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3.7k · Apr 2017
Do you think of me
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Do you ever think of me?
When you walking home late,
And your road is long as it can be,
Am I a part of you then?

Do you ever think of me?
In the middle of the day,
When everything piles up,
And your mind drifts away,

Do you think of me?
When you wake up feeling sour,
And curve your lips into a smile,
When you picture your body next to mine,

Do you ever think of me,
Whenever am away,
Do you think of me,
As I think of you, every single day,
2.1k · Feb 2017
With good intentions
Ben At93 Feb 2017
With all the good intentions,
Let's watch it die,
Burn our smoke to the heavens,
From machine's roaring so loud,
Sever the oceans,
And all that dwells inside,
And with all good intentions,
Let's weep with a smile,

With all good intentions,
Let us count our grace,
Its all about profit to us,
So by all means let's keep up the pace,
**** all the forests and trees,
Just so we can have money for a change,
With all good intentions,
Let's forsake tomorrow for today,

Don't get me wrong,
Am all for that capitalism ****,
Its all about survival,
So don't waste a moment, think
If the earth gets warmer,
That's why we invented ACs
With all good intentions,
Let's be men by all means,

With all good intentions,
Mother nature can take care of her own,
She's always been here,
A billion years and may be more,
Why help her get on her feet,
When our years are running low,
By all means baby,
Let's take from her what she owns,

With all good intentions,
Life is all but too short,
We got the tech to save us,
Escape to mars and what not,
Why stress about the floods and crops that fail to grow,
We can **** nature, print meals and grow spurts,

By all means let's live like fools,
Forget the science coz the world is just me and you,
"Its not our problem" if some creature won't live to see the next full moon,
Let's drink wine and celebrate our alternative truth,

With all good intentions,
Let the message hit your ear,
If this had ever cross your mind then better listen my dear,
The earth is home, food and shelter that you need not seek coz its already here,
Don't tempt to waste today,
For tomorrow that might never be there.
Global warming is as real as the air we breathe
1.6k · Apr 2016
A Night to remember
Ben At93 Apr 2016
Life always find a way to balance its scales,
A nice day get caught under the clouds and rain,
A good love always fall a victim to pain,
Blue skies to a storm,
Moonlight to a day light,

But there are those moments,
Ones that we make and they never fade,
One that we remember for each day,
Kind when you meet a stranger,
Random talks over a cold drink,
No names or numbers,
Where your mind can stop to think,
And your eyes arent anxious to wink,
Sitting under clear moon with that cool breeze,
Telling tales of life and stories,
And for every word you utter,
You hear your heart's whisper,
And at the end you get to walk away,
With a memory that will never fade,
Or fall into a trap of pain or fate,

And in those kinda nights you tell yourself,
This is a night,
A night to remember.
1.5k · Feb 2017
I know your secret
Ben At93 Feb 2017
I know your secret,
And what rots deep within,
Yo can't act like yo perfect,
At least not to me,

I know your secret,
All those sweet little lies,
You just a big glorious wreck,
At least that's what's inside,

See I know your secret,
Let's say I don't talk,
But that's only for the best,
So that you can keep your facade fame-walk,

Darling, I know your secret,
Don't play dumb with me,
I'll let God reveal it,
Coz my plate is already filled with sin,

I know your secret,
It doesn't matter what other see,
I've seem how ugly it gets,
And that trauma forever sticks,

I know your secret,
One you keep behind closed doors,
Its not ****** but,
Its nasty on its own,

I know your secret,
What landed close to home,
I've seen the mess,
The one yo covered with clothes,

I know your secret,
I was there when it happened,
I was one of your witness,
And in my mind the reply never ended,

I know your secret,
Behind that sly devil's smile,
And now I know your weakness,
Too bad to me you can't lie,

I know your secret,
I know your darkest corners,
I know you're running and,
I know what binds you together,

Oh, yes. I know that secret,
The one that got you running to church,
It'll come as a heart break,
To those that respect you much,

