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Aa Harvey May 2019

The sky is empty, apart from a crescent moon, all is black.
Another night, a single star was my only light to show me the way.
No why, just do; a chance we must never take back,
Or we will break apart all that which we want, while we wait.

For we are singular in our shared goals.
One soul, then two souls, then one soul once more.
In a mind so empty of love, I hide inside a hole,
Not knowing that the last has come; the time of the fall.

In heart shaped tears we disappear
And all that remains is the corpse that I am.
Without the fear of loss, we would have nothing left to fear
And without those feelings, I would never give a ****.

Heartless or blessed with a need to find love?
A curse or a blessing?
A cure or a drug?

Time is definitive, decisions are not.
One path leads us forward,
The other path is a dead end where we must stop.
No shelter from the future of what could become us.
Destiny or fate?  I have suffered too much.

Life is no box of chocolates,
It is alcohol.
We take life by the hand so happily,
While time only ever ends for us…so what do we know?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

All my poems are written to express myself;
Talking in riddles is bad for your wealth.
I think I need to find new oxygen;
This land has no clean air and I am no help.

I live for laughter; I laugh at myself.
Beaten and broken, I have become someone else.
Is this a new age?  Or is it just the same face,
In search of a shave and a better day?

I live for now, I fade away.
When all is lost, who am I to say?
I need for nothing, but crave it all.
I can’t be brave in this brave new world.

She walks on egg shells, scared of a fall.
Pretty to picture; love is a calling.
My need is her, but she is a wall;
Stopped in my tracks, I keep on falling.

I walk alone through pitch black streets,
In search of light; I find my feet.
This is the place where I belong.
The darkness surrounds me as I wander on.

Day light arrives and brings hunger with it.
Who am I to ask you to give me anything?
But please, a gift, then I will be gone,
To vanish from your life…
Your charity work done.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I think about you every day.
You make me smile when the clouds are grey.
I wish I knew that you felt the same way,
Because I could love you, maybe, some day.

I dream about you every night.
I am so happy inside your light.
If only you would say that it is me that you like,
I could confess to you, that with you, I want to begin our new life.

You have already given me joy and hope.
I have already experienced highs and lows,
But now is the time, I need to know!
Do you like, like me, or shall I leave you alone?
Shall I forget what never was and could never have been?
Or shall I hold your hand through thick and through thin?

Do you need a shoulder to cry upon,
Two arms for a hug,
Lips to kiss
And a heart that is full of love?
Legs to carry you,
Feet to stand with you, beneath an umbrella in the pouring rain.
Hand’s to caress you and eyes that are blue, green and grey?

Take all of me; I am yours if you want me.
You are my fantasy, is this all just a dream?
Are you really as beautiful as my eyes tell me you are?
Or am I a broken heart in loves desert
And you just a lovely mirage.

You are my water when I am with thirst.
You are my choice; you would always come first,
Ahead of all others if I was asked to pick.
You make all other women disappear.
They become merely human, whilst you remain with your wings.

Carry me with you as you fly through the air.
Take me with you so I will always be there.
Take me away from the loneliness of despair.
I don’t do blondes, but with you I would care.

You are like no other; you are unique.
Your first thought is not always,
Me, me, me!
And that is what I find so alluring ‘ma cherie.’
You are already special and with you I could become anything.
You are flying off into the future.
Take me with you, be my suture.
Allow me to be your one and only suitor.

Allow me to greet you with ‘Hello Beautiful.’
You called me ‘Babe’ and to you I will remain faithful.
Who would cheat on you!?  Not me.
You are the only woman I want to see.
You eclipse the sun with your beauty;
I am lost in your eyes.  I have fallen, deep inside.

If I were an artist, I would only paint you,
Because there is, a no more beautiful view.
If I were a builder, I would build you a castle.
If I were a stonemason, I would create you a throne.
If you were a damsel in distress, I would, for you, win any battle.
If you were in need, I would be there for you
And if I was in your heart,
I would have found a place I would like to call my home.

I want you to love me so I can say ‘I love you.’
I want to fall deeper and deeper into the blue.
I want to swim through shoals of tropical fish with you,
When in our own land there is only snow.
I want to watch you smile as you drink champagne,
While you are sat next to me on The Love Boat.
I want you to love me…
I want to be your beau.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Beautiful butterfly

Once I was inside a cocoon…now I am taking my first breath with you.
Breaking out of this shell that can no longer keep me entombed.
I have been trapped long enough to transform
And I am here to exist…see what I have become.

Beautiful butterfly hidden inside my own mind…
I am a caterpillar no more;
Now I have set myself free,
From all the thoughts that used to bind.

Perfectly, I am released;
Taking flight upon a summer’s dream.
Rainbow wishes let me see,
I am no less than everything.
I am in love with the possibility of what I could be;
I am able to become anything.

If one chance is all we get to do our best,
Then I will become a success and nothing less.
No longer an embryo, I have grown into what I should have been.
See the trail of colourful dust I leave behind me as I leave.

