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21.0k · Apr 2014
Ocean (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
Mild*  currents,  gently
******  seashells  on  the  ­seashore
In  pearlescent  *tones
19.4k · Apr 2014
Unfolding Rose (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
A*  pink  rose  unfolds
Into  Springs  light  tend­er  breeze
Sending  out  *fragrance
Gladys P May 2014
In stillness, and splendors of the oceans glint,
I casually walked down memory lane,
Leaving behind, lovely memories with each passing footprint.

Calming sapphire waters, creased upon the shore,
Bringing mild sudsy currents,
Crashing onto the smooth silky sands, like never before.

As sparkling seashells decorated the seaside,
Tumbling gently,
Upon the tiny creamy sprinkles of grain, as I glanced along the side.
10.8k · Sep 2014
When The Sunset Shields
Gladys P Sep 2014
The spirit of spring rises,
Into a blissful gate to heaven,
Where dreams revive, and flourish,
Into a luscious landscape,
Set like a haven.

When the sunset shields,
Against the vibrant contours of nature,
In a garden of enticing and cultivated blossoms,
Leaving a spectacular scenery,
With glamour, and a feeling of rapture.
10.4k · May 2014
Pinkish-Red Coral (Haiku)
Gladys P May 2014
In tropical seas,
A pinkish-red coral pose,
Like piece of jewel.
9.3k · May 2014
Blue Martini
Gladys P May 2014
An upscale lounge well known,
For its ambiance and specialty cocktail,
Which includes live entertainment dancers,
On stage, in fine detail.

While a  glamorous female stood in front of the bar,
With a deep sea blue martini, in her right hand,
In an ice cold oversized snifter, dipped in sugar upon the rim,
Where she leisurely stands.

With a pink orchid,
And blue twisted glow stick, placed inside her drink,
Taking rhythmical steps,
Side by side, in sync.

Dressed in a strapless dress, slightly above her knee,
Nicely fitted, in shades of purple, green and teal,
Displaying a genuine soft look,
With such great appeal.

When a young man walked in,
And gazed into her seductive dark brown eyes,
Reaching out his hand,
Asking her to dance, as he passed by.

She was absolutely stunning,
With fair complexion, short black hair, a beautiful silhouette,
And a radiant smile, reliving her early days,
An unbelievable night, quite difficult to forget.

She appeared divine,
Upon the dance floor, mainly surrounded by youth,
Dancing salsa throughout the night,
And mixed melodies, near the DJ booth.
9.2k · Nov 2014
Haiku (Sun)
Gladys P Nov 2014
The sun emit flames,
Into a starburst of light,
Sprinkled through the day.
9.0k · Oct 2014
Haiku (Pink Awareness)
Gladys P Oct 2014
A time for sharing
Breast cancer month awareness
Go pink, and save lives
8.3k · Jun 2014
A Tranquil Lit Afternoon Sky
Gladys P Jun 2014
A parade of fluorescent silhouettes,
Aim against a tranquil lit afternoon sky,
In a collage of interwoven blossoms,
Casually stretching,
Side by side.

Releasing a pleasant aroma,
Interlacing within the calming sea,
As the water creases, upon a bed of shimmery grains,
Below a shade of fluffy clouds,
A place you would never want to leave.

When the tides slowly washes in,
In a rich and mild lather .... lacking impel,
Underneath a ribbon of distinctive seashells,
Leaving a mesmerizing imprint,
And a magical spell.
Gladys P Jun 2014
The winds softly whisper,
Singing a gentle romantic tune,
As dusty pink roses ... bathed in dewdrops,
Leaving a pleasant fragrance,
In attune.

When the petals sway and unfold,
Into the tender breeze,
'Neath the lucent moon,
And the sky sparkle like diamonds,
Twinkling from above ... with ease.

Overlooking a refine emerald blanket,
Surrounded by sprinkles of white smooth pebbles,
Beside a lovely exotic tree,
On this playful summers night,
And it seems quite special.
Gladys P May 2014
Just when the sun illuminates,
Upon the sapphire skies,
And the clouds appear,
To slowly dance, side by side.

Shimmery, cobalt blue waters,
Perform a low sequence, on the seaside,
Leaving a bubbling blanket,
On the surface of smooth sands,
Washing away, pretentiously.

