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1.3k · Mar 2015
Peace by Piece
Rhianecdote Mar 2015


1.3k · Jan 2015
Regret Table
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
"I have no regrets because it's made me who I am today"

Well that's all well and good if you like who you are today.

I no longer do.

So I'll sit at this table and pile up the food.
1.3k · Mar 2015
Approval Removal
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Attention seeker?
Na, I'm far worse than that
What I seek is Approval.
What use is attention?*
I don't want to be seen,
Not yet anyway
Until I'm sure
It will be greeted positively,
And I resent it
Why should I let you be
The judge of me?
I Shouldn't.
I should just be ME
Just something I seek to change in myself
1.2k · Jan 2015
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
You never
knew how
much I lost
in loving you.

And Loss is
not always
with the bad.
1.2k · Oct 2016
Fresh Start
Rhianecdote Oct 2016
Going back to what you know.
All the signs tellin you to stop,
Reroute, it's not the way to go

It's just not the same,
Couldn't be maintained
Left to decay
in the time lapsed
collapsed and what remains
is a husk that just adds to the
echo of the pain
you ran here to escape
Walls of dust clinging onto the pasts shape
Fallin away
Fillin your lungs
along with all those things you failed
to get off your chest along the way

And you wonder why you can't breath?
Why your heart got so heavy it fell off your sleeve?
Why your mind stole your dreams and now you can't sleep?
Why your faith was overrun by your worries and now You can't believe?!

Even here Collapsing on your knees
choking back the tears
As you try to put it back together
piece by piece

But it's gone.

There's nothing here for you anymore
You must leave
the road lead nowhere
And nowhere is where this road leads
A circle always comes up empty
No matter how far you reach

Be an exile.
Find your feet
In less polluted airs
Fill up those lungs
Where you have space to breathe
Pick up that heart
with the strength it took to take the leap
Towards the Fresh Start
no decay, no debris.
Come out the Dark
you'll be ok, you will see
well enough in time
to carve your own path
Be Free
1.2k · Apr 2015
Level Ups and Downs
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Got the Concentration levels
Of a McDonald's coke
Wish I could order "no ice"

Tolerance levels
Of a recovering alcoholic
Losing my status of "nice"

Fitness levels
Of a Weight Watcher on the wagon
Piece of Cake we all want a slice

Trust levels
Of Drake on a date
Always gotta think twice
(I reiterate the previous verses last line)
1.2k · Jan 2015
Full Stop
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
I'm scared to stop.

Because if I do

I may never get going again.
1.2k · May 2015
Day to Unite
Rhianecdote May 2015
Forever Endeavour
Our *Women
, Our Men

Together Endeavour
from Days Dawn to Days *
1.2k · Mar 2015
In A Smile
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
There was an old man
round my ends,
Looked like a cross
between Santa and a fisherman,
bucket hat and cane in hand.
And though it sounds odd
and hard to understand
As a child I was convinced
he was my guardian angel,
Was sure no one else
could see him but me.
And whenever I spotted him
I'd be filled with a kind of serenity.
He was an elusive being,
most likely a reclusive being
but he always had a smile for me
and in that smile
was such a sincerity
that I've rarely seen since.
Laughing eyes that would
be gone in a blink
And though I never
had a conversation with him
I never felt like words were  needed
Cause all was said with a shared *grin
True Stories, I do wonder about these characters we encounter in life from time to time.
1.2k · Dec 2014
Guess Work
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
So I'll make my 1st guess, my 2nd and my 3rd
And they'll all be wrong or right
But this isn't Rumplestiltskin
Just grim
No fairies or happy endings,
Just tales.

So I'll make my 4th guess, my 5th and my 6th
And they'll all be wrong or right.
But there's no clarity to be had in being cowardly
Just underserved charity
And that case just doesn't suit me.

