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Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Letters to My Lover..... I
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
This poem has been submitted for possible publication.  It will be reposted as soon as possible upon final determination.  Please feel free to peruse my poesy at your leisure.

Thank you so much,

Letter 1.  not sure how many there will be.  We shall see how inspired i become. :)
Oct 2014 · 6.8k
Power of SHE
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
Thick skin falls in pieces
To reveal a molten liquid center
A beauty never gazed upon by another
A glow of heat and pain and
Hidden from prying eyes
Kept safe from strangers and "loved ones" alike
Permanent fists grip tightly
As the center boils hot upon its release
And a trickle becomes a flood
In the right hands...

In the right heart
The stiff grip loosens
And new skin, soft and supple
Replaces the old
Stronger than one could have imagined
Sweeter than one could hope
A butterfly against the odds
And a struggle ends in .....**love
For that sweet one, the one no one else can truly see.
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Poet Laureate
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
The poet weaves his magic web of words
They dance in the moonlight
Glistening with dewdrops
Like mezmerizing stars
Stalk and pounce is left to lions
The prey will come to him
Lured by sheer beauty
A glimpse of the soul
Hidden secrets locked in boxes
Peeks inside draw her near
The truth is found in years of purging
Unabashed release without inhibitions
Darkness and light
Shadow puppets of reality
Watched, absorbed
And loved more with each passage
Harsh words foment
Pain breeds caring
Love and hope pull her in
Laying bare on the dewy silken words
She waits and he smiles
As he claims his prize
Oct 2014 · 3.8k
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
you said you don't want to hurt me
yet words lash like a whip
rending flesh from the heart
what is done, cannot be undone
words cannot be unspoken or unheard
unapologetic and cold
there is no bandage for the wounds
as the blood falls from my eyes
in sulfur and ash
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
PrttyBrd Oct 2014
hearts bought and sold on whimsy
dark secrets screamed aloud
resonate in empty heart chambers
dislodging logic
as ripples shift sense to passion

sold for a song
bought for practice
eyes open, heart shut
heart open, eyes shut
bubbling cauldrons
casting spells
deeper, deeper, deeper down
darkness blinds normality
and bends reality

let go/ hold on
tighter, until hands weaken
watching shadows of self
chasing shadows of yesterday
fear or excitement
aroused or afraid

enchanting eyes in navy winter
trust a stranger and lose yourself
trust yourself and lose a connection
tied in musky fog
to the inside of another
chained to that which claimed you
for nothing more than cupidity
Sep 2014 · 822
Once Upon a Breeze
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
Hazy skies of stormy gray reflect your gaze upon my own
Blustery winds like fingers in my hair
Wrapped in end of summer heat
Signs of you beside me keep my crumbled heart whole
Patched with the greatest love at a distance
Bound in light eternally

For Him
Sep 2014 · 3.1k
Never to be Spoken
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
I will give you everything
The moon and all its stars
If you stand beside me in the sun
Just as you are
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
Too dead to cry
Yet dull pain still hurts
Too damaged to register
Too easy to accomodate
Sunlight blinds
Fresh air suffocates
Dusty damp corners
Lurking in darkness
Slinking through the shadows
Of what feels normal
Colorless stink of contentedness
Fills the heart
Fills the senses
Feels too full to want.....anything
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
To the Bare Bones
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
A heart skinned alive
Just to prove a love
A soul grated by self-loathing and denial
Finding acceptance for what's shattered
Giving all that's inside 'til you're empty
And all the flesh 'til you're numb
Waiting for a chance
To believe in unspoken promises
Risking, losing your soul to love a shadow
Trusting beyond reason
Yet not at all
Twisted frowns can't be called a smile
And pain is not tantamount to joy
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Tenere In Memoria
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
Tenere in Memoria
The world now coated in a film
Like faded pictures of long ago
Peeling layers of emotion
Distorting images, memories, perception
Longing to feel that feeling
Any feeling
Tied to when she loved me
Was it but yesterday a year ago
A lifetime in muted colors....still
Dulled by pain
Perhaps, too, by fear
A babe in her arms
Rebellion from the plain fact
That love, in any hue, is real
Friendship out of distance
A foundation of strength
Built on the shoulders of a woman
Stronger than any man
Fragile just the same
Bonded in life
So too in death
Razors slowly replace silence
Muted colors turn angry
Turn black as the void settles in
Every sunny day
A spiteful reminder of joy gone by
Memories revisited more often than made
Time, an immortal enemy
Longing to feel that feeling
Any feeling
Tied to when she loved me
For a friend. You will always be loved.
Sep 2014 · 739
Enervating Desolation
PrttyBrd Sep 2014
Such pretty clouded moonlight
in a midnight sky
of shadows
Aug 2014 · 817
PrttyBrd Aug 2014
Write with me a thing of beauty
For everyone to see
To gaze upon our very souls
Together, you and me
Words that dance upon the heart
Like a feather on the skin
Feelings painted honestly
In hues from deep within
Write with me a thing so lovely
That everyone will know
The purest of emotions
In two hearts at once betrothed
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
I am you* in unseen places
The you, which you ignore
Forgotten and left behind

