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Feb 2022 · 645
More Than You Do
Akhil Bhadwal Feb 2022
All these years, I waited for you
But you weren't who you said were you
Unbeknownst to this, I give my everything for you
Just to let you know that I loved you more than you do

You said till death do us part, I will be there for you
But you moved on like it was no big deal for you
Left me alone to face the music over actions of you
Just to let me know that I loved your more than you do

I've no love now, thanks to you
But you now love someone more than you
I cried, wept, and didn't slept thinking about you
Just to let you know that I loved you more than you do
Details a failed relationship. Follows a a a b rhyme scheme.
Mar 2021 · 1.4k
Oh No! She's Sorry Again
Akhil Bhadwal Mar 2021
Baby I'm sorry, I don't want to be mean,
Meaning is that I don't want to sin
But what can I do, if I don't feel it beyond my skin!
Oh No! Oh No, that means! She's sorry again

What a fool I was, to make her bear that kind of pain
Pain that is not meant, never meant to be seen,
Something I am to avoid, so keen.
Oh No! Oh No, she's sorry again!

She asked me if I was bored, I told her not,
Hurtful words I said, I accept this fact,
I'll try my best to never repeat this act.
Oh No! Oh No, alas! She's sorry, once again!
Follows a b b c rhyme scheme.
Nov 2020 · 405
Candles of My Life
Akhil Bhadwal Nov 2020
They are still burning for me, guiding me forever,
Their shine getting dimmer, but flicker? never!
I am nothing without their light,
I'm bright only because of their shiny sight.

Don't know how long will they be on this plane with me,
But I know for sure, they will always be locked away inside my red *****,
Flowing through every drop of my blood and every thought of my existence,
Guiding me/keeping me sane whenever I'm lost/short of sight.

People say that nothing lasts forever, but true love does,
It was, it is, it will.
Hey, I believe your loved ones never leave you,
They are always inside your soul, guiding you with their eternal light!
Gratitude for my loved ones, especially my parents!
Apr 2020 · 384
About Life
Akhil Bhadwal Apr 2020
Life is not about what you expect,
It's about what you make out of that you get
Life is not about what you have,
It's all about what you can save

Life is not about regret,
It's about what you can set
Life is not about what you have to bear,
It's all about what you hold dear

Life is not about who you were,
It's about what you've become now and here
Life is not about where you started,
It's all about where you stood when it all ended
A commentary about life. Follows a a b b rhyme scheme.
Jan 2020 · 271
Soon You'll Float Too
Akhil Bhadwal Jan 2020
ITs mind is like a maze
Filled with chaotic, nuisance, ****** haze
Every sin and curse and the 7 deadly sins, submit
Soon you'll float too there

Hate and rejection is what IT feels like
Fear is the fuel that IT needs all the time,
So being brave is foolishness for IT, submit,
And soon you'll float there too

Love is what IT isn't all about
That fear for IT is the courage for us all,
Living in peace is what IT doesn't know, believe and learn
To let everything go
If you don't what this is all about...I'm extremely terrified
Dec 2019 · 443
I Don't Lie
Akhil Bhadwal Dec 2019
I don't lie,
I only avoid telling the truth
Some things are better,
When you let them the way they were

While some others are,
In need of adjustment, or fine-tuning, must I say
To keep everything in place,
Like it is meant to be, preservation of the world

I don't lie, I've confessed,
Make peace with all my sins at last
Like I said, I don't lie, but hey,
Maybe, this time, who knows, I just did
No particular rhyme scheme. Everybody tells lies, either to please others or for self-benefit or both or whatever...
Dec 2019 · 349
Day and Night
Akhil Bhadwal Dec 2019
I love you my love,
And I will, all my life

I think of you my love,
Like a hubby for his wife

I want you my love,
For all of my life

We're in love,
So I'll hug you tight,
We'll be together forever my love
Like night and day, day and night
After a long time...
Love strikes again but like never before
Dec 2017 · 424
They Just Happen
Akhil Bhadwal Dec 2017
Sometimes its planned, sometimes its not,
most of it depends on what you think,
We don't do, they just happen