So I'll make my 7th guess, my 8th and my 9th,
And I might just have had enough to make the call.
So send me down the direct line
The blunt knife may cut deep
But at least it won't chip away at me endlessly like the nth degree, the not knowing...
At times it's best just to be blunt.
1.2k · Apr 2015
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
With this Release life's studio is taking it's sweet time

So I'm just left Waiting to be back at my **Optimistic Prime
1.2k · Apr 2015
Elective Mutism
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
I no longer wanna be a hypocrite

            So I no longer wanna **talk
What you do says more than what you say
1.2k · Dec 2015
I will not Suffer The Fleet
Rhianecdote Dec 2015
I have made my peace
With all that is fleeting

The ships will sail
To where they're meant to be

Time will run as it always has
But it shall not run from me

I will not stand and watch as they go
I will not give chase as they leave

Time will run
And ships will sail

But I will go my own way to see
What awaits me

I will be left
Though not alone

But Smiling

With all the memories
That accompany me
Life is but a series of moments.

I heard a song recently and it pulled me into a kind of reverie that I haven't had for some time. It transported me to those moments we have in life, precious ones where you almost take a step out of yourself to appreciate it fully. You know that it is going to come to an end but that doesn't matter because it is in these moments that you can say with a certainty   "I know happiness and I am eternally grateful for it."

Kodaline- Love like this (Acoustic)
1.2k · Dec 2014
Game Play
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
And now I feel like a fool
             cause it seems
                     I played
                         the game
                               all wrong

                                    all in the
                         attempt to not
                    play at all
Life is no Game-Boy
1.2k · May 2015
Don't Push me
Rhianecdote May 2015
When my Dad used to come up in my face
And smile at me As a baby
I used to push him away
Give me my space

And at aged 3 when I used to rest my head
On lil blondies shoulder as we watched tv
In nursery
He  would push me off constantly,
First taste of rejection

And as a pre teen
When that little **** Esteban was showin off and being mean
Got my brother in a headlock till he couldn't breath
Grabbed him off, pushed him over a wall as I screamed even though he was older and much bigger than me
Made me so angry!
First time I laid hands on someone in defence of my family
Haven't had to do it since, thankfully
Shock of me switching actually made him come up after and say sorry

As a Teen, chillin in the park, all sunny
When this lil kid who looks half asleep
Cycling in his dressing gown
comes up to me
Asking if I wanna buy some ****
Pushing drugs?!
Someone should be pushing him on a ****** swing , he's only a baby!
Makes my heart bleed

And every ****** mornin
As I'm getting to where I need to be
Getting pushed onto this train
By impatient imbeciles
When there is no need
There's another one comin in 3!
So why am I hovering under someones smelly armpit all awkwardly?

**All this pushing, all this pulling
this game of tug of war,
really puts me on ****** edge,
I really can't take no more.
But city life is city life
Jheezus you know the score!
Don't push me cause I'm close to the Edge!
1.1k · Mar 2015
Heartbreak Lies
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
In the moment
you realise
you can't go
and comfort
that one person
when it feels
like the most
natural thing to do.

And you can't go
to that one person
for comfort when
they're the only person
you want to go to.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Pressing Matters
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
You can Iron out the Dents in your Confidence As much as you like

But it's much better done with
Some Self E**steem
1.1k · Apr 2015
After Thought
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Well if you're the First thought

I guess I could only ever be what came *After
If one is nothing but an afterthought its Time to sort out ones priorities
*shouts in Cartmans voice* "RESPECT MY PRIORITIES!"
1.1k · May 2015
Chain Gang
Rhianecdote May 2015
Pain gets passed along a chain,
from You to Me
from Me to Him
and now we're all sat here
upset for the same reason.
But this wasn't the bonds i hoped for
or the ties I wished to make or keep.
Try to break the cycle,
but apologies just won't cut it,
for goodness sake, too weak

She couldn't love You,
You couldn't love Me,
I couldn't love Him.
Don't you wish you could
go back to the beginning?
But where do you start in a circle?
A ring has no beginning or ending
it's everlasting,
that's why it's a symbol for Love,
so if I can't exchange it
maybe in verse I can
inverse all of the above

He loved Me,
I loved You
and You loved Her
and loves a beautiful thing,
and I hope one day soon
we'll all be able to
love ourselves too,
truely deep within
and on that day perhaps
this chain will cut us some slack,
we'll be facing the right way
and will be able to see Love
and give it back.
Cause the thing about chains,
they can run either way,
joy gets passed along too
during happier days
and they will come,
surely as this chain
remains undone.

