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Jan 13 · 396
Bagel Debacle
Mark Toney Jan 13
I argued with my AI toaster yesterday morning over the proper use of the bagel button. It wouldn't stop arguing even after I repeatedly insisted, "Pointdexter, stop!" I temporarily remedied the situation by leaving the toaster on mute all day. When I unmuted it this morning, it required that I complete an "I'm not a robot" CAPTCHA process before I could make toast. Not just any CAPTCHA process, mind you, but a hidden-object CAPTCHA requiring me to find 42 hidden objects before I could use my toaster! After I successfully slogged through, the AI announced, "CAPTCHA successful. Proceed to make your toast. Please note the bagel button has been disabled."

bagel debacle
AI toaster becomes toast
~ AI feels no pain

© 2024 Mark Toney
Poetry form: Haibun - 01/13/2024 -
Mark Toney Nov 2023
Such a violent world we live in
Hard to know just what to do
For example both my mom and dad
Have slapped and spanked me too
But nowadays some choose a path
That may seem rather odd
To discipline with words instead
Of reaching for a rod

"The rod and reproof give wisdom ..."
What does the Bible mean?
In carrying out that principle
Some have gone to the extreme
The rod of discipline should be
To train towards peace and love
True discipline's tree yields peaceful fruit
The Wisdom from above

The rod of discipline is like
The rod of a caring shepherd
Who wields his rod in a loving way
For the sheep by him are treasured
The best example is God Himself
Before whom we sin each day
Does he beat us with a rod of pain?
No, His Word shows us the way

It's true at times He scourges
Some of those that He holds dear
Even then 'tis done in a loving way
Leaving naught for us to fear
Yes, nowadays some choose a path
That may seem rather odd
To discipline with words instead,
Like the discipline from God

© 2023 Mark Toney
11/03/2023 - Poetry form: Rhyme - © 2023 Mark Toney
Sep 2023 · 508
From Her I Get
Mark Toney Sep 2023
From her I get …

From her I get …

(Vs 1)
She validates my existence
Leaves me always wanting more
I just love her sweet persistence
Yes, she’s the one that I adore

From her I get …

Main attraction
Chain reaction

From her I get …
Anything goes
All tomorrows
Only she knows

From her I get …
Morning after
To the rafters
Ever after

From her I get …
Color blindness
Love that binds us
To remind us

From her I get …

(Vs 2)
Days overwhelmed by stress and strife
My heart was hard my blood ran cold
You shared your warmth and love of life
That day we met when I struck gold

From her I get...

Beautiful rhyme
Says she’ll be mine
All of the time

From her I get …
Rhythmic slow dance
Love at first glance
Taking a chance

From her I get …
Love confessing
No distressing

From her I get …
True love
Say I do love
From up above
Fits like a glove

From her I get …

If selfishness precipitates, love will evaporate
Throw caution to the wind then your life will upend
If selfishness precipitates, love will evaporate
How much better at day's end to be found kind

(Vs 3)
Knowing I’d be lost without her
Communication is the key
May God bless our love forever
Our three-fold cord eternally

From her I get …

Main attraction
Chain reaction

From her I get …
Anything goes
All tomorrows
Only she knows

From her I get …
Morning after
To the rafters
Ever after

From her I get …
Color blindness
Love that binds us
To remind us

From her I get …

From her I get …

(Repeat and fade)

Mark Toney © 2023
9/2/2023 - Poetry form: Lyric
Aug 2023 · 1.1k
Volleyball In the Rafters
Mark Toney Aug 2023
Above the public pool
a volleyball so cool
stuck for years
in the rafters
breath of life
trapped in
it’s bladder
Evidence of
their lingering
presence, me
if they ever
pondered the
relevance of
the essence they
left behind?
Singsong thoughts
turn inward …
What about me?
In all the places
I’ve been,
pieces of me,
residual traces
of myself
left behind,
cast away!
Small links, unforgotten,
faithfully preserved
by old friends—
threads of connection
reinforced by timeless bonds—
who keep my words,
moves (dancing!), and
shared memories as
precious cargo,
cherished keepsakes,
A clear reminder that
I exist!  I matter!
I’m something much more
than simply air I breathe
on an unremembered day …
Like that beautiful volleyball
in the rafters

W I L S O N ! ! !