Sometimes drunk, sometimes enamorado
Just go and save yourself and give it a bunk,
We don't do, they just might happen

Sometimes sweet, sometimes not that,
and it all slid farther the Sun,
We don't do, they just happen

Sometimes I say, other times I don't
but please be back home soon hon'
I did, but they just don't happened

But yeah, that just did happen...\m/
My 1st 4-Paragraph style poem by me...\m/
Nov 2017 · 635
On The Tryst
Akhil Bhadwal Nov 2017
Once there were two poor souls looking for a friend,
In whom which she can confide, with whom he can have fun
He was living the moment because of her
But she was present there because of him

I was feeling and felling for you,
But you weren't able to have it,
We met many times and have some fun,
And we eat at others on the same tryst.

I was digging in deeper,
But you were barely scratching the surface,
Yes we were crying and yelling at the same time,
But still she thought, maybe, I was lying

He never understood and probably never will,
Why she looked she never will be there to be with
She kept speaking just her heart out but he wasn't clear,
Was he on a tryst? Or was it just a friendly affair
...What can I say more...about Love...
Jul 2017 · 1.2k
Insanity in The Hills
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2017
Something immensely immoral was about to happen,
As you can distinctly smell the stench of insanity in the hills;
The skies looked so full of a sadistic passion,
Suggesting an infamy that was to go down the historicals.

As she raced through the meadows,
The girl, about 16, was seized by the 6 demons;
Who wore the skin of humans,
But were monsters on loose from the south of heavens.

They unchasted and murdered the young maiden with pure brutality,
Who might've died asking her god, just why did it all happened to her?
The poor soul is still seeking justice against the insane and wicked criminality,
From the system of law that is ****** to the very core.
Based on the infamous Indian Gudiya (name of the victim) **** and ****** case.

RIP Gudiya! May your soul be granted Salvation.

Composed in a b a b rhyme scheme.
Jul 2017 · 468
The Other Voice
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2017
Drive slow, in my head
Go fast, the other voice said
He's your friend, have faith
She's just another trash, the other voice said

You're good, ringed again in my head
You stink, the other voice said
Believe in others, I learned
Despise them, the other voice said

Helping is good, good people said
People are fools, the other voice said
Is it me, or am I you?
It's your choice, the other voice said

Good vs. Evil within you!
Follows a a b a rhyme scheme.
                                                     ...with LOVE...
Jul 2017 · 756
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2017
Taming the wild within you,
Is the path to become one with the jungle,
The chore is, yes, difficult so,
But helps you seek the Savage in you.

Eavesdrop the whispering chilly wind,
Blowing out in the open,
Infer the talk of the invisible giants,
Blasphemy to the very end.

What's the Savage? you might ask,
Its something that will forever last,
It is the beast in you,
It will be the best of You in your mortal flask!
Follows a b c a rhyme scheme.
Mar 2017 · 647
Messengers of Chaos
Akhil Bhadwal Mar 2017
Riff 1, an odd scale echoes
Riff 2, another irregular scale shifts
Riff 3, now you see
The messengers of chaos, on a spree

Solo 1, digs deep into the soul
Solo 2, takes off with a boom
Solo 3, a feathered friend falls off from the tree
The messengers of chaos, live all eternity

Outro 1, seeks the hidden realm
Outro 2, calls for a short lapse
Outro 3, shouts LIVE FREE
The messenger of chaos, now you see
Follows a b c c rhyme scheme.
Jul 2016 · 598
Day I Die
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2016
The day I die
I will loose all my self-ishness
But the worthy wealth of my ideas
Will live on by itself

The day I die
Will see the very end of me
Albeit, good deeds of mine
Shall explain the best in me

The day I die
My skin and bones will go to nothingness
Though, I'll still be here
In the nature's very essence
Death is just the beginning of a new phase...\m/ Follows a b c b rhyme scheme.
Jul 2016 · 972
The Chains of Misery
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2016
Binds you away
Shivering, you just can't sway
These my friend are
The Chains of Misery

Can't get hold of you
Are you free? Hell nou
Feel for yourself
The Chains of Misery

