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815 · May 2015
Butterflies and Slander
Rhianecdote May 2015
When I see you
          I still get butterflies
          And not in a good sense
            Not like the beginning
          Now they're rotting
      Festering deep within
  Desperate to escape
Like mental patients
From the asylum
   Consigned under false pretence
           Cause there's no love here
                           **Just fear
814 · Mar 2015
Lost Property
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Don't lose yourself

In the promise of finding yourself

Cause you were always right here

A person and a place I'd always want near.
Is it true that Only the lost can be found?
814 · Jun 2015
Boo Hoo
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I guess I should grab a tissue
as you start to take issue
with everything I say or do.
It's nothing new
To push away that's what you do,
we're through anyway so it's cool.
I wish you knew my value, it's true
but I expect no less from you

**Do what you gotta do
813 · Oct 2016
Two Shits
Rhianecdote Oct 2016
I see a lot of Take

                        So I no longer Give

Zero ***** also works as a title but London lingo man
810 · Jul 2015
You ain't Free Love
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
Some of these spiritual people
claiming to show you the way
are some of the most
you will ever meet in your life.
I tell you this today.
So be careful as they offer a hand,
claim to help you understand
they may just take your life away.

I see them taking advantage
of the vulnerable,
of young girls who've lost their way.
  Beautiful but insecure,
party life took its toll,
it's just not enough any more
so they exchange
night life for light life
unaware that they've just landed
in another snake pit
concealed with all this Free Love ****. 
When all these men
want to do is justify
sleeping around without
having to commit
and these unloved young girls
just go with it
cause of this "Free Love" ****

You ain't free, love!
They're just using you
for their own profit,
only to cut you off,
steal your voice
when you get upset
cause of this "Free love" ****

**Bun a self proclaimed prophet!
There's a big group of them in a local park of mine, all ridiculously attractive. They kinda seem like all those popular ******* kids in school decided to get up one day wear hamza hands and act all spiritual. I can't lie being at quite a low in myself I toyed with the idea of going up to them to see what they had to offer but I've heard some stories. I try to reserve judgement but I've gotta go off the vibes (the vibes never lie!) and the vibes I got weren't good. If there's one thing I cannot take that is duplicity especially if it involves taking advantage of vulnerable people. Snakes!

I know I only really mention young girls in this but I'm sure a lot of men and women of all ages have been affected.
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
If you wanna be my lover
*** is 50p
Condoms are 1.50
Buy one get one free!
What shocks me the most about us singing this as youngsters is not even the context but the innocence of how underpriced everything is! XD
795 · Dec 2014
Transition Transmission
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
For the longest time I have avoided everything and anything that could potentially cause me stress or heartache. I have forfeited all of my potential in this pursuit. Wound my way around every which way, detour and diversion in a futile attempt to defer the inevitable and now I find myself at a dead end; without a friend.
Diverted my attention to ease any tension, but the constant detour, the long way round leaves a man weary; weary in waiting. Increasing the tension, the anxiety and the depression. Decreasing the fun, the happiness, the opportunity to be content! Because it's not a con, not really. It's a state that I could cross into absent of barriers if they weren't of my own making. No AK's line those gates, no watchful eyes or suspicious minds. Just an imagination creating a nation in its own image ; MY OWN MARRED IMAGINATION perceiving shadows as threats. But shadows they are and shadows they remain, shadows that grow in size and engulf me as I run further and further away. But shadows are only casts of the man; they do not exist without the being. Shadows have been cast but shadows may also be cast out; they are nothing without their maker.
Written over a year ago during a time where great change was needed in my life and I'm glad to say that for the most part I have stuck to such sentiments and it's made all the difference in life. A lot of us are scared of change but  it's important to remember that it is one of the constants in life and as long as that is the case there is always a chance that things will change in your favour.

Its simple maths *******!

