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May 2016 · 2.4k
Christmas Adventure
Crysta Gingras May 2016
The lights all up around me
They dance and flicker
Swirling up and down each tree
As the music gets quicker
What a colorful holiday
Something new around each bend
We climb into Santa’s sleigh
And begin to ascend
The clouds fall below us
As we are launched into the sky
The turns we took were brusque
But the heavens never felt so nigh…
I cover you with a quilt
For the sleigh keeps climbing higher
Towards your hometown we tilt
I wonder, what will transpire?
There’s something big in the back
Is it full of coal?
Perhaps there’s something else in that sack
A doll, a plane, a little toy troll?
Perhaps we will find out
Your hometown draws near
Rudolf raises his red snout
Followed by the rest of the reindeer…
They shift their gaze
Towards a landing strip
People down there in a craze
We must look like a spaceship
They angle their flight
Right down the middle
It is quite the sight
And the thrill makes us giggle
What’s going on down below?
I ask Santa sitting up front
“I don’t really know”
He says as a reindeer grunts
“They must be waiting for you
Down there, to see what took place
For you came back with her,
That’s not exactly commonplace”
I look back at you, and you meet my gaze
Together we’ll get through
Of that I have no doubt
The sleigh is landing now
There is no backing out…
Santa pulls up on the reins
On the landing strip the sleigh glides
Only stepping out remains
As we do, the crowd divides
There in the middle
Surrounded by curious people
Stands a man with thumbs he twiddles
He looks more nervous than you or I
I grab your hand and look back again
This is it, we feel suddenly shy
Now’s not the time, so confidence we feign
We look forward and meet his eye
He looks at us and gives a sigh
“Dad?” you say
You look back at me, with display
Introductions are made
Feelings are conveyed
We no longer stand in a masquerade
Everything is out
The closet has swung open
We have nothing left to hide
You squeeze my hand
I coincide
As we look to your dad and wait

He looks at you with love
Then he looks at me squarely
Before he can say a word
Santa breaks in and shouts “let’s all be merry!”
The crowd breaks into laughter
As Santa sates the air with a magic
And joy fills everyone’s thoughts
Your father looks at us again
This time, with a smile, he simply nods
Story written over a few days to my girl, yeah I'm that far behind in posting what I write O.O
May 2016 · 399
Break it down
Crysta Gingras May 2016
There’s no one like you
Not here on earth
A girl who likes blue
And has unimaginable worth
You have a strength deep inside
It carries you forward
There is no need to hide
I know your heart has been bordered
Let me break it down
The border within
I’ll take away your frown
And a new life we’ll begin
for my angel
May 2016 · 731
Through the Fire
Crysta Gingras May 2016
Flames burn around us
as the battles have taken their toll
After all this fuss
Surely we’ve reached our goal
I only want to be with you
Is that so hard to understand
Yet they fight us relentlessly
Blood flows through the land
Our distance their advantage
For I don’t have you in my sight
Our love they try to banish
They underestimate our might
For you I will riot
Wage a war in the streets
I’ll start every altercation
As the drums of combat beat
I’ll find my way to you
My angel
My darling
My love
Through any trial I’ll pass though
We will surely be blessed by God above
For my Angel
May 2016 · 731
Into The Battle
Crysta Gingras May 2016
For into the battle we ride
Screaming at the top of our lungs
Each matching the other’s stride
As the enemy fires their guns
For honor
For pride
We wage our crusade
For hope
For love
We are not afraid
The ice in your eyes
Stops our enemy cold
To stand against you, unwise
For no prisoners you hold
The fire burns in my soul
Leaping forth across the field
Blazing without control
Our enemy forced to yield
Together we outclass them
They cower and shake
We thrive in the mayhem
They struggle not to break
Do mercy we show our foes
Or fierce coldness to display
It may come again to blows
Until then our blades we stay
To each other we look
Our eyes soften for the gander
Like a story out of a book
Especially for a bystander
This battle was not easy
Nor will it be the last
So I reach to kiss you sweetly
Before the calm can pass
For my angel
May 2016 · 578
The Beat
Crysta Gingras May 2016
I’ll fight from the saddle
I’ll brave the streets
For life is a battle
With variable beats
There’s one with a roar
And two for a tug
There’s three filled with gore
And four for a hug
There’s beats with vitality
And beats that push and shove
Some drum deeply about mortality
Others of beauty and love
For on these beats I fight
Every single day
Some make me feel like a knight
Others, only a forgotten stray
Then there’s you standing there
With a beat all your own
You like to kiss and swear
Inspired by the history of Joan
Your beat stands out above the rest
Like a heart in an empty mine
This battle surely is the biggest test
But from what I see, you’re doing fine
Though you tend to hold back
You’ve fought with each beat
Like a wolf leading the pack
You know not of retreat
I long to fight beside you
To help strengthen your beat
For surely with two
We would sound like a drumbeat
Ready for battle
The two of us will be
Our horses all saddled
And our beat full of glee
beat for my angel
Apr 2016 · 572
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
I wish I was there
To help ease your pain
I would brush back your hair
And fight back your bane
It would stand no chance
Not after hurting my sweetheart
I would fight it with a lance
And then slice it apart
You say there’s more than one?
