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May 2014 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd May 2014
After years of living...
                                 of loving...

The truth
                                      becomes  *lies
May 2014 · 2.4k
PrttyBrd May 2014
he searches though i am not lost
he worries when i am not close
he fears what keeps me away

though i am with him always
though he is my calm sea
though my heart lays within him
out of sight is NEVER out of mind.  I  only love forever.
May 2014 · 3.1k
I Kinda Love U
PrttyBrd May 2014
frozen in that instant
For a moment
perfection lingers
May 2014 · 1.5k
PrttyBrd May 2014
In a moment of weakness
My heart begged to lean on you

Searching in early morning darkness
I reached for your shadow

Fully expecting to be caught,  I fell
Caught only by my broken hopes of you

Realizing, at once, that it is in fact I
Who is broken
Minimalist, short form poetry,
May 2014 · 2.2k
PrttyBrd May 2014
for if I remain here without you, surely the weight of my heart will drown me.
May 2014 · 2.6k
PrttyBrd May 2014
I suffer
Neither alone nor in silence
Invisible in person
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
Amado Mío
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
tú eres mí alma
mí corazón entera
mí propio vida
My Beloved

you are everything
my heart, my soul
my very life

Apr 2014 · 1.7k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
At one time, for a time
The flowers danced beside me
The fields swayed with the music of our hearts

At one time, for a time
My heart was overflowing
Knowing love would never leave us part

At one time, for a time
There never was a question
Doubt was simply a word we never felt

At one time, for a time
The ugly glistened lovely
For through your eyes the darkness seemed to melt

At one time, for a time
The ladybug would giggle
As it flew in loops around your smile

At one time, for a time
Your love would heal my sadness
Oh to live that one time, for awhile
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Ode to an Angel
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
The darkest night eclipses the brightest stars
Eons in solitude
Addled by a sky steeped in navy
Ships with no direction
The soul drowns
Sinking deeper by the hour, by the minute, by each passing second
As it is engulfed in the tar of a languid existence,
There is a vision in spirit awash in a burst of light
Luna bathes all who see her, who trust her
As the darkest soul, full of dreams undreamt
Is blinded by light's quintessence
Yet, at once able to see the truth that is now exposed
And with eyes wide open, naught but a glimpse was caught
A glimpse of an angel
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
the warmth of your hands
as they hold my heart
messages are a treasure when you speak in poetry
Apr 2014 · 3.8k
Do Me A Favor
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
I can’t

I accidentally injured myself

I fractured my motivation
inspired by my nephew, thanks for nothin' kid, lol love ya ☺♥☺
Apr 2014 · 5.1k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
Cattails in the morning dew
Gently swaying in the wind
Glistening in the sunrise
Stretching toward its warmth
Butterflies spread their wings
Landing in unison with its motion
Perched upon its summit
Clinging on in the cool breeze
Still glistening in the morning dew
Apr 2014 · 2.4k
as you lighten my shadows
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
You Are Not My Friend
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
You are not who I thought you were
You are not what I wanted you to be
You are not what you claimed
You are not your promises

*You are but the lies you told
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
Sitting in silence, in her gold gilded cage
Filled with wistful wonder
With doors left open, fears are assuaged
Neither bound nor torn asunder

Yet broken wings cannot take flight
Even if she chose to try
Alone in a cage with no one in sight
She can't sing, but silently cries

Born to be loved in deep adoration
Her heart, won over with words
Consumed to ash in conflagration
A bird with no song to be heard
Apr 2014 · 6.8k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
you are my sweetest dream.
you are my ever after
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Upon the Wings of Words
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
A poet's heart has called to me
Beckoning, I come willingly
A soul so open I can see
The imperfections
Reflecting mine in harmony
Shining reflection

So bare and raw from years of pain
Scorched from all the dragons slain
Still, a peaceful core remains
With hopeful of laughter
Seeking love without disdain
For ever after

Through the blood poured on a page
Soaked from all the tears of rage
Gathered wisdom of a sage
The words are calling
Freeing birds from in a cage
No fear of falling

To the Scribe:  I offer you
An honest soul to shelter you
There is nothing left for you to do
Your words have won me
Wounds have healed, and hearts renewed
Bestowed upon thee

So take my humble offering
Hold it close and hear it sing
Perhaps some very special things
We'll brew together
As souls are tied upon a string
Forever tethered

With words so strong to pull me in
Bleeding tears right through the skin
Boring passion deep within
We have united
Lovers heat burns oxygen
Through words requited
Apr 2014 · 2.3k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
cut to the quick
in ten seconds flat

I'm done
Apr 2014 · 3.4k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
Stop talking
For I cannot be who you need me to be
I cannot be who you love
For I am neither wind, nor rain, nor summer sun
I cannot light your nights like a full moon and it's glittering counterparts