Probability ftw! :)
791 · Mar 2015
What are you Waiting for?
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Someone that gets it
Yet offers a different perspective
So sincerely
That I cannot reject it
That's what I'm waiting for...but then again maybe I should just make that someone me
780 · Apr 2015
Now you're Honour your Own
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
You can keep your obligation
You can keep your guilt
Neither are worthy motivation
To clean up what you spilt

Carve them into your
Swords ******* hilt
For the next sucker to swallow
Under the pretense of **help
Sometimes I feel someone with a conscience is actually worse because they knew full well that they were doing wrong, even cared that they were and yet they did it any way.
This is what's hard to forgive and this is what's hard to forget.
772 · May 2015
Tun Up, Get Down
Rhianecdote May 2015
In the early hours
Sat here deciding
That I'm no longer gonna drink.
I don't feel hungover
I don't feel sick
But the low is really not worth it
And it's bad

Very much like I coulda been
last night if things had taken
a different turn
Albeit an unjustified
and unnecessary one.
Undoubtedly why I'm feeling so glum

Caused by "girls"
who can't handle their drink
that would knock
you the **** out if you
looked at them wrong.
Yeah those ones

Putting me on the defence,
Making ****** comments.
Callin me a ponse
Cause they think my friend
Keeps throwing money behind the bar
While we all stand back and let her
But they're wrong.
I don't think that I've ever been
questioned on my generosity
Mainly cause no one
in that regard
has a leg to stand on.

And the fact that my sister
felt the need
to take me to one side and tell me
what they had to say
in the bathroom baffles me.
I try not to read into it
too much cause she's tipsy,
but you're making a point about something and I wonder what is the need?
I haven't felt this uncomfortable
and angry since I was a teen
When I had to deal with
your dumb friends then
and their jealousy.
So quit it,
I'm too old for this ****.

I wonder if it had kicked off,
Would you have backed me?
The fact that I'm not so sure
Has me questioning loyalties.

Cause it got my back up.
It killed my vibe dead.
In fact at that point I would have left
But the only reason I'm here in the first place is for my friend
Yeah you've thrown this
surprise birthday for her,
that you clearly want recognition for,
And it's nice
But you've known her for five minutes
I've known her for life
So relax before you twist in the knife
You know nothing

Got me thinking
when did peoples opinions
that don't matter
start mattering to me again?
Why did I feel like I
somehow had to make amends?
Are these really people I wanna call friends?
And would this scenario have played out any different minus the drink?

Did that one bad vibe skew my perception of that night onwards
Cause I swear these girls were slyly tryin
to hot me up as only females do
That bitchiness wrapped up in banter
but my gut knew
When that lil voice in my head took an inhale of breath and went "ooo"
Backed up by the realest one, the one I like, tellin em to back off
Girls thinkin they're fine cause they got back off, but girls need to back off
cause their attitude stinks,
grown *** women should know better
but oh no they didn't!

Shotting looks at you when you walk off to go talk and dance with the guys.
And they wonder why?
Reminds me why I prefer male company
at times
Cause sometimes they're no better.

When did all this insecurity
creep back up on me?
I think I really need to reevaluate the company I keep.
You know what gets me,
less than a year ago this wouldn't have even bothered me.

It's funny cause less than a year ago,
I didn't drink or party,
it just didn't appeal to me.
I contemplate the reason why I started cause this is far from being carefree.
When you're starting to relate to those who will stand on the edge
of Waterloo Bridge
to test the waters
you're far from happy.
So I stop and think...

**And I know It's definitely time
to stop the drink.
Insecurity and alcohol is just a bad combination all round.
Depression and alcohol is a no go

I'm not good with hate, especially unjustified hate which to be fair most of it is.
768 · Apr 2015
Company Policy
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
I'm Lost amongst the Lost
Surrounded by the dumbfounded
Asking for direction but no one knows the way
Trying to focus in an intoxicated state
Scrambling through the crowds
To find a way out instead of through
Drifting further and further away
from the truth
Growing aloof and resentful
Sticking with the stuck
At a standstill
I choose to stand still
And stare at these people all over the place
These all over the place people
Going 100 miles per hour
But heading nowhere fast
Close eyes
And realise that this way of life ain't for me
Trapped in a vat of social distraction
Too long stuck on repeat
Tired by the tedium
I harbour some eMotion
Sidestep the commotion
But unlike so many
I'm no Escapee...