Well have ‘em come my way
I have only just begun
They can all join in the fray
I’ll kick them and smash them
And give them all a clout
You say they are more like shadows?
Then I’ll challenge them to a bout
They may wisp and twist
And swirl all around me
But by then I’ll be ******
They will trip over to flee
When the battle is over
And I walk away with victory
I’ll quickly gather my composure
So I can steal a kiss from thee
I’ve fought the monsters away
They shall bother you no more
Today is now a new day
Perhaps even better than before
My girlfriend was really upset and I had no idea what was going on :'(
Apr 2016 · 740
Each Day
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
“Begin each day as if it were on purpose.”
When I first said hello
It was seriously nervous
I didn’t know what to do
No idea what to say
I pressed the button on my phone
And set up my hands to pray
I text you every morning
What could possibly go wrong?
Even with your written word
You make my heart sing a song
I begin each day with you
And I no longer feel worthless
You make everything bright and new
With your words you caress
I feel that you care
And I wish I was there
The distance doesn’t care
That we’d make the perfect pair
So we’ll just have to push through
Keep going against the grain
People might think it taboo
But without you there’s only pain
I’ll see you someday
I’ll reach out and touch you
We’ll tell stories of this stray
And the two who liked blue
Calling my angel for the first time <3
Apr 2016 · 472
Next to me
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
My darling you inspire
Throughout the day you spark desire
I wish to see you here
Next to me
You conquer my every fear
While filling me with a certain glee
I never wish to feel alone again
And with you by my side, how could I be?
Good Morning to my Angel
Apr 2016 · 696
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
The cold is no match
For the fire I have inside
For you it will burn
Only for you will it subside
For a heart of stone I have
Inside burning with flames
Only you can tame them
Only you can eliminate the pains
You being cold as ice
Will shatter the stone of my heart
Creating something new
Giving both a new start
For when I thaw your cold veins
And blood comes rushing through
Together we will be there
Together, just two
Fire and ice
Together to challenge
Whoever walks our way
With the fire in my eyes
And the ice in yours
Together, making quite the display
An angel of winter on one side
The other a fiery stray
I’ll keep you warm
You’ll keep me calm
Together, in this world of gray
Good morning to my angel
This is what we call a 'shadow poem' which is a poem in reply/compliment to a poem the other sent.
this was a Shadow Poem for her poem "Ice-Breaker" - btw her poems are better ;)
Apr 2016 · 883
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
Here’s a short little poem
To give a start to your day
I hope it’s a good omen
To wake up to a stray
Who’s words will bound
Right up off the screen
For you, to astound
My angel, my queen
Good morning darling
...she doesn't like to be called queen haha!
Apr 2016 · 637
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
You inspire me to be great
You inspire me to be bold
You have opened a new gate
You have crossed a threshold
There is more to this world
Then I previously thought possible
A new life unfurled
There is only one obstacle
The distance is great
The shadows are long
But for a soul mate
What could go wrong?
