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neth jones Nov 2015
no more eating V.C.D.s
or licking saccharine from the acid trees
no more belly tight with saline mead
or a compass when you bleed-ache-bleed
'cause the time you buy
you tell of
is time
well spent
in a soft-head cell

no more draining of the bottle
or shelling of the mortar

know that all you sense today
is a bitter venom on its pulse-sent way
and the space your habit needs
is a tooth gap
and a pulp-pink tease

and the soil of what's to be
is deafening to me

no more scattered curiosities
no more dosing til you sick-sweet-sneeze
no more stilting on your knees
no more eating V.C.D.s *

Note : Visual Cure by Distortion

Previously published [Show Thieves 2010 : An Anthology Of Contemporary Montreal Poetry - 8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING]
neth jones Aug 2020
you are considered a dead thing
slowed down by decent refrigeration
and declared
'personality put to pasture'

a name would help with the paperwork
neth jones Jun 2019
the emergency of life
the spot lit fight
the thrashing of the harvest
in the threshing of our night cares
sew what you mourn
in the blot of the moon

it’s all a swallow
one gross reactive swallow

your time perception
is gourded
your feelers
are fluence and torted

everything’s fun today
the sun spills the sun today
all fur is on end
all eyes are refreshed
fleshing mirrors
absurding the observed
playing with mother’s scissors
dog sugar dog sugar
attend to the worlds genitals
re-open The Eden for business
and theatre
Surreal style piece..
neth jones Jun 2018
An udder of lies
A profession
You are an utter lung

Fresh of breath
You prove yourself
Over and over
To be evident and no false seller

But a greeder within me
That I offer meals no longer
Stirs in its dormancy
Alters in recognition of you :
Double Tongue
D.T. 2.         Pledge

though a tradesman by action
I pledge no double tongue
and steer
by matching simple heart to equal heat
good of spell
clean of word
to be a tradesman of loft
deemed weight
neth jones Jul 2018
At home we have instrument
We have task for our senses
And chore to cement company
We have duct
We have other
And we have other in practice
Home can operate with being
And can factory improvement
It has appetite and seasons
Cavern and congregation
It has gratitude and matters
Chatters and conflict
And conflict resolved
neth jones Jul 2020
my spry    greedy eye
consumes villainous input
(to nurse in this thirsty mode)
beauty    is available
anti Tanka
neth jones Oct 2019
I devolved in our relationship
We weren’t very good to each other
No gifts without subtext

We deactivated each other’s progress
and explored an unhealthy mire

A No Mans Land Of buried munitions
Not a partnership
A credit to the both of us that we lead other lives now
And that our relation successfully dissolved
neth jones Mar 2017
foisting up at the strop of yawn
i remark,
at the bluffers worn
it is kildy and capy
i'm underly mistaken
i plonder on my clothing
and part the towd ranglings
blind are the dawnings
it's still a mite
at four gone the night
and more a tune til the mourning
i am blowtard and sworn
i mumble back to kibble
and a mount full of scorn
Early morning nonsensica
neth jones Mar 2023
it is time                                          
it is time for ***** weather
mingles and prickles    elastic and fawn
ecstatic inch and itch spastically
goad and trample and leach
all a squirm
a thawing squirm of ***** restlessness
                      the energy of springtime

then winter dumps its load again
neth jones Mar 2020
we descend
and ground our feet
in the Spoken World

cementing our entrance
accessing the shared signal

we greet here
for the poetry
but communication
and therapy
and ideas of how things ought to be
apply here also

art cannot abstain
'pup' is sad and so says
i point out a 'v' of exit geese against the sky
says he's not sad anymore and he's not
a child's power  just like that
observation of my five yr old child

