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Ryan Cripps Mar 2020
Whisper me some words.
Lead me to your home.
Let me kiss your body
while we're all alone.

Show me that deep love.
Set my soul ablaze.
Make me forget my name;
make me quiver for days.

Love ain't so easy,
but with effort we can make it.
Love is quite a feeling;
it's best if we embrace it.
(c) Ryan Kane 2020
Ryan Cripps Jul 2015
I wonder why can't I write, such beautiful lines of letters.
Taking breaths, Inspiring others; With re-arranged words,
My work just suffers.

I'm fine with rhymes like time and dime, but beautiful lines
to make one cry, can never appear no matter how hard I try.

Have I given up? Maybe, but I've become numb to failure
I've forgotten all the critics, because I'm my own biggest hater.
Still struggling with my poetry. Is it possible writers block can last half a year? at least with poetry...

If you liked this poem PLEASE share! I really appreciate it!

Follow me and I will follow you back!

Have a nice day :)
Ryan Cripps Dec 2018
I'm exhausted from the fallout
of this bittersweet symphony.
I'm falling away to time with
this long clinging misery.

I've grown weary of writing
such dreary poems.
How many times can I express
how much I feel so alone?

If nothing is going to change,
maybe the problem is me?
But I'm as complicated as a math problem
that asks to find the x to the c.

So what happens from here?
After I'm worn out from writing this grime.
Do I give up the only thing
that I ever saw worthy of my time?
(c) Ryan Kane 2018
Happy Holidays, everyone :)
Twitter: @RyanWritesFict
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
I no longer walk the line
like Johnny Cash.
I was born into this world
bold and brash,
but I couldn't last.

I'm knocked down,
and unwilling to stand.
A ten count has begun,
and it's almost the end.

"Nine" the referee yells.
Time stands still.
It's the final countdown,
and my blood has began to spill.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
Ryan Cripps May 2019
It was supposed to be a fling.
I wasn't supposed to fall in love.
But that's exactly what I did
and her touch was better
than any of my favorite drugs.
(c) Ryan Kane 2019
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
There are flowers in the garden,
There are flowers near our feet,
There are flowers all around us,
They grow from underneath.

There are flowers in your house,
There can be flowers in your hair,
Flowers can make you smile,
In a time of despair.

Flowers are what you give a girl,
On any given day.
Especially when she’s sad,
It’ll make her feel okay.

Or give one to your mom
To show your appreciation.
Flowers are what you use
During any type of celebration.

Right now, I see some flowers,
They’re quite eye catching.
I appreciate everyone who should up,
But I must be going.

There are flowers in the room,
So please no one cry.
I’m going to a better place,
It’s time to say goodbye.

My mother begins to talk,
She talks as she weeps.
I kiss her on the forehead,
Before I have to leave.

I hope she felt my presence,
As I float up above.
People brought me flowers,
I definitely feel the love.
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
Here on the beach is where I stand,
holding your hand with our feet in the sand.
Wave upon wave crashing into our bodies,
but they'll never break us apart
because I'll never let go...

Not even for the life of me.
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^ Helps me out a lot ^
Follow me, and I'll most likely follow you back :)
Ryan Cripps Sep 2017
One day I would love to be forty winters deep
with ***** days, tired eyes,
and all we do is sleep.

In the confines of our cozy home
we hear the cracking of a fire.
Cherishing the delicate love we have
that seems will never go expired.

The temperature is freezing, but
your gentle touch keeps me warm.
We can lay in each other's arms
and listen to the storm.
(c) Ryan Kane 2017

Follow me on Twitter: @RyanWritesStuff
Ryan Cripps Mar 2020
What's it like to be found?
No longer sleeping in the ground.
The coffee pours to the floor.
A family broke, a heart torn.
(c) Ryan Kane 2020
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Through her eyes, I see a galaxy of pain.
A broken soul, who has lost her name.
No identity to cherish, no path to follow.
Torn apart from the inside, her chest is hollow.

She looks me in the eyes and cries out in fear.
Holding me tight so I do not disappear.
I tell her I'm never leaving, and I'm here to stay.
But she can't believe me, so she pushes me away.

Arms folded as she walks with her head staring at the ground.
She looks for happiness, but it's nowhere to be found.
But all she had to do was look back, and see me waiting.
Maybe then she would have believed I always planned on staying.
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^It helps me out!^
Follow me :D
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
God bless America.
I woke up today to the ring of Freedom.
I pledged my allegiance
To this country and it’s people.

