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Lady Bird Jan 2015
a wall of distrust
not made of stone
holds tattered edges
and jagged lies
ignored emotions
and painful cries
can cut through bone
Lady Bird Apr 2015
through the wet ink with every stroke
thoughts are echoing page after page
one by one turning the surface of desire
as the poet sleeps in a dream land of words
Lady Bird Sep 2016
yet scared
beyond no doubt
complete together
and whole
combined as one
souls united
wisdom and pride
emotions soon
to intertwine
Lady Bird Oct 2021
caress and kiss me; my thrusting knight
joined together as one in pure ecstasy
our expressed desire just feels so right
moans of more; be-cuming a part of me
pull me close; holding me so very tight
exploding our passion through the night

knightly serpent do strike
*** in with your steed-rod
deeply dry and very thirsty
I’m your only maiden’s bush
oh how my inside quenches
that sweet and salty taste
your royal lance drenches

moaning for it to ***;
slow deep and in;
thrusting your tongue;
softly against my ****;
faster and faster;
your maiden wants it
hard and yet so kind
body on body
desire yours and mine
in a frenzied torrent
slam me from behind
with lust and passion

I want you to wet my lips tantalizing my tongue
elevate my heart rate and make my vines hum
burn like fire inside me as I swallow you down
I will drink you so deeply; intoxicating myself
with your presence imbibing my essence
make me dizzy punch-drunk on your passion

glistening bodies; exquisite torture;
indulged in a passionate war;
two hearts enslaved with desire;
our emotions they being to soar
striking each others heated fire
my heart pounds as you part my thighs;
then I feel your moistened tongue inside
awaiting to enter my valley’s wetness
your royal manhood it begins to rise
my legs open wide to straddle my knight
easing your hard lance into my glory hole
your maiden rides your steed with delight
Lady Bird Jan 2018
yet there to unleash our unspoken thoughts
catching them before they vanish and disappear
yet will always listen absorbing words from our soul
that may want to escape our frightened, shy or silenced lips
yet unclogs and un-twist confusion from our mind
with help from the "Ink Pen" one of its many handy side-kicks
yet has the power to preserve almost forgotten memories,
stories from our past and knowledge we pass down through the ink
yet waiting for our writing hand to choose a weapon of choice
the ink wants its turn to touch the white paper; our battle field is ready !
blank wide range of free space; the pen taps breaking silence
there isn't much we can do now but pour our words into the pages...

....Empty Pages No More ....
Lady Bird Jan 2017
the traquilled waters flowed
awaking her inner child
light engulfs the darkness
enclosing her past behind

enchanting beauty shines
hidden under nature's blanket
something very special
calling her soul of pure bliss

