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374 · Apr 2020
Note 410:
Vic Apr 2020
Mama - My Chemical Romance

Mama, we all go to hell
Mama, we all go to hell
I'm writing this letter and wishing you well
Mama, we all go to hell
Oh well, now, Mama, we're all gonna die
Mama, we're all gonna die
Stop asking me questions, I'd hate to see you cry
Mama, we're all gonna die

And when we go, don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh, so famous
We'll never let you go

And when you go, don't return to me, my love

Mama, we're all full of lies
Mama, we're meant for the flies
And right now, they're building a coffin your size
Mama, we're all full of lies

Well mother, what the war did to my legs and to my tongue
You should've raised a baby girl, I should've been a better son
If you could coddle the infection, they can amputate at once
You should've been, I could have been a better son

And when we go, don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh, so famous
We'll never let you go

She said, "You ain't no son of mine
For what you've done, they're gonna find
A place for you and just you mind your manners when you go
And when you go, don't return to me, my love" (That's right!)

Mama, we all go to hell
Mama, we all go to hell
It's really quite pleasant, except for the smell
Mama, we all go to hell

One, two, three, four!
Mama! Mama! Mama! Oh!
Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma...

And if you would call me a sweetheart
I'd maybe then sing you a song...
But there's **** that I've done with this **** of a gun
You would cry out your eyes all along

We're ******, after all
Through fortune and flame, we fall
And if you can stay, then I'll show you the way
To return from the ashes you call
We all carry on
When our brothers in arms are gone
So raise your glass high, for tomorrow, we die
And return from the ashes you call...
A poem every day
373 · Nov 2019
Note 259:
Vic Nov 2019
I wanna feel good,
but not on my own.
A poem every day.
372 · Jun 2019
Note 96: uh
Vic Jun 2019
A "poem" every day.
369 · Aug 2019
Note 145:
Vic Aug 2019
Did you ever jump into a very deep lake or pool, you swim up, and you didn't have any air left a few inches below the surface? That's what depression feels like. Every day, with everything you do. You are so far down in the water that getting up for air is not an option anymore. It's easier to just swim down. Forever.
A "poem" every day.

I'm not saying that this is all depression is. It's so much more, so much more complex than this. It's so different for everyone you can't explain even if you have a million words. This is what depression feels like for me. I'm alive and here, and so incredibly grateful for everyone around me. (and the people on HelloPoetry to) Whatever you feel is okay and valid. If you want to talk, feel free to message me if you want. Remember that y'all are amazing and that I love you so much.
369 · Aug 2019
Note 155:
Vic Aug 2019
So we had geography homework,
And also Latin and Maths.
I didn't do any of those.
We had a study hour, so I was copying the Math answers from the answer keys.
Two of my best friends didn't have any books.
I jokingly said; you can do my homework if you want.
They're doing my homework now.
Oh my ******* god.
A "poem" every day.
369 · Apr 2019
I was busy,
Vic Apr 2019
Thinking about you
Again. ******* Hell.
367 · Dec 2020
Note 567:
Vic Dec 2020
I - The Magician

A new cycle in your life
A new romance or new beginning
You must accept your inner power
And soon inspiration will be winning