**I just aim to Break Free
So I can get back to being Me
I hope one day soon to find the balance between being sociable and focused. I think it really depends on the people you surround yourself with and if the company you keep help you to grow and progress. I'm surrounded by a lot of loveable yet apathetic and lost people at this moment in time that I'm sure are destined for better things if only they'd get started (me included lol) sometimes you just gotta break off and do your own thang rather than get caught up in it all. I reached that point quite some time ago now, procrastination just isn't an option anymore.
759 · Jan 2015
Left Unsaid.
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Sometimes there's
nothing more beautiful
than things left unsaid...

                     And sometimes
                      there's nothing
The conflict between endless possibility and certainty is something that leads to the contradiction that is my life.
Each bring their own comforts and pitfalls, possibility allowing for hope, but is it false?
Certainty allowing for self assurance but at the cost of imagination and potential.
751 · Feb 2015
Prophetic Poet
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Ever look back at your poetry and see

That your future was already forseen

Predicted by your inner honesty

Laid down in lines long before the actuality

*Hope can be a beautiful yet natural fallacy
If only acceptance came at the same time as knowing...Hope is quite something
747 · Jul 2015
Solve For Ex
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
And so you're stood here
feeling the Exclusion

Cause now you're the Problem

When once you were the Solution
Deep Times
728 · Nov 2015
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Bambi knew way too much

Far too young

Watched Mama get shot in front

Of eyes and ears just opening

Deafening Death

When Life had just begun
728 · Jan 2015
In Defence
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
There are two reasons why people get defensive.

They are either being greeted with a categorical lie about their nature.

But more likely an absolute but as of yet unaccepted truth of themselves.
728 · Jan 2015
Seal of Approval
Rhianecdote Jan 2015
Seal of Approval,
he claps his
flippers for you.

So it's only right
You throw him
A fish or two.

Bit of light heartedness.
Some pun fun :)
724 · Apr 2015
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
You let them go*

Indulge in some half hearted belief

That if they're meant too

They'll come back

But what if they don't?*

I guess I'll just have to sell the birdcage to Sia
719 · Mar 2015
Up to the Bar
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Spillin** my *****
Killin my spirit
Fillin my cup
Willing I'll feel it
Smile and get waved boys!
718 · May 2015
Let Down Syndrome
Rhianecdote May 2015
Why is it that when someone
lets you down it becomes
a culmination of all the other let downs?

You say that they've always been around
when you know full well that they haven't.
But then can anyone ever be?

It's cool right, cause people got life's to live,
I don't begrudge it, but it just adds to a lil warning sign, a check to Reality

Are we really as close as we claim to be?

I know I've been there for you and you've been there for me

**But are we really as close as we claim to be?
My outlook is looking bright! Ha!
716 · Mar 2015
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Here's to the guy
Who came up to me in
My anxiety fuelled time of need
As I waited for a long overdue meet
At Kings Cross Station
Bag of skittles in hand
Opened them up
And poured the rainbow into
my palm all sweaty
"What's your name?"
"I'm Jack"
And smiled at me.
Left to spread the glee
Amongst the folk surrounding me.
Left me laughing
with this little act of kindness
Made me once again believe
that someone was watching over me,
Sending angels to let me
know it's not so bad really
and offer relief.

And Here's to Jack
Who stood up in class in year 3
And declared his love for me
Incredibly loudly
As I sunk down in my seat
Wishing the ground beneath
My feet would open up
And swallow me.
Made me shy around guys
For a good part of my life

And here's to Jack
Who I met a few years later
With the Ashwarya Rai eyes
Face of an angel, little devil mentality.
Used to get on well, he was funny
beat him at Tekken in play scheme.
Didn't believe it when my friends
told me he was a bit crazy,
Till the next year he fell in
with the wrong crowd and made me
wary with his manic tendencies
Made me cry one time with his teasing,
his spiteful streak
Punched my friend Rosie
Gave her a black eye
cause he was angry
Laughed about it as he got kicked out
Was from a rocky background
It's sad he wasn't even a teen.