I am you behind the play
The nails and glue
That hide behind the picturesque facade

I am you crouched in wait
Perched and ready
To be acknowledged as truth

I am you inside your words
Shared anonymously
Naked, alone, embittered and brilliant

I am you crouched in the darkest corner
Shadowed by pain
Seething in silence

I am you oblivious to the knowledge
That in this twisted loss of self
You are in fact...**me
Jul 2014 · 3.6k
Ordinate Compliance
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Such a good young man,
If only they knew the side you keep hidden
The side that is darkened shadows that breathe my name
So sweet,
Indeed you are delicious
When fed to me from the depths of my very soul
On your knees with no questions asked
With a look, you do your job
Sweet and obedient
Good boys are
I keep you at my feet

My pretty little princess fair
Who dances in my ******* pink
How the people stop and stare
As from my depths you start to drink

Enough! No more frivolity
Suit up my pet
Bows tied and scented in heaven
Dressed in satin and lace
All hidden to the naked eye
And with every step
With every breath
You are lost in me
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
I love you
All of you
As you are
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
In the wee hours of nothing
We exist as ourselves
Too tired for delusions
Too asleep to lie
Too awake to dream
We are our unfiltered selves
Content to just be...
In the wee hours
Jul 2014 · 3.5k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Catching feelings on a breeze, ingesting emotions inhaling you
One stroke senryu
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Sweetness be ******
I'm dancing in hell
Dipping my feet in the sea of souls
Breathing in the scent of deadly sins
Slow and tender long faded past
Slapped to the precipice with a pendulum of flesh
As the sacred dagger of life
Stabs bouts of ecstasy
To the hilt
Hammer of the Gods
And all is right in the world
Jul 2014 · 5.2k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Lavender rainbows in teal green skies
Where all clouds are lined silver
Glittered lakes in powder pink
Feed pastel unicorns with pearlesque horns
Twisted in iridescent beauty
In a land of pretty pegasi
Dreams become reality become dreams
For Aliah and her love of all things unicorny
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
my stranger
is no stranger than yours
my stranger in wanton yearning
unfulfilled in lustful need
stated in words behind a glorious smile
every desire spotted before spoken
unrealized reality attached in naughty secrets
binding in the everyday, so sweet
make it hurt so **** good
sugar and spice in pretty pictures
painted in the sweat off a begging brow
joy fills the air with each squeeze of desire
with each pang of acceptance
dancing on the edge of bliss
drowning in skeletons uncloseted
owned by a stranger
whose stranger is no stranger than you
Jul 2014 · 1.4k
Luckless Romance
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Through the colors of dusk, you enticed me
Wide-eyed and inquisitive
Laughing in modesty,
Yet filled with desire
Fast friends in honest notions
Too close too quickly, perhaps
Yet so similar in design
Too tight a fit
Too much to handle
Bonded passion through darkest night
The colors of dawn bid the possibilities adieu
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
State of Affairs
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
What my reality is
Is not a dream come true
It's a flowing tide of incidents
With people true to who they believe they are supposed to be

What my reality is
Is a mess of circumstance
And an unrivaled openness
That oft scares those afraid of who they are

What my reality is
Is the nightmare that my truth
Leaves me lonely surrounded by those I love