Reshuffle the pieces inside
Time to showoff the might
Now you break away from
The Chains of Misery

No matter what the's always you against you \v/ Get yourself together, and move on \m/. Follows a a b a rhyme scheme.
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
The Unknown Corpse
Akhil Bhadwal Apr 2016
There was a dead body lying in my balcony,
Of a bird,
Its eyes still open
But lifeless

And I thought, this is what seems to be a corpse
Still and void of any life course,
So I buried it and bid farewell
To the one that was once spotted as "Pigeon"
R.I.P. my unknown friend :|

Follows no rhyme scheme
Mar 2016 · 661
When It'll be Time
Akhil Bhadwal Mar 2016
Mind boggles and heart melts down
That's when I feel you around
A bliss fills the air
Permeating everywhere

With you, everything is fine
Feels brilliantly divine
A psychedelic rift rhymes
Across the vast ocean of space and time

A color intermediate green and orange
In the spectrum of coloration tinge
Looks great on you and me
Meet you again, when it'll be time
It feels great to be in love \m/
Follows a a b b rhyme scheme.
Feb 2016 · 2.3k
The Storyteller
Akhil Bhadwal Feb 2016
I know a great storyteller
Since when I was 7
He who once narrated stories with all the emotions and expressions
Has now left for the heavens

Tales of witty animals
And the animal kingdom itself
He cited various examples
But now he's no more himself

Every story was a kind of message
That the old man feed into two young children's mind
He will never be forgotten
The storyteller, who have now died
A tribute to my maternal grandfather who left this world on 25th Jan, 2016. R.I.P. Naanu.......

Rhyme scheme for the prose is a b c b.
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Akhil Bhadwal Dec 2015
Nine realms, stood still
Connected by the tree of life
Or as known to the mortals
By the name of Yggdrasil

In the kingdom of the thunderer
Deep beneath the shadows
Standing still at the heaven of the goddess
Gazed by the half-brother

Yggdrasil, or the tree of life
So be it
A mythological expression of life
That will hold on forever

Based  on the mythological tree of life - Yggdrasil. Prose inspired from Norse mythology, Thor (Marvel Comics) and Breath Of Fire III.
Nov 2015 · 2.2k
November Amazon
Akhil Bhadwal Nov 2015
Like some wind, she roams freely
Polishes dusty stones, among which I'm truly
A free bird, wanders in the vast blue sky
"She will halt eventually", it seems a lie
Like Enshrined Enchantress Now All

An admirer of beauty, and indeed a beauty herself
Infatuation, eventually develops
Those beautiful eyes and the irregular smile
Occupies my imagination, every once in a while
Love Eternal Enroute November Amazon

Words were never, and won't ever be enough
Soon the weather will come, one that of sneeze and sniff
Though seemed, it wasn't so
The love was, is, and will always be true
Life Endures Empowered Nota-Bene All
Praise of love.... Rhyme scheme is a a b b c.
Nov 2015 · 745
Choice is all yours
Akhil Bhadwal Nov 2015
Smile happiness
Mourn sadist
Play, until you die
Treachery, till you lie

Slay, the eternal demon
Hail, the blazing fire
Only if you knew the truth
Avoid fate's tooth

Angry whelps
Drain out, until you fall
Live, to die soon
Death, you're all gone
Rhyme scheme is a b c c.
Nov 2015 · 774
Final Bout!
Akhil Bhadwal Nov 2015
In comes and the in comes out
Prepare yourself, this is the final bout!
Challenge me and I challenge thee
I break you, and you break me

Mindless soldiers, yes we are
Prepare yourself, this is war!
For whom I fight, I don’t know
**** you, they commands me so

***** business but business’s good
Beware yourself, this is my hood!
Still you know, not who am me
Glare at mirror, there I am see
Rhyme scheme is a a b b!
Sep 2015 · 502
Sake Of Mine
Akhil Bhadwal Sep 2015
Told with a fuss
For my own sake, I have loved
All of it was a muss
For my own sake, have I loved?