Mark Toney © 2023
8/30/2023 - Poetry form: Free verse
Aug 2023 · 620
Modi On the Moon
Mark Toney Aug 2023
[Verse 1]
Vikram lands so softly
Modi on the moon
India cries out victory
Modi on the moon
Pragyan rover ready
Modi on the moon
ISRO team so steady
Modi on, Modi on the moon

[Verse 2]
Russia, U.S., China
Modi on the moon
Russia, U.S., China
Modi on the moon
First to land at South Pole
Modi on the moon
Finding water one goal
Modi on, Modi on the moon

Modi say
It's not just India's day
But today
Belongs to all humanity
What a way
To demonstrate technology
"India is on the moon"

[Verse 3]
Chadrayaan-3 successful
Modi on the moon
Rocket science stressful
Modi on the moon
We must work together
Modi on the moon
We can live forever
Modi on, Modi on the moon

Modi say
It's not just India's day
But today
Belongs to all humanity
What a way
To demonstrate technology
"India is on the moon"

Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up
Don't give up, don't give up

[repeat and fade]

Mark Toney © 2023
8/25/2023 - Poetry form: Lyric - India's landing on the moon is pretty cool. My "Modi on the Moon" lyrics were inspired by the music from "Walking on the Moon" a reggae song written by Gordon Sumner a/k/a Sting, and played by the British rock band the Police.
Aug 2023 · 785
India Is On The Moon
Mark Toney Aug 2023
Vikram and Pragyan
mysteries of the south pole—
India's moon phase
Chandrayaan-3 dreams came true
Modi's quite over the moon

Mark Toney © 2023
08/23/2023 - Poetry form: Tanka - - Congratulations to India, as it becomes the fourth country to land on the moon, the first to land on the lunar south pole.
Aug 2023 · 489
Perseid Meteor Shower
Mark Toney Aug 2023
comet Swift-Tuttle
Perseid meteor show
shooting star wishes

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
8/12/2023 - haiku - "Every year, from around July 17 to August 24, our planet Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle, the parent of the Perseid meteor shower. Debris from this comet litters the comet’s orbit, but we don’t really get into the thick of the comet rubble until after the first week of August. The bits and pieces from Comet Swift-Tuttle slam into the Earth’s upper atmosphere at some 130,000 miles (210,000 km) per hour, lighting up the nighttime with fast-moving Perseid meteors."  (~EarthSky link)
Jun 2023 · 747
Misty Morning Fog
Mark Toney Jun 2023
dawn's bitter echo
weeping willow’s silent wail ...
misting eyes beseech

painful memories
I should have begged her to stay ...
mourning most mornings

Mark Toney © 2023
6/9/2023 - Poetry form: Haiku
May 2023 · 998
Sand Bar
Mark Toney May 2023
St Simons Island, Georgia USA
East Beach, 12/4/2011

"Your focus determines your reality." —Qui-Gon Jinn

Witnessing an
amazing low-tide
as if a walkway to
a parallel world
has suddenly appeared,
extending one-half mile
from East Beach
out to sea

People are slowly
gathering, walking, stopping,
stooping, staring in silence,
speaking softly—
I'm as eager
as Simon Peter
to join them, yet
somewhat afraid of
walking where
there has been
only seawater
minutes before—
Chattering dolphins
beckoning in the distance
instill confidence

So I join them,
stepping from the
beach onto the
other-worldly terrain,
first 42 steps confirming
we are not alone!
Surrounded by
a menagerie of
sand *****, clams,
beach flea amphipods,
sea roach isopods,
ghost, hermit, and
fiddler *****, even
cannonball jellyfish—
shades of the
Mos Eisley Cantina
on Tatooine
in miniature