What my reality is
No longer concerns you
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
There she was
An angel in beautiful words
Words found only in his dreams
In those hidden corners of lubriciousness
Musky shadows muted the sunniest of days
Like-minds grazed in intensity
And from those shadows rose her sun
Resplendent and bold
Illuminating every nook and cranny as she passed
There is no judgement as he reads
Those possibilities in her beautiful words
Could it be, there is another...kindred

But no, doubt fills a mind wrapped in norms and raised in terms of proper
Curiosity begs the question
Her truth answers his innermost lies
Looking for justification, a way out
Raised believing, too good to be true always is
Looking for a way to feed doubt and squelch a fledgling reality
Yet found his fantasies in this angel
With a face that made them real

What do you do when your demons become human
When your shame is no longer shameful
When you are accepted as you are, in all your seeming depravity
When your darkest yearnings are craved by another wading in the pool of lasciviousness
When your concupidity is realized

Crossing the line dragging fantasy into daylight
Holding on with both hands basking in the sun
There is a sweetness in this angel with beautiful words
A loving nature, a truth that cannot lie
And there is a gentleness in his heart that he cannot reconcile with darkest passion
So, what do you do with a dream come true?

You walk away into the norm and leave the joy to burn in her sun
Pretending her sweetness feels no pain
Hoping against hope, that her reality was never your dream
Need help naming this one. Any and all suggestions appreciated :)

You guys are awesome. Between the fabulous suggestions here, in messages and on fb i have settled on a mix of suggestions. Thanks and hugs to you all. Let me know what you think ;)
Jul 2014 · 811
Adios Querido Amigo
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Happy our paths crossed
Wrapped up in conversations
Naughty by nature
Jul 2014 · 895
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
A shadow of never was rings true in my heart
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
PrttyBrd Jul 2014
Fooled by childlike exuberance,
because your sweetness is your depravity
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
coup d'état
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Eyes blinded by passion as you grab my hair
Claimed as yours, you display proudly
And I  cannot hold still
Desire burns hot
You stick your fingers through my smile and make room
Room to claim me as yours, once and for all
A fistful of hair positions you inside of me
Eyes water with depth
Trying to breathe, I squirm
Held gently but firmly in place
A naughty smile and a Twinkle in those hazel eyes
No, you will not win,
Not this time.
For I am not yours
You are mine
My rod of molten steel
My elixir of life
Hold me in place and take it home
My eyes never leave yours
You watch intently as you disappear, repeatedly
I can't help but smile, though I have no room to do so
Warm and wet i take what you give
And when I am released
I find myself sharing the joy
Jun 2014 · 3.2k
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
You have had me in every way
Rising mountains and flooded hollers
Gifted with everything, and I have nothing left to offer but this
This treasure of depravity
As you clean the crevices and ***** my mind
Worship, slather,  repeat
You delve in fiending for the taste
and with each pass of that silver tongue my thoughts get more tarnished
And you get...all of me
Taken in heat engulfed in passion
Drilled to the core
Filled with rapasciousness
I offered a gift and I was chewed up and swallowed
Consumed fully
Wanton abandon in caveman style of take what is yours
And that...I am
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Wakey Wakey
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Sun** breaks the peace of raindrops
Glaring through the window
Burning flesh awake
"Rise and Shine" it SCREAMS in silence
And the hint of laughter on a breeze
Taunts the groggy mind
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  time passes in slow motion or in decades at a time.  and oh how they've grown.  how i've grown.  exhaustion lixiviates memories stained with emotion and faded fantasies.  tears leach anguish in oxidized tracks of pain.  and with time comes wisdom, or so it would seem.  because oh, how they've grown. how i've grown.  

privileged emotions
honored with joy, hope, love, pain
in an endless faunt

oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  inches and miles, torment and smiles, but oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  through time and travels, between the lines and written in bold. oh how they've grown, how i've grown

crossing paths in time
blessed to experience truth
throughout the journey

oh how they've grown. how i've grown.  timeless hearts through the birth of stars.  longing to share time in bits and pieces of eternity to see, oh how they've grown, how i've grown.  and here, in this very moment, growing like weeds in summer, encompassed in the vastness of all things waxing eternal.   

all by leaps and bounds
naked in time standing still
lifetimes in seconds

and oh how they've i've grown
A Haibun
Jun 2014 · 3.5k
Lascivious Edacity
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
I'm As Real As Your Thoughts, Do not Fear Me