early haiku style versions -

viewing the exit migration
of a v of geese
my child's sad mood goes

exit migration
  of an echelon of geese
my child's sad mood lifts
neth jones Apr 2022
at a glimpse i clock the sky
a curtain's been draped
     and we are all shaded
all of nature shares one direction
     narrowing on the horror :
a munking and blotted violation
     the sun has filled with dark ink
an embolism out of the order of life
     voiding over us
                     over the city
                     the world described beyond
                       all voided over

i fall
         and shucked
the people around me go simple
dumb and bound with crimple gawps
     we are mugged by the sight

i feel like a farmed over minefield
              furrows being turned
trotted out
             anointed fears climb my throat
it is a show sung ill
       darker sunk
     than its surrounding leadened soak
yet ringed tightly with an annihilating halo

practical thought becomes clotted
   and my primal processor is tinkered with
evil witterings squirrel about in my thinker
my being is topped up with depravity

i must surely **** someone ?
but who..
(that kid with drool ? /
that business suit with brand name trainers ?)
   and for what reason ?

i madly stare about
look at them ; so human and null
potential victims all
                   raking in snapshots of this ecliptic venom
                     adding to the vat collective online
Prune The Brutes !
it is The Eighth Day and I know my role
Ha !
        such livid thoughts scheme

i shall wait out this exposure looked down upon
take some pics with the others
perpetrate goodly behaviour
mimic the tossers
pass through the ordeal
        with communal protection
                    and live another day
             happy slapped
                       with fresh mad
neth jones Aug 2020
heel to elegance
but don't let it stew in you
one detached glance up
from your stooped bow
and you'll see
neth jones Aug 2022
the immersion in media
i feel weaponized
part of an inhuman condition
a heated communal militia head space
gilded with fear but splintered of opinions
sperming             in  a  holding  pattern  
like fish in a overpopulated aquarium
we're stunning ourselves on the sides
batting at it to for an expansion
frenzy of communication
but other life continues
seemingly untainted
see !
and i feel
there is reassurance
the worlds life will outlast us
what's the worst that we could do ?
we'll  not  be    taking  it  to  our  grave ;
a pharaoh      tombed with ornamental company
neth jones Apr 2019
run revel, run **** and run riot
after the work week
thirsty work
hashed together venges
and business pleasures exceed
to mature into vigorous crime

with the rights
this fit night have given
the office population clamber up their fears
and violently
cram their senses

fist feast your mouther
raw-torn with surplus
a Wendigo playground
go beast upon this crown
this fawn
this chalking morgue

                          - a bellyful
A Babal Tolls verse ?  Formaldyhyde Jar Baby
neth jones Sep 2019
the World’s conclusion

predictable ; at Our Hand

helm this Flooded Fear
Anti Haiku
neth jones Jan 2022
unspared during my travels
prepared by an exchanging world
                              of appearances
i came to this place
at the base of
            a hill of course fell
    a whipped traveller i am
by the vital Spring weather
            i am met
welcomed a night of shelter
led the way by a lace of monks
     i am put up
     bowed into an alcove
     and left be

sun settles gloaming
bleeding out into the night
the night moves on
it plays on my solitude

a temple of awakening
freed from need of sleep
plush in the gloom
     of this unfamiliar lodge
pulses lune from the lamp
calling me to something family


peculiar flares of incense
my heart at pace
gusted by the lungs
gushed with a nourishing charge
      of remedy

i stand lightly
i take a stroll


subtle bells
quake little tings
under a propelled circulation
engine utters
quivering the air