My future is just beginning and I am so happy.
Who knows what I will turn into eventually?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Beautiful eyes

Imagine falling in love with someone you have never seen.
Would you give your heart away to a mystery?
What if you could fall head over heels, do you think you would try?
Or would you run away from what could be?  Are you confident or shy?

Would you gamble your happiness in the name of love?
Or would you hide away from the possibility,
Of anything ever being good?
Would you risk heartache or hide inside your broken heart?
Are you too badly stung, to keep believing in love?
I am ready to be loved; please let me know if you are.

I have seen too many movies to go through the exit door,
Without telling you of my feelings; I am preparing to fall.
It is up to you if you want to save me from the loss.
Am I to become a forgotten memory?  
Or are the two of us going to take-off!?

The beginning of a journey that could last for a lifetime,
Or an end to the dream and a wave goodbye.
We are standing at the precipice; no turning back after this.
It’s decision time.
Do we walk away from what could be love?
Or do we fall in?

In all the possibilities, we do not have a thousand opportunities,
To find love at first try; we cannot turn back time.
Carpe diem with me and we could go and get something to eat.
Love is standing before you with a rose in his hand,
Telling you that you have beautiful eyes…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

We admire beauty as we revere art;
We seek beautiful things to adorn our homes.
We crave to have an attraction on our arms,
So we can show our success to those who have none.

We want to love beauty;
We want a beautiful love.
We search for something purely pretty enough,
That it makes all else look so dull.

Her face lights up a room every time she smiles;
Her beauty is blinding and my feelings I cannot hide.
Her mind is an ***** that needs stimulation;
Her hair an extension of that undeniable attraction.
Her beauty is on show and it leads her forward;
Wolves whistle when she walks on by
And my thoughts are never spoken and never heard.

I want to see a world that is more spectacular;
More vivid to my eyes.
I want to find a beauty within the vernacular,
So even I can write something beautiful and make myself smile.

I see a beautiful truth inside of your heart;
I hope it wants to leap out and grab hold of my life.
I tell myself it could, to accept the fact that we are forever apart,
Because the thought of never holding you,
Is a tragedy inside my mind.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Beauty in a dark world

Statuesque she stood there silently,
Lighting up the world with her divine beauty.
It’s a beautiful light in a cold dark world,
That guides me to you when I am in need of sincerity.

You are a star;
That is what you are.
I would travel near and far,
To once more have you hold me and love me in the dark.

I knew she had to go,
But I still had hope within my soul.
I am once more left in the dark,
Now that her love has died and she is gone.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Beauty is fading from my eyes.

I have become empty of all those feelings for love;
If this is all there is in a land without feelings,
Then why should I keep searching,
For a thing I have never really touched?
The unattainable wish has begun to disappear.
Without a hope to hold onto, my future no longer seems so clear.

That image I held inside my head for so long,
Has vanished with every spilt drop of blood,
That has fallen from my eyes.
Those tears for love’s pain,
That I had always wished to so soon be gone,
Are my only memories of that thing we all want;
But I have lost my fire, I have lost my desire and all love I now despise.

Banish this wish from the hole they call my heart.
I have no name for it, or use for it,
Since it’s needs are now fading like a dying star.
Once so noble and so bright and so strong;
Love is now an unknown beauty,
No longer moving within the void that they call my heart.

I can take her into my mind, but too soon she burns away like a candle;
As my love ages, it is already dying, but once it was too hot to handle.
A thing I cannot grasp, without being burnt by deceit
And then I must become wrapped up inside their minds of lies.
My eyes seem to be changing from bright blue to grey,
To match my withering mind.

Time is taking my life, one day at a time;
My destiny is approaching so quickly,
That I cannot hold onto a dream of a better beloved Amy,
Because it has been removed from my memory
And all my needs are becoming more about who I can be,
Not who I want to be.
Now the lover I used to need is always seen walking away from me.

I used to want it all, but too many times I have tried to climb that wall
And when all I need is a new way to go through an open love door,
All I am left with are my lonesome, broken, thoughtless pieces!
My shattered heart is scattered across the floor.

There is no way out of this life that I have lived;
Once upon a dream so big.
I now hide beneath my nothing, because it is all I have to give
And it is all love deserves for the way it has treated me.

My black hole for a soul, has no *** of gold,
At the end of my never before seen rainbow.
For I am cursed, without a vision, to be alone;
In a heart that cannot live, without a daily step into the unknown.

I need an endless set of surprises,
But my love life remains the same…divided.
When all I am in need of is a simple kiss,
I am left to imagine my closed eyelids.

There is nothing between now and then,
But the motion’s that I must go through, without.
Because I can no longer see any chance of love;
I cannot see beauty,
So I can no longer believe.
If nobody can be true to me,
Then to love I can no longer remain devout.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Be aware

Be careful what you wish for, for you have fire in your heart.
The cravings that have driven you on to chase after stars,
Could be the final nail that they drive through your chest.
Beware of witches selling stones that turn out to be worthless.