*******'s hangover

Tangential emotion

Birthed in a string of complacency

Welcome, my Prince of the Edge of Shadows
Jun 2014 · 3.2k
Paradoxical Paramour
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
        ­                                                     KIND*

Steeped in licentiousness
engulfed in shadows
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
I want to ruin sweetness
to turn him into the animal I know lives inside
to temper anger with restraint and lust with true desire
a transformation from pet to wild beast
I want to rule his passion not his heart
I want to command him
with the heat of desire and pain of longing
I want him to relinquish control and give in
I need to teach him what it means to be greedy and lustful
he will submit and reap the rewards
Jun 2014 · 6.4k
As Yet Unsaid
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
When you
absentmindedly laugh at me with such warmth
It is then that I see your heart

When you
eagerly assume you'll read my most intimate words
it is then that I feel the truth

When you
matter-of-factly believe I'm amazing
it is then I realize I've always loved you
Jun 2014 · 7.0k
Counterfeit Beings
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Dreams* crafted
useless yesterdays
empty tomorrows

Cracks spackled
makeup and tears

Porcelain facade

... *
Jun 2014 · 762
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Changes within
Changes without
The game without fun is useless
Rules are guidelines not facts
And so the wall begins
The first brick laid in tears
Pushed back across the line
The next laid in blood
Words lashed out
Toughening tender hearts
And the foundation is set
For the wall of regrets
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
macrocosm ad infinitum
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
there is love in laughter
and laughter in love
timeless longing in hearts
dreaming of
eons past
when cosmos were new
lost through millennia
still tethered to you
by spiritual umbilicus
feeding the soul
nourishing the heart
while paying a toll
for passing through time
your blood in my veins
unsettled in heartbeats
still calling your name
a name unrecognized
through these earthly ears
for I knew you as many
throughout timeless years
though tied in this body
two souls bound by love
found and completed
through cosmos above
Yours throughout time
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Onomatopoetical Heart
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Silence weighs heavy
As it dances across my soul
Doing graceful pirouettes
As the darkness encroaches
Muted sounds of yesterday
Echo softly in the distance
Until naught but reverberations
Linger in faded memory
Like laughter that never was
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
You are an artiste
painting with words
shading with wit
coloring with vocabulary
and adding texture with subtle metaphor

There is melody in the emotion
elicited between the words
between the very letters
that you weave into the heart
into my heart.

3D pictures forged in the mind's eye
tacked to the soul
with each line
with each word
with each letter

You are an artiste
Jun 2014 · 2.1k
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Your jagged thoughts in crooked patterns remind me of....*

Jun 2014 · 1.2k
The Same Whole
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
Sometimes*, it feels like
If you'd cut yourself
I'd bleed
Jun 2014 · 4.0k
in your shadow
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
beautiful twisted words of wonder have eaten through my soul
Jun 2014 · 1.6k
I Am Her
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
I am the her that is his muse
I am the her that makes him shine
I am the her that called to him
And caused the stars to realign

I am the her that is his breath
I am the her that is his smile
I am the her that made him see
Joy is not synonymous with guile

I am the her that fills his heart
I am the her that gives him life
I am the her that takes away
His suffering and strife

I am the her behind his words
I am the her that sees the man
I am the her that shows him how
The power of love is in our hands
Jun 2014 · 917
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
And so it has been reached, the threshold of what was and what will be
One stroke haiku
Jun 2014 · 102.5k
the basics
PrttyBrd Jun 2014
love generates kindness
trust generates peace
open hearts breed understanding
May 2014 · 3.7k
unsolicited 10w
PrttyBrd May 2014
you may call it
but you're just an *******
May 2014 · 3.0k
From the Inside
PrttyBrd May 2014
Shining armor rusts internally from salted tears of discontent
one stroke senryu
May 2014 · 3.2k
Write for Me
PrttyBrd May 2014
Paint for me a dream
Colored in hues of emotion
Steeped in love
And dusted in music
May 2014 · 4.4k
at that i smile
PrttyBrd May 2014
i  smile at the thought of your eyes
and the sound of your smile
and the warmth of your voice
yes, at that i smile
May 2014 · 3.0k
PrttyBrd May 2014
In Your smile is born my very breath
I give you all i have to give
Your lies have brought about my death
For trust has no place left to live
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