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1.8k · Aug 2021
Love haiku
Michael A Duff Aug 2021
Love is indeed art
Simple to see and embrace
A challenge erased
What is love and how do we know it, couple times found in your life, only to be lost and discovered like the rise and fall of the sun. Fooled and shamed into believing only to see clearly later it was game and Pons were topled for her pleasure. She is an island that is not reachable if it was you'd be stranded and slowly die.
1.7k · Nov 2019
Kintsugi for the soul
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Broken is renewed
Honored for its damages
Better than before
I love the idea and crafting of the Japanese custom of Kintsugi, it is the repairing of pottery that has broken with gold. With this custom things broken are preciously repaired with most valuable gold, honoring the items for their repairs and broken pieces rather than discarding them for their flaws. People are to me this way, we should honor them for their broken hearts abuses from the past, respecting their healing and recovery. Because that person is unique in all the world. Even though they may have pushed you away broken your heart or vise versa, you may never know how hard the battle is that they are waging in their mind and soul.
1.4k · Oct 2019
Flawed completely
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
She was flawed, completely; but not in the way she thought.

She was flawed in the way an artist ruins a white canvas with a beautifully colored sunset.

she was damaged, in the way the night sky is broken by the dawn
At times she had confidence and at times she felt as if she was a scrap of something used up
1.3k · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
She was drown in the shadows of a past she dare not escape.

Bound by an invisable chain, anchored, and weighting her down.

In a painful comfort of dysfunction, this chain rubbed raw places in her mind.

Like an addict in her ways, kindness and happiness slipped through her open grasp, so she could wade into the familiar waters once again wrapped in her sadness.
it is sad how some you love SO dearly seem to love their problems and past more than the life they could lead in the present. The observation is this damage creates a dysfunctional behavior where the victim thrives on problems, not happiness, and can and will help everyone but themselves.
1.0k · Nov 2021
Michael A Duff Nov 2021
I'm mining my heart

To understand my future

All I see has past
Right now is all I see the past haunts me like a nightmare of happiness abused by time
973 · Oct 2019
New love
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
My everything is
she has become to me
Nothing is missing
When you have been crushed to your smallest bits and still hurt from loss of the one you had given your heart to completely it is nothing short of beautiful to find a person that wants to help you repair what's broken
942 · Dec 2017
pick your judgement
Michael A Duff Dec 2017
She could be both a colorless tasteless poison or the elixir of life it was how she felt that decided your drink.

Stinging souls to their core,  with her way she could both capture hearts or release them to her fire as she desired.

Damaged ego, too much pride, and a victims heart helped her slip past happiness to find fault in the other half.

Always running away but going nowhere, putting things behind her only to weigh her down, a victim of her own deeds, blameless.

She's blissful in her isolation, a prison she wishes she could break however that requires more than a glance in the mirror of honesty.
a girl so prideful, a ego so large to fool you into thinking you were at fault, and undeserving, the one mistreating her...Sadly she still has my heart, she opened it and crushed it in a matter of years,
867 · Sep 2019
Twisted left shattered
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
a girl so clever, prideful, a ego so large to fool you into thinking you were at fault and undeserving, the one mistreating her.

She'd have in the corner as she told you your feelings and how you were to be,  and all you wanted was more.

Blind to the fact she was drowning you with her presence,  walking you to deep waters of sadness, and twisted truths.

She smashes souls and closes the door without a mere glance back, to bait another into the fog of disfunction

Sadly she had my heart completely, she opened it, filled like never before and crushed it because she could in a matter of years

Hearts mend, but the scars are permanent
A girl had me completely like none had ever had, twisted me turned like a sail in the wind, and one day without notice found fault in me so deep to cut me in two, and leave me, my life scrambled and heart broken in tiny peices not easily found
789 · Jul 2020
Michael A Duff Jul 2020
I could it have been chance, our connection so deep it could be seen by the blind?

Are two souls spilt searching for eternity to be reunited, I can say the moment it felt complete like none other?

Hold too tightly or too loosely jt slips away, eternity is long we will see each other again.

