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Allyssa Oct 2019
I still find you in the faces of strangers,
People pass by with no hesitation,
But I stop.
I analyze the way their nose might be shaped or the way your voice carried throughout the crowd like you were there,
With me,
Around me.
I drank the ***** to drown you,
I chased it with burning coffee to ease the burn knowing it would make it worse.
I can’t see the beauty in me without you,
I can’t feel my heart without you.
To be honest,
I’m going mad.
Insane, even.
Without you.
I miss you.
I love you.
I don’t want to keep comparing other people to you,
To see parts of you.
I want you.
Only you.
I shouldn’t have drank the *****.
Allyssa Nov 2019
I lay in bed beneath your body,
Panting and exposed,
Your hands created tremors,
Shaking legs and quavering moans.
Your lips were soft on mine,
Hearts fluttering fast,
Heated passionate kisses,
Tangled hair and messy sheets.
Bodies tangled,
Heavy breathing,
Knotted up hair,
Hickey peppered skin.
You said unto me,
Fingers buried in my skin,
My hair covering our faces,
Our foreheads pressed together.
“I will love you forever.”
We were one person,
One moment,
One soul.
We shared the oxygen that lingered between us,
Love poured from heavy weight of our need,
Our want.
We were done for and for once,
I was perfectly fine with his lingering touch on my body.
These bed sheets are mine and his hands felt like home
Allyssa Mar 2019
I watched the world spin from the windshield of this old car.
I felt the slip of the bald tires,
My hands tighten around the wheel,
And I screamed.
I screamed but somewhere in all of that mess,
That chaos,
I knew I was going to be okay.
I knew I was going to live,
Despite totaling my car.
Allyssa Mar 2019
This aching in my chest,
Feelings of regret,
Remorse was apart of my dying sorrow,
The life drained from the very existence of my pain.
I had the hands of a dying man,
Old and speckled like the dirt before our time.
I walked without pride in my stride and my unforgiving emptiness was adjourn.
For a moment I felt peaceful with this walk of mine.
Then, I collapsed.
I ache in the presence of you
Allyssa Mar 2021
To be loved is wild, dangerous, and carefree.
To love, it is soft and gentle.
To love from afar, it is bittersweet, lonely, and all the more enchanting.
Allyssa Feb 2020
You gave me a sense of endearment,
A wonder of beauty.
I felt whole when I looked at you,
My heart filled with your touch.
I imagine running my fingers through your hair,
Listening to you laugh,
Feeling your hands on my body.
Thank you for giving me an understanding of how to love,
To be capable of loving.
A letter to you
Allyssa Jan 2016
And alone.
And alone.
And alone.
And alone.
And alone.
And still breathing.
Allyssa Aug 2019
I felt the familiar emptiness,
The hurt and loneliness.
Maybe it's homesickness,
Yearning for something a little less painless.
Just homesick
Allyssa Jun 2017
These flames licked up the best of me,
Turmoil excluded me from happiness,
Heat melted my candle wax of a heart.
I say candle wax because steel can be penetrated and stitches rot.
Candle wax was never supposed to burn without the wick but here we are.
Here I am.
That campfire of an unworldly place made me scared to proceed in life as well as to love.
Should I be afraid? 
I don't know.
Can I trust this world and what it has to offer?
I don't know what it hides.
I'm trusting you,
I'm trusting your world,
I'm trusting in your faith.
Love me unconditionally please,
Building my heart once again out of the soft candle wax to hopefully have your hands mend it into something more primitive,
I trust you.
Maybe trying again might be okay.
Allyssa Dec 2017
I've been away for a while,
It seems like nothing is ever going to change.
Forgive me.
I hope you don't mind but I'm afraid to stay and hurt you any further.
Allyssa Dec 2017
Maybe it's a fluke,
Maybe I'm broken,
Maybe the idea of what I thought I wanted is not for me,
Maybe I'm greedy,
I'm confused,
I'm lost.
I'm sorry that I can't say to you what I want to say,
These empty thoughts,
I'm torn apart.
Help me,
I'm not okay anymore.
I don't know if being okay is enough anymore.
Allyssa Jan 2016
I can't tell you how many shades of blue
That would compare to your
Or how I would imagine them
Roaming over my lips,
And capturing them in yours,
Afraid of losing you every day.
But maybe,
Thats why you left.
I was too complicated to be with.
Allyssa Jul 2017
'Cause when I say, "Go to sleep,"
It means, "I love you."
Or when I tell you to eat,
That means, "Hey I care."
When you tell me that you love me,
I call you an idiot,
That's me saying it back but with the equivalence of stupidity.
You are the reason I stay awake at night and dream with my eyes open,
You are the stars in my dark sea that I have been constantly trying to drown myself in,
You are,
For Gods sake's,
My Planet Earth because what else is going to supply me the oxygen I need when my brain says,
"Don't breathe."
You make me not want to die when all I could think of is dying cause you know,
You are my alarm clock to when I sleep in,
My everyday phone call,
My back up plan when my back up plan needs a back up plan.
There are a billion of people out here that could have chosen me to deal with but you,
You at least tolerate me.
Thank you for the tolerance, at least.
Allyssa Mar 2021
To be 9 again.