deep and beyond the underworld
she has finally arrived safely
just where she was meant to be
home within the seams of the sea
Lady Bird Jun 2015
PASSION is tied and crocheted together
with unraveling PLEASURE twisted in emotions
a sadden soul is dying yet no one cares to know
sorrow is drowning any small faint of GLOW
covered in the shadows of a sandy desert island
the stench of worry LINGERS the air as
hesitation stains the heart black with PAIN
like a FIRE that has not completely lost control
a wall of distrust stands with burning halls
of brick crumbling through the mind crevices
strangled by the tightened barbwire of MEMORIES
poking and cutting through the DESIRE to dream
leaving behind deep scars that still hold HURT
there's no TIME to question the INSTINCT
this heart that was once filled with LOVE
is now covered with a fading perfume of sadness
there's no way to escape this TUNNEL of confusion
this garden of hell has taken over ever inch of
this MISTAKEN yet unsolved JOURNEY
word bank challenge 15 bold words
Lady Bird Jan 2015
some cards hold secrets
joker's are wild
throwing things backwards
yet life's game still goes on
behind every hand dealt
Lady Bird Mar 2017
non stop thinking
thoughts to decode
answers deep inside
and memories untold
endless mind wondering
Existence endless wondering thoughts decode untold inside answers
Lady Bird Oct 2021
keep me on the edge; make my imagination go wild; torture me with pleasure; pull me against your muscular royal chest and pour every single word on my trembling **** body; looking into each other eyes as we get more deep into the endless passage of time; consume my sumptuous lips; kissing; with each taste giving my heart a sensational riot; as you’re cradling me in your royal arms; use your lancing tongue and stain your marks all over my soft skin…control my mind with your fingertips sending electricity galloping down my spine; make me the reflection of your soul and at the end of the day when our strength has faded; I’ll surrender to the aura of your presence; purring and begging you for much more…..keep along the edge of my fantasies penetrating my mind; through the depths of my desires keep galloping your fingertips in all the places your hands can’t reach; hollow me out thrusting your royal lance of passionate words; leave your maiden gasping; screaming for more; I surrender my body; soak my inside canvas; *** paint in me; creating our art….pressed together savoring the honey of our **** bodies; with no lusting limits to every moment of our passion together as one….sexually aroused by the sensation of our soft lips; kissing from each position and licking in every direction; knight and maiden united; intertwined grinding on each other; searching from front to back; through every glory hole of intimacy…the most intense ****** erupts in ****** pleasure; offering us the sweet taste of cuming together; finding our hidden
Lady Bird May 2015
sometimes I feel like hiding
from all the hurt and pain
from all the days and nights
filled with tears and rain
when life gets too ugly I build
a tower in my mind
floating high filled with all
the beauty I can find
a very special place that only
I know and no other can be
no certain place to go but
my dream world I see
I sometime feel like hiding
from I myself and me
Lady Bird Jan 2017
the flight of nature under its feet
embracing and absorbing the world
floating high above in plain sight
singing its lovely song so sweet
spreading its gentle wings so light
soaring through life's wonderful sky
full of desire sailing so gracefully
through the colors of the rainbow
its destination may be unknown
yet with its determination it will fly
Lady Bird Apr 2015
hummingbirds that flutter in my chest
can't see the broken pieces of my heart
each and every piece  did shatter
with the hummingbird's chit-chatter
my poor heart it just fell apart
Lady Bird Nov 2016
I didn't start the food fight
yet I got hit in the head with a can soda
I'm just glad it was a soft drink
it flew at me like an owl hunting its pray
I now realize that toucan play at this game
I also swallowed some food coloring
I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside
Lady Bird Jan 2015
my inspirations are fragile
they do vanish quickly!
from my head onto the paper
when my thoughts begin flowing
I do not think about grammar first
if I were to check my grammar before
I've finished my thought all would be lost
it wouldn't be wroth the write
if the imagery was not there...
I feel I lose the "poem" if I stop in mid thought
but when it's all done I do try to go back to edit...
I believe if I cant find the poet
I have to become the poem
me as a write it becomes my duty
Inspired by "Juneau" --
from his profile message --
*I post most of these poems as I write them so that means I don't proof read them. If you ever see a typo let me know, I won't be offended. Thank you.*
Lady Bird Apr 2015
a new beginning
its a fresh start
weep not on the past
think of  the memories
of happiness to last
Lady Bird Sep 2016
I am afraid to imagine  
I don't know what
could make me happier
to shake the hand of
a new found friendship
to really get to know someone
talk for a while
never judge by looks
or just a pretty smile
what really matters is
whom we find inside  
we have to see whats there
we might be surprised of the
friendships we could share
we have to analyze, ask questions
and take the time to get to know them
yet it's not always easy to open up
never judge their book by its cover
don't over look the qualities
that looks can sometimes hide
I received a note from "Desire rod"  in her message she sent this link---

I didn't really understand what she was asking... but  I think
she wanted me to write a new poem with the same meaning...
and I wrote one as I replied to her message....
and ...... here it is.....