I know your secret,
I know what rots beneath your skin,
Baby go play a "starlet",
But just know...
     You have a devil within!
#lies #secrets #hidden #facade #deceived
1.3k · Feb 2017
Ben At93 Feb 2017
Help me scrub the deck,
Tighten the halyard,
Bind the stays,
Let's conquer the oceans,
Don't count on days,

Say good morning,
To the water and winds,
Pull the sheets and start sailing,
And feel the ocean breeze,
1.3k · Mar 2017
To the man of her dreams
Ben At93 Mar 2017
This is to the man of her dreams,
I know you've never had a chance to know me,
She is a beacon of happiness in my life,
A reason behind my smile,
So before you take her hand..
I need a moment of your time,

She is a little rough around the edges,
Its just how she's always been through out her age,
Be patient when she is hype and off her ground,
With a kind word touch her hand and calm her down,
She is fragile, you see,
Sometimes when she needs attention not only when sick,
Try to understand and be there,
'Cause you are the only one in trust with her care,

She isn't built for this hush world,
And I'm sure she'd want me to take back these words,
So when you see she's down with sadness around her eyes,
Be the one to step in and make her smile,

She is sweet and loving,
I've known for all the time she's been with me,
I know not much of her heart and the turmoil of her soul,
But let you my boy,
Be the heart she'd call home,

I've taught her pride,
Am the one to blame for that,
I've taught her to talk,
And say what she wants,
I hope you understand her power of free speech,
And don't mistake it for an attitude or habit from peers,
Its just her heart trying to speak,
So please my boy, lend her your kind and loving ear,

My boy, she is my most treasured gift,
From the day she opened her eyes,
I have a reason to tell you this,
So you can be a man to her,

This is to a man of her dreams,
Be part of what she believes,
Never see any less of what she hopes,
This is to a man,
She wants the most
1.1k · May 2017
Ben At93 May 2017
I'm burning,
Yet i feel alive,
Consumed within,
These feelings that i have,

I'm drowning,
In the pool of your love,
Yet enjoying,
Every wave that comes,

I'm falling,
In this bottomless pit,
Yet I feel safe,
Because you are with me,

I'm burning,
And you are the flame in my mind,
To me its a blessing,
To even call you mine,
1.1k · Apr 2017
Hello, Thank you
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Hello there,
This one is for you,
Something I'd like to share,
And let you know how much am thankful,

Thank you for how you care,
And how you always there,
As my best friend and someone I can count on,
Someone I can tell anything I know,

Thank you for being that person,
That picks me up when am broken,
Thank you for being all that you can be,
And for seeing even underneath my skin,

Thank you for giving me someone I look up to,
Yes. You are that to me too,
Thank you for being you,
And for sticking around even when my days are blue,

You're one of those people,
That are rare to find,
A gift for the soul,
A blessing to this man,

Thank you for listening when I talk,
You have no idea how hard that is,
Thank you for being a friend and more,
Besides all the trouble I cause,

Thank you for your words,
Thank you for the time,
To me, you are indeed gold,
And wouldn't trade you for the whole world,
1.1k · Mar 2017
Ben At93 Mar 2017
Lighter, flames,
Another ounce of nicotine in me,
And you're the one to blame,
For the way my heart feels,

And I crave for more of it,
The way it burns in my lung,
I won't care of the demise I'll meet,
Its the one thing I understand,

See you're just like nicotine,
Both **** the life out of me,
But at least with a cigarette I'll be,
High for a while and stress free,

It kills I know,
But so is the milk from which you could choke,
I'll die, yes I know,
At least I'll know its my fault,
1.1k · Mar 2017
If you only knew
Ben At93 Mar 2017
If only you knew,
Of the darkness that walks within your shadow,
The whispering sounds,
the unnerving fear that follows,

If only you knew the secrets,
The tales and stories,
Packed with subliminal messages,
that tells of death and glory,

If only you'd open your eyes,
And for once see,
What you thought is and was,
Is all here and real,
1.0k · Mar 2017
let me be
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I'm dying,
Let me be,
I've lived long, proud an free,

I'm dying, son
With no scent of regret,
I've seen you achieve goals,
I've seen you become the best,

I'm dying,
Let me be,
I haven't had everything,
But I had all I could ever need,
1.0k · Oct 2016
If I die today
Ben At93 Oct 2016
If I die today,
I want a paper free eulogy,
I want to be buried home,
Lay me down easy,
Ready to meet my God.