Today we celebrate our nation.
The place we all call home.
The place where it all started,
Where democracy had grown.

We fought an eight year war,
To achieve a free way of life,
And we are still fighting to this day,
To keep freedom alive.

Today we celebrate
So gather your friends and family
And say thanks to our soldiers,
And say hi to lady liberty.

Tonight we light fireworks
And gaze up at the night sky,
As freedom literally explodes
Right in front of your eyes.

I’m proud to be an American,
I hope you are too.
I’ll flash the Stars and Stripes forever,
I bleed Red, White, and Blue.
follow me on twitter @radicalmartian
Ryan Cripps Sep 2016
Show me your heart,
and I'll trade you my soul.
Give me your trust,
and I'll give the greatest love story...

ever told.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Fragile like glass

                          Be careful with her heart

because piecing back the shattered  pieces

                                                ­   is always the hardest part...
(c) Ryan Kane - 2016
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
So high you can’t stand straight.
So you call me up even though it’s late.
It’s been six months since the last time we talked,
But at 2 a.m I took that extra long walk.
I was tired as ****, but I definitely did it,
Because I still cared for you,
Even though I should have quit it.

I carried you home that night on my back.
And the next day, you didn’t even have the courtesy to text me back.
Until three months later when you were in the same predicament.
And once again, I got up to take care of your incident.

That night you were too drunk to drive,
Even though you grabbed your keys and were about to say goodbye.
Luckily, your friend Lucy called me on my phone.
Said she wanted me to take you home.

I tucked you into bed and I told you goodnight,
Slept on the couch, until the day shined light.
And in walked your mom, She asked why I wasn’t home.
I had to tell her I didn’t want you sleeping alone.

I said you were sick and I just left.
I did want to be the one to talk about our mess.
After that day, we never said hi,
Even though I saw you getting high
Right after school by the coffee shop,
I just walked pass, didn’t want to stop.

You didn’t make any moves,
I guess that’s cool.
Just realize what I did for you.

What I did was love after you ****** me over,
Before our relationship, I was like your brother.
And like my real family, you just walked out.
Explanation is the key sentence you left out.

It’s all good though; I try not to care anyways.
I try to stay positive, look forward to better days.
I’ll find love, and maybe this time it’ll be different.
That’s if I buck up and just listen.
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
January has come and gone,
Another day that lasts too long.
Memories begin to fade in and out,
Extreme weather threatens another drought.
Sadness dawns like the early sunrise,
Depression reigns with no surprise.
Oppressive thoughts that could ****
Under the ruling of another pill.
Gambling with fate I laugh in its face
Lying in bed, dreaming of a place.
A place of happiness and place of sunshine.
Sadly no such place comes to mind.
March arrives with four more months
Opening my mouth with no response.
Reminiscing of times that I put to waste.
Reminding myself I should have cherished these days.
In this life I’m sad enough,
Soon to be more when my friends are gone.
On this journey tricks will be thrown.
Not about this journey and I miss my throne.
Follow me on Twitter @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry

Can you find something hidden within this poem? It really has nothing to do with what I wrote about but it helped me find the right expression.
Ryan Cripps Sep 2014
I have a happy expression
Surrounded by unhappy faces.
Which were caused by me during my many destructive stages.

I ask myself
"How can they still care when I simply have no love to give?"
All this sudden realized guilt
Makes me not wanna live.

So mom, dad, sister, and friends,
Lets bring out the truth
and no longer pretend.

Just tell it to me straight,
Speak those aching words,
Say your lives would be better
If I wasn't in your world.

Because you can deny it all you want,
But your eyes speak the truth.
Telling me you wish i was never born would certainly not be rude.

For I am the storm that has rained on your parade,
Don't worry, my death by nature will come soon,
Maybe any day.

So I'm sorry for what I've said and done,
But I know that means absolutely nothing.
Though I would do anything,
To hit that reset button.
What do you think? Like, Comment, Share & Follow (I followback)

Follow me on Twitter as well: @RadicalMartian (I followback)

Ryan Cripps Dec 2014
"Do not quit" they scream,
"Do not give up" they yell,
"Do not walk away" they blurt,
but no one is listening, and that's what hurts.
Comment, and like :)
Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll follow back)
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Finding peace on earth,
I lay out like a star.
In the middle of a field
Away from it all.