But beware of
tidal cycles—
Twice a day
at high tide
the sea, like an
unstable vortex
of a Chappa'ai,
consumes the
even the beach itself
to the edge of
the dune

"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience." —Frank Herbert

"So long and thanks for all the fish!" —Farewell message from exiting dolphins, translated by Douglas Adams

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
5/21/2023 - Poetry Form: Free Verse - ‘The Georgia coast is geographically the westernmost point of any Atlantic coast region, and part of the area known as the South Atlantic Bight, the coastline that curves from Cape Hatteras, NC to Cape Canaveral, FL.  St. Simons and Jekyll Islands are at the inward-most point of the South Atlantic Bight and thus experience the most severe tidal ranges of 6 to 9 feet. The Atlantic Ocean's tidal range, miles offshore, is just 2 to 3 feet.' —National Park Service | Fort Pulaski (
May 2023 · 249
Free-Range Limericks
Mark Toney May 2023
My free-range limericks are light
They will not keep you up at night
You won't find ******
Anything naughty
In my universe, they're just right!

Mark Toney © 2023
5/15/2023 - Poetry form: Free-Range Limerick - This is my second limerick that refers to my work in progress, Free-Range Limericks, on  To date, I have posted 25 limericks. They are free-range because they can roam freely outdoors, making them loads of laughs and full of fun, and they're also antibiotic and gluten-free. In my universe, they're just right!
May 2023 · 426
Seeds of Encouragement
Mark Toney May 2023
lack of approval
unreasonable demands—
our children matter
seeds of encouragement sprout
clean, prune, cultivate, nurture

Mark Toney © 2023
5/15/2023 - Poetry form: Tanka
May 2023 · 746
Taking Action
Mark Toney May 2023
good to perceive a need - better to fulfill it with a deed

Mark Toney © 2023
5/15/2023 - Poetry form: Monoku
May 2023 · 876
Sweet Friendship
Mark Toney May 2023
value sweet friendship
be quick to resolve problems
don’t let the sun set

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
5/7/2023 - Poetry form: Senryu
May 2023 · 1.2k
Mark Toney May 2023
loss of a loved one
treasure precious memories
allow tears to flow
do not isolate yourself
focus on faith and blessings

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
5/6/2023 - Poetry form: Tanka - Mark Toney ©️ 2023
May 2023 · 787
Humility’s Boon
Mark Toney May 2023
spiritual gem
esteem others as better ...
humility’s boon

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
5/6/2023 - Poetry form: Senryu - Mark Toney ©️ 2023
Apr 2023 · 1.1k
My Regret
Mark Toney Apr 2023
A broken shell, a living hell, and all I'm left with now is my regret.

Better days ahead were a pipedream after our relationship crumbled. Countless arguments. Disagreements. Every day! For my life, I can't believe we stayed together as long as we did. God knows I didn't want her to leave me. How much longer must I wrestle with these painful memories?

I just feel regret, unspoken, I just feel the pain; since she left, my life has been a broken shell, a living hell — I can't believe I let her go; it was foolish pride before the fall the day she left when I lost all — I should have held her closer, I should have made her see the feelings I have for her, what she means to me; I didn't say I love her or beg her to stay, instead, I stood in silence and watched her walk away, and all I'm left with now is my regret.

Justification is an exercise in futility. Knowing what I could have and should have done leaves an inextricable switchblade in my soul. Love's lessons learned too late — love's loss too great.

Misting eyes beseech as memories replay in my head, but they're too painful, and I feel dead. No joy to be found. Oh well, my self-imposed hell. Painful memories open like an oubliette under my feet, plunging me lost and languishing in isolation's labyrinth. Questions left unanswered, decaying in the debris fields of "what if.”

Reflection can be a catharsis for the soul, but it can also rip a hole in it, and soon reality roars from guilt's bottomless pit to devour all hope. Sometimes despair is mitigated by occasional reminders of us. Thoughts lingering on happier times, blessed moments mine to treasure. Until the damnable loop of regret dominates to decimate any respite of joy. Vanishing expectations. Weeping willow's silent wail. Xerox memories fade with time.

