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Batool Dec 2015
Beautiful faces
poisonous words
turn air
more acrid
starting a chain reaction
causing dreams
to rust and die.
Batool Dec 2015
What if i tell you
its not the Writing
that i'm addicted to
its the Power
the power to create
the power to make reader
feel for the characters
that dont even exist in real
the power to convert letters
in to words,
words in to sentences,
sentences into story,
story doped with feelings
that make people laugh
that make them cry
that makes them sad
and happy too
whatever YOU want
them to Feel !!
Batool Feb 2016
They called him
but he only was
apprehensive of the fact
that his words
may go unrewarded
he always was so reluctant
to mold his feelings into words
and voice them out
that was only why
she never heard one reason
of why she should stay
losing her all hopes
tired of aimless wait
she decided to leave
he tried to say those words
but it was too late
drowning in the sea of regrets
his apprehension transformed
into full blown fear
about his words
going to waste
and remain unnoticed
it was then he decided
to follow his heart
and to never let his fear
make him lose
what he loves !!
Batool Dec 2021
Do you know ...
How it feels like
in the sea of nothingness ?
when waves of silence
thrash against your heart ?
or when the zephyr of past
turn into a tornado ?
the moment when
the darkness of horizon
seeps into the soul
and unleash your demons ?
Do you know how it feels ?
Batool Aug 2015
Locked up in the tower,
she waited
till her last breath
to listen to those magical words
that her prince
was supposed to say
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel !!
let down your hair"
to set her free
to let her love
but destined to die alone
she never got to listen
as nobody ever dared
to speak those words !!
Batool Aug 2015
Giving up on real world
she decided to fade
starting a new journey
with a hope to find him
in a realm of possibilities !!
Batool Apr 2016
"Because my heart says so"
was enough reason for him
but not for her,
because in her life
she had witnessed,
change of hearts
and had seen
souls turning into ashes
dead people walking
wearing hollow smiles !!
Batool Nov 2020
Her love for him
bright enough to
turn his darkest hour
into a sky full of stars

His love for her
fragrant enough to
make it's presence known
to the blindest eye !!
Batool May 2018
Pouring rain
on window's pane
a coffee mug
to keep him sane !!
Batool Feb 2016
I don't know how or why
but he saw himself in her
though they were miles apart
destined to remain strangers
He felt protective of her
because he knew
what pain could do to her
as he had been there
at the verge of pain
He feared her suffering
from self torture
because he loved it too,
he tried his best to save her
because by saving her
He was Saving Himself !!
Batool May 2018
"i'll save you, always." his voice was full of emotions, as he drowned in the depth of brown irises in front of him.
"No you can't...
you can't always save me" the flakes of darkness tainting her angelic voice brought him back in time
and it was when he realised
she was right.
Batool Feb 2016
Let me write a happy poem
and paint it seven colors