If all you want lands in your hands pure,
Then how can that be real?
Love is a thing worth fighting for.
Only evil ‘lovers’ are allowed to steal.

When great perfection takes a life time to find
And must be fought for like woman or man,
Will you stand up tall and never mind,
Or will you crumble into the sand?

Find love before it is too late,
Or walk away and live your days thinking of the grave.
Money comes and goes and life is never great,
But with your heart on your sleeve and her heart in your mind,
You can live to see the better days.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Because you wanted to

You could imagine a thousand perfect excuses,
But in the end you still cheated.
You could find fault with every single thing I ever did
And blame me,
But in the end, you still cheated.
You could accuse me as much as you would like to of cheating,
But in the end it was you who was cheating.
You can say what you want,
I’m past giving a ****.
Make war, not love,
Because you cheated.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019

Metamorphosis; can I really get a witness?
Searching for a loving kiss, waiting here for her lips.
Love makes your face change,
Getting better with age.
Happy days are back again.
The truth is the only way.
What more can I say?

Lover evolution; love’s an institution.
A body lies alone, lacking devotion.
One hand needs a second,
Fates date is pre-beckoned.
Death is always calling,
Tired of always falling.

Fighting the mortal coil,
Hoping to plant in the soil.
Waiting for life to grow.
Trying to hold a precious soul.

Words become pictures,
They could write a story of pure bliss,
But nobody would ever believe in it.
So tell me what I should think.

Faith in the faithless,
Apathy requires less.
This life I lead has been one Hell of a test.
Maybe I’m not ready yet.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Be true to yourself

If your poetry is true to yourself,
Then you do not need to worry about anyone else.  
They will have their opinion.  They are entitled to that;
But they can never take away from you, the feelings that you have.

They are yours and yours alone,
But sometimes others may have them too.
Share your thoughts with the rest of the world
And you might make a connection, where you never expected to.

Be real in the words that you choose to use,
But rule nothing out; the world is your oyster.
Do what you believe is the right thing to do;
I chose to start writing poetry
And I am trying hard to not become a babbler.

Words are not perfectly set in stone;
Language moves forward, it evolves, so say what you want.
Some will hate the fact you use the language of phones;
But others will say *** is wrong with that?  ***.

Realism is a thing we should all strive for;
Speak the truth in metaphors.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Be yourself

She paints a picture of the real me.
I know in my heart that she truly believes.
She tells me stories that I always forget,
But neither of us mind that fact,
Because it means she gets to tell them all over again, I guess.

She tells my story to those who care.
She sings my praises, even when I am not there.
I would tell her story, but it is not mine to speak, or write.
She has always been there for me, so I will respect her copyright.

She is not a writer, nor does she have a poet mind.
She works to pay the bills and she leads a completely different life.
She held my hand and I felt safe,
As we walked on stepping stones over the stream;
She still watches over me, always, as I dash her hopeful dreams.
They all went up in smoke;
But I’m no gambler or criminal.
I’m just a humane being and my glass is never half full,
So I can only ever let you down;
I try to be a star, but I am still underground.

I have lived my story; it is mine to tell,
But I have no need to explain why I never seem to help myself;
Because she truly knows me and still she keeps the faith.
I hope and believe that she knows one day,
I’m going to change my ways.

This is my story; this is the tale I tell.
I have no diary musings, except the poetry; oh well.
With understanding, you will see my soul
And when I leave you all behind without me,
I hope that you know that I could only ever ‘Be yourself.’

If I write things that make you think,
I hope you know your love has only ever helped me to be.
She is at the window, the kitchen sink.
She can see me walking towards her house
And she can’t help but be welcoming.

That’s what I love about her;
For all she does,
Because without her I could never believe one day I will find true love.
She said be faithful and love will come.
I’m getting older now and I am still here unloved,
But I will promise, to maybe, one day,
Show her the love which I have found;
The love that takes my pain away.

Your understanding; it is your own,
But this is my story and its meaning has no need to be told.
I hope you forgive me, but this is mine.
I would give it all away,
But then how would I justify?

You see this is worthless, but priceless to me,
Because when I find myself in love one day,
I will, at last, find…my…peace…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Biblical Blues

Jesus Christ!  Are you my wife?
Or are you a single woman?
Surely you’re meant to be at my side,
Not off in search of another?

We used to hold each others hands, with such pride,
Now I wonder:  Do you even like me?
Are you Peter, or are you Judas the liar?
Would you deny my existence for your own benefit?

Or would you trade me in for 5 silver coins?
A new handbag, or a box of jewels.
Or would you say, with joy in your words,
I’m sorry but I’m married, so goodbye Sir.

Do you remember the wine I gave you, for our first anniversary?
I sacrificed my own simple pleasures, so I could save enough money.
And buy you the finest things I could afford,
All I could give you; still didn’t seem enough.

So here I hang on my cross awaiting my death,
I’d tell you I still love you, but I’d be wasting my breath.
My sacrifice, my ******* life!
Given up for you, the faithless type.

