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Anastasia May 2019
ashes, ashes we all fall down.
i’ve come to take back my crown.
ashes, ashes, you shall fall down.
i will destroy this town.
ashes fall with us.
can’t you feel the rush?
the ashes fall.
it’s time for your call.
ashes, ashes we will fall down.
ashes, ashes, no more ground.
falling into ashes.
we all have our gashes.
now I breath in.
the sky grows dim.
ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
a sort of dystopian poem i found in my old poems from a year ago. i only put my favorites on here, an d this made the list.
Anastasia Oct 2019
i can't remember
when i knew
an entire group of people
who were pure
i'm not talking about
people saying ***** jokes
those ones are the best
i'm talking about the cruel people
the ones who hurt
who cause pain
for fun
the world is cruel
or maybe
i'm just easy
to hurt
Anastasia May 2019
A little boy of shadow
Sitting in carnations
Of God’s creations.
A little boy,
Lost and to never be found
Never knew
The voices could be so loud.
The voices that say
“If you stood, the world could be ours.”
But he prefers wishing on stars.
Because his legs are beaten and bruised
And he cannot walk.
But he wishes for someone to help him stand.
And doesn’t make him talk
About the things he wants to say
The things he wants to keep away
For someone who will always stay.
an old poem from last year, that i really love.
your teeth were sharp
and mine were filed down
i let you gnaw away at me
although i would have let you go for the throat
tearing away from my flesh
my precious artery gushing like my broken heart
if only i had been delicious
maybe you'd still be lapping up my blood
nibbling on whatever's left of me
but apparently i wasnt satifactory
so you left behind my mangled remains
i was your *****
until i wasnt
i was your mutt
until i wasnt
until i was your meal
still stuck in your teeth
i hate him.
Anastasia Jul 2019
On mah feet
Got cats
On mah socks
On mah legs
Wearing cat socks
Lighting strikes at the base of my roots.
It climbs up my limbs
Charring my flesh It bites into me
Chewing my nerves
Stabbing needles into my veins
I cannot move.
I am intertwined with this place.
I am bound here.
Lightning does not strike once.
It strikes again.
And again.
And every time, It is excruciating.
the cycle has finally broken.
Anastasia Jun 2019
                  dis C ord
                        H ell
                   an A rchy
              turm O il
             lawle S s
my favorite word
Anastasia Aug 2019
the world is getting too bright
i cant tell that something isn't right
something else is dripping
from the tears in my skin
you told me not to
let the darkness in in
but you left
so what's the point
let's set fire
to this joint
the matches are there
no need to stare
reach into my pocket
nothing you can to stop it
not anymore
i'll start this chaos
i've got people to brainwash
this is what happens when you abandon me
i told you but i guess you wanted to see
burn down the room
decorate your tomb
gave you my heart
but you decided to spend it
gave you life
now it's my turn to end it
Anastasia Jun 2019
Raindrops, water plops, let’s go see the ocean.
Let’s go skip a stone 14 and 11. Let’s go find a way so we could go to heaven.
Raindrops, falling on my face.
Raindrops mixing with my tears.
Tears falling into the water well.
Rose gardens, little girls picking them carefully.
But the rain is falling, and the girls are crying and the roses are wilting.
The wind is crying and I am crying and the well is crying and the roses are crying.
Raindrops, water plops, let’s go see the ocean.
Let’s go skip a stone, 14 and 11
another old poem that i like
Anastasia Aug 2019
Cherry on top
Cherry on bottom
My heart is sinking
Straight to the bottom
The crickets say
They are ashamed of me
And the mosquitos take their aim at me
Cherries are crushed
No longer sweet
Rotten and bitter
False retreat
Writing at night
Gives me strange thoughts
Cherry on bottom
Cherry on top
At night
Is messing
With my mind
Anastasia Dec 2019
i bet you'd taste like chocolate
melting in my mouth
sweet and decadent
just give me one taste
of sweet love
a rich taste
of your cocoa kiss
and your silky lips
32 words exactly.
Anastasia Jun 2019
and cinderlocking
eyes are locking
lips are locking
hands are holding
fingers twisting
hair is mussing
this is love
god i need him
Anastasia Jan 2020
let's sit on top of the building
kiss under the lights of the city
look me in the eyes and tell me i'm pretty

