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What shall I liken your power to Lord?, the strength of an ox?
NO! God thy power is like thy love.

Thy wisdom Father shall I compare it to the knowledge of man?
NO! Father thy wisdom is like thy love.

Thy glory Father shall I compare it to the light of the sun?
NO! Lord thy glory is like thy love.

And why Father do I compare theses things to thy love. . .
thy love . . . is infinite.
I was  burdened with writing a poem of praise to God as a being but I failed to find anything on this earth to compare to his greatness.
But then the epiphany struck me like lightning. I could use the fact that everything is in inadequate to God to describe his greatness.
For the first time,
I'm focused on me.
For the first time,
I can look ahead,
without trying to see someone else.

With you,
It is easy to quiet my mind.
With you,
I'm not focused on what's next.

Who would have thought
that it would take a great love
to forget my worries;
To see my future laid out before me.

Not our future....
MY future.
And it all seems so easy.
*With you.
J M Surgent May 2014
She’s different,
She’s great,
She’s nothing like
The other 5,000
I’ve ever met,

I say.
'Tis true, I say.
Craig Harrison May 2014
Crafted like a diamond
with the hands of the greats
Van Gough, Da Vinci
put together like Cubism
with the vision of Picasso
A mind like Shakespeare, Dickens
Intelligent like Artificial Intelligence
Envisioned by God
A perfect being
and made into the best, the most perfect person

Made by perfection into perfection
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
ElizabethS May 2014
Im just a boy
They like to call gay
Ive heard all the words
They say it everyday

I can't go anywhere
Without getting some stares
They whisper in ears
The pain I can't bare

Why can't I be normal
Be like all the rest
Why can't I be straight
I pray and protest

But the prayers do not work
For theres no one around
I wait for the day
To live in the ground

I try so hard to change
I don't like myself
This isn't fair
I search for help

I find a light
That guides my path
I start to wake up
I breathe and I laugh

I know who I am
I let it be known
The darkness has left
And my spirit has grown

I hold my head high
And my feet float off the floor
Push away the sadness
I once felt before

Ive found my true love
He's just like me
Perfect in all ways
We both share are glee

I accept who I am
Im never a fake
This is who I am
So give me a break

If gay is so wrong
Let these words be sung
Your important and loved

Im not gay, but I understand how it feels to be ostracized. Share this with anyone who feels like being gay is wrong, is hurting or being bullied because of their sexuality. Lets get this treading:) it can save lives
ElizabethS May 2014
You wake up from a deep sleep
The only break you'll ever get
From the pain that never goes away
And the world that tries to bet

You see flowers blooming in the garden
Spring has arrived and winter has past
But the coldness that lives inside you
Will continue to last

Stop following me
I've had enough of this
I told you a million times I'm done
But the invisible shadow holds on tight
There's no place you can run

The school bell rings it's awful ring
Your late again it's no surprise
You wish the people surrounding you
Could see the pain that fills your eyes

One hour feels like a day
And a minute like a few
Staring at the clock
Is now the only thing you do

I don't know why it must be me
To have to deal with this
Or anyone for that matter
It only makes you ******

I just want to feel normal
And be who I want to be
Be like the ones who walk around with no fears
No amount of words can express
How much I want that to be me

I've tried so many things
I mixed so many potions and creams
I'm still waiting for the day
Where I can finally live out my dreams

To show everyone who I am
And how much I can do
To prove to all the heartless
How much I have improved

But still the shadow follows me
It wraps around my heart
It waits for me to give up
It waits deep within the dark

It feels like the end
I can never get a grip
Get away I always yell
But I fall and I trip

Down I fall over and over
The light becomes distant and grey
My curtains close and lock
The dark is where I lay

For my life is like an ocean
That is trapped inside a sphere
A ruthless demon shakes and stirs it
A silent scream is all I hear

I've tried the pills
And I've count to ten
But I'm still trapped inside this darkness
An ink cartridge in a pen

I try to unlock the doors
To shove the darkness out
But darkness always wins
I'm stuck within this drought

I'm struggling to breathe
And I shake with every move
I'm still searching for that holy grail
That will **** the pain and soothe

It might be days
It might be years
I may never find a cure
But I know that I am stronger than most
Because of all I have endured

So as I turn off the lights to go to sleep
I know it's not the end
But I know I'm one step closer
To say goodbye to my best friend
Just a poem I wrote while having a panic attack:P
Tori Hart May 2014
You sat on the other end of the table
Glistening, shining, and taunting me
Rosy cheeks with spurts of Yellow and Green
Silently teasing
A juicy, little Apple.
Hopefully no one would see me, no one would pay any attention
As I grabbed the treat and the knife
And began to dangerously peel.
I knew I was doing it wrong
My hands shaking while my cheeks began to flush
Embarrassed by my ignorant inadequacy.
Are you left-handed? she asked from my left.
Humiliation filled the corners of my eyes, wet and distraught.
No, I mumbled. My cheeks reflecting Mose's Red Sea.
I was beginning to drown.
Your thumb needs to move, You make me nervous,
and she sounded nervous indeed.
Put it down here. Help yourself control it. Guide it.
Everyone was staring now, the whole table awed
My ignorance showing, like a medallion at my chest
My shameful Apple as pathetic proof.
You're doing it wrong.
Non così. Basta, faccio io.
Let me do it.
You're about to graduate, and you can't peel an apple.
I began choking, drowning in tears of Humiliation.
No, let her do it the small Voice on my left said.
She is finding her way. Let me watch her.
I finished peeling the Apple
Suffocating my tears as I ate.
You remind me of Daisy, she said soon after
From The Great Gatsby.
I choked and laughed, more ashamed than ever.
I'm not sure that is a compliment.
I could barely muster a mumble.
She couldn't do anything by herself.
She looked at me, gentle and forgiving.
I think it is, she replied
Wistful and Wise.
Daisy was vital to the story, you know.
And I believe that given the chance, she could have done anything that she wanted
*On her own.
"Sbagliando, si impara."
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