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Jun 2018 · 279
Dream Catalogue #1
Bryce Jun 2018
In the fragments of my dream-state, I saw a past I didn't wish to uncover.

My old home-street.
It was the summer of a childhood memory, and the air was temperate-- like lukewarm water, suspended and perfect, almost vacuous-- without breeze or gust, as if strung up in some test-tube of a world.

The suburban houses lined the path, it felt the dawning age of autumn-- that though the trees were green, I could feel them ready to release themselves. to fall and die-- but not yet.

In the front lawns of these houses, exotic vehicles-- Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis-- an Italian road show strange and deeply uncouth.

With bright fantastic colors of cherry red and enamel white and neon green and twilight blue and midday yellow and magenta-- they portrayed as monuments, movable statues, and like a hometown get-together the families of the houses stood next to them, proud...waiting. For something.

I walked past, the spectral calls of my childhood friends and neighbors following and whispering inaudibly behind me-- a muffled shadow of voice that I yearned to understand, but could not. They laughed and spoke of illusory things, and within their voices dictated golden, pleasant memory, and a creeping sense of melancholy.

I could see my house at the end of the street. As we walked, it was as if a million summers came and went-- fathers pruned their oak trees, waxed their automobiles, pantomimed cooking and eating and drinking and mirth-- while the sunless sky glowed soft and infantile, a cloudless blanket.

Deep in my consciousness, I felt dread to return home. There was something off-- and as the dream world strips you of your familiarity, of your defenses and rationale, the raw beating flesh of fear spasms.

We reached the house, the procession of childhood friends all but dissipated. The old oak tree in the front lawn had been removed, the soft scent of lavender replaced with the vibrant colors of red rose and lanky yellow tulips that stood in piqued attention, long leaves of perfect green-- a new garden for a new soul.

An unfamiliar girl/woman-- perhaps the new owner of my lost home-- opened the garage, guided me inside.

Inside there was a McClaren, grey and yellow and unbelievably beautiful-- but dark and covered in dust. The garage was always dusty. How interesting that she would leave her prize hidden from the festivities...

She opened the door, in I walked.

In dreams often what we understand of geography and place shifts radically-- so that we may encounter a more unfamiliar world, to recognize it as distinct from waking memory. Perhaps so that we do not get lost-- to give us a way out, a logical incongruity to feed ourselves-- to convince ourselves that this world is imaginary, that it is irrational and inexplicable.

Yet when I entered my home, it was as if I had never left. The television cabinet, the floral couches, the wrought-iron fence through the kitchen door-- all of a sudden I was home again. For all the times I wondered, imagined the new family that took my childhood home--it was okay. It was safe. it was respected.

In the living room, the new family was unpacking posters. Old cartoons and comic characters next to the Christmas fireplace. Upstairs I heard muffled conversation-- bouncing off the vaulted front atrium to my ears, they were in the rumpus room-- the room I had so often called my own-- where I lost myself in books and games and puzzles and dreams. I wanted desperately to see it, yet I felt a slight unease-- I did not wish to push further than I would be let.

The woman guided me to the family room table, where we would so often have our family dinners-- and I would hide myself underneath the legs of unknown relatives, playing with the dog or tracing my finger along the exposed, unfinished wood of the underbelly-- and these memories flooded my dream-- a daydream within a dream-- calling with it a deluge of melancholic nostalgia-- a sort of hypnogogic recollection.

I could feel the stinging ache of these memories. I could hear myself weeping against the chair leg, looking out the french doors into the garden full of roses and grass and lilies and tulips-- familiar yet alien, alive and dead, lost and found. The ache was painful, yet when I suddenly awoke I found myself overcome with a sort of exhausted pleasure-- the kind of feeling one gets after crying for a long time, crying into the end of one's breath-- at the end of a long period of pain, or a resolutive tantrum.
I'm still thinking about this dream, and the one of the night before. Long has it been since I have had such vivid hallucinations, as with indiscriminate drink and smoke managed to mostly eliminate them from my life. It is both disturbing and satisfying to see them once again-- to perhaps withdraw meaning from them once more.
Jun 2018 · 559
Ok Gog-l
Bryce Jun 2018
Kinder. Snappier.
More considerate
Dripping soy in coffee filter
Not too stressed.
Able to leverage trivium
Free online tracker app.
on the clock
Kids away at care center
Glass of wine at business meeting
**** in the streets
Hand slumping man a Jackson
Better. Happier.
A safe society
Black eye on the money machine
In the store
On the street
In the hand
(Not the bush)
Guns off the street

Cleaner. Trapped.
Gob of brain tasty snack
(was there lye in that wine?)
Sleep in vehicle
Commute carefree
Unaware needed
Dreams defeated

Silent. Nappier.
More lethargic.
No need to ask
No questions left
to answer.
Free energy, Free money.
All that's needed
Is cooperation.
Laying towers of
***** power
in the open mouths of blind baby birds
With gurgling saliva
open mouthed
open heart
filling the blender with sweet wine\\\\
Jun 2018 · 379
Waltz No.2
Bryce Jun 2018
In the viscous ichor of tryptophan
Steal me away for a moment
Lead my endless toes
Eyes behind a waving fan