I will travel the distance
The time will go fast
In the company of your brilliance
We’re sure to have a blast
You, my angel
Apr 2016 · 734
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
A pretty little flower
On the side of the road
Reminded me of you
And the story you told
One of adventure
And daredevil antics
Maybe it’ll come true
Wouldn’t that be fantastic
Constantly reminded of her...
Apr 2016 · 426
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
Ringing in my ears
Like a memory
Of forgotten years
Your voice so soft,
Like a sweet song that lingers
In my head
The thought of your fingers
Intertwined with mine,
As we walk along the coast
Kicking up sand
Seeing who can laugh the most
Your smile breaks through,
Shining like it ought to
Never again for a frown to impose
On that beautiful face of yours,
We sing and dance
As we romance
Together we sway
The rest of the world forgotten, today
For I have you here
In my arms at this moment
I will forever hold you dear
Together in contentment
Together with my angel
Apr 2016 · 744
Dear God
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
Dear God,
Send me an angel
One made by you
With a smile that shines
And eyes of blue
Please send me and angel
I feel so alone
Let her comfort me with her wings
And guard from dangers unknown
Lord, any angel
You send my way
I know she’ll be perfect
I’ll want her to stay.

Dear God,
You sent me an angel
She’s absolutely perfect
She is smart and kind
And makes my heart beat unchecked
I think I’ve fallen in love
With an angel of your creation
Her eyes have taken ahold
They mimic a blue carnation
Her smile is like the sun
It shines life into me
She makes my head feel spun
And sends my heart on a spree
Thank you God
For this angel you have blessed me with
None other could I have asked for
None other would I even
You have given me a new hope
A new reason to live this life
Without her I couldn’t cope
And thanks to you she’s brought in light
A prayer before and after my angel <3
Apr 2016 · 905
Then you did
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
I thought I would never find anyone
Life was meant to be lived alone
No one could possibly come for me
But then you did
A message I sent, waiting
Grasping at a ghost of a hope
She probably won’t even reply
Then you did
I sent an apology
I’ve done something wrong
I’ll never get her to come back
But then you did
A spaceman with a lasso joke
Finals kicking time under a mat
Surely you’d never give me your number
Then you did
Talking for hours
Conversations never ending
I thought no one would go for a dork like me
But then you did
Wasn’t long before the calls weren’t enough
We needed to see faces
I wondered if you would really Skype me
Then you did
The very first thing I noticed were your eyes
They struck me like lightning
I never wanted you to look away
But then you did
You hid your face to smile
You hid your face to laugh
But your happiness sang to my soul
I wanted us to Skype again
Then we did
Every time I saw you
I could never find a flaw
Your perfection was astounding
Surely you had nothing to hide
But you said you did
What you didn’t know in your confession
Is you had given me a life’s mission
To make you see the perfection I saw
So I can say
“Then you did”
Because from the first time I met you
And every moment thereafter
I didn’t think you could get any more perfect
Then you did
For my angel
Apr 2016 · 1.9k
Smile For Me
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
Smile for me, angel
Show me the glow of your joy
Don’t hide your cheer behind your hands
Don’t hide from the things you enjoy
Your voice dances with your interests
Your eyes sparkle with delight
At the things that make you happiest
So smile for me bright
Don’t let this world drag you down
Don’t try to cover up your grin
Let yourself jump all around
And let your joy spin
Smile for me, darling
Let loose any insecurity
Your smile is genuinely charming
And shines through any obscurity
Lift your head up high
Don’t let your eyes be downcast
Do not your laugh deny
No matter what lay in your past
When you smile for me, love
The fire in my heart you ignite
So smile for me, beautiful
Let that gleam in your eye shine bright
Good morning poem for my angel
Apr 2016 · 3.0k
Good Morning
Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
Good morning, Beautiful
As I place a kiss on your cheek
Good morning, I say
One look at you and I’m weak
Good morning, Angel
You roll over to see
Good morning, I say
Right beside you, just me
Good morning, Sweet Girl
I wrap my arms around you
Good morning, I say
You wrap your arms around me
Good, morning Darling
Don’t you go back to sleep
Good morning, I say
You make my heart leap
Good morning, my Beautiful Angel
My Girl
My Darling
My Love
Good morning, I say
I hold you close
Here to stay
Good Morning to my Angel
Mar 2016 · 2.0k
Crysta Gingras Mar 2016
I wake up in the morning and see the sun saying hello
I go downstairs and am stopped by an odd fellow
He wore a green hat and carried a cello
He certainly was an odd little fellow
He stopped me and said “Do you want to follow your dreams?”