So goodbye now, I’m off to see God;
My father, my creator, my judge, my condemner.
The one to blame, for all I’ve had and lost,
The one who has punished me forever and ever.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Watching birds fly high in the sky;
Oh why, oh why, can I not fly?
The freedom they have is clear to see.
They do as they please and they seem to be free.

I wish I could be up there on cloud nine,
Above the world, flying so high.
They dash and dart and they swoosh so sublime,
Way up there in the great blue sky.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018

I was trying to build a future using the chaos theory,
But now is the time to compartmentalize.
I visualize a future happiness one day near me;
In love maybe with me, or because of me, despite.

If she is happy, then I will be happy.
I seek the extraordinary truth in you.
Do you fit the shoe of destiny?
Or is hot farfetched from obscurity?
Placed before me waving endlessly,
Look at me!  I am a mirage of what could be.

Things take time, the bigger the better.
Never say never or nothing lasts forever.
It is never too late to make a change,
Or learn from your mistakes, again.

Drag ink across the page with love, not rage.
Just say what needs to be said and keep the rest caged.
Be a poet of great understanding.
Truly amaze them and leave when they start clapping,
Shouting “Bis!” and “Encore!”
“We want more and more and more!”

That is the time to open your minds door
And then you step on through…
I wish you all the luck in the world.
Fly out into the blue.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Money too much, children’s laughter;
Fall apart beneath the moonlight.
Make me cry tears of blood, ever after;
I think I want to die tonight.

Dog bite scar puts pain to skin;
Leave it out and let me in.
Kiss my soul with teeth of barbwire;
Let me remember you within the fire.

Whisper words of wisdom and lets all jump across to hear them;
Another dead singer living on the edge of oblivion.
Wasting away in a puddle of blood;
Never been in love, because love's no good.

Whispers scream through echoes of violence;
In the cold dark silence I see them cry.
Smother me with love, because love is blinding.
Drift away into the clouds up above in the sky.

Want it too much to earn it, or find it;
Give it to me easy, but it’s never enough.
Flew into the sun in search of new sights;
Laying here blinded by God and his version of love.

Money too much to bring pleasure to me;
Set me free with poetry in poverty.

Howl at the moon to release the endorphin’s;
Scream at her now she will listen to you.
Give me anything, but let it be broken;
I have nothing left to give to you.

Fire raging along the border;
Corner me and I will bite you back.
You want me to be something smarter.
I can’t do that.  Creativity I lack.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Bitter Pill

You are a bitter pill to swallow,
When I think about tomorrow,
Because today was just the same,
As all the other days.

You took my pride and told your lies
And said goodbye…
To all the love that is inside my heart.

While you are with me,
You are wondering what to look for in your next boyfriend
And not appreciating what you have with me, so this is our end.

So much for the memories.

Something strange and something real.
I guess I have no *** appeal.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Black ink thrown onto a canvas

Art is a betrayal of the senses.
The thoughts you think only leave you senseless.
Like an apprentice, endless, defenceless and depressed.
A hole inside a whole mind of a complete mess.

An image of emptiness can never be painted,
But painstaking hearts are willing to try this,
For they have waited for this long,
For you to write their wrongs in songs
And cure the curse of verse, chorus, verse.

Release the words or remain entrapped,
Hidden in the dark beneath the mask.
True remorse I lack,
Because of a reminder to self:
Don’t look at the sword in your back.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Black Widow Spider.

Secrete your deceit, like a Black Widow Spider,
But I shall not become the husband you devour.
Your web I shall not become entombed in.
I have no wish to be mummified;
Do not try to keep me.

For you are wrong,
If you believe you are worthy of my love.
You’ve clearly become deranged, because of the drugs.
You’ve never even tried, to give me true love
And now I’ve simply had enough.

For my heart is huge and my love is endless,
Whilst your love is only ever temporary
And every promise you’ve made, you’ve broken it.

You say you’re flirtatious, you’re no longer a man eater,
But you sleep with any man who comes onto you
And you expect us to still be together?

Leave me now; go find all the ****** partners you want.
I shall go in search of my true love.
You can let them use your body, whilst you’re still young and easy,
But I need a woman, who is mature enough to get married.

She and I will have lots of ***, plus love and devotion,
Understanding, honesty, showing true emotions,
A closeness, a fondness, completely knowing each other,
Someone to hold hands with, someone to truly explore,
In every way imaginable.

And you my Black Widow Spider?
Well, occasionally you’ll go and get ******.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I am the wave blowing through you;
Blame it on me, or blame it on you.
Blame it on something I can’t prove, like I love you.

Here we are staring at the sky,
Watching our lives pass us by.
When we were young, we had it going on;
Now we are gone and can blame no-one.

It is such a shame when there is no-one left to blame,
For all our mistakes, which lead us to think again.
We must accept our inability, to be loved.
We must accept our inability, to be something other than a love.

We tried to work things out but now we are over;
We never took the time to figure out what we needed from this.
Our relationship died and my life became much colder,
But I no longer blame you…your love I will always miss.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

If you want to be glad then be glad,
If you want to be sad then be sad.
If you want to be altogether happy inside,
Then don’t rely on a man.