Sudden :
it buckles
yawn out from under a gallows
the spaces between the temple walls
drop away
fathomless theatre opens maw
barriers have dissipated


i am a mite short of distress
in keeping shallow
maintaining a sensible program
i give out breath hesitant...
     and gratefully retrieve

i stand weakly
with care
this is temple
me, a guest
my travellers bed roll remains stowed :
i am a fool to be swallowed

a courtyard
compounds this pressed element of nature
i reached its edge
this building acts the amplifier
a spiritual device of development

bade by hemorrhaging darkness
i wade beyond any lamplight
each step taken when the tide pulls it
mottled perfumes now exhaust in punches
                          (powering from the baying boundaries)
look up
a royalty floods across the night sky
                          cropped by the yard rooves

chants and bells eddy about my ears
pants and tones mediate
worship hounds the clock

i finally do what is best
follow myself back the way

i make up my bed

(retire or
as a shade
i'll find my way between the walls
and flourish)


i regain valued humor
i concentrate
close eyes and slow my heart once again
make peace in this temple of strobe

tomorrow i'll face agricultural land
and the sunlight
i'll continue my selfish travels
bedroll bound to my pack
my pack tight to my back

i shall weep and honour the departed
as i continue
this little i have learned
neth jones Jul 2021
i waited for you a long time
a long time is a lot of weather
i am gnawed upon
sol bleached
sculpted by high wind
and scraped by glacial passes

i plan to persuade others to join me
in patience arranged
a rough arrow like travelling birds
we'll stand planted
seeing the sun zip over and disappear in neat flips
the stars streak bright the glimpses of night
whittling away the time


we'll become fashioned as smooth pins
for descendants to play at skittles
neth jones Sep 2019
one more crime against nature
and we’ll scuttle her completely

we’ll prove,
beyond any song
beyond a doubt
that we do not belong :

we are our own thing
and we shall brutally remove ourselves
from “the plan”
neth jones Sep 2021
grateful to the grave
       I plank right out
my bed a cross pounded
foundation of maul emotion
fast out kipping
not in keeping
a widowing and not a kingdom
              milling out gawping
a fish mug
              tourists chugging at the gallows
dread heaves ugging repulsions
          my sleep is a gagging panic

livers of the hours
   the minutes are a live toil
     difficult digestions
       the sour beat n' breath
a particle flecked arena

   this slumber is harmful charge
(a battery matter)
capable of a faulty
              reversal of surge
depleting sleep
          not a springtime emergence
   ejected from the unconscious

         : a drained agent
reduced and submissive for duty
neth jones Jul 2019
i tore open the ceiling

and the roof of my mouth

then left this Jacks’ Box behind

cause it was rude to my health
an unused note from about twenty years ago
neth jones Apr 2019
This bedroom got boring
I hold in my breath til I’m pressured
just short of pain
and result :
The wall at the far end pushes back into the darkness
the bed raises on longer limbs
Now there is more territory
Inviting in a new metabolism
some organic animation
A stretch of imagination
I miss The Monsters Under The Bed
neth jones Nov 2019
fall from the lies

you've pinched yourself poor

fall from the lies

they are no nesting place

fall from the lies


from your dormancy

shudder off your sleep state

regain your currency

fall from your lies

and the famine of all this 'luxury'
neth jones Sep 2019
I have a fever dream

Blank skin
Blank skin, only a single layer thin
damply wrinkles and pocked puckers ;
I’m a delicate blister waterbed mattress
No rest when I set my head

The pain is a receiver in this dream

I feel I’ve a full body wound
The surface skim is a single reading of pain
Any contact pulls the pain to that site
A sudden breeze alone
would do the trick

The dream expresses vulnerability

One nick
One puncture on the opaque membrane
And my innards would flood out
I slip perilously on the tile floor
My printless feet wipe from under me and /

Woken up
burning fever
but go back to sleep
In urgency I must..