take my hand and we'll walk along the edge
forget the day that we met
stay together no matter what we get

crowns of steel and headlights
we know we'll be alright
stay with me tonight

wind and hands in my hair
shining stars everywhere
running up the stairs

dancing on the fire escape
get it all on tape
buildings fade into blurry shapes
Anastasia Sep 2019
to the city of night
of all kinds of light
twinkle but not very bright
see without sight

to the city without sun
but now there's only one
but soon you'll be done
but soon you won't be able to run
Anastasia May 2019

a night colored ocean
white clouds, floating above.
casting shadows along the jagged, watery surface.
or perhaps
they are the silhouettes
of beasts
leviathans beneath the surface
with water filtering through their jagged teeth,
scales as sharp as needles.
or maybe
there are just clouds.
soft tufts of water
above a jagged
Inspired by a passage of a book I read.
Anastasia Aug 2019
crystals slid down her pale cheeks
tears frozen from the wind
her eyes
they burned
the light
it dimmed
she was freezing out there
standing alone
lost her heart
lost her home
she was cold
it was old
and she wanted it to end
Anastasia Jun 2019
i miss you
when you were next to me
and you were warm.
i'm still cold
even with
a deep blue
fluffy blanket
and cheddar-broccoli soup
i'm freezing.
i miss you,
with your grey hoodie
and your smile
that warmed up my insides.
Anastasia Jul 2019
Drip from your heart
While you hold me.
You color me
Like the rainbow
Of your soul.
Opalescent dreams
From your lips.
You've colored me
Like a page.
I was black and white
Before you colored me in
With the taste of your lips.
Anastasia Jul 2019
I'll never be recognized
For who I want to be
No one will care about me
For the things I see
The beauty in my words
No one really cares
None of my efforts
Really compare
Why can't I just be... What everybody wants?
Anastasia Aug 2019
My head
Is pounding
It hurts
I shouldn't have
Hit it
  Ove r
  O v E r
   O   V  E r
O V e R
Against a concrete wall
Anastasia Aug 2019
So I want you?
Do you want me?
Thinking of you
Thinking of me
Drives me absolutely wild
Watching you
Watching me
Makes me wonder
What do you want?
It's kind of dark
When you think about it
How lonely it is
Inside my head
But when you're there
It's like
The world
Gets brighter
I don't know how
Anastasia Jun 2019
in an old
old house
there are corpses in the cradles
and an old
delusional woman.
it's reeks of flesh
and baby powder
piled with blood-stained clothes
a "husband" lies
cold in bed
with parts
from "almost-perfect" men
the floor sags
and the stairs creek
the walls echo
with the cooing
of an old
Anastasia Jun 2019
i crave a taste of you
i crave a taste of love
the things i would do for you
i hope it's all enough
you're really so sweet
nothing much can beat
i crave a taste of your touch
i just want a taste of your love
Anastasia Aug 2019
it's simple
i'm crazy for you
Anastasia Jul 2019
a white sheet of paper
to some,
to others,
an inviting canvas
sharpies lined up
in a rainbow
hand picked
and thought out
by ink-stained hands
then a line
what a miracle
the marker is
to create
with nothing
but the turn of a wrist
drag it along
with your rainbow of colors
and create
perhaps a red penciled rose
With few of blue
and thorns of green
or maybe
a cerulean sea
turquoise waves
white froth
emerald turtles
and golden sand
or possibly
a boy
with ashen hair
and icy eyes
rose petal cheeks
and baby-soft lips
something beautiful
and dreams
Wrote this on the long way back from edwardsville.
Anastasia Aug 2022
A string wrapped around your fingers
Threaded through my heart
Pretty patterns crisscross with my blood vessels
Paper butterflies dancing about
In my stomach of felt and fuzz
These lungs of mine expand and contract
Filled with your very own carbon dioxide
My popsicle stick bones ache
Splintered from heavy use
A doll for your entertainment
Made with love
For making love
But it isn't really love
Now is it?
Anastasia Jun 2019
See this crown, upon my head?
Made of knives, one slice and you're dead
My finger, tracing your neck
Then come my lips
The blade is next
Watch your mouth
And watch your back
Is it love or a heart attack?
Backstabbing isn't really my style
Darling straight in your face will make me smile
Looked you in the in the eyes
Shouldn't be a surprise
Inspired by Billie Eilish ❤
Anastasia Jul 2019
i feel d r a i n e d
after i cry
but so full
of false things
l i e s  i tell myself
to feel better
b l e e d i n g  i watch
i watch people r u i n themselves
And it hurts
it h u r t s
I hate it
how c r u e l  the world is
Anastasia Jan 2022
As I become undone
My threads untangle
Every little knot unraveling
Their stories lost
Memories fade
Images drown in static
I succumb to little needles
Pricking every surface of my skin
While a song seeps from my throat
And leaks onto the dusty floor
Alone on creaky hardwood
In a dark
Anastasia Jul 2019
Hot tears
Roll down my face
With shimmering eyes
"How could you?!"
I scream,
Hugging myself
Butterflies fly out of my throat as I cry
"You promised!"
"You promised me!"
I can't stop the heaving
Sobs escape out of my stomach
Heat takes over
Quietly I say
"You promised forever..."
I cry myself to sleep
And salty cheeks
Anastasia Jun 2019
Crying so gently.
Alone, bittersweet tears fall.
Making small puddles.
an old poem i found that hit me hard.
Anastasia Jun 2019
crystal trysts
souls collide
making something beautiful
golden thread
braiding hair
hands run through
in the night
"but i'm not tired"
wanting to hold you
when i can't sleep
crystal trysts
hide with you
in a bed of flowers
hands on my skin
lips on mine
suns set
letting forth night
holding the moon
in your eyes.
c.b. ♥
Anastasia Oct 2020
Open your mouth
Let me see your tongue
Tell me how it tastes

