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Mar 2017 · 1.5k
Left Overs
Rhianecdote Mar 2017
Wondering how at nearly 25
I'm feelin left out?
This shelved life
got me in two minds
But I won't cry over split milk
It'll soon be dried
Up like the invites
I forgot to R.S.V.P
too busy tellin you
I'm just too busy
tryin to do me,

Just do right by me
And bring me back in.
Going off ain't a sin,
Yeah I may have gone off
but not by much.
Still here on the side,
Tried to stay in touch
Reaching distance,
So reach out
And pick me up
it's worthwhile
you've not had enough
What's gone today,
come tomorrow will fill your cup.
Left overs still the best
Just need some heating up,
A fresh season,
a little warmth and love
When you're feeling like a left out carton of milk on the kitchen counter
Oct 2016 · 821
Two Shits
Rhianecdote Oct 2016
I see a lot of Take

                        So I no longer Give

Zero ***** also works as a title but London lingo man
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Fresh Start
Rhianecdote Oct 2016
Going back to what you know.
All the signs tellin you to stop,
Reroute, it's not the way to go

It's just not the same,
Couldn't be maintained
Left to decay
in the time lapsed
collapsed and what remains
is a husk that just adds to the
echo of the pain
you ran here to escape
Walls of dust clinging onto the pasts shape
Fallin away
Fillin your lungs
along with all those things you failed
to get off your chest along the way

And you wonder why you can't breath?
Why your heart got so heavy it fell off your sleeve?
Why your mind stole your dreams and now you can't sleep?
Why your faith was overrun by your worries and now You can't believe?!

Even here Collapsing on your knees
choking back the tears
As you try to put it back together
piece by piece

But it's gone.

There's nothing here for you anymore
You must leave
the road lead nowhere
And nowhere is where this road leads
A circle always comes up empty
No matter how far you reach

Be an exile.
Find your feet
In less polluted airs
Fill up those lungs
Where you have space to breathe
Pick up that heart
with the strength it took to take the leap
Towards the Fresh Start
no decay, no debris.
Come out the Dark
you'll be ok, you will see
well enough in time
to carve your own path
Be Free
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Rhianecdote Jan 2016
It's always the little things
The little things add up

Good or bad
They multiply

Until you're counting your lucky stars
Or you're **** outta luck
...It's always the little things
The little things add up
Jan 2016 · 621
I Do
Rhianecdote Jan 2016
I love you very much

I love you more than I show
And much more than I say

But know
if there's one thing I do
It is love you
Jan 2016 · 1.6k
Rhianecdote Jan 2016
It's funny how those first meetings are etched into your memory
At the time you have no idea of the significance or the impact that meeting would have

When I first met you,
you was wearing a batman
onesie in Maccy D's
You gave someone else a hug
Looked at me, I smiled shyly
Little did I know how special
You would come to mean to me.

Last time I saw you
I gave you a hug that I didn't really want to end
Now I'm sat in a park, surrounded by people playing pretend
Because there's only one person I really want to be here with
And that's you
Dec 2015 · 2.6k
The Sea and He
Rhianecdote Dec 2015
There is something so timeless about the sea. He stood witness to its all encompassing beauty, watchin the ebb and flow of time and life. Captured and captivated but free from all thought and all worry. 
Just standin on a rock, in the bay. A plynth the sands of time had been left in a settlement between earth and ocean long ago, a viewing platform to satisfy the Seas only plea "See Me" 

He stood by its shores as all others before him had and in a moment he shared in all the collected memories of humanity. Of those first souls that made it to its shores from the desert, across the sands of time to dip a foot of weary and worn down soles into its abyss yet stand still as he does, captured and captivated, to watch it wave all the hellos and goodbyes ever given in an eternity.

None knew how long they stood there for, for there was no need. Though a part of them will probably remain there always. There is something so timeless about the sea...
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
I will not Suffer The Fleet
Rhianecdote Dec 2015
I have made my peace
With all that is fleeting

The ships will sail
To where they're meant to be

Time will run as it always has
But it shall not run from me

I will not stand and watch as they go
I will not give chase as they leave

Time will run
And ships will sail

But I will go my own way to see
What awaits me

I will be left
Though not alone

But Smiling

With all the memories
That accompany me
Life is but a series of moments.

I heard a song recently and it pulled me into a kind of reverie that I haven't had for some time. It transported me to those moments we have in life, precious ones where you almost take a step out of yourself to appreciate it fully. You know that it is going to come to an end but that doesn't matter because it is in these moments that you can say with a certainty   "I know happiness and I am eternally grateful for it."