It couldn't have been chance.
I k we I was having fun but what I didnt know in my life was a connection so deep, finding my other half in a fiery painfully obsessed beautiful woman with a past to drown your soul.
765 · Sep 2019
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
if you show me your soul hidden deep inside I will admire it. show me the worst parts, the broken pieces... so I will know where to start. show me the most damaged parts and I will show you they are still lovable, unique in all the world unduplacated and more valuable than gold.
Most every person is a finger print, unduplicated, the unexplained magic of a bond seemingly to the soal burns deep into a mind and generates memories and feelings that never subside
716 · Nov 2021
Michael A Duff Nov 2021
Everywhere I go

There I am I can't escape

Edit memory
Sometimes I want to escape me break thos shell leave this happy face for what is really inside the sadness in me I can't escape
689 · Apr 2021
Michael A Duff Apr 2021
If there is another thing beyond this one I shall meet it

Seeing beyond the futures of tomorrows not yet lived

There is a place I feel it I'll meet you there
I was diagnosed with a rare form of terminal cancer, I want to wrote my thoughts until I can't one day the right person will read them
647 · Sep 2019
Old books and dreams
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
My mind can not express my amazement of your beauty, the way you break me down to my simplest parts and make me new with feelings of love. The small magical minutes in between memories I once only thought old books and dreams were made of
Finding thing that are shocking to an old mind, realizing my time is short but my love is deeply engaged, I owning only sadness will be made when I am not her to draw her near.
618 · Oct 2019
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
sometimes she is hard to love and makes you question yourself. she can be a riddle talking of the future, but only living for today. she is amazing in so many ways unexpected and beautiful. with all of that she sets my heart a blaze and captures my soul.
This confusing thing called love
575 · Nov 2017
a lifetime of nothing
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
please let me lay by your side for hours that stretch into years, we can talk about thousands of nothings that make us comfortable so we can have a lifetime of somethings with meaning.
The goal of true love is deep and broad
537 · Sep 2019
Happily lost
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
in the maze of your soul I discovered the center was a beautiful garden, wild, unrulely and begging to bloom in the light of another. I have fallen in love with it and am happily lost there for eternity.
495 · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
If ever there was a riddle she was it.

A puzzle that you were never certain you had all the pieces to.

Now to be honest, that is the most unique thing in all the world, unduplicated.

The uniqueness is a mystery we want to solve, but people are not for solving they are for loving.

Each on to their own a snowflake, cut only once, but only ever seen crashing downward to the surface.

Mysteries, puzzles, riddles, people; they are unique, just like everything else we experence.
As different as we seem to be platitudes apart we are all learning experiencing life and it is our differences that make us unique yet since we are all unique we are all somewhat the same.
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Draws you into her
Go don't return we are done
Closed up her heart     burn
What at one time was the greatest love of my life was also the greatest tragedy of my life. She regulates her love, pulling you in dot keep. Then pushs you out off the cliff into the cold water deep, ice in her eyes frozen seems her heart, I saw it melt when her defenses were down that was before she ripped mine apart.  Some can repair breaks like this but to her she shutdown forever to be missed, hope she is well I dont know why, I should a mean and spiteful guy. But that's not me I never have been, I have too much love I cant give in.
482 · Nov 2019
The haiku
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Five seven five you know
Tells you secrets for real
Or a game may be
A little fun with haikus
479 · Dec 2019
Michael A Duff Dec 2019
When a man crys for her it is no ruse

It means his heart is broken not bruised

He may struggle silently in plain sight

He may withdrawal from all light

At any time it is for sure, she has has damaged him for ever more
She left me with a heart in shreds and a confused soul and my things in a box.
477 · Sep 2019
Alone in the rain
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
she may feel alone left in the rain, wet with loneliness. However I am always there to hold the umbrella to keep her dry until her storms clear. I love her for who she is
Love a person for who they are not what they could be or were, be in the "now" the future is not reachable and past is behind us.
475 · Sep 2019
short lived
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
No more beautiful a soul could I touch, no better woman would find, whenever she is not near she is on my mind. She is my match, my equal, my partner for life, so short lived, so completely, she will complete me.
In the time you have which is unknown find something share yourself, dont hide away waiting gathering regrets
469 · Mar 2021
Haiku of life #3
Michael A Duff Mar 2021
She had all of me

