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Jul 2017 · 876
Trinity Jones Jul 2017
I haven’t been able to write about you, from the moment we met. I finally feel like I figured it out. You’re different. I don’t and I can’t find the words to write about our relationship or my feelings towards you, other than that you make me happy, but I can write about what you make me think. Our course of words takes me to places forgotten and new realizations and you encourage me to pursue and keep pursuing the things I love to do. To the boy next-door, I thank you.
Jul 2017 · 745
Too breezy
Trinity Jones Jul 2017
head to pillow
just staring blankly at the floor.
This feels all too familiar
I thought to myself
as waves of fear rippled back.
hours pass.
head to pillow
that familiarity unknowingly lingering in the back of my head
body freezes as it makes its way forward
until it’s all I can feel.
Waves crash yet no salt streams down my face
No matter how calm
the winds and waters will find a time to collide
Jan 2017 · 676
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
It started with my heart
You turned it stone
Then it began to pump lead through my veins
Causing my body to weigh more than I could carry
I couldn't find comfort
It was all so rock solid
Sealed shut
Jan 2017 · 776
Dumpster Demons
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
I asked myself
what’s wrong with a little dreamin
Our imagination can’t hurt us
but reality will
I thought I had finally chosen right
after countless ill decisions
I thought I knew from the beginning
but what I was missing
was staring me down even before the start
dumpster demons
how could it be so
And yet
I miss your smile
vibrant and luminous
just right
because when I’m with you
I want to match your smile
you make me match your smile
Jan 2017 · 877
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
Laying in bed side by side
facing one another
looking into each others eyes
but looking away when it becomes too much
your thumb grazes my lip
and my eyes come right back to yours

thank you for taking the time
to make me feel desired
I thank you for putting this smile back on my cheeks
Jan 2017 · 484
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
Only with the knowledge
that the end, for us, is within sight,
have I learned to
let myself fall.
Jan 2017 · 548
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
And with you,
I have no words.
I came close to
uttering the
three infamous syllables
of an "I love you"
Yet the words that
I transcribe
are empty and
Jan 2017 · 680
Trinity Jones Jan 2017
two rather large glasses down,
one heart crumbled the other thriving.
Leave the shattered pieces on the ground
find the light
find the happiness and the warmth
that linger within
after layer after layer of singed love.
a fire that was lit and never put out
burned me to my core
leaving no light
no happiness within
no warmth for me to bathe and bask in.
Mar 2016 · 908
Trinity Jones Mar 2016
Hollow on the inside
Unreal on the out
can you hear the echoes that come from my heart
or are you not listening
where are you my dear
I’ve been waitin on you
but I can’t wait much longer
I can only be so hollow until
I become so thin that I break
please don’t break me.
save me
love me
hold me
and never leave me
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
Down This Dirt Road
Trinity Jones Mar 2016
If you read the words I wrote
it might just break your heart
cause they’re sure as hell too much for me to handle
Oct 2015 · 561
Trinity Jones Oct 2015
I can't help but wonder
What could have been
Because when our lips first touched
I found a light within

Living in a world so dark
My patience runs thin
That to meet again
I'm willing to commit the one and only, deadly sin
Sep 2015 · 431
Want vs. Need
Trinity Jones Sep 2015
I don't know what I want
and I don't know what I need.
I don't know who I am
I don't know where I belong.

All I know is I need your eyes.

I need your eyes to see me
not to look at me
or through me
but to truly see me
and for once to understand me.
Aug 2015 · 956
Trinity Jones Aug 2015
Hearts are not red because
that's the color of blood
or the color of love
They're red because that's the color of pain.
Aug 2015 · 645
Trinity Jones Aug 2015
I blinked and when
I opened my eyes
I was living a different life.
Feb 2015 · 3.2k
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
As the days get deeper
So does the hole

People start losing their unique ****** qualities
The objects in your house become dull clutter
Monday morphs into Tuesday and Tuesday morphs into Wednesday and Wednesday morphs into Thursday and
All of a sudden you don’t know what day it is.

The only thing that doesn’t lose its edge
Are the words that pump out from your lung,
to vibrate from your vocal cords,
then are fine tuned from your larynx,
and emanate from your articulators.
Those are the words that stuff me deeper into the hole.

Sometimes it’s not words
but actions
That burry me under and into the darkness.

This hole I speak of,
***** you in and won’t let you out
Until you’ve admitted defeat
And hell,
You’ll never live to see the day that