And lastly and most importantly
here's to Jak without a "C"
From the Weird Bond-age
 and the most special to me.
A beautiful human being
With a karma chameleon personality
Playing the accommodating game
As he adapts to what you need
Psychology, sociology, Bubbleology?!
Made me happy during a time
I didn't think I'd be
Hot stepped it around the city
With me when I was at my most lonely
Strolling down central streets,
sitting in Maccy D's
having them DMCS
Funny Valentine's dashes
and Christmas eve.
Held my hand and held me
As I cried and denied
My feelings and grief
Accepted me when I was angry
First person I argued with
outside of my family
And though it was stress
You allowed me to express
myself honestly
I loved you before that
but for that I will eternally.
I didn't do right by you
Cause I had nothing left to give
For me independence is key
So I couldn't be what you
wanted me to be
And though
we no longer speak
You're in my thoughts, my heart
and in my memory
For an eternity
You truly touched me you see
and maybe one day
you'll forgive me
And I will myself
But no matter what
I hope you're happy
Cause you deserve to be.
Hmmm I've met a few Jacks in my life, and they've all made an impression, not sure if it's a coincidence or a sign but it did make me think
710 · Nov 2015
Intimacy Bun
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
You know sometimes
You catch me unaware

Like when I'm brushing your hair
And you rest your head on my stomach
But I feel your warmth in My chest
Inhale, Exhale
As I always have
but there's a Change in my breath

And suddenly this moment
Becomes very real,
yet ethereal  
it delicately spreads.
Like my fingers
Through these
Waves cascading
Down your neck
Your beautiful face

It leaves a smile on mine
To be sharing this space with you
In this place with you
Meet your eyes gaze

You call me Rhipunzal
But it's your locks
That give me a way in
Got me appreciating
Little moments like this
The closeness, the bliss
And I may still have a lot more to
Learn about love
But I can feel it here
In the quiet
On your forehead
In my kiss
Vibing to NAO - Adore you
really adds to this feeling <3
695 · May 2015
Cast Away
Rhianecdote May 2015
I know I cared
I'm sure I did
For it had to exist
For me to now feel the absence of it

It's hard not to lose sight in pain
When it seemed any gain came at a loss
Looking at what remains
Weighing up your kind nature as its cost

Used to be someone you could call upon
But now I'll turn you away
Outrightly tell you to *******
Cause I have nothing left to say

And it hurts me

In fact today it made me feel ashamed

Yet I still maintain I need some space

Lone wolf creation, a one horse race

But when a nation
Becomes isolationist
You better hope those bonds within
Don't come loose or snap
Cause when a nation
Becomes isolationist
There might be no coming back...


Forever, Endeavour, Our Women, Our Men

Cast Away the Pain or become a Cast Away in Pain

Again and Again
I remember watchin Child of our Time a while ago. Basically its a documentary headed by Professor Robert Winston (not the cockney bloke think Groucho Marx) that has followed several children from birth trying to discover the secrets of nature vs nurture in shaping personality. In one episode they were following a little girl and showed how the most sensitive, empathetic and caring in the bunch, over time had turned out to become the most matter of fact and the explanation was that they had been met with such disappointment and upset through their kind nature that as a means of self preservation it had now rendered them kinda cold at such a young age. Anyhu it stuck with me, not only cause I can relate, (I was that kid, in fact I think we share the same name) but because it made me sad. If you care a lot sometimes that means you're gonna hurt a lot but I don't feel that caring is ever a bad trait, I think in life we just need to discover the balance of what we should and shouldn't care so much about.

I'd like to believe that the true essence of that little girl and her kind nature very much still remains...
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
I'm tired of shallow people, I'm tired of deep people, I'm just tryna go with the flow people, do what I gotta do to stay afloat people, get in my rubber dinghy and go people. Cause maybe I belong with those boat people, when dry land doesn't understand that I float people. Fish outta water I choke people. So do me a favour and forget I even spoke people...
#deep #shallow #fish #tired
667 · Dec 2014
I'm a Worrier not a Warrior
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
Choose your conflict.*


             ­                       Or

                                      **It's gonna be one
665 · Aug 2015
Preach in Practice
Rhianecdote Aug 2015
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the fake person
As I try to be polite
Extend consideration, be nice, be kind

