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Nov 2020 · 429
Broken soul
Sovit Pokhrel Nov 2020
I recognize a broken soul when i see one.
Craving for affection,
Longing for that touch.
I recognize a broken soul when i see one.
I am one.
A broken soul reaches out more often than the other.
Look out for one another.
Aug 2020 · 355
So Greedy
Sovit Pokhrel Aug 2020
Greed, nothing but a ego,
Fueled by my need.

Aren't we all,
So greedy to recieve ?
Wouldn't it be,
Much easier to live ?
If we were all,
So greedy to give.
Greed consumes us
Let go of greed.
Jul 2020 · 305
My pen !
Sovit Pokhrel Jul 2020
All of a sudden,
I'm wide awake.
And i have this urge to share something,
Something i have no idea about,
With someone who i have no idea about.
With no one to speak to,
I pick up, my pen.
Some nights you wake up and just need to jot random words. Tonight was some night.
Jul 2020 · 216
Identity !
Sovit Pokhrel Jul 2020
So much involved with the society,
In the search, for an identity.
I have forgotten my deity
I have forgotten my ability.
Far from calm, i'm feirce & feisty.
So much brutality,
In my personality,
I am fragile & full of vulnerability.
All this calamity,
Just for the sake, of an identity.
The hunt for success is killing the good in me.
I feel like im turning into a monster.
Jul 2020 · 207
Sovit Pokhrel Jul 2020
Grasping my pen, i ground myself.
I start to breathe as the nib glides across the canvas.
The ink drops, forming lines, curves & more,
Breathing life into the paper,
My heart starts to beat,
giving me a sense of life.
As i form,
Letters into words,
Words into sentences,
Sentences into paragraphs,
As i try to graph, illusions into reality.
Trying to cling on,
To the little glimer of HOPE,
That you provide me NOW & THEN.
Sometimes i close my eyes Just to get a glimpse of your memory as it gives me hope.
Jun 2020 · 190
What is normal ?
Sovit Pokhrel Jun 2020
Does normal have a definition ?
Is it all, just perception ?
Quit forcing your opinion on others.
whats normal for you might not be for them.
Live and let live.
Jun 2020 · 430
Paragraph of Emotion...
Sovit Pokhrel Jun 2020
There is a paragraph of emotion,
That i hide,
Behind every "good morning" i text.

There is a paragraph of emotion,
That i hide,
Behind every "good night" i text.

Sometimes i wish,
We could express without words,
Just so you could hear,
All that i fear,
And why i hide,
My paragraph of emotion.
Expressing has never been easy for me.
Just too scared the person at the other end might not feel the same.
why is this feeling associated with fear???
Jun 2020 · 145
Sovit Pokhrel Jun 2020
I can still smell,
The scent of your perfume.
I can still feel,
A sense of your presence.

Maybe i'll realise,
Why i keep telling these lies.
Till then, i'll just,
close my eyes,
keep searching,
Where the answer,
To our questions lies.
Some memories with some people are just too good to let go.
Jun 2020 · 123
The Soul Cocktail
Sovit Pokhrel Jun 2020
I dive into the pool of emotions,
Scavenging for expressions.
Hunting them haunting thoughts,
Plucking out the ripe ones
Pouring everything into a vessel,
I Shake, stir & muddle.
Finally, i serve thee,
The soul cocktail.
I feel like poetry is a soul served like a dish.
Different people prepare it in different styles.
Different people prefer it in different styles.
Here i how i prepare my poetry.
Three simple ingredients,
Soul, emotion and expression.
Today i was in the mood for some cocktails.
Jun 2020 · 166
Fail in Love !
Sovit Pokhrel Jun 2020
I fell for you.
I fell, in love.
I failed you.
I failed, in love.
Maybe love is like walking.
We fall & we learn,
we get up and we move on,
Eventually learning to love.
May 2020 · 119
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
Clattering of the rain,
On my window pane.
Chattering of the mind,
Desperately hoping to unwind.

Pouring everything upon me,
Flodding me with memories.

Drowning in the puddle,
Of my own emotions.
Frowning on my own thoughts.

Here i am,
Talking to the rain.
There is something in the rain.
May 2020 · 229
The Pied Piper
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
You told your lies,
And i followed.

Innocent & bovine,
Little did i know,
Like the piper,
You were leading me,
To a ravine.
The biggest coward is a man who awakens a womans love without the intention of loving her.

Bob marly.
May 2020 · 265
Your Curve !
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
I still remeber
that elegant curve,
On that beautiful frame.

I still remember,
How it made me feel.

shivers down the spine.

