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525 · May 2020
Note 420:
Vic May 2020
a poem every day

no poem today. just high
501 · Nov 2020
Note 498:
Vic Nov 2020
[14:33, 19-11-2020] did i just get my *** hurt over someone who doesn't like me? yes. yes i did
[14:56, 19-11-2020] we sat together in geography (and every other class. it's basically a rule that me, him and my best sit together every lesson) and we touched arms the whole lesson
[14:56, 19-11-2020] and we kept touching feet in math yk
[14:57, 19-11-2020] i could feel it but i couldnt look up because i was dissociating
[14:57, 19-11-2020] like they touched but we didnt move
[14:57, 19-11-2020] and i nearly sat on his lap in the break
[14:57, 19-11-2020] so anyways i crave affection and he makes me feel so genuinely happy it's disgusting
[14:58, 19-11-2020] but when he walked out of the school he just looked at me and left without saying anything or waving or sum yknow
[14:59, 19-11-2020] and like that's okay, we aren't dating or anything, but it seemed out of place
[14:59, 19-11-2020] at least today
[14:59, 19-11-2020] and he's in a different classroom in the test week so i won't see him anymore til the 30th
[14:59, 19-11-2020] that's 11 days and it makes me sad
[15:00, 19-11-2020] i might see him but i don't think so
[15:01, 19-11-2020] i feel so disgusting like why do I have to fall in love and why now with him it's terrible ****
[15:01, 19-11-2020] : i can't go a week without drama in my emotions
A poem every day

my name's leaf.
498 · Nov 2019
Note 237:
Vic Nov 2019
Drapetomania (n)
The overwelming urge to run away
A poem every day.
493 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
Yeah, You're really easy to write about. Some people are hard to capture. Not because they aren't 'deep,' but because they just don't have that thing. That thing that makes you turn your head around again becuase you just want to have another look at those eyes. Maybe this will help explain. You have people, and some of those people are really good at writing. And some aren't. Now imagine if you take a really good writer, and someone who struggles with it, to write a poem that captures the beauty and feeling of, for example, a broken window. Someone who's good at writing, good at seing the beauty and the broken in things, can write it down with so much ease. On the contrary, someone who doesn't see it, it's way harder to write everything just about right down. I feel like I'm one of those people who can turn everything into poetry. And you said, you never expected someone to write about you. But I know, and I'm sure of it, that if you ever met another poet, they'd write about you too. Because every poet I know, would turn their head around too.
I sound stupid af but this dumb **** needed to get out.
491 · May 2019
Note 74: shitpost
Vic May 2019
The next poems
Will be shitposts
Because I'm on vacation
A poem every day.
486 · Jan 2019
A little bit more of us
Vic Jan 2019
And you.
Basically all I write about,
My poems start to get boring I think.
But it's all I think about.
Our lies
Our secrets
Our fights
Our stories
Our love
Our friendship
Or at least what's left of it,
Always here, never there
You're my poetry
I write to much about you, And I.
Is it bad tho?
Always on my mind,
Always in my poems,
If Only you knew, if anyone did...

It's just my mind.
That I want to be the one to speak her name as mine
thank you, next.
486 · May 2019
Note 50: Please don't
Vic May 2019
Please don't spoil endgame...
A poem every day.
483 · Feb 2019
Part 1, Poetry.
Vic Feb 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 1, poetry
Poetry. Pieces of someone's soul. That feeling  When you love a poem, any. When you realise it's worth it and when your head is full of poetry. When You can look at anything and feel happy, like a true poet. When you look at the ink on your fingers and wish you had forever to write poetry and read it just because you can. Live.
A 13 Reasons Why inspired poem
482 · Apr 2020
Note 389:
Vic Apr 2020
i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red

Oh, Hannah
I wanna feel you close
Oh, Hannah
Come lie with my bones
Oh, Hannah
Don't look away
Oh, Hannah
Just look at me the same
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
(Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah)
Oh, Hannah
Tell me something nice
Like flowers and blue skies
Oh, Hannah
I will follow you home
Although my lips are blue and I'm cold
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah
Oh, Hannah
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend
I don't wanna be your friend I wanna be your *****
And I wanna touch you but not like this
The look in your eyes
My hand between your thighs
Oh, this can't be real
Its all just a dream
I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips
I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend
Lose my breath
I don't wanna be your friend
Lose my breath
A poem every day.