We are bad to the bone and bad for your soul,
You should just let go and save yourself.
You are blameless and you should go.
We are the nameless and we only care about ourselves.

If you need to be loved then find love,
If you need to be alone then be alone.
If you want to be altogether a better person,
Then delete his number off your phone.

You are bad at lying and we see right through;
We just let you believe we don’t see what you do.
We allow you to believe we will be here forever,
But we are already looking for the exit and a way to sever,
This chain that binds us together in love,
Because to us there is nothing more important than trust.

If you want to be real then be real,
If you want to be fake then be a fake.
If you don’t want to believe the words that I say,
Then have yourself a nice day.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Bleeding Heart

Choose life, suicide; born free, running wild.
Let down, picked up, never learned how to love.
You will always be my Queen; you will always have my heart.
Let your love bleed into me and I will tear it apart.

Here she comes in angel wings;
Covering me in her empathy.
I feel her love entrapping me;
Locked away inside her heart, I am finally free.

Free from the search of a true love that will last forever;
At last accepting love is temporary and at some point love will sever.
Severely love is ripped from my hands,
As she casts a glance at another man.

My bleeding heart lies there on the floor,
It is beaten, it is broken; it is in love no more.

Love will not last forever and some day it will fade,
But if you have it, hold onto it like it’s the key to your grave.
Because love will release you from the fear of death…

But love will bring your end, when you have nothing left.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Bleed it all away.

Bleed away the pain;
Don’t let it eat away at you, let it go.
Bleed away the pain;
Set it free, from deep within your soul.

Write it down or keep it bottled up inside;
Whatever seems to work for you and your life.
Love a lot, it is all that you have got,
But don’t lose the plot when it is gone.

Never felt like I hated the idea of love before;
But then you walked through that door and love was no more.
I never hated you as much as I loved you my love;
But I have never been one to simply move on.

I need to let go of you, because no-one compares to you.
No-one has ever, or will ever, affect me like you still do.
Heaven is falling from the sky, I want to die;
I cry ****** tears; in the silence I sigh.

She is gone and I am here alone,
I want to bleed away her love and bleed away my hope.
I want to let it all go to become a nightmare for someone else,
But this is my pain to bear; my own personal Hell.

You said it was you and me until the end;
You lied again, my so-called girlfriend.
You are no friend of mine, just a curse I had to suffer,
So goodbye forever my bleeding heart, my lover.

Running into the heart of darkness;
Now my love has gone I welcome sadness.
It lets me be the man I know I am;
The condemned sufferer in silence…I am the ******.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Beware, for I am the sinister taker of lives.
The evil among the fearless; the blood-thirsty surprise.
The bringer of death, go await me in your beds;
Your day of reckoning has come, but don’t lose your head.

For I only bring my deadly vampire kiss
And you’re a cynic anyway; in me you don’t believe.
You couldn’t conceive a notion, so unbelievable,
But the stories are true and I shall have your blood.

For I too have, my own carnal pleasures,
The sadistic psychopath, with a need to devour.
I shall sink my fangs, deep into your throat,
Or bathe in your blood; this is your final hour.

You were the headstrong, extreme tourist;
You never believed, in any of the stories.
A local legend born on fact;
Now this blood tax, I shall extract.

I am the foreseer of doom, saturated in blood.
The creeping hand in a forest full of fog.
So don’t wander off the beaten path and get lost in the dark,
Or I shall have to break your Mother’s heart.

Pale as snow and empty inside,
The blood has been drained, as was the life.
The spirit fought a losing battle.
You are merely food to me; you Humans are simply cattle.

Walking talking food, wrapped in flesh;
Never aware, you are taking your final breath.
I have risen up, to the next rung on the food chain,
For I am now the bringer of death and pain.

Gone from this world, to return a predator;
Free from Death’s scythe, forever and ever.
But now I must empty, the bodies around me,
Their blood is now mine and I must feed.
But now I have a new kind of lust;
A need to ****…
And a need to drink your blood.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Bonfire night.

Bonfire night.  Oh what a fright.
A thousand explosions in the moonlit night.
The blackened sky lit up with little lights,
Like a Christmas tree, on November 5.

Guys with forks and knives eating burgers and fries
And hot dogs with the gals in front of the fire.
Let’s all get warm on this cold dark night;
Sparklers illuminate the faces of the laughing child.

Playing with fire is dangerous, so wear gloves on your hands,
In case the sparks burn you, but they won’t if you are careful and plan.
Each firework should be lit by an adult, not a child;
Because only adults are sensible enough to be that close to a fire.

Fire is dangerous and so are fireworks too;
So sit back and relax and watch the sky like I do.
Explosions of colour flicker in the night sky,
Painting pictures for us all on the blackboard in front of our eyes.

Bang!  And Boom!  Shout the scary fireworks up above,
As they scare the animals (The cats and the dogs).
So stay safe on Bonfire night and be with your family,
So you too can see the pretty colours that we all can see.