In an empty ballroom, paired electron
share our energetic light
In the everlasting yearning mind

With regal flow you go
Silk water against the door
Dream of me you sweet pea
Soon again with you I'll be

It hates for me to see you go
a fake alone particulate door
Dream of you far past adieu
And yet let no man aware of thee.
Jun 2018 · 355
Bryce Jun 2018
Howling wind
Flying dust
grating sands
none too much

Soldier boy
This I trust
A soul so pure
yet given up

Let your flag
remember you
let it wave
a fair adieu

From every fifty spangled stars
No honored tread of boot too far
May spirits lie in great recline
Dream, and rest, nor roused to fight

May peace partake in later fate
On burdened shoulders
And trembling legs

Hold the world you dreamed up high
With eyes beset that endless night

Beyond that veil you see so true
Those glistening stars call home to you.
Jun 2018 · 602
Bryce Jun 2018
Ar ar ar
Merry deathmas

Massive boon of life, you
No man feasts on your bones

Not those very fungi


Fi Fum drum you Protoctist ****
Shear the skin from the fun
White and node of muscled life
Make your narrow bed of marrow bread

Yeehaw life's a draw
and death presents a certain

Theres no mystery in
the biggest mystery
That it goes
with 777ccs of force
and maybe 1200 horse

and divine giant you
cud and horse and seed anew
stool of toad and brush of mold
return to state before
there was...
Jun 2018 · 359
Amniote x3
Bryce Jun 2018
I suppose
if I could metamorphose
Into a new skin
with wings
and a bigger brain

I would.

I contemplate
that this fate
may not be
the best for me.

And yet

I wait

I will grow
and cocooned in the modern american sheen
Dream of wings
miles away
from an airport or two
across the bay
they wave
from boys in areoplanes

I know
there is great green valleys for me
with deciduous trees
and anemones
and bears that ski
on their big fluffy bellies
in the shadow of some upthrust rockface

I beat
the drum of ****** life
and think the heavy drought of thought
and drink
the steaming heat of dreams

I knew
when I was a zygotic mass
imbibed with life
and stolen with soul

That I would be
The best ****** butterfly
You'll ever see.
May 2018 · 438
Bryce May 2018
How many songs wrote never known?
How many crescendos
lost to the echo
of merciless Fortune's squealing tired tire?

How many words?
never perturbed
silt beneath the oceanic span
between here and fame's centurion?

How long until god thrusts them into day?
to trace glibly along the interstate
for some passing child to stumble upon
and resonate?

How many bodies
removed of soul
Riddled with bullet and dirt of metal
sank deep into the earth and turned to worms
and protozoa
and chirps
and birds
and grass
and bark
and leaves
and trees
and Pax

How many greats' fate
Do we forget in our mad scramble
and the many fateful decisions
To save
or burn
Their words
and hands
And let Destiny
or Jesus
or Allah
or Krishna
or Mahayana
Guide their thoughts
to greater heights

Of how much
Have we lost sight?
May 2018 · 475
Classical Monumento
Bryce May 2018
When Bach and Amadeus
Died in their sleep and agony
I wonder if they knew
What they had achieved

Was it worth the cost?
When the Alps were 145 centimeters
distant from today
and the earth still folds your music
In between its subducting page

I want your great stratovolcanical violins
To extrude pumice and grindstone
to crush sweet music in between
Mt. Rainier and an unknown garden
made somewhere deep
in my quantum dream

The sky takes your notes
It is a great teacher as well
and swell, it does

It tells
me a quadrillion dreams
in every iterative puff of smoke
In every collapse of possibility
of every cat ground to paste upon the street
and all the ones that purr locally
In the arms of some caring soul
A lesser spirit dreaming
In the arms of their god

You play with a broken leg
or an unattached eye
or shaved cilia
And yet still
Your skill
none but ourselves
May 2018 · 444
Bryce May 2018
Return late at night
34mph on the gangway
Decimated and tired
rotated and unstoppable

When I come back around the cul-de-sac
the green candle shines my return
Flag hangs big and ogreish
Waiting for something more

I replaced my turntable
Black and wood on wood desk
Grains matched unintentionally

On one speaker I placed my snowglobe
Big Ben tall and wide
Snow stirs when I play

On the other The Capitol
Big heavy white dome
Smaller and wider but still just as lost
Blizzard of turning particle

What mood do i turn to?
Daft and electronic
Queen of hearts and misery
Dance of mad villainy?