Red for the burning passion
and orange shows emotions

Yellow for the friends i made
and green for peace and truce

Blue showing the calm ocean
that steer my ship slow motion

indigo wings that help me fly
so high in violet sky

Seven colors to paint my life
and hide the blackening rife !!
Batool Jun 2018
There she was
lying still on the couch
posing the best she could
with her gaze transfixed
deep into his eyes
basking in the thick silence
that surronded them
the only sound of his charcoal lead
stroking the paper could be heard
His every stroke defined her curve
a little better
His rough hands blending the lines
staining her soul a beautiful shade of charcoal
She could feel him
making sure strokes
thus bringing the woman on paper
to life
she felt her heart slipping ...
slipping from her hand
and on to the paper
the color of her skin fading
and reappearing on his masterpiece
the fullness of her lips
was nothing
as the beauty on his canvas
now owned it
the last thing she felt
was the twinkle of her eyes leaving
adding the final touch
to his creation
and it was when
he broke the eye contact
taking with him
the beauty he sketched  
he left ...
not knowing that
He left the masterpiece behind
on the couch .... !!
Batool Aug 2015
Standing on the mountain top,
beneath the evening sky.
I want to light a sky lantern,
and watch it as it fly.
Millions of them floating together;
slowly rising high.
They will make the stars jealous,
brightening up my sky.
i want to capture the light...
forever in my eye.
and i will not share that moment,
its just Me & I !!
Batool Aug 2015
He kissed
the sleeping beauty
to break the sleeping curse
she never woke up
as it was never about the kiss
but the
true love ~
Notes (optional)
Batool Nov 2015
Her smile was
warm enough
to thaw his
frozen heart.
Batool Jan 2016
Sometimes ...
Its best
to let go
to fall apart
to shatter
to brun down
to ashes
then it's bestest
to rebulid
to rise
to put things together
piece by piece
removing the ugly bits
to make melody
out of sorrow
smile out of pain !!
Notes (optional)
Batool Nov 2015
His dark eyes
galaxies in them
She loved stargazing !!
Notes (optional)
Batool Dec 2015
winter mornings
air stands still
sky feels grey
trees hold their breath
sun covered in mist
silence drips from clouds
like they all are
grieving for
a broken heart
a dead dream !!
Batool Aug 2015
They were just strangers
but due to some
unknown reasons
The pull of his black eyes
raised tides
in her ocean blue ones...
He felt himself drowning
in her storm struk eyes
discovering the depths
of her ocean blue eyes...
before he could emerge
on surface
she blinked
and walked away
taking a part of his soul
with her
entrapped in her
storm struck eyes!!
Batool Aug 2015
And when light wind blowing
adds to the flavour of a summer
night ...
Half moon shining and thousand
stars smiling
trying their best to
light up the clear night sky
Fireflies twinkling high in the trees ..
Dancing to the music played by
cricket hiding somewhere in long
grass ...
Batool Jan 2016
The first ray
touched the horizon
marking the end
of the dark night
sky shrugged off
the dark attire
blushing a shade of crimson
as the warm rays
of winter sun
lingered on horizon
she stood there
holding her coffee mug
watching sky hide
itself with the
winter mist
as sun whispered
sweet nothings and
made morning sky
blush harder
those were the moments
she loves to steal
when its just
a coffee mug
the sunrise !!
Batool Dec 2015
He was her lake
where every night
she'd transform
under the moonlight
into a princess
from a swan white
one day he left
blinded by daylight
trapped as a swan
she was a sad sight.
Batool Aug 2015
she was just a random girl
for the world outside
no one knew her real face
the one she always hide

they  made sure to make her think
that she can never dance
blocking for her all the paths;
she never got her chance

They thought of her as just a girl
a girl with broken smile
without reading her mystic eyes
that told her secret while

picking up the heart's rhythm
she decided to dance
ignoring what they made her think
she tried to take her chance

the moment when she moved her feet
everlasting spell was cast
mesmerizied by her rebellious moves
they fall for her real fast

flowing towards a melodious realm
she made her moves advanced
never missing a single beat
she danced and danced and danced

the music filled her as she danced
with eternal peace ...
the world then witnessed
her real worth
she was the masterpiece !!
Batool Nov 2015
Her heart
was like
an ancient book
burried deep in
the golden sand of
the forbidden tomb,
hidden in a barren desert...

He was so determined
to find that heart...
after years of hardship
He found her heart
not interested in decoding
the inscript,
he never tried to read
or understand the book,
and just kept that heart
as a trophy ...

Far away,
in another land
lived an archealogist
who through his whole life
only learnt to decode
the ancient script
only to read that book
but was coward enough
to never start the journey
so he just lived there
longing for her heart...
Batool Jun 2019
"have you ever witnessed,
water droplets dancing
on a fire bed ?"
She asked, staring deep in his eyes as if reading his soul.
"No, but why would you ask ?
It's impossible." He answered
a bit puzzled, breaking the eye contact.
"Because you could have,
but you lost the opportunity
when your gaze failed to
penetrate the depth of my irises
and see my soul making it happen !!"
with that she left without
casting him another glance !!
Batool Dec 2021
Lost path
Faded dreams
Winter nights
Silent screams,