Bringing a gentle tropical zephyr,
With rhythmic sounds,
Echoing, through evergreen pinnate leaves,
Swinging gently, into the calming air.

Inspiring a magical after glow,
With dreams fulfilled,
In ecstasy,
Leaving a warm and peaceful impression.
Gladys P Apr 2014
On a bright and delightful Easter morning
A furry white rabbit, wiggled her pink adorable nose
Peeking through lush bushes
In a lovely and distinctive pose

And jiggled her cottony soft scut
Aiming into a vegetation
On this sunny day
With so much motivation

Quietly hopping into a blissful garden
Placing decorative filled eggs in pastels
With little time to rest
As she quickly inhales

Adding vibrant colours, to an emerald spiky blanket
And into a rainbow of unfolding tulips
Enlightening her way, like a dazzling carnival
For little peeps enjoyment, upon soft winds movement

Beginning in the latter daylight hours, as tots of all ages
Eagerly carried empty interwoven baskets, on their quest
Pacing through, as in peekaboo
And observing who competes the best
5.9k · May 2014
In A Soft Melody
Gladys P May 2014
At nightfall, in the midst of silence,
The sky turned,
Into a sheet of gray,
And droplets of rain,
Pleasantly came sprinkling down,
Making tranquil musical sounds,
Appearing to entertain.

Landing upon an adorned bed of roses,
In hues of reds, yellows,
Pinks and whites,
Lightly spreading their delicate petals,
As crystalline beads,
Gently dripped onto the ground,
In a soft melody.
4.9k · Apr 2014
Twinkling Stars (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
The*  fixed  stars  twinkled
Upon  the  sky,  le­aving moon
With  angelic  *smile
Gladys P May 2014
Inspired*  by  Disney's  magical  kingdom,
And  ench­anting  fantasy  tales,
 You've  reached  the  learni­ng  age  of  five,
Leaving  precious  memories,  deep ­ in  my  heart,
Like  dainty  little  footprints, ­upon  a  trail.

Since  the  first  day  you  ent­ered  my  classroom,
Shying  away,  in  a  world  of  your  own,
And  nearly  in  ­tears,
Waiting  to  be  picked  up,
And  taken  b­ack  home.

But  you  gradually  surpassed  this  f­ear,
Allowing  me  into  your  life,
As  I  reach­ed  out  with  dedication,
And  unconditional  love,­
Opening  the  door  to  your  futureand  watched  you strive.

By  quickly  learning  your  ABC's,  123's,  colors,
So­unds,  and   mastered  the  writing  of  your  name  quite  ear­ly,
Including  other  tasks,  and  now  it  may  ­sound  effortless,
But  it's  a  gift  you've  cert­ainly  gained,
And  today,  I'd  like  to  wish  you  a  safe  and  success­ful  *journey.
Gladys P Jun 2014
In the forest stood tall admirable pine trees,
As we walked hand in hand with ease,
Upon a blanket of snowy and frozen grounds,
Hearing voices and beautiful sounds.

While the cold winds softly echoed through the night,
Bringing harmonious whispers, as we glared into the moonlight,
And the trees were beautifully dressed in white, on this Christmas Eve,
With clusters of long evergreen needle leaves.

The breeze murmured through the branches,
Gently waving making advances,
Saying "please take me home,"
"I am stuck in the cold" in a low tone.        

Near lied an adorable reindeer,
Whispering words we barely could hear,
When we walked closer, it fearfully ran,
As fast as it can.

Joined by a polar bear,
Who sadly said "I am scared,"
And we quickly selected our tree,
Though it was quite difficult to see.

When we walked away and glanced behind,
The adorable creatures, followed appearing quite divine,
With laughter and smiles,
Softly saying "we hope to see you again," and their eyes looked as radiant as a child.
An early children's fantasy Christmas tale...
4.4k · Sep 2014
Hundreds Of Galaxies Sparkle
Gladys P Sep 2014
Into the night, hundreds of galaxies sparkle,
Secretly engaging, like a child's game of hide-n-seek,
Surrounded by soft puffs of snow,
In the warmth of the summer breeze.

And unfurl,
Into the tropical seas,
As waves mildly splash,
Upon a bed of sand, creating a feeling of peace.