Cause really you'd have to be blind
Not to see How little time I have to waste
On wastes of time

I'm an **** man
So to see the back of you
I really wouldn't mind

If i could only be arsed man
To look In your direction
If only you had any
to speak of or find
This is what happens when you've spent too much time with people who you like too little. Some company just leaves you Drained or bored, stay round those that make you feel lifted and inspired
664 · Nov 2014
Truth is...
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
A lot of us aren't fully what we make out to be
but a lot of us are sincerely trying to be and I believe beauty still lies in the forgery if you see it for what it is...
663 · Feb 2015
Words Worth
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
There was a time yours
meant a lot to me,
but now they run
over and over
in my mind
on repeat,
haunting me.
Like a hit and run driver,
tax disk empty.
Is that what all
those deep words
filling up
my glass were?

Cruel how words last centuries.
Coming from a writer it sounds like an odd thing but for me any way they really don't mean much without the Action..Or perhaps the words are an action in themselves...
660 · Feb 2015
Ready, Set, Grow...Apart?
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Whatever it is that makes "Us"

I'm Hoping that when we're together you'll Remember

And when we're not, you won't forget.
I guess that's Trust.
651 · May 2015
Lonely Hearts Column
Rhianecdote May 2015
Why is everybody so lonely?*

Reaching out online for someone to understand

But can they hold your hand?

Like I can

Give you a hug with the up most sincerity?

Like me

Can you really recreate that intimacy

Without physical Reciprocity

Or is it all just fantasy?

And yeah maybe

One day you'll meet

But will it just be a novelty

Once you Wipe away the allure of anonymity

Where you can disappear or project with ease

Cause were you even there in the first place

Did you really want to be seen?

And I ask myself

Why is everybody so lonely?

Dismissing all around them with ease

Too afraid to speak

Keeping those in reality at proxy

Serving what need?

The right to anonymity

Cause I don't think you really wanna be seen

True Bonds are too risky

Rather shun that responsibility

In case they leave

Or you want to.

And you wonder

Why everybody is so lonely

When Social interaction has become so empty

People with an inability to truly listen or speak

Cause they're too busy

Heads bowed down to mobile technology

World wide web retreat

Was my guy Jamiroquai right!

Is the Future made of Virtual insanity?

Cause if we're all so connected

Then why is everybody so lonely?

**Cause they choose to be.
In my humble opinion I really don't think that you can beat face to face interaction, I believe that there's something lost when we become detached from this. Its a worry of mine that this fundamental of being a social being is rapidly becoming lost. Social media can be an incredibly anti social phenomenon. I don't know about anyone else but I strive to stay truly connected to those and that around me, anything less in my eyes is a disservice and quite frankly isolating territory.
651 · Feb 2015
Present Tense
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
The Deed may be Past

                                The Lesson for the Future

                  But the Hurt is Present

              *That's why they call it Tense.
651 · Feb 2015
Natures Cry
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Weeping Willow, Weeping Willow
Will you weep for me?
Take this sorrow and this heartache
So that nobody will see.
Use this heavy heart to weigh your roots
And these tears to grow your leaves
So my sadness will never be forgotten
As you bow your head for Me
And out of something weak and rotten
There stands a strong and healthy tree.
written a few years ago...still applies XD
649 · Nov 2015
Happy Daze
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
I cannot make you happy**
It was never my responsibility to

Of course I'd never want to
make you unhappy

But sometimes it's just a symptom of being exposed to the truth
I think this is where a lot of people go a bit off course in life, relying on external factors for things that have to come from within. Particularly in relationships it can be a lot of pressure. I'm not sayin that others can't bring you happiness in life, of course they can but I don't believe that anything or anyone should or could be the sole source of it. Your happiness is ultimately your own responsibility and I feel it is very much linked to ones own self fulfilment in life.
644 · Nov 2014
And I wonder...
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
And I wonder how do I live a life without expectations when all I have are dreams?My hopes my only salvation or so it seems.
644 · Jun 2015
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
It's hard out here for an idealist,
I wanna make everything better
Heal any rifts
You know I hate when people I
care about become strangers,
I feel bereft
I've never lost someone I didn't want to lose outside the parameters of death
Until now
And I actually cannot bear it.