To experience “heartbreak” on valentines when my crush didn’t like me back.

To sleep in my bed unaware of the fighting my parents did in the room down the hall.

To feel safety and comfort in the arms of my mother.

To be upset with my sister because she wouldn’t share her Play-Doh with me.

But I’m 20 now.

I experience heartbreak as if the entire world is on my shoulders.

I can no longer sleep in my bed because the fighting grew too loud and the liquor was too strong.

My mothers’ arms no longer feel safe but threatening, almost suffocating.

My sister only talks in code now, afraid of the listening ears that lurk in dark corners and closed doors.

To be 9 again.
Allyssa Mar 2021
I will always be in love with your light.
Allyssa Feb 2019
There was a vast emptiness within me,
A hole that could never be filled.
My bones clattered inside of this body,
A body no longer my own.
With every step I took I felt the weight of my existence lay heavy on me,
My heart beat like the wings of a humming bird and yet I still felt no warmth
I need warmth.
Allyssa Jul 2017
I want to give you the sorry you never gave me,
I want to forgive you for your mistakes when you never owned up to them,
I want to give back all of the memories we had together because they do not hurt anymore.
This is my goodbye to you,
My closure,
My end to this chapter.
I no longer think of you,
The nights welcome me with open arms again,
My bed is a place where comfort now grows.
You do not hurt me anymore,
I do not hide from heartache,
I do not resent you.
I could say thanks,
I could be the bigger person,
It was the pain, though,
It made me inhuman.
I left our broken happiness in a box where I hope you'll find it,
I thought I needed an, "I'm sorry."
You did not make me a better person,
I went through a change,
An altercation.
I will say it anyways,
Not for the drastic changes,
A thanks to myself for finally being able to breathe again.
Thank you to myself.
Allyssa Oct 2020
It was the flash of colors,
Your eyes covered in the hair you hated so much.
Colors mushed together to find what made your heart beat out of your chest.
Blurry pictures of you.
Like you were always out of reach to me.
Allyssa Feb 2019
My love to you,
Is no longer.
For the whispers that I believed to be your caressing words,
They were not.
It was the wind telling me to run and every aching bone in my body screamed it.
I laughed in the face of nothingness,
Diving into the abyss you created.
The look of sheer terror flashed across that stricken face,
Expecting me to run from that hole.
I’ve reveled in the dark and I’ve danced with the devil.
A little heartache can’t hurt me.
I wore the heals you bought me to the dancefloor I left you on.
Allyssa Sep 2017
Hello, mother,
It's me again.
Remember the monsters you used to check for underneath my bed?
It turns out they are all inside my head.
I know you couldn't see them at first,
I couldn't either,
But I heard them whisper,
I heard them chatter,
They listened to me weep.
I don't think you understand,
No, mother,
I know I'm not a child anymore,
But the underside of my bed is all cleaned out,
Yet they still remain.
Empty pockets,
Unopened boxes,
Light switches turned off.
They're intensifying,
They're horrifying,
And they're-
You have to go?
With the lights turned low,
You shut your door,
I'm all alone.
What about the monsters, mother?
I know you can't see them,
I know,
But I hear them,
I listen to them,
I no longer weep.
You said they weren't there,
I believed you.
You said it was the nights anticipation,
But it was my damnation.
You're still not listening to me.
They're inside my head,
I have this sudden feeling of dread,
I have to get this feeling off my chest,
Lay me to rest.
That is my last request.
From the daughter you never seem to listen to.
Allyssa Sep 2017
I speak for the dead,
I speak for the hearts that have stopped beating,
I speak for those who continue to walk the streets with their due dates etched into the pavement.
You can walk among the living and see death in their eyes,
Lungs still exhaling,
Blood still pumping.
Those who walk with broken souls clatter inside empty bodies,
Like sharp glass clanking together in spacious bags,
Cutting up walls covered in personas,
A never-ending mindless routine,
Stumbling into shapes,
Shapes made by superior shapes,
Never formulating into these people I once knew.
People aren't people anymore; everything's just nothing.
Allyssa Oct 2020
It's almost poetic,
The way we give ourselves to others without a second thought,
Just so we could feel something,
Other than the holes in our chests.
The aches our hearts give us,
Craving the touch of the one we want most,
To be held,
To be loved,
To be wanted.
So, we give our flesh,
To appease the longing we crave,
In hopes of quieting the demons that claw their way out at night,
Creating craters in the no-mans land we call our love.
To love freely,
To be loved freely,
Is such a beautifully terrifying thing.
Isn't it?
We offer our flesh to the ones who will take it in hopes of filling the overgrowing void in our hearts.