A little shy I squeaked “uh well, Sure please”
He led me down the hallway and right out the door
Looked back at me with a display and asked “what are you waiting for?”
I shrugged my shoulders with dismay and followed closely behind
He kept right on running I followed suit in kind
He led me to a castle that stood up straight and bold
He looked at me and pointed at it while demanding “Don’t you now fold;
The answers to all your dreams is up there waiting inside
The place is falling at the seams, no time to swallow pride”
So with a leap and a bound I found myself in the castle
Searching far and wide certainly was a hassle
I walked up to a fireplace and saw a burning stew
I turned around to look and who I saw, was you
You stared at me with a challenge, blue eyes boring holes
I stared right back unable to move from those striking blues
You asked what I had come for
I honestly said, “No clue,
Though if I’d take a guess, I’d say I came for you”
That quip made your eyes lose their stony glare
And if I had the confidence I’d swear I saw a sparkle there
You invited me to sit, and we talked for a long while
I impressed you with my wit and even got a smile
It came time for me to leave, so I made to bid adieu
You reached out and grabbed my arm, “life is far better with two”
I was a little taken aback, had I been too far forward?
This woman knew my inner thoughts, perhaps clear-sighted?
I wanted to agree with you, but I lived far from here
It seemed you knew again and said, “Will you take me there?”
My shock must have shown for you shrunk back like I hurt you
“Did I assume too much?” you asked with hesitation
“That all depends” I said with sly smile “do you like blue?”
You smiled again, glowing with confidence, as you leaned forward and said “of course I do”
This time I smiled back, and linked your arm with mine
We walked out of the castle and passed the fellow, now drinking wine
He looked up with a glance and then jumped back with a dance
Shouting for joy at the sight
He grabbed his cello
Before he could mellow
And sang with all of his might
“oh happy days you found your dream
It has all come true to be
For you found her and she found thee
So happy
So happy to be!”
We danced with the fellow
While playing his cello
And moved about all through the night
My hand in your hand
And your eyes on mine
Nothing has ever felt more right
Like the fellow had sung
So happy to be
Right then and there
Just you and me
A story for my Angel
Feb 2016 · 707
Ten minutes
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
I was Sitting here
Waiting for the world to inspire
Inspire me to write
To laugh
To do
Waiting for the world to tell me
How to motivate
How to do
What needs to be done
How to create a world to be won
I waited
For nothing
I waited to be acted upon
I had no reason to be here
Then one day the motivation struck
Just for 10 minutes
10 minutes
Is all you needed
You appeared in my life
Like a vision in a dream
I had only planned strife
You put a stop to that scheme
You said I was worth it
In your eyes a gleam
You gave me a motivation
I’ve had never before seen
Never mattered location
You opened for me a new door
This life the old me envies
My heart no longer poor
Happiness no longer on a distant shore
Ten minutes and all this was spun into motion
Inside my head you started a commotion
A storm now rages inside
Emotions that burst forth
From a long ago place
You inspired me to write
To dream
To laugh
To do
To live
No longer am I waiting to put effort into action
You’ve given me the how
How to do what needs to be done
You’ve started creating
A world to be won
The world we needed
And this world is better than I could have imagined.