33.333333 repeating
An album cover to cover
slip safely in between
read the inherent vibrative tone
glide my eaten fingernail
And sing the songs through my teeth

33.33333 repeating
Songs forever maintained
Never compressed, just expressed
Saved into physical form

33.3333 repeating
Round and round Fibonacci of doom
Spiral totally in control
There is another side to this story I never knew

33.333 repeating
They were going to make movies on vinyl screens
with vinyl tape and vinyl face
Then we got cable

33.33 repeating
Mesmerized by the glide of the needle
softer than a lover's touch
sharper than an atomic clock

33.3 repeating
It will be time to flip sides
Soon I will know no evil
Only the darker satellite

33 repeating
I repeat:
Listen closely and find the spot

Queue it up and fall apart
May 2018 · 397
Cum Laude
Bryce May 2018
Puff and Pomp of Circumstance
I maestrate my digits unseen
As an old lady hums loudly off-tune
begging to see their face
I tap my fingers to the drum

Watching myself walk the stage
Knowing I will receive no applause
How many people will watch--
Scoff as I go the distance

A piece of paper with a shiny crest,
Firewood, tinder, disinterest

A hilarious dream,
The biggest lie ever sold
But I still walk and talk and sit as I'm told

No great symposium,
No perfect forum

As every time I went to speak
I was silenced,
Pleaded to keep clean

The great farewell
dictation of objectivity
Of dis-indoctrination
I wanted to scream

No ma'am you are mistaken
The quaking words you claim are making
A better world, a better place?
Setting the stage for the end of day

And a rambunctious after-party
Full of mean mead and black wine
******* in the grass of the divine
"Let us remember..."

That they have never been

"...In the holy presence of God"
May 2018 · 251
Bryce May 2018
Hair that rains the heavens above
strands of starlight that twinkle brief
In my denying eyes, of which she cannot be
A lover lost to sharpened reave

Of reason, doth she assume her fate
And with the tide of man willed her soul abate

Will ever she be seen anew
With hair alight and lips overdue
To speak the dream of classic night
That enlightened day did obliterate

With pursed lips, I await that Perseus
To call the chattel to pasture clear
And save them from vain distress
Entranced to planetary dissident

Of earth, her burdened souls
Need a demigod to free their churl
Or better yet, a savior met
of reason and fate,
a lover indiscriminate

Men of stars, unseen from afar
glow dim of dying spin
And slumber deep immaterial
content only of all things real

I lay awake, and string my bow
sling the temperate celestial arrow
and point towards the sky, filled with delight
To aim that others may see their queen.
Bryce May 2018
When i was a little boy
and my booties could fit within
a small couplet of square metal
to which I had been given

I did not question, I did not complain
I existed the sights and smells of simple place

I licked the mist that watered plants
Crushed coffee beans in the employee
for they laughed at such a little boy.

It was 2002
and America was still somewhat free
When movie theaters had plastic seats
Empty exits
Then I sat the edge on watching Pokemon

Living in an electronic simulation
Taming, Creating monsters in my spare time
Travelling the tri-valley
Commute of a thousand years


It only takes minutes
And my soul drips strange when I see the house
Devoid of lavender,
Cut of oak tree

The park that once held the promise of a century
Diminished into brief obscurity
As new developments
Shaped like matchbox
destroy the grass
And raise land prices
To end the american dream

Paved roads that sang of free
take their toll
now I cannot see why this could be

What interest could there be
To paint our chided memory
Out of mind, out of sight?

Now the place I bought grilled cheese
Dipped in sharp tang of pickle juice

Bought and sold to an optometrist
To continue questioning the vision
of our adults
May 2018 · 502
Bryce May 2018
I bet the one who survived best
Was the one who did just enough
to spare the lash, but taste no ire
who slipped away when shots were fired

I wonder how they saw themselves
a rat, a man?
God knows what else

In thought as in plan,
in work as in bust

Everything is as was ever done.
May 2018 · 199
Bryce May 2018
My dad says my fuzzy dice in the mirror are an obstruction.

I say that's the whole point.

If i live or die tomorrow or a thousand years
from a dollar to a doughnut
I'll bet you can turn your ****** words to gold

Jack, man...

I wish you were here
May 2018 · 128
Bryce May 2018
I am not smart
I am the amalgamation of smart
May 2018 · 117
Truly Distasteful
Bryce May 2018
What is my job at end of day
All hand or claw will clench my teeth
and make the enemy of me
Sicken with the thought

Yum and dumb
I am Kerouac at Verdun
I rhyme and dine
and live and die
and speak and shout
and sputter and cry
and happy
and sad
and glad
oh man

oh man when upon I reach that hue
somewhere between vermilion and due

east of where I remember clear
Santa Clara and Oakland then

Everything shifts into red
I've been in this maw of waking dread

Since half past eleven.

Coming out and going in,
IN out
back again

Waiting, waiting
Slumber soon
Awake again,
Back at noon

Roll and roll repeat and pleat
I cannot write ******* sonatas or Beethoven I cant even rhyme a ******* word to itself with all this technology nobody will hear me
May 2018 · 1.1k
Or you
Bryce May 2018
Here I am again
banging and clanging
Pots and pans
head of lead
Ripped and tan

Scream and shout
Twist and pout

Aint nobody gon' talk about

you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you, or you,

...and yeah.

you too.
May 2018 · 389
H.P and the Moonshot Hogs
Bryce May 2018
Hey there, Maurice
This man could take the **** outta pistola
Tall as Yosemite
and twice as wild

Then here's Greer,
Man's... a little queer.
Drinks carrot juice with carbonated soda
Says its good for joints and inertia.