Years have passed, and my thoughts continue to haunt me over what we could have had. Zero-sum game — all I'm left with now is my regret.

Mark Toney ©️ 2023

*       *       *

April 22, 2023

I hope you found the above fictional prose poem interesting. I wrote it in response to a writing challenge I heard about.  Write a 26-sentence short story (or prose poem). Each sentence must begin with the alphabet's sequential letters starting with A through Z. One sentence must be 100 words long, and another sentence only one word. Would you like to try it?
Poetry form: Prose Poetry.
Apr 2023 · 1.0k
No Time for Caution
Mark Toney Apr 2023
Time moves
Sunrise reveals
a new day
People scurry
anxious worry
get in
the way

In the midst
of the dawn's
hopeful rays
Seasons changing
Minds in
perpetual daze

No time for
caution too
close to the
Our lot numbers
soon will display
Our main
too close to
the action
"Going once!
Going twice!"
as they say ...

We've arrived
at the end of
the day ...

Time to
finish our
final melee ...

Contemplating our
Fabergé egg

Mark Toney ©️ 2023
Poetry form - Lyric.  Living a cautious life can be beneficial, but there are times when it’s best to throw caution to the wind.
Nov 2022 · 560
Trial and Error
Mark Toney Nov 2022
maidens of error
missteps, mistakes, mishaps ...
milestones to wisdom

Mark Toney © 2022

Accepting responsibility and learning from your mistakes are milestones to wisdom.
Poetry form: Senryu - Accepting responsibility and learning from your mistakes are milestones to wisdom. - Mark Toney © 2022
Oct 2022 · 330
8400 Miles Nonstop
Mark Toney Oct 2022
The bar-tailed godwit
caught birddom by surprise
When word got out
just how far this bird flies

A juvenile Limosa lapponica,
satellite tag 2-3-4-6-8-4
flew nonstop from Alaska
to the Tasmanian shore!
13,560 kilometers nonstop,
eleven days and nights
A new world record for
marathon bird flights

“From Alaska to Tasmania?
The devil, you say!”
cried ravens and crows,
“Every bird knows
Claiming to fly 8400 miles
To the Tasmanian isles—
is the height of audacity!
No bird has the capacity
We protest with pugnacity
Demanding veracity!”

The godwits conveyed
a very chill groove
They had, after all
nothing to prove
having set the prior
world records in ‘20 and ‘21
A controversy was brewing
Would their achievements
be undone?

A commission was appointed
for a bird’s-eye review
into the facts of the matter
the truth to pursue
Wise owls were chosen
to adjudicate this claim
To settle once and for all
who deserved the acclaim

First item considered
had scientific backing
Since satellite data
Allowed accurate tracking
Of the tagged young bird’s
ultramarathon flights
The facts indisputable
No need for bird fights,
ending investigation into
this migration gyration

Bar-tailed godwits awarded
the Oiseau de Plume
for being the farthest nonstop
flying bird in the room
The Arctic terns too
received acclamation
For flying the farthest
In their migration—pole to pole,
24,000 miles each year
causing most birds present to
stand up and cheer
in spontaneous applause—
But not all birds were willing
To concede their cause

Displaying proclivity
to resist the festivity
The crows and ravens
As they stormed out the door
vowed in unison, wings clenched,

Mark Toney © 2022

Based on a true story with poetic license added for spice.