If I die today,
I want it to be silent,
White roses and metal stand by my casket,
Slow music,
Fine wine,
Drink it down in the memory of me..

If I die today,
I don't want pretence,
I don't want want people to say what I was,
Coz its already too late.

If I die today,
I want the one I shared with my bed,
Because she is probably the last thing to roam in my head.
1.0k · Feb 2017
I confess
Ben At93 Feb 2017
I confess to everything,
To all the lies I've told,
Pain I've caused
And happiness I stole,

I confess to everything,
All the stolen nights,
Memories ruined,
And all the good byes,

I confess to all of it,
And wasted time,
I'll take all the blame,
If it'll once again make you mine,
954 · Apr 2017
cant write what i feel
Ben At93 Apr 2017
I can't write what I feel,
Not even if I want to,
Accept what you get from me,
Because the rest will horrify you,

I can't write how I feel about love,
Or how I think that its all just a fairytale,
Accept the smile that I can give,
Because the rest will drive you away,

I can't write about my emotions,
Or how I battle with all that is inside,
Mixed up into a constant frustration,
That always puts me on the brink of going mad,

I can not tell you everything you want,
Just accept what you only see,
I assure you its for the best,
To let the rest of me be,
835 · Nov 2016
Show me
Ben At93 Nov 2016
Show me the other part of you,
The raging storm,
The darkest moods,

Show me the other side you have,
The frown behind your smiles,
The deepest chambers of your heart,

Show me the other part of you,
No matter how ugly,
I promise to bare what I'll see,

Show me the other part of you,
I want you open the heavy gates,
I've been a good friend,
And am prepared to be here till the end,
833 · Oct 2016
my words sweet
Ben At93 Oct 2016
My words sweets*

My voice as sweet as honey,
My words dripping with venom,
I whisper words of comfort,
While my eyes say am lying,

My words sweet as honey,
Like a dead joke that ain't funny,
I will leave a bitter taste in your mouth,
Revenge isn't best served cold,
It should be sweet with a hint of poison.

My words sweet as honey,
I may look like a sheep,
But am a serpent that calls you baby
And others know better.
Under these charming smiles,
A beast lays in slumber.

My words sweet as honey,
Like a maleficent's curse,
You did this to me,
I loved you and u stole my breath,
Now the devil is off the leash.

With your betrayal,
You better be ready,
Brace your heart,
And hold your breath,

Coz you are in it for a rough ride,
You are in for a devil's prize,
You are in for hell of a surprise,

My words sweets as honey,
Now its my turn,
No hail or warning,
Full speed coming...
769 · Mar 2017
Cherish this day
Ben At93 Mar 2017
There will come time of silence,
Time of fear, pain and horror,
When all men shall regret their presence,
And in those days, comes sorrow,

But before the end greets us,
And extends its open dreaded arms,
Let us live and worry not of our daily fuss,
Rejoice the gift that is life with the most beautiful sounds,

Let us drink and eat,
And dance our troubles away,
And may the devil on our heels,
bite its tongue over the joy in our days,

Let us bask in love, feelings and emotions,
Let us breathe the air in passing each moment,
And let not, our hearts be troubled by any commotion,
Let the smile and laughter be our favourite adornment,

I write to you,
Because I know you have known the future to come,
So alas and cherish these days,
Before they are done,
768 · Mar 2017
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I could tell you of a person she was,
Or how she made me smile,
I could tell you anything there is to be told,
But that may take a while,

But I'll tell you she was sweet,
And that she was one of a kind,
I'll tell you what she was to me,
And how she filled my mind,

I could tell you how much she'd sing,
Whenever happiness burnt her heart,
I could tell everything,
And know not when to stop,