**Name's Bond, Chains Bond
If I possessed the patience, vision and prowess of some of the concrete poets on here (Ryn anyone?) I would have liked to have written this in a chain or cycle formation alas i probably would have dashed my phone out of the window by now in sheer frustration. Haha so use your imagination and maybe some mind altering drugs kids!
1.1k · Apr 2015
YOU are YOUnique
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Comfort* lies

            In the moment you realise

                            That you are **irreplaceable
Dr Seuss - " you are you, this is truer than true. There is no one Alive, who is youer than you"

We should all have a lil more faith in ourselves and our importance for being here.

As long as you realise this in yourself, you won't need others to
1.1k · Apr 2015
First Class
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Are firsts important?

I think that they are.

They mark a moment of courage

A moment of faith

A change

An experience that can shape

Your whole world view

You know I waited till 22

To change my mind

On being alone

Only to find

I would have waited

22 years more

Not to discover

What being alone

In that sense

Actually meant

And that's the truth of a bad day

But just how important are firsts really?

Firsts do not mean best necessarily

Firsts form a starting point

And once you start you may as well carry on

They're A foundation to build upon

A lesson to learn from

You know I waited till 22

To take risks, to raise the stakes

That meant I would make mistakes

Only to find

I wish I hadn't waited 22 years

When I saw how much progress can be generated

When you face your fears

All of which I wouldn't have discovered

*If I had continued to run away
And though I have my days of disdain, where I feel I've done nothing but backtrack, purely for the gains made I don't think I'd take those choices back. I showed such courage and for that I deserve to regain the confidence I now lack.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Take Your Next Left
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
It is hard to be left

Its hard to be left when you're at your lowest ebb

Even if you didn't expect any less

Yes it is hard to be left

It is hard to accept you've been left

It is hard to accept you've been left when you had the opportunity to leave

That you were right to believe you'd be left

Yes, its hard to accept you've been left

It is hard to accept you've been left bereft*

It is hard to accept you've been left bereft through a lack of respect

And that this applies to yourself

Yes it is hard to accept you've been left bereft

Yes it is hard to accept you've been left

Yes it is hard to be left
It is hard to know when to walk away, especially if you're a hopeful person.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
You don't need Comfort

You don't need Distraction

What you need is a plan of Action
1.1k · Jun 2015
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I see you're wary of my motivation for reconciliation
Maybe getting flirty with you the other day was a mistake but it was only a bit of fun. No vowel play -Don't stress it.

You're doing that thing where you're getting all weird and apologetic,
not replying for time, was a time I'd just think forget it

Cause the cryptic **** is frustrating,
but as times gone by, the emotions subside I find it a-cute-ly boring, bordering on comical.

Got me thinking dang this use to affect me like a rat invested rental - how did I let it?!  Sinking waiting for you to be blunt or upfront is like tryin to understand ****** -I'll never get it.

I know this now so don't sweat it, I expect no less, I accept it. If the convos dead it's dead, I've said it.

I merely seek to be reconciled with the situation so I can make my peace. I said my piece, put it to bed, it's dead rest in peace. Just tryin to love thy neighbourly, maybe get some more recipes: rice and peas.

Cause the most I'd hope for is friendship but I won't force it, they'll be no pleas and thank yous, it's true I missed what it used to be, I miss the person in you I used to see.