Stop talking
For I cannot be what you see in me
I cannot be who you love
For I am neither Princess, nor Queen, nor damsel  in distress
I cannot save you and I do not want to be saved

Stop talking
For I cannot be the she in your dreams
I cannot be who you love
I encompass no fancy tales of enchantment
I cannot promise an ending full of happiness; I can only promise an ending

Stop talking
For I cannot be your fantasy
I cannot be who you love
For I am just a girl inside a woman, I am less a lady than you deserve
And despite my honest words, my heart pleads

Don't ever cease
Apr 2014 · 868
without intent :(
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
I hurt a man
Out of insensitivity
I hurt a man
Through thoughtless pride
I hurt a man
With my inner truths
I hurt a man
With insecurities
I hurt a man
Thinking he didn't care
I hurt a man
Who is my friend
I hurt a man
Who thought he loved me
I hurt a man
Apr 2014 · 949
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
How deep the depths to which you have touched me

Places that laid waiting in shadows, drowning in stagnant air

You have pulled up the blinds and opened a window

Lighting each corner, each crack that had only been accessible to the darkest fog

You have quietly healed what I had long forgotten was broken
Apr 2014 · 2.8k
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
teased in hopeful anticipation
seconds pass in days

**tortured surrender
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
Across a Thousand Miles
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
Paint my screen with love.
By virtual osmosis, perhaps I shall smile
one stroke senryu
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
how i know
PrttyBrd Apr 2014
a whisper of familiarity
a hint of deja vu
and undetectable scent
in a room full of roses
this is how i know you

at the bottom of every breath
at the end of every heartbeat
miniscule moments
of absolute serenity
this is how i know you

faceless throughout a dream
the tune i can't quite place
the lingering warmth
after an unexpected nap
this is how i know you

the peace underlying chaos
the hope that pushes despair
the truth that hides
in misconception
this is how i know you

the thread that ties the then to now
the link between before and after
the love that makes me
who i am meant to be
This,  is how i know you
Mar 2014 · 10.5k
My Obsession
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
I fear
The closer we get
The stronger the longing
Mar 2014 · 2.8k
u r my flawed perfection
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
That I take you
No exceptions
No conditions
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
as i see it
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Don't you know?
All of you is beautiful to me
Mar 2014 · 2.9k
feather in
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
In that instant, a truer truth will ne'er be found
Mar 2014 · 3.3k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
My truth
your perception
is never a fair fight
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Defined by Perception
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
In the chaos of the mind
On any given day
Can be found two things
Disjointed pieces of self, and
A kaleidoscope of beautiful fragments
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Searching:**  darkness
Needing:  your voice
Grasping:  for reality in dreams
Mar 2014 · 2.1k
Ain't Foolin' No One
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Little girl
Little girl
Stupid as can be
Holding onto things that aren't real

Little girl
Little girl
Look around and see
With all you hide, there's nothing you conceal
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
In a cup or a glass, a bottle or a flask
Liquid courage masquerades as personality
Everyone wants to be someone else sometime
So choose a poison and swallow inhibitions
Be that someone, or someone else
Control is an illusion
Courage cannot be purchased or consumed
Bluffing affability through a counterfeit life
Found in a cup or a glass, a bottle or a flask
Mar 2014 · 2.5k
Not Created Equal
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
A call with intention
A voice with inflection

electric words
Mar 2014 · 862
Hypocrisy of Man
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Love vs ***
Want vs Need

Mar 2014 · 2.1k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
When the thought of an absence
tears at the spirit
leaving a vacuum in its place
Perhaps it shall be called love

When a life would freely
be given for another
without thought or hesitation
Perhaps it shall be called love

When the happiness of another
means more than ones own
Perhaps it shall be called love

When walking away is the only option
to allow for that happiness
Perhaps it too, shall be called love
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
I am in love
For the first time
In the briefest of moments
On the shortest of days

I am in love
With a person of great value
Whose opinion has a voice
Who found peace within

I am in love
With a heart that is ever overflowing
Eyes that see beauty in all things witnessed
Lips that speak naught but truth

I am in love
Completely and utterly
With the utmost honesty
With the promise to remember this feeling always

For I am in love
In the briefest of moments
On the shortest of days
With the person I have finally become

I am in love
Mar 2014 · 2.1k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Trust is not weakness
Vulnerability is where honesty breeds hope
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
The Innocence of Man
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Draining Hell-fire through fingertips. Fully immersed in emotion, not just the memory.  Reliving the feeling of tortured souls while bleeding ink into words.  Slinking from an ashen past into a jet black future. The present lost, forgotten, left behind in transition from shadow to darkness. Shattered souls resuscitated and shared for the mere pleasure of others.  there is no time to wallow, no self pity. That is not found in this place, burned off as sulfur in the brewing of a demon.  