Yet I warn you for your pride
Your ego, and abuse of power
I show that someone might be tricking you
Watch yourself, this lonely hour
A poem every day
362 · Sep 2019
Note 183:
Vic Sep 2019
A "poem" every day.
Vic Mar 2019
A tap on my shoulder,
And a wink,
From you,
When you saw me walking.
All I needed,
To make sure.
Now I know.
This isn't normal.
And even though I know.
I really know you're never there.
I still spend the breaks,
On the same place
Every day.
Still hoping,
You will pass me in the hallway
I'm writing a small poem every day, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #13
361 · Sep 2019
Note 192:
Vic Sep 2019
My parents made me
Wear a skirt, and a short sleeved t-shirt.
The only reason they didn't see
The scars that covered my arm
Is because they bought make up for me 2 days ago, in which I hid the scars.
"Because you're a girl."
Right now, I ******* feel like
'Micheal in the bathroom'
Anyway, I'm gonna continue crying in closeted trans now, bye.
A "poem" every day.
359 · Mar 2019
Part 6, Lillie
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 6, Lillie
I might've mentioned it once or twice, this name, person, mind. This is probably one you can't relate to much. But maybe I can make you feel as if it does. I once heard this beautiful voice, that said my name. Well, it wasn't even my actual name. Just a nickname. You said: "Lillie, what you you think?" While you showed me one of your drawings. I was in love within a second. That beautiful voice, that one word never left my mind since. I wish it did though. It's killing me, Like i'm slowly suffocating. Lily's are pretty flowers. But are the dead ones too? Or can't you see that the flowers are turning into dust? Can't you see i'm struggling staying alive just like the flowers? Can't you see you never call me lillie anymore? Can't you see where i'm going?
I'm turning into dust.
You're the reason,
I'm doing this to myself.
So are you the reason,
I'm saving myself.
357 · Dec 2019
Note 276:
Vic Dec 2019
"Write a poem about snakes because they're adorable boopers"

sneaky snek
looking for maus
i see snek
i boop

{Hope you're happy now}
A poem every day
351 · Jun 2019
If you could read my mind.
Vic Jun 2019
You'd see your worst nightmares.
You'd see broken hearts.
You could see lost and faded poetry.
Oh yes, it's full of boggarts.

And when you reach the core,
Nothing you'll see is true.
You'd see us being lost together,
Making love on 7th avenue.

You'd see a torn apart soul,
Shattered into pieces.
It was my own fault,
With time, the pain eases

You'd see me pleasing you all day,
And of course, swapped around.
I'm actually wondering,
Somehow, you haven't found it out.
351 · Aug 2019
Note 142:
Vic Aug 2019
I was a sinner
And made you my saint

Out of breath and so in love
It surprised me you didn't faint

Your body on top of mine
While outside it rained

For those few delicious, blissfull minutes
All our pain was drained.
A "poem" every day.

(Baby ignore the tags hehe I love u to the moon and back)
Vic Oct 2019
If there was one thing I could wish for,
Just one thing, for a day.
I'd wish a thousand million seconds,
So you could always stay

I'd wish with you for just one night,
To watch the sunset in those perfect eyes.
Watch the skies turn paint white, pink and yellow,
Just kiss me, and the time flies.

Hold my hand,
And stare with me into the abyss.
I'll hold you back if you let go,
We both wonder how far down it is.

The sun sparkles on your face,
As your head rests on my thighs.
And I know I'll always have your love,
Under some very cloudy skies.
350 · Jan 2020
Note 321:
Vic Jan 2020
It's been 6969 days since 2000 ended and I thought I'd just share that fact with y'all
A poem every day

348 · Feb 2019
Part 4, Trembling Lips.
Vic Feb 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Part 4, Trembling Lips.
Another weird title. These poems start to look more like little stories than like poems. In fact they are though, But that's not the point. Do you ever look at someone, a friend. You see their hands shaking, And you know they're not okay but you can't ask them? When your lips are trembling with no reason, When your eyes start leaking without knowing why. And you look at that person, And have a sight of relief. Why? we'll never know. What we know is that this is love, In a weird way. Love is something we can't describe easily. For so many ways different, but all the same. In a glance of eyes, shaking hands. A sight of relief and a head on my shoulder. Pages full of words shown to one another. Yet, we still don't understand, don't know. How, and when will we see?
347 · Oct 2019
Note 207:
Vic Oct 2019
I won't ask,
I already know.
I love to talk to you,
But not about this trauma though.
A poem every day.
346 · Jul 2019
Note 118:
Vic Jul 2019