cant describe it any other way baby
470 · Dec 2020
Note 548:
Vic Dec 2020
I wish I was a riot grrrl - Destructo disk

wish I was a riot grrrl, a riot grrrl punk
Fighting for equality and smearing all the chumps
Across the walls of the local clubs
Fueled by feminism and hard drugs
I like to talk politics i like to strike fear
In all of the oppressed men that'd stand in my way
I'm not your plaything
I’m a ******* queen because who needs a king

I wish I was a riot grrrl, feminazi punk
Not your average ordinary day job girl
I won’t take your abuse
Quit acting like a ***** and making up excuses
Girl, hanging with Bikini ****
Female empowerment fills up the room why men
A never ending movement
All of these things make me wish I was a riot grrrl

I wish I was a riot grrrl, that would be cool
Taking what you know and breaking all the rules
Screaming in your face till your ears get tender
Teaching you a thing about race and gender
I’d like to kick your ***
Yeah that sounds fair
Hiding my brutality behind dyed hair
Men with guitars they don’t know ****
And if they wanna talk **** they can meet me in the pit

Girl, hanging with bratmobile
If i can’t hit those high notes, i’ll just squeal them
Into the crowd, its where i belong
Undercover feminine punk rock
Called riot grrrl
Riot grrrl
A poem every day
Vic Mar 2019
A lot of photo's
Are taken every day.
But a few are really special.
So many memories,
Shared with my friends.
The world tears us apart.
But we stick.
The problem is,
Will you still remember me,
If these pictures are lost and gone?

< >
I'm writing a small poem every day, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #3
Vic May 2019
I don't think there's something like life after death.
Isn't life and death just a lightswitch? It'll take a little time to install the lightswitch and then your body is here. When you turn on the light your soul is here and when you die the lightswitch goes off. And Only your body is left, the extinguished lightbulb.


It's 2AM, get some sleep.
~ Note to self

If you want to talk about this "theory" or anything else feel free to mail me on hellopoetry.
464 · Nov 2019
Note 243:
Vic Nov 2019
Happy f×cking birthday to me :)

At least it's another year closer do death.
A poem every day.
455 · Sep 2019
Note 181:
Vic Sep 2019
Waking up from a dream
not knowing if I'm really awake
Am I remembering a memory?
or is this thing inside my head a dream?

Days go by and I don't know
memories are overflowed by dreams
I look around and wonder
What if this was real?
A "poem" every day.

He wrote this. A long time ago.
447 · Sep 2019
Note 193:
Vic Sep 2019
That's the thing with life,
No one makes it out alive.
A "poem" every day.

(Knock knock it's another musical)
447 · Jul 2019
Note 110:
Vic Jul 2019
If it involves you, pasta or sunsets count me in.
A "poem" every day.
444 · Nov 2020
Note 497:
Vic Nov 2020
Under the table in math class
I feel your foot touching mine
And for the first time in a long while
I can say for 45 minutes, that I'm fine
It's times like these that make me better
Like when I'm nearly lying on your lap in the break
I know I love you, so I'll miss you
If you would run away, I hope it's me you'd take
A poem every day

He's more of a must than a want right now. I need him with me
Vic Jun 2019
I fell of the stairs for the 2nd time today.

(This is a joke ssshhh)
(I did fall off the stairs though)
A poem every day.
Vic Sep 2019
Yes, feelings ****. Not that I have a lot of them, but the ones I have **** me up, and mess with my brain, body and mental health. The only place I still feel genuine hapiness is with you. I'm happy in a lot of other places, with a lot of other people. And I wouldn't wanna change those moments. But I'm never the same happy I am with you. I've never felt something quite like that hapiness. I used to see you pass by in the hallway, and still, if I pass you by, my eyes light up a little. It used to be hard to find you in a crowded place, now your face is the only face I seem to find. You don't wear colorful clothes, but you always catch my eye. You light up those really dark places, just by being there. You don't even need to smile. I don't think a lot of people see that. I don't think you see that. But I do. And I don't think I would still be able to see in the dark without that light. I'd stumble and fall, over and over again. And it's okay if I have to walk there, alone in the dark, for a little while, because I know that if I'd fall again, you'd be there to catch me. Maybe not now, Maybe not everytime, but someday, in the future, It may be.
M sorry
441 · Jun 2019
Note 77: And I oop-
Vic Jun 2019
Ugh it's so hot
I'm literally suffocating
A poem every day.
434 · Oct 2019
Note 208:
Vic Oct 2019
I will follow you to heaven,
If you come with me to hell.
A poem every day.
430 · Dec 2020
Note 581:
Vic Dec 2020
XV - The devil

