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ParisThePoet Apr 2021
Strong as a mountain
Beautiful like a fountain
Unique in every way
Courageous every single day

A mind so filled with possibilities
A body with so many abilities
A spirit with unyielding might
A soul as pure as light

But the darkness in her heart
Is tearing her apart
And every move she makes
The darkness wants to take

Forever in a state of worry
Should she slow down or should she hurry
Sometimes life gets a little blurry
But she can beat it with a flurry

Very special even if she doesn't know
And as she finds herself and grows
The best parts in life will start to show
And when you see her she will glow

Irreplaceable she is
For she fills others with so much bliss
She's an amazing person too
And no one can fill her shoes

She's as deep as a river
Harmonious as a soft tune
Gentle as a dove
And capable of anything
Whatever you're going through just know that there's no one out there that can replace you. So keep going and everything will get better.
GQ James Dec 2020
You ain't gotta be a secret,
You can be my surprise,
No need to keep secrets and tell lies,
Never thought I could feel again,
You changed all that,
You know who you are,
No need to say your name,
This was back in the day,
Things aren't much different these days.

The bond was so pure,
The vibes were so sacred,
Our connection was instant,
I seen something in you from day 1,
I never caught feelings for nobody besides you,
That's how you know what we had was real.

Never been no perfect man,
I always knew we were once perfect together,
Put you through a lot but it's all love,
Nobody could ever take your place,
You're irreplaceable.
Em MacKenzie Apr 2020
Let your mind slip for tonight
forget who and where we are,
alter the wrongs to make them right
return to the sky each faded star.
We could succeed in changing time
turn a foe to trusted friend,
is it even really a crime
to repair what was never meant to bend?

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
hypnotized by the galaxy in your eyes.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
and learn that there’s no need for concern.
You’ll know you’re irreplaceable.

This is just part of who we are,
we couldn’t escape it if we tried,
and even when you’re so very far
you still know I’m by your side.
It’ll be like this forever,
no matter what we do,
things change just like the weather
but never me and you.

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
it’s both beautiful and tragic how fast time flies.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
you were worth the wait and necessary to earn,
you should know, you’re irreplaceable.

And I carefully watch the constellations,
that take form within her deep eyes.
A million blank pages of declarations,
impossible for me to ever summarize.
I measure love from ground to mars,
and how I’ve never felt so complete,
but it spans all across the stars,
the same space where our souls meet.

Even when the sun forgets to rise
you’ll be there lighting up the skies,
you’re the one exception to every rule, none applies.
And if the world can no longer turn
you’ll see that the fire continues to burn,
you’re all I want, I long for and yearn,
you’ve always been irreplaceable.
liv Sep 2018
a bestfriend is unbreakable
firm yet shapable
a living gift learning to drift
away, from her problems
a living comforter made sweet
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
so she stood there,
watching the rays dying,
watching the sun bleeding in yellow and orange,
the moon ready to take it's place,
and at that time,
she realized,
nothing is irreplaceable,
neither the sun,
nor was she.......
teni Sep 2018
i got my sign,
my heart dropped at what i saw.
im not going to whine,
but youve left me in awe.

you are unpredictable,
i know that for a fact.
highly indictable,
yet you think im acting wack?

never in a million years
would i have expected this from you.
you must know im drowning in tears,
and my hearts in need of glue.

i miss you, sweetheart.
i miss everything you come with.
bit by bit it tears me apart,
my heartache aint a myth.

so yes, i want you back.
but please know i have changed.
my heart rid of the black,
i know the rules of the games.

im still the sweet, soft me
that i know you adored,
thats the part only youd see
but i guess you got bored.

i do agree,
this is a thing of the past.
but this time, you and me,
id try to make us last.

ive saved myself for you,
not letting anyone close.
because its no question who
i still love the most.
we both know i could never move on no matter how hard i tried.
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