Is it sweeter
Seeping with blood
Cut at the tip

Trace the edge
With the knife
Make it taste

Like me

Hold out your hand
Let me see your fingertips
Tell me how they feel

Are they smoother
When they’re slick
With saliva

Trace my skin
With your tongue
Make it soaked

With blood
Anastasia Sep 2019
with a smile like that
you could get away with ******
Anastasia Nov 2020
The things I’d tell you
If I had the courage
I’d look you in the eyes
“**** you,” I’d say
“**** it all”
I **** the day
That I said I loved you
**** the day
That you pressed your lips to my skin
**** the day you put your arms around me
**** that look in your eyes
Sparkling and beaming
**** that smile
**** the words you told me
When you told me I was beautiful
**** the day
You fell asleep beside me
And I told you all the truths I could never say
**** the touches we shared
Soft and fearful
**** your lips
That pretty mouth of yours
Spewing lies that tasted like cherry
**** the cold days
That I wore your clothes
**** those warm days
Of summers by the creek
**** the day your fingers traced my wrist
And you spoke to me softly
**** those days you made me smile
Just so I’d miss you when you leave
**** the day you said goodbye
And you wished me the best
**** the final day I cried
And **** all the rest
Anastasia Aug 2022
Dear little teacup,

I found you at the thrift store
Nestled amongst the big teacups
With your shining gilden lining
And your pretty petunia shape
You filled my heart with love
Although you were only 1.99
To me, you are priceless

Dear little teacup,

I cannot wait to place you beside
All of my precious collections
With your lovely violet finish
And courting man and woman
Surrounded by trailing little flowered vines