But in her world there was another,
A world I could never understand,
May be I could have tried better,
But I could hold a grip of it by hand,

I will tell you she was a friend,
One I'll forever mourn her loss,
I'll tell you of her end,
And me before her was her choice,

She was a mother,
That's about all there is to say,
And I'll forever love her,
Just wish she'd spent one more day,
762 · Feb 2017
Ben At93 Feb 2017
Stuck in traffic,
On my way home,
Baby wait for me,
You won't be lonely anymore,

Stuck in my mind,
Is your smile and laugh,
I'm burning in my heart,
Can't wait to be in your arms,

Staring at the tail lights,
Wish I was in a truck in front of mine,
Minutes feel like a day and night,
And I can't wait for that greenlight.
752 · Apr 2017
Ben At93 Apr 2017
This time, you won't leave me with a scratch,
I'm good as I can be,
I won't give you anything to watch,

This time,
You won't leave me a scar,
Every wrong you ever did to me,
Will fade away like a dying star,

This time,
I will feel no pain,
I'll turn numb,
And won't break again,

This time I will be free,
Away from your lies and abuse,
And finally be free,
750 · Mar 2017
Her eyes
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I saw disappointment
In her eyes,

I could see
her heart sink,

She couldn't take in
another lie,

But honest
wasn't something
he could be,
723 · Mar 2017
Its the flowers
Ben At93 Mar 2017
Its the flowers..
They remind me of colors with no name,
Words that will never be said,
Emotions that are buried inside of me,
And of times I've hesitated to take your hand,

Do you ever see people?
For how the react towards you.
Not for what they look like or walk.
But for their emotions buried deeper than any truth,

I wish I could just reach out.
And touch your heart like you do mind,
I wish I could know for sure,
How you see me inside that beautiful mind,

I want to see beyond the smile behind your "hello",
I want to feel beyond your soft voice of " I'm okay",
I want to not just touch your life and go,
I want to be here for moments unseen and times after today,

If I tell you of what's been eating my heart..
Would you embrace me?
Would you come and stay here?
Would you reach for the piece of my fragile heart?
Would you make this step with me and forever never part?

Would you love me?
Like I have done all this time?
Would you grant me what I wish?
And let you be mine?
685 · Mar 2017
How did we get here
Ben At93 Mar 2017
How did we get here?
Where we hide our thoughts,
And only speak in fear,
Just so we don't get caught,
So we keep to ourselves our opinions and ideas,
How did we get here?

How did we get to this?
Where we have a limit of a way to think,
And we limit our right to freedom of speech,
All just so we don't offend thee,
How did we get to this?

The men who are meant to serve,
Can't handle the truth,
So we don't tell it as it is,
Coz we know what they'll do,
From courts to jail and at times beating,
Yes that's true!,
So it all comes down to what they'll choose,
And they smile like its all good,

So we have to hold on to our dictionary for a consult,
Just so when we speak we don't accidentally insult,
'cause you know the big men can't take a joke,
Or a poke and what not,

And its not that we can fight,
We can't take them up in a round with all their might,
They'd squash us down like a bug,
And then just shrug,

How did we get here?,
Its not like they need it to earn our respect,
We've already voted for them,
How do they not get it?,
We did it with clear mind,
And know that they ain't perfect,
Why do we have to regret?

So I sit here just asking,
How did we get here,
I thought things would be better,
Instead we all now have to look over our shoulder,
How did we get here
682 · Jan 2017
Ben At93 Jan 2017
Pour me a drink,
A scotch with a gin,
I need to think,
Of life and dreams,

Pour me a drink,
Shot after another,
Don't ask me of my being,
Tomorrow I'll put myself together,

Pour me  a drink,
I wanna bask in a perfect sin,
Fix me something right,
And Lemme drink all night,

Pour me a drink,
I'm but a stranger to your eyes,
I have friends to turn to but,
I don't want to drown them with my demise,

Pour me a drink,
Oh, lemme feel my heart pound,
I have a friend coming for me,
So keep em coming til I can see sounds,
680 · Apr 2017
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Love is ecstasy,
That feeling inside me,
Like THC,