Allyssa Sep 2020
And in the wake of our every being,
Our souls were intertwined not by the fault of ours,
But the stars and the sea.
He is mine,
And I am his,
For we were made at the burst of the start of the universe and that is, in and of itself,
is truly divine.
He came back after all that time apart.
Allyssa Oct 2017
I wonder if it is the divine right for a king not to apologize.
A king resting in his glory hole,
Savagely ripping apart his council,
Smashing fortifications to the ground in spite.
Some view his kingdom a paradise on the outside but within,
Bricks of hell layer one another in heaps of hate and misconception,
A queen bowing her head in dismay.
Subjects fall without ease,
Knights taking territory from every which way,
The wrath of this king spread over territory not his.
A reign that was not his own.
To the king, his divine right lay with God but to his queen,
His power lays within the dirt their subjects part each other from.
Something a little different.
Allyssa Aug 2017
Don't fall in love with a writer.
A writer will take you to worlds unknown and you will get lost.
Don't fall in love with a poet.
A poet will construct stanzas of love and heartbreak,
Leaving you desperate for words unfathomable.
Don't fall in love with an artist.
An artist will paint you into their realm of never ending paintbrush strokes where love is just another color on a canvas,
Just like sadness.
Don't fall in love with her,
She is a mindless soul wandering the halls of heartache.
Don't look at her,
Her eyes will pull you deeper into the gold flakes that encircle her pupils like stars surrounding a black hole.
Don't fall in love with her touch,
Fragile fingers tracing patterns over your skin like a delicate knife cutting you open to create flesh wounds never to heal.
Don't fall in love with her body,
Captivating you with her honey drizzled hips,
Nectar inducing lips,
Taunting you as she strips.
Your skin is like fire,
Burning flames dancing and mingling with just a fleeting touch of her beauty.
Don't fall in love with her,
You already have.
Charming snakes and taming the ******.
Allyssa Apr 2017
I am an object so use me to your ill advised.
I am nothing more than a slender figure beneath the sheets.
Once occupied beside me but now,
I am alone.
I am alone and scared.
You have left me in a crumpled manner,
an innocence stripped,
Mind erased of thought.
I had lain there in amidst your peppered bruises,
sprinkled all over my body like the gentle snow outside but nothing was ever so gentle about you.
I had fought,
I had kicked,
I had screamed.
What more could I do than to lay down in defeat beneath the rocks that were your hands, your body as a brick.
Your raspy voice in my ear as I lay limp,
In the sheets,
Once occupied,
But now alone.
How could I have known a smile so sweet,
A voice so smooth,
A gesture so kind,
Heavily turned to hushed violence,
A slip,
A fall,
A dark memory.
Your hand clamped over my soft lips now torn,
Your body between my bare legs, now bruised and red,
My mind innocent and pure now rots with your voice that rings in my head as you dump me in my normality.
I sorely walk,
I sorely stumble,
I sorely drop into the hot water to burn your touch away.
I will not forget you,
I will carry your scars you left,
And I will pretend I did not exist that night.
I died in those empty sheets,
I was embodied into the name I had earned.
****, is what you called me.
I will not forget how you wiped your hands on me,
I will not forget that I am nothing more than an object.
Use me to your ill advised.
This is a very personal piece and if I need to make any adjustments or changes, message me privately.
Allyssa Oct 2020
Wet eyes,
Tear stained cheeks.
Pursed red lips,
Soft hiccups and steadying breaths.
She quietly whispered,
"Maybe I wasn't meant to be here."
Warm tears rolled softly down her face once more,
Squeezing her eyes shut.
Slowly, she looks out into the stars,
And whispers,
"I'm coming home."
Allyssa Sep 2020
Listen to me,
My love,
listen to me.
The urgent call of your name rings through the air,
Like a warning bell being sound off.
Loathe the way you wash over my body,
Consuming the dark corners of self indulgence,
As if you know the culling sways my every move.
If you knew the damage,
The turmoil,
The rot in my brain,
That spreads the more I touch you,
The more I breathe you in,
Poison in the warning bells.
I sink lower into these depths,
How I will rise,
I do not know.
But it begins with engaging with my pain
As motive.
I begin here,
Forfeiting my life to the self indulgence I've denied myself.
C'est l'amour que j'ai envie et peut-être l'appel du vide.
Allyssa Jun 2020
There was a time where,
I would think about you, love.
Now, you are nothing.
I almost grabbed the candle that made me weak for you and yet, I knew I was better than that.
Allyssa Jun 2017
I am really energetic and I am caring and funny, I love to socialize with everybody. Yes I talk a lot only because I am excited to meet you and my energy is a bit much but you'll get used to it!