I don't know what it will be now; that times passed. I don't know who you are now; I'm not sure if I ever did but to resurrect the past is not the plan in all of this

So Let me reintroduce myself,
Hey, I'm Rhian
Let me Shake your hand
I know you hope for understanding,
I try hard to understand
But you don't always express yourself as best you can
I stress You can
Don't be afraid the clean slate
Will free your hands
Roll the dice
Tell me where it lands
If it's possible to
Reconcile as solo artists
With fond memories of our band

But if not

**Best wishes are still my command
Dear oh Dear , these situations do make me laugh. Its all gonna be alright
1.0k · Dec 2014
Peshawar 141
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Walked into a school

And taught a lesson to us all;

With one moment in the present

You can ****** the **future
My heart goes out to Pakistan.
I don't think that there's anything more tragic than the loss of a child let alone the ****** of many. People are no doubt going to argue the politics, the history the religious elements that have led to this travesty all in search of an explanation but the simple heart of the matter is this; the fact that we all live in a world where this occurs makes us all responsible and I feel that the cutting short of all those young lives, all that possibility, is  unforgivable. Literally murdered the future.
1.0k · Nov 2015
We run on PMT
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
I'm zoned
Brains foggy
Can't even hold a conversation
With those closest to me
All this vocabulary
And I've run out of things to say
So I just talk ****
To fill the silence for a bit
But I can't be arsed
I quit
How bout you take over for a sec
Cause it's not just my responsibility
To remain enthusiastic
*having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
Yeah,that's effort
haven't felt that way for a while
and I won't force it
So you speak
And maybe I'll listen
If it's not more of the same
Look up once or twice
If you say my name
Get annoyed that I'm in a stupor
Don't be so vain!
Can't you see it's just my brain
No one's home
It's nodded off again
I'm in The nil zone
But What can I say
I'm prone!
I won't pretend
Its a Shame
You're not entertained
but this Influx of Hormones
Got me feelin like being alone today
Hand me some chocolate
And some dumbed down TV
Oh ****! Just my luck I've given up dairy!
No ***** to give, I'm gettin none today
Just my luck I'm feelin hella *****
And my boyfriends away
But **** it, I'm tired anyway
Frustration got me in disarray
******* Sun! I didn't see you today
It's gloomy, I'm angry, I'm stressed
Call the A team
Here comes Mr P.M.T and Mrs P.M.S
1000 · Mar 2015
Tic, Tact, Toe
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Don't walk round eggshells with me

Until your feet bleed

It just (chicken) feeds the *insecurity!
I feel like people aren't straight up with me cause they fear my reaction (which in all honesty they probably should at times I can fly off the handle and take things personally) but having said that I hope most know that deep down I appreciate it a lot of the time and understand. The love I have for plain talking people in life knows no bounds, they let a doubtful person know where they stand and inspire me to reciprocate such honesty. Of course within a limit, not to a ridiculously cruel extent, judgement is crucial.
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
If heartbreak's the motivation,

I can't help but wonder what love will do...
996 · Mar 2015
Do me a Kindness
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
And be with somebody else
Do it quickly
Right in front of me
So I can see
That holding onto this heart
Is bad for my health.
Do me a kindness
Let me see
So I can squeeze it
In dis-stress
As I stare
Now well aware
That there's nothing left to put
back on the shelf
It's broken.
Do me a kindness
And let me see
Right before my eyes
No lies or guise or mystery
Put me out my misery
As you smile at her
The way you used to smile at me.
Do me a kindness
Be with somebody else
And let me be free
Of You and Me.
Sometimes you just need your heart to fully break
995 · Jan 2015
Self Less
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Tryin to Protect self
Whilst you Project self
When you should just Accept self
Trying to project your best self
Whilst you accept your worst
I've met many people in life including myself who strive to portray their best self or the person they hope to be and there Is a certain admiration to be found in that but also a deception. So be you, good, bad ,happy, sad and trust in that.
988 · Nov 2014
Turn over a new Tealeaf...
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
Here comes the Anxietea.
979 · Apr 2015
Difficulty Rating: Tedium
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Tedium Rare* (unfortunately not)

Tedium Bear (boring you in the cot)

Afternoon Tedium (take it with me)

Tedium and Biscuits (impending fatty)

E.Tedium: Moan Home (Tbh it really is. *It's ****.
We all know the dressin up scene and the end when he's in the bike basket is the best bit)
Cause it's all so ******* tedious at times, even this XD
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They said the world is your oyster!

So I jumped off a bridge

To see if there was any truth to it

Would it swallow me up

Make use of the ****

Spit me back out

Having made a pearl from it
962 · Jun 2015
Portal to the Past
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I remember when I wrote
my first proper story at ten
It was called Gateway to Heaven.