A   N X     I E           T               Y
A "poem" every day.
346 · Apr 2019
Note 40: I hate you,
Vic Apr 2019
That's the good thing.
A poem every day.
346 · Apr 2019
Note 38: Scared
Vic Apr 2019
I'm not scared of death,
I'm afraid of what happens after.
A poem every day.
345 · May 2019
Note 72: Always
Vic May 2019
I've always liked the moon better than the sun.
I've always painted in black, not in colour.
I've always been a little hidden, never fully exposed.
I've always written, never said.
I've always been afraid of the monster under the bed.
A poem every day.
345 · May 2019
Note 52: Think
Vic May 2019
I think about you so much,
You don't even know.
A poem every day.
Vic Mar 2019
After all these days,
I still don't remember.
Where did you go?
Where did I leave you?
When you walk out that door,
Leaving me torn,
You're teaching me to live without it.
But still we wonder.
When we all fall asleep,
Where do we go?

I'm writing a small poem every day, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #1
344 · Jan 2019
Vic Jan 2019
We could have been love


I didn't
343 · Jan 2019
Vic Jan 2019
That wich is lifeless,
May hide behind a shade of certainty.
Thus the tiger masks its barbarity,
With the beauty on its body.

~ Sombro
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 10, The faded memories of a long remembered time.
These things are getting darker every time. So do I. Wishing This wouldn't be just the past, faded memories of times we want to remember. But I can't. These moments may have destroyed me, I still want to remember. Who I was, what drove me into this, and who I never want to become again. These memories are fading, my life is turning into a perfect one. I'm slowly suffocating. Why won't you let me be imperfect, And accept my past. We were young, And all we had was a city. But I don't mind. Will you please let me go back to the times love still existed here, The thoughts of getting out. You can let me go for once, And we'll still be okay.
342 · Mar 2019
Note 18: Me
Vic Mar 2019
Ghosts are real,
Monsters are too.
They live inside us.
And sometimes they win.
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me. This is #18
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 7, The call of satan.
Are you okay? I can see you. I can see the tears in your eyes. I can see your face turning red. I can see the anger, I can see the need for help. Why do we hide it? Why do we push each other away? I love you, Can't you see? The silent call of satan takes my will to live away. Singing to the devil together, feeling Bohemian Rhapsody. The thoughts are leaking out of me right on the paper, so is my blood. The silent call of satan took my will to live away.
Vic Mar 2019
Poetry tells a story.
But what if the poem,
Turns into the story?

< >
I'm writing a small poem every day, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #5
340 · Mar 2019
Part 8, Broken Mirror
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 8, Broken mirror
No one will ever make sure the clock stops ticking.
No one will ever keep a poem as one of their dearest possesions.
No one will ever leave the pages blank if they have words to fill it with.
No one will ever keep an extinguished cigarette in their package.
No one will ever stop being afraid of the dark, so we turn into the dark ourselves.
No one will ever keep an empty bottle of alcohol in their drawers.
No one will ever stop cutting themselves when they realise they shouldn't.
No one will ever keep the light on if they can choose to close their eyes.
No one will ever love without wondering why.
No one will ever keep a broken mirror in their pockets.
Or would you?
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 13, the only true sentence i ever wrote.
I don't think you're the reason.
These lies made me feel just as bad as I said.
No, I don't do drugs,
No, I don't love you.
Yes, I need help.
No, I don't want help.
Yes, I want to be the one to speak her name as mine.
Yes, I know that that will never happen.
No, I don't know what is happening to me,
Neither do I know If I want to continue my life,