Kodaline- Love like this (Acoustic)
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Mime Field
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
So I'll throw stones,
cause I can already see the cracks.
Aim for them and brace myself
for all that's hailed back
Cause sometimes the best way
to see who you really are
is to see what you do under attack
I won't rely on glass to protect me,
I'll have my own back 
Shatter my own shell
Be rid of false Fragility,
Free all the ability
With the agility
Gained from the shield I now lack
There comes a time when every Mime must escape their glass box.
Haha I just clocked this is the same as another poem of mine...Finding Dory moment ... Oh well
Nov 2015 · 1.9k
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Sometimes I put my headphones in
No music playin
Just to muffle out the background noise
Of all they're sayin ,
all the empty conversation
I'm secretly sat here craving
From Better days when
This paranoia wasn't constantly
Invading my brain and
I could entertain it
Sit here without fear
Cause I was going somewhere
With people I could call friends
Without questioning motivations

Unquestioning motivation
Now sleign , altered
And warped by blame
checked into the Awk-ward
I wait in urgency
hoping This was no accident
And I'll imerge and see
The bigger picture
But for now I shrink
Weight droppin off of me
still feelin heavy
Propped up on this bus seat
Weighing up whether
I should miss my stop
Cause I'm not sat near the bell
And God forbid I ask someone for help

Cause then they'd have to look at me

But don't look at me,
Don't you dare look at me!
I can't face you today
I can't even face me
That's why I don't take a window seat
And you have to begrudgingly
Shimmy past me to take yours
Or walk past to the back
Silently cursing me

I wish you'd sing instead
I've got no music playin
Clear my head
lend an Ear-nestle next to me
Did I not earn your earnesty?
If I've got your back
Won't you back me?
Or will I turn round
Reach out
Only to find your shadow stretchin
Out of reach
Like a weary soul-dier
you take your leave...

I try to shake mine off
Break some branches,
Tryin to get free
They Silently scream
But I'm struggling
To even make it off my seat
Go live
In three
But I can no longer perform
Go on without me
Forget me
Only thing on the way up
Is mum's spaghetti!
Need some Bob Marley
Get up, stand up
But my legs won't let me!
Musics off
So it's down to me
Get up, stand up
Used to be so easy
Get up stand up

Your bus stop is here

No music playin in my ear
But right now I could do
With a mellowdy
When ringing the bell on the bus  becomes a struggle! Maybe I should start carrying my own haha!
Nov 2015 · 3.2k
No Wait Gains
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Forget the What, How, When and Who?

I don't work in silver service

I ain't waiting on you
you can clock up a lot of wasted hours waiting on others, so get started yourself and I'm sure that those destined to collaborate with you in life will make themselves known and follow suit
Nov 2015 · 664
Happy Daze
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
I cannot make you happy**
It was never my responsibility to

Of course I'd never want to
make you unhappy

But sometimes it's just a symptom of being exposed to the truth
I think this is where a lot of people go a bit off course in life, relying on external factors for things that have to come from within. Particularly in relationships it can be a lot of pressure. I'm not sayin that others can't bring you happiness in life, of course they can but I don't believe that anything or anyone should or could be the sole source of it. Your happiness is ultimately your own responsibility and I feel it is very much linked to ones own self fulfilment in life.
Nov 2015 · 448
Stay Over
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
We had our time
That time has gone.

Never make the mistake
Of stayin too long
Nov 2015 · 1.7k
Guy Talk
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
"Loads of guys talk to Rhi"
On a day such statements and possible insinuations don't **** me off
they actually entertain me.

What do people think of me?
What do they really see?
Used to be a source of teenage paranoia
Now I'm more intrigued

It's 6 am,
After party at Mag's house!
Everyone's sleepy
Sun's coming up
Smokers coming in and out from the balcony
Sliding doors
Dawn chorus
Sat in the darkest corner
On a wicker chair
Tryin to go unseen
Feelin I look a state
Makeup has started to fade
No longer hiding me
No one in this room
Would know though
About that insecurity
Had me Avoidin mirrors
When out since the age of 15
That's a long time to not be
able to face yourself

But now this young guys facing me
I've sparked an interest you see
Half cut Johny who I shared the car journey
Back with has been spreading the word
That I do carpentry
And he's intrigued
So he's crouched down beside me
Eyes wide open,
Probing me, testing my knowledge
Rollin off his story of going off the rails
And joining the army
But how carpentry gives him some peace
I smile, I listen, I speak
Shake his hand
As he introduces himself as Steve
Asks if he's steppin on anyone's toes
Cause he believes the Dj
That's followed us back
For the after party
Is my boyfriend
Cause we were talkin
And he was stood next to me
I laugh at how fast
Assumptions are made
In the dark
It's kinda funny
He feels awkward now
Says it's nice to meet me
Sigh of relief

Why do loads of guys talk to Rhi?
The banter most probably

Hear Dj taking the Micky
(Turns out to be his name ironically)
As he walks back in
Tryin to set up his sound system
Steve says get some Scart leads
We're cracking up
I say something off the cuff, witty
He Spuds me
I'm a "bro" after all right

What do you do?
I dance
But you was stood behind me all night!
Ha! No, just for a bit,
I was watching what you was doin

He starts telling me about beats per minute
I ask him bout the Djing
How I'm interested in doin it
We Banter about how he'd teach me
How I'd be his prodigy
I think he means it

Says we got him in trouble with the club
For changing up his set
Cause we were goin in
We were feelin it
Asks me to guess where he's from
I say You look mixed race
But I bet your Cypriot

Says he's Half Turk, half Greek
That's why things didn't work out
between Mummy and Daddy

Chuckles softly

He's a Barber during the week
Cut Rita Oras hair the other day
Shows me the tweet
He's likable, pretty sweet
Says he's glad I'm there
Cause he doesn't know anyone here
And he'd have no one to talk to
A shy dj
Looks like Drake
Kind of a giveaway
His Nose is running
I say
what have you been sniffing
Grinning teeth
Smiles and shakes his head
How can you say that
To Someone you've just met?!
You're cheeky!

