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Nov 2024 · 427
Alcoholic Promises
Frances Marie Nov 2024
I can't focus on us anymore
it feels like a dream we once had
rather than a lifetime we worked on

You once made me feel precious,

Now I'm the fall back and safety net
you need to desire
before you hit the bottom of your bottle

I am miserable trying to hold the foundation alone.
I was looking for a life partner, not a freeloading liar.
You promised me change.

I was the fool who believed you and saw with my own eyes
you didn't touch a drop.
Now I'm left with the empty bottle in my hands,
searching for an escape from my isolation.
raw emotions from recent relationship in the middle of the break down.
Sep 2024 · 596
The Fixer
Frances Marie Sep 2024
"You said you would be here
through the thick and thin"
My body has been through it
And baby, my patience has been
strung out thin.

Addicts only know themselves best
They can't see you
Only past you
Into a projection of themself.

Back seat passenger
Guiding my relationship habits
The chords
That I play the best.

My go-to comfort
The only way I know to love best
Is a struggling person
In the woes of addiction.

One part - my mother's enabling
Another piece - my father's vice
Final product - my veins collected
as proof in a messy affair.

Doomed to repeat;
try holding things together
while they slip between my fingers.
Hoping for different results.

Every. Single. Time.
Self reflecting poem of my habits, and what it feels like to be the "fixer" of everything around you. Never ends, I hope someone can take care of me for a change.
Sep 2024 · 268
Dustpan Daydreams
Frances Marie Sep 2024
Thwack my heart,
Vacant feelings.
You used up every last
part of me.

I'm so ******* jaded.

I dote on you,
while you take ample amounts
of me.
I don't know what's left to share.

I'm restless.

I sleep in an untenanted bed
with creases that leave little of you.
Hollow eyes,
staring at me when I rouse.
Hoping I'll be there for your last
days awake.

I feel lonely in a full house.

Meeting at the lowest,
four walls to keep us from killing ourselves.
Was starting again,
first day of school like your parents did?
Was it a bond,
Or did our demons tangle?

This is a mess I have to clean, again.
Final draft of poem I wrote on my most emotionally vulnerable day. I started journaling after this day to keep myself centered. I don't want to bottle my feelings away anymore. I want to deal with them in healthier ways. Why I am back on HP.
Sep 2024 · 259
Holy places
Frances Marie Sep 2024
Lavish tounge dancing around the gaps
certain guilt flutters onto your cheeks
curious of what was once there.

Pinning for them to be filled
with vices and corroded virtues.
On my knees, I kneel for something more.
In the end all I have is a mouth full
Naked and bare to the world with nothing to give.

My heart exposed for others to take
until I am left slack jawed from the whiplash.
A fire of bitter embers flickers more
as I lose faith in the world around me.

Spirits please guide me to something more
plenty, supple, nimble.
Life with a renewed meaning.
Originally about how much my wisedom teeth hurt, turned into actual emotional hell. I like who I am now, I just need more reasons to continue living for me.
Sep 2024 · 980
Ghost of Intimacy
Frances Marie Sep 2024
Mountains of pillows,
Soft sheets,
and warm covers,
couldn't bring you into my arms.

Wrinkles and sunken silhouettes,
remind me of what we once had.
Now you only **** me
when the calories and lust hit your gut.

I hate sleeping alone,
you won't help me resolve the issues
that block my way to you.
What we once had.

Washing machines drain the fabric of you
in every cycle
One more day my body forget the tenderness of you
and your loving arms.
This is to get out my frustration and confliction of feelings about my current situation.
Jun 2024 · 700
Wisedom Tooth
Frances Marie Jun 2024
Shifting under my skin,
seeping into my gums,
a sensation of emence pressure,
and awareness to unbear.

Slouching with a blue bib chain,
hung around the neck,
and heavy floride notes
tickling my tounge.

Goggles sliding along my face,
Sweat rolling down wet strands of hair.
Pulling away like velcro strips,
the sound of eagerness
and hot summer swelter.

That office chair makes me shake with anticipation,
Spotlight in yellow hues,
beaming down upon me.
Staring off until team appears
and the numbness fades in.

Time for another change.