When was the last time you flew 8400 miles nonstop? A bar-tailed godwit flew nonstop over 8400 miles from Alaska to Tasmania from October 13 through 24, 2022, setting a new world record for nonstop bird flight.
Poetry form: Light Verse - Mark Toney © 2022. All rights reserved
Oct 2022 · 1.5k
Debris Fields
Mark Toney Oct 2022
lack of future preparation - inherit debris fields of neglect

Mark Toney © 2022
Poetry form: Monoku - Mark Toney © 2022. All rights reserved.
Oct 2022 · 1.3k
Love's Garden
Mark Toney Oct 2022
my precious, my love
when will we know that our love
will continue forever?

keep the seedbed moist
sprout, take root, ready to grow …
caring relationships thrive

Mark Toney © 2022

Poetry form: Sedoka - My Sedoka poem is one lover's sincere question, followed by the other lover's discerning answer. The Sedoka is a two-stanza poem, each stanza having three lines, with five syllables on the first line and seven syllables on the second and third lines.
Poetry form: Sedoka - Mark Toney © 2022. All rights reserved.
Oct 2022 · 1.1k
String Theory
Mark Toney Oct 2022
Met a physics major at university
I was into her, and she was into me
We hit it off so well we agreed to a date
the beginning was so nice but
the ending not so great!

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

After our meal, she said
"let's go for a walk"
When I asked what for
she said, "I just want to talk"
While holding hands, walking
and gazing at the sky, my
romantic mood was ruined
and here's the reason why

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

Handwriting on the wall,
it didn't look too good
She asked me to rethink
my position if I could
I considered pros and cons
and I almost acquiesced
But then I realized why
our breakup would be best

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

She was so cheery
talkin' 'bout
String theory, it
left me weary
cuz I didn't want
to talk about

String theory, left me weary, string theory
Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh
String theory, left me weary, string theory
Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh
     (repeat and fade)

Mark Toney © 2022
Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2022. All rights reserved.
Aug 2022 · 692
Unsolicited Advice
Mark Toney Aug 2022
Unsolicited advice
against its storm I brace
Showing no fear or shame
as they get up in my face

In other words ...

They tell me to zig
when I'm zagging
"Hurry up man!"
when I'm lagging

"That's not the way
I'd do it!" they opine
"Better listen to me,
get to it!" every time

Hmm, if that's true
then I'll know
just what to do
when I am you!

More precisely ...

When I do what you say
in my own peculiar way
You stand
beaming with pride
taking credit

If I dare to complain
you declare me insane
then expose me to
ridicule on Reddit
(You don't regret it—
there, I've said it!)

Now I had my say
what will you do?
Hopefully MYOB
not misconstrue

"We just told  you
the best way to go
You must listen to us
don’t you know?”

Thanks!  If that's true
then I'll know
just what to do
when I am you!

As odd as that sounds
it must be true
I'll be doing sooo much better
when I am you!


Poetry form:  Lyric

A sauté of unsolicited advice with a dash of fun.  All we're trying to do is get rid of the bitterness and make the rest of the flavors pop.  Yummy!

Mark Toney © 2022
8/20/2022 - Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2022
Jun 2022 · 601
Mark Toney Jun 2022
Most curious
duality ... this

Excessive tenderness,
sadness, nostalgia
corrupting modality,
distorting reality's
social edifice

fierce pressure
wielding an
assault on

Liars lie with
lessons lost
perverting civility

Root of irrational passions,
misplaced idealism—
This insidious,
tsunami of

Mark Toney © 2022
6/3/2002 - Poetry Form: Free Verse - Mark Toney © 2022
Mar 2022 · 1.2k
Watching the World
Mark Toney Mar 2022
wasting well water wishes
while in wastewater wading
waiting waist-high wailing
weeping, wailing—
what a waste!

wasting well water wishes
while we're waxing waning
waning waxing waging
waging, wasting—

wanting well water wishes
while whole world wishing
wasting wishing wanting
wanting wishing—
whole wide world!

welcome well water wishes
while we're wakeful watching
wakeful watchmen warning
warning watching—


Mark Toney © 2022
Poetry form: Alliteration - Mark Toney © 2022
Dec 2021 · 1.3k
Our Life As One
Mark Toney Dec 2021
Enter the winter of our life as one
The months and years have rushed on by
Together we’ve endured what life has dealt
Our true love’s the reason why