The clouds float by
Fading away,
As my imagination
Begins to play.

The wind blows soft
The trees speak words.
Creatures all around me,
I hear whistles from the birds.

The skies are blue,
I can see into space.
I close my eyes,
And drift to my happy place.

This is what it’s like,
To feel relaxed and alive.
No drugs or alcohol,
I don’t need to be high.
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Releasing a poetry collection book soon!
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
I believe out of fear for
I don't know what happens next.
So I get on my knees and pray,
tracing a cross against my chest.

I don't want to fear,
but i don't want to miss a possible fact.
I don't want to be denied access to heaven,
and spend eternity staring into black.

I fear every day,
especially since I'm full of sin.
So I pray I'm forgiven,
I have no choice but to give in.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
Ryan Cripps Dec 2018
If I ever loved a woman,
If I ever gave it my all.
You were the woman I loved,
You were the reason for my fall.

Not the drop from grace,
but the plunge into love.
You're the type of soul
that I used to dream of.
(c) Ryan Kane 2018

Happy New Years Eve, everyone!
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
I have a look of disgust while staring at the snow on the ground.
Constantly stepping in dirt and mud as I walk through town.
The winds howl outside my window, waking me every night.
The season only lasts a few months, but it feels like there is no end in sight.

Goosebumps continuously cover my arms,
and my body never stops shivering with chill.
Depression sits in the air, winter is a ******* pill. I right?

Remember: Like, Share, Comment if you enjoyed. Helps me out a lot!

Follow me too! :D

Stay Warm this Winter <3 and for those of you in constant warm weather, I'm jealous...
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
I love the summer, I love the warm wind.
I love the smell of the barbeque,
and grabbing a cold beer from the ice filled bin.

Laying in the hammock with a few good books,
While the sun shines on me, helping me tan my looks.
The swimming pool is ice cold on a hot summers day.
The soothing feel of the water helps take the stress away.

Hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, and cola;
This American night cannot get any better.
Family and friends, sharing endless laughs,
Having too much fun, as the time starts to quickly pass.

Ending the night with a late night bonfire,
Watching the smoke rise hire and hire.
Finishing off with magical, jaw dropping fireworks.
Gazing in the sky with amazement, this is life's best perk.
Positive poem today!

If you like, then please share! Its much appreciated!

Follow me on Hello Poetry & I will FOLLOW YOU BACK!
Ryan Cripps Jan 2017
You stabbed me in the back
so I stabbed my wrist.
You snickered at my pain
so I let some blood drip.

Now that I'm content,
I say "Baby, I love you".
You reply the same,
but only one of them is true.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2017
I always accept feedback :)
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
The more you know,
The less you’ll like.
That’s why I stay mysterious,
And sometimes impolite.

It takes a lot of trust
For me to open the door.
For you to shop through my feeling,
Like you shop through clothes at a store.

It may take days,
It may take weeks,
It may take months
To a year.

Don’t get impatient,
Just love me,
My dear.
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry too :)
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
Your eyes speak words
Your mouth can't
or is afraid to.

Your smile says more
Than a picture.
A prize winning photo.

Your hair speaks comfort
I wanna spend eternity
In your arms.

My heart beats
for your love,
In not sure i have.
(I feel I lost my talent for Poetry, I hope this isn't bad)
Ryan Cripps May 2020
Two young souls sat within the towering grass of an endless field.

They watched an infant universe dance out from a bottle, new life revealed.

As they watched and studied, their minds were filled with questions where the answers became lost in a void.

The boy so curious, he became furious because no answers to the burning questions made him annoyed.

As the patient child gazed in amazement at what they just discovered, the impatient child stood up and over the bottle, his foot hovered.

The patient child jolted upward and screamed a piercing sound
as the impatient child's foot hit the ground.

Under his ****** foot laid the remnants of an early life.

With no remorse, he walked off while the crying child held the shattered pieces in her hand and asked "why can't we have anything nice?".
(c) Ryan Kane 2020
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
The worst type of critic
Is the critic with in me.
I always judge my work
Even if it's written perfectly.

Just like other critics,
I cannot silence this one.
But it takes a toll on my work,
It takes out all the major fun.

