are kind of sellective
I too learned from all of your writing;
basically, your style simple, direct, and unadorned as well as the intricate mind drilling metaphorical styles
this is the beauty of HP
we simple express our inner cores
many write like myself
truth as the basis

I might not have much in common but as people I love you all regardless of being afluent or not on here.

I sincearely mean it you made my life worthwhile meaningful
and I am eternally greatful to all who crossed my lonely path
all of your ink was my teaching guide.
Before I got here I never knew I had ability of courage or strength to dig in for treassures lost and found triumph and defit a soul purifying tool.

I saw your grace your courage and jumped into the awesome pool and swam transforming by Cimi me
white as you swans gracefully swimming in rhyme with truth
swinging the ball of ink writing
and I found support intrigue
allarm and criticism competition
as well as kindness direction from the best of gifted famous poets.

I even crossed roads with my old twin soul.
indeed a blessing fullfilled.

I love you all because you are the only family I now have.
I need your tender grace kindness and understanding
stay please let's swim swinging our tennis inky rockets cheering one another
continuing infused united in gold ink
Lets praise one another awarding
Emmy statues as we remain in gold ink

K a r i j i n b b a
on April 16 is my birthday
I have had only one birthday party to celebrate my birthday
in all my life but I love
and honor myself just the same.
Happy birthday ;*)::::
dear family H.P.
Karijinbba Feb 2023
I sought you everywhere
and I could only find you inside my memory card
all of you lives within me
appeasing me
Bittersweetly ..I miss you

Sadly I see you in the company of the one who took over everything
you had lovingly cherished and saved for me alone.
You handed me the world in a gold platter.
You and your elite family and friends.
How can I lose you twin soul!
Noone who touched your  world, felt your heart,
Laid under your evergreen tree shade,
savouring marveling
your cactus pear-fruits
Ever can lose you.

I lost so much of your love
in ignorance, lost in my pain
yet without any malice
at all
Still it all seemed so ugly
I lost you wild bird of paradise mine
for one piece
of your heart
Always mine.

Thank God for your heart of gold.
I love you eternally.
By Karijinbba
All Rights
148 · Aug 2020
Karijinbba Aug 2020
When the joy and happiness
of others is above and beyond
our own;
when loving a beloved soul
more than we love ourselves
enough to set a loved one free;

it's not lack of self love,
being generous to a fault,
I doubt many have
the courage, heart, brains
to surrender treasures found,

just to benefit another.
  while feeling small
or stumped still yield.

It isn't foolishness
it's self sacrifice.
No rivals can fill that void
of not grabbing what fell on
and off a broken lap.
Defeat is born first in the
eyes passing judgement
not the one surrendering
all treasures found.
By: Karijinbba
To love others
more than we love ourselves
we need a heart a brain
and courage.

not just self love.
137 · May 2020
Nothing Bad Ever Last.
Karijinbba May 2020
To this covid-02-19
virus nightmare
Nothing bad ever last
Nothing bad ever last!

To my absent family
Tortured covertly
drugged for years
Unbeknownst to them
by those they consider best friends
but are leathal impostors
nothing bad ever last
Nothing bad ever last!

To my unprovoked enemies
Nothing bad will ever last.
demonizing me
to my beloved kin
Nothing bad can last.
Nothing evil ever last.

This economic system collapse
covert pandemic WW3,
Millions dying unvaccinated
Billions unemployed dying
vaccines Pfizer containing
potassium cloride ingredients
given large dose then
dying unannounced.
this darkness too shall pass

Star light vessels we are
human spirit resilient armed
Nothing bad ever last.
Nothing bad ever last
Nothing bad ever last.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights 05-6-20
Nothing bad can ever last!
114 · Nov 2020
Purple hearted star Mom.
Karijinbba Nov 2020
The most important thing of being a star is being remembered.
The most amazing thing is to be loved cherished understood fundamentally!.
Sharing innermost feelings,
of truth better then wisdom.
but being trashed for being a hero by villain jealous association of wolves,
is as bad as it can get.

I must be an owful star seed
terrible lover, a bad friend
a most boring wife
a horrible patient but stern mother
a lousy communicator
to have been attacked in all areas of womanhood motherhood wifehood!
left behind all alone a mother, grandmother, sister, poetess!

Today, a gentler thought
saves and rescue me.
People I trusted loved adored,
those I gave life to and saved, just became just cold blooded
narcissist to lack empathy,
and common sense or are ill.
All ungreatful, under spells
by human predators I
to deny reaching out
to me in this my winter time.