I am humor
Humor I am
Melancholic tumor
Spat charlatan stamp

Will do good while away
Wasn’t good this et al
Now asking self of my
Not good even a pinch at all?
Follows a b a b rhyme scheme.
Sep 2015 · 426
Another Guy
Akhil Bhadwal Sep 2015
Who am I, to tell you what it feels
How to be an ideal human being
Who am I, to make you believe
All the things which can't be seen

Who am I, to cheer you up
When all you wanted is to weep
Who am I, to pamper you
When you don’t even need

Who am I, to say
That I love you
Well, I am just another guy
Who’s going to try

Love is complicated, not easy but always beautiful. Rhyme scheme is a a b b.
Sep 2015 · 5.8k
Knitting Yarn
Akhil Bhadwal Sep 2015
Knitting yarn, she used to say
Son, your karma will always pay
Sooner or later, it doesn’t matter
False pride always fade away

Knitting yarn, she used to pray
May my child be healthy!
And will always be
Alongside me

Knitting yarn, she used to take nap
For filling rest in the gap
She closed her eyes for the time being
And I admired the most beautiful human being

Dedicated to my mom. Love u mother. Rhyme scheme is a a b b.
Sep 2015 · 604
Until & Unless
Akhil Bhadwal Sep 2015
Cheese, say it and be happy
Mourn, do it and be sad
Play, until you die
Treachery, until you lie

Slay, the eternal demon
Hail, to fire
May, you knew the truth
Bitten, by fate's tooth

Hey, yell with all
Energy, until you fall
Live, to die soon
Death, with a deafening boom

Rhyme scheme is a b c c.
Aug 2015 · 862
Love Infinity
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
Was seeking for a rhyme
About then, a couple walked in front of mine
Reminded me of a man and a lady
With love infinite

Endured many years together
Overcoming fears, one and another
Struggled with several yells and tears
All with their love infinite

The man is father
The lady is mother
And I am son who adores them
With love infinite

Dedicated to my parents. Follows a a b c rhyme acheme.
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Insincerity Calls
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
Insincerity calls and asks for a favour
Fulfill the task and boodle will shower
Complete this work and I will feed
Thee with bad karma, destruction's seed

Wealth of rich, skin of poor
Take plenty without fear
Along with devastation, comes
A plenty of unfair, undeserving sums

Something you don't deserved
Won't be long reserved
How much dear you may want it
Alas! Sooner or later it will be parted

Bribe is one of the most awful things that exist. Follows a a b b rhyme scheme.
Aug 2015 · 440
He Was
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
A very serious person he was
Until one day he realised how stupid it was
To be a person that
No one liked to see

Then he transformed himself into
Someone different so as to
Suit the desires of folk
And it made him happy

Not for long though he beared the alien skin
And soon realised that it was a sin
To be adored for being someone else
And so he became the same person again that he was

Its better to be disliked for being yourself than to be adored for being someome else.Rhyme Scheme is a a b c.
Aug 2015 · 4.1k
Office Suffice
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
9 to 10, new among busy men
10 to 11, have a meet inside cabin
11 to 12, got working shelve
That's how it started

12 to 1, almost done
1 to 2, had lunch too
2 to 3, continue working spree
That's how it went

3 to 4, do work don't bore
4 to 5, its a busy life
5 to 6, soon  I'll be into this mix
That's how it end
1st job. New things, new environment  but old spirit. Just a routine. Follows no rhyme scheme.
Aug 2015 · 972
Without A Cure
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
Do I tell you a secret
Lest you understand it for sure
My disliking of you is
An ailment without cure

Disclosing shared things
With intentions impure
I destroyed them right there
Now an ailment without cure

Ill deeds of thou
Filled my dislike store
And now it doesn't matters
This ailment without cure

This is what it feels when someone takes your trust and kills it right in front of you. Blast them. Follows a b c b rhyme scheme.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2015
With manic laughter
He kills and slaughters
Reason, he doesn't need
Bloodthirst, is all he feeds

Raging, through the streets
Killing, whomever he meets
Inhumane, are his deeds
Merciless bloodthirst, he feeds

Once again the moon is covered with shade of blood
Now is his period, the one named Jason Mud
Again, he's out to ****
Quenching eternal bloodthirst, yes he will

This prose follows the deeds of a fictional serial killer named "Jason Mud".  Whenever, there is a full moon, he's out to **** and gets his ***** job done. Follows a a b b rhyme scheme.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Akhil Bhadwal Jul 2015
Sentiments, never end
Despite, much being spent
In spite, being transcend
Choosing, heaven or hell

Sentiments, are amusing
Despite, being confusing
In spite, no logical meaning
Again, dragged from the smell

Sentiments, are natural
Despite, coming casual
In spite, behaving usual
Expressions, emotions et al.