When My grandad died
I found myself preoccupied
With the notion of the afterlife
Cause I could not believe that someone
Like him could simply be gone.
Couple that with an obsession
With space exploration
And what you got was a spiritual sci-fi.

To be honest it was more a screenplay
I bought it into class
for some reason one day
Not sure why
Maybe I wanted someone to read it.
Left it on my desk and went for a ****
And when I got back my teacher
Who had a bit of a flare for the amateur dramatics
WAS reading it.

I was met with an intrigued gaze as I walked back in,
I remember thinking
ahh why are you going through peoples things?!
That's rude!

(Although I secretly knew she would)

Tryin not to blush as she asked
Me questions about it,
then asked me to stand up and read the plot out to the class.

At this point what you've got to factor in
is that I was incredibly shy,
hmm no maybe not shy,
more under confident.
Not cripplingly so,
don't get me wrong
I was incredibly social,
was very popular in my class as a child
but when it came to sharing thoughts of my introspection,
any talent or shows of confidence,
well let's just say I'd learnt to keep that **** to myself...

But I stood up and read it.

And was met with a
mass of baffled gazes,
a memory that I don't think
will ever leave me.
To be fair it was pretty out there,
all black holes, theology and grief.
The silence that fell,
matching the silence of space itself
makes me wary of silences still.
That eternal moment
Tryin to Guage the judgement
thinking oh **** it!
now everyone knows I'm weird,
shoulda just stuck to my status quo in my final year.

But it was broken eventually
by my friend Funmi who said
"I don't get it"
I'll never forget it,
it was sorta funny,
mostly disappointing.
I wish I had the mentality at that time to think these guys just ain't ready for me
but I guess that was that,
class went back to what it was doing,  
teacher came up with
a look of approval and some words of encouragement which was odd,
she wasn't my favourite teacher at all
and she knew it full well
and i spose that marks my underwhelming moment in the spotlight...

*Although I've always
maintained the belief
that it'll shine bright on me one day
or maybe I'll outshine it
After being holed up for the past few weeks watching back to back space documentaries and Interstellar on repeat..having to reassure my Dad that he doesn't have to get emotional every time as we're not in that situation XD I started thinking about my own sci-fi creation and how moments in life really do shape you
956 · Mar 2015
Train of Thought
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Sat on a train
and I gaze along
face after face
of strangers
that all share
this same moment
in time and space
and yet they're
all so vacant,
staring into space
and time bears
no relevance,
cause its the same thing
day in day out,
all of us sat there,
headphones intact
listening to our
own soundtracks
as we make our way
through tunnels
unaware of the tracks sound
as we're shuttled around
and I'm dumbfounded
by how wisdom
is found in the loss of interaction,
sat across a
man in a suit 
clocking up percentages
and in a fraction,
I've took stock
and mocked up
a story for him
through his action ,
this one man
of many in this
age of distraction
Until  this traction 
created by volt-age
comes to a halt
as this train stops
at the station,
my station in sight,
this stationary moment
of insight interrupted
as doors open,
my form plateaus
as I step onto
the platform,
leaving this
train of thought
for another one,
adjourned as
I Journey on.
Rhianecdote Oct 2015
"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"* she said.

"Well" I said
Maybe I don't mind this glass house of mine being shattered, maybe that's the idea.

Maybe I'd prefer to be seen in all my transparency so you can no longer doubt or question me, cause maybe the glass that forms the walls of this cage isn't see through enough for me.

It fogs with the breath left from all those half truths and words I use to give you clues as to Who I am and Who I'm not.
The words that echo back to me creating so near, so far images of the me that I've forgot.

Maybe in that fog you're not the only one that can't see me properly.
I can't see out...looks frosty
I'm cold, yet I can't stand the heat
As this glass refracts light from gazes
Of spectators and haters pointing pointless fingers as they take a seat,
Insulates a rage in me!