I, Admit Defeat.
Feb 2015 · 419
Define (part 3)
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
I’m afraid courage is the only answer
To push through and battle to the end
But where has that gotten me now
I still find myself at base one
Nothing gained much lost
But to what to who
After all isn’t my pride a thing of my own
Something to keep and hold through the dark and bright
Something to keep me going when others don’t when others can’t
courage battle loss gain pride dark bright
Feb 2015 · 452
Definition (part 2)
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
How can I ignore the feeling that there’s something different
That I’m the little girl who cried wolf
Just because I don’t belong in a world so strong and I so weak
Nobody but me knows that goes on in my head
Nobody not even I can decipher my own thoughts and feelings
What does that make me
ignore feeling different define weak strong thoughts feelings
Feb 2015 · 402
Definition (part 1)
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
You see me as the girl who
Hides behind fake smiles, closed doors, and Michael Kors
Only to mask the shameful scent of failure
Because I’ve gone too far
I’ve fallen too deep
For it’s too late to sleep
My mind has kept me up
It’s half past four and all I can do is think more and more and more
The walls surround
The roof caves
I’m afraid there’s come a point where actions drown my feet only to then surround my head
My thoughts become one as they fight their way out
I stand deep in my past
Swamped in over my head with what I had forgetting
But it’s the most powerful memories that stick with us
I’m afraid it’s come to a point where pen meets paper, spray can meets wall, and lens meets subject are no match for mind meets reality
love relationship friendship heart break life tears sleep self la douleur exquise tantalus fake courage afraid fight forget memories reality
Feb 2015 · 458
You Let Go
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
It’s about that time again
When somehow I slip up
And let my mind wander
Let myself think freely
And it leads to you

My head spins with nostalgia
My eyes burn
My throat tightens
My heart beats too fast
My palms get sweaty
And my feet can’t seem to sit still

It’s about that time again
When I start to miss you, to miss us
But like always that longing quickly turns to a hatred

Dare I say
You forgot me

I thought we had something strong
When you’ve worked to build a sturdy base
You fight to keep it
You don’t let it slip away
You don’t watch it disappear

It came with ease,
for you,
to let this one go

It came with great difficulty,
for me,
to see you stand by and simply do nothing
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Nature's Way
Trinity Jones Feb 2015
A teardrop down my face,
You came and left

The flash of lightening,
You came and left
Then the bolt of thunder,
a reminder of your constant presence

The sun and the moon can never be one in the same,
But they’ll sure as hell try

How is it that I can
Miss someone that I never really had
Jan 2015 · 693
La Douleur Exquise
Trinity Jones Jan 2015
Have you ever met someone
and in the same instant
that your eyes glazed over with the sight of perfection
and your heart melts with desire
you just know it never can and never will be true

La douleur exquise, la douleur exquise.

I unconsciously chose to ignore the idea of impossible
but I need reality to crush that
I'll be stuck in paradise for one day too many

In the meantime
You seem to be the only one I would ever want
And the only one I can never have
Nov 2014 · 3.0k
Trinity Jones Nov 2014
I was going to ask you for advice,
but you're the one who's causing my pain.
Nov 2014 · 999
The Ache
Trinity Jones Nov 2014
I have a hard time grasping the idea that
I'm not the only one you'll ever love

My heart seems to always ache
Whether it's for a friend
a family member
or a significant other
My heart seems to always ache

I've learned to stop asking when
the aching will cease
because I've realized
It won't.
Sep 2014 · 2.4k
Trinity Jones Sep 2014
Look in the mirror
What do you see?

As you reach left for
The tan crumbs to cover your uneven skin
And reaching right for
The black
To give the impression that your stubby eyelashes
Aren't incapable of growing

You step back and look at yourself once more
Its not enough

You rummage for the crayon to
Smear across your eyelids
In hopes that it will make your
Brown eyes

Your face feels pounds heavier
Yet, are you really done so soon?
Aren't you forgetting something

You dig deep into the drawer
To find a
Red paint to drown your thin pale lips in
Longing for the look of that
Supermodel you saw in that magazine

You come downstairs
Dad says you look like a clown
Mom says you're still a kid
Society says its not enough

What do you say
Sep 2014 · 696
Trinity Jones Sep 2014
I'm broken
I'm torn
I'm twisted
I'm dark
I'm everything I shouldn't
For your sake, and mine
Keep your distance
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
The Road Ahead
Trinity Jones Sep 2014
I can no longer look in the mirror
Without seeing
Someone I don't recognize

I took a wrong turn
And this is where I end up
When can I create my own path
One for just me
Just myself and no one else
I still have a ways to go on this road
Before I find my own
What if I hate who I am
And I need to escape

You see,
This road of mine is ideal
I can be who I am
Yet nobody gets hurt
Not even I

I'll keep to myself,
I'm good at that
But I'll live my life at the same time

It's perfect.
Unlike me.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Trinity Jones Sep 2014
I catch him just looking at me
and my mind goes blank.
The way he looks at me
is one of the best feelings;
I feel wanted,
I feel like I'm the person that someone else
The way he holds on to me
feels like he never wants to let go
and I feel more than safe
but I can't have any of it.
I can't fall for the way he
gazes at me
and  I can't long for the way he
holds me.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Trinity Jones Aug 2014
Why do we always want what we can't have
Why is greed an essential part of the human mind

I can't help but
always seem to want what's not mine to have

I try my hardest to
resist because
it is in my reach

I've been spending countless hours
but always come up with the same answer -

Leave it alone.