For inconvienient, expensive exposure
with a little bit of me set to be disposed.
This is inspired by my recent extractions that I was awake for. Something brought me back to the moment in vivid memory.
May 2024 · 537
Frances Marie May 2024
My shadow was eating me alive,
I was becoming an outline,
Of the person I once could recognize.
My ambitions were fading,
Goals made for dreaming,
Left me feeling.

Aching for the life I could have led.  
With every day that passes,
my hands feel see-through.
My gaze is glazed with dull focus.
As if I am disappearing from who I once knew.
This was 2023, some time before finally coming back. I have changed in 4 years and feel more comfortable in my body.
Jan 2020 · 528
Western shootout
Frances Marie Jan 2020
Your mouth is a smoking gun.
Reloading for the next reply,

After insults have been fired.
Shoot me down where I stand,

Silence me before the quipped-barrel clicks.
Triggered, you shoot the messenger,

Before our story had finished.
Started out simple but kind of became about the past ghosts who tried to put me down. But I'm back for my redemption. Taking back my life to where I want it to be.
Jan 2019 · 415
In a few weeks time.
Frances Marie Jan 2019
Forget me not,
is a hard thought.

Forget me soon,
is the time to change my tune.

Forget me now,
is difficult look back on our future vow.

Forgotten already,
hoping that we didn't fall out of frame,
the friendship promised only seems like a fever dream.

Forgotten my emotions,
you used to give me a nice sensation,
now you're the reason I lack passion.

Regretting my intimacy,

You search for another girl like it didn't matter.
Letting my heart shatter.
Being alone has left my teeth to chatter.
Feeling like the latter.

In only a few weeks.
Forgetting to be checked in as a friend hurts from someone who used to message me everyday. Seems like the promises we made were empty and you're less as upset than me.
Jan 2019 · 412
Frances Marie Jan 2019
Casted over me is a loom of doom.

Chained to the negativity it becomes hard to bare.

Crushed by my despair I drag it around and wear it as my armour.

Cursing at myself for the dark emotions, I shrike alone.

Covered by love I still reject.

Cannot receive when there's no respect for myself.

Chasing away the ones I hold dear is the only way I can endure.

Carrying memories that hold me back, I relive alone.

Costs I pay for my depression.
Jan 2019 · 203
To William, young love
Frances Marie Jan 2019
Started with history class,
without knowing that it would pass.
Puppy dogs eyes and and shy butterfly kisses.  
Together we felt inseparable and powerful.

It wasn't perfect, but it sculpted me into a finished work of art;
a project that finally found itself being complete.

You passion for studying eyes and keeping my nose in books, it seemed too good to be true.
Maybe that's what blinded us to see our failing relationship.

Hey I still appreciate you, that's easy to tell.
How I grasp at any way I can to message you because its so ingrained.  
Hope you find a girl that you can settle down with one day.

You deserve it.

You made it possible for me when I closed myself off,
You caused a shift in my confidence after it was shattered time again.

I will always love you deep down but when you love someone, the hardest thing might just be the best thing. I'm sorry that it was by letting you go.
Jul 2018 · 922
Jack Conner Ramsey
Frances Marie Jul 2018
At only 18 years old;
He was a Jack of all trades

Had the passion of blazing flames.
The free-spirited heart of a dove.
Debating skills that reached high above.
Athletic gifts that even the most talented could adore.
A witty personality that was hard to ignore.
Smatter than most I've ever known.
Reckless with a charm that was hard to condone.
Courage that surpassed the bravest.
Achieved the highest, and came back the greatest.
Friendly as if he had all the love to give.
Always smiling,
leaving everyone breathless.

Conner binded a small community together before and after his departure.  

He may not be here with us to pray, but he can be here to guide us along the way.
No doubt in my mind is Conner going to give up so easilly.  
If his legacy stays, so will he.
He was a blessing to everyone who had the pleasure of having them in his life. Mary and Wendy, the most caring guardians of my friend who passed away two weeks after graduation in a terrible car accident that was devestating. He told someone he wanted to be remembred for something, I hope this surfices ❤ July 9th, 2018
Frances Marie May 2018
***** girls with lousy guys, drives me crazy
Maybe you shouldn't feel too sorry.