Do not fear the devil, fear yourself
For you destruct your life like no one else
You must deal with your desires
Against responsibility your heart rebels

Intoxicated and easily manipulated
You wear your heart out on your sleeves
The fire around you shines brighter than the sun
You obsess, and the devil decieves
A poem every day
427 · Dec 2020
Note 535:
Vic Dec 2020
Mama - MCR

Mama, we all go to hell
Mama, we all go to hell
I'm writing this letter and wishing you well
Mama, we all go to hell
Oh well now, Mama, we're all gonna die
Mama, we're all gonna die
Stop asking me questions, I hate to see you cry
Mama, we're all gonna die
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
Mama, we're all full of lies
Mama, we're meant for the flies
And right now they're building a coffin your size
Mama, we're all full of lies
Well mother look what the war did to my legs and to my tongue.
You should have raised a baby girl
I should've been a better son
If you could coddle the infection
They can amputate at once
You should've been
I could have been a better son
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
She said, "You ain't no son of mine!"
For what you've done they're
Gonna find a place for you
And just you mind your manners when you go.
And when you go don't return to me my love,
That's right
Mama, we all go to hell
Mama, we all go to hell
It's really quite pleasant except for the smell
Mama, we all go to hell
Mama, Mama, Mama, ohhhh
Mama, Mama, Mama, ohhhh
And if you would call me a sweetheart
I'd maybe then sing you a song
But the **** that I've done with this **** of a gun
You would cry out your eyes all night
We're ****** after all
Through fortune and flame we fall
And if you can stay then I'll show you the way
To return from the ashes you call
We all carry on
When our brothers in arms are gone
So raise your glass high for tomorrow we die
And return from the ashes you call
A poem every day

posting song lyrics because i can't word my own feelings. i let the songs do it for me
427 · Sep 2019
Note 171:
Vic Sep 2019
The conversation went like this:

J: "Hello daughter"
(It's an inside joke, we have a whole family tree :)
Me: [Looks at J]
J: "uh, Son"
L: "Son!"
L: [Smiles and hugs me real tight]
(L is trans too)
J: "How dare you ignore your mother"
Me: [Hugs J too]
Us: [Laugh]
A "poem" every day.

Binder update: I tried to order them, but the site won't accept my credit card in any way. I'll try again tomorrow, we'll get there.
425 · Jun 2019
Note 90:
Vic Jun 2019
You're the best.
Wait, what?
I can hear you thinking:
Shut up.
I love you.
A "poem" every day.
424 · Apr 2019
Note 28: Craving
Vic Apr 2019
For the past eternity
My mind exists out of two things
I disgust you
And I want you really bad
Maybe it's the difference between
Mental and Physical
I hate your personality
I want your body
Sounds logical
But for the past eternity
I'm craving both
A poem every day.
418 · May 2019
Note 69: Do we even?
Vic May 2019
A picture paints a thousand words,
A novel tells a hundred stories.
A poem shares a million thoughts,
But what do we?
A poem every day.
417 · Feb 2020
Note 327:
Vic Feb 2020
I'm trying to keep up
But it just makes me fall behind more
A poem every day.
412 · Jul 2019
Note 116:
Vic Jul 2019
There are so many kids dying of cancer,
And I'm here dragging a blade through my skin.
Life is so unfair,
Why can't I just die instead of them?
A "poem" every day.
411 · Feb 2019
Lost on you
Vic Feb 2019
When you get older
Wil you remember
All the things
You lost on us
It hurts me
More than you'll ever know
Wish i could go back
To the days i was lost on you
Night full of stars
Adrenaline rushes
The bittersweet taste of your lips
A cold gust of wind outside
Cigarette smoke around our faces
Eyes light and glister
Wrapped up blankets
Two glasses of malt whiskey
A fire in the burning in the hearth
And in us
A comforting arm
A comforting smile
It was good
But perfect can never stay
They pushed me,
And you away
You came back
So please come in
And help me remember
When you were lost on me
If I let myself
Love you
411 · Dec 2019
For Alex
Vic Dec 2019
Your eyes are filled with heaven
Overthrown by hell
But with every 'I love you'
And every little victory
Hell dissolves a bit
For the past three months
I've been a close whitness of this journey
It was magic
Your eyes became a little clearer every day
They're still a little cloudy,
But beautiful
Your eyes sparkle like some starry night upon a river filled with moonlight like in all sappy love stories
You silence me every time
You are my Romeo
But with you I don't mind being Juliet
Let's leave this place and never come back
Weeks, months have passed
With you being mine
Yet I still can't describe how lucky I am
Romeo and Juliet ran away together, just to love
Which is a good reason for me though
But why don't we bend the rules a little?
And be Romeo and Romeo?
What do you say?
Happy three months mon amour. Can't wait for the next three. I love you bub.
409 · May 2019
Note 70: Poet
Vic May 2019
Yes, I'm a ******* poet
And I'm proud of it
A poem every day.
407 · Jul 2019
Note 113:
Vic Jul 2019
God I hate being busy
A "poem" every day.
405 · Aug 2019
Note 133:
Vic Aug 2019
I am the only person
That can not notice
When my best friend comments:
"We're in that town too"
Anyways I met her on our holiday
It was funny
A "poem" every day.
405 · Sep 2019
Note 187:
Vic Sep 2019
My scars are finally starting to heal a little,
But my veins are itching for more.
A "poem" every day.
402 · Jun 2019
Note 101:
Vic Jun 2019
I'm under house arrest
For having a mental breakdown
And not letting my mother read a poem