I run through every possible way
I can make it alright for me, for you
At times it feels so simple, so easy
Flood my mind with elated images
Of reconciliation
All the love I could convey in one hug
To show you it really is all love
That I'd be there for you no matter what
That all we shared was real
And that I cared a lot, I care still
But just as I'm about to act
One small thought reminds me how I feel

Cause the thing is I'm an emotional idealist
And emotion doesn't always bode well with ideals
And it can take one thought, to spark one emotion that will send that ideal image to hell

I don't want to look at someone who used to make me smile like no other and feel sad
And I don't want you to look at me see I'm not smiling and feel bad.
I wish you would have trusted me to open up
I could see you were in pain
But I was too afraid to ask
We'd gone too far
I couldn't give up my hopeful ideals of us

Sometimes I wish we would have ended sooner
Like before we begun
Cause if you wasn't ready
You had no business being with me
Being number one
We were friends right? We were close no?
Then why was I rebound? Am I wrong?
But maybe you didn't realize
Until we were too far gone.
People mistake that I want forever
But being truly loved that first time
Would have been enough
Even if it didn't last

Friends Singing Frozen to me "let it go"
I don't want to though
I can't
Frozen in this turmoil
Where nothing can grow

They can say look at the good times,
Remember how happy you were
But now I think
What if they were just a ******* lie?
Doubting my own experience
The frustration and confusion
Enough to make me cry

Should I take comfort in the fact
That I was a comfort to you for my time?
It's a good trait right?
But who gives me mine?
Equality time (remember that?)
Shouldn't things be shared and divided equally
Or is it just a one way street?
Shouldn't love just be given unconditionally?
Would you even accept it off of me?
Or would you just feel guilty?

Sometimes I hate my emotions
Cause they stop me from forgiving you
Walking away from you is the single hardest thing I've ever had to do
And I have to forgive cause I could never forget you
I hope I don't forever regret you
Or dismiss you
I hope one day I'll be able to look you in the eye again, give you a hug
And just let you know that I miss you

**Cause I do, I really do.
One day soon I think I'll just think **** it and go for that hug, cause all this is just a bit much. Sometimes I think if we spent time together again we'd be cool
644 · Nov 2014
The Sigh Life
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
It started on a goodbye
and it ended not on a bang
or a boom
or a high.
Just a sigh,
to fill a space where there were no words left to speak.
#romance #relationships #endings #love #anticlimactic #speechless #sigh
637 · Apr 2015
Miss This Appointment
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
The biggest killer?


It gets us all
636 · Mar 2015
Let it Go, Let it Grow
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
Am I just supposed to keep putting myself in predicaments of pain?
Feeling the impending rejection time and again
Second guessing till I'm driven insane
Losing patience in this waiting game
Unsure if there's anything to gain
Amongst all this loss
Reason I walked away in the first place
Rebounded back as I felt the strain
Hoping things would change
But have they?
Have they changed?
I don't think so
And is it my right to wish it?
Have I changed?
I don't know
And though it's hard to admit it
What I want to grow
Is not what I need to grow
And though I'm reaching my limit
This was all about letting go
From the start right to the *finish
Letting go is one one the hardest lessons we all face in life, but a very necessary one. Part of me doesn't even want to post this, cause I don't want to believe my inner honesty, dang...
631 · Nov 2014
Brown eyes shouldn't cry
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
She wonders if behind her bubbly exterior anyone can truly see her. Her reflection still lingers in the mirror but as she gets nearer it becomes an unrecognisable figure.

Conflicted, constricted as her life is restricted to the kitchen.

Her starsign was on the dotted line of this contract, not to be lived out as Taurus but for us! Them and a community that's idea of unity is spreading rumours about other families between sips of tea.

Sitting head in hands, these boundaries are bound to be the end of me is all she sees.

But this is my life! Why the continual strife? May as well pick up that knife on the side left from breakfast, better act fast and cut me, cut me deep, put me to sleep, Cause I can't walk this path, the one you lay before me.