Don't quite know what that means,
But here--You don't gotta know a thing.

We smack the back of railroad tracks
Zoom down the 8 to the 102
And great! Who can we appreciate?

Pretty ladies and dancing lights
red eyes our fill of delight

These guys walk with a gun to their stride
claim to humane:
use hollow-point.

Infused with botanicals
Drinking gin
Beefeater talking heads
Drowning sins

You laugh at them now?
Bunch of rowdy gamblers
Playing dice with life
Spinning their chambers
Faster than you probably could.

there they are!
On Downey street
The place where the hackers and potheads meet

They deal in prose and green cloth!
words and promises and fear of light,

Man, these guys are outta my mind!

And I hither to and fro their
Business stand and hated flair

Told me the world would set me free
That perhaps we'd all get there eventually

But in that mean time
Hollow-points hang their claim
Grasp for cloth and modem dollar
Shackled by a diamond collar

Dreaming of fancy little rocks
A yacht of metal, a house of blocks

I dream of simple things
Of green and flowers and Poppy seeds
Wherein I find that happy guy
and revel in warm alibi

Maurice and Greer
Me and her
She and I,
We'll be there

And there is here,
There I despair
And watch awake with placid eyes

The drain choked with misplaced hair
May 2018 · 183
Sunset in Tokyo
Bryce May 2018
No American in Paris,
No ma'am I do not like baguette.

Here the sun rests perpetual
cooks the sky pink and white
I can slip and slide between a million souls
A splash of coffee creamer
Lost in the machinery.

Fuji-San salutes the sun
A foreign lesion of burning earth
Beyond the respectful attention
Of a careful city perched

Catches the orb, twirls it for a moment
Shadows cast our descent
and yet

Tokyo explodes, light and dine
A big "*******"
to the dark side of the twirl

Where I get drunk and ramble about Tao
Dichotomy and my dying country
To a Konbini attendant
at 3 in the morning

That with enough effort
and a little more east to our west
that we can destinate
A better fate

For that upset continent
I often find the Pokemart theme song to be a perfect representation of the sound of healthy and collective-based mercantilism
May 2018 · 346
Bryce May 2018
I think, therefore I may be.

Maybe I think too much to be free

But the walls close faster than a revolving door
Where no man will etch my name in precious floor

Lost to the inevitable human trace
A dream actuated to another time and place

My eternal atomic informative electrostatic attraction
Bounces my life across the pulsars
in altercation
And ionizes my dreams within
this distant universe,
To return to dream and inert

Inani, Intelli, Invinci,

Omni, Alli, Tectoni,

Read the pages on the stone
Sing the whispers in the growth
The dance of time, the hand of space
the love of design, a perfect trace

Sing sing.
as loud as you can
Do not get lost in the yaup of man.

There is a special soul inside of you.
It's the trees, the bees, the seas and due

Time will come for us to know
The world will task our souls for new growth

And when our time should come to pass
I let myself dance in Dodecahedral sky

And let my atoms shine

For new eyes.
May 2018 · 1.3k
Bryce May 2018
Tube worms hellish creature
Centurion of pitch and isolation
No internal altimeter

Pressured to bake and cook life
Take energy from pressured light
Press and push and valve and close
Entrenched, in line to another world

A planet a dot, a dot a spot
a spot a rock, a rock a dot

Wiggle waggle struggle straggle
Life and death, dream and cot

It is hot down here
In passion of dream
and the brain can easily
May 2018 · 406
And You Swing A Feather
Bryce May 2018
My mind emerges from the muck of dream
Sheen of crust and blurry view

In my mind you loom

In my dreams you sing your tune.

Step, clomp, foot, stomp

Off these laces
Pull these wagons
Heft these towers
Lay their power

Dream of vistas green and new
Untouched where?
there I see you

Log cabin of Linking Logs
Cobble our souls and roll them in stones
Heat our hearths and steam our schemes
Give us that leftover dream

But flags wave in every breeze
There is no land for my free

And that farm on the brook
I dream of maintenance
Will fall as quick
into this reapere

to pull the gift of life from dying soil
And play that I can have paradise
on earth

With iron ore
and sweat of toil

I will build a walled garden
to respect the rest
and tell myself

To keep dreaming.
May 2018 · 93
Bryce May 2018
Why do you whisper, green hands?
Why tell my ears they have soul
Why tell them,
anything about the world.

Who do you speak for, Green Man?
Who says these sinners are cold?
Who says they may just got lost down the road...

What do you grow there, green ******?
What filthy soils do you sow?
What can be glad--be glad to give no more...

When do you see it, green land?
When will we see it alone?
When we will know, we won't need cry no more...