I love to write,
I love to share my ideas.
But I think all my work is crud
Even if it's beloved by my peers.

This makes the delete button
Oh so popular.
The inner criticism is choking me
He's got his hands against my jugular.

But I love what I do,
And I'll fight to the death,
Even if my work does ****,
At least I tried my best.

I have to remember,
The best is what matters,
Practice makes perfect
I just have to continue climbing that ladder.

It'll be a tremendous feeling,
When I reach the top,
Because I'll know no critics
Even myself,
Made me stop what I love doing.

Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
In your arms I felt comfort.
In your arms I was when it thundered.
In your arms I felt security.
In your arms felt like eternity.
In your arms I liked to stay.
In your arms I’d spend all day.
In your arms I felt more than loved.
In your arms I got a sense of trust.
In your arms I held you back.
In your arms I kissed your neck.
In your arms was the very best thing.
Being in your arms meant everything.
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
I remember the first time we said hi
You complimented my shirt
Then said goodbye.
I remember the first day I came over
We went to bed drunk
And woke up hung-over.
I remember the day I asked you out
I remember that smile
I remember that night out.
It was the fourth of July
An oh so magical night.
Before the arguments and before the fights.
I remember thinking how lucky I was
I remember how all night we hugged.
The fireworks shined bright like your eyes,
I had to have been the luckiest guy alive.
I held your hand that entire day,
I remember how the skies turned gray,
But with you by my side,
It was like the sun stilled shined.
That day I made you mine,
I wish, I wish you were still mine.
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
It's 3am and the sky is dark.
Except for the stars
That make up a work of art.

No clouds, no fuss.
The moonshines through,
Lighting my room just enough.

A rough day of a rough week,
But this is the best time.
A time of peace.

Nature is calming.
Nature is anxieties worst enemy.
At 3 in the morning
The world doesn't exist to me.
I don't know if it's anxietys or anxieties..
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Ryan Cripps Dec 2014
Why can't I write?
Why can I no longer bleed words?
Has life taken that much of a toll
That I can no longer write about my world?

Isn't pain or happiness supposed to inspire a beautiful or heart wrenching poem?
I am currently experiencing both feelings in my life, but the words still do not show.

I spend hours on a keyboard, and weeks on my phone; trying to type a simple tiny poem.

But the blank page stares at me, mocking my lack of inspiration. I feel a lack of dedication and not an ounce of motivation.

I've lost it...

I can no longer express my feelings through ink or through the keys on a computer. I thought this was my skill, but I guess writing is no longer in my future.
Let me know what you think. I haven't wrote in a while. Comment and favorite (:

Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll follow back)
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
I was dead before I jumped,
I was dead before I woke.
I was dead out the door
To enjoy my last smoke.

There I stood on top the building,
Staring at the sky.
Took in a deep breath,
And closed my eyes.

I jumped off the ledge,
I ran from my past.
I was soon to be dead,
On a bed of broken glass.

People crowed in shock
but no one really cared.
People were watching me,
But it was like no one was really there.
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry too :)
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
Those thick thighs
are a sight for sore eyes
But your best feature
has to be your brown eyes.

and this aint a lie,
When I say im in love with you.
We haven't talked much,
but baby im drawn to you.

I miss you so much,
from the second you leave,
I can't stand you go home
to that ****** bag steve.

When im the guy
you so rightfully deserve.
I don't mean to be cocky
but you said it first.

but i'll wait for the day
When you come back and say,
That you wanna be with me
until our final days.

Sadly, you never did,
I was just another kid,
Who you wanted to ****
and then called it quits.

Such a hippocrite
After running your lips
about how much ******* one over
makes you wanna flip.

But thats exactly what you did
and don't even try to deny it,
Because if you do I got ammo
to call you out on your ****.

So whatever,
you're just another girl.
Another human being passing me
in this ****** up world.

You've come and gone,
And I'm moving on.
Don't even try to chat me,
I'm way too strong.
its 2 a.m
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
You wrote me like a book.
You made me who I am.
Before I met you I was a boy.
After you, I was a man.

A broken man though,
Unrecognizably shattered.
Heart ripped from my chest,
Then stomped on, and left battered.

It's my own fault though.
I was a man, but immature.
I was blinded by personal problems.
When I should have been blinded by your allure.