Love is a beautiful heart break,
That text back,
After a one night stand,

Love is a free fall,
That late night good bye,
That makes you come back for more,

Love is a necessity,
The glowing Halo,
That made me,
672 · Mar 2017
Ben At93 Mar 2017
She just sat there,
With the ring in her hands,
Of every word he'd ever said,

The smile on his face,
And the joy he'd bring,
The place where they met,
And how her heart bloom like a flower in spring,

She just sat there,
Wondering of what's next,
And without a word of care,
She thought of the future in place,

She just sat there,
"Nothing's left for me",
Said it'll soon be over,
With nothing but a sip of this,
668 · Dec 2016
Ben At93 Dec 2016
I hope our paths never cross again,
Because I will come at you with all the force that I have,
You have ruined the one thing I hold dear,
And now its time we awake what's driven by fear,

I hope our paths never cross again,
For you have awaken a monster I spent decade laying to rest,
Now he is raging in me like an animal encaged,
Waiting for a chance to inflict pain upon revenge,

I hope our paths never cross again,
For I am now a man with few items to waste,
You took what was most valuable to me,
And so open doors to the devil that breathes,
640 · Mar 2017
Hey mama
Ben At93 Mar 2017
Hey mama,
Just keep it real,
No need for a fake persona,
It doesn't give a sudden rush to me,

Hey mama,
I'm all for love,
No need to pull a fast one,
You got all that make me curve,

Hey mama,
I've always been proud,
To be yo friend, heart and partner,
One to hold my ground,

Hey mama,
Just keep it real,
You'll always be my true lover,
Stand by me and hold still,
622 · Mar 2017
Unknown peace
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I've never known peace,
To me its a ghost without a face,
I only know of complete silence,
For its what keeps me in place,

I've never known peace,
Even at the times of joy,
I smile for the sake of appearance,
Coz deep inside all I know is misery,

I've never known peace,
Even when my heart finds rest,
It seems like I've always struggled to exist,
Running out of air inside my chest,

I've never known peace,
That warm feeling within my soul,
That effortless breathing I've been told,
That "its okay" and "let it go",

I've never known peace,
Beyond that of an infant child,
Who smiles from the dreams unlimited with time,
And the calmness that comes from his untroubled mind,

I've never known peace,
Even when I had all for which I've ever wished,
I guess its just me,
And am the only one who can give me this,
619 · Apr 2017
Tell mama
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Tell mama,
I'll be alright,
I'll do my best,
Keep my eye on the prize,

Tell mama,
I'll never let go,
Even when no one is there,
I'll do it on my own,

Tell mama,
I still dream the dream,
I won't let anything
come in between,

Tell mama,
To be proud and happy as she can be,
Tell mama,
I still got some fight in me,
585 · Jan 2017
Get away
Ben At93 Jan 2017
I'm flying blind,
Into a raging storm,
Its worth if I'd leave you behind,
And in the end find myself home,

I'd beat the thundering clouds,
I'd take on the vast open seas,
Its my chance for a clean out,
"Baby you won't ever see me",

"Mayday mayday"
I'd take the devil instead of you,
I don't want another second in your sight,
That's how much I need to get away from you,
Ben At93 Mar 2017
"Its a punishment, you see.."
I tend to bend towards the dark,
Unlike other living trees,
And bare my own unique marks,

I see different from the next person,
Refused to listen what the world is saying,
Instead believe on my own distortions,
At least that's what they see in me when they are looking,

I see the world through a narrow hole,
Neglect the thrill that the big picture may be good,
I choose to stay in my darkness of mind,
Drawing satisfaction on what I think and all that could,

Like I could see a church and think of learning,
Instead of a place to be healed,
I'd see a school and think not of growing,
But a place where a mind is submitted and must yield,

Its a punishment,
That I receive,
From the next generation of beings,
Who force all,
To believe,
In a similar manner of idea in different things,