How long to get there, green hand?
How many seconds to go?
How will I know,
My world is on its own...
Whispering Grass By Ink Spots
May 2018 · 159
Bryce May 2018
Wake up slumbering soldier,
Cog of wheel,
Tumbled over

Shrug your burden,
Off it goes
Rise and learned,
See who goes

Climb and claw for that spot at the top
Kick your friends and family off
aim to see your name
etched in gods coronal mass

No no not for you
There is no time or man for you

As soon as you were put in place
another will come,
And you erased.
May 2018 · 536
Bryce May 2018
Dear god,
Who art in ever,

Hallowed be thy bud,

thy grass and shrub,

On earth as it burns in heaven.

Give us this day our daily succ

and forgive us our sins,

as we revel in the sins that made us.

And lead us not into Asymmetry.

But deliver us like parcels
For thine is the wisdom,
and the timeless,
and the gorgeous forever.

There is symmetry in these words that uneasily pleases me
Bryce May 2018
And I gave my First Snowglobe to them.
…And When I had given that to them, I had told him to give me a gift in return that may have more to itself than just simple life.  

“Inahah oona sept amni kquestal”.

Yet I had no other thing to give, this broken soul, beyond more than just flesh, I was naught. And so she had nothing more to me than that of the great overtone, the great silence of the earth, of space, her arms stretching invisible to hold our gaze to her innumerable foreign light show and state--

Perhaps there is another lover of soul somewhere within?

And he said simply to me, that there is someplace for me to be, someone for me to see-- that there was innumerable and inexplicable, incalculable and incomprehensible, powerful and overwhelming deterministic fate that guides my eyes, lets me chose without choosing, think without thinking, know without knowing.

And he knew—and she knew—and they knew with a knowing that I can never know; true and whole and unspoken, I can only dream to describe.

"We made the world for us, for you."

And I felt their love radiate that ferrous heart, steeled with centuries of pain and removal, heated by the ***** of her truth and guided by the loving, tender hand of his true brilliance that blinded and pleasured my aching eyes.

The entire web of the cosmos, in my eyes, dreaming and thinking that maybe I’d be back there one day, whole, float-- bool and cruelty of world inconsequential within the vast expanse of everything—

A powerful, emanative, restorative code of the universe that held itself no information but all, no hate but the misidentified ache of longing love, differed from the soul of the grinding earth—so far away from god through sickly skin and broken bone that without expanding into time and vaporizing into pure light, these feelings which we can never know.
May 2018 · 381
An Excerpt
Bryce May 2018
Today she texts me, requests my company with her at the Modern Art museum downtown. Shrug on a coat, out into the winter air.

It is biting cold and left unchaperoned, my hands lead themselves to burrow into the down of my jacket pocket, where they fiddle with themselves for heat. The air tucks pale and the sun shirks the southern hills that flank the bay, framing the sky with its misdirected rays, and it makes my shadow long and light.
I think about what she said to me. How she rubbed her eyes when she stared deep into the sun between the trees, how she said it still left its mark in her vision even when we made our ways home.

And yet, why couldn’t I bear to look?

In and out of rowhouse shadows, I watch my own blink between the canopy of flaking, piebald birch trees that line the sidewalk. As I walk it lives and dies between the flickering leaves, tucked behind a natural shade--still, soon guided with my silent sure-step onward into that inanimate skyline, comes scarce to return to itself only in moments of sunny unobstruction—few and far between, the closer I get to downtown. At times I expect it to appear in one place, only to be surprised by its unpredictability—the way it stretches itself in angular relief, with supernatural zeal, to situate itself within the light; beyond any control or command.

Yet beyond the street an army of distorted silhouettes stilt themselves across the glass facades of unknown offices, dancing and flickering, painting the caving walls with unmistakable life. They march obedient to the cacophonous wanderings of city folk, those unspoken kin, an army of unarticulated fuzzy forms smeared across and in the spears of metal thrusting angry, jealous, into the sky—sapping the light, encumbering the grand city with their heavy towering darkness, seeping the day’s illuminating rays of their heat and majesty.

And yet, these floating individuals continue in lock-step, filled with indescribable finality, conveying their dripping, sliding doppelgangers across a foliate of empty reflective facades— with each purposed footfall further submitting their spectral shadow to the naked inundation of light—to exclaim to the sun their own simple, unpopular, infinitesimal form from which they receive their hostage.

Unnoticed, unaware, unknown; I stare up and watch, wonder, thought—my shadow splays itself hidden in the ****-soaked earth, full of trash and discarded waste, not worthy or willing to present itself in the innumerable fold of people—relegates itself to the cool undertone of shadowed street, invisible and diffused rather imperceptively into the homogeneous grey of asphalt.

By the time I reach our meeting place, I naught distinguish my own pendulous shadow from the forest of dead steel spires that propped their long coats across the wintered streets.
This is an Excerpt from a novella I am writing. It is currently mostly alone, and merely a descriptive tool. I will post more if people enjoy.
Bryce May 2018
my back-stroked keys
Arrive in formative seas

To float alone in endlessly
From you to you to me.
Apr 2018 · 261
Words Are Weapons
Bryce Apr 2018
I load my silver tongue with brass
crass and hollowed-points may be my nature
**** my thoughts, take aim
and with plosive sputter,
sling my brain
with metal hatred

Fling my words in forked contention,
misattribute my cold-hearted intentions,
with passion a fervor holds convection,
'Till pride produce the bituminous heavens

But still,
with marksman's gaze will you free my lies,
your scope of view between the ghostly sights
and trigger a sensationalist enterprise
for which all my lies will bleach
From red to white,
Tartarous sheen

There are words severed from man,
and as they hang their heads for the guillotine,
has any body stopped to ask,
"What do they mean"?