Form porousness
Found layers
Cultivate hairs
Bead natural oils
Reclaim my fingerprints
And get a grip
All this before I fully awake
I don’t want to suffer this state in the real world
neth jones Mar 13
my mouth hung like an overwhelmed option                        
             i swivel at the window facing
            and stay out the entire day      in this one gawked position
  amazing heat      and an ugg shy of thought                          
    withdrawn     in a mut of mental paralysis
                               by an alcoholic system
                                       on a day off

the day dunks into the eve before i shift any movement
    having sifted the ull                                       
i mix a jar of *** and orange juice
  in the open fridge door

an age dying filter feeder
unk-ing out of brain
neth jones Jan 2021
some sort of rough chaos dictates the following...
           can't bleat
          a swallowing
            thin crease
              a minor alteration
    the seventh year
       & sprung is my fink
  making demands
  a tinker in his eye
         & the waterworks hailing
                    from his rapid claws
  commands much work
spun nylon from my whipped flaws
destruct the family plans
               its for a wick lit cause
fist the winnings up your purse
      spill the prophecy
              hail a taxi
     & concrete the curse
neth jones Nov 2018
fired into space
suit-less bullet
beyond Lung
beyond The Furious
strained through Eye
and then plumb line into a Calm Oblivion
life signs sip out
and Still

increasing in velocity
a bare murmur of action
a traveller until gravity
then put the Vehicle into currency
contribute to The Furnace
neth jones Aug 2019
make mouths
pull on the muscles under the face
express self at the world we present to you
(straining it all in
through your finking eyes)

make return actions
and make us understand
that you are pleased
and that we are not just
madly flailing at this ‘parent’ business.
neth jones May 2021
an updraft of exhaust
guided high-sky above the overburdened city
the urban breath cuffing your armpits
you're huffed upward in rising spirals
aloft the architecture
further raised by         
                   the tumid human populations
                                        expired waste gas,
                                   ****** perspirations,
                                                  ­ mechanism
                                        and friction heats

survey it all in a dream                             
                          horizon and the tarnishes of mankind              
blinded in your flight turns                      
by the dreams illuminating eye
no gloating your way into Icarus             
            floating beyond your oblivious ability
no groom for ****** and ego                     
         just steady alight and of given being

something in the future is restless to be
wake up
neth jones Nov 2019
most nights
you decant into my head wounds
you suggest my makeup
orchestrate my being
and sometimes
for fun
prank me with ridiculous ideas
that inspire some absurd social pratfall


you make me warm and sure of myself
struck and sense numbed
floss in the memory


i am a Diving Suit
but in misuse
i am a suit
the pressure
the deep ocean
filled from the inside
and nutrients  
i am filled from the inside

you tap drops
into special valves
along the sides of the aquarium helmet
you decorate my inner-scape
with harvesting monsters
and phosphorescence
you deteriorate the textile of my sadness
a thorough jettison


via your Vegas
your adolescence
i follow your string of lights
deep sea
skiving mortality
embracing your malady
with no ill effects ?
sink deeper still
i am leadened
to your charge
and plumb to your will
neth jones Feb 2020
If I offered an honest hand
in support
to another
Could I be salve ?
or would I be a raving influence ?

I am not solved ..
Have I ditched enough of my sickly inclinations
to tackle another with some genuine ability ?

I approach someone
and offer help
I've sounded sincere
and they seem grateful
I circle my pupil
and begin :

Release the healing
Ideas bratting about the shop
glowing in bruises
Waving my limbs about
like a fitting conductor

I circle my pupil
An rapid expansion of flits and colours
A confuser
An eager fanatic of instruction and spells

A calming rake
farming a turf
for pupil to retake their life
A stiller
aiding in the simple breath

A promise
Paid back to existence
neth jones Sep 6
our noses huffing   our eyes flirting out
             vetting the loose night air
a display of yearning   we did a grand deed

a mammal slain at our heart
   and we are the wrecking children  
we killed ourselves a deer
   ( no   small   thing )

flashlights propped in nooks                                                          
open the prey for dressing    we decorated a tree with the task
                                                  slings of intestinal tubing

open prey for dressing            
                 vocal prayer for the ****

praise the attributes that we ended            
                             the characteristics we assigned it
live meat in perish   organs   adding moist hot breath
                                                 to a waking cold night

after our butcher act                                                
after the parcels and beast are stowed                        
amongst the trees   we take off as phantoms in touch                
'to ourselves be sacrifice and yet return'   is somehow the plan