I still remember,
That elegant smile,
On that beautiful face.
A smile is the only jewellery you need.
Wear it everyday.
May 2020 · 269
Give & Take
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
I understand, everything is give & take.
But, how much must one give?
Give, in order to recieve.
I understand, everything is give & take.
But, whats there to measure?
For ones trash, could be the others treasure.

I understand, its give and take.
But how much, must i give ?
Give, in order to recieve.
I could give you, my everything.
But for you, it could mean nothing.

I understand, its give and take.
But what is it, that you take?
When you dont know, what you want.
You could give me, your everything.
But for me, it could mean nothing.

I understand, everything is give & take.
Human relationships are getting more complicated than ever, too much greed in this corrupted socitey forcing unrealistic expectations upon you.
But i shall give, give & give, everything i have without any intentions of taking. Even if it means, i have to break my self into a million pieces.
I shall give until my last breath  for there is no better feeling, than giving away.
May 2020 · 176
!!! Lesson !!!
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
As a man of passion,
I love blindly.
And, So i did,
Only In return,
All I got, was a lesson.
Life has different chapters and their own lessons. You were a part of it and now you are not.
May 2020 · 143
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
You're the kind of mistake,
I thought i'd never make.

Here i am,
Bruised & battered,
Yet, mind made up & heart prepared.

Dazed, on your presence.
Hazed, with my lust.
The same feeling of abyss.
Drenched & drained, Yet, a bliss.

Here i am,
Bruised & battered,
Yet, mind made up & heart prepared.
Convinced !!!
You're the kind of mistake,
I'd be glad, to make again.
Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all
May 2020 · 325
!!! DAYS !!!
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
A master craftsman,
Well bred and fed,
Counting his days,
Days spent, over Days left.

Days, spent searching a craft.
Days, spent learning the craft.
Days, spent working the craft.
Days, spent perfecting the craft.

A master craftsman,
Well bred and fed,
Counting his days,
Days spent, over days left.

Days, left to live.
Days, left for love.

Days, he spent, drifiting from life.
Days, he has left, too little to go back.
Days, he spent, he wishes, he had more.
Days, he has left, only them,
and nothing more !!!
All our lives we run behind what the society has considered the epitome of success  only to realise that we have completely forgotten to live our lives in the process. Start living before its too late. Spend time with the people you love, tell them how much you love them.
May 2020 · 254
Rich or Poor ???
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
With love in abundance, to share.
Yes, i am rich !
With love, all that i have, to spare.
Yes, i am poor !

If it is riches, you seek...
I'm sorry !
My life is all that i own.
If it is possessions, you seek...
I'm sorry !
My body is all that i own.
With love, all that i have, to spare.
Yes, i am poor.

If it is happiness, you seek.
I'm here for you,
With infinite smiles.
If it is togetherness, you seek.
I'm here for you,
With love in abundace, to share.

Yes, i am rich !!!!!
how much is a lotta money to you ?
What makes you rich ?
My riches is life, forever !

May 2020 · 186
I write to fight.....
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
I don't speak much,
But have a lot, to say.
I don't express much,
But have a lot, to show.
This is why i write.
I write, to fight.
Fight, with all that i store.
Expressions are meant to be expressed not bottled !
May 2020 · 133
The Dream Girl !!!
Sovit Pokhrel May 2020
A dream !

There i lay, sleeping.
Where, i was dreaming.

In the dream, of my dreams,
There you were, smiling at me.
Where you were inching, towards me.
In the dream, of my dreams.
There you were,
Near and dear,
Where, we were.

In my dream, i wake up !
There you were, laying beside me,
Where you were, suppose to be.
In my dream,
There i am, smiling at you,
Where you lay asleep, a mesmerizing view.

In my dream,
Is where you are.
In my bed,
Is where i am.
Cozy and carefree,
I lay awake,
The brightest of smiles,
& the lighest, of hearts.
Have you ever dreamt about dreaming about a person ?
A simple dream about a person, so blissful i woke up the happiest and lightest i have felt in quite some time.
Apr 2019 · 746
Evidence of Existence !!!
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2019
I sit and i think.
Think, and then i think some more.
Think, until there is no more.
Nothing else but to pour.

I sit, and i pour.
Words, lines, paragraphs and more.
I sit, and i pour.
Lines, up-down, straight, curved and more.
I sit, and i pour.
Bitter, Sweet and Sour.
Pour and i pour,
Pour until there is no more.

Empty and vacant,
Nothing to do now, but recieve,
Chip up & shoulders back, i smile.
Dust my self & prepare,
To be filled with,
And be fueled by,
Evidence of Existence !!!!
Life is simply flling, emptying, refilling and repeating.
Mar 2019 · 685
Past, Present & Future
Sovit Pokhrel Mar 2019
What's gone is gone, i say,
What's coming, feels the same.
Regrets and mistakes,
A life, on stakes.
Past Haunts me,
Future Scares me,
Present, is where i want to be.