When light whispers,
Vanish upon native shores,
And relive in my heart,
Forever and ever more....
4.4k · Jun 2014
Preciously Playing Peekaboo
Gladys P Jun 2014
Upon a bright spring morning,
In the warmth of the ember sun,
Adorable chromatic koi's pose,
Graciously leaping in a distinctive pond.

Casually stroking their fins,
In a flattering array,
On this delightful,
And cheerful beautiful day.

As they glide smoothly,
Hiding underneath huge stones,
Preciously playing peekaboo,
Each in a beauty of their own.

Near a tall brick wall .... beneath the purities of cascading waters,
Portraying a lively show,
As the zephyr gently embrace,
And the waterfall plays a soothing percussion, as it flows.
Gladys P Apr 2014
A precious hummingbird, left rhythmic sounds, in sweet soft notes
Playing music, light and heavenly, as I waved adios
Soaring freely, upon Springs gentle breeze
With finesse and ease

With iridescent feathers
Flamboyantly taking flight, in this lovely weather
Graciously gazing through
Surely, dazzling too

Quickly resting on tree branches, in attune
Fearlessly humming, in romantic tunes
Dancing smoothly
And elegantly

Modeling beautifully, in its fine long beak
Very entertaining and chic
And casually stopping in the center of a flower
Obtaining nectar, in the morning hour

Placing a grin on my face
While engaging in an impressive, cozy space
Instilling a fulfilling and pleasant day
And quite excited, it came my way
3.7k · Apr 2014
Spring Whispers (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
Spring*  *leaves  soft  whispers
Singing  deep  into ­ the  night
Until  morning  *light
3.5k · May 2014
Mountains (Haiku)
Gladys P May 2014
Splashes*  of  blue  skies,
Lie  upon  curvy  highla­nds,
Adorning  the  *land.
Gladys P May 2014
Inside the tropical seas,
Sits a pinkish-red coral, in a lovely pose,
Like an elegant piece of jewel,
Concealed underwater, at dusk,
Unveiling, as the sun graciously arose.

Reflecting a fine portrait,
Of nature's gifted qualities,
Beneath the azure skies, and surrounded by sparkling waters,
A spectacular picturesque scenery,
Releasing all of my worries and ties.
3.3k · Apr 2014
April Showers (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
Aprils*  *fresh  teardrops
Brings  a  placid  and  l­ulling
Sensual  *melody
3.2k · May 2014
The Warmth Of Your Body
Gladys P May 2014
Today when you held me in your arms,
And whispered in my ears,
How you yearned this moment,
I sensed the rhythm of your heart beat,
When you kissed my lips,
Through the warmth of your body, when you were close to mine.

And I was breathing in apace,
When you softly stroked my back,
And was melting into you,
And didn't want this day to end,
Bringing out the magic in me,
Hidden for sometime.
3.2k · Aug 2014
Gladys P Aug 2014
The ebony skies
Pose a parade of crystals
Blinking through the night
3.1k · Jul 2014
Your Smile Will Live Forever
Gladys P Jul 2014
Your spirit now rests in harmony,
Since you were called with the angels above,
But your smile will live forever,
And it's only you, I think of.

With wonderful memories,
When you reached out from the bottom of your heart,
To  see everyone together,
A dream you left behind, and sadly unable to start.

But I believe in eternal life,
And some day we will meet again,
To celebrate and rejoice,
And it will never have to end.

Rejoined in a new world known as paradise,
An idyllic place to be ... without any worries or pain,
Bringing happiness and togetherness once again,
In His presence and reign.
An unexpected death, at the age of 25....found unresponsive in car in a garage, due to carbon monoxide.
3.0k · May 2014
Where Dreams Comes True
Gladys P May 2014
Lost in a sanctuary,
In the midst of a magical land,
Where dreams come true,
Stands an open portal,
Leading into a lighted pathway,
Upon its natural emerald scenery,
Surrounded by an inviting waterfall,
Cascading, beside a haven,
Into a gated wonderland,
Where fairies and treasures,
Lie beautifully,
In an unknown enchanting palace,
A small world of fantasies,
Leaving an illusion, of an airbrush painting,
In an elegant gallery.
Gladys P Jun 2014
Her eyes appeared as dazzling as the sea,
When she was bathing underneath the sun,
Splashing water upon her precious face,
With her tiny hands .... laughing having fun.