Dear little teacup,

I imagine you've been lonely
Without your friends for so long
Don't worry little teacup
For I will keep you safe
I love my teacup
Anastasia Apr 2020
thanks for putting up with my *******
Anastasia Dec 2019
dear santa
i want one thing
love for me
i would like you to bring
many don't know,
i'm lonely you see,
and i just want
some one to hold me
santa, i would like to meet
a pretty boy who's very sweet
a boy who likes to make me laugh
and has lot's of questions to ask
i would like someone with a poetic side
someone who has an affinity for the night
i just want someone to love me
thank you santa,
i can't wait to see.
just a christmas wish
Anastasia May 2022
I’m still lost
I have been since the day
You said you could have loved me
Since I realized
I ****** it up for the both of us
I have forever forfeited
Your touch when the heat becomes too much
Your lips when the tears build up
I have given up
The sweet things you gave me
I can no longer make you shiver
With my love
I can’t hold you anymore
And the pain gets unbearable
When you’re so god ****** close to me
Yet so far away
Anastasia Jun 2019
oh, don't act so naive
how ignorant you pretend to be
the lies you tell for just one kiss
you remember what they told you was bliss
to tell the truth i wish i was like you
i want to be happy, too
Anastasia Sep 2019
dark purple
under my eyes
not a surprise
i wish i was warm
i'll get swallowed by the swarm
i've been deprived
of sleep at night
i've been deprived
of you holding me tight
Anastasia Jun 2019
fire in her lungs
dust in her mouth
keep going,
keep going
to the south

and tan
in the sand
her red

an imperfect daughter
looking for water
each step.

sand in clothes
in her hair
twixt her toes
she runs
with her red converse.

will she ever come across
an oasis, lost
or will her bones
stay hidden,
in the sand.
Anastasia Jun 2019
everyone says they need me.
but they always leave me.
please don’t go
im so alone.
i need someone to hold onto.
i need someone to sing my song to.
you’re all I want.
you’re all I need.
you’re all I beg.
you’re all I plead.
please don’t leave.
an old poem when i was obsessive af. not that much has changed.
Anastasia Aug 2022
Gazing at beauty unmatched
Stripping down just for me
A round of applause just for you
Suddenly I'm on my knees
I beg for a taste
So desperately
Of your glistening flesh
Of skin sparkling
With sweat and saliva
Dizzy with the scent
The smell of ***
Oiled onto every surface of my body
Watching you move
So close to satisfaction
Guttural sounds escape your throat
I just want to push you to the edge
I can't help myself
Anastasia Feb 2020
if i can't live without you, then there's nothing left to do but die
Anastasia Aug 2019
We stood
In our kingdom
Atop of it's roof
Our palace of dirt
Simply me and you
You grab my hand
"Do you trust me?"
I started to think
That maybe you love me
You said
At first I was scared
But seeing you there
Standing in the sun
Holding my hand
I thought you might be the one
I let myself fall
But you held on
So I thought I would, too
Anastasia Jan 2020
the sky was gray
a dismal day
the water was still without you
my mind was astray
the rain made clay
there's just something about you
the stars have lost their shine
like marbles in the sky
the whole world seems lost
and i think that i know why
you left me on a sunny day
gone without a trace
now the world is filled with sorrow
everything is gray
Anastasia Jun 2019
there's something different
about that girl
that makes me smile.
the crazy way
she talks
and looks around.
the way she draws
her silly imaginings
on my hands
and my fingers
and my ankles.
and the way she laughs
always make me smile
in a way
that nothing else can.
Anastasia Jun 2019
i would die for you
i would lie for you
i would **** for you
i would take the pill for you
i would start a war for you  
i would never take more than you
i would spill my blood for you
i would mop it up for you
i would breath in the smoke for you
i would make someone choke for you
i would burn for you  
i would make heads turn for you  
i would commit a crime for you  
i would end time for you
i would give my light to you
i would start a fight for you
i would **** the sky for you
i would always try for you
i would break the earth for you
i would prove my worth to you  
i would steal a bird’s song for you  
i would prove they’re all wrong for you
i would make a storm for you
i would make your dreams take form for you
i would make mountains fall for you
i would give it all for you
i would give my soul for you
i would walk on burning coal for you
i would give myself scars for you
i would catch the stars for you
i would empty the ocean for you
i would admit I’m alone for you
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