Light up the black sky on this starry, starry night
And sleep peacefully in your beds, without any frights.
The fireworks bang and scare the scary things away,
So we can all sleep peacefully in our beds,
Looking forward to Christmas day.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

You captivate me with the softness of your words.
Intellectual thoughts let me see your truth.
My heart beats faster inside your ozone.
My Bonsai Princess; my sweet unknown.

Only in your hands could I ever be brought to life.
Only with you at my side would I ever need to fight,
For I would protect you from all who would threaten.
I will be with you, through all that which I have no wish to mention.

Allow me to be your scissors of steel,
Against all enemies; against all who do not feel,
The love you ooze in the way that you move.
With you I am at last jealous-proof.

As water falls from bright blue skies,
You and I slide through the waterfall of life.
As we rise to our feet, our minds always meet.
You cannot disappoint as you always enrich me.

With perfect detail you describe your day,
As I scribe away.  My words you say,
Are beautiful; my beautiful muse,
You are my only way.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Bon Voyage.

Seize the day, my sweet rosebud,
It’s time for you to blossom and become a woman.
Open your angel wings and let your love light shine.
Embrace all you wish for, throughout your life time.

Find your paradise, at the end of the rainbow.
Travel the world and speak the local lingo.
Taste the finest foods, that are foreign to your tongue;
Find contentment, enlightenment and riches
And somewhere along the long winding road, find love.

If you’re true to love, it will show you Heaven.
Stay faithful to your dreams and go find your Garden of Eden.
Follow your heart and your basic instincts.
Then you will find love,
Then you will have truly lived.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Boo who?

My apathy is my gift.
Without it I would not be able to live.
If I had to always care,
Then I would exist in perpetual despair,
And you would all get under my skin.

Keep your love and share your money.
Love is just a word, you are so funny.
We say things exists, but let’s face it,
Do you really think that means anything?
Keep on with your dreaming.

I do not care about your wishes.
I have none of my own, no bucket list.
So leave me alone, it reminds me of a better time…
When I escaped your lies.

Gone and good riddance,
Adios and goodbye.
My eyes never even cried,
As my love for you died.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

Everything is a chore.
Everything is a bore.
Everything is worth nothing at all
And everything is no more.

You want to get high, but not experience the lows.
You want a life where anything goes.
You want the love, but not the pain.
You want a love who promises to stay.

If you get high, then low’s you will find.
If you want love, then you will lose your mind.
If you want to find your own way,
Then you will end up lost and one day fade away.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Bored of life

I’m so bored of this,
I’m so bored of it.
I’m so bored of this life,
Let’s put an end to it.

I’m so bored of this,
I’m so bored of it.
I’m so bored of you and all your ****!

I’m ******* bored of this;
I’m so ******* bored.
I’m so ******* bored, of not being adored.

So give me love; give me you.
Give me life and give me breath.
Have some faith and I’ll give you me;
Set me free or give me death.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Born again.

I am a stranger in a foreign land
And I have no place to call my home.
I have travelled as a dark lonely man in this world
And I still feel the need to roam.

There’s a beautiful horizon in the back of my mind;
I would start again from the beginning, if I could turn back time.

They allow me to rewind; to start again.
Now I have lost all that which I have gained.
But I begin with the knowledge of a former life.  Like a train,
I charge into the new life, swallowing all future knowledge.
This time I am born to win!
I am born again.

Pick up your lies;
You have been walking all over the truth.
All I knew was worthless to a former life,
Where all I did was lose.

But now the truth shall set me free!
I shall embrace peace, love and empathy!
I shall never again suffer indignity.
I have become all knowing, all seeing;
So now such love, I shall no longer seek.

Aspire to inspire, whilst playing the lyre;
The lies are no longer necessary to lift us above.
Eyes are now wide open, keep your mouth shut!
We are all born to lose, this life we are given,
To go in search of love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Born to die

Born to die with no time on our side,
I need to learn everything before I die.
But time is running out, one life at a time;
I don’t want to die before crossing the line.

I need to learn more but my fate hangs over me;
I need to see something so special it sets my mind free.
I need something amazing before I die;
Because I don’t believe I ever had enough time.

We are born to die so live life quickly;
Because it goes in a second and becomes a tragedy.
Twenty something; killed so easily.
Life is short and life is a lie.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Born to the sea

Mind of water, flowing thoughts;
The currents beneath your words could change us all.
River heart, born to the sea;
The solace we seek waves to you and to me.

Join me on this voyage, over water, to a new land.
All hands on deck chairs are temporarily in the sand.
Cast ashore to repair our vessel,
But soon we shall cruise again, so hoist that sail!

Raise it so high, that the crow’s nest will not be our peak
And the land dwellers will be the last people that we would wish to meet.
My crew and I are setting off on an adventure;
A journey across the deep blue, to a land of mischief and wonder.

The undiscovered land, on the other side of a new life.
We be pirates, so we be; so raise that Jolly Roger flag upon high.
Let all who see our symbol know the story of our ship.
The unsinkable voyager;
A blast from the past, blowing through the wind.