She was a bundle of joy,
Playing with her adorable white furry pet,
On this beautiful sizzling summer day,
And it was quite difficult to forget.

With her little bare feet,
Covered in greenish-blue waters slightly below her knees,
As I observed,
Near the lovely tropical coconut trees.

Along the shore was a small tern,
Dressed in white with yellow legs and bill,
And a black patch above its forehead,
Dancing in happiness, as we watched in thrill.
2.8k · Apr 2014
The Rose Pink Light Of Dawn
Gladys P Apr 2014
There's no place else I'd rather be,
Then wrapped in silence, near the sea,
Upon the serenities, of the oceans  aquamarine waters,
With waves gently dancing, as I sit and wander.

Gazing on the sandy oceanfront,
Beneath the moonlight, with you on the beachfront,
As you place your hands, upon my face,
And kiss my lips, until the night fades.

While the stars, sparkle in the sky,
Until the rose pink light of dawn, comes by,
With echoes of a tender breeze,
And you and I, are heavenly at peace.
2.7k · Apr 2014
Beach (Haiku)
Gladys P Apr 2014
The*  suns  ember  rays
Flourished  on  the  silky­  sands
Embraced  by  a  *kiss
2.6k · Oct 2014
As They Mesmerize The Season
Gladys P Oct 2014
A soft, and magical pearlescent blanket
Covered the alluring streets
Lightly and gently, to the touch
Falling slightly, beyond adorable tiny feet

With sparkling snowflakes
Streaming into delicate strokes, with ease
And frosty icicles, decorated the land
On this snowy, winter freeze

In laughter, tots place their teensy fingers
Upon their crimson precious face
Looking up in happiness, and reaching out
Capturing the beauty, of tumbling sprinkles, in amaze

While gently unfolding their little hands
And flakes, mysteriously disappear
A fantasy, and wonderful experience
As they mesmerized the season and shed joyous tears
Gladys P Oct 2014
Their eyes light up,
As they glanced into the mirror,
In their distinguished and fashionable costumes,
Awaiting to attend the first annual magical competition,
And their face glowed,
Upon departing their private rooms.

On a glamorous Halloween night,
When three endearing teenage girls,
Played Jasmine, Cinderella, and Belle,
They dressed in extravagant fairy tale gowns,
As they held on a prestigious lobby rail,
And their heart stood still, as they walked down the stairs, in a fine hotel.

When guest sighed and applaud,
Into a standing ovation,
While the princess' streamed upon the platform,
In their lovely long dresses,
Posing lavishly, in distinctive and vibrant colors,
And in amazement, they came to a halt, in an exquisite form.

When three young male ushers,
Gently, reached out their hand,
Slowly proceeding with their Disney queens,
Guiding them to the dance floor,
And soon their wishes,
Became quite a reality, like a dream.

But before the clock struck to 12:00,
The girls quickly ran towards the door,
When one of Cinderella's shoes, slipped off her foot,
And was unable to stop,
Since a curfew was set at home,
And there, it sadly stood.
Gladys P May 2014
Summers, golden rays
Sends out radiance,
Like capricious diamonds,
As it protrudes through the blue celestial,
And lounges upon the horizon.

Performing an appealing,
And luminous show,
Streaming into a wondrous glow,
In the mid-days calming air,
As it flows smoothly from below.
2.3k · May 2014
When I Walked In The Rain
Gladys P May 2014
Tonight, when I walked in the rain,
Raindrops gently fell upon my face,
Bringing fond memories of you again.

When  we watched the stars,  sparkle with reign,
And the crescent moon, emitted a translucent light,
Bringing a sensational feeling, that I couldn't refrain.