Yes I am, still smiling and I feel great! Yeah haha only a scratch, how was your day? No don't worry about mine, I'm glad you had a great day. Talk to me more, I'm happy you're talking to me.

Everything's fine. No I'm just tired, yes I'm fine. Haha, yeah, I just have a little headache, no need to worry about me. I'm sorry. No I just felt like saying sorry. Enough about me, how are you? Things going good? Please talk to me.

We haven't spoken much, are you okay? No, I'm... yeah, I'm fine. Everything's going good. I wish we were closer. No I don't want something more, I just.. haha yeah I'm just kidding. We're okay. You have to go? Oh, I'll talk to you whenever, then. I'll be here if you need me.

I'm here, what do you need? Oh.. well if you must, it's okay. Yeah I'm fine with that, I'm fine. I'm okay, I just want to keep you happy, keep you here. No, I know you're not going anywhere, how silly of me to think of you to go. Oh? You do? Well, thanks, for letting me make you happy, anything I can do to help you.

...please talk to me.

Why won't you talk to me?

Did I do something to you?

I let you use me for your own happiness. Were you just in it to get what you wanted? Please, you told me you enjoyed my company, come back.

Yeah... haven't talked to you in a while. What's up? Oh? Yeah, I'm here if you need to satisfy yourself again. No it's fine, as long as I just get to spend some time with you.


