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Apr 2020 · 200
Elissa Deauvall Apr 2020
people say only fools fall for you.
so i guess i’m a fool.
Dec 2018 · 277
Elissa Deauvall Dec 2018
you'll never hold my heart
the way you hold my hand
i'll love you forever anyway
Nov 2018 · 654
Elissa Deauvall Nov 2018
I want to build
a cardboard castle with you
It won’t last long
but neither will we
Nov 2018 · 400
Elissa Deauvall Nov 2018
you deserve nothing but the world
you deserve to be in a place
where the only thing you feel is
and support
you deserve to have people in you life
who make you feel like
everything will be okay
you deserve to feel like you can be
the most genuine version of yourself
and not give a ****
about what anyone else thinks
Elissa Deauvall Oct 2018
A picture is worth a thousand words
and a picture can freeze a moment in time.

My pictures do just that.

Because every picture hold the memories
of our late night conversations
our road trips
the days we listened to music too loud
and the days we laughed until our stomachs hurt.

I can't photograph every moment
but I'll take pictures of you taking pictures
every chance I get.
Jul 2018 · 328
Cities and People
Elissa Deauvall Jul 2018
Cities and people
I have never seen;
I’m in love with them

I want to be touched
By the ocean breeze
And by lovers’ hands

Kiss me, keep me warm
The same as the sun

Under the moonlight
Just wear a smile
May 2018 · 205
people and love
Elissa Deauvall May 2018
16 years of a bad relationship with my father.
2 years of agony while my mom was in love with a bad man.
2 years of questioning my sexuality and being in love with my best friend (until we drifted apart and never spoke to each other again).
18 years of trust issues.
Too many years of hating myself.
Despite all of this, I'm learning to love me a little more and fell for another.
Jan 2018 · 301
By Grace, Through Faith
Elissa Deauvall Jan 2018
I’m letting go
By letting God
Do what must be done
Because by grace
And through faith
Our words,
And love
Will be for nothing
But the good
Oct 2017 · 308
i believe in you
Elissa Deauvall Oct 2017
it's hard to see
but it's there
the dim glow of a spark
waiting to become
a mighty forest fire

others try to put it out
but i will always
try to be the oxygen
that keeps you burning
Sep 2017 · 372
Elissa Deauvall Sep 2017
I built walls around
my heart
made of cement and steel.
You brought the hammer and chisel and the saw.
You freed me from the prison
I built so long ago.
Sep 2017 · 350
Elissa Deauvall Sep 2017
I don't know
how they expect me
not to love you.
Someone so rare,
so wild
a mystery that'll never die
Sep 2017 · 582
you pt. 2 (late nights)
Elissa Deauvall Sep 2017
late nights by the fire
sipping on hot chocolate
under a fort of blankets and pillows
drunk on laughter and
high on love

we danced in the moonlight
          (i apologized too many times for stepping on your toes)
we ran through sprinklers and
wished upon shooting stars
you kissed me like never before
you held me like you were going to lose me
i could feel your heart beat as you drifted to sleep on the floor
i love you more than the sun loves the moon
i'm never in the dark when we're together
your passions burn like the sun
you guide me in troubled times
you carry me when i can't stand
i got lucky when i met you
my heart hasn't been the same since
Jul 2017 · 768
English Breakfast
Elissa Deauvall Jul 2017
Sipping tea with you
Under the big maple tree
Is my favourite
Jul 2017 · 661
Proceed with Caution
Elissa Deauvall Jul 2017
Be gentle with my heart
It's fragile
Be careful with your words
The voices in my head do enough damage
Be kind with your actions
I've already hurt myself too many times
Jul 2017 · 422
Elissa Deauvall Jul 2017
You ignited a passion in my soul
Like lighting gasoline on fire
And that's why I love you
Jun 2017 · 635
Elissa Deauvall Jun 2017
Happy smiles
Busy souls
Hundreds of lifestyles
Achieving goals

Taking time
To readjust
Writing rhymes
Of love and lust

Holding each other
Kisses that never miss a beat
Our hearts always flutter
The taste of you, so sweet

Dancing around the living room
Together, we will bloom
Jun 2017 · 516
note to self
Elissa Deauvall Jun 2017
stand tall like the trees
be strong like the earth
be graceful like the ocean waters
Jun 2017 · 357
Elissa Deauvall Jun 2017
i've learned to enjoy being alone
the voices in my head keep me company
May 2017 · 431
Elissa Deauvall May 2017
Silence is unsettling to me
It scares me how loud it gets
when there is nothing
May 2017 · 1.1k
Sweet Things
Elissa Deauvall May 2017
Tiptoe through forests
of lollipop trees
and play with cotton candy bunnies

