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Paul Idiaghe Oct 2020
here, time is a truck
with waxed wheels. but it
keeps pacing, keeps paving the path
to destruction; in dreams, I pluck

myself from its sheath, let it sweep
over me like a tide; on the
ground, I gather my garments,
as stones and seashells, slip

into their ethers, where eternity
waits. here, pyramids don’t converge
as they taper; they tunnel
like a lair that has lost its lucidity

& I’m wandering within their walls,
clueless, clouded—a captive child
eager to escape into enlightenment,
or another dream, where bliss befalls.

this is a paper-dream gobbling
reality—down to its
bone, bruised bare & bleeding.
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
Will There Be Starlight
by Michael R. Burch

Will there be starlight
while she gathers
and lilac
and sweet-scented heathers?

And will she find flowers,
or will she find thorns
guarding the petals
of roses unborn?

Will there be moonlight
while she gathers
and mussels
and albatross feathers?

And will she find treasure
or will she find pain
at the end of this rainbow
of moonlight on rain?

Published by The Chained Muse, Famous Poets and Poems, Grassroots Poetry, Inspirational Stories, Jenion, Poetry Webring, Starlight Archives, TALESetc, The Word (UK), Writ in Water

Keywords/Tags: Night, starlight, moonlight, mystery, flowers, roses, petals, thorns, seashells, feathers, rain, rainbow, treasure, *** of gold, romance, romantic, romanticism, love, passion, desire, longing
Jazeera Feb 2020
And we went
to the sea shore...
Far away from
all the bustling little town
I collected all the seashells
While she collected
the perfect ones...
We then filled our bags
with a bunch of seashells
But what I collected
the most was
a bunch of memories.....
A beautiful day to remember...
ALesiach Jul 2019
slow clouds pass above
ebb and flow, dissolving sand
sun glints broken shells

ALesiach © 8/2016
San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
Sometimes I wake up
To seconds that float in oblivion
Before it all floods back in waves

Dreams sewed into webs of thread
Sunshine caught in shards of glass
Seashells echoed on ears' shores

But in a sanctuary of stars
Lies the peaceful silence of unborn stars
M H John May 2019
black circles traced his eyes
and a headache for days,
he forgot all he used to be

replacing those lonely nights
with tears to keep him company
he took everything he had
and soon went missing

not from the world
but from himself

smoking sativa
to try and bring him down
from the fog
of the clouds

a backpack full of
broken dreams
and bottled memories
he crushed them

and threw them into the tide
waiting for the waves
to turn them into seashells
Batrisyia Azman Mar 2019
Like the waves,
Who ebb and flow,
Like the shells,
With colours galore,
Like the trees,
And where they grow.

There is one thing,
That you should know,
You are always,
Where you're meant to be,
Who you're meant to be,
Save yourself,
From the sorrow.
PoserPersona Aug 2018
During youth I was quite the collector
of ocean ******'s annealed sandcastles
Though the hosts inside could not be cheaper,
their fleshy coats were worth all the hassles

Content I was amassing worn seashells;
monthly did this fine collection accrue
Though furnished, barren felt those wooden shelves,
as even pearls are lesser than a jewel

Still, the sand was warm; the waves were soothful
and regardless of what hollowness struck,
the beach granted a chance to feel fruitful
so long as one had either skill or luck

Alone was I, but daresay not lonely,
but I was not merry until married.
rmh May 2018
the melancholy of the moment hit me hard
like a rain check ten minutes before meeting
i've been on that road probably a thousand
times since last may
but something about the sunshine and the
slightly balmy breeze of late april
made me crave you in a way i hadn't before
i craved the way you always smelled like
essential oils and organic moisturizer
the seashells on your window frame
the creak in the floorboards in your entryway
the wind in my hair as i rode my bike to your
house, barely even able to wait long enough
for the white walk signal
i miss that
and it vanished right before my eyes
it's like every i touch falls apart
and i can't do anything to stop it
the funny things was
it started raining
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