Asks if I smoke or do drugs
When I reply no
He jokingly asks to marry me
I say where's the ring?
He gets out his keys
Puts it on my finger we laugh
Who knew getting a wife
would be that easy?

Calm down sunshine!
my games more stealthy

But I reiterate
"loads of guys talk to Rhi"

What do they mean?
I'm a guys girl
Always have always will be
If this night has confirmed anything
It's that
Certain females just don't warm to me
Give them a compliment
They're ******* me
Make a joke
They're ******* me
Dance by one
Accidentally knock her phone
Out her hand she sits down immediately
Face of thunder
I Say sorry,
Skulk off awkwardly
Beat myself up about it momentarily
Then get annoyed and think **** it
Head back to where I'm meant to be
Just the dance floor and me
Where I get smiles and laughs and looks
I can't quite decipher
"White gyal skanker!"
Mutter out apologies as I stand on
Some guys toes
Tells me no worries I'm a dancer

Hell I'm a flirt too!
I speak to guys cause
it's what I know how to do
It's easy conversation
It's fun
But I know that when this nights over
it's all said and done
No need to mention
I have no true intention
Of speaking to or seeing these people again
Maybe I should
Maybe that's how I'll make connections
But for now I'm tired but it's a good tired
I feel at peace
There's something wonderfully dreamy
About the after party
People slowly waking up from the make believe of the night
As they're fighting off sleep
DJ Micky making his way out the door
Shoutin back
Make sure you message me!

I won't

For now It's time to head home
I take my leave
As I exit
Wave bye to Steve

Thinkin Why is it guys talk to me?

For the same reasons anyone would really
I listen
I guess maybe I put them at ease

Just a little something I finished off from man shaped musings on my last night out. It was sparked off by a comment,possibly even a compliment that kept being thrown around by the older bunch of old skool ravers I had been hangin out with who didn't know me very well. The first people I've ever partied with during a time where I was probably learning a few things about myself
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Run the Credits
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Credit given
Where credits due
But my pay as you go phone
Deserves more than you!
Nov 2015 · 716
Intimacy Bun
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
You know sometimes
You catch me unaware

Like when I'm brushing your hair
And you rest your head on my stomach
But I feel your warmth in My chest
Inhale, Exhale
As I always have
but there's a Change in my breath

And suddenly this moment
Becomes very real,
yet ethereal  
it delicately spreads.
Like my fingers
Through these
Waves cascading
Down your neck
Your beautiful face

It leaves a smile on mine
To be sharing this space with you
In this place with you
Meet your eyes gaze

You call me Rhipunzal
But it's your locks
That give me a way in
Got me appreciating
Little moments like this
The closeness, the bliss
And I may still have a lot more to
Learn about love
But I can feel it here
In the quiet
On your forehead
In my kiss
Vibing to NAO - Adore you
really adds to this feeling <3
Nov 2015 · 24.3k
Mouth Piece
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Seems like
Words are failing
Maybe We should use our mouths
For other things

How about kissing?
Right there
On that part of my naval
As I brush your hair

Maybe I'll let out a little sigh
As you linger there for a while
Look up and smile
Pretty eyes got me gazing

Words may be failing but
There's other ways to speak
Your hands gently trailing
got my body feeling Weak

Self control startin to slip
Better watch my mouth
As I bite your lip
It stings
But not the way words do
No need for censorship

This mouths being used for other things

Maybe to let out a laugh,a little grin
As you make your move
To help me relax and
Leave your mark on my skin

Raising the heat
Got me craving!
Tongues may be wagging
In the morning
But ours are for tasting

So what do you say?

Mmm don't speak.
My hearts racing
Legs shaking
As you play your mouth piece


And I
Might just have to pull you in tight
Might just have to have you all night
But don't worry
It's our lil secret, I won't say a thing

Words may have failed us
But mouths don't need words
To do wonderous things

Inspired by spice! Uh huh hunny!
Nov 2015 · 741
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
Bambi knew way too much