Its a punishment,
Being an outcast in a society of my kind,
But I have to indure being different,
Because, I don't believe there is a better life than what I see in my mind.
553 · Apr 2017
Ben At93 Apr 2017
She was a wonderful girl,
Had it all figured out,
And for herself,
The whole world,

She was madly in love,
Drunk, high and *** every night,
All went too fast and never stopped,
And slowly the world faded from her sight,

Til one day she woke up,
Found out she was pregnant,
Everything crumbled down in a drop,
Then in came, resentment,

It went from all spinning around,
To silence filled with statements,
She couldn't hold her ground,
And with a baby, struggled to pay rent,

Everything became tasteless,
With no one to even hug,
She started to be reckless,
And one day, turned to drugs,

Each day became harder than the last,
And nothing was enough to numb the pain,
Constantly haunted by the ghosts from her past,
Desperately wanting to get away,

See she wasn't a bad person,
Just needed a break,
Breathing became a frustration,
Because she became someone she hate,

With no one else to turn to,
She went her own way,
The world will never know the truth,
Of the struggles she faced everyday,

Wasn't long until she gave in,
She didn't want to fight anymore,
And just like that she ended it,
With a heart so torn,
530 · Apr 2017
Darling, i am alone
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Darling, I am alone,
Not lonely,
I chose to stay home,
And enjoy my own company,

I like the way it is,
And how it feels,
To have no strings,
Nor someone waiting for me,

I like to tune in whatever I like,
Without a worry of an extra pair of eyes,
Cook, drink and smoke,
And never worry of my heart ever being torn,

Darling, I chose to be free,
Because love always seems like a cage to me,
Talk to him but not that one,
Watch carefully for my tongue and lines,

I hate to disappoint,
Because I'm a mess in my head,
So instead of being pain to someone else,
I'd rather lay alone on my bed,

Darling, I understand what you say,
But life to me had always gone a different way,
So I'd rather have a million who won't be just for me,
Than someone absent when I need her there, to be,
516 · Mar 2017
The girl from yesterday
Ben At93 Mar 2017
Am looking out of my window on a rainy day,
Thinking about a girl I met yesterday,
She had a lovely glance and gracious smile,
Oh, the soft skin went with her brown eyes,

I'm thinking about the words that came out of her lips,
The slow, steady walk as moves and her hips,
I'm thinking about the moment when I said goodbye,
It was a mere two minutes but a memory nonetheless for I,

I replay every word that I said to her,
Every movement that my body made at that time,
I'm thinking of a better way I could've made her smile,
Even though time had moved on, she's still in my mind,
513 · Nov 2016
Lie to me
Ben At93 Nov 2016
Lie to me,
That I can go through,
That tomorrow will pass like a cold breeze in a calm sea,

Lie to me,
That I need a bitter song,
To make me feel better,
That I'm not damaged and my actions aren't flawed,

Lie to me,
That you believe in me,
That I can rise above my horrors and fear,
And in the end I can turn into good for my peers,

Lie to me,
That I don't need anyone to stand,
That above all odds that I can push through,
That I can take it with each pace,
Lie to me,
That its us or else,
Lie to me,
That I'm going to be okay,
501 · May 2018
Young boy's heart
Ben At93 May 2018
I have a young boy's heart
I love recklessly
I get too close, too fast
And end up falling blindly

I have a young boy's heart
I guess thats why I can heal
Completely re assemble my broken parts
Yet still take chances with human beings

I have a young boy's heartc
I trust too easily
And I never know when to stop
So please be gentlef with me

I have a young boy's heart
Can you learn to love it?
It can take us so far
If only you'd go with it

I have a young boy's heart
But be careful now
Depending on how you treat it
It can taste ripe or raw
499 · Sep 2016
You 2.0
Ben At93 Sep 2016
I've always loved you,
I've never stopped,
the last kiss was me memorizing every pattern of your lips,
when they're stretched or simply prim.
Like i'd need to remember it all
some days like today.

I've never stopped looking out the window on rainy days,
as a few drops made as if to touch my aching palm,
not hoping to see you walk back to me, no
just to see you out there,
building what we had with another me,
a better me.