Completely consumed by her

There was nothing left
We met like souls long separated lived like lovers and made plans together for a future that we would never realize. Years later I wonder how her daughters are, who is she now, what mask does she ware, or did she finally become herself the one I met all those years ago.
461 · Jun 2020
Clever Trickery
Michael A Duff Jun 2020
She was a beacon my soul was attuned to before I ever knew what a soul was.

She met me like a lioness circling its meal

She crashed over my life and my heart like a ship forced onto rocks by the storm

We mingled intertwined like plants from the same root marking ourselves permanently for eachother

She took a turn dined on dysfunction and tragedy in seven course form never looking up to see the sun

She tossed my soul my love out her window undone used up

She fooled me as many before used for only a time until she could wade back into the comfort of her own past dysfunction like warm water to her mind it was home
The greatest love followed by the greatest heartbreak still scars fresh in my mind down to my deepest parts. She broke me, tamed me and knew that she was unique to me in all the world, but to her I was a mere boy for the taking to be used for her mise until she felt through. Then blamed me for her lifes misery and walked into her darkness that fell like rain with her umbrella.
455 · Oct 2019
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
Love is for the heart
The sun is love for the soul
Love can also burn
Haiku because your
Memory burns awfuly
Hurts in places old
453 · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
She was flawed, completely; but not in the way she though.

She was flawed in the way an artist ruins a white canvas with a beautifully colored sunset.

she was damaged, in the way the night sky is broken by the dawn.

 An orchid appears as another plant unworthy of a second gaze, yet it produces the most spectacular bloom. she is this bloom, complex and mysterious, but unquestionably sweet. Valued for her differences from others, and unmatched in my heart.
451 · Oct 2019
Forgotten flowers
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
When good intentions and deeds are pulled like common weeds, the dismissed, like forgotten flowers past their day. Weap, because they were beautiful once and someone was happy to see them daily
We camt be everyone to anyone sometimes barely who we need to be for ourselves
445 · Oct 2019
Hurt my heart
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
Joanna hurt me
She broke my heart torn apart
Now I am less whole
Heart break hurts always
Reminders daily sometimes
This season is hard
439 · Jun 2020
Her gaze, a haiku
Michael A Duff Jun 2020
Her gaze touched my soul

I saw beyond all futures

A life of torment
Although she was one person that touched my soul deeper than any other, she was addicted to demons from her past. She seeked the chaos of dysfunction and ever changing ups and downs, it was warm water for her mind and the abused little girl she couldn't grow apart from.
401 · Nov 2019
Haunting haiku
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Memory is deep
You haunt my life and dreams now
Will you let me be
She is tiny memories sometimes on my mind there is a link I camt break thatakes me sad and is hard to cope with
395 · Jan 2018
sounds not heard
Michael A Duff Jan 2018
The sounds not heard are the most precious we can understand; a heart breaking, a glare thrown, a kiss blown.

They place us in very different feelings and sometimes leave us beaten, and battered... but also in others hopeful.

We wouldn't be who we are without that past and it helps us move forward to better sounds; the sigh of contentment, and the giggle of new love.
just because it's bad doesn't mean it has to be that way forever. love comes and goes, enjoy the good and learn from the tough times, take none of it for granted.
393 · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
When it is dark you can use a lantern to light your way.

When its raining an umbrella can shield you from the rain.

Weather you use these things or just wonder in the darkness is a choice for you alone.