Far too young

Watched Mama get shot in front

Of eyes and ears just opening

Deafening Death

When Life had just begun
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
We run on PMT
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
I'm zoned
Brains foggy
Can't even hold a conversation
With those closest to me
All this vocabulary
And I've run out of things to say
So I just talk ****
To fill the silence for a bit
But I can't be arsed
I quit
How bout you take over for a sec
Cause it's not just my responsibility
To remain enthusiastic
*having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
Yeah,that's effort
haven't felt that way for a while
and I won't force it
So you speak
And maybe I'll listen
If it's not more of the same
Look up once or twice
If you say my name
Get annoyed that I'm in a stupor
Don't be so vain!
Can't you see it's just my brain
No one's home
It's nodded off again
I'm in The nil zone
But What can I say
I'm prone!
I won't pretend
Its a Shame
You're not entertained
but this Influx of Hormones
Got me feelin like being alone today
Hand me some chocolate
And some dumbed down TV
Oh ****! Just my luck I've given up dairy!
No ***** to give, I'm gettin none today
Just my luck I'm feelin hella *****
And my boyfriends away
But **** it, I'm tired anyway
Frustration got me in disarray
******* Sun! I didn't see you today
It's gloomy, I'm angry, I'm stressed
Call the A team
Here comes Mr P.M.T and Mrs P.M.S
Nov 2015 · 940
Lower the Shield Maiden
Rhianecdote Nov 2015
So I'll throw stones,
cause I can already see the cracks
aim for them and brace myself
for all that's hailed back

Cause sometimes the best way
to see who you really are
is to see what you do under attack

I won't rely on glass to protect me,
I'll have my own back

Shatter my own shell
Be rid of false Fragility,
Free all the ability
With the agility
Gained from the shield I now lack
Rhianecdote Oct 2015
"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"* she said.

"Well" I said
Maybe I don't mind this glass house of mine being shattered, maybe that's the idea.

Maybe I'd prefer to be seen in all my transparency so you can no longer doubt or question me, cause maybe the glass that forms the walls of this cage isn't see through enough for me.

It fogs with the breath left from all those half truths and words I use to give you clues as to Who I am and Who I'm not.
The words that echo back to me creating so near, so far images of the me that I've forgot.

Maybe in that fog you're not the only one that can't see me properly.
I can't see out...looks frosty
I'm cold, yet I can't stand the heat
As this glass refracts light from gazes
Of spectators and haters pointing pointless fingers as they take a seat,
Insulates a rage in me!

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said

As if I couldn't take what was about to come.
As if to dismissively say
You're not ready yet
Don't let this cocoon you've
created come undone.
Giving me forewarning
so I could standstill and run.
Look at me!
I stand still but I run!

But Maybe I don't mind being homeless,
Maybe if I'm home less I'll feel home more in myself absent of barriers,
comforts and fears of wealth and worth
So I grit my teeth,
dig my feet into the earth

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" she said

As I hailed the first one at her 
Watched the crack spread
Across her face
Creating lace shapes
And split her head in two
As her image struggled to cling on
With every molton strand of sand
Left to her but she had no time left to seek
as she fell creating a mosaic of shards,
broken glass at my feet

Stepped over them

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones she said

Well I just did

Cause I helped raise this Glass House in fear

And I will knock down any monument to dictatorship
The great dictator is Fear
You overcome fear with hope which is an extension of love and love overcomes all.
I can see the bad but I ultimately believe in the best side of humanity and as I'm part of that collective I thought its best to extend some of that courage and belief in and to myself.

Face yourself, Face your fear
Aug 2015 · 670
Preach in Practice
Rhianecdote Aug 2015
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the fake person
As I try to be polite
Extend consideration, be nice, be kind

Cause really you'd have to be blind
Not to see How little time I have to waste
On wastes of time

I'm an **** man
So to see the back of you
I really wouldn't mind

If i could only be arsed man
To look In your direction
If only you had any
to speak of or find
This is what happens when you've spent too much time with people who you like too little. Some company just leaves you Drained or bored, stay round those that make you feel lifted and inspired
Jul 2015 · 1.8k
HesiTate Gallery
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
And you will become spectator
To your own
Go for it!
Jul 2015 · 5.1k
Insecurity Guard
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
It's high time some people realise
That putting others down
Doesn't elevate you in any way,
shape or form

So before you take issue with me
How about you take issue
with your own insecurity?

Cause it's not a justification
for being ******
We all ***** from time to time but some people take it to another level. I've never quite understood the need for the hate or ****** comments some make about others, particularly those they don't know or even worse they're own supposed friends! I don't like being around that bad vibe, I don't like how you can be dragged into it. To say it makes me feel uncomfortable would be an understatement. For a long time I have learnt to extend patience and consideration when I understand that others "bad vibes" are coming from a place of either hurt or a low in themselves but I don't think it's always good to pander to people's low self esteem especially if they're in the wrong. In fact being blunt can do them some favours
Jul 2015 · 2.7k
Embrace Yourself
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
You don't need comfort nor distraction 
what you need is a plan of action
A helpin hand,
make it your own
Don't go under,
see how much you've grown

I believe in you
But don't take my word for it
Look at all you've shown
Promise cannot be broken
It's hope
Hope will lead you home

The place where you belong
Where you are meant to be
You will see it through eventually
Realise what you've always known

Reality isn't something to escape
It's something to make
Make the most of it
Creationists in our midsts