I miss you,
I don't want you back,
I just think I can just miss you
from this end,
without wishing for things to go to how they used to be,
just wishing you the world you deserve,
the world I couldn't provide.
482 · Mar 2017
House memories
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I love this house,
It just looks so happy to me,
Like it belongs in a kid's book,
Where happiness is as wild as it can be,

I love the memories,
The parties and Christmas trees,
The faces of everyone I grew up with,
And the joy I get while remembering,

I love the old front door,
The rusted gate and tiles floor,
Oh, the old kitchen top,
I miss its beautiful smell of cooked food and all

I love the broken pieces of glass,
One by the front porch,
Where we used to play and make a mess,
Perfect. That used to be my favorite place,

I love this old house,
Something about it makes me feel calm,
When the world has done beating me down,
This, this is my sanctuary realm,
482 · Jul 2016
Plata O' Plomo
Ben At93 Jul 2016
Had a dream back then,
Being a president or just a pilot,
It was a goal to me and a tale to most friends,
I had it all planned out down to a chart,
Everythings at the palm of a hand,
But like the most say,
It was just another fairy tale,

I was a soldier of Christ,
Born to a church and the cross,
Hated sin down to a crisp,
Vow hold the bible as a role,
Always walking where is steep,
Always found my self where its deep

At the bottom of the chain,
Where the rich had gold,
And the pure chose lead,
I mourned for my soul,
Mourned to not go astray,

Road grew tougher,
Path grew darker,
The more I went,
The more the ground came closer,

But somewhere along that road,
Somewhere between Gold and God,

Somewhere in between my role and vow,
I think must have switched robes,

Coz now gold seems lighter that word,
And the trip easier than that walk,

Plata O' Plomo,
The decision isnt hard anymore,
482 · Mar 2017
Cupid's mistake
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I'm the cupid's mistake,
I tend to stand out,
I fall for things that are out of place,
And cant seem to stop,

I don't kiss when am supposed to,
I don't stay when I should,
I say words that comes in my mind,
And most of them are hurtful,

I'm a cupid's mistake,
My heart is cold and dark,
I drain life of anyone's hand I take,
And in me, you'll find no spark,

I learnt not to break,
So with me comes no apology,
I tend to put everything to fate,
And that's what I've always been,

I'm a cupid's mistake,
So don't blame me,
I don't play by the general rules in place,
I do what Im mostly pleased with,
473 · Apr 2017
Why can't we
Ben At93 Apr 2017
Why can't we lie?,
Why can't we cheat?,
If it gets us what we want,
And fulfill our darkest needs,

It's a universal law,
Its what religion preach,
To stay in line and course,
Is the way to reap all good there can be,

But why not be rebels,
And taste how it feels,
Why can't we lie,
And be what we can be,
463 · Mar 2017
Ben At93 Mar 2017
I bet you are pretty,
You have to,
You have a perfect shape and body,
Please turn, would you?

You one of those polite kind,
Soft voice with a wild mind,
I hope you're not a spoiled child,
So please turn around,

I have to see your face,
Its not about beauty,
I just want see your glance,
I hope you turn for the sake of me,

The ride is almost over,
And so far u havent dropped on any stops,
I hope you stay and keep my head sobber,
Or turn so I can start over...
462 · Apr 2016
When it comes
Ben At93 Apr 2016
When it comes to me I'll be ready,
I'll have a crib and a bassinet,
I'll have a picket fence and the teddies,
When it comes, it'll take a whole of me,

When it comes,
it'l be my chance,
To unravel my world and show it in the out,
Be that brave man I am inside,
Step on fear when my life's in the dark,
When it comes, it'll be a reason for every single thing I decide,

When you come,
You will never feel alone,
I know how hard it is to be stranded in the eye of a storm,
Most importantly,
I want you to know the truth,
About my ways and all my youth,
Its hard to live in a lie and learn to be good,
Whether its a son or daughter, Im waiting
I hope you come meet me soon.