Thanks for leaving me. I'm happy you got to use me for as long as you did, I really like you, you know. If using me meant that you could hang around even just for a second longer, please.
I'm in love with you
You're in love with them.
Thanks for smiling at me.
Allyssa Apr 2016
I was ice and you were fire,
My love for you was a burning desire.
The way your flames gently caressed my cold,
I wanted to touch you, I wanted something close to hold.
But as we did,
I slowly melted,
Your flame dying slow,
My ice cap dented.
You were plotting to leave,
But I held you close,
Scared to let go,
Your flame never rose.
You began to worry,
You began to fret,
My cold touch was hurting you,
Something that I regret.
I said I was sorry,
I tried to smile,
But our love was diminishing,
Like the flame of your candle.
Your light was almost out,
So you said goodbye,
You let me go,
One last time.
As you went,
So did the light,
While I lay here,
Wondering why.
You lit my world,
Helped me see,
Now you're gone,
And darkness has come over me.
I lay in this ice box,
Remembering your flickering flame,
Blaming myself for your pathetic game.
I touched where your mark had left,
A small melted shape is kept.
I hold it dear,
For that's what is left,
I have nothing else of you,
But of memories and your theft.
Sometimes I catch your candle wax,
Dripping here and there,
And I turn colder,
For more lonely nights to bear.
Your heat was intense,
So was your profound love,
But nostalgia fools me,
It's shows no wrong.
Allyssa Jun 2019
Moon-lit slits through ivory curtains,
Windows kept ajar for creeping secrets,
The sound of humming busy bugs.
Beds kept warm through unconscious bodies,
This was what summer was about.
Silly whispers of unkempt persons,
Clothes of disarray,
Tangled limbs and kisses of good mornings,
Time seemingly kept at bay.
Memories never made so none were lost,
Places never visited so never seen,
People of uncharted territory so they were never missed.
Fingers roaming unwanted strangers in the dark,
More silly whispers about a forgotten tomorrow,
No more good morning kisses of today.
I can't seem to sleep during these hauntingly sweet nights.
Allyssa Feb 2021
All of it.
I'd give all of it,
If it meant that we could start over.
I keep getting Error 505 whenever I post??
Allyssa Nov 2019
I am haunted by these
Tortured souls,
I am shaken by these
Tainted lips,
I am hurt by these
Painful eyes,
I am broken by these
Soft hands.
I am in love with you.
I am in love with you.
Allyssa Apr 2016
You made me happy,
Even just for a short while,
For once, I felt loved.
Allyssa Oct 2019
It’s 2 a.m. and you sleep peacefully.
While you dream I stay awake.
I stay in the still of the night watching,
I see the demons that walk during the night,
The fleeting glimpses of the tall man,
The one on stilts with the fedora,
The hanging lady by the tree.
I hear their whispers in the soft wind that blows,
Goose bumps trailing my skin with the presence of them all around me.
It is a warm night yet I feel cold.
A sniffle here,
A giggle there,
Voices in the back of my mind.
Am I hallucinating?
Am I crazy?
I need sleep
Allyssa Jul 2017
I wonder how many times you have climbed into a tub and thought,
"Wow maybe I could drown in hopes of escaping my life."
I dont know how many of you have thought that but let's just say a few.
One: I step into the tub with my left foot and the water is immensely warm.
Downing pills couldn't be that bad right now.
Maybe I could grab the bottle without anybody noticing.
I wonder if I could make my own concoction of medicine would suffice.
Concoction is a funny word.
Two: I step in with my right foot and everything is tingling from the heat.
If I charge my phone from the plug over there by the sink,
Could I electrocute myself?
I wonder how bad electrocution hurts.
Deep fried food would be nice right now.
Three: I sink into the tub and pull my knees to my chest.
if I lay back now and fight myself from breathing,
Could I do it?
I wonder how long it takes somebody to drown themselves in a tub while fighting their instinct to survive.
I could adapt and grow gills.
Four: I lay back into my tub and watch the water rise.
The water is warm and my body is heavy.
I can't **** myself because my headstone will be something sad,
My funeral will play music I'll hate listening to as a ghost,
People I don't even know will show up.
What if my ex shows up?
Five: I sink lower into the water until I can no longer hear clearly and it tickles the side of my eyes.
What's the point in breathing.
Breathing is so weird.
Why do I have to maintain a body that's going to die anyways?
I wonder what dying feels like.
Six: I've been in here for an hour. Maybe I should get out.
This water has turned mildly lukewarm.
I'd like to stay but I'm getting kinda cold and I like the warmth.
Could I just empty half and add more hot water?
I am sitting in a pool of my own dirt.
Seven: I'm climbing out while simultaneously pulling the stopper.
Theres so many different ways to say that you or somebody is dying;
Kick the bucket.
Pull the plug.
One foot in the grave.
Bite the dust.
Some of them are kinda funny.
Eight: Realizing that I love baths but hate the thoughts that come with the quiet bathroom.
I'm exhausted.
The mental kind of exhausted.
Can I stop now?
Can I just lay down and close my eyes?
My anxiety is overworking me.
Nine: I open my door with a stiff towel and a cold room.
I love the quiet but the quiet kills.
I love my mind yet the way it works is poisonous to me.
Ten: Nothing.
In my empty bedroom.
Yeah, that's a long title. No, it's not exactly a poem.
Allyssa Jan 2020
He became a reason of many.
A reason to laugh,
A reason to love,
A reason to be.
With every doubt I ever had,
It was like a cold wash of rain,
Wiping away any negativity that creeped upon me.
There was a wholeness about him,
The calm in the word safety,
A steadiness in the way he talks,
It became an overspill of excitement,
Much like the tide on a sunny day.
He reminded me of cold drives with all of the windows down,
The sound of an acoustic guitar when being plucked,
Drunken laughs and soft whispers of delicate words shared between breathless kisses,
Quiet hums in the still of an empty house.
He became my reason,
He became my home.
You're not just perfect, you're my perfect
Allyssa Jun 2017
I saw a funeral today.
Passing cars,
Flashers flashing,
The crying of passengers,
Pulled over cars in the small county of dwindling residents born here.
I wonder,
Oh I wonder,
Does the widow cry at night?
Does the husband mourn?
When did they pass?
The train of cars became too long,
A loved member of that family.
Did they say goodbye?
Can I say goodbye?
Kissing the window to send my love to your deceased,
I pray your heart isn't so heavy and your knees aren't too weak.
I hope your love for them was strong,
I hope their smile was amazing,
For I do not know how to grieve so when I say,
"It's going to be okay,"
I mean it.
I do not know how to grieve.
I speak of a heart wrenching pain so strong,
Numbness has washed over me.
My empathy,
My love,
Goes to you.
Entrust in it, cherish it, grow from it.
My condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Allyssa Jun 2017
I wonder if truck drivers ever get tired of the open road,
Where cars speed past in angst of their destination,
Red and white lights filling the darkness.
Endless dedication to wearing down the pavement that sticks to the Earth like a bandaid.
I wonder if Earth gets tired of us littering,
Peppering it's surface with blemishes to be reconciled with.
I wonder when humanity is to be torn down,
Another plague roaming the planet ready to be wiped out soon enough.
We don't compare to the locusts,
The frogs,
The volcano ready to wipe us out.
40,000 years overdue,
The ash ready to cover the sky and pollute our lungs until we suffocate.
I wonder what will happen to the highway then,
Maybe reclaimed by the grass that once existed here.
I hope the car lights stop shining,
I hope the truck drivers reach their destination to finally rest from the constant stop-and-go.
Just highway thoughts.
Allyssa Jan 2021
"Dear God, what happened to you?"