Realize you may be just cold, wet, and tired walking in circles.
the lantern symbolizes guidance, illumination, support..  The umbrella is shelter, protection a thin layer of protection.  The darkness is our challenges we face the unknown, they surround us always. It is up to the courage of the individual to take up these tools or to be subject to the darkness and misery of being lost.
391 · Sep 2019
Tamed in a wild world
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
With so many people in all the wild world at once it would seem that none are special. But it is your time, so precious you spend with the ones that makes them important to you. You spend your time, limited by your life that you might tame the ones you choose from their wild world. When they are tamed they become unique to you in all the wild world, and even when they are invisable from you it is only with your heart you can see them rightly.
The ones we invite in, the ones we make special to us can hurt us the most and even in the hurt we try to find love
390 · Sep 2019
The prayer
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
now I lay me down to sleep, I promise you have my heart to keep. the sun rises, sets, and the moon is up above and all the while it is you I love. if I should die before you wake with you my soul will remain for no one else to take. this is promised completely because if you should die later in time you will have all you need to meet me
I thought We had a love so complete it could never be broken or truly disrupted
376 · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
I have always loved you, even before I knew you i loved you. you were a thought that was imagined to be a fool's errand. until the world in its twisting converging way brought us together drawn like magnets across a short distance with a force that can't be seen but felt yet can not be denied. see you are just as you are supposed to be and I am just as I am. I accept all of who you are and everything you will become, because I love you.
Meeting someone you though youd never find that fit into you life like the missing piece of a puzzle
369 · Mar 2020
Silent suffering
Michael A Duff Mar 2020
Her soul cried tears for a past none could see

They were transparent to everyone but me

Held as close as I could trying to ease her pain

She broke my heart as if nothing to gain

Simply so she could remain suffering in silence
People are consumed by a past that cant hurt them blinded by an invisible force of fear. Heartbreaking
366 · Dec 2017
Michael A Duff Dec 2017
Like the serenity of still water, or the space between a heart's beat, now is where she is. Now I when love grows because now is all we have
living in the NOW is beautiful it erases the pain of the past. now washes over you like cool water on a warm spring day.
363 · Jul 2020
Forgotten words
Michael A Duff Jul 2020
All the best words have been written

Loved lived lost and forgotten in time

Only to be found by broken hearts
We are recycled of heart broken by time forgotten and replayed searching for happiness
356 · Nov 2017
a riddle
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
she is a beautiful puzzle, a riddle wrapped in a kunundrum. she is silent as the breaking dawn but striking as lightening, twice as bright as both and illuminates a maze for our souls to mix. that maze like the puzzle she is to my senses challenges me often. just when will she see her own light and accept, just when will she see my love and solve the riddle
the magic or so it seems to be of damages past haunt some. those pains ripple out to touch most everyone they know and those who love them most are effected.
351 · Jun 2020
Scars of the heart
Michael A Duff Jun 2020
Scars of the heart are the hardest to heal

Yet the greatest you can feel

To give yourself freely

To be released just as easily
Heatbreak can change your life
350 · Aug 2020
Haiku in ink
Michael A Duff Aug 2020
Marked our skin in ink

Each one with secret numbers

Now just lines I think
I marked my body with symbols deep of our love, a code only we shared she marked hers with my number "74" she wore, circles for each of us children too. I chose a key, she'd unlocked a heart I never knew I wear "14364". She has a keyhole on her hip meaning so deep and now does it mean anything to her but ink in skin she wishes not to keep, perminate even if covered. I will wear mine to my grave together with my box of things she forgot to put the parts of my heart in. No colors gay, she chose to stare at the mirror because real life was too bright. Year Slater I cry winding if I'll ever know before I die.
347 · Oct 2019
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
From far to when we were near I gave my heart.
I thought you were the one, it was clear.
Together my head was in the clouds like a shook snow globe.
Love so unknown, I was blind to what could be took.
Crushing me, uncovered you were a fake.
I gave you my everything and you gave me heart break.
You broke my heart, destroyed me I completely fell apart.
I couldn't of known i would still dream of you, thoughts from the start, tears rushing to my heart break.
Somethings that look to be amazingly deep are only reflections of your Hope's and not the realities of others lives, I found her love was easy as as a switch to shut off, finding my things at the door. While my love is like the sun it burns and will burnout one day but the burn hurts badly. I'd do it again foolishly, using my heart instead of my head... it crushed me thinking I was better off dead. She still haunts my mind for the time I have left she will always have that part of my heart break.
343 · Nov 2019
Seeing you
Michael A Duff Nov 2019
Seeing you hurts me
Tricks my heart into old ways
Makes old scars new now
Those in your heart are sometimes no good for you but it hurts the same
341 · Oct 2019
I love you because
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
I love because I love you, even if it's for too little time or not longer than a life.