She comes alive
Through yesterday's ashes
Succubus divine

Such a pretty little package. Sugar and spice and everything that isn't meant for human consumption.  Poison mind seething, searching for the vulnerable, the gullible, the innocent, and the sweetly vile.  Spewing forth honesty in liquid courage.  No need to lie when eyes believe what they see.  Beauty in the moonlight, sweetness in a smile, desire in a twinkle of Hell in the eye.  Oh, that bit of Hell is a lot to chew.  Take a bite and choke.  Lost forever are pieces of you, your heart, your soul feeds her beautiful demons.  Her flawless imperfections beguile and betray the mind, as those demons consume her divinely

Entranced by beauty
He stalks his prey in music
She absorbs his soul

Honeysuckle perfume taints the air.  And the honey will never again taste as sweet. Swimming mind lost in those ruby lips and laughter like cracking glass heard as tinkling bells.  Ensnared in the thorns that hook the flesh by surprise. The warmth of the fire masks the sting. All part of the dance.  Writhing, hypnotic friction disguised as emotion, disguised as desire, disguised as love.  Motion so fluid whispers depravity behind the eyes of an angel.  There is nothing else.  She gets what she wants. You believe you have her right where you want her, but it is she who has lead the way from the first whiff of the stench of you as you entered the room.

He believes he won her
She devours his essence
vanishing at once

As she is craved, she burns your soul.  This demon who drains Hell-fire into words.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Existing tethered by hope
to a love not my own
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
To Dare to Divulge
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
He asked to see my words
Joy in unexpected interest
But to share a glimpse inside the emptiness
The truth I've hidden for years
The fact that my feelings lay bare in ink
Though no longer reside in my soul

He asked to see my words
Answers to unasked questions
The truth of my daily struggle
The demons dancing within
The reason my heart is dessicated
The shame of my reality

He asked to see my words
To learn I do not trust
To see the dark prevail
So different from what I show
Frightened to lose someone else
Someone I dared to pretend to love

He asked to see my words
Hidden within is truth
The fact I try to no avail
That I only betray myself
To risk a loss of one so dear
There will be no recovery from nonacceptance

He asked to see my words
Mar 2014 · 2.8k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Know it all in theory never practiced
Waddles and quacks
Assumptions under false pretenses
Opinions often criticize
Judgments without a clue
Senseless chatter
Assless pants
Years behind
Broken spirits
Wavering faith
What is proof?
Wasted life and selfish acts
Yeah, what do you know?
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
You text yourself snipets of thoughts/lines, and when you go back to retrieve them you notice the only person you've texted back all day was yourself.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
I Am a Poet
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
I am a poet
And my world is my own
No ingestion of substance can compare

I am a poet
My senses I hone
How else can I color them to share

I am a poet
My pain is my pride
My wounds bleed raw on a page

I am a poet
My hope burns alive
Experiences transform me to a sage

I am a poet
I overflow with love
I accept all for who and what they are

I am a poet
Who needs not a shove
To weave a story in whimsy from afar

I am a poet
My passion rules the mind
However logical I pretend to be

I am a poet
I coax the words in kind
Filled with feelings only memory can see

I am a poet
I see the verse as yet untold
I bathe pages from the beauty of a look

I am a poet
My pen leads to my soul
There is intrigue in every shadowed nook

I am a poet
I do believe I have been inspired by the glorious brainchild of  Harriet Tecumsah Watt:  You Know You're a poet when...
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
My hand glides across the page
Oblivious to what it's scrawling
Ink drags in streaks and curves
Without connection, without heart
Empty pages full of words
Words devoid of meaning
Hollow, cored, happily emotion-free
Scribbles to pictures
Doodles to dreams
The book is full of filled up pages
Vapid thoughts in black and white
There is the whole of who I've become
The nonsensical ramblings
of an underworked mind
Mar 2014 · 762
in stagnation
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Computer screens
glow ghostly pale
in darkness meant
For slumber
eyes taped open
glued in place
searching for nothing
needing a taste
or a piece
or a thread of a life
that eludes you
as you become a statue
perched in place
losing sleep
minutes run to days
hours to weeks
still you try
looking up but not out
sitting in silence
inside you shout
unnoticed, forgotten
remembered unseen
a shadow in the corner
of what might have been
wasted alone
wasting away
going going going GONE
no reason to stay
in a place with poison air
no one around
you're the only one there
pros and cons in lists unmade
and dreams get stranger
and wrought with danger
the closer and closer
you get to change
Slam, spoken word,  performance, hmmmmm. Some things are just meant to be read aloud
Mar 2014 · 1.7k
To Be Revealed
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
This, the first promise
A test of trust, of will, of want
No excuses, time will tell
A smile so liquid, designed to taunt
Will there be disappointment
To join me in hell?
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
Once Upon a Yesterday
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Your barren, ashen heart
was carried off on accidental words
Mar 2014 · 851
Time Warp
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Fleeting memories pierce the heart
Burning the soul to yesterday
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