What i did, resents me.
What i'll do, will represent me.
A life on the line,
Dangling hopes,
I wish, were mine.
Past Haunts me,
Future Scares me,
Present, is where i want to be.
Modern life is a life of worries, anxiety and pressure. Dont forget to smile & breathe. Listen to your mind every now and then. You might be surprised with your own capabilities.
Mar 2019 · 353
You & I
Sovit Pokhrel Mar 2019
Who are you ?
Do you know what you want ?

Yes, You !
You are suppose to do this,
You are suppose to do that.
You are good,
You are bad.

Melted and mended,
Scripted and sclupted,
You are now made.
You are now successful.
you are YOU.

Meanwhile !

Wanting all the love and care,
I, became needy !
Wanting all the happiness and joy,
I, became greedy !
Overloaded with compassion,
I, became a burden !

Yes, I !
I, has been forgotten,
I, has lost its way,
I, has lost its purpose,
I, has been sacrificied,
Sacrificied for YOU !
For now, you are YOU,
And i, simply was.
A lot of dreams get crushed everyday to achieve the milestone of what society has built as the ultimate glory.
Dec 2018 · 691
Sovit Pokhrel Dec 2018
Feelings, so stern !
Desires, that burn !
Feelings, that haunt !
Desires, that hurt !

All this weight,
While i wait.
Paitently, i linger.
Loosing my paitence,
Confusion & anger.
All this weight,
While i wait.

The wait for someone,
Someone long gone,
Gone so long,
IT's TIME !!!
To move on and to choose.
To let go and to close.
The door, and
The Chapter.
Letting go sometimes can be the best decision......takes time and some effort but it will only do good to you
Dec 2018 · 334
Sovit Pokhrel Dec 2018
If only i could, I would !
I wish !
I wish i could,
If i could,
I know i would,
If only,
You'd let me.

I wish i could,
Let you let me,
Make you feel the way i feel,
Hold you, caress you, and
Show you to the world,
The world, i want us to be.
If only !
You'd let me.

Every breathe, every moment,
And Everything that i own,
I'd give up !
I wish!
I wish i could,
be with you !
If only,
You'd let me.

Give you everything that you deserve,
Treat you like a queen,
If only i could,
If only !
You'd let me.

Love you with all i've got,
My soul, my mind, my heart.
If i could, I know i would !
if only,
You'd let me.
How i wish for that someone to enter through the door i've been holding for so long.
Sep 2018 · 316
Sovit Pokhrel Sep 2018
My mind thinks things!
Things my mind thinks !
What is this thing that i think ?
Is this thing worth thinking ?
Do i really want this thing im thinking ?
Or, is it just a thing to think?
Things my mind thinks !
My mind thinks things !
Sometimes i just think about things.
May 2018 · 342
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
I am lost.
I am silent.
I ponder.
NO !
I am not depressed.

if you tell me, i am lost, i'll agree.
if you think, i am strayed, i'll disagree,
i'll tell you, Lost are those who seek !

if you tell me, i am silent, i'll agree.
if you think, i am mute, i'll disagree,
i'll tell you, words must make sense, not noise !

if you think, i am protracted, i'll agree.
if you think, i am idle, i'll disagree,
i'll tell you, I am conscious !

if you tell me, i am useless, i agree.
I am,
to be used.

I am lost.
I am silent.
I ponder.
NO !
I am not depressed.

I am content !
I am at peace !
A constant battle of raw & pure minds against the divided, programmed & civilised minds.
May 2018 · 455
Tricked For Pleasure
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
I smoked,
I tricked.
I drank,
I tricked.
My mind !
Misused and abused,
substances i used.
Believing i tricked,
My mind for pleasure.

Wheezy and Winded,
Distorted and Dazed.
Unaware, i was.
A fool, i was.
Believing i tricked,
My mind for pleasure
Quit playing tricks on your mind before it starts playing tricks with you.
Be Aware of your desires!
Recognise the power !
Channel it into something fruitful.
Be alive and prosper.
May 2018 · 273
The Power !!!
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Only when you loose it
will you realise.
The power !
The power you had !

Twist & Turn & Float & Fly !
where &  when & whom & why !

Unlock !
A power so concealed.
Unleash !
A power so conceiving.
Unravel !
The force of life.
Unwind !
what is wrong to what is right.