winds pick up                                            
                            and cold rain drives sideways
leaves of the bushes                              
                  flashing fish silver underbellies
a fleshing thrill combing the trees
an urgent spirited excitement

back at daybreak                                                        
                             we skin off our leather grip slippers
remove our party plate masks                                      
and  in the irrigated mourning grass          
              wipe our feet    (welcome mat)
wash away our tread and our threat
neth jones Sep 2022
lovers forgo their faces
       defacing in the act
mammering their information to unreadable smudges
  they slur in kinetic fluctuation
experimenting material forms fray
     each    the others face is vented away
     betray being human
  no separated being
and then...

     to return in the tender moments following
             a bumbling landfall
then they are athletes
     enamoured and praising of the other
     flushed and radiating
having rushed the life from their breath
they heave in its return

Later     in a **** trip down to the night kitchen
they forgo they faces in a foxes forage
hers ; over-lit by the fridge light
          face thrown into a mask by extreme shaddows
his ; beyond this light in the dark
they are bodies
sneak children
the raider and the lookout

after many years make the familiar relation
her face disappears into a hand mirror
and his is pulled out
into a middle distance beyond the dresser
durred in thought and waiting for 'go'
to the restaurant tonite
or that career social that neither wishes to attend

                                        - fell shy of Eden
inspired after veiwing art by Alex Colville and Francis Bacon
neth jones Sep 2019

dead by predator

once sky upon the mighty

now fed to the ground
Anti  Haiku
neth jones Mar 2019
be more thorough
with your dental hygiene
lest the breath
behind the breath
get out
and things become veterinary
must have brushed teeth
neth jones Jul 2019

Been drinkin’ The Devil

but ****** run dry

I’ve drunk to his memory

and thirst after his family

I attended the funeral

pretended to cry

approached the open bar

and began to pry my luck

Bartender was most generous

Said he once was the Devils’ mascot

he poured me something unfamiliar

I awoke

scratching the inside of the casket

                         - i think I’m gonna be sick
Spelling has been corrected and minor alterations made, where the obvious intent and what was written deviated.
neth jones Feb 2023
an animal - what animal ? - a fox
peeling off it's pale socks    bit the hems between it's teeth
slimmed feet
it walks now   to more silent a world
viewed in billowing gladness
many doses thick     veil it from our dull sense ability
we are a haunting to its realm
neth jones Mar 2020
I went crazy
I did feral little dances
I acted in ways most betraying
of my previous social stance

but there were others
a multitude
it was the fault of the moon
we are weak and...

Mr. Moon
The Whey-faced Satellite has drawn deck
of our cowered population

on this full beaming night
this Friday
the anaemic loon quaker
is a menace

it lugs ******* the minds most creative

it moulds imagination and felonious thought
where previous their dwelled only a shopping list

it skims hostile cream from the fragile
and kissed wetter still
the most eager berserker

a dance of madness tups open the houses
pucks at our activities
plucks strings that fire our kinetic clatter
and scuppers any will to resist

Human species take the streets in corrosive numbers
A Party like this
shall make a dent
A Party like this
shall be a fist in Our Story
Hosted by the Moon
here I am
in the mix
prancing like some zany goof
neth jones Sep 2021
i draw in a new day ; CockCrow
a spirit substance
                       to devil in
character pulled from the world surround
                              ­and plied of its madder details
doing others a favour                              
                  leaving the easy-to-manage material

i am mastered by these firing elements

orbited                                                ­                          
i take on a particularly creative project
with uninhibited frothing
neth jones Sep 2018
Clamber! You are a Shambles
Scale the scree
Tilt the axis of your *****
Up turn your gravity
(It's a matter of urgency)

I want to break your brand
And scare you up a heart
...but that task is for you
And to be achieved
In your time