But the wheel cannot cease revoluting,
just as the rifle cannot beget its shooting,
Without the fatal trace of careful phrase,
fingered around the triggered maze
These words will fly
hot metal and lye
Awash the ****** floor of dissident
and acidic representation

Till all the light of spoken rhyme,
will dine upon the littered flames
Apr 2018 · 535
Biting the Nail Bed
Bryce Apr 2018
My gaze guides pink and blue of quiet calculator
Searching for the LCD
Hidden behind a pointless screen
As the outside pours itself upon me

It really tickles the soul,
The unbounding energy
I twist and shout as my skin furls
Curls with the waves of R.L-itty biting Goosebumps

Yet I can see between the trees of an old office park
The burned remains of waxy candle-like light
scattered across the rainy windowpanes
that fell around me in an amniotic metal box
I filled with an unopened lung

And behind the neon light she danced pretty as a queen
A silhouette, a silent dream
And I saw her in the drops of heaven,
In the rains of light,
And in the fuzzy deep inside
that echoed the hearty rumble of an engine
And carried me through wet asphalt
Of an unending night

Until I found a bridle

To bewitch she would let me ride

Yet in knowing ways she would dissatisfy,
Show the glaring between her eyes,
Tell me all the things between the sky
The she felt kept us from touching

No amount of metal screen
Or electronic ideation
Will fix the willful sublimation
of our shackled spirits
To realms out of reach

With human aye I fill my gaseous pouch
with the leathery sickly burning draught
of aromatic spinning gin and tonic
The threw my head over the bar
And out the door, into oiled alley,
Where She and I met lips there
Where we both smelled of reek
And Where weak minds tortured like glass
stained with the memories of fine wine

And a sense of overpowering divine

When we paired and parted,
Left for spheres
And both sought some different way out of..
Apr 2018 · 336
To A Rock
Bryce Apr 2018
Awake to a strange bugging nag
A tick of thought nestled between
The dripping seconds that sway my fate
And thus, the world-- for men we stay

I crawl to silent rocky planes
endeared to noting but silicates
with blood I christen their timeless face
With this flesh of mortal deviate

And soon my bones will give you pause,
my blood will pool,
my skin pale, taught and gauze

yet where you stay, alone from life,
my soul will rise

To endless light

To end this night
Bryce Apr 2018
Rain baffles the aching windowpane
Between the streams midnight clouds sing
A beating drum of thunderclap
When all is said and done

Somewhere very deep beneath
A sea of tears
and babeled ballast
a sunken dream awaits me

As raindrops pluck the surface
with the tender touch of violin,
I hear your dying cry,
Nearer my God to thee

Take me, take me,
Your deep love and misery
I cling to dry hopes
Upon foundering spires I find their sin

The chill of unknown rope begins,
Alight beyond the reach of man,
They twist and turn all they can,
To rest with forgotten porcelain

How god had laughed in envy of me
to strike his simple icy tune,
tonight I sing his name
last of air I breathe,
this child's toy,
this ripped balloon.

that last gracious song of autumn,
you sang to me that early spring
let it be known
I hold you now,
Forever entombed.
Feb 2018 · 221
To the Silicon Valley Exec
Bryce Feb 2018
An owed to you, master of the whitewashed office plaster,
Ruler of the water cooler,
Owner of the blue BMW i8 in the parking lot
Employed only to yourself.

In the morning, awake, spread the pomade
You bought at Neimann's just two months ago.
Unplug your car from the wall,
Hero of the Earth,
And get on the oily congested highway, talking on the phone of sales goals
And what office snack will be available today.

Quarter report, possible acquisition?
Lead your men to greener pastures
Where fields of Benjamins await your innovations
Like a modern-day Valhalla.

But it is wise to remember
that if you spend your days
taking calls
Life won’t get past the busy tone.
Feb 2018 · 282
Sea of Tranquility
Bryce Feb 2018
If the Sun
Were the size of a basketball
Sitting in L.A

The next closest
Nuclear furnace
Would be half a world away,
In Santiago, Chile.

Leagues of empty space,
Blackened cosmos.

Like droplets of rain,
Floating in an aetherous cloud.

We stare out of our bubble and wonder
What is there to be found?

If we are destined to empty space,
Falling upon empty planets around empty stars,

We are a singular flame
In a forest of midnight

That cannot be put out.
Feb 2018 · 268
Bryce Feb 2018
Craterous deep
I worry about your sanity
How many got it wrong to the one who got it right?