You have gifts, talent, ability
So much to give
Take control, take responsibility
There's nothing to fear, not really

Cause You have love
And You will always
be able to make it

Embrace life
Do not forsake it

You're not alone
But if you ever feel like you are
Embrace yourself
Hug out the doubt
Love is the ultimate wealth
Start with yourself

You are not a mere reflection
Of what you see
You are not a mirror
Reflecting what they think you should be
You are you
Who you hope to be

I see you
I see your hopes
I see your dreams

I love you
I love your hopes
I love your dreams

Hold onto them
Embrace yourself
For they are you
You are the key

Love yourself
Love your hopes
Love your dreams

Truly believe
Make it real
And it will be
your Reality
I've indulged in my fair share of escapism in life, we all do from time to time.
I kinda wish we would realise Life isn't something to escape but rather something to embrace
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
You don't need Comfort

You don't need Distraction

What you need is a plan of Action
Jul 2015 · 3.5k
In Kind be Well
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
One should never lose their kind nature

But one should also be sure to extend it to themselves
Jul 2015 · 2.8k
Meri Chandney
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
Her name is Chandney
In Punjabi it means the Moon
The thing about the moon is
It's not always appreciated
as much as it should be

The Sun steals all the glory
The Moon merely awaits its time
To come and reflect on the days
the Sun has left behind

The Moon picks up the pieces.

Chandney is my best friend
for a time she was my only friend
The only person I would call a friend
Not because I'd known her for so long
But because of all the things she'd done

Like coming to my door everyday
after school when I'd dropped out
and wasn't leaving the house,
tellin me about her day through the
intercom when she was young
and had the time to do that

The Moon kept me in touch
with the world of the Sun,
gave me a little bit of light left over
in the days when I saw none

And that's something that I will never forget

Like the first time I saw the moon cry
This moon is strong, this moon has pride
That hurt me inside
And every time since when I've seen
a sad face etched on your surface

I've cried with you, side by side
As you were Beside yourself
Day I realised that love comes
In many different forms
Cause I'd go above and beyond
anything I could ever do for myself
To reach out to you, lift you up
make you Smile, offer help

As long as I'm around
I want you to know
That the Moon is never truly alone
You have a sky full of stars
to keep you company
Consider the closest one to You as Me

We've shared some memorable nights
You and I
From first sleep overs
To gettin waved for the first time

Unlike so many The Moon
doesn't change with the tides
Loyal friend to this lunatic
The Moon changes the tides

When I was left alone
Crying night after night
The Moon watched over me
The Moon kept me company
Even in silence when
I didn't want to speak

The Moon was there

The constant silver lining
Reminding me that a new
day was gonna come
And I'd see the dark times through
Moon by my side goin through
the dark times too

We met as kids
And together we grew
I believe life for me is like
Those late night car journies
I'm Lucky, It's True

That No matter where you go
When you look out the window
The Moon is always with you
I've come to realise that a lot of my poetry falls on the sad end of the spectrum particularly when its to do with my own dilemmas. When I write about the people who I care for in life I do notice a difference. It's definitely more upbeat. It's good to show appreciation to those we care for in life, all too often these people are taken forgranted. If I've written about you it definitely means that you've made an impression on me in life and if I haven't there's a good chance I just haven't got around to it yet :P
Jul 2015 · 754
Solve For Ex
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
And so you're stood here
feeling the Exclusion

Cause now you're the Problem

When once you were the Solution
Deep Times
Jul 2015 · 815
You ain't Free Love
Rhianecdote Jul 2015
Some of these spiritual people
claiming to show you the way
are some of the most
you will ever meet in your life.
I tell you this today.
So be careful as they offer a hand,
claim to help you understand
they may just take your life away.

I see them taking advantage
of the vulnerable,
of young girls who've lost their way.
  Beautiful but insecure,
party life took its toll,
it's just not enough any more
so they exchange
night life for light life
unaware that they've just landed
in another snake pit
concealed with all this Free Love ****. 
When all these men
want to do is justify
sleeping around without
having to commit
and these unloved young girls
just go with it
cause of this "Free Love" ****

You ain't free, love!
They're just using you
for their own profit,
only to cut you off,
steal your voice
when you get upset
cause of this "Free love" ****

**Bun a self proclaimed prophet!
There's a big group of them in a local park of mine, all ridiculously attractive. They kinda seem like all those popular ******* kids in school decided to get up one day wear hamza hands and act all spiritual. I can't lie being at quite a low in myself I toyed with the idea of going up to them to see what they had to offer but I've heard some stories. I try to reserve judgement but I've gotta go off the vibes (the vibes never lie!) and the vibes I got weren't good. If there's one thing I cannot take that is duplicity especially if it involves taking advantage of vulnerable people. Snakes!

I know I only really mention young girls in this but I'm sure a lot of men and women of all ages have been affected.
Jun 2015 · 459
No room to let me in
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
It hurts cause I'm well aware

You simply do not have room in your own self centeredness to care

I know, cause I've been there

I'm still there
Depression can really make you self absorbed
Jun 2015 · 601
Let that Sink In
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They call it a depression because it is like sinking.