But your heart is more broken.
I can tell from when we talk.
I can tell every time we texted.
And I could tell on our last walk.

Trust and kindness is what you sought.
And trust and kindness is what I brought.
But as we developed. You saw different.
Our love was free but became imprisoned.

It's still locked up.
Serving 25 to life.
But if it ever gets out.
I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Ryan Cripps Sep 2016
I don't need wealth.
I don't need fame.
I don't need love
or all of it's pain.

All I need is you,
and your open arms.
All I need is your smile,
and your special charm.

I don't want choices,
I just want you.
But you don't believe me
even though It's true.

I pray one day
you see us through.
The sun will never bring warmth
quite like you.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
@RyanWritesStuff - Twitter
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
I do not find this path familiar,
It does not appear on the map.
I keep walking this path,
afraid to look back.

I need to be pointed in the right direction.
I'm not fit to walk alone.
I need to be put on a guided path
or forever I will roam.

As I continue walking,
in the middle of the fork in the road an elderly man stands alone.
His beard as white as snow, with a tannish skin tone.

I ask him if he could point me in the correct direction, as to which path will take me to a better future.

He looks up at me with watery eyes and says "I cannot help you, for I am lost too".
I don't know
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Love can shape the world.
Love is what you show your girl.
Love is being there for someone at
three in the morning for whatever reason.
Love shouldnt change like the seasons.
(c) 2016 - Ryan Kane
Ryan Cripps Mar 2020
We are born without memory of whom we once were.
We are born exposed to the elements and incoherent whispers.
We are stripped of our power, if we had any before;
doomed to live life again chore by chore.

Why ask 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦?
when there is a better question to be asked.
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥?
The afterlife is said to be so tranquil, so at ease, so overwhelmingly free.
But perhaps that's all a hyperbole?

Maybe the afterlife is chilling,
maybe we are confined to be alone.
Maybe there is nothing there,
just us floating in the abyss
without even a thought of home.

Or maybe until the day arrives where you're offered a choice.
Do you stick around for nothing or regain your voice.
If you say 𝘺𝘦𝘴, then you're off into the light.
If you choose to live again, you could make this one right.

Maybe we continue to mess up and never learn from our mistakes.
Perhaps death comes at a time where our creator thinks we need a break.
Maybe dying to just be reborn is a second chance, a second take.
Maybe each time we live, we learn, and then truly awake.

Maybe this life that we continue to live and relive is a test
and in order to reach the true afterlife we have to achieve our best.
So maybe we'll continue to live until we become like our creator.
And if we never learn, maybe we're stuck in this world;
to relapse, forget, repeat, not doing our own self a favor.
(c) 2020 Ryan Kane
Ryan Cripps Apr 2017
You and I were miles apart,
but connected through the stars.
I guess their lights must've burnt out
because now you're nothing but a memory
I sing to a empathetic tune on my guitars.
(c) Ryan J. Kane 2017
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
I write poems,
I write home.
Missing everyone
And I feel alone.

State of sunshine
Not in my mind.
"How you doing?"
I'm doing fine.

But that's a lie
And I wanna die.
All I got here
Is to get high.

My dad is here
But he cause tears.
Verbal abuse
Lingers near.

Words hurt but he don't know.
Only 5 months but it went slow.
Plan landed and I came home.
Now I no longer feel alone.
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
Ryan Cripps May 2015
Hello, Nine-one-one? I'm calling to report a missing persons. She's been missing for more than forty-eight hours, and I'm beginning to become ill with worry. Yes, she's gone missing before, but she always seems to turn up again not long after. She's never been gone this long. I don't know what to do. She is everything to me; she creates new life, she brings me new ideas, she builds worlds no one else could create. She's the reason I can do what I am best at, and without her...I've become nothing. It feels like a piece of me has been ripped out and stomped on multiple times. I now wake up and feel as if there is no new life to be found, to be created, to cherish. There is no more beauty to worship. I can no longer bring alive an idea from my one of a kind mind because there are no new ideas to be born. Not an idea to flow from my brain and through a pen and on to some paper. There is nothing to inspire me because she is gone, and probably forever. Without her I'm lost. Her name is...Creativity, and I suspect Writers Block of taking her...
This is my first poem in a few months, so it may be a little rough. Criticism, and comments are welcome as always!

If you like this poem check out my others and give it a like!