And all it took was ten minutes unimpeded
To my angel
Feb 2016 · 758
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
Traveling here
Traveling there
I will travel anywhere
To be with you
To be by your side
I’m way over here
And you’re way over there
But together to be
Could be anywhere
Where do you want to go
Hawaii, Cuba, the Caribbean or Fiji
Or perhaps elsewhere
Alaska, Rome, Mexico or Tahiti
Still there are others
Different places to travel
With you by my side
The adventures will unravel
You by my side
I can hardly wait
What trouble we’ll cause
Oh the times will be great
Patience is a virtue
They all say eagerly
If only they knew
How I’ll hold you so dearly
The time will come
Though none soon enough
The guitars we will strum
Distance no longer tough
The songs we will sing
Filling the air with joy
On your finger a ring
Mine forever to annoy
Good morning to my Angel
Feb 2016 · 517
For you
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
For you I’ll stay safe
And travel softly
I’ll drive real slow
And won’t steer with my knee
For you I’ll be gentle
On the curves around the road
I promise to be careful
No reason to forebode
For you I’ll get there in one piece
I won’t go racing
My speed I’ll decrease
I am not “just saying”
I promise to you
I will be safe,
For you
For my Angel
Feb 2016 · 816
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
Happiness is the flow of the world
The pursuit of it
The attempts to catch it
Having it within our reaches
Ever hopeful to grasp it
The happiness in our lives
Is a mountainous terrain
It drops into valleys
Stretching into a beautiful plain
And climbs to plateaus
Keeping away the pain
The plateaus are the high points
Valley’s the low
Both give a viewpoint
That helps us learn and grow
I am on this journey
This journey with you
Grabbing my hand
Through the high and the low
Traversing this mountainous terrain
With forever to go
Good Morning my Angel <3
Feb 2016 · 473
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
The distance is great
The silence is longer
Impatience to wait
Devotion grows stronger
There will come a day
When I get to see you
Tell you every morning
I’m happy to be with you
In person it will sound
So dearly profound
Given we were once separated
Merely by ground
I can’t wait for that day
I crave that hour
For now my life is grey
Without you, my wildflower
Good Morning my Angel
Feb 2016 · 488
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
Reaching out to meet
On your words so sweet
Increasing my heartbeat
       Your voice
              Inside my head
Swirling and turning
Gently it brushes
Against my thoughts
       Of you and me
              Together to be
Good morning to my angel
Feb 2016 · 429
Tide you over
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
Waves crash over
Like a tumbling emotion
Washing up the shore
With a touch of sweet affection
The wind’s whisper of amour
As the waves that are yearning
Get dragged back for more
These are the waves in my mind
Throwing me into titubation
At the thought of leaving you behind
Leading me to a prodigious revelation

My life is the sea
And you are the moon
You wax and I rise
With a rushing intensity
You wane and I recede
Pushing me back because of the tensity
How far is too far?
And where is too close?
I know not the answer
I only know it’s you that I chose
Good morning to my Angel
Feb 2016 · 774
Last Night
Crysta Gingras Feb 2016
The rain had stopped
Hours ago,
Class had been cropped
Only miles to go,
The cars drive by
Splashing and dragging water,
Not another sound to be heard
Just the swirling patter,
As the water is thrown off the wheels
And onto the pavement,
It’s a sound that appeals
To a certain extent,
Vehicles drive by fast
Their sounds soon swallowed by the damp air,
As my mind is recast
And I pull back my hair,
A new rain starts falling
Giving new thoughts that draw in
I wonder if this rain
Had been with you,
Barely a week ago
When you thought I should know
That the rain was falling down
Outside where your are,
I reach my car
I seem stuck in place,
You are so far,
I wish to hold you in my embrace
The weather is perfect for that
I think to myself
I wonder where you’re at
As I’m wishing to see your face
I shake my head and get into the car
One last glance
At the rain water dance
We’ll get our chance
Until then we romance.