End me
A "poem" every day
398 · May 2020
Note 431:
Vic May 2020
i love you - billie eilish

It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you
What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through
Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to
Up all night on another red eye
I wish we never learned to fly
Maybe we should just try
To tell ourselves a good lie
I didn't mean to make you cry
Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to
The smile that you gave me
Even when you felt like dying
We fall apart as it gets dark
I'm in your arms in Central Park
There's nothing you could do or say
I can't escape the way, I love you
I don't want to, but I love you
A poem every day
394 · Apr 2020
Note 383:
Vic Apr 2020
it's 4/20 for a whole month
A poem every day
392 · May 2019
Note 57: Happy
Vic May 2019
Hey, You wrote a happy poem!
Oh wait, nevermind.

~ You

(Credits to porpor for saying this
A poem every day.
392 · Jan 2020
Note 316:
Vic Jan 2020
Two player game - Be More Chill
( One player game rewrite - Your Local Grocery Store )


Apocalypse of the teens
Level 9
The cafeteria

Find the bad guy, push him aside.
Then move on forward with your books at your side.
It's a one-player game, so when they make an attack,
You know you got a backpack, gotta watch your back
Then you stay on track and
Ah! remain on course.
If they give you a smack you
Gah! use your force.
And if you leave some ******* behind it’s fine
Cause it's an effed up world,
and it's a one-player game, hey!

I like to talk about cool stuff like casettes
It's just that no one else but me really cares
I’m just a nothing in this high school scheme,
But it's no big because I don’t need a team.

I like out of print games, retro skates,
Got a Pac-Man tattoo.
Nobody here appreciates,
But soon I’ll be a student where they do.

Cause guys like me are cool in college
cool in college, yes I know.
Guys like me are cool in college,
rule in college, I wish I’d know
High school is hell, but I navigate it well.
Cause what I do,
Is I make it a one-player game!

Watch out!

As loser I have fought on my own for years.
Both Nintendo zombies and these popular peers!
Now I’m stuck on a level and I wanna move on.

Just wait two years whereupon,
I’ll see that guys like me are cool in college
cool in college, won't be lame.

Dude I know, I get it-
Guys like me, they **** in college,
But I’m not in college,
I’ll be fine

High School is whack, but I’ve got my own back.
It’s me and books, I make it a one-player game.


I know I’m no one’s favourite person,
But that doesn’t mean that I can't still dream.
It’s really true, I’m no one’s favourite person
I’ll always be alone on the team

High school is ****, and I don’t need (no)one conquer it.
It's just what I do,
I make it a one-player game!