Raise the sails and let the wind take us in and move us on
And throughout the jagged edged cliffs and beyond!
And on past the mermaids that sit upon the rocks,
Singing such enchanting songs
And on past the things that they call ‘The Leviathan’.

Release the Kraken!  The foulest beast from the Gods up above
And we shall continue this trek into the darkest of the ***.
To the bottom of the barrel, right down to the Admirals eye.
Let the birds be our guide to our next paradise.

Land ahoy!  There be treasure there for sure;
So onward ya scurvy rats and be prepared to fight once more!
We are ******, to forever sail,
Since the life at sea swallowed our cursed souls;
Now we travel these high seas in search of more silver and gold.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

There is an old wooden table with rickety legs;
It looks as though it is ready to break,
Under the weight of the treasure chest which upon it rests.

A little brown box in the centre of the table;
The dust has had time to settle and the spiders have set their trap.
A torn piece of paper next to the box tells the story,
Of the contents of the box and the power that it has.

Do not open the lid, unless you are prepared for all evil.
Do not make a mistake and make sure you keep your faith.
The greatest heart stood before this lock,
Will simply break apart and shrivel.
What more is there to say?

You have been warned; do not touch.
Keep away, because all we have to give is hope.
Is it really worth the cost?
Are you sure that you know?

The souls of humanity are the price to pay;
If you decide to open this box
And ignore what the warnings say.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

Cigarette butts on the floor.
Time for me to take a walk.
Work is easy when you’re not this tired.
Want a day off, hope I get fired.

Trucks pass on by, on the fly,
And I can’t see eye to eye.
Trains they come and then they go.
Aching legs dream of home.

Rest a while then work again.
Life is Hell when things don’t change.
Easy job, but lack of motivation.
I don’t need no education.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Breathe you in to me.

Words belong to us all; my feelings are yours to take.
I no longer have the strength to put up a wall,
So you are free to ruin me in your own special way.
Put me down with the whispers; I am embarrassed to take the applause.
I accept no apologies from people who close doors.

Embrace me or lose me; who am I to say?
I will still be stood here singing in the rain, at the end of days.
This soul is mine; this day is yours to make an agonizing choice.
Do you dare to love?  Will you risk the fall?
All I need to hear is the truth which you hide beneath your voice.

If I am your decision, then let us be each other’s joy.
Love is androgynous; you are stupendous!
So close to stupidity; so far from being willing to destroy.
You have left a mark upon my mind that I will never forget.
Beautifully scarred, you have left your egg inside my fragile nest
And with every wasted breath that I must breathe in without you near,
I contemplate the waste; I dream about death.
I feel my spiritual entity disappear.

But then we reappear, after what seems like years,
To the sounds of our hearts cheers, as we remember the love we have
And the bond we will always share.
I hope you can see that I still care.

Time is too short in your presence, but every second is a gift.
As you turn away, I await your return;
Though inside I know that your love will never truly leave.
I feel such happiness whenever I am an integral piece of your kiss;
I can never get enough of your love,
Because only in your arms can I truly be at peace.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jan 2020
Brighter than the stars at night

Nature is colour, the vastness of space,
The roll of the thunder, the streams gentle waves.
Goodbye fellow being, be gone to the lost.
Cut down by life, we are still counting the cost,
And we may never know what we could have had together,
But as I stare into the Heaven’s, all I can think about is the weather
And the seas that rise and the ice bergs that fall.
Goodbye fellow being; goodbye to you all.

Man has been here and left his footprint forever.
Forever changed is this land, crushed beneath tire like a feather,
That no longer flies on the wings of a dove.
Goodbye fellow being.
Goodbye to the love.
Goodbye to this place that we like to call ours.
Goodbye to the planet and hello to the stars.

I am waving a little early, but there is no past.
It is all gone.  This little light is lost, to being out last.
Along pavements and roads to nowhere, I have walked with them all;
That is why I can only stare at the floor
And hope to see through, but this city gives me no view.
Just architecture, nature, Circle of Life has a puncture.
And we are at a junction…Do we choose right?  
I can no longer see the stars through the city lights...

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Bright light city

Bright light city, shining in the distance;
Bright light city girl, shining in the dark.
My landing light beacon, you give me a reason;
Now I understand just what you could be and what you are.

You are made of crystal,
Illuminate my heart.
Show me the way to go forward,
To find a new way to love your art.

In a world of black holes that swallow our souls,
You have become my guiding light.
I read your thoughts to know what you know
And inside your heart I find a love I have needed my whole life.

You lit up the sky with a blinding light
And I finally looked up and noticed you and forgot about dying.
My misery has gone now I have your love,
So go write your book and I will be here if you need a hug.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Bring Out Your Dead

One by one the dead shall rise
And the burning fires within their eyes,
Shall show their hatred for humanity.
Their deaths have taken away their sanity.

They will hunt us down and take our lives,
Down to their living Hell of screams and fire.
Torture, pain and no way out.
Welcome to Hell.  You shall fulfil Satan’s desires.