Follow me as well on Hello Poetry and I'll follow you right back!
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016

I love you so much, please have no doubt.
I know I've been a pain, but I don't blame you for a thing.
You did what was best, and I made you suffer.
In reality you're amazing, you're a mom like no other.
If I can be as half as strong as you, I'd be in disbelief.
And even when I was complaining, you still loved me.

No apology can *EVER
  make up for what I've said.
But at least you can rest tonight with this in your head.
I have beyond the average amount of respect for you,
I'll never stop loving you. You're my mom, and you're my hero.

*I don't deserve you.
Remember: Like, Share, Comment, Follow!
It all helps me out, and I check out whoever follows me :)
Ryan Cripps Mar 2018
You are the light that guides me to a clear path in life.
You are the calm that keeps the hurricane away.
Without you I would wander aimlessly through the prickly bushes
and would be without shelter, without loving arms to secure me after a frightening day.

If god didn't love me, he would not have gifted me with such a pleasent gift to love and to cherish.
Someone who makes me feel an eternal bliss.
My goodness, I love you, and I've said it without hesitance even through our rough times because you are my goddess, my liz, you are all mine.
(c) 2018 - Ryan Kane

Long time no see. I feel like I had to post something soon haha Just a little something I whipped up for a girlfriend I was seeing a while ago.
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
You’re my father and I strongly dislike you.
I can name a hundred reasons for why I do.
But let’s start with the first, how you treat my mom.
I don’t care who you are, you do that, and you’re gone.
My mom is my life, I love her, and she is my protector.
She always has been since you were never there.
The way you talked to her and the way you treated her.
My entire childhood was an emotional roller coaster.
Spending hours with my mom, who was crying in bed,
All because you couldn't keep a calm head.
Then you’d yell at me when I told you what you did.
I was only looking after my mom, I was only a kid.
That’s all I remember, is you’re verbal abuse.
Always with your big mouth always profuse.
Still to this day, you’re still picking on us.
That’s why I packed and I left your house.
I came back home, where my heart belongs.
To stay here with the parent I love, my mom.
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Your laugh made me smile
In the most down of times.
I was the luckiest guy
To have called you mine.

Your hair was so soft,
Your eyes were so calm,
And your lips always tasted like
That special cherry lip balm.

When I was with you,
Everything felt right.
My favorite moments
Were when we would stay up all night.

All we did was talk.
There was no fighting.
We talked about everything.
While in the covers we were hiding.

We slept all day,
We were perfect from the start,
I just wish I could turn back time,
And redo my part.

I really did love you,
I wish you believed me,
Because maybe if we tried,
We’d still be cuddling.
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Her skin is like silk

         smooth to the touch.

Her lips are soft like cotton

      which is why I ask for kisses so much.

Her eyes are caring, compassionate, and her hugs so warm.

     **My life without her is like a hurricane, and she calms my storm
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane

Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
I'm never giving up on you,
and why would I want to?
I'm not the one to profess my love and leave,
I'm more scared you would do that to me.

I fell many times
before you helped me back up.
So why in the hell
would I want to give you up?

So I don't plan on leaving,
I've never even thought about that day.
You got me for as long as you'd like,
I've always planned to stay.
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Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Smoke rises from the water
Like my love rises from the grave.
Up until this very day
I thought everything would be okay.
But that was until I saw an old photo of a ghost.
A person that I miss and love the most.
But that connection is dead.
The bones broken down to meal.
So I need to walk away
And act like it's no big deal.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
It's one of those days
Where I've got no inspiration.
Where I'm writing
Completely out of desperation.

The pen is dried up,
But there's still ink inside.
I thought I had something going
but the stanza was denied.

I hate these types of days.
It's the potential for writers block.
My inspiration is on the edge,
it's got the gun loaded and cocked.

I feel a lack of dedication.
A lack of education.
There needs to be medication
for a lack of inspiration.
Follow me on twitter: @radicalmartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
"Blue Lines" Available Soon!
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
No Lights

I sit in my quiet room
Where no one can bother me.
Where I can't hear anything.
I can't hear any yelling, fighting, or screams.

in this room I write.
I write my life away.
I also dream in here.
I dream for better days.

At a young age.
No kid should see these fights.
That's why I sit in my closest.
Where I can't see anything.
Because there are no lights.
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry too :)
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