The sun rises early
There is no mind
It just bugs a little because night is so sumblime
I can see maybe 126 different points of existance
And have them twinkle twist with a thousand years
They hold their presence with confidence befit a head of state
Royal rocks of alienate

It is day and now I must jump into the stream
Put on my overalls and cross -pollenate with the hive
And drop a pebbled throw into the blanket of thought
Spark quick and be forgot
Feb 2018 · 290
Bryce Feb 2018
Black scar of earth shears bow out of sherbet sky
Brown forking river prongs swishing through dead underbrush
Glow of center console in twilight fields
Time steps carefully through this moment

The east sets in pale Earth shadow
Horizon sparkles with waking man-light
Starless sky fades imperceptibly to night
with tectonic indefinance.

There is fire in the west every sunset
And many days I did not look
Eyes hung heavy stone orbs
Articulated via earthen roots

All those roads led endless towards Rome
Where leather seats sweat sweet in steaming summer heat
And Late moon hemorrhaged pure silverlight in the desert stillness
Still my tallow hands flake against the looking glass
Bryce Feb 2018
They say Cancer is a water-sign
That it is a mutable thing
And cleansing
and that it can fill any body that it meets with
Many feelings,
swirling typhoons
Like tea leaves
and chemical spills
Somewhere below the heart,
They said.

Cancer hangs in the dome of night,
Between the 90th and 120th degree
Where the sky floats like lithium on the tongue
Playing pick-me-ups with the other alkaline metals
Testing every possible reaction
So that one day another might have
What we lost.

Cancer holds a spirit in its claw
So that in the dead summer heat I can still see
A lovely winter leftover weather
You always hoped you'd leave for me

Sometimes I now look around
at night,
watching these celestial compositions flicker like
ancient candles, blues and reds and yellows.
I wonder what your tiny stars shelter, all those light-years away.
How beautiful you look to my unknowing eyes,
Burning violently, silently
In darkness, dying.
Feb 2018 · 313
Stuck in Shakespeare
Bryce Feb 2018
I do not understand this poet
Nor the glimmer in his mind,
and no amount of persuasion
Will ever make him mine

The great poet the world has known
The English Soul, the Bard of olde
Speaks little but of jests,
and not a word of happiness

But who am I,
forgot to time,
I all but simple words I leave,

I will never have
Shakespeare's memory
Feb 2018 · 1.1k
Poetic Genocide
Bryce Feb 2018
Do not sell your words to devils
who will trade your wisdom for gold and trinkets.

Do not sell your love to any random house
They have no interest in the maintenance of your meaning

Do not sell your heart to strangers,
if they do not have a soft hand

Do not jump into the sea,
If you have yet to find comfort on the land
Feb 2018 · 2.7k
Claire de Louve
Bryce Feb 2018
Darling you know i love it when you play the black chords
Let them echo through the house for a long minutes time
and show me the god in your fingertips

a lover's hand you have with that percussive beat
rumble those strings with a heavy heart
give the dead ivory a taste of your lip

the ecstasy, the thrill
the trill and timbre
the infantile touch of a player's soul
strumming through that sweet sound

It is my youth, my zenith, my dying wish
my every happiness

to hear your musical singing string,
'till the very end.
Feb 2018 · 154
Bryce Feb 2018
When words fail me
(which is always)
perhaps I can find a way
to put them together lazy like a 8th grade
science fair

Still I have yet to finish a word that means more than a poetic dream
And I have no idea when that will be

So i will read a lot of books that say the same thing
and speak not in the class or in the boundaries of
common thought
and instead place my words in between alighted joints
or on deaf ears to feign interest

Again i tug on the soul-string and think
"maybe this is the way outta here"
but i dunno,
nobody i've spoken a word to agrees.
Feb 2018 · 494
I wrote this strung out
Bryce Feb 2018
Today i clacked my shoe heels on the bench
paced the piece like a pommel horse with a fire in my eye
and words that hurled spears of love to the stary eyed sky

Today we let the smoke penetrate more deeply--
the oxygen osmosis contained hydraulic thought
And for once we tore the masks off and screamed TRUTH
to nobody but ourselves

I refill my gas tank with the petrififed remains of ancient mistakes
that died to an uncaring genocidal
feasting on borrowed bones

Today the heavens sing with every sunset
eyes glued to our utilitarian hand-
hand device, we dont even bother to look up
that bothered me immensely

Today I spoke with a woman who recommended the stars as a good starting point to our astral projection journies
and i wondered if our particulae had ever reverberated this strong
in the aeons before

Tonight I will watch the stars
try to figure out if i had ever loved death more or less,
until now.
goodnight ichorous day till death may i see you again
Jan 2018 · 192
I'm writing this at 5%
Bryce Jan 2018
Quick I will post for the sake of posting
Perhaps test the bloodwaters
Am I a true artist yet?