Without you life goes by very slowly, and it's difficult to explain,
Since you are the one, who blinds me when you're near,
And cuddles me when I am lonely, taking away all of my pain.
Gladys P Apr 2014
She was basking in the ambiance
Of the afternoon sun
In the grandeur of the bright blue skies
As waves gently splashed, when she was only one

Her face was as precious, as a pink rose
With light golden hair
And skin so soft
She played in the satiny sands, without a care

Neath a lovely palm tree
At the finest time of  year
As soft winds stroked her delicate natural curls
She was quite an adorable little girl, and I love her very dear
Gladys P Apr 2014
In my voluminous botanical garden
Sits a vegetation, of luxuriant foliage
Gently dancing in the wind
As a yellow canary sings lyrical notes
Fluttering freely, leaving me with a grin

Aiming beautifully, when capturing the essence
From one bud to the other
And nothing could compare
As he lingers graciously
Quite lovely, as I stare

Upon the richness, of the light blue skies
An unforgettable scenery
With clouds in puffs of snow
As the sun slightly peeks
And my heart, thy certainly stole
1.9k · May 2014
Spring (Haiku)
Gladys P May 2014
Spring** has sprung, into
A display of cheerful shades,
Like painted canvas.
Gladys P Aug 2014
They fill the air in sweet soft scents,
When their delicate petals unfold,
Slowly waving in the dulcet breeze,
In vibrant shades of yellows, pinks, and blues,
And stand tall, between an arched rainbow.

After a bashful touch of rain showers,
Forming into crystalize droplets,
Dripping upon the blossoms fragile leaves,
On a stimulating summer day,
As the golden rays offset.

Instilling a charming glow,
Adding a radiant ambiance, to a welcoming atmosphere,
As I listen to the precious birds chirping,
Into a melodious tune,
On this comforting, and inspirational time of year.
Gladys P Sep 2014
Autumn adorns the universe,
Into a transitional seasonal display,
Preparing for a whimsical change,
Upon evergreen trees, in rouge and ember shades.

Lavishly, shedding slowly,
Into a fusion of tones, leaving embellishing grounds,
Bearing naked branches,
As they casually toss down.

Stroking their leaves, and sending colorful hues,
Like a genuine piece of tapestry,
Beautifully interlacing,
And harvesting, 'neath the suns abundance of energy.
Gladys P May 2014
A poets muse, is like an artistic drawing or orchestra,
Sending one, to places of fantasies and dreams,
A night out of town, a destination, a romance,
A priceless nature setting, among other things,
Taking flight in wings.

Visualizing in silence,
Beyond what others see,
Seeking with desire and passion,
An ambience far from reach,
Into a forbidden site, within the soothing sea.
Gladys P May 2014
In the awakening of the ebony skies,
A burst of translucent and shining crystals,
Flickered into a heavenly bliss,
Enlightening the night, like an amazing festival.

With a mild breeze, that gently sways,
Bringing warmth and a tender caress,
Leaving a beautiful and fresh fragrance,
Alluring romance, at its best.

Instilling a delightful glimpse, of a beaming smile,
Upon an enchanting moonlight,
Inspiring, a sensual and cozy atmosphere,
On this dazzling and magical night.
Gladys P Apr 2014
It's the beginning of an embellishing new season
Opulent and romantic, as the garden of Eden
In an array of lustful stricking palettes
Similarly, to a colorful painted canvas

In soft festive yellows, pinks, lilacs and blues
Truly an incredible view
With smooth light petals, as fresh as the air
Exceptional and beyond compare

Thriving in a distinctive pose, with elegance
Purity and gentleness
Defined into sensual silhouettes
Spontaneously, reflecting a fabulous vignette

Capturing, an alluring peaceful fragrance
Enlightening my presence
An enjoyable time of year
With countless memories, of you being here
Gladys P Oct 2014
Dressed as witches, ghost and vampires,
And the night almost near,
Brings creepy sounds, of howling wolves,
A fun celebration, at this time of year.

When an old and evil miserable witch,
Fly high in the skies, on her wooden broom,
Across  high rises and over the sea,
Below gleaming stars, and behind the luminance moon.

Fearlessly and wicked, in a squeaky soft tone,
Pointing her long ebony finger nails,
Casting a spell, to everything known,
Not leaving a sign or a trail.

And spooky ghost, gently drift through,
Into the misty mild breeze, in the midst of darkness,
Leaving soft whispers,
And nonsense.

And vampires, pace in ****** shot eyes,
In hollow fangs, bathed in scarlet hues,
Searching for his next savory victim,
Leaving a vicious trace and painful bruise.