What do you think???
(9/21/16) 2:26am
Lady Bird Jan 2018
a gust of beauty passes
over each swaying branch
of its strong rooted trunk
listening as the whistling
wind caresses the many years
of their true friendship together
Lady Bird Sep 2016
friends are still friends
through words or not
sometimes their words
are all they've got...
letter to letter
they can communicate
a letter of words
can inform a friend
"No I didn't forget
your birth date"
the message just
got to them late
but all in all the
message got through
they might even send
one back to Thank You.

friends are still friends
it doesn't really matter
from distances close or afar
words can be spoken
from wherever you are
typed or even by hand
words can also be written
to or from a friend

letters or poems
of rhythm or rhyme
a friend? to that I say
"sure" a friend I'll be
if you'll be one of mine
a friend.... YIP-EEE !!!
a friend of POETRY
( Keith Edward Baucum) asked me a QUESTION:
"Can I be your friend just a friend through poetry.".?
And this poem is my ANSWER:
Lady Bird Feb 2017
there was no way to escape
the strangling rising waters
now penetrating its hollow core
attacking from the depths of
an endless source of bubbles
sinking its last hungry breath
to the bottom sandy sea floor
this skeleton corpse lost
the little soul it had left
This image inspired me ---
Lady Bird May 2016
undermy stormy eyes
filled with sorrow and pain
standing drenched in tears
falling like silver sheets of metal
like a hawk in the night I'm listening
to the sound of my pounding heart
tasting my own salty tears

pressing my face against my mirror studding
all the possibilities of what was wrong
closed my eyes silently like the shutters
that hung over my bed room windows
then very gently, I took another look
alone in this glass world wanting to scream
but I can't because every wall was easy to break

mind was struggling to escape from this darkness
it felt like a tightened noose around my throat
fighting for air I could feel my body falling
this is madness, insanity, I'm so confused and lost
all I feel is the pain like a fist in my stomach
I just stood there staring at the floor with tears in my eyes
I never thought my heart would break because I guarded is so well
Lady Bird Sep 2018
springing through the tall trees
the misty drops danced as moisture
blossomed a rhythm with the breeze
surrounded dewed flowers softly swayed
gently overlapping the green grassy hill
moonlight walked across the peaceful air
floating with such an extraordinary thrill
like pearls around the neck of life raindrops fell
and nature's beauty gleamed everywhere
Inspiring Word Bank Challenge; Using These Words:
Moonlight, Flowers, Raindrops, Blossom, Extraordinary
Lady Bird Apr 2015
beautiful and tender
graceful in bud
with a butterfly kiss
I bloom
Lady Bird Jan 2017
a safety pin held her heart in place
no longer was it picture perfect
it has been split down the middle
in between somewhere somehow torn
the lingering pain and hurt is there
pulling and tugging at the pieces
shattered not stitched nor tailored
yet a safety pin small and worn out
soon to lose the grasp of its strength
with every breath it might come apart
an yet continuing to beat is her heart
pin safety heart parts pieces strength torn shattered grasp
Lady Bird Sep 2018
drips of joy
some of pain
peel me you'll
find restrain
liked or disliked
I‘m all the same
aroma and sight
so guess my name


don't take these
words by surprise
you might shed tears
from your eyes
many have complained
that I'm a nuisance yet
who I am is who I am and
can't help how I was named
open your eyes cant you see
an "ONION" thats just me...
Lady Bird Feb 2017
absorbing comprehension
so sweet like red wine
yet surprised by your wet kiss
Lady Bird Oct 2016
shadows riddled with creepiness
the eerie flapping of bat wings
not one single star that glow above
nights skies of hovering darkness
in whistling wind brittle trees crackle
nothing but puffs of stale air sings
eyes guarded seeing supersizing fright
in every corner are passing silhouettes
across faces painted mask hang to scare
howling, moans and screams running feet
fooling pranks and gags galore of fun
smiles and laughter from trick or treat
children hunting candy in the night
Halloween, night, fun, children, scare, gags, trick, traet, creepiness
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I sometimes get hit with writers block
sometimes I can’t please myself with
my own unique creations
I'm my own toughest critic which has led me
to stop writing on several occasions
when the path has been cleared
I'm unable to stop the flow of my creative
thirst; a mouth quenching desire to write
if you were to hand me a glass of words
I'll write all night
Inspired by "BeAutiFul ConFuSion" ---
I left this as a comment to their poem "Writers block'---
Lady Bird Jan 2015
no lit light bulb
or wowing spark
has hit me yet!
I've opened every
phone line and every
book or magazine
I could find
they use to bulge with my
dreams & aspirations
today my eyes are down
and my ears are wired shut
I think I've loss my muse
will I remain uninspired?
Lady Bird Sep 2016
something told the wild geese it was time to go
as the soft breath of winter slowly fades away
beneath their wings it whispers "no more snow"