I have yet to offend so perhaps I am an early Israelite
Condemned to mental slavery for 40 years and 40 nights

I can't be an artist until I say ****
But we all know ****** did nothing wrong
In fact,
Most blessings come disguised as curse
God can only speak through the devils malfeasance
But nobody on this ******* planet wants that clue
I like the numbing effect of validation
****** pill of mind wash that **** out with soap please
Pathetic bronze soul worthy of enslavement
It's easier than doing it yourself

**** it man specific lives matter
**** it man the nation matters
**** yall lying ****** **** *******
Those are old ideologies

... (grandmas)

Let's just go to space and nuke the planet from orbit and restart
Rebuild the republic man!
Watch it crumble away to Rome

Before that I want to be remembered as a cunty man with no taste or class
And nothing to say
Have I ****** you off yet? **** it then
Jan 2018 · 365
Freeform 1
Bryce Jan 2018
Your energy seems a little blue.
Anything off your mind?

You have mud on your jeans
Aren't you concerned?

Where were you today?

Drain the cerebral dionysian fluid
Place sulfur cannabidoil on no body
Let it intoxicate the air in an enclosed space

Shhhhhh please let me communicate
Off putting soul you, where are you off to
Spirit me on a journey away from shattered hearts
Broken pavement
Indigo dying

Wild boar screams its kami
A reverberating cry of echoed soul
I hear myself in it

Parking lot hears only wind and dim buzz of street lamp purposeless in the middle of the day
Let the light alight and be absolutely *****
The sun takes no prisoner of shadows on its shift and that includes your silly ornamental lamp
And your silly streetsigns
Placing order on a celestial marble surrounded
Jan 2018 · 322
Vision 1
Bryce Jan 2018
There the three mates below the simultaneous dirt
in foggy hour,
Sunday stir

Bird chirp beyond the leafless limbs
Burnt paper masks around the leaflet scene
Awash the winter weighted storm, a propeller-sound

rumbles the bumbled air

a hum-drum conundrum drumming engine from the cloud

a hum in the back pocket

at once I am looking up
unfamiliar craft
"who is it?"
knocks at the pod bay door

a small shape, splasmatic
falls beyond hillcrest into grey

f la sh

all is gone
Jan 2018 · 227
Bryce Jan 2018
With beaten sails we take to a south wind,
Letting lifted air carry our hearts
Towards something closer to love.

Rose petals fall from ivy-covered walls
Her smile shines like Sirius
I can’t help but smile back
The gravitationality of it all

We can get ****** and drive thru a Krispy Crème
Glazed doughnuts in our eyes and maybe laugh for the first time in ever
I cannot tell how long that’s been

The days get shorter and the leaves fall like soldiers
Sky hums cobalt in a winter coat,
There will come a time where I will call and you won’t answer

Was einst war, ist nun tot

I keep pulling from the green days and you stare
starry eyed at
Cubic Zirconia on Sunset Boulevard
As we bid bon voyage
Drifting Kuiper belt objects
Parsecs away.

The pulp turns to mush in spring and pigs feast on the ****
I have to get away or get swallowed by swords
You tell me it’s the only way
I smell burnt treads

Your sweat lingers on the nose differently
And your face turns in anger
I’m too tired to try and talk anything out of it.

A toad flops through the backyard mud
And I think of a time when this was swampland
And getting to work meant
Bringing a machete
To dice your way through old paper trails.

It’s okay.
The road is meant for old shoes
And high heels have no tact on gravel.
I will break the rubber under my footfalls
searching for it.
Jan 2018 · 171
Collection 1 (Haiku)
Bryce Jan 2018
Rain clatters on roof
Howling gust! Water bullets
Safe upon my bed.

Between the redwoods,
Taste momentary dewdrop
the fog sweeps away.

In nestled clearing
Doe stops upon the hillside
Eyes wide upon mine.
Jan 2018 · 124
Hope (Haiku)
Bryce Jan 2018
Grey clouds, springtime rain
Washes into the soaked earth
A lone flower blooms.
Jan 2018 · 319
Bryce Jan 2018
Ice bleeds to water in lukewarm air
As timeless crystal lattices
Into perpetually formless jumbles

You take a pick to the lakebed
Slash shaves of ice from their atomic *******
Grit chattering teeth against slicing cold
To brush frosted life beneath its shell

Exhale vaporous dawnlit dragon-breath
There is no sweat on your icicle skin
Help our furnace-star do its nuclear work
In time for rite of spring

The soul floats a sub-arctic berg
Incongruously bobbing ever onwards
While hypothermia licks at the fingertips
Between your edges and the warming waves
Jan 2018 · 226
Land of Free
Bryce Jan 2018
I saw Monticello
A foggy Appalachia
And learned that day
Thomas Jefferson owned slaves

Those angered spirits
Hallowed howling souls
From within the worm-torn earth
Left low-vocalized debt-cords
Tied around a guilty frame

Two centuries ensconced in brick
A time fondly forgotten
When the radicals sung their starling songs
To a land of gin and cotton

There will probably not be another Whisky Rebellion
With the **** beat out of Dixieland
Watch the T.V dinner-pan out
A Social security check
to every Pioneer.

Down go the statues and mountains
There will be no old memoriam here
It’s time to return these borrowed things to earth
Now that their end draws near.
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