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said

As if I couldn't take what was about to come.
As if to dismissively say
You're not ready yet
Don't let this cocoon you've
created come undone.
Giving me forewarning
so I could standstill and run.
Look at me!
I stand still but I run!

But Maybe I don't mind being homeless,
Maybe if I'm home less I'll feel home more in myself absent of barriers,
comforts and fears of wealth and worth
So I grit my teeth,
dig my feet into the earth

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said

As I hailed the first one at her 
Watched the crack spread
Across her face
Creating lace shapes
And split her head in two
As her image struggled to cling on
With every molton strand of sand
Left to her but she had no time left to seek
as she fell creating a mosaic of shards,
broken glass at my feet

Stepped over them

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones she said

Well I just did

Cause I helped raise this Glass House in fear

And I will knock down any monument to dictatorship
The great dictator is Fear
You overcome fear with hope which is an extension of love and love overcomes all.
I can see the bad but I ultimately believe in the best side of humanity and as I'm part of that collective I thought its best to extend some of that courage and belief in and to myself.

Face yourself, Face your fear
940 · Nov 2014
Front Page
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
You never liked me,
              you never loved me
                           and you never could.
                       ­          Cause you never saw me,

                          you never knew me

       and you never *would.
934 · Nov 2015
Lower the Shield Maiden
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
So I'll throw stones,
cause I can already see the cracks
aim for them and brace myself
for all that's hailed back

Cause sometimes the best way
to see who you really are
is to see what you do under attack

I won't rely on glass to protect me,
I'll have my own back

Shatter my own shell
Be rid of false Fragility,
Free all the ability
With the agility
Gained from the shield I now lack
919 · Feb 2015
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
It's cool though
Cause I know
That once I'm in a better place
What you've done or what you do
Will be irrelevant in my headspace

I'll find my State of Grace.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
917 · Apr 2015
She wants the D!
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Doctor told me
I got a Vitamin D deficiency
Thought "I coulda told you that!
It's been 7 months!"


But in all seriousness
Twas a relief
To have an explanation
For all the fatigue
And flu and aches
And moods

I know I'm sick but was
Tired of always feelin ill
Child with Ricketts level
Gave me some souped up pills

Could feel it in my bone ahhs!
This is the ****** ***!
Alive again!
Spring in my step!

And though this is all said in fun
There's lessons to be taken
From the blood tests
I just had done

Put those vampire tendencies
Behind you
Catch them rays
Enjoy the ride
And erase the gloomy days
Of sitting inside
Go get out in the sun!


Bit tongue and cheek but true stories. If anyone's feeling a little low it's worthwhile to go get your vitamin D levels checked.
We are children of the light after all!
Rhianecdote May 2015
You wasn't there for me

In truth I don't make it easy

You wasn't there for me

In all honesty I didn't expect you to be

You wasn't there for me

And part of me really wished you woulda been

You wasn't there for me

But I'm starting to believe that I didn't need you to be

Cause when was you there for me?

When it suited your needs?

When was you there for me?

You wasn't
"Where was Gondor?!" King Theodon rant style XD
Hey **, what's the point in getting bogged down by perceived losses or let downs when you've got the Riders of Rohan! I mean a lot going for ya :P
895 · Dec 2014
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
The HEART wasn't made to HATE
               It's the HEAD that HOLDS onto that

                                        To HIDE the HURT
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Go with God?
But *who
is God to me?
Would you have me walk
side by side with a stranger?

Walk with the Lord?
I run and I run free,
spirit and its not holy.
Besides he doesn't Walk with me

The Lord is my shepherd?
But I'm no sheep.
I belong to no flock
I long to be heard
so I stand independently.

Go to God?
I did in my time of need
but his churches gates
were closed to me,
shunned on steps seeking sanctuary
and yet it gave me the clarity
I needed to move on in life.
In seeking solace
I found growth
in the solitary, ironically.

I found a certain kind
of serenity wash over me
in rejection
an epiphany even.

That I Can't trust in God
cause I no longer
believe in He
who I cannot see,
who I can no
longer hear speak.

And it's not a matter
of right or wrong
my faith has taken me
down a different path.
Where I need to learn
to put trust in the fallacy
of human beings
of people,
of you and me.