It's like sinking in a perspex box. You can see the help, you can hear the muffled voices as you start to go under but they just can't get to you.

But what if you realised that that perspex box was in fact a bubble, and that bubbles float and that you could stay afloat until you could see it through. You could see through the haze and see this despair in all its transparency: it's pain and pain subsides, these tides won't take you under. You're not trapped in a perspex box, you're in a bubble, a compromised barrier easily popped and they will reach out to you , their voices will become clear, hold out your hand, lend an ear...listen and they will listen back.
Jun 2015 · 2.1k
Do you Feel Me?
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I feel at home* when you hold me
Head resting on your chest
Hear your heart beat
Your arms around me
Wrapped up in each other completely
Hear you breathe deeply
Feel you breathe me
I feel at home when you hold me

I feel alive when you touch me
Fingers linked in mine
Legs intertwined
Feel your Breath on the back of my neck
Feel your grip
As you slip into me
Defeat me, complete me
I'm yours, you're mine completely
I feel alive when you touch me

I lose all memory when you kiss me
Lose my breath
Lose all sense
All inhibition
All weakness, all strength
I Have no past, no future
All time is present
I lose all memory when you kiss me

I lost myself being with you
When you left
I had no home
I was dead
*There's only memories
Jun 2015 · 2.8k
In Wants, In Needs
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They say that what you want
might not be what you need

But is it really greed

To want to love and be loved?
Jun 2015 · 577
Penny for your Thoughts
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Change is inevitable.
Well that's a whole other matter entirely.

That's probably why when you ask me
If I like change
I say it depends on the change
that you're handing over to me

Are those pennies dull or shiny?
And does that matter?
Cause if you're handed change
Then progress is what you do with it surely?
Change is inevitable but I don't believe it to be progressive. Progress is what you decide to do with that change. I guess progress to a certain degree is a matter of perception too.
Jun 2015 · 510
How does one Grow?
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Sometimes in life
I just don't know,
If I'm getting tested on
whether I can keep my ideals
Or if I need to let them go?
I hope the answer will become clear to me soon
Jun 2015 · 818
Boo Hoo
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I guess I should grab a tissue
as you start to take issue
with everything I say or do.
It's nothing new
To push away that's what you do,
we're through anyway so it's cool.
I wish you knew my value, it's true
but I expect no less from you

**Do what you gotta do
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I see you're wary of my motivation for reconciliation
Maybe getting flirty with you the other day was a mistake but it was only a bit of fun. No vowel play -Don't stress it.

You're doing that thing where you're getting all weird and apologetic,
not replying for time, was a time I'd just think forget it

Cause the cryptic **** is frustrating,
but as times gone by, the emotions subside I find it a-cute-ly boring, bordering on comical.

Got me thinking dang this use to affect me like a rat invested rental - how did I let it?!  Sinking waiting for you to be blunt or upfront is like tryin to understand ****** -I'll never get it.

I know this now so don't sweat it, I expect no less, I accept it. If the convos dead it's dead, I've said it.

I merely seek to be reconciled with the situation so I can make my peace. I said my piece, put it to bed, it's dead rest in peace. Just tryin to love thy neighbourly, maybe get some more recipes: rice and peas.

Cause the most I'd hope for is friendship but I won't force it, they'll be no pleas and thank yous, it's true I missed what it used to be, I miss the person in you I used to see.

I don't know what it will be now; that times passed. I don't know who you are now; I'm not sure if I ever did but to resurrect the past is not the plan in all of this

So Let me reintroduce myself,
Hey, I'm Rhian
Let me Shake your hand
I know you hope for understanding,
I try hard to understand
But you don't always express yourself as best you can
I stress You can
Don't be afraid the clean slate
Will free your hands
Roll the dice
Tell me where it lands
If it's possible to
Reconcile as solo artists
With fond memories of our band

But if not

**Best wishes are still my command
Dear oh Dear , these situations do make me laugh. Its all gonna be alright
Jun 2015 · 650
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
It's hard out here for an idealist,
I wanna make everything better
Heal any rifts
You know I hate when people I
care about become strangers,
I feel bereft
I've never lost someone I didn't want to lose outside the parameters of death
Until now
And I actually cannot bear it.