The red carpet that fades to pink as it's left in the rain. The most I can hope for is the same in terms of my pain, that it erodes as I rust, become a husk of what I was and instead of tread that path, haunt it.
Written for my best friend, cause sometimes it can be hard to reconcile two cultures
Rhianecdote May 2015
Doing work experience
in a nursery, aged fifteen.
All mood swings
and low self esteem.
Feeling self conscious
cause my face was spotty.

Little girl of about 3 
comes up to me and asks
"Do you have chicken pox?"
Proceeds to tell me
What her Mummy
had done to help hers
And if I'm gonna get up from my seat

Cause you may be Moody,
You may be spotty
But you can still come
and play hopskotch with me.

Rid me of my newly found vanity.
Made me laugh so much,
Put me at ease
That level of inquisitive innocence,
Without any judgement,
That blessed naivete.
I don't think there's a
more endearing quality.

**A little one rarely fails to
restore my faith in humanity
I've been studying childhood recently and its hard to argue that it's not a social construct because children often have differing experiences of it. A lot of children grow up too fast and some don't have one at all. Maybe it's western bias but in my eyes it is a travesty because i can't help but think that some of the qualities that children possess (keeping it simple, honesty, the inability to hold a grudge, being mindful)  we could all do well by holding on to in this social construct called Adulthood
Rhianecdote Dec 2014
I don't know if it's good to make light of things that upset you.
I don't know if that joke takes away from the pain.
I don't know if that laugh makes me strong or a liar.
All I know is a good sense of humour has got me through time and again.
Tragedy+Time= Comedy right?
626 · Nov 2014
We're Through...
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
It's sad but true.
And they ask me do I miss you?
And I reply how can you miss someone you're not even sure you knew?

                                  It's sad but true.
621 · Apr 2015
Love Less
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Isn't it funny
How you dismiss the love
Of those who are probably
the most sincere
I've done it quite a lot in life
And I can't even pretend that I care
Cause I don't
When I think about it
There's rarely any stirring feeling there
It's more of an annoyance
That I don't take seriously
Crush your silly crush!
I've audibly told one to just
"Get over it" once

Isn't it funny how
You miss the love of those
that never gave it.
I've done this quite a lot in life
And I can't even pretend that I don't care
Cause I do.
When I think about it
the despairing it stirs just seems unfair
It's an unhealthy preoccupation
That I take too seriously
Weighs heavy and crushes me
Audibly looked in the mirror
And told myself to "Get over it"
Once, twice, or more.
620 · Feb 2015
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
I wonder how far
you can change your personality
and all those susceptibilities.
Those patterns you follow
as you weave your fate.
But is it your own?
Can you trust in those
sense and sense abilities?
Cause personally
I don't know
if this personality
is something you *own.
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
You* shoulda been the one to see me cry.

Maybe that way I wouldn't have to live a *lie.
When you think of all those emotions you bottle up on behalf of others out of your own cowardice and consideration.
609 · Jan 2016
I Do
Rhianecdote Jan 2016
I love you very much

I love you more than I show
And much more than I say

But know
if there's one thing I do
It is love you
598 · Jan 2015
Out on a Limb(o)
598 · Feb 2015
Just cause...
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
Using your past to justify your present
Is the wrong way to go

Use your present to justify a future
and make it a good one bro.
596 · Jun 2015
Let that Sink In
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They call it a depression because it is like sinking.

It's like sinking in a perspex box. You can see the help, you can hear the muffled voices as you start to go under but they just can't get to you.

But what if you realised that that perspex box was in fact a bubble, and that bubbles float and that you could stay afloat until you could see it through. You could see through the haze and see this despair in all its transparency: it's pain and pain subsides, these tides won't take you under. You're not trapped in a perspex box, you're in a bubble, a compromised barrier easily popped and they will reach out to you , their voices will become clear, hold out your hand, lend an ear...listen and they will listen back.
574 · Apr 2015
Lion on the Pains of Africa
Rhianecdote Apr 2015
Pain is like a caged beast

It needs to be released

And that means you can't keep on feeding it

Cause of course it'll ****** come back!
I don't know why but I imagine this being read in David Attenboroughs voice..partly due to the fact that it would be incredibly entertaining to hear him Say "******" XD
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