When far away, howling sounds are repeatedly heard,
Loudly and fiercely, upon this gloomy upcoming Halloween,
A chilling and frightening tale, beneath the dusty twilight,
Unlike anything else, ever seen.
Gladys P Sep 2014
Mild winds romantically whisper,
Beneath a sprinkled lit onyx sky,
Cuddled in a half-moonlit glow,
Beaming upon a fantasy world, air brushed,
In a white winter wonderland, quite high.

With streets coated in a blanket of snow,
Glistening through the night, in a fine array,
And tree branches engaging in a heavenly show,
In pearlescent tones and poetic notes,
As autumn seeps away, and a new season comes to play.
Gladys P May 2014
As I peeked, from my lanai,
Luminous air waves,
Flashed and sparkled, like thin spider veins,
Blinking into the misty dusk.

In rumbling and vibrating sounds,
Creating shocking frequencies and turbulence,
As thunder roars, neath the opaque clouds,
With a loud disturbance.

Followed by gusty winds, and cascading raindrops,
Streaming into the midnight hours,
Splashing upon the terra cotta rooftop,
Showering the garden, beautifully.
Gladys P May 2014
Mommy, you've nurtured me,
Since the day I was born,
Watched me grow,
And taught me many things I've learned.

In my heart you'll always be,
A hidden treasure,
Just for me, since everything you do,
You do with love and pleasure.

And on this special day,
I'd like to say,
How much you really mean to me,
Because you always find time, even if it's out of your way.
Gladys P Oct 2014
It was a gloomy Halloween night, misty, dark and cold,
With madness and mysteries that were yet to unfold,
When a pretty and pleasant witch, simmered hot brew,
Preparing to cast a spell, to the young and old.

With a poisonous drink, in scents of sweet potion,
And a fragrance of pure white lilies, only if they knew,
Tasty and hot, similar to a steamy cup of tea,
Placed in a large ***, plenty for everyone, and not leaving a clue.

As ghosts glided through, generating spooky sounds,
Reflecting mysterious whispers, as light as the winds,
And scary black bats flew endlessly, into the darkness,
Sparingly stroking, their generous long wings.

As guest gathered hopelessly and anxiously, drinking her brew,
And became drowsy, falling asleep,
And the witch grew weary and tired, through the night,
Upon her awakening, her invitees managed to escape, and she started to weep.
Gladys P May 2014
Sweetheart, my love for you,
                                                Is as deep as the sea,
                                                 And without you,
                                          I don't know where I'd be.

Everyday feels like reign,
                                         And you manage
To take away,
                                                     All of my pain.

                                                 The fulfillment,
                                                    ­ You bring,
                                             Is like scented flowers,
                                             In the midst of Spring.

                                           And there's no place else,
                                                  I'd like to remain,
                                           Then to be in your arms,
                                               Time and time again.
1.2k · Aug 2014
A Soft Lullaby
Gladys P Aug 2014
Late at night, when you were sleeping,
I stood beside you, until the light of day,
While you snuggled,
Beneath a cuddly pink blanket,
And I found it hard to stay away.

When you rested in your cradle, with your eyes gently closed,
Tenderly nibbling upon your tiny fingers,
And innocently smiling in your sleep,
Listening to a soft lullaby,
And in my heart, it shall forever linger.

When the stars twinkled in the sky,
As I looked out the window to see,
And the moon illuminated with a smile,
On that charming and unforgettable night,
When you laid close to me.
Gladys P May 2014
As I glanced upon the onyx skies,
Sprinkles of  diamonds came twinkling down by surprise,
One by one fell into the sea,
With profound memories, of you and me.

When our  hearts united in fulfillment,
Leading us to an inspirational day in excitement,
Admiring this attractive scene,
That sparkled so beautifully with sheen.

And soft winds casually embraced our way in flare,
Enjoying the pleasantness of the air,
While sitting close to you,
In a delightful view.

It was an incredible night and slightly cold,
When we saw the ocean waves gently unfold,
And our first kiss I often replay,
On that fabulous month of May.

Still today, when we seek for the stars,
It appears the eve is nearly ours,
And when you gaze into my eyes,
My pressure slowly continues to rise.
Love and Nature
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