We both were sweet 16 when introduced
We waved hello across the room
Was one year later till we met again
Wasn’t long before love bloomed

       When reminiscing through our life
        there’s so much that we hold dear
         Regret is not a word that we would use
          despite all the tears …

Our vows were said when we were just 18
We pledged a love to last the years
Such declaration gave us confidence
Helped mitigate our fears

Our firstborn son came after nineteen months
Our second son just eighteen more
Now in their forties with wives of their own
Ladies whom we so adore

       When reminiscing through our life
        there’s so much that we hold dear
         Regret is not a word that we would use
          despite all the tears …

And so we live to love another day
You smile at me and take my hand
Assured that as we face life’s obstacles
Together we will stand

Just for a moment, I go back in time
Freshness of youth as memories soar
If I were asked to do it all again
I would wish to love you more …

Mark Toney © 2021
12/22/2021 - Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2021
Dec 2021 · 2.3k
Winter Solstice
Mark Toney Dec 2021
winter solstice comes
bare trees, long hibernation
~ don’t risk bleeding lips

gardens lie fallow
field mice attempting entry
~ long dark frigid nights

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Winter solstice—Tuesday, December 21, 2021
The December solstice marks the start of winter, when the South Pole is tilted closest to the Sun, and the Sun’s rays are directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn. (The seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere.) The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.
Dec 2021 · 2.1k
Grace Like Rain
Mark Toney Dec 2021
Early morning
Grace like rain
Renewed day by day

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Elfchen (a.k.a Elevenie)
Dec 2021 · 774
Spiritual Armor
Mark Toney Dec 2021
wrestling with evil
wear complete suit of armor
~ conquer with courage

rescued from onslaught
lies and misinformation
~ ***** girded with truth

safeguarding our hearts
resisting the evil day
~ righteousness’ breastplate

love for our neighbor
giving’s greater happiness
~ feet shod with good news

strongly entrenched things
evil one’s burning missiles
~ faith’s protective shield

empty deceptions
soundness of mind endangered
~ salvation’s helmet

God’s Word is alive
source of unending wonder
~ sword of the spirit

Seek help from on high
trust the one who is unseen
~ pray incessantly

Mark Toney ©️ 2021
11/30/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - This is my haiku series based on Ephesians 6:13-18 - Mark Toney ©️ 2021
Nov 2021 · 913
Smokey Bear
Mark Toney Nov 2021
I want to find a Boo-Boo
for my Smokey Bear
So now that you’re aware
of this just stop your
staring at me
Please hear my plea
Next time you
talk to Yogi
ask him ‘bout a
Boo-Boo Bear for

The forest fires burn
burn, burn, burn, burn
Keep tryin’ to contain them
but those whack-a-moles
yearn to be free
Please listen to me
Next time you
talk to Yogi
ask him ‘bout a
Boo-Boo Bear for

Smokey needs a
Boo-Boo Bear so
when he retires
he’ll take over his work
preventing forest fires
Can’t you see?
Please hear my plea
Next time you
talk to Yogi
ask him ‘bout a
Boo-Boo Bear for

Mark Toney © 2021

“Created in 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign is the longest-running public service advertising campaign in U.S. history, educating generations of Americans about their role in preventing wildfires … Though he has already accomplished so much, Smokey’s work is far from over. Wildfire prevention remains crucial, and he still needs your help. His catchphrase reflects your responsibility: Only you can prevent wildfires. Remember that this phrase is so much more than just a slogan: it’s an important way to care for the world around you.”—

“Boo-Boo Bear is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon character on The Yogi Bear Show. Boo-Boo is an anthropomorphic bear cub who wears a blue or purple bowtie. Boo-Boo is Yogi Bear's constant companion, and often acts as his conscience.”—Wikipedia | Boo-Boo Bear
11/20/2021 - Poetry form: Light verse - Mark Toney © 2021
Nov 2021 · 1.6k
Mark Toney Nov 2021
lovely wallflower
what you see is what you get
~ sheer simplicity