To my angel
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
You are beautiful
Let me try to describe
You are cute and charming
And alarmingly disarming
You’re elegantly delightful
With a twist of fascinating magnificence
Your smile is alluringly dazzling
Your words keep me in suspense
There’s a wonderful admiration
In the way you are delicate and pretty
With a fire I know you hold inside
You demand anything but pity
Comely and angelic
You’re ravishing and divine
You’re the most pulchritudinous woman I’ve ever met
And I so wish to call you mine <3
Good morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 392
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
The apple that grows high,
The sunset marking the end,
The flower that brightens the home,
The tractor that pulls the fields,
The ball in Fido’s maw,
The fish that swims in cold waters,
The galaxy shining high overhead,
These are the colors of our world
They shine and glow
Vibrant and joyful
They give life to the dull
Their meaning together
Is one of love
And passion
As they shine above
In an order they encourage compassion
These colors don’t define us
They don’t give us a label
Their meaning is pure
Any argument contrarily, unstable
A rainbow dances
It shines and gives joy
There is no group
That should use it as a ploy
It’s symbol is a promise
One made out to us long ago
Let me use this symbol now
To really let you know
I promise not to hurt you
I promise to never let you go
I promise now to push through
Any trials we’ll have in tow
I promise to not give up
Even when the going gets tougher
I’m promising you here
That though the road will get rougher
And won’t always be sunshine and rainbows
I will stick it through with you
I promise, from my head down to my toes
Good morning to my Angel
Jan 2016 · 512
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
Hush now
Don’t wake up
The phone gives a buzz
A snore gives the pup
Close your eyes
Go back to bed
This isn’t a wake-up call
Just a morning scrawl
To say thank you my angel
For staying up late
Through most the night
For our “phone date”
This poem is rough
I apologize for the phrasing
I just can’t get enough
You’re just so gosh-**** amazing
Good morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 2.6k
The One
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
My angel
Won’t you sing your sweet song
Fly with me far
And stay all night long
I’ll hold onto you tight
Wrapped in your wings like snow
And everything will be right
Until one of us must go
I’ll see you again
We’ll gambol and descant
Remember until then
It is my heart you enchant
My heart you have won
So angel
Sweet angel
Know you are the One.
Good morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
I feel like an eagle
Who has jumped off a cliff
Like a stray dog
Who’s tail is held stiff
There was no rhyme or reason
Nothing to make life worth living
Then you show up
And every girl’s tripping
Be mine! Be mine!
They all scream and shout
Tearing their clothes
And flopping about
You reached for them not
And kept right on through
Till there was no one else standing there
Just me and just you
You helped spread my wings
And I learned how to fly
Found the stray in me
And my tail became spry
Our joy may it grow
As our hearts become one
Those other girls can go
They’ve all been outdone ;)
Good morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 415
We Dance
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
In my mind’s eye we are dancing
Twirling about
Hand in hand
My hand on your hip as we sway
Feet moving
Eyes staring
At the laugh on your lips as we move this way
Going in circles
Moving in eights
Getting dizzy spinning with this stray
We stretch out far
We lean in close
Whirling smoothly like ballet
I grab your hands as the music comes to a close
The song is done
Your smile like the sun
Your blush as beautiful as a rose
We should say goodbye
But I cannot lie
My feelings are hard to compose
I hold onto you tight
With all my might
I lean in a whisper to your ear
<3My Angel<3
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
Your Girl
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
I’ll be your girl anytime
From now until the end
You’ve stolen this young heart of mine
You’ve become more than just a friend
I’ll hold you
And help you
Through the toughest times indeed
Renouncing never these feelings of mine
Passion for you I bleed
There never was another angel
Who could have stolen my heart from this distance
You have managed to break in anyway
And to you I give no resistance
Good Morning to my Angel
A poetic reply to her goodmorning poem, which is not posted, it is her's.
Jan 2016 · 990
Like a Stray
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
I miss you
I know
How weird it may sound
How we have never even met
Yet I lay here on the ground
Thinking of you
And how life would be having you around
Would people cheer or maybe they’d boo
Would it even really matter?
After all I’d have you.
I felt so lost like a dog called a stray
Like a pup in a pound
They’ve taken me away
Then you come along and suddenly I’m found
I wag my tail and you’ve found your stray
You’ve given me a purpose
You’ve given me a reason
There are nothing but pros
In starting this new season
I’m glad you have come
Appeared in my life
When recently the sum
Was nothing but strife
You are a blessing -GirlsName-
Nothing but an angel
I can’t wait to meet you
I can’t wait for this new life
Good Morning to my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Talk to me
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
Phone rings
We talk
We laugh
I yammer
You listen
You reason
I accept
Time runs out
We say our goodbyes
I don’t want to
We each hang up in hurry
Eager to go?