Rhyme scheme is a a a b.
Jun 2015 · 755
Inside Out
Akhil Bhadwal Jun 2015
Born with a grin
Exothermic like gin
Senseless origin
Made me do sin

Help need within
Shine to rust-made pin
Feeling of tin
Continued sin

Ash to ash and dust to dust
Empty hands failed to catch
The expressions that don't match
With sorrows latching, the expression shell hatch

Rhyme scheme is a a a a.
Jun 2015 · 498
In The Name Of God
Akhil Bhadwal Jun 2015
In the name of God, preachers preach
But is the name of God, within reach?
In the name of God, teachings teach
But is the name of God, the truth that we seek?

In the name of God, people betray
But is the name of God, which leads paths to astray?
In the name of God, sick rituals lay
But is the name of God, only for the meek?

In the name of God, consolations made
Can the name of God be a, spiritual mood?
In the name of God, darkness fade
Always inside, then why out seek?

Holy stakes and daredevils. Rhyme scheme is a a a b.
Jun 2015 · 958
Silence In The Basement
Akhil Bhadwal Jun 2015
In search of peace,
A track down beneath
The stairs lay quite,
In the darkest hour of night

A plight of need
Cured by water feed
Looking through the walls
A silent silhouette trolls

Half asleep, the terror creeps
Far beyond the conventional beliefs
Within the nerves, of a meek
Now half awoke, but still half asleep

Is it really what it seems...........?? Follows a a b b rhyme scheme.
Jun 2015 · 924
Digging Into
Akhil Bhadwal Jun 2015
I'm On A Dig to Dig Myself Out
To Dig Up knowledge, I've to Dig Around...........for a while.

Exam preparation feel and experience.
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Exaggerating, is a way
To make situations, and to progress the day
Exaggerating, isn't the way
To fool people, make them yell;hey!

Talking, is a way
To express, and to convey
Talking, isn't the way
To bore people, all the day

Writing, is a way
To help creating, your say
Writing, isn't the way
To pass seasons, whether December or May

Description of my favourite hobbies. Rhyme scheme is a a a a.
May 2015 · 507
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
She was 23, not in age though
I was 22, of course not in age, so
I found a friend, in her
She found a pun, in front of her

I made a mistake, when I told her love
But she wasn't upset, instead she stayed in my hub
Never I was able to tell her a story
Now I am going to try, without being sorry

Love was, is, and will always be beautiful
She was, is, and will always be truthful
Now I understand, what wasn't understood
And to say is that, I would always like her to be in my hood

This prose is dedicated to one of my nicest friends. Bless her a lot. Rhyme scheme for 23 is a a b b.
May 2015 · 1.7k
Epicentre Of Destruction
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Epicentre of destruction, now Nepal
Chosen by destiny, very brutally
Terrains blew, and maps deformed
Lives lost, people slayed by almighty Lord

Not one, two, or three, plenty of them
Shot one after another, from below
Shaking and trembling, structures fall
Amassed devastation, no one can stop

In a time of need like this, for humanity
To help and console, Nepal community
Every soul prays for them
May all those are lost, rest in peace, Amen

May all those have lost their lives in Nepal earthquakes, rest in peace. No rhyme scheme is followed.
May 2015 · 1.4k
Syllabus Walkthrough
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Here it comes, again, the busy time for easy goers
Have to keep heads inside the books, and minds at rest
Rest is not an option, options are yet to be explored
Explore your mind, as you walk through the syllabus

Syllabus has sections A, B, C, D, and E
E for easy, go elsewhere
Else, difficult to get through
Through hard work comes knowledge, through the syllabus