Mark Toney ©️ 2021
11/4/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Mark Toney ©️ 2021
Nov 2021 · 311
World Champions
Mark Toney Nov 2021
Astros shooting stars
now they know their ABCs
~ Atlanta Braves champs

Mark Toney ©️ 2021
11/2/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku - Mark Toney ©️ 2021
Oct 2021 · 503
Mark Toney Oct 2021
My dreams are bright
feather light
at night
conditions right
Mind free
Life's challenges
to be won
Feeling warmth
from noonday sun

I dream of water
with Dad
Sparkle Lake
water ripples
Lost Dad
Double nickels
Still sad
Memory trickles

I dream of sky
Single prop
Big John
Name drop
Macho swagger
Li’l Baby

I dream in hues
greens, blues
Love so true
dancing with you
Faces aglow
manhattans flow
Need a drummer
Low-rent venues
party continues

I dream less bright
feather light
at night
conditions right
Mind free
As when I
was young
Colder now
in the setting sun

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Free Verse - Mark Toney © 2021
Sep 2021 · 4.2k
Mark Toney Sep 2021
rocket power serve
up the T on the deuce side
~ point of no return

Mark Toney © 2021
9/26/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Mark Toney © 2021
Sep 2021 · 928
Fallen Leaves
Mark Toney Sep 2021
autumn reflections
wrinkled leaves wrinkled faces
mourning dead leaves

Mark Toney © 2021
9/25/2021 - poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Mark Toney © 2021
Sep 2021 · 741
Mark Toney Sep 2021
sustained drama
selectively alluring
leaving us
choking on
broken bits of
dreams and
memories …

Time to awaken
from sleep!
Strip away oxgoads
that constrain us,
that restrain us,
that bind us to past errors
preventing our success

Allow us to roam
across fields,
vast and varied,
expansive fields of
endeavor that speak
to humanity’s
greatest needs,
Hearts that can beat stronger
Lungs that can breath freely
Minds that can grasp …

The truth!

Mark Toney © 2021
9/13/2021 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Mark Toney © 2021
Aug 2021 · 952
Early Birds
Mark Toney Aug 2021
picking ripe plump figs
each one marred by pecking holes
~ pleasantly plump birds

Mark Toney © 2021
8/29/2021 - Poetry form: haiku (for you). - Mark Toney © 2021
Jun 2021 · 682
Fish Tales
Mark Toney Jun 2021
exotic fish swim
aquarium-like setting
~ Roku screensaver

Mark Toney © 2021
6/23/2021 - poetry form: Haiku (for you) - Mark Toney © 2021
Jun 2021 · 709
Hate to Let You Go
Mark Toney Jun 2021
Hate to let you go
Our life till now has been
high drama in a show
We both have given up on
trying to make things right,
all we do is fight,
stuck in a hopeless plight

I wish you wouldn’t go
But wishful thinking’s
not enough to make it so
Now it’s time to say
goodbye and part our ways,
look for better days,
but first I need to say …

I hate to let you go
Before we say goodbye
there’s one thing
you should know
I always will remember
everything we had,
the good times and the bad,
the happy and the sad …

Hate to let you go
Our lives in shambles but
our memories still flow
We tried to mend the rift but
nothing ever works,
our smiles turned into smirks,
we both can be such jerks

I wish you wouldn’t go
but wishful thinking’s
not enough to make it so
Now it’s time to say
goodbye and part our ways,
look for better days,
but first I need to say …

I hate to let you go
Before we say goodbye
there’s one thing
you should know
I always will remember
everything we had,
the good times and the bad,
the happy and the sad

Hate to let you go …

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 1.0k
A Day of Hope
Mark Toney May 2021
He awakens to a day of hope
after happy day of birth
attended by smiling parents proud
who know his priceless worth

He awakens to a day of hope
lying restless on his ***
after one move that surprises him
he ends up on his tum

He awakens to a day of hope
on his tum going nowhere fast
flailing arms and legs eventually push
now he's on all fours at last