Knowing it’s now or never
Hang on once
Hang on forever
Every word you say
As it drops from your lips
Fills up my soul
Blocks out the bad
Like an ellipse
I’d grab your hand
Too far away
What is distance,
Compared to time talking this way?
The distance will close
And I will run to you
There will be no time to waste
Until then
Me here and you there
Phone rings
Good Morning to my Angel
Jan 2016 · 781
Given An Angel
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
I listen to your voice
I hear it in my dreams
It’s my sound of choice
When I feel torn apart at the seams
You put me back together
Stitch by gentle stitch
Slowly healing what has been torn in me
And never flinching at what you find
The good, the bad, and the ugly
Taking each in cautious stride
I don’t know how I found you
But I thank God that I have
He has given me an angel
One to walk right by my side
Good Morning to my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Let Me Catch You
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
You run through my mind
At a pace I’ll not forget
You race though my head
As if keeping up with a jet
I want to take you out on the town
Come with me and have some fun
You never slow down
In circles you run
Dancing though my brain
With an ever graceful poise
I’ll forever be grateful
That you’re not into boys
Faster you run
As I try to catch you
Grabbing you by the arm
Pulling you close to lean into
You leap away quick
And twirl in a circle
You think you’re so slick
Why can I not catch you?
Before I think twice
You’re leaping away
And before I think thrice
You’re coming back my way
You lean in close
As if to whisper my name
And with a smile you say
Wake up! Wake up!
It’s another beautiful day!
Good morning to my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
I Will Wait
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
I will wait for the day
The day I can see you smile
I wait to hear our endless talks
Wait to hear you for awhile
Early in the morning, I am missing you
I just wish that I had you beside me
So that we could just talk endlessly
I will wait
For the day you are here
We will go on our date
And let our worries disappear
I will wait, for that moment that hug
When I look into your eyes, just glance
I will take away your coffee mug
When I grab you by the waist and pull you close, just dance
I will wait.
Good morning Angel
Jan 2016 · 9.1k
I Listen for the Phone
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
You make my heart skip a beat
Every time I hear my phone
Typing out your words so sweet
Training my ears to hear the tone
Your image in my mind is incomplete
Your voice an imagined tone
I await the day we are sure to meet
Until then I listen for the phone.
Good morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.9k
To Me My Angel
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
My angel
My angel
Please fly down from your heaven
And bless me with your beautiful glow
With your wings unclipped
Your hair in a fit
And your dress complete with a bow
May you bless me with your presence
And fill me with delight
Let me breathe in your essence
And wrap my arms around you, tight
Pulling you close into me
Between us, no longer space
Savoring this sweet embrace
Face to face we will finally be
My arms wrapped around you
Yours wrap around me
And together, though close
We are finally free
Good Morning my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
All I write is simply amphigory
Meaningless, nonsensical, is it?
I don’t write for fame or glory
My words go in circles just a bit
I try to tell our story
But perhaps as a girlfriend, I am unfit
I don’t have much to offer in my inventory
I wouldn’t be offended if you decided to split
But let me say this
Before you decide
With you my life is full of bliss
And this is not just a simple joyride
I intend to be forthright
And clear
Honesty is my policy
And I don’t want you to worry my dear
I only want you to be happy
To do what makes you so
And I do not wish you to be lonely
So if you must, then you can go
Here I will stand
Waiting for you
Come, take my hand
I will do my best to never let you down
To stand strong when you are weak
And never let you hit the ground
I have my moments of failure
I fall short and become unsettling
Through these moments we can survive
Come, take my hand
I know, you and me, we can surly thrive.