Old Sally, so **** good-looking but a pain in the ***.
                 "Oh, darling, I love you."
                 "You're probably the only reason I'm in New York right now"
I told her I loved her; it was a lie.
    felt like five hundred thousand years, looking at all the phonies.
Ivey League guys with ****** voices,
a witty bunch of actors drinking their tea
and rubbernecks stand around to watch.
    I was a ******* wolf, just wondering for intellectual conversation.
                 Someone, Anyone!
    Just give old Caulfield the time to spoil your evening
                 because he's not sorry at all.
"A small project I did for the Catcher in the Rye where we were to make poems with words from chapters 17-19. They are suppose to be about his relationship with Sally or the feelings he has about her. Enjoy!
Apr 2018 · 746
Farmer's best sign of luck
Frances Marie Apr 2018
     pelting peaking the poignant hearing of a peering, personable

Awakened she walks;
     waiting for water to weaken against the small windows,
     withering away.

Flourishing souls;
     stemming from spring came spitting droplets, refreshing flora.

Drab days;
      dead development dawdled by dreary dates - winter is gone.
Joyful cheers!
     Carrot's stones cherished close for colder days.

Winter disappears for departure.
    Spring reappears for resurgence.
Everyone enjoys spring but I think rural and urban farmers alike understand that rain is the prime time for plant growth.
Apr 2018 · 394
Frances Marie Apr 2018
I'm ****** if I do and ****** if I don't.
Mom, Aunt, Brother and others, please let me go.
It can help, but would further drown me more than you know.
I feel sick, my mind is a mess from the constant consumption of multiple drugs.
End my suffering, pull the plug.
I would rather fade away right here.
Apr 2018 · 420
Frances Marie Apr 2018
Finally, tears were shed.
There was a heart that bled.
An able body that could not be held.
Calling out to the silence; cold.
Shaking a hollow breath.
There I lay beneath.
Your feet raised to step over me once more.
I can't bare the pain in my core.

No longer do I feel my life is mine.
I don't feel like myself anymore. He took that away from me. The fear I constantly have feels like I can't reach out.
Apr 2018 · 335
How did I sleep last night?
Frances Marie Apr 2018
Falling asleep,
            more like a leep in faith and all that is good.
            A jump into your conscious, praying
             you don't see another monster.
             Another fear behind your closed eyeslids.
             A full, peaceful rest before the haze.
             Dreaming of spirits and emotions holds me awake these past few nights.
             Along with the dread of my real fears like heights, that follow.
              If I wished upon a star, I'm afriad in my sleep the devil will call.
              There is no telling what I will dream of tonight;




Loving memories

Or self hate and destruction.
I couldn't sleep well these past few night.
Apr 2018 · 1.0k
Frances Marie Apr 2018
Deep wounds with an invisible mark.

Carved by one I used to love; a love that never loved back.

Used, to be replaced with a friend.

A better body and high narcissism,

someone who wasn't afraid to use others,

also played with my heart.

They left me exposed,

Told people something that I am not.

Forced myself to become something I was not,

just for them to walk all over me.

He threatened to hurt my friends, dignity and poise,

She ruined potential love for me, dignity and poise.

The laughter and love I once had has left me.

Yet I feel sorry.

I felt love for them.

I always feel like I'm in the wrong and shouldn't say anything,

That I deserve the labels I'm given.

I know that's false,

that I can find love as true as can be;

also live with the emotional scars.

With time, comes a fork in the road to growth and self recovery.
I'm always sorry, but not for this anymore. Him and her did enough damage; I'm the only one that can fix myself.
Nov 2017 · 454
What will I do?
Frances Marie Nov 2017
"I will always love you through the thick and thin.
I plan to always follow you through the dim and dark.
My heart will always be yours through the pain and pensive."
Have a heart. It doesn't hurt to collect one more.
Frances Marie Aug 2017
You cannot possibly imagine what I saw today, trying to keep my mind at bay.

Minding their own business came a pair.
Even one could say
But where does this line cross with me and this duo?
That I may owe.