Climb rock candy mountains
Jump in chocolate syrup puddles

I wear a little yellow raincoat
to keep me dry
from the cream soda raindrops

So many sweet things
live in this wonderland

Things like you

Why would anyone want to leave
May 2017 · 694
Elissa Deauvall May 2017
Sorry to disappoint
But I'm starting to crack
I took on too much
Now I'm slipping
Tired eyes, tired heart, exhausted mind
I wish not to bother you
With my melodramatic problems
I do not want to be here now
I want to be free
With my poems to keep me company
At this point
I don't think I can promise anything
I'm sorry to disappoint
I'm sorry
May 2017 · 517
For Her
Elissa Deauvall May 2017
the words that fell
from my lips
made my heart flutter
and i feel like i can finally breathe
and now i can't get
that stupid grin off my face
I drunkenly came out to my friend (whom also happens to be the girl I've had a crush on for over a year) a few nights ago at an after party for my school play.  The following day I told her that I had feelings for her and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest.
Apr 2017 · 377
I Still Love Her
Elissa Deauvall Apr 2017
i still miss you – us
i thought i'd gotten over you
i was wrong
i was so wrong
i thought time apart
would make me forget
but i couldn't get you hazel eyes
out of my head
i still wish i had had the guts
to say "i love you–
more than just a friend"
but she doesn't know
i like girls too
so instead
i lie awake
of our almost kiss
at 2:58 a.m.
This is part of my story dealing with sexuality.
Apr 2017 · 380
Still Standing
Elissa Deauvall Apr 2017
She fell
She survived
She stood again
To her
That was enough
Because at least
She didn't give up
Mar 2017 · 833
Elissa Deauvall Mar 2017
To heal
is to create

To heal is to create a
new and improved version
of what was left in a pile of
shattered emotions

To heal is to break free
from the chains
that held you back
for so long

To heal is to learn
how to breathe again

To heal is to
feel alive
and to start anew

To heal is to become
a masterpiece;
a mosaic of pain and heartache,
reimagined into the most beautiful
thing to have ever existed
Mar 2017 · 647
The City
Elissa Deauvall Mar 2017
The city
by neon lights

Busy souls
electrify the shops
and parlours

Rows of cars
line the streets
their headlights glow

Walk down the
sidewalk and see
people drunk on love
and *****

We're waiting for the green light

We're ready to go
Mar 2017 · 935
Elissa Deauvall Mar 2017
The stars shine bright in the sky
We travel full of wanderlust
The light will guide you and I
Her eyes remind me of stardust

She is quiet like the moon
She keeps her secrets bottled
Her heart is warm like a day in June
Soon her walls will topple

Her happiness is the sun
Her garden is full of roses
Her smile is my favourite one
Her door never closes

She is more than the stars, the moon, and the sun to me
She is the entire galaxy
I wrote this for an english assignment last year.  I believe this was the first poem I ever wrote that I was proud of.
Mar 2017 · 390
Let's Go
Elissa Deauvall Mar 2017
Why do we wait 365 days
To change ourselves for the better?
We live our life in grey
Waiting around, always being a fretter

We stand still like statues
Afraid of what lies ahead
We want to start anew
But live a life full of dread

The road will be rough and long
But a new start is surely in sight
All alone, I can be strong
The journey will be worth the fight

Let’s go on an adventure
Me and you
We’ll find a moment to treasure
And paint the sky blue

We’ll reach for the stars
And sail far across the sea
We’ll dream of a place afar
and live happily, you and me.
This is an old piece I found on my laptop while I was looking for a file.  Enjoy :)
Feb 2017 · 727
Elissa Deauvall Feb 2017
i love how brave you are,
for loving others even when
you were the one who needed it most.
the room lights up
wherever you walk,
like you are made of the sun.
3 a.m. calls are the best;
they are the ones
that spark a fire in your soul
and fuel the passion in your eyes.
you made a home in my heart
and a garden in my lungs,
and the flowers you planted in me
filled me with curiosity.
the day we met,
i fell in love with your mind
and then your lips.
your fingers are so gentle
when they dance across
my skin.
your words give me life
like i’m drowning
and i need air.
you are art;
carefully created with
the things you hate the most
about yourself,
but those things are my favourite.
Feb 2017 · 891
Adventure Called
Elissa Deauvall Feb 2017
She walked the trails
with a grace
only she could master

The sun shined
a little harder
every time she smiled

The birds sang
a little louder
every time she laughed

Her words
had enough power
to move mountains

She got lost in her thoughts,
I could tell because
her eyes lit up a bit more

She saw beauty
in everything
even in me

Adventure called her
and her heart gladly answered
If you want to see pictures from this day, check out my site:
Elissa Deauvall Feb 2017
Far too soon
He was taken
From you
Her Heart must be achin'

In the blink of an eye
He took his last breath
Now she will cry
At the news of his death

I hope she got to say
"I love you"
Before he was taken away
And her life turned a different hue

May he rest in paradise
Where he can be her sunrise
this poem is a tribute to a boy who attended my school and passed away in a fatal car crash

— The End —