the chill of winter days has now gone
across mountain tops and fields of gold
the song of geese carries a distance tone

high up in the clear crystal blue skies
velvet clouds gives way to the sunshine
in V-shape form North wild geese flies

the geese call with the wind it's blown
check marking their flocks flight location
notifying relatives they're headed home
Lady Bird Feb 2017
sunshine lingers land
over receding tides
seashells on the sand
carring the ocean within
with a warm gentle touch
there silent whispers unfold
held to my ear I listen
as a beautiful story is told
Lady Bird Sep 2016
broke her heart did he
there was no time to think
was it her fault thought she
a glass of ***** was her drink
was it the glass that he forebid
or the slip of her tongue and sadden face
for told a huge lie is what she did
her heart in her ears poundin at a fast pace
tears ran down her cheeks from her eyes
she dare not look at him any more
for it was him that she despize
that's what she was drinking for
I feel drinking, drugs, or even suicide is NEVER a solution to any temporary problem.
Lady Bird Feb 2017
loving her was his promised vow
she gave him her heart
all he did was take it for granted
Lady Bird Sep 2016
her heart it already knew
she cant hide her tears
once again she's on her own
alone there she swings
all alone there she cries

her heart it already knew
she's hurting from her core
alone carrying this burden
with stress in her heart
again there she swing alone

her heart it already knew
no one's there to comfort her
the only thing for her to do
is swing; swing away the pain
swing just to keep herself sane

her heart it already knew
the swing was not the true
reasons why she sits to cry
this is a special place to think
a place to swing away her worries

here heart it already knew
this was a world of her own
to swing; swing away the pain
here her swinging helps to erase
the stress causing her heart strain
Lady Bird Apr 2015
my cookie is so delicious
chocolate chip crumbs
so full of love are
feeding my sweet-tooth
with each Hershey kiss
Lady Bird Apr 2015
it all began
with that kiss
secured in your arms
is were I use to be
my heart it's beat
was only for you
yet you heard it
and stil you flew
in just one blink
scared like a fly
you've colored me
to black from pink
what I wonder is why
all I wanted to do
is share that kiss
and love you for you
but yet there it was
a huge hit and miss
I have never heard this song before until now ...but I was inspired by ---
"Everything that I want, I want from you, but I just can't have you"
Lady Bird Nov 2015
gray clouds cover the moon
creating the dark of night
all his fears screamed of their
pain with all of their might
while the howling wind
penetrated his soul
to its hollow core
as he failed to take a breath
the feeling of nausea came
with his fear of death
Lady Bird Dec 2017
slick and cold hearted
making tears fall like
hail in an ice storm
stealing sweetness from sugar
without touching a grain
a diamond once a beautiful soul
broken shadowed in false hopes
a hologram in a world of doubt
a heart without any answers
depraved forever
Lady Bird Jan 2015
we should stop
to notice ordinary
everyday flowers

even the humblest
wildflower has
a delicate beauty
that makes it quite
out of the ordinary  

simple, yet very
pretty flowers
each are different
soul openers
which represents the
beauty of nature

**where flowers bloom so does hope
Lady Bird Feb 2017
hanging by threads
from the core
her trapped heart
with a hurting soul

blades of lies
penetrates digging holes
of deep darkness
leaving emptiness within

her clawed face
and sadden soul
she fears death
covered in tears

worry lingers through
her confused brain
staining her mind
black with pain

her heart echos
the false love
the promised illusion
and poisoned temptation

dripping wet eyes
filled up with
tears of hesitation
crying for solitude

hung in sorrow
chained against walls
of dark depression
reflecting yesterday's rain