One by one the people burn,
Or have their bodies buried underground.
But from the ashes of the dead,
The phoenix shall rise once again.

But fear the phoenix, for what it brings with it,
The zombies and ghosts and all sorts of ghoulies.
The land of the dead, was once full of life,
Now the life has been drained away,
By the Hell that is fire.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

Ahead of time, the hammer sounds for you;
The shattered realm around our hearts comes into view.
We are broken in two by the lies you told;
The reaper has come to collect your soul.

You’re feeling shattered, your body is in pieces;
They neglected to tell you your life was on the line.
Now broken down you see them, the deceivers;
Angels of the night working for the man of fire.

Nobody told you how it would all go down;
They left you there lonely, down there on the ground.
Killed for no reason, there is no reasoning with death.
He has come for you, he is here; it’s time to take your final breath.

The white light before you leads to a new kind of life;
A beautiful world, up above alongside God.
Heaven is waiting, it is time for you to enter;
Your body has been broken, but your soul lives on.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020
Broken bottle.

Heart breaks in two, waiting on a love to come.
Save me from the time that I don't have; where is my fun?
I am in need of ears and lips and a hand to hold,
But it is too cold in my bed for any lost soul,
Other than mine to lie and lie I do about how I feel,
Because I hide my life away from all those who would steal.
When once upon a time I would have given it away.
Now I am too late to make a change.

Still I age and with age comes reasoning and clearer thinking.
No intoxicated, medicated, not interested, only spinning,
To pass the time with friends which I have now lost,
And I can no longer stare into the bottom of a bottle.
My personality defect is the reason for the loss,
But blame is going nowhere except back to me in full throttle.

It smashes into my chest and leaves me to confess,
I never did my best to keep you near, so goodbye stress.
It’s crystal clear in my space now,
I am heading for another row,
With myself and the thoughts inside my head,
Because all I have left is a billion regrets,
But no apologies will be coming from me,
Because all I think is killing me,
On the inside; so you don't need to say,
Because try as you might I will not try to understand your way,
Of thinking; so just leave me be.
Leave me to my suffering so I can pretend that I am free.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Broken mind mentality

Falling through an endless black-hole that I think is my universe.
It exists only inside my head full of holes
And it hollows my soul
And it eats away at a part of me from the inside.
I am left to fall in reverse.

Losing sight of all that I knew;
The truth I knew, to be so true.
As thoughts ricochet inside my brain, black paint is thrown onto my art,
Creating holes inside my head and tearing me apart.
Lost in spaces, in between, reality and darkness dreams.
So lost to everything they claimed to be unique to me;
I need to escape from this broken mind mentality.

What I have is all mine but none of it works;
My body jerks and shakes and breaks and I hurt.
When all I need is a clear path forward, not back,
All I have is misty eyes and all I feel is panic attacks.

So scared of all that never was,
Or what could be, if I do nothing,
Or do something, or make a choice;
I will only destroy my eternal voice.
The vocal chords will be cut,
By never mind, regrets and but,
I never meant to say that, please take it back.
I am losing the last morsels of strength that I ever had
And I am oh, so sad.
I will disappear into this black-hole,
That drags me away from everybody that I know.

When all is gone and my star goes out,
I will remain in doubt and inside out;
What hope is there for me now?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Brooding to breed.

Brooding to breed, too eager to feed,
To create this thing, inside your tummy.
In a rush to give life, before you have even lived.
Needing a baby, whilst you yourself are still a kid.

It sounds so nice, to become a Mother and Wife;
But what of your future?  Are you sure you’re mature enough?
Have you truly experienced this thing called life enough?
And will not regret the missed chances,
You could have had without this child.

Are you sure, you can really provide,
For the entirety of this child’s adolescent life?
Do you have a partner, who will never walk away?
When things get too bad, are you sure they will stay?

Can you truly cope and be sure you can give this child all it needs?
Are you sure this man is truly worthy?
Of being a father and are you sure you can be a good Mother?
If he’s not or you’re not sure;
Maybe an abortion you should consider.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Bubble boy and his internal struggle

My heart is a bunch of knots;
So damaging to myself, my God!
Why can I not just catch a break?
And find someone, to ease this pain.

The drugs don’t work,
I need her.
Only she can cure this nausea.
So full of bile, I fake all smiles,
I think, I thought, I oughta.

Stay away because I am contagious;
No more self-dangerous, just so sick of it all!!!!
This is so much pain for one man to own.
I sit in silence to drown out the moans.
The noise cuts like a knife and I fall to the floor.

I have so much stress, so I detest,
This never rest.
This this.
Is this really the best I can do?
The most fun I can have without being ****.

I would remain sad, but as I exhale,
These words of fail,
I know all things, they end one day.
So if I have to suffer these nails,
That I keep within my body, frail,
Then surely I will one day be saved.
Saved from my eternal struggle,
Over quick double,
Triple the trouble.
Love can only burst my bubble.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Building bricks

Brick by brick we build our nation
And stone by