"but what if it's meant to be"

For all I know
I could be missing out on the one person who can make me the happiest
I settle for our friendship

It pains me to stay away
But I know it would hurt even more if I didn't
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Trinity Jones Aug 2014
She longs for that
feeling of love
but claims
the right one hasn't come along

I long for that
feeling of love
but I claim
I'm not capable
Work in progress, leave any and all comments ! :)
May add to it later
Aug 2014 · 2.0k
Trinity Jones Aug 2014
You really wanna know
what grinds my gears
what pushes my buttons
what ****** me off
People. Like. You.
You can't play me like that
You can't play her like that
You gotta pick your choose
You think that I don't know?
Boy I'll pop you one square in that pretty boy jaw of yours
And you'll be sorry
You got nerve ya know -
I'll give you a pat on the back for that
You're trying to be sly
See what you can get
before you dive in
All I gotta say is
watch your back
Aug 2014 · 12.4k
Doctor's Note
Trinity Jones Aug 2014
You don't suffer
from depression
until you let it change you

There is no battle to fight
unless you let the enemy in

Nothing is lost
if you hold on

After all
this is your life
you call the shots
call 'em right
Jul 2014 · 992
Tell me
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
When I'm telling you
The story
Of my hardships
I don't need
A heart
A mouth
A soul
A brain
All I need is an ear.
Jul 2014 · 887
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
Some drift
Far from
And get Swept
Up in the
Mix of reality
Where never
Before imagined
Chances jump
At them
Which disrupts
The previously
Made organization
Everything becomes
Scattered and the
Wind blows but
Soon settles and
The intentions
Are clear once
Leave any and all comments /feedback !
Jul 2014 · 3.1k
Locked Out
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
You taught me what it's like
And now I can't get it back
You've showed me a whole new world
And now I can't go back
It's like I've been
Invited in
Only to be locked out
Jul 2014 · 579
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
They say teens
think the world revolves around themselves
They say teens
don't know how to handle
the real world,
whatever that maybe.
They say teens
are lazy
Well my hearts ran a thousand
miles for you
And I'm tired of being the
last one to the finish line
Getting stepped on and forgotten
I'm tired of it
But how can I stop
if my heart races for you
If my heart
longs for you
I may not know what love is
But I'm still allowed to feel
and in this moment,
I feel like I can't breathe
Like you're stepping on my heart and
cutting off my airways
Leaving me to suffer
But why should I be the one in pain
when I was the one who
supported and adored you
Why should I be the one
Left in the dust
This sensation of not being able to breathe
I now realize is the beginning of tears
My throat tightens
My eyes burn
And slowly tears start to run
down the side of my face
Fighting their way to my chin and
dripping off onto my lap
leaving small dark circles on my blue jeans
Call me dramatic,
Call me a teen
it won't change how I feel
I'm only human after all
Leave any comments you have!
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Trinity Jones Jul 2014
I feel like a terrible person
I've fallen into this kind of pattern
I can't seem to shake
I'm not quite sure
From where I've picked it up
I think -- I'm pretty sure
I'd rather be without it
Leave any and all feedback! :)
Jun 2014 · 452
Trinity Jones Jun 2014
I long to write a love story
But all I have are these bitter words
Jun 2014 · 825
Trinity Jones Jun 2014
This is how I am
If you don't like it
Don't stay.
Simple as that

I've come to be
The kind of person
that doesn't stick around so long

I don't know who I am anymore
I don't know what I've become

Have you ever looked in the mirror
and seen a monster staring you down

I don't know who I am anymore
I constantly play games
I tug on their heart strings only
to rip them out when I leave
And leaving is something I've become good at

What am I supposed to tell you
That it's not you
It's me
Technically that is true
But that's not the point

What scares me the most is
Not being alone
Knowing that
Sooner or later
I'm going to leave you like the rest

I asked and she told me
It's normal
We're young
You don't have to commit

Just because this may be somewhat normal
Doesn't make it okay

I run around
hurting people and
playing with their heads
Whether I know it or not
Jun 2014 · 358
Wanna play a game ?
Trinity Jones Jun 2014
I do it anyway.
I'm tired of playing this game
but I do it anyway.

I can't help it.
I can't stop.
It gets me into trouble.
It keeps me on edge.
Sometimes I can't sleep
But who needs sleep when I have you.

I lied
I don't have you and I may never
It's for the better says my brain
but it hurts says my heart
I don't know which to trust
They both deceive me
Time after time
but so do you.

You've left your mark
have I left mine ?
I'm done for now
I can't and I won't
wait forever
This game is endless
So I'm closing up shop
I'm packing up the puzzle pieces
and never looking back
Please add any comments you have!
Jun 2014 · 326
Speak Up
Trinity Jones Jun 2014
I don't think you understand
just how much my mind says
but how little my voice actually communicates.

I'm afraid I'll never be able to express to you
what I'm truly thinking,
That you'll never understand.

Sometimes I think it's easier to just give up,
To let you go
I figure why keep holding on
to something that causes me so much pain
Why hold on to something
so confusing and hard to deal with
I'm fighting a battle with myself
Because you don't seem to have the same
messed up,
stressed out feel as I do
But if I let you go
You'll ask questions
I can't and am not prepared to answer
please add any comments you have!

— The End —