Withering soul
Ragged heart
with every beat
tearing apart,

Rainbow tears
Dark night
standing alone
putting up a fight !!
Batool Aug 2015
One black night
thinking about reality of life
she, unknowingly let her mind
in the forbidden land
ruled by darkness,
the place where demons lurk
and attack every thought
trespassing the territory
the next morning
she found her thoughts
at that moment she realised
this is the reality of life!!
But it was so late
that nothing could be done,
she now was the
prisoner of the forbidden
and that was her
Batool Jan 2016
I'm tired
pretending to be strong
playing "i don't care" game
hiding behind happy masks
faking beautiful smiles
putting on the "good girl" facade
living my life their way
stopping the tears from flowing
building my walls higher and higher
When all i want to do is
to Scream
to Yell
to let my tears
roll down my cheeks
to let them know
that i exist
to live my life my way
to let my heart, beat
on a new rhythm
but then
i'm scared
of the consequences
of the destruction
i will bring
and its then
i take in a deep breath
and let the silence
take over.
Batool Apr 2017
there she was .. running wild ...
on a dirt covered path .. in the middle of nowhere,
bare feet .. bruised knees
tears flowing down her chin ..
leaving marks on her dirt covered cheeks ...
wind converting her long black curls in a knotted mess,
her ragged breathing shattering the night's silence...
her heart going wild in her chest
pumping blood to her aching legs ...
moonlight failing badly at healing her bleeding heals,
her voice was now merely a whisper
because of all the screaming and pleading
she had done ...
her eyes fixed on the light laced shadow ..
moving away from her ...
step by step ...
inch by inch ...
she stopped ... mid way ... tired ...
watching the shadow with half lidded eyes ....
please don't ... her lips trembled.
don't leave me ... she pleaded ignoring all the pain stemming from her wounds and
the agony her heart was pumping in her system,
her hand reaching out to shadow ...
standing on the verge of breaking, silence heard the words ... "for the sake of love" ...
and it was then ...
the girl witnessed the shadow's smile ...
and night heard the last beat of a golden heart.
Batool Aug 2016
there she was,
standing on the other side of river
holding her vessel,
listening to him
about how she never trusted him
and never put her faith in him
how she should close the last door
and shut the only window
that her soul used
to breath in the fresh air,
and to abandon the stray paths
that could lead her to him.
she watched him walk away
her vision turning blurry "one last glance" she silently prayed
but blue sky was determined to turn down
all her prayers that day.
her heart twisted in pain
pumping agony in every vein.
in a spur of the moment
a decision was made
a decision to show him
how much faith she had on him
to show she trusted him with her life.
the evening sun watched silently ..
a dark figure moving away from the river
a red scarf going with the flow !!
Batool Aug 2015
the rain drops knocked at her
drawing her attention
to the night sky
covered by dark
clouds that reeked blue.
Holding on to curtains
she slowly closed eyes
inhaling deeply
she filled her lungs
with air allowing blueness
to get absorbed in her blood.
waiting for blueness to stain
her soul,
forced smile appeared
on her face
as she saw a tear
escaping her eye n hiding
among raindrops
Rain provided her with a shoulder
to cry herself out,
no questions asked,
roaring sky muffled
her sobs
to keep her secret
Batool Nov 2015
Once again
i'm here
to blow off the steam
to mould my thoughts
into words famothable
to clear my mind
from all crap
that reality has managed
to put in
I dont know
what to write
or how to write
the only thing i know
is that
i have to write
to keep my sanity intact...
Batool Oct 2015
They call me healer
while i suffer from insanity

they call me writer
but i sketch

they call me dreamer
while i collect the ashes of my dreams

they call me innocent
they don't know my sins

they call me talkative
while the words in me die

who am i ??
Batool Oct 2015
Hey you ...
Yes you,
With the hazel eyes
what if i tell you
i'm planning to
capture the moon
in my glass container
and a little bit of night
and a few stars
a trickle of mid night breeze
will you sneak out with me
will you ??
Batool Oct 2015
The change in air -
Marking the new beginings
as the summer sun
starts weaving its cocoon
and weather morphs
its nastiness to Charm

Batool Aug 2015
And sometimes i wish
to hide
to fade
or just to evaporate
leaving behind
no trace...
Batool Aug 2015
All she wanted was to
cry her heart out
but her stubbornness
never allowed her
to shed a single tear
so she changed
her eyes turned into
deep blue oceans
holding their stroms with in
appearing so calm and smooth
her saltish smile
sweeter than honey
never reached her eyes
her laughter was like
waves smashing
against a glass wall
she reeked sadness
intoxicating millions hearts
who dared to inhale her scent
she was a broken witch
yet they were all under her
everlasting spell !!
Batool Jul 2017
sometimes i wonder ...
if you read the words i write
understand the ones my pen fails
to compose on paper ...
or if you ever find yourself hidden between the lines ...
know it's always been about you !!
Batool Aug 2017
when heart hurts
and hands feel numb
pick up a paper
and hold your pen
write and write
words after words
till the hands hurt
and heart feels numb !!
Batool Dec 2015
Morning Sun
caring for none
you & me
its so much fun

winter rain
soothing pain
you & me
living again

walking mile
spreading smile
you & me
on an isle

December Night,
Fairy Light
You & Me
it feels so right.

Feels so great
having a mate
You & Me
bound by fate !!
Batool Dec 2018
تلاش خود کی
ملا خدا ہے
میں خود کہاں
گر خدا یہاں ہے
Batool Dec 2018
من میں ڈوبوں
ابھروں نہ
ڈھونڈوں خود کو
ملے خدا
ذات کے پنجرے
میں روح قید
ٹوٹے تالا
ملے پتہ !! ۰۰

God and Me (translation)
drown in the depths of soul
and never resurface
I was set to find myself
yet ended up finding God
My soul is caged
in confinement of my body
break the lock
So I can find myself

— The End —