I couldn't look at him.

I couldn't look at him with sad eyes with what was left of my broken heart pouring out of my chest. I hugged myself and kept looking at the ground as the tears fell.

"I fell in love with you. As stupid and as simple as it sounds, It's more complicated and intense than you will ever know. I didn't just fall in love with your laugh or the way you looked at me. It was the passion and drive you had for the future you wanted, the meaning behind every song you showed me, the life behind the eyes of someone who breathed fire into my lungs for the things I loved most; you. That is what happened to me."
I dunno
Allyssa Dec 2020
And I wonder if they'll write stories about me.
About the tales of my adventures,
The people I've met,
The hearts I've broken,
The tears I've shed,
The fear,
I wonder if and when they tell of the bad,
They don't forget the good, too.
You see, I'm not perfect.
The image that I've seamlessly wrapped myself in isn't all bad.
The image of me that once existed in people's minds,
I am not responsible for.
Because while I am many things,
I am also loving,
Many people of my past forget that I am human and so are they.
I focused so much on my mortality,
I forget that I, too, make mistakes just as much as the next person.
I just hope that where my legs may carry me,
I am kinder,
I am softer,
I am less angry at who I was and focus on who I am.
Sometimes I forget that there is a lot of good in the bad.
Allyssa Jun 2019
I feel inadequate,
To say the least.
I mostly feel mad about it,
It's like taming a beast.
I haven't written my jittery thoughts down,
I haven't been able to feel the dark creeping again,
But I feel it now.
I feel every bit of cold,
I feel every bit of sadness,
All I want to feel is fire.
Fire upon any desire,
Other than this.
Other than the plague of my existence on every warm night,
On every sunny day.
I'm like the ******* highway during rush hour between holidays,
A struggle to maintain this facade of normality.
I don't sleep during the summer.
Allyssa Mar 2021
I would laugh and brush it off.
It was a common question,
One that was asked too frequently.
"Where's your motHer? How is she?"

I always replied with something vague.
"She's been away for a while."
"My mother? She's been sick so I haven't seen much of her."