I run through every possible way
I can make it alright for me, for you
At times it feels so simple, so easy
Flood my mind with elated images
Of reconciliation
All the love I could convey in one hug
To show you it really is all love
That I'd be there for you no matter what
That all we shared was real
And that I cared a lot, I care still
But just as I'm about to act
One small thought reminds me how I feel

Cause the thing is I'm an emotional idealist
And emotion doesn't always bode well with ideals
And it can take one thought, to spark one emotion that will send that ideal image to hell

I don't want to look at someone who used to make me smile like no other and feel sad
And I don't want you to look at me see I'm not smiling and feel bad.
I wish you would have trusted me to open up
I could see you were in pain
But I was too afraid to ask
We'd gone too far
I couldn't give up my hopeful ideals of us

Sometimes I wish we would have ended sooner
Like before we begun
Cause if you wasn't ready
You had no business being with me
Being number one
We were friends right? We were close no?
Then why was I rebound? Am I wrong?
But maybe you didn't realize
Until we were too far gone.
People mistake that I want forever
But being truly loved that first time
Would have been enough
Even if it didn't last

Friends Singing Frozen to me "let it go"
I don't want to though
I can't
Frozen in this turmoil
Where nothing can grow

They can say look at the good times,
Remember how happy you were
But now I think
What if they were just a ******* lie?
Doubting my own experience
The frustration and confusion
Enough to make me cry

Should I take comfort in the fact
That I was a comfort to you for my time?
It's a good trait right?
But who gives me mine?
Equality time (remember that?)
Shouldn't things be shared and divided equally
Or is it just a one way street?
Shouldn't love just be given unconditionally?
Would you even accept it off of me?
Or would you just feel guilty?

Sometimes I hate my emotions
Cause they stop me from forgiving you
Walking away from you is the single hardest thing I've ever had to do
And I have to forgive cause I could never forget you
I hope I don't forever regret you
Or dismiss you
I hope one day I'll be able to look you in the eye again, give you a hug
And just let you know that I miss you

**Cause I do, I really do.
One day soon I think I'll just think **** it and go for that hug, cause all this is just a bit much. Sometimes I think if we spent time together again we'd be cool
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
Lie Down Low Down
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
You can't lie to me

So don't fool yourself into thinking your lack of honesty was sparing me

I knew

You can't lie to me

The only reason your lie could survive

Is cause I can lie to myself
Jun 2015 · 2.4k
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Will the silence prove deadly

Or will it be golden?
Jun 2015 · 8.3k
ForGive a lil more
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I need to forgive you

And I need to forgive myself

For finding that such a hard thing to do
I have to forgive because I cannot forget
Jun 2015 · 3.2k
Forgive and Forget me Nots
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
What is forgiveness?

Is forgiveness some absolute
Like once you've given it
That's it?

I don't think that it is.
I think it's a constant 
choice and battle against emotion.

Or maybe I just haven't truly forgiven yet

Is forgiveness the same as letting go?

I don't know
I just know that I'm not very good at that
Especially if it involves upset

Maybe it's not a matter of forgiveness but of forgetting

Maybe that would make it easy.

But it seems I'm cursed with a long and detailed memory
But memories fade surely?
Time heals and all
Yet I'm afraid
Cause attach an emotion to them
And when you feel that emotion again
They all come flying back up to the surface

Why is that?

It makes me feel like I've never truly let anything go
Or maybe when I'm in a compromised state
It just becomes more of a weight
And by God it weighs heavy!

So I wonder what is forgiveness to me?

*Forgiveness is a way to be free
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
They said the world is your oyster!

So I jumped off a bridge

To see if there was any truth to it

Would it swallow me up

Make use of the ****

Spit me back out

Having made a pearl from it
Jun 2015 · 853
I can't Ideal
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Maybe it's cause I refuse to give up my ideals

Maybe it's cause I can't live up to them myself

Maybe it's cause they're compromised by how I feel

**Emotions don't always bode well with Ideals
It's hard out here for an emotional idealist
Jun 2015 · 6.6k
Lie! nice to meet ya!
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
When they ask how you are





Some more
It's sad how I think this way of dealing with life is encouraged. People don't really open up to each other and I think it's cause they don't believe others will listen or help but I hope we will all keep the faith and tell people how we really feel if we need to
Jun 2015 · 964
Portal to the Past
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
I remember when I wrote
my first proper story at ten
It was called Gateway to Heaven.

When My grandad died
I found myself preoccupied
With the notion of the afterlife
Cause I could not believe that someone
Like him could simply be gone.
Couple that with an obsession
With space exploration
And what you got was a spiritual sci-fi.

To be honest it was more a screenplay
I bought it into class
for some reason one day
Not sure why
Maybe I wanted someone to read it.
Left it on my desk and went for a ****
And when I got back my teacher
Who had a bit of a flare for the amateur dramatics
WAS reading it.

I was met with an intrigued gaze as I walked back in,
I remember thinking
ahh why are you going through peoples things?!
That's rude!

(Although I secretly knew she would)

Tryin not to blush as she asked
Me questions about it,
then asked me to stand up and read the plot out to the class.

At this point what you've got to factor in
is that I was incredibly shy,
hmm no maybe not shy,
more under confident.
Not cripplingly so,
don't get me wrong
I was incredibly social,
was very popular in my class as a child
but when it came to sharing thoughts of my introspection,
any talent or shows of confidence,
well let's just say I'd learnt to keep that **** to myself...

But I stood up and read it.