And maybe just maybe...
that was his plan all along.
870 · Mar 2015
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Big blue eyes
Most gorgeous you'd ever seen
Shy smile
Trade mark family chubby cheeks
Staring at this photo of us three
We're only babies
Hadn't seen you for years
Family drift apart you see
But in my heart and
This photograph you'll always be.

Was sat on a wall today
And you crossed my mind
As I spoke to a friend
About Past times
And the emotion hit
I cried unexpectedly
I remember as my Dad told me
I didn't believe it
Till Dre rang me up the next minute
I said it out loud
And my voice cracked
Said I'd have to ring back

Sweet 16
Just survived major brain surgery
Chucked over the wall
And left slumped in the cold
like a Rag doll
Probably mistaken for drunk,
Out cold, another wasted teen
Yeah another wasted teen
but not in that sense,
he took your life
***** and murdered at Sweet 16

Two years younger than me
Doing well, despite adversity
Following your hopes and dreams
befriended this fiend
out of kindness and pity
He showed you none
Makes me angry
In court they tried to take away responsibility
By saying he had learning difficulties
And was high on ****
But he left you in that alley
And walked back home casually
No sign of sorry
Not even now.

You'd be 21 this year
And I can't help but wonder
What you'd be doing
if you were here
I walk past the salon and see your
Little sister doing hair
All grown up
And for a moment I stare
See her shy smile
And I become well aware
Of what strength truly is.

And truth is, I don't know
If I believe in all what lies above
But what I do know is this;
You were loved,
you ARE loved
And I don't believe
anything lies above that
It's everlasting.

You didn't get enough time
And neither did he
But that will never take away
From all the moments you did see
So maybe I can put down this photograph
Cause I don't need to See to Believe
In all that you are And will always be
Much more than just a tragedy,
Big blue eyes, shy smile
and trade mark chubby cheeks
**You're Our Jessie.
In memory of my little cousin Jessie <3 Maybe one day I'll write something that will do her justice.
Sometimes tragedy gives us a moment in life to reflect on what should actually be a priority
866 · Jan 2015
I Meant it and I Resent it
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
I wasn't meant to resent,

Yet all I feel is resentment.
*sigh* if anyone has advice on how to let this **** go. I'm all ears
861 · Nov 2014
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
I'll have you think me crazy, to justify my own ineptness.
                Brand me as lazy to ease the regret fest.
                       Bind me in safety nets so I can forget stress.
                             Tell me I'm fine, so I can accept less.
851 · Jun 2015
I can't Ideal
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Maybe it's cause I refuse to give up my ideals

Maybe it's cause I can't live up to them myself

Maybe it's cause they're compromised by how I feel

**Emotions don't always bode well with Ideals
It's hard out here for an emotional idealist
843 · Apr 2015
Lost Cause
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Looking to the Lost
To find yourself

But you won't

Cause two lost
people together
Only ever stay lost.

But at least then
they may just
get lost in each other.
I'm tired of being lost. It's like I'm playing a game of hide and seek by myself! Time to take a look in the mirror...
836 · Nov 2014
Love Anxiety
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
What do you want from me?
Do I frustrate you?  
What does that look, that gleam betray to you?
What do the thoughts that dance behind those eyes say of you?
Are they the same as mine, will they remain true?

And what if those thoughts they changed, would you tell me?
If they somehow get rearranged would you sell me?
Exchange me in your thoughts silently before I see,
another taking my place before I  take leave.

But you don't even tell me them now at the beginning.
No words from a mouth that is kissing.
No words from a mouth so no sinning?
So tell me who here is winning?

And all this goes through my mind as we're kissing
and none of it matters because I'm no longer missing
what it could have been like to be with you
because that which  could have been has become truth.

This one and one has become two
but as the individuals they undo
will you and will I remain too?
Will you and will I remain true?
828 · Apr 2015
Stitch Up
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
I'm just one line

               in a line of long lines

identical to each as you weave

                 same mistake after mistake

 thinking you choose to break

                the habit with each **one
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