Really, though,
She's at home wishing she could hurt me.
I know, I know,
She's my mother.
Mothers aren't supposed to do that, right?
You sEe,
My mother thought love came in bundLes of fist fights,
Of crying,
Of cuts and bruises.
I know she was raised that way, I know.

What I can't seem to understand, though,
Is that she passes this "love" down.
It makes me sad.
I wish she knew how much it hurt to see my mother in Pain,
But it also hurts to see a stranger behind drunken eyes lay her hands upon the child that made her into what she is now.

I hate her.
But she is my mother,
Allyssa Jun 2017
I could tell you how every bit of you flashed before my eyes as we met that very first night,
But how can I explain the way our souls met and fought while my heart thought it was love,
How can I explain the many thoughts that trickled into my head as your fist connected with my jaw and the scream that ripped through me.
What can I say to the mother that raised me who said to never let a man hit me but my god I'd let you do anything to stay because
when did I start to believe the lies you fed to me by your hand as the other gripped my thigh and my heart whispered, "This is love."
What led you to use your anger amongst me like an angry pen furiously scratching across a page when the ink runs out because neither the paper or the pen can no longer bare the force put upon either.
What made me to be so submissive to the peppered bruises across my tan skin like purple stains on a linen sheet that you just can't wash out because how can you wash out the memory of something so powerful it
You do it again because the power you hold over me is greater than the cries I let out or the blood that trickles from the wounds you make that stain the carpet because I let you.
I shiver in your wake.
Please, I beg of you, let me die.
Don't let him hit you anymore. He will do it until you perish.
Allyssa Feb 2019
Laying here in your warm embrace,
While the rain trickled and poured,
Tangled bodies in cold sheets.
You said the words that had befallen me once,
Many times before you I believed but this time,
I did.
“I love you.”
Allyssa Jun 2017
I know that I have killed myself a thousand times in my head,
Never fully grasping the concept of leaving.
I do not know when the thoughts started,
I guess they've always been there,
Whispering and taking turns rotting my brain into the landfill of decay and broken thoughts.
No longer the pink fleshy muscle that sat presently in my head.
It had turned to tar,
Black and thick,
Suffocating the light away from the open cracks where creativity once flowed through.
Unfathomable, the thought of dying, ceasing to exist.
What have I become?
Existentialism is hard to grasp
Allyssa Nov 2019
It’s like you can’t stop thinking about her.
The way she uses her hands to talk,
The way her heart sounds when she’s explaining what falling out of love sounds like,
The way her mouth moves in the shape of smile,
The sound of heartache in her voice because the love of her life walked out on her.
You just wanna be that person,
Take that pain away from her,
Holding her until she’s whole again,
Loving her like the way she loves someone else.
The way you hear your heart being chipped away,
Chiseled under the war hammer of heartbreak.
The stone that becomes your heart when you realize you can be the center of her universe.
Allyssa Oct 2019
The hint of Newport’s wafted off of your sweater,
The small glow of the radio illuminated your soft face,
The way your eyes held mine in a longing glance.
Your lips were parted slightly,
Small short breaths were shared between us,
Faces inches apart.
I could smell the soft scent of you on your mouth,
Hands brushing against each other in need of intertwining our fingers.
We could close the distance,
Feel the way our lips connected and danced with slow anticipation,
Tasting each other’s need.
Hair pulled,
The aggressive want to touch you,
To be closer to you,
To feel you, feel me.
“Don’t catch feelings,”
You said to me.
“I won’t, I promise.”
I lied.
I’ve gotten attached to your smell,
Your taste,
Your being.
Your soul calls out to mine but you’re afraid to bring me close,
I know.
Please let me in.
Our late night car rides are my favorite memories I have between us.
Allyssa Dec 2018
These bed sheets were stained with my battered and bleeding heart,
My dress torn.
This bed of mine was my captor,
I, it’s prisoner.
I fell victim to the prying hands that kept wandering between my legs.
It wasn’t love that brought us here, no.
It was my quiet mouth,
My clothes that fell apart between your fingers like wet sand and the screams I supposedly only muttered.
My innocence had been ripped from me,
Like a piece had physically broken off.
My soul,
My happiness,
My trauma.
You stole from me and it was priceless.
I lost a many of things to me but my purity was my own.
I am expendable and I’ve come to accept it
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