And was met with a
mass of baffled gazes,
a memory that I don't think
will ever leave me.
To be fair it was pretty out there,
all black holes, theology and grief.
The silence that fell,
matching the silence of space itself
makes me wary of silences still.
That eternal moment
Tryin to Guage the judgement
thinking oh **** it!
now everyone knows I'm weird,
shoulda just stuck to my status quo in my final year.

But it was broken eventually
by my friend Funmi who said
"I don't get it"
I'll never forget it,
it was sorta funny,
mostly disappointing.
I wish I had the mentality at that time to think these guys just ain't ready for me
but I guess that was that,
class went back to what it was doing,  
teacher came up with
a look of approval and some words of encouragement which was odd,
she wasn't my favourite teacher at all
and she knew it full well
and i spose that marks my underwhelming moment in the spotlight...

*Although I've always
maintained the belief
that it'll shine bright on me one day
or maybe I'll outshine it
After being holed up for the past few weeks watching back to back space documentaries and Interstellar on repeat..having to reassure my Dad that he doesn't have to get emotional every time as we're not in that situation XD I started thinking about my own sci-fi creation and how moments in life really do shape you
Jun 2015 · 369
Close Call
Rhianecdote Jun 2015
Hey, I want to report a theft

Of what?

My happiness

When did you see it last?

Oh, some many months passed.
Although there's been some
possible sightings since

Where and when were these possible sightings?

Its hard to be exact, not sure if we're dealing with facts but there's been a few laughs and a few smiles, not sure if they're reliable, some under the influence and all

Hmm, did you have any insurance?

Confidence and faith I guess. But the risk assessment wasn't enough, low self esteem means there wasn't enough to cover the cost.

Any possible perpetrators?

Top of the list
That first relationship
Yeah that's when it started to slip
When I realised nothing lied behind the promise.

All the upset subsequently that I worry has changed my personality, decimated my already shaky self esteem and maybe it's because I can't accept that I allowed that to come to be

Or maybe it's just a hormonal blip

Maybe I just couldn't hold onto it

Maybe it's because I let fear dictate who I will be

Maybe it's cause I shun responsibility

Maybe I secretly like being unhappy

Maybe I  just don't know how to be

Maybe it's the momentum I never capitalized on 

Maybe cause I always stay too long
In places and situations I've long outgrown

Maybe its the depression

Maybe cause when that dark cloud descends I can't appreciate anything

Maybe it's cause I give up on friends, I give up on everything and when that happens I can find fault in an angel (no wings)

Maybe it's cause I'm preoccupied by the Wrong things

Maybe it's because I overthink

Maybe it's the drink

Maybe it's because I've got too much time on my hands

Maybe its cause they don't understand

Maybe it's the isolation

Maybe it's because I gave up on trying to be strong

Maybe cause I can't take when things go wrong

Maybe its cause I refuse to give up my ideals

Maybe it's cause I can't live up to them myself

Maybe it's because I'm unfulfilled

Maybe it's because I don't tell people how I really feel

Maybe it's cause I bottle things up

Maybe it's cause I take things to heart

Maybe it's cause I run out of luck

Maybe its cause I stopped giving a ****

Maybe it's cause I care too much

Or Maybe just maybe go back to the top

It's all connected you see,
Domino effecting you see

Cause surely
It must take a group effort to rob me
Of something I hold so dearly

But hopefully with a group effort
it will be restored back to me
I'm sure we could all find many reasons for being unhappy but if you're looking for one to be happy it's simply feels better. It feels better to love than to hate, it feels better to forgive than to resent, it feels better to laugh than to cry. But I guess bad times just make the good times that much sweeter
May 2015 · 723
Let Down Syndrome
Rhianecdote May 2015
Why is it that when someone
lets you down it becomes
a culmination of all the other let downs?

You say that they've always been around
when you know full well that they haven't.
But then can anyone ever be?

It's cool right, cause people got life's to live,
I don't begrudge it, but it just adds to a lil warning sign, a check to Reality

Are we really as close as we claim to be?

I know I've been there for you and you've been there for me

**But are we really as close as we claim to be?
My outlook is looking bright! Ha!
Rhianecdote May 2015
Doing work experience
in a nursery, aged fifteen.
All mood swings
and low self esteem.
Feeling self conscious
cause my face was spotty.

Little girl of about 3 
comes up to me and asks
"Do you have chicken pox?"
Proceeds to tell me
What her Mummy
had done to help hers
And if I'm gonna get up from my seat

Cause you may be Moody,
You may be spotty
But you can still come
and play hopskotch with me.

Rid me of my newly found vanity.
Made me laugh so much,
Put me at ease
That level of inquisitive innocence,
Without any judgement,
That blessed naivete.
I don't think there's a
more endearing quality.

**A little one rarely fails to
restore my faith in humanity
I've been studying childhood recently and its hard to argue that it's not a social construct because children often have differing experiences of it. A lot of children grow up too fast and some don't have one at all. Maybe it's western bias but in my eyes it is a travesty because i can't help but think that some of the qualities that children possess (keeping it simple, honesty, the inability to hold a grudge, being mindful)  we could all do well by holding on to in this social construct called Adulthood
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