  -Doc. Benn W.K
451 · May 2016
My girl, Apple
Ben At93 May 2016

Wandering in the winter garden all day
The fruits are falling as it breeze
My body trembling, left and right it sways
My teeth chattering the lower as the degrees,
It's snowing on the main and sideways
Am stranded and almost falling dizzy
In my search of my look like chardonnay
Fogg blindens me,Am too vulnerable to see,
Is this a price I have to pay?
Just to have you my Valerie.

Round and round I go,
About to find my encounter,
I gotta move careful and slow,
For you don't come on a silver platter,
I will walk, run and crawl,
I am neither being sweet nor flatter, 1
Even in the darkness you glow,
With your hairy skin I pamper,
Our hug dates on that ***** stair floor,
Just to pull you closer and tighter
To keep you from the ****** and bores,
I will fight your harms and batter,
We're invincible whether you accept or No,
Just like ***** to a rasta,
Cause I can't live without you girl
For am the patient and you the doctor.
450 · Mar 2017
If ther is to be an end
Ben At93 Mar 2017
If there is to be an end,
Let there be a rose in my hand,
A kiss upon my lips,
And silent moment before I break,

If there is to be an end,
Let it be quick,
No words to be said,
So I'd have the best memory of you for me,

If there is to be an end,
I want it to be like this,
A day, out in the world,
The wind upon my face,
Tell me all I need to know,
And leave me to my peace,
440 · Sep 2016
With you
Ben At93 Sep 2016
I don't want to go back,
I don't want to turn around,
go on picking up every tear I left on the road,
collect on every good moment
that we shared,
gather together the nights we laid broken
those nights that we at least had each other,
search for those still remembered suns
that shone upon us,
those a thousand marble furnaces that
woke up with the opening of your eyelids;
each morning.

I don't want to recollect,
I don't want to remember,
I don't want to reminisce on where love took us.

The lovely seas we sailed on,
the magic shells we spotted on the beach,
the gardens you likened me to,
when you said I was far more prettier,
than those well arrayed flowers.

We are here,
In the now,
You found me in shackles and you brought me free,
you held me in your arms,
you wrapped me,
you put your lips on mine,
moons later,
and I was complete.
And you gave me this.

Here and now.

I don't wanna go back,
I don't want to have any regrets,
I don't want to ask questions
of where I stumbled
and forgot to pick us up both nicely,

I want to stay here,
I want to stay here and be yours.

Every second yesterday was beautiful,
today is indeed beautiful,
Tomorrow is the only place I want to go,
the only place I want to go
with you.
433 · Mar 2017
fix the people
Ben At93 Mar 2017
Say we fix the people,
Make them honest and good,
Say we brush them rust to gold,
Into something we choose,

Say we dress them nicely,
Make them compassionate and kind,
Say they all became heroes we want them to be,
With a phenomenal strength in mind,

Say we abolish hate,
And we all throw love around,
Say we end all conflicts,
Every one puts their weapons to the ground,

Say we change this world,
Into something we'd want it to be,
Say its all possible,
And it starts with you and me,
415 · Mar 2017
Sweet melody
Ben At93 Mar 2017
So I listen to the sweet melody,
That reminds me of you,
That slow love song,
That got me hooked on blues,

The soft beat of the drum,
And the silence after every piano key,
That low fading hum,
That brings you closer to me,

I listen to the music,
And the words beneath each rhyme,
I listen to the voice and lyrics,
To set me free from the cage of time,

I listen to each instrument,
That comforts me when you're gone,
Help me in each passing moment,
Till that time you come home,
411 · Mar 2017
She's a little
Ben At93 Mar 2017
She's a little right,
A little left,
A little wild,
With no safety net,

She flaunts her battle scars,
With a brave formidable heart,
A rough, blurred past,
With a smile that forever lasts,

She's that little morning call,
That raise your darkened soul,
She's a little magic ring,
That you'd always find its need,

She's a little wounded inside,
And still hold a smile,
She's a little left and right,
A blessing that lingers for a while,
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