around her neck
a tightened noose
coated with barbwire
hurt and pain

left all alone
with no mask
concealing the shadows
choking her soul

leading her through
a loneliness maze
loosing the shape
of her whole

the lost young
girl she was
has completely vanished
into thin air

now she is
a confused woman
living in her
own garden's hell
Inspiring image --
Lady Bird Dec 2014
...I Am "LadyBird"...
absorbing the world
surrounding and embracing me
I float high above in plain sight
while singing so very sweetly
I spread my wings so light
alive in song upon my feet
I fly through my words from within
yet every thing is changing
from the past to my future
my destination may be unknown
and sometimes I can’t please
my own unique pattern of flight
yet so graceful I sail with
my mouth quenching desire
of life pouring in my fountain
every single dripping thought
and every single splashing word
is my thirst to write
I am known as "LadyBird"
I soar through life's wonderful sky
spreading my coloful wings
powered by imagination; I fly
Lady Bird Dec 2014
I'm in my roller skates
filling up my bubble bath
sliding across my plate
were tumble weeds of last
nights brussels sprouts
I'm spinning in circles
chasing every dream
I finally read that old book
from the creepy attic
but I haven’t had a chance
to introduce myself

through my window the pink
rose I've planted caught my eye
my pen just ran out of ink
yes the sky still holds it's blue
and it sometimes shed tears too
walking while chewing gum
is a very hard thing to do
I think I'm making progress

I just love being me
it ****** off all the right people
who's willing to ask the question
who the hell am I?

I am who I am...Me and
I would rather be nutty than mundane
Lady Bird Jun 2015
I'm sitting in my thinking chair
my eyes state that I'm trying so hard
to remember but remember what?
I've placed one hand on my foreheard
yet biting my nails on the other
holding back all the pressure of forgetting
I walk across the room to see a poor lonely
yet dried and drooping flower in its ***
with wet soil the plant was watered earlier
the plant is now out of my view
but what am I to do
I still can't remember
Ha Ha.....When The Text Is Centered it looks like a light bulb...
Lady Bird Jan 2015
there are so many definitions of poetry
yet the lines shout out my name
it's time to release some of my pain
write words about love and hate
as fast as I can, at every rate
pick up a pen, begin to write
start with an idea, a thought, a light
dreams and hopes are in creation
my pen turn curves with such imagination
emotion spilling out on every line
with a flow, a mark, with rhythm and rhyme
explaining a point with a written voice
revealing my life, showing my choice
feelings splashing on each page
I am no longer in my quiet stage
let it all out and set it all free
I call it my definition of poetry

me as a poet use my written words
and my canvas is you; "the reader"...
Lady Bird Jan 2018
if you knew it you
wouldn’t want to wait
if your not too busy
don’t take it for granted
today might be all you get
it isn't promised tomorrow
you’ll surely regret the day
if it never comes
just in case you’re wrong
take the extra time to
spare a minutes or two
don’t let it slip away
stop and say these three
special and wondrous
words of "I Love You"
Lady Bird Jan 2015
I'm not a mind reader
my magic wand is in the shop

I can't let people drive me crazy
when I know it's in walking distance

give me a list and some parameters
otherwise; I'm off in the left field picking daisies
Lady Bird Oct 2021
with your royal fingers write your poem inside me; use your lancing words to touch every inch of my soul; lick your lusting tongue of thoughts; across my bare body trembling with desire; gallop your royal steed; caressing every arched curve of my ******; press your moist lips against mine; strike those hard passionate worded shivers down your maiden’s spine; ****** your written desires deeply penetrating my core; as I yearn for more; stroll down the chambers of the empty well between my thighs and release your knighting ink; INK me !!!
Lady Bird Sep 2016
the mind possess the tempo
of each poem that will grow
the poet hums silently as
the inks of harmony flow

silence within its aging pages
in an attic of hurt and true pain
it sits all alone just an old notebook

silent for too long
trying to make sense of things
hoping to unleash the
unspoken thoughts
pouring words onto paper

Shhhhh !! ....I need silence....
I'm  asking the lines
please allow ink
from my pen to purge
my emotions into its spaces
Lady Bird Aug 2018
stimulating melting colors of the soul
drowning in beautiful insatiable drops of
the emotions awaking the many powerful
senses of lust, ecstasy, passion and
the desire for true love
Lady Bird Dec 2014
tree of pure gold
intertwined branches
blossoms of beauty
gives a thrill of
true nature
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