I love because I swore to love you the day you were made my wife.

I love you because I love you truly because you so touched my heart and intertwined our souls for my life.

I love you for my life I need you to see I love simply please see me.
You never know when you will find things and when they may get lost, hold on tightly and see it from your eyes as well as the other persons.
338 · Sep 2019
Passioante from far
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
It is electric, she is passionate from a far, conversations all night, making our future plans daily until the early light

She took my heart completely sent me large amounts of love so deeply

Then we were there the truth was on the ground, life changes made us each our love to be realized and truly found,

It was good I will not lie on it, new realities some take your breath away some make you cry on it.

Changes made, loves been found, realities realized how does this go down

She packed up her life, changed her pose, she gave me back my heart like a wilted dried up rose

Left me with empty promises unfulfilled back to her chaos my feeling love and heart totally killed

I see her from time to time, passing by I think to myself shes dangerous lives lie uses hearts like thing to be had, gives them back broken bad...
Love found and left it lost, heart break like never before my life shortened for sure...
335 · Nov 2017
hidden parts
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
And he gazed into her eyes like lenses peering into her soul; she was transparent. And invisible she wanted those rough, tough and hard parts to be unlovablly hidden. she did not understand why he looked right through those bits, they were as transparent to him as glass, he was not bothered. he  looked onward, inward, to her core and wispered close and softly to what was locked there; I am not of your past, I would be in your future, and i am of your now, as much as the air surrounds you I am here it is me, come out to meet me, come out and see
She was my deepest love marked my soul scared me to this day but she occupies her time with hiding from her past and has not any time for joy or lasting love
335 · Oct 2019
Invisable love
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
love is a lifetime of examples of how we can overcome our fears, worries, and doubts.
It is invisible but can be seen, it is intangible but can be felt,
it is inaudible but you know it when you hear it.
at times it can seem to be extinct, and others make you as euphoric as the most powerful drug.
in the end it is only you who can choose to let it in, push it away, or accept it
Strang thing called love, none can point to it but it is all around but it is deadly as beautiful
331 · Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
A broken thing often is hidden, discarded, replaced.

People, we reset, repair, rebuild seemingly we're refaced.

I see beauty in these broken things, see them repaired.

Because every dent, scratch, or Nick reminds us of our bond and the times we have shared.
I have started repairing broken pottery as a hobby and there is so much beauty in the randomness of how a broken piece is reborn into something more than it was, uniqueness. People, we are just a collection of experiences expressed over time. we all are broken or have been to one degree or another, the beauty is in our repair our uniqueness the differences and similarities are astounding to me.
325 · Sep 2019
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
She is the the reason that my sun comes up in the morning, the cause of many sunsets with colors abound, only seen in my minds eye. I know with everyday we are closer and she is dearer to my heart. no matter the space no matter the age she is my love, my life, my everything.
Some people touch your life your heart, they may not stay.. but they are unique in all the world to you
324 · Feb 2020
Tears of the heart
Michael A Duff Feb 2020
Tears are words that my heart can not speak
The pain felt are the cracks of my heartbreak not seen
Years later and everyday they feel fresh to me as a sunrise not shared
2 years and 4 months ago after three years she told me to pick my things up never to be seen again, I loved her girls like I love my own boys 2 each we have. I shared parts of my life none knows about she shared her secrets too. we read, laughed, cried, and grew together I shared some her toughest moments, when her dog died on mothers day. Made special things for Grace so she could be the coolest preteen on Halloween. Then just like that and suddenly its was done.
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