And I realize I am beautiful
in and out, envied, yet
nothing else makes sense.
This undeserved isolation
loneliness, set aside as
unimportant, worthless
systematically trashed as
depicted by their jealousies
Ugly unprovoked enemies,
such a nightmare!

Kindly, I realize
the enemy is weak, blind
pack of wolves, culprit snakes
in my paradise rather
stuck to each others poison's,
team of evildoers.

They aren't all alone no.
They team up to harm.
As God in heaven,
and the devil in hell are
my witnesses;
I promise to never
miss my mark ever again
in any lifetime.
Timely, will spill my heart
to the one I adore.
Never give my Aries diamonds
to Greek swine nor to the Charles Manson's advocates
The covert cowards in USA.,
I won't die broke silenced
victimized nor ever alone again..
By: Karijinbba
regrets of a purple hearted
poetess, bride, Mom. fiancee
wife. Wounded by the hand of the enemy
70 · Feb 11
Gaza Mom
Karijinbba Feb 11
Its all about greed malice jealousy
for the Oil Gas found in Gaza all belonging to Palestinians
The culprit are stealing it all
Only Iran cares for indigenous Muslim  peopñe
Palestinian fathers, sons aren't terrorist the culprit attacking them is since 1947
HAMAS TOO is defending their land their very existence.
Hamas is an idea a hero with sticks and stones fighting back against bulldozers tankers bombs brutal baby bloodshed
Shame on you Israel
Our snake in our paradise

Stiff genocidal Joe Biden has got to go can't call Israel off.
Israelites jews baby genocidal murderers  criminals run Congress I hear.

We all see you read you well it has not Iraeli soldiers wearing diapers

They know Palestinian fighters will not **** women much less **** them.

I never thought I would see the day when the whole world would shout its heartfelt agonies begging governments leaders save Palestinians.

It's so moving in the face of the horror Israel is committing.

Israelites took my grandkids and mangled my daughters mentally physically psychologically in USA and myself in Mexico as a small child.

Free palestine give them back their land

My my heart my soul for you Palestinians my voice my word my homeland love you,I
Palestinians the true chosen ones of God
My heart my soul God Bless Egypt
Arab countries unite against tyrant apartheid **** regime.
Stop the genocide the slaughter
of innocents by Israel dictatorship.

All of us the people for the people
all if us  are Gods chosen
children of the most high.
Palestinian lives matter.
All lives matter

Prosecute the narcissist
sadist Israelite apartheid
bombing children.
So help us God

Boycott Boycott Boycott
If we fail to unite
against this evil jews
hiding in plain sight
wearing their kkk
black hats next will be
all of us in our homeland
turned to concentration camps.
Fight this evil war crimes against
Israel horned Satanyahu
prime sinister of Hell on Earth
stop bombing children
in Gaza sease fire!
100 000 you have bombed
Turn your guns to your head
drop bombs to your family ET-
associates and homes!
Bomb your sinful synagogue too.

Sacrificing kidnapping
christian children
babies under synagogues!
In New York City USA.

Shame on USA England
all for allowing USA gov to
dictate war after war
trillions in dollars wasted

arming sadistic Israeli battalions
to the teeth
Murdering genocidal blood thirsty
ancient narcissists

By: Karijinbba
To honor a famed painting
Mr and Mrs Andrews.
Karijinbba Sep 16
I think of you miss you JpcPjc-rdd
Greet you, hug you, love you.
Beautiful your ink is gold as it was just written from my beloved twin soul Twin Flame just for me alone.
My precious grown offspring
We can't ever be apart.
Evildoers lie divide
and murderer and
soon will meet
their merited end.
On this side my Abby's goes from the Gulf of Mexico, to further on far to Gaza where I too feel am such Mom, roaming, sinking and lonely in GA holding on to my true love's mind to mind, heart to heart, mourning our once upon a time loss.
How I wish i too could hold  
my true love's manly strong powerful distinctive go rescue the Jewels of my crown motherhood..our kids.
I think of you daily

I look around at this rented
forest lands feeling your presence darlings beloved.
Trees the carpenter bees mating on air, and other wild creatures tiny rabbits, cardinals birds and homeless, hungry cats
that I feed
I may look a the moon
but I am only looking at you
Thank you for your sweet notes
and chronological love letters
(that jealous bad people stole)
but to my good fortune
photographical memory
To my rescue.
We are together
Always my beloved Sonnet 75.
How I love thee.
By: Karijinbba

— The End —