With a sigh I hang my head low, the thought of another gruesome blow.
In curiosity or spite
I do not know when these two are ready to bite.

Are they hungry or is it loyalty they are after?
I do not know;
I am only an outsider to those hounds that dug for what was already gone.

Prey they once tried to feast on.
Bound to this sickening notion; the false lulls of security they once had.

Something they could only turn into the gritty,
Painless pity,
Insufferable grabs of ***** filth they once called a party.

Once a whole, a group that dissolved slowly under the time of an hour glass.

From birth to death we breath.
Grasp at anything we can hold ourselves accountable without being the accused.
Departures to new comers we welcomed as our own.
Only to be betrayed and left out at dawn.

Now today I stand as proof of a wolf who alas left the pack; we once called ourselves a flock of deer in disguise.
Friends of the past got the best of me, so I wrote my emotions out because it helps.
Aug 2017 · 283
Frances Marie Aug 2017
Do                     You                              Mind                   ?    
          I                          Don't                 ­            If          
                 Know                     Know                      I
                              You                        Me     ­               Trust    
                                        ­?                            !                           You

                                                     Too much?
Trying out a new style of writing.
Aug 2017 · 443
Anxiety re shapes me:
Frances Marie Aug 2017
Where do I begin?
Why do I try every time you say "it's fine"?

I can't tell anymore with the feelings I receive.
First it's something I have to believe,

Believe in what?  A sign that I cannot see?
Why should I be naive?

Nothing make sense the more I think about the contradictions.
Do they even synchronize; our emotions?

I cannot tell.
Not until you yell.

It doesn't have to go on for so long,
So why must we chase something if it seems like we don't belong.  

Our friendship is an unresolved issue.
Always getting ready to argue.

Will our years of friendship be the same?
I care for you, but do you only feel sick around me?

I've made my mistake,
but I plan to get back into shape.

I want to confront you but will it make it worse?
Am I now on a high horse?

You tell me all of my flaws,
all of these laws-

Like it's a word for word scripture.
I always need to re sculpt;

Just to fit your mold of ideas.

I'm not trying hard enough,
yet my efforts don't matter through the rough.

I just seem too broken for you.
Or maybe, as always, I'm just making up you view.
I just have bad anxiety and jump to conclusions too soon.
Aug 2017 · 426
From Jones to Ashes:
Frances Marie Aug 2017
Traveler by heart of the sunrise
Came down by sicknesses demise
Dusk to dawn you came
In my dreams you wept of confusion;
"Fear not my beloved, I have respiration.
I came from another's wing,
This friend I cannot say
Lay your bodies to rest and your minds at bay."
Despite that the days will turn to years since passing
We keep your spirit to heart
Although I know that we must depart
All I could hold onto is; "Please don't go, I love you so."

- A.W. (April 2, 2016)
A poem I wrote about a dream I had in the passing of my aunt last year.
Aug 2017 · 343
Miles away:
Frances Marie Aug 2017
Gone for weeks, my craving peaks.

I miss your companionship, the things shared in our relationship.

Things I never truly thought I would lack after your absence, if that makes any sense.

My favourite qualities about you are fresh in my mind and my lack of caring made me blind.  

Please come home, I promise never to overlook or blame you for my problem.

I love you as much as I love the idea of travelling; I want you to be the one that accompanies me while exploring.

You'll come back from your leave, I want to believe.

I'm sure you will.
Aug 2017 · 485
Just don't:
Frances Marie Aug 2017
Hack, hack, hack
At my memories.
Tear at them to show my face.

Follow me like a lost soul to torment me in my place.

All it's doing is making it worse for

How many more?

I can count but I can never undue your raveling.
Can you embellish your pride, when you have no one to turn to?

Such a pity, such a pity it is of how you've become so petty.

A beautiful being so divine falling from so high.

Sorry highness, I won't be there to catch you this time.

Not after a betrayal that measures up to my height and above the clouds.

Not even the gods can save us, from something that can turn so loud.

I will bow one last time,
Maybe blow one last kiss.
But I will never give one last chance.
This was written in a time when I was having tough times with friends in my life. I've grown from then and I want this to be a mark of me moving on. Hopefully this helps somebody.

— The End —