To my Angel
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
You and Me
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
Your smile
An endless joy to my day
A text from an angel
One who’s so far away
Filled with feelings
And thoughts that you give this stray
I don’t know what to do
And really don’t know what to say
This stray grows fonder of you
In every single way
Perhaps it’s too much too fast
I think to myself
Until you concur
And the tension releases
The nervousness dies down
The elation increases
And no one’s around
It’s just you and me
Alone in this moment
You and me
A single component
Good Morning to my angel
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
Crysta Gingras Jan 2016
Morning comes as the sun says it's hello
I open my eyes to an airbrushed yellow
My first thought is of you
My second is too
And how your day will go
And what you may do
So here's a bright start to your day
May it carry you far
Take a wish from this stray
May you shine like a star
Good Morning to my Angel
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Past, Future, & Present
Crysta Gingras Dec 2015
The past is always present
The present is always passing
Tomorrow is so near
But will never come to pass
The past is full of promises made for tomorrow
But tomorrow is never guaranteed
The future hold those promises made in the past
For the past holds the lessons from decisions made in the present
It is in the present now however
That I must make my pass
We are not promised tomorrow there is no guarantee we will grow old
By ten minutes or ten years
This is probably a mind ****** this early in the morning
But I just wanted to say it first thing
Because time in this life is short
I want to waste none of it
So first thing in the mornings I want to help make yours just that much better
Give a start to your day, and maybe just a little smile
Good morning to you angel
I hope your day is worthwhile
Good Morning to my angel :)
Dec 2015 · 1.9k
Today Is A Good Day
Crysta Gingras Dec 2015
A warm coffee mug
A shot made of blue
A blanket gives a hug
A poem rings true
The day is long
You’d think I’d get a clue
My heart gives a tug
When I think of you
These poems get longer
Though the words stay the same
As I’m left to wonder
Why you’re so far away
Yet it’s still a good morning
It’s still a good day
Because you’ve read this poem
And know I’m not going away ;)
Good Morning to my angel
previous night was spent making blue jello shots (hence the shot made of blue, like a memory)
Dec 2015 · 989
This Makes No Sense
Crysta Gingras Dec 2015
Just as the wolf needs the moon, to sing her sweet song
I need you, to feel I belong
Just as the flower needs the sun to make it grow
I need you, I need you to know
Know that you are important to me
More important than the waves that crash against the sand
On a summer beach in some distant land
I need you to know
That you are beautiful
One look at you and my world stops turning
I forget the trials and stress because your smile is disarming
I need you to know
That though this poem makes no sense
And I am always trying to keep you in suspense
That I am just some girl
Trying not to fall in love
But you make it so hard
You fit like a glove
Like a glove on my hand you fit me
A perfect match
I think most will agree
You are quite the catch
I don’t deserve you
You can do better
I haven’t got a clue
How I wrote you that first letter
But I wrote it from the heart
I meant every last word
An invite from a stray
Or possibly a nerd
Yet you replied anyway
I never would’ve thought
I’d be planning to meet you one day
The thought ties my stomach in a knot
This poem is getting long so I will end it soon
But first let me say
Good morning to you
Good morning to my angel
Dec 2015 · 2.0k
Crysta Gingras Dec 2015
Caw! Caw! Calls the crow on a crisp fall morning
Nevermore! Nevermore! Yells the ravens forewarning
The mist lifts into the air
As the sun begins to rise
The priests are sending up a prayer
Babies shouting out their cries
The dog down the street going bark! bark! bark!
The canary next door gives a little whistle
Out of the brush in a hurry ***** a swift lark
Away dashes a bunny, straight into the thistle
A squirrel chatters away
At a cat prowling close
Diving in, a daring jay
Caught by the cat, almost
Never was there a morning
So busy as this
To hear the birds all chirp and sing
To describe in a word…bliss
Good Morning to my angel
Crysta Gingras Dec 2015
Good morning to the girl who makes me feel like this world is really worth ditching my bed for.
To get up in the cold for
To travel across the country for
I don’t know how you did it
You’re so far away
But you have stolen my heart
You have picked up a stray
A stray who will be loyal
A stray who will love
A stray who will never, never give up
To be with you is my only thought
I’ll travel the world to achieve it
I really, really like you girl
And you best believe it ;)
Good Morning to my angel

— The End —