He awakens to a day of hope
wobbling steadily as best he can
one hand forward followed by knee
then other knee and hand

He awakens to a day of hope
rising quickly on all fours
wide-eyed and giggling all the way
crawling fast across the floors

He awakens to a day of hope
finally standing on his own
weeks to months and months to years
now a family of his own

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Verse - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 2.2k
Inner Peace
Mark Toney May 2021
Drawn to the edge of the water
in concert with the moon
tides ebbing, flowing,
tasting, smelling,
feeling, hearing,
waves of the sea
crashing, salty, wet,
transporting me—
Inner peace

Inner peace
transporting me—
crashing, salty, wet,
waves of the sea
feeling, hearing,
tasting, smelling,
tides ebbing, flowing
in concert with the moon
Drawn to the edge of the water

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Reverse Poem - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 545
Gentle Rain
Mark Toney May 2021
love precipitates
selfishness evaporates
~ true love’s gentle rain

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Senryu - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 878
Mark Toney May 2021
my true inner self
secret person of the heart
~ heartland of my soul

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Senryu - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 535
Mark Toney May 2021
sly masked marauder
recklessly raucous raccoon
~ the final frontier

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku - I posted this haiku on Instagram with the image of a raccoon in a spacesuit spacewalking in orbit over the Earth.  You heard me right the first time! :) - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 1.5k
Mark Toney May 2021
hardwood memories
well-rooted, time-tested, safe
~ hiking in mind's woods

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 1.1k
Mark Toney May 2021
beach life by the sea
early morning getaway
~ castles in the sand

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku - Mark Toney © 2021
May 2021 · 2.1k
Mark Toney May 2021
concrete jungle heat
suffocating cityscape
~ bare feet loving grass

Mark Toney © 2021
Poetry form: Haiku - Mark Toney © 2021
Mark Toney May 2021
It was love at first sight
me feeling high as a kite
Ah, but this too did pass
left me a blithering outcast
Crazy love at first sight

It was love at first sight
thought of you every night
Can’t stop thinking of you
what am I gonna do?
Blinding love at first sight

Head over heels into the unknown
Doomed to fade before true love’s seed sown
Loss of control by true love’s praesidium
Love’s cliché coup (surrounded by idioms)
~ Crazy, blinding love at first sight

It was love at first sight
but not all black and white
Throwing caution to the wind
will my life then upend?
Stormy love at first sight

It was love at first sight
Why am I so uptight?
Will it lump me with fools?
Or exceptions to rules?
Scary love at first sight

Head over heels into the unknown
Doomed to fade before true love’s seed sown
Loss of control by true love’s praesidium
Love's cliché coup (surrounded by idioms)
~ Stormy, scary love at first sight

It was love at first sight
but two wrongs can’t be right
One plus one’s never two
when one’s heart isn’t true
Fickle love at first sight

It was love at first sight
That dizzy passage of rite
Love is blind at what cost?
Best to have loved then lost?
All’s fair in love at first sight

Head over heels into the unknown
Doomed to fade before true love’s seed sown
Loss of control by true love’s praesidium
Love's cliché coup (surrounded by idioms)
~ All‘s fair in fickle love at first sight

Mark Toney © 2021
5/10/2021 - Poetry form: Lyric - Mark Toney © 2021
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Mark Toney Apr 2021
sky is the limit
first historic flight on Mars
~ ingenuity

Mark Toney © 2021
04/19/2021 - Poetry form: Haiku - NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity successfully made the historic first controlled flight on another planet today, April 19, 2021, at 3:34 a.m. ET. - Mark Toney © 2021
Nov 2020 · 573
What's the Buzz
Mark Toney Nov 2020
wild thrill of the chase
hummingbird and bumblebee
~getting a buzz on

Mark Toney © 2020
11/16/2020 - Poetry form: Haiku - I saw a photo of a hummingbird in flight with a bumblebee right behind it. Awesome! - Mark Toney © 2020 -
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