Syllabus being covered , meanwhile, time flows like water
Is essential for slaking thirst
Thirst of knowledge, with search and judgement
Judging capabilities, as I walk through the syllabus

Exam time!! No rhyme scheme is followed for this prose. Compared the so called "Exam Syllabus" with "Life".
May 2015 · 1.1k
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Swallows, and it follow
Into the stream of blood
Sorrows, of tomorrow
Quenched along smoke thirst

Poisonous oily liquid, description
Stated literally
Should be avoided, medical prescription
Lingers in breath

Smoker, person's pseudonym
Enjoying for him(her)self
Smoking, process's anonym
Nicotine, isn't always a sin

This prose describes the process of taking Nicotine while smoking with some elements of personal experience. Rhyme scheme is a b a c.
May 2015 · 7.2k
Dragon Warrior
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Earth withers, air died
Water fouled, while fire lost might
Nowhere from, origin
Voyage to, end lasting sin

Save the princess, king orders
Must destroy the demon lord, he ponders
Built the rainbow bridge, aid from
Collecting the pillars of light, facing storm

Dragon, a symbol of bravery
Quest, a virtuous journey
Demons, his sword would kiss
Dragon Warrior, amazingly he is

Based on one of my all time favorite RPG Dragon Warrior. Rhyme scheme  for this prose is a a b b.
May 2015 · 1.0k
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
I fall, learned
To rise again
I lost, learned
To fight again

I failed, learned
To start again
I feared, learned
To face again

I carried away, learned
To focus again
I died, and learned
To live again

Everything learned from experience. Rhyme scheme is a b a b.
May 2015 · 5.3k
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
This is what I suggest a proper man should think about his female partner.
May 2015 · 7.4k
Devil Within
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Devil, is waiting for you
To make mistakes, you never wanted to
Devil, is searching for you
To tame, the monster inside you

Devil, is happy for you
When, **** word becomes friendly
Devil, is worried for you
When, love comes near you

Devil, keeps waiting for you
So you can, admire jealousy and feel agony
Devil, will always linger near you
Because, he's you
Everyone has some devils inside. Its whether we deal with them, or let them deal with us. Rhyme scheme for this poem is a b a a.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Love Tryst
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Was doing something, never did, before
Assignment, it was
Wasn't expecting, something, it happened for sure
Meet, that was

Unexpectedly, not knowing, suddenly
Whatever, it was
A familiar, face, glowing
There, she was

Enchantment, attraction, infatuation
Magic, it was
She asked, I agreed, we meet
Love tryst, that was
This prose describes the first love tryst of my life at our college library. Awesome moments. Rhyme scheme for the poem is a b a b.
May 2015 · 4.5k
Akhil Bhadwal May 2015
Aggression, is a session
Is a desire, blazing fire
Is a fest, at its best
Aggression, becomes a passion

Aggression, in your blood
In your vision, a mission
In your mind, a fight
Aggression, now your mood

Aggression, can be utilised
Can be channelized, it should be
Can be unleashed, it needs be
Aggression, must be utilised
Aggression, a common emotion, is very powerful and strong. It should always be provided a proper target. This poem follows a b b a rhyme scheme.
Apr 2015 · 2.6k
Art Fusion
Akhil Bhadwal Apr 2015
He danced, we watched
He felt, and let
His trance, our stance
He showed, and we bowed

His aggression, our passion
His fiery vision, was truly art fusion

Inspired by an awesome performance based on Lord Shiva's Tandava
Apr 2015 · 579
Brand New
Akhil Bhadwal Apr 2015
Winds blow and the stars shine
A landscape draws, of its own kind
People cheers, with a drink of wine
Something came into, my dreamy mind

Dear morning, came with a hustling freshness
Was thinking, while laying half across the sleepy slopes
A cup of tea was good, to bring cheerishness
To start the day, with brand new hopes

The obsession of something new, is no simple job
But not doing so, will be a private crime
Numerous memories, in the form of tiny blob(s)
And there I was, on the verge of a new rhyme

This poem follows a b a b rhyme scheme.
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