Find the bad guy, push him aside.
Then move on forward with your books at your side.
It's a one-player game, so when they make an attack,
You know you got a backpack, gotta watch your back
Then you stay on track and
Ah! remain on course.
If they give you a smack you
Gah! use your force.
And if you leave some ******* behind it’s fine
Cause it's an effed up world,
and it's a one-player game, hey!
One-player game
One-player game. He-ey-ey!
A poem every day
389 · Dec 2020
Note 536:
Vic Dec 2020
Therefore I Am - Billie eilish

I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha
Get my pretty name outta your mouth
We are not the same with or without
Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
So go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I don't want press to put your name next to mine
We're on different lines, so I
Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff
'Cause I hate to find
Articles, articles, articles
Rather you remain unremarkable
Got a lotta interviews, interviews, interviews
When they say your name, I just act confused
Did you have fun?
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm sorry
I don't think I caught your name
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
I'm not your friend or anything, ****
You think that you're the man
I think, therefore, I am
A poem every day
387 · Nov 2019
Note 255:
Vic Nov 2019
Die with me
And love me
Like your toxic self does
Every day
In a place where we belong
Hell, maybe?
A poem every day.
385 · Jan 2019
I'm really sorry
Vic Jan 2019
I told you all the time,
"I'm really sorry"
You never believe me.
Just like i never believed you,
When you said
"I love you"
"I care about you"
"I was worried"
"Please don't hurt yourself"
"You will get There!"

But maybe it was true,
Maybe you did care about me,
Maybe i was wrong,
Maybe i shouldn't have hurt you this way.

I'm sorry
But I can't
You tried
I'm sorry
For the wasted time
For the heartbreaks
For the sadness
For the anger and
For the lies

Believe it,
Or not
I'm sorry
But it's for you,
Because for this one time,
Probably my last,
I care.

I love you
385 · Jul 2019
Note 120:
Vic Jul 2019
Today is going to be a good day,

A "poem" every day
384 · Aug 2019
So there's a book
Vic Aug 2019
It's not pubished yet,
It's still being written.
It'll be published anonymous,
By me.
And it's about you.
And me.
Yup. I know.
It's really messed up.
I've written an entire book about you.
And all the ******* things I feel.
The worst part is,
That you don't even know.
No one knows it's about you,
Or that I'm writing it,
And that maybe It'll be published someday.
But until then,
I'll keep writing my book.
And let the poetry fill the once blank pages,
With you, and all my in-love words.
So I've kinda written a book. A poetry book. It's gonna be called: "All the things I wanted to tell you but never did." And it's exactly what the title is. Maybe I'll post a part of it later. I've written a lot of thoughts, poems and stuff. for every "thing" that I've written, there will be a new page. It's just a collection of "poety," all directed to the same person. The idea is to publish it anonimously, and not get any money for it. I'll put the links to my *anonymous* social meda and stuff. My Hellopoetry, Tumblr etc. It'll be hella emotional and personal. It'll be full of love confessions and depressed things I think daily. Idk how to explain, but hopefully it makes sense. If you have an idea, opinion or anything else, just comment or message me. ily all m=so much <3
383 · Jul 2019
Note 114:
Vic Jul 2019
I just thought of a good quote to post
But I forgot what it was.
A "poem" every day.
382 · Apr 2019
No good
Vic Apr 2019
I really am
No good for you.
Want to stop you leaving
When I push you away.
But nothing is better sometimes
I'm used to losing you
I'll only hurt you
When you finally let me
I am no good in general
Been telling you all along
And now I like it like that
When you realise I'm the bad guy
379 · Sep 2019
Note 182:
Vic Sep 2019
If you could let me in?
Not just in your mind,
But in your heart?
That would be enough.
A "poem" every day.

(This one is inspired on 'That Would Be Enough' from Hamilton the musical. Would definetly check it out if you have the chance!)
378 · May 2019
Note 63: Thank you people.
Vic May 2019
I just wanted to say a quick thank you,
To all the people out here.
For their support,
And loving poetry.
And for their understanding.
I'm really glad I can say,
That I'm a part of this "community."
I'm really grateful.
Stay Safe,
Take care,
And I'll see you all
Back there.
A poem every day.
376 · Nov 2019
Note 232:
Vic Nov 2019
And I am not alone,
I hear the walls repeating:
"I'm comming, wait for me."
But I never got out.
A poem every day.
Next page