This is the end,

337 · Sep 2019
Armageddon (part 1)
Vic Sep 2019
Freedom doesn't always come with the truth,
Yet the truth always comes with your freedom.
Idk, probably makes no sense. You can't be free without the truth surrounding you, but the truth doesn't always set you free. That's the way I see it.
337 · Apr 2019
Note 33: Comfort
Vic Apr 2019
I find comfort in my poems
Always carrying them around
I find shelter in your smile
The rest of the day untouchable
I find love in these words
Even the ones you tell me everyday
I find sadness in your eyes
Hidden by beautiful laughter,
So vunerable and pretty
But why don't you tell me
What is going on behind it
Because we never tell anyone
Simple as that
A poem every day.
336 · Jan 2019
Say My Prayer
Vic Jan 2019
It all started
With that one shoulder touch.
That one brief moment
You looked into my eyes.
I looked into yours.
We weren't supposed to.
It broke me,
I broke myself,
I broke you.
But i still wonder,
How do you feel?
About this mess called "me"
Let me say my prayer,
And hope it's something good.
335 · Sep 2019
Note 185:
Vic Sep 2019
I don't understand what's going on in my own mind anymore
A "poem" every day.
335 · Aug 2019
Note 167:
Vic Aug 2019
You made me feel everything,
And nothing at once.
A "poem" every day
334 · Jan 2019
It'll kill us
Vic Jan 2019
Mirror on the ceiling
You're giving me a million reasons
Came down the mountain
Sweet an sour
Click, Snap, Fall
Over and again
Can this go on
Want to be the one
To speak her name as mine
Trapped in the open
A closed mind
Can't leave
It's in my DNA
Cold in my kingdom size
Got a lot of leaving left to do
334 · Mar 2019
Part 11, Hostage.
Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 11, Hostage.
It's really not like me to be so mean,
You're all I wanted.
Nature changes,
You left my mind.
And someone else entered it.
I don't know what feels true.
But this feels right,
So stay a sec.
Yea you feel right,
So stay a sec.
And let me crawl inside your veins.
I'll build a wall, give you a ball and chain.
Hold and hidden,
By my own hostage.
Kiss me until I can't speak.
Let me listen to your voice.
And let me drown in your words.
Want to be the one,
To speak her name as mine.
Changing sentences into the same.
Hold and hidden,
By my own hostage.
332 · Sep 2019
Note 178:
Vic Sep 2019
I have so many tests to study for,
Yet I'm sitting here, wishing to die.
I have so many things to do,
But all I do is mentally cry.
A "poem" every day.

(Just a quick one today)
331 · Dec 2019
Note 279:
Vic Dec 2019
It's the last day of school today.
I saw you walking in the hallway,
And you gave me a quick kiss.
The world really doesn't like us together,
Does it?
But I now know what I want this year,
The only christmas present I'll need.
I think I'll wish for you this time,
And pray that the world will let you keep being mine.
A poem every day.
330 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
Fifty-one lines exactly,
Counted on my arm,
As always.
Kind of ironic,
Since I was clean.
For fifty-*******-one days.
329 · Apr 2019
Note 46: Oops
Vic Apr 2019
I did it again...
A poem everyday.
326 · Nov 2020
Note 472:
Vic Nov 2020
I love you
To the moon and back
To Venus and to Saturn
Or from Earth to Pluto
I'd fly through the entire galaxy
I'd take you to your favorite stars
I'd build a house on the moon for you
I love you from Earth to Mars
A poem every day

For Simon
325 · Aug 2019
Note 156:
Vic Aug 2019
Connor finished the milk
A "poem" every day.

(yes it's another musical quote don't @ me)
324 · Sep 2019
Note 199:
Vic Sep 2019
It's not because of my eyes that the world is blurry,
My mind is always a little bit behind.
A "poem" every day.
324 · Oct 2019
Note 211:
Vic Oct 2019
And then I came out
A poem every day.
323 · Jun 2019
Note 81: I can't keep up
Vic Jun 2019
But I'm really trying.
A poem every day
321 · Feb 2019
Vic Feb 2019
It doesn't sound that obvious right away,
The fact that hands can change lives
But they can, in a special way
With words, and poetry
They create words
They create art
They Love
They are
i don't really know
320 · Dec 2018
Vic Dec 2018
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Hold Us
To Stop Us
To Encourage Us
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Keep Us
To Help Us
To Make Us
Is There Enough space
I Wonder
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