I still feel criminal as an onlooker
neth jones Feb 2022
fumb­ling my entrance               array                                      
passionately late            i pull off my tie          
               and crashing      here without apology
                 all-ready     a crowd sweated room
                                  low ceiling   candy glass munching underfoot          
the senses are rushed upon   fuming                                          
                ­          lit up and strobing    with the chaotic humour                
                                     and tumorous smells
furious ingestion                                            
     swellings       and releases    
  pelling and girling     with the dances         
hectic music    making hero's of uz all
a steaming sot lady  lands before me laughing
        she climbs me  till her bare feet find ground
      naked   from the waist up  
her dress has fallen  into a trampled magpie tail      
         doughy  features unfocused
    my heart is gurning with ruckus      
                installed with an addicts engine      
   it caves and puffs for attention
   these are my people  
these are my people                                                
                                now that they're reached their peak
of ******* inebriation          
     and raving chorus
i am drawn imediate     into the density
neth jones Nov 2019
clothe      each     self     a      dupe

unclear  what we would  portray

cling      to      our      cur      beasts

zoo             of             personalities

and never the funds to feed them
neth jones Nov 2020
Sound of the generator
Weak light leaves the bulb
Fed into the darkness
I calm my timid heart
; 'womb-womb—womb-—womb'
neth jones Nov 2018
hand on feather
I swear to you
I intended no harm
I just played by the weather
and found you in shared experience

a charm was built
and I was refracted
(prism motes)
like an animal channelling
I played aspects as bones
when all you wanted was human touch
and not this ;
this baffling mating behaviour
Instruction to self : break this apart and savage
neth jones Aug 2018
You Absolver
You're an absorbent feature
You reflector
You question
Retorting mirror
And a fiction
One for a fight
An impression from the night
I collect the picture
After all
You are not easy on the eye
You're powdered pate to heel
In vague mistrust
and effortless tissue white
neth jones Aug 2019
I have rederranged ;
Challenged my malady

My address is similar
But my social costume and patterns
Will alter

Some villains will lose they’re teaming with me
Others will find grip with me

I scowl at the moon
‘Reflector !’

Silting the meaning
Approaching new living
With fresh vibration
And an underscore of family sadness

I’ve missed a trick here
I’ll roll the new day
neth jones Aug 2019
take up work

make bright the ‘Growther’
to the tune of your malady
(a conduct-able cancer and
loft’s great romancer)

enforce a new beginning
(Sin Spinner)


no longer be vice held
and clung

break rocks and
enforce Gods freedom
from this thickening medium

ghup open a wound
a raw exposure
to a volume of care
and healthy elements

a living wound of prayer
for purpose
[‘This Living Wound’ - Thomas Merton quote]
neth jones Feb 8
lying, deceitful liar    panting live in the steamy mongrel of my slummy hive / marksman, deficient marksman   rake out my mortar - the body laughter - criminal grime  ; an absent partner /  

kissed ; what a frisky view - the sky seems so keen
from here   it's howling downhill  fire i breathe
so sweet to greet the menial hereafter

                                                - [manic laughter]
had the song This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us by Sparks stuck in my head when i wrote this and two other shorts
neth jones Oct 2021
A Chattered Weeping
Tropic heat
    there hangs a grief
      Clung !

Like a cold wet shower curtain
      inhaled by an open window
         mildew mischievous
                against the skin

But this grief ..
       a replenishing ache
      (now scolded from rank)
    and no longer
heaving and hopeless suffocation

duration has operated
neth jones Sep 7
Gordon maddens coils under the high ceilings
  solitary in his three rooms
with his cello and window sill herb box
with his art ideas  employment as a film extra
and drink   fought  at bay  daily
see also :   battling off the ghoul of his perished father
his other and waging with his ****** bead
his aging kingdom    sensitively approaching seventy
early version


off his gourd

Gordon maddens under high ceilings
solitary in his three rooms
with his cello and window sill herb box
with his art ideas
and drink at bay daily
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