Twist & Turn & Float & Fly !
where &  when & whom & why !
look no further because the power resides within your true self.
just dig in and have a look.
May 2018 · 771
Alone Together
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Alone i am !
Alone you are !
Together we are all alone.

Alone you walk !
Alone i walk !
same destination, different paths.
The race of life.
Together we are all alone.

Alone you sit !
Alone i sit !
Darkness and Silence our friends.
Together we are all alone.

Alone we wander,
Alone we wonder,
Alone we're together,
Together, we are all alone.
we are all  fighting  our own battles in the quest of life.
don't judge be friendly.
don't hate and spread love.
be alive and prosper.
we will meet at the end. :) :) :)
May 2018 · 451
Back to the Roots
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Stripped off desires,
i am naked.
running through a forest of thoughts,
i am going wild.
newfound appreciation of life,
i am free.

stripped off emotions,
i am naked.
feeding of nature,
i am going wild.
a new perspective,my perspective,
i am free.

stripped off attachments,
i am naked.
so much to explore,
i am going wild.
no boundaries, no limitations,
i am free.

what a feeling it is !
a naked body, so light.
a wild mind, so right.
what a feeling it is,
to be naked, wild and free.
live light, live right
May 2018 · 412
I Feel the Blues
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Do you ever feel the blues?
Do you feel blues talking to you ?
Do you feel like all blues were sung for you?

Blues crying out loud !

Guitar telling me to go for it,
but the sax telling me to just,
let it be.
piano telling me to hold on,
but the harmonica telling me to just,
let it go.
the drums, the vocals, the song,
screaming at me and telling me,
just go for it.

Blues crying out loud !
I'm crying out loud !
Why do i love you so much ?
when you just don't care !
NO ! It just aint fair.
Is it fair?
when i love you so much,
but you just don't care.

Blues crying out of love.
I'm crying out for you.
i have fallen for blues the same way i fell for you
May 2018 · 666
let ME be ME
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
perpetrate ****** everyday !
killing myself !!!
to blend in, to live a lie.
How different life would've been !!!
If you could've just !!
let me be me !

blinded by greed !
fooled by desires !
faking happiness with real sadness.
how easier life would've been !!!
if you could've just !!
let me be me !

living in an alien society !
a life of envy !! no pity !
fighting over superiority.
how simpler life would've been !!!
if you could've just !!
let me be me !

floating on questions !
rowing with answers !
sailing towards possibilities !
how interesting life would've been.
PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!
let me be free !!
let me be me !!
a wish, a request, a dream
May 2018 · 593
A Smokers Story
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
inhale curiosity.
exhale amusement.
A roll of fantasy.
A Tragic chapter sprouting..

Inhale stress.
exhale relief.
A puff of heaven !
drowning in  the tar of ecstacy !
connecting my life support on you.

inhale frustration.
exhale happiness.
A puff of goodness !
Flying on clouds of smoke !
connecting my life support on you !

inhale temptation.
exhale pleasure.
a sense of anxiety in your absense.
fooled by a desire.
connected my life support on you !

light on my fingers.
so good on the lips.
breath of pleasure.
connected my life support on you !

heavey heart, tight lungs.
dizzy head, weary eyes.
explosion of thoughts.
Calmness only comes with you !
Can't function without you !


smoking is stupidity at its finest.
May 2018 · 493
Human Being
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
silence a bliss
lonliness no more a curse
calm, i have become

past just a tense
memories and stories
present, i have become

turning mistakes into lessons
profound logic in emotions
hopeful i have become

fighting desires
conquering fears
warrior i have become

filled with love
a tender touch
romantic, i have become

pen & paper my friends
words my expressions
a poet i have become

breath my rhythm
heart my drums
musician, i have become

harmonic feet & melodic arms
dancer i have become
pitch high & low
singer i have become

life my canvas
days paitning and nights sketching
artist i have become

living with a purpose
Appreciating the gift of life
a human, i have become !
silence is the key to unlock life in its purest.
May 2018 · 5.8k
A Child.
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
A Child
trapped in flesh and bones

A Child
chained in lies,
bound by norms,
trapped in a civilisation.

A child
chained in expectations,
bound by culture,
trapped in a society.

A child
Consumed by fear,
brianwashed and programmed,
trapped in flesh and bones.

A child
peeking through a window
waiting to be free!
waiting to be, just
A child.
deep down inside, the child is crying out in all of us.
screaming for  freedom.
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
A world of thumbs.
A world of indexes.
We are the virtually enlightened generation.

up & down we scroll,
in search of company.
Facebook our friend !
We are the virtually enlightened generation.

Right we swipe to match,
Left are just left.
Internet our hope for love.
We are the virtually enlightened generation.

All the knowledge of the world,
Just a few taps away.
Google the Truth !
We are the virtually enlightened generation.

A world of thumbs.
A world of indexes.
We are the virtually enlightened generation.
technology has rooted itself in our system.
May 2018 · 534
Lust at first sight
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
dumbness on my head
a feeling so hypnotic!
numbness in my soul
a feeling so ******* !
light on my feet
a feeling of release!
dizziness in my eyes
a feeling so free !
sensations i felt, when i first saw you !

milky lips on chubby chicks,
Fluffy eyes and complexion so fair,
complimented by few stranded hair.
seductive skirt with a sensual smile,
elegant curves on a frame so right.

was it love or was it lust ?
too innocent for love,
too dumb for love,
it must have been !!!!!!
puppy love, the tingling sensations for the first time i saw a girl...
Apr 2018 · 379
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018
I know how YOU feel !
I know how IT feels !

Feeling Feelings like never before !
A Feeling of Despair !
A Sense of Disbelief !
Living without a Purpose !
No sense of Direction !
Wandering without Destination !

I know how YOU feel !
I know how IT feels !

Fighting a war for Survival !
A feeling of Outcast !
A feeling of Disgust !
Lost in  a Civilization !
A desire to escape !
A desire to be free !

I know how YOU feel !
I know how IT feels !
only after darkness light shines....
good things take time to happen...
hope patience and determination is all you need.
Apr 2018 · 419
Everything in Nothing
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018


The secret to happiness lies in nothing.
Apr 2018 · 438
A Beautiful Nightmare
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018
Tired from a long dull day
I lay down and close my eyes!
Blurry images shutter behind my lenses.
My heart starts beating!!!
Take a long deep breath as i try to fall asleep
The images get brighter!!!!!!!!
STRONGER and LOUDER beats my heart
Legs go numb cant feel my arms
So light yet rooted so deep
The image gets clearer!
My heart slows down!
A feeling of nothingness yet i smile.
With a heavy heart i ask
Why did you do this to me ?
You came, filled me up with joy and hope
Left me punctured and Spilling
left and Right
as i change sides and force my self to sleep.
A deep breath and i start over
A picture so clear, so bright
A smile so contagious i couldnt resist
I smile again!
This time back to you sitting across the table.
So close i can feel your presense
yet so far i can feel your absense
Eyes so deep, smile so wide, soul so pure
Grab you around my arms
Eyes to eyes
Nose to nose 
Our heartbeats sync
Our breath collide
My heart starts pounding like never
You start vanishing into the abyss
I panic, i fumble, heavy breathed i wake up...
Oh what a beautiful nightmare! I say
As i go back to sleep
A heavy heart
A Big smile
Calm and composed
A deep breath
I really do miss her!!
I realised......
a love story that could have been something
Apr 2018 · 5.4k
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018
EVERYDAY! i open my eyes .
EVERYDAY! a new sensation.
Energy so vibrant !
So addictive and pleasing !
Pralaysed i lay!!!
Showered with emotions.
STUCK in the past !
WORRIED about the future !
A NEW DAY!!!!!
A new chance OR
An opportunity lost ?
LIFE a blessing or a curse ?

I GET UP, rubbing my hazy eyes
I YAWN, stretching my self from head to toe
So fresh, so hopeful & full of life
Ready to CONQUER the world, i march
       First step
Living in a house of bills
Chained by norms
      Second step 
the program installed in me takes over
Head down as i sigh and vanish into REALITY
start living a life from being alive.

STUCK in the past !
WORRIED about the future !
A NEW DAY!!!!!
A new chance OR
An opportunity lost ?
LIFE a blessing or a curse?
Have a perspective on life and choose your actions wisely.
Apr 2018 · 569
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018
Rain drops
some little,some large,
Penetrate my skin,
as i stand here waiting,
Waiting for you.

Drenched in thoughts,
Soaked in lust,
Riddled and dazed i stand.

My bones shivering from the rain, yet
A small flame in my heart keeping me warm.
who is it, lighting this fire  ?
Who are you?
where are you ?
Why do i miss you?
I'm standing here waiting for you.

Wind and water crashing into my face,
Can barely open my eyes.
electricity passing through my veins ,
a shock straight to my head...
I shiver, i blow,
As i stand here waiting for you.....

Saoked and heavey clothed !!!
Broken and heavey hearted i stand,
waiting patiently for you to arrive.
Is it love or is it lust ?
Whatever it is, It is true that i want you !!!
Come fill my space and complete me.
It is you that i seek,
You and only you!!!!!!!
Getting drenched in the rain can sometimes do wonders to you.

— The End —