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11.8k · May 2014
Live proud
Wolf Irwin May 2014
What you put out is returned by the universe,
Karmatic boomerang giving back joy or hurt,
Keep your thoughts positive it makes a impact,
Be happy with life realizing nothing it lacks,
Depression or anxiety attacks,
Are illusions of the mind thats a fact,
A negative mind won't bring a positive life,
Worry about you and just do what's right,
Times arent hard unless you make them,
Dont live in fear of hell or sin,
Mistakes is what they are and you could be in hell now,
Just change up your perspective and live proud.
7.5k · Jul 2014
Be-ing positive
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
Pray for the strength to be positive through the negatives,
If you want to catch a break well first something has to give,
So give your heart and mind to everything you do,
As souls we perform wonders I just wish we only knew,
Unknowing is true wisdom accepting what we can't grasp,
It's ok we have today and it could be our last,
In a way it is because it will never come again,
And all the before and afters are really just pretend,
This moment is peaceful if you recognize it as such,
Life is a blank canvas and you hold the paint brush,
Attachment is derailment for the peaceful train of thought,
If you always want more you'll never be happy with what you've got,
Loving what you have gives you everything you need,
I am as I am this is the true meaning of to be.
7.4k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
We all make mistakes,
That just makes us more connected,
We are all just alike,
We have all be in some form neglected,
Just flaws coexisting,
Trying to find our way,
Trying to find love,
And we will get there someday.
4.0k · Jun 2014
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
A quintessential detrimental light to the dark,
Its essential for potential blooming in our hearts,
Fitting puzzles is no trouble if we do our part,
We can struggle and rebuttal if we only start,
Work together towards the better having piece of mind,
Cut the tether love the weather peace is all we find,
Forget the clock just never stop there's no such thing as time,
Dodge road blocks pull up your socks and just watch for signs.
3.7k · Aug 2014
Love says be.
Wolf Irwin Aug 2014
Anger you deceive me,
Saying "**** them believe me",
Ego you don't know,
But you think you're my hero,
Fear you must hear,
The past is done the future is clear,
Doubt you try to shout,
But I choose to go without,
Worry tries to hurry,
A sad imagination flurry,
Failure you're misunderstood,
You're not the end saying "try you should",
Disrespect you're due to neglect,
I'm sorry it took a while to reflect,
Pain I feel your gain,
Lesson is your true name,
And though you all speak so loud,
I can still say this proud,
When the ego says it knows,
Fear says "we must go",
Doubt says"I don't know",
And worry won't "let it go",
Disrespect just likes a show,
Failure just wants to believe,
Pain just wants to leave,
And anger continues to deceive,
Here stands love,
Telling me to just be.
3.6k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I smile all the time because I don't want to be sad,
I work towards my goals because one day I'll be glad,
I'm on a search so ill start with inside,
And I do fail ill be happy I tried,
Shout out to the movers, the getters, the doers,
Leave the old you behind today couldn't be newer,
I can see in your eyes i can feel through your heart,
Nothings to hard just be willing to start,
This life is a risk so please take your chance,
Might not be a party but still we should dance,
You can cuss at the rain or think of the flower,
You can be super use perspective as power,
Hopped in the rocket told Louie to the moon,
Finally got my chance results coming soon.
3.5k · May 2014
Nature boy
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I'm a nature boy, nature boy,
Breathing in this nature joy,
Listening to this nature noise,
While walking with this nature poise,
Move with the wind when I begin,
Sunrise smile with a sunset grin,
Keep on skating when the ice gets thin,
Stars in my eyes earth In my skin,
Carrying worlds on overhaul,
Ain't broke no sweat not phased at all,
Walk the line while standing tall,
Simply born a natural.
2.7k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Positive through the derogatory,
I use the light as my allegory,
There's a happy ending to this sad story,
**** happens so no need to worry,
You can face it there's no need to escape,
Or spend time replaying the tape,
There's still time as long as you wake,
If you never give up then its never to late,
Fight for love, fight for love,
One mind devine from above,
You should be happy just because,
High on life with a nice buzz,
Love life and it'll love you,
Thats just a fact I know is true,
Theres nothing more that you can do,
But let go of hate and just be truly you.
2.7k · May 2014
Beautiful life
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I choose to be happy because who likes to be sad?
How can we have a good life if all we think is bad?
When the water gets rough the tough ride the waves,
There's better things to do then complain about your days,
Exercise choice to strengthen your fate,
Time is unlimited so its never too late,
If your trapped in your mind escape from that prison,
it's easy just as simple as making the decision,
Close your eyes and really take a listen,
Silence is the noise you must have been missing,
Then open your eyes and view this beauty,
One fact of life is its gorgeous truly.
2.4k · Jan 2015
Surprise, surprise.
Wolf Irwin Jan 2015
I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes were out of tears,
I've seen so much heart ache the last 21 years,
And still here I stand with a smile on my face,
I figure to grow bitter would be such a waste,
Of the beautiful gift my mom and dad gave me,
I hold all the power so I'll use it to save me,
And try as I might sometimes I still get down,
I know the flip side of a smile is a frown,
So I take the bad with the good and remain thankful,
Training this mind to see chaos as tranquil,
With a soul full of hope I have to carry on,
And try to make an inpact before my time is gone,
It hasn't all been good but its all been worth it,
Sometimes wisdom looks like pain on the surface,
Coming to place where you can't handle anymore,
Just shows you your strength and what you can endure,
And so far thats everything because I haven't broken yet,
I wish somethings didn't happen but I have no regrets,
Because the price of pain is knowledge gained,
Like a homeless man begging for change,
Self diagnosed insane because I didn't know my mental,
I think the best thing to do is let this stress make me gentle.

I love you dad.
2.0k · Jun 2014
Crazy world
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Its all just crazy this world I mean,
How do we know whats real? Is it all just a dream?,
Our minds can't fathom the nature of this platform,
Its something you just feel we are one with where we came from,
This tingling aliveness burning in our skin,
Clues left outside that coax us to look within,
To see not with our eyes but simply feel this connection,
The path may be laid out but our heart sets the direction,
Its all apart of what's needed for personal evolution,
Hard times, mistakes, let downs are designed to keep us moving,
I don't know any answers but I do know how to contemplate,
Bound body with limitless being so it's never too late.
1.9k · Jul 2014
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,
Mistakes and setbacks only become facts when I tell myself I'm not worthy,
Of the beautiful lesson hidden inside when perspective finally shifts,
Opening our eyes so we can recognize that truth is our greatest gift,
There is peace and light when the time becomes right for you to acknowledge love,
Experience gained from hurt and pain is a messege from above,
That's just a figure of speech designed to teach us our true place of origin,
Its not about becoming so just stop running and then life can truly begin,
There's nothing to do no goal to pursue except letting go of what your not,
To become your real self and collect all the wealth of everything you've already got.
1.8k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Theres so much that I notice,
And things that I hear,
I use to be so hopeless,
But now I have no fear,
I seen your picture the other day,
You were in that sun dress,
I can remember thinking,
"Without you I'd be a mess",
That I'd simply fall apart,
That I'd be incomplete,
You name was branded on my heart,
But I just couldn't take the heat,
Its funny looking back,
All the memories we share,
I was ready to make a pact,
It doesn't seem very fair,
I'm not really bitter,
But I haven't totally moved on,
I was your baby and you my sitter,
Its hard to believe that your gone,
I'll still be your friend,
But I must redirect my focus,
And realize its the end,
And let go of all the things I notice.
1.7k · Jun 2014
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
I just want to write music,
And lay in the sun,
One life its important we use it,
Before our time is done,
I just want to hang with friends,
Having a blast,
On nights that never end,
Making memories that last,
I just want to lay in the grass,
And stare at the sky,
As the clouds pass,
And time goes by,
I just want to marvel at beauty,
And breathe in the wind,
Let happiness flow through me,
Mix it up to find my blend,
I just want to put stars in my eyes,
And float down stream,
I want to watch birds fly,
And awaken as I dream.
1.6k · May 2014
Mind over matter
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Mind over matter,
Don't mind the things that don't matter,
Don't let negative thoughts make your confidence shatter,
Let's get personal on a stranger level,
See what I did there?,
I see what you did where,
Where you pretend to be victim to your mind living unaware,
Sometimes I seems like you don't know you're pretending,
Spiraling down a scary path your descending,
Seems like this rabbit hole is never ending,
Like I said before its all mind over matter,
In wonderland your the queen, the cat, and the mad hatter,
It's doesn't matter your gender your still Alice,
Chasing this cheese loosing this rat race,
Theres a way out you just transcend gravity,
Look to the coulds take a walk with me,
The easy way up is I guess to take the ladder,
Or you could jump,
Its all mind over matter.
1.6k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Silence is key,
You won't hear much from me,
I just want to hear,
The whole world is a mirror,
Woke up in a dream,
Things are not what they seem,
Your sight has to be keen,
If you know what I mean,
Seeing through the smoke screen,
Guided by the light beam,
Living out the larger sceam,
***** for truth and yes I feen.
1.4k · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Progression is but simply habit,
When you see a chance just simply grab it,
Thinking well turns to acting well,
On positive things i think you should dwell,
Do good when you don't feel like it,
To control your mind doesn't take a psychic,
Theres a super power in spreading love,
Its transcendent like the evolving dove,
Hold strong and keep hope,
In a unforgiving ocean you're an unsinkable boat.
1.4k · Jun 2014
Sleeping demons
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Woke the demons inside to find that monsters aren't real,
Just needed to sort out how I really feel,
Pigs started flying with a beautiful squeal,
Commited to compassion made myself a deal,
Between you or me I see no real difference,
Our bodies run on the same fuel for one simple instance,
Go with the flow cast away resistance,
One foot in front of the other success is persistence,
Go the distance it's really where you've been all along,
Unleash the caged bird to hear the wondrous song,
Life may not seem so short but it's not that long,
Be here now before you wake up gone.
1.2k · May 2014
First glance
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Peace at first,
Seems like hurt,
When you let go of thought you find out what your worth,

It could be through teaching,
It could be through preaching,
As long as to the sky you're continously reaching,

The allegory of the cave,
For those who are saved,
Could be a road well traveled or one unpaved,

If you choose to pray,
Or with conscious you play,
We can go and grow together to start a new day,

Once separation can cease,
And on common ground we meet,
The sun will shine brighter and we shall all know new peace.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
One moment at a time,
Living out purpose,
Many forms with one mind,
Nothing existing is worthless,
Interconnection inherent,
Running in our vains,
This struggle we share it,
Feeling each others pain,
Forgetting  another,
Is forgetting ourselves,
Love is how we hover,
And fly out of hell,
Extended hands for every man,
Will unite this beautiful planet,
Lets take a stand and make a plan,
Lets make a wish and grant it.
1.1k · Sep 2014
Wolf Irwin Sep 2014
Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we learn,
Every ounce of wisdom is something that we earn,
The pages of life they constantly turn,
So self judgment should soon be adjourned,
The doorway is open we need just endure,
Make sure to **** out all the negative allure,
A beautiful future is something we ensure,
Life is subjective by how we infer,
Anger, fear and resentment cloud our sight,
Things might go wrong but that's only a might,
Why think so low when you could take flight?,
Why love any less when it's a new height? ,
Switching perception can feel kind of strange,
Its practiced in aim not from your range,
It's less of losing and more of exchange,
For a better inner world to be self contained,
There we are for so long we've concealed it,
Door number 3 has finally revealed it,
A letter to our hearts and now we must seal it,
Don't think about feeling life and just feel it.
1.1k · Jul 2014
I am
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
My body will die but I will always be,
They could lock me up but I'll remain free,
I could lose my eyes and still I would see,
That anything could happen and I'll still be me,
I am not my thoughts, I am not my looks,
I am not the bad I've done or the chances I have took,
I am not the scared little boy whose knees once shook,
I am not any knowledge I've learn in any books,
I am a kind hearts biggest fan,
And I happened to be born as a man,
I'm a well orchestrated plan,
Ask my identity I'll say I am.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
I met the sun at the horizon,
Asked what are we doing today?
What was said was surprising,
He told me we're just going to play,
That life isn't so serious,
Although we make it so,
The thought is just delirious,
And thinks its the soul,
I met the moon in the constellations,
Asked how was her night?
Had a beautiful conversation,
About how life was a plight,
Reality is a choice,
Wise words from a friend,
Experiences stitch together our voice,
There's always kindness to lend.
1.0k · May 2014
Hang on
Wolf Irwin May 2014
You been hanging by this thread for so **** long,
And the skin of your teeth is almost gone,
Like walking on ice through a torrent snow storm,
Wondering to yourself will you make it to dawn,
Just relax it's not over yet,
In the casino of life sometimes you gotta bet,
If you lose big you should never regret,
Should you change for the best or blend in with the rest,
If your hearts hold many burning desires,
You hold the matches why not light this fire?,
Chase after your dreams untill you legs get tired,
******* your wings if you wanna go higher,
One step at a time just remember to breathe,
Atleast your closer to earth if your brought down to your knees,
The bright side is what you should  to see,
Live right now let go and be free.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Own devices
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Problems come tailor-made so there's no one-size-fits all solution,
And sometimes we might feel like we should just be in a mental institution, I know it can be daunting and confusing sometimes,
But just keep searching what you seek you shall find,
When left to our own devices remember there's no better technology,
And we'll be sorry for so long untill we accept our own apology,
If you're treading water in the same place atleast you're still afloat,
Never give in, never give up, and never lose hope,
You can take my two cents straight to the back this you can quote,
Life might not be so funny when you're the punchline of the joke.
1.0k · Sep 2014
Wolf Irwin Sep 2014
A breath of the highest grade,
Destiny coming taylor made,
The pursuit is gradual,
And the path is magical,
Sick and tired of being tired and sick,
Just holding on while i'm getting a grip,
So close we can taste it,
Consciousness is the latest,
Society ringing in my ear drums,
They won't pay attention so we had to steal some,
What's the course but if not to know,
But to smell, but to hear, but to touch, but to grow,
Tip toeing down this wondrous junction,
Of fundemental simple dysfunction,
Frame by frame we watch through this movie,
Walks in the rains have been noted dually,
Grief should probably bother me more then it does,
Staying positive like it's the only choice that there was,
Impartial thinking to what transpires,
Set backs open opportunity to Inquire,
Expression manifests through tribulations,
The spring has dawned on this hibernation,
"What's the word?" We cry out in fear,
The end has gone the beginning is near.
997 · May 2014
Star crossed
Wolf Irwin May 2014
I'm star crossed and kind of lost,
On my way but it's safe to say,
My destination may change,
Like the season do,
And one things true,
I'm still going still going,
Im up stream still down for rowing,
Light guides me,
The one hides me,
From evil and tyranny,
We are only human and thats fine with me,
What is life?  
Its the birds chirp and the zebras stripe,
Only together can we reach new hights,
Lets hold hands while we venture the night.
958 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Music infused this idea to my soul,
That its nothing for words yet can't go untold,
This feeling, this burning that can't be controlled,
At its worst its worth can't be measured in gold,
If your selling a tune then count me as sold,
I'll open my ears as it's message unfolds,
Its heat for the heart when your feeling so cold,
When it's right its just like a sight to behold,
If you have eyes that realize then its time for a show,
The truth flows so smooth just get ready to know,
Packed all of your baggage and its time that it goes,
Its sun light so bright that it melts all the snow.
848 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Saw this girl I said "**** what you doing down here?",
She said "Uh excuse me? Could you be more clear?",
I said "Did jesus come back and bring you along?",
"Because girl when I saw you all my composure was gone!",
Lost for words so I spoke with my heart,
I said "God must of used his paint brush on you to define masterful art",
She giggled a little with the cutest shinning grin,
So I marvelled at her beauty took a pause and then,
I took a leap of faith and asked "Coffe sometime?",
She replied "That would be lovely so I told her "The pleasure was mine!",
She kissed me on the cheek just to seal the deal,
My knees got weak I wondered "Is this forreal?",
Last thing I remember is her gorgeous green eyes,
Wrote my number down quick but to my surprise,
She slipped hers in my pocket,
I was on top of the world flying in a rocket,
I wore that smile the rest of the day from ear to ear,
But she never answered my question what was she doing down here?
844 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
821 · May 2014
Don't give up
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Don't say a word because it's written all over your face,
Far too long have you been stuck in this desolate place,
Its ok I know trust me I've been there before,
And all I use to do was knock on the door,
Wondering and waiting for anyone to answer,
Plagued by stress negativity was my cancer,
I don't regret a thing because the dark made me see the light,
And being wrong for so long helped me get my mind right,
The grip of depression isn't as tough as it appears,
You drive your own life so why don't you steer?
There is a way out just think postive and love,
Then suddenly comes a sign from above,
You are not a lost cause or a loser, never was,
I wish I was there now so i could give you a hug,
You try and you try and still you can't do,
Sometimes you can't believe this is really you,
Well I tell you it's not, relax and you're not alone,
We are all just trying to follow the bread crumbs home,
And you'll always beable to find a friend in me,
Your own true beauty is what I can't wait for you to see,
Don't give up yet I know you can find a way,
And just know I'll be here to help untill that faithful day!
808 · Aug 2014
Wolf Irwin Aug 2014
Did alot of talking when I didn't know how,
I think its about time that I take a listen now,
I use to always think that I was nothing but right,
But now i know I need some silence in life,
Quiet in my mind, quiet in my heart,
Quieting my mouth was the easiest part,
While always speaking I heard nothing new,
So mistakenly I did all I thought I could do,
That was farthest from true and now I know
I've much more to see and alot less to show,
I was tired of here I wanted over there,
I always complained that the world wasn't fair,
Only now after pain can I finally see,
I was always right where I needed to be,
I couldn't wait to get home from the time I was 10,
Only now do I see that's where I've always been,
And silence was key to unlocking happiness,
Just as hurt was essential to reaching all this bliss.
793 · Aug 2014
Wolf Irwin Aug 2014
Keep searching old soul you might find something you missed,
Like there's more then one way to realize true bliss,
And one common component most people choose to dismiss,
It's that reality spawns from our own consciousness,
When we get to know ourselves we call it spiritual,
The highest of truths we consider imperial,
The circle of life is actually more spherical,
It's something so simple yet nothing short of a miracle,
Imagination's best used when it is positive,
So envision a joyful future for yourself to live,
Keep open eye's life's not always descriptive,
Life is fair so don't be a bit vindictive,
I can say for certain I'm utterly amazed,
How many different ways there are out of this maze,
The path is clear once you have eyes to see through the haze,
Get out of the daze and live In peace the rest of your days.
761 · May 2015
Natural accord.
Wolf Irwin May 2015
Is that my mind in the lost and found?,
Oh, nope false alarm, you can call off the hounds,
I'm on my way with nowhere to be bound,
Just walking my legs on this common ground,
Followed my heart down some old lonely road,
The weight on my shoulders isn't such a big load,
I listen to the wind to learn my own ode,
Flushed all my problems down a fancy commode,
On a sinking ship yet won't go overboard,
Is life really so bad I mean, dear lord!,
Did you get my letter about the shield and sword?,
I follow the law of natural accord,
Born mushy as hell with a stiff upper lip,
Born ready to win, destined never to quit,
One day at a time and that's about it,
The elixir of life I just took a sip!,
The best of both worlds is found in this one,
If you think you're finished you've only begun,
We dance in a circle like the moon and sun,
Living out my life and its all just for fun!,
Its always been free to pay your attention,
Every moment contains divine intervention,
Cashed some gold into my spiritual pension,
Stretched my mind with all of this tension,
Blessed in ways i don't understand,
Boy at heart in the body of a man,
Everything happens as apart of a plan,
We're all one tribe, we all are one clan.
Natural accord attention moment cashed divine spiritual free ship overboard worlds quit never ready win born hell stiff lip lord dear sinking letter sword shield lost found one tribe clan alarm false
760 · Jun 2014
Being free
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Speak positivity into existence,
What persists is due to resistance,
Let go and just be free,
Coexist as the singular we,
Loving honestly never hurt anyone,
Hope rises with the morning sun,
Engulfed in beauty the world is truly,
Synchronized with our thoughts smoothly,
Reality is but a dream,
Our bodies an illusion it seems,
So have no fear, stand tall,
Nothing lasts forever, after all.
735 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
If you want to understand where I'm coming from then take your mind to the darkest place it can go, build your wall to keep others out so high that it surpasses the stars and beyond. Closed your mind, lose hope, and let hate engulf your being completely. Then imagine living like this for 10 years. All of the sudden one day, for whatever reason, you consider the fact that maybe your wrong and that there is still good in the world. That your not alone and being happy is a choice not a circumstantial emotion. Realize only in complete darkness can you truly appreciate the light. Realize there is a reason for existence and its to find our way home while loving and aiding others in the same journey. Us humans, we are just billions of pieces of the same puzzle and only when we fit together can we perceive the bigger picture. We may be at different levels but those levels are just different steps on the same staircase. Maybe if you can consider even trying to see me with eyes of understanding, them maybe I can understand you too.
696 · Jul 2014
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
Life at hand living out the plan,
It just might not be ours,
Is what we have to understand,
Everything happens as it should or it would not,
Happen at all is something I think everyone forgot,
It's not my plan? It's not my plan?,
Oh but it is blessed with free will as man,
And woman all the same theres noone to blame,
For our own misery,
So own your solution happily,
If something doesn't look right then change how you view,
You can see a different way if you want,
Theres really nothing to it,
Life isn't so bad once you become thankful,
There's lessons in life and they will make you feel tranquil,
So live your choice and rejoice at the chance,
To be alive and hear music and have a moment to dance.
691 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Wake up my brother,
You're not what you think,
Wake up my sister,
And your problems will shrink,
Simply keep talking,
Someone is listening,
Simply keep loving,
The sun is glistening,
Speak your truth,
With no regrets,
All you can do,
Is do your best,
Hold on tough,
But remain kind,
Search inside,
And Peace you'll find,
It's never the end,
Unless you say,
Wake up my friend,
This is a beautiful day.
670 · Jul 2014
Everything we are.
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
Oh no I don't have alot but I do have so much,
When I think of how I'm blessed in unseen ways and such,
To often we forget the power of a kind word, a simple touch,
We tell ourselves life is bad yet it is anything but,
Freedom and love are just states of mind,
Peace comes in breaking free from our binds,
And letting who we are truly meant to be shine,
Living in happiness one beautiful moment at a time,
Kindness infused intrinsically in our DNA,
I hope I do live long enough to see the day,
The human collective conscious masters a way,
To let go of fear and love is here to stay.
656 · Jun 2014
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Cold sweats and hot flashes,
Soot covered eye lashes,
Being as the time passes,
Separating from the masses,
Stone cold with a warm heart,
Lifes a show just playing my part,
Sprinting towards dusk from the dark,
One of a kind on Noah's ark,
Keep a stash of motivation,
Coupled with determination,
Collect my thoughts like condensation,
Seeing hope in this sightless nation,
Opportunes I've had a few,
Bowed my head at the churches pew,
Its all apart of this fresh view,
Each days a blessing to start a new.
628 · May 2014
A leap called Faith.
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Stumbling to the edge of the cliff,
Fear is nowhere to be found,
As I stare into the void,
A noise escaped,
Was this my thoughts?

Hearing silence is odd,
You can feel this sound,
With the beast circling over head,
I rethink my intentions,
Who I thought I was is simply holding me back.

I out grow my shell to become what I might be,
With toes dangling over edges,
Waves crashing underneath on rocks bellow,
Its hard to believe what I think I know.

Yearning for a greater sense of connection,
With winds of change pushing at my back,
As I prepare for this leap of faith away from belief,
I think back one last time,
Fear is tapping my shoulder again,
I look ahead to see love standing with arms wide open,
The dynamic of my mind will never surely be the same,
Gathering courage as my knees bend,
Wondering where in the water I'll land.

I jump into what I perceive as free fall,
I was free but I was not falling,
Illusions peel away from encasing my being,
I began to spread my wings and fly off towards the horizon of truth,
Finally, finally I'm on my way home.
622 · Jun 2014
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Quality beats quantity any day of the week,
And if you want to be strong first you have to be weak,
This great existence is anything but bleak,
You have to keep climbing in order to reach the peak,
Listen carefully mother nature she speaks,
In the sound of the wind and from the eagle's beak,
To enjoy the cool first you must feel the heat,
Just dance to the rhythm of your own heart beat.
609 · Jun 2014
Her eyes
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Can I look into your eyes I want to see the stars,
Trapped behind hate untill she broke those bars,
I could roast marshmallows with the warmth in her heart,
I could tell you of her beauty but I wouldn't know where to start,
Words don't exist that could explain her love,
But I'd sing them to the heaven's if there was,
Perfection In a soul is who she is in a sentence,
Between her and an angel I could never tell the difference.
590 · Aug 2014
Really us.
Wolf Irwin Aug 2014
Every move you make,
Shapes your reality,
So the next step that you take,
Should follow morality,
Don't conform for heavens sake,
That's a fatality,
Be true to you don't be late,
We form abnormality,
It's a crime wasting time thinking joy we will find,
Outside ourself there's no help just our own peace of mind,
You may be lost and thats fine please just follow the signs,
You can swerve and hit the curb life is not a straight line,
Every choice that you choose,
Could enhance happiness,
And there is nothing to lose,
If your heart is of bliss,
What do you have to prove?,
That's nonsense just quit,
It's not what you see it's how you look at it.
579 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Spirituality is my mentality,
Its my life style too,
If you have the audacity to act passively,
Well then thats on you,
Personally it brings out the worse in me,
And thats the truth,
I'd rather die alone and on my own,
Then with the wrong group.
553 · Jun 2014
To be.
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
I just want to be happy,
Nothing more, nothing less,
I just want to learn lessons,
And pass lifes tests,
I just want to enjoy being,
Free from thought completely,
I want the eyes to see,
The miracles that meet me,
Discouraged at times,
Its called being human,
And I know ill realize,
But i don't want to wait for when,
I know thats fantasy,
and those thoughts serve no purpose,
Wishing for what we don't have,
Will surely only hurt us,
Somedays are harder then others,
To just let go and be free,
But thats just life,
I just want to be me.
551 · Jun 2014
Conspicuious life
Wolf Irwin Jun 2014
Living serendipitous,
Learning lessons so conspicuous,
Every sight a beauty,
I live by natural law so sue me,
Choice turned to destiny,
Growing into the best of me,
I lend a hand when I can,
Just a boy pretending to be a man,
Not born with strength it's something I'm learning,
Experience is wisdom it's something I'm earning,
I wear trade marks of a broke heart,
Glad I hit rock bottom so I knew where to start,
Together we can grow like a transcendent forest,
Every life can help from richest to poorest,
From every walk of life come different steps,
Nothing can hurt us we are our only threats.
549 · Jul 2014
Life trials.
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
I planted seeds in my head because I want my mind to grow,
I want to understand not just say I simply know,
If you really pay attention fast happens so very slow,
I know we share this light by the way that your eyes glow,
If someone makes you mad then you gave them your permission,
And I hope we all make it I don't care for competition,
I have to take a stand and love is my position,
You'll never lose your way if you follow your intuition,
Repeated situations can train our eyes to see,
That it's a choice not just chance to live life happily,
They tell us "be what we want" then they won't let us be,
I had to turn around and tell them "all I am is me",
You become what you are by realising what you're not,
I want you to think free and forget about the box,
We're from different walks of life but we share the same sox,
And there's no need to rush because time is all we've got.
543 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Hello mother I wanted to take a moment to say,
That I'm not quite as bothered on this eleventh of may,
Although your body is gone I know you are around,
I can feel you in the sun , I can hear you in all sounds,
Your time seemed short and my pain seemed endless,
I wrote your name on the top of my wish list,
I can finally speak your name and think of good times,
If theres any light in me you're the reason I shine,
So proud to be your son, so proud to share your blood,
Your love sweeps away my worry like a cleansing kindness flood,
I can think back and learn from the things you've said,
I choose to only remember the laughter instead,
You fill my heart with joy,
I'm still your little boy,
Although I was only apart of your time,
You were my whole life and apart of all of mine,
I miss you just as much as if it happened a second ago,
But I'm finally ok with what I've come to know,
Hello mother I just wanted to take a moment to say,
I think of you every moment and happy mother's day.
Love happiness mothers day may acceptance
534 · May 2014
Wolf Irwin May 2014
Harmony is not far from me,
Kind of startled me that it's apart of me,
Delighted see because my heart is free,
Locked in hate? Love is the key,
Happiness is not a wish,
It's just a choice to feel the bliss,
Natural law we abide by this,
Eyes open life's serendipitous,
Time won't fail so use it well,
The world is lost its not hard to tell,
Into a spell I deeply fell,
The train won't stop so ride the rails,
It isn't over untill it's done,
Just have fun and use your lungs,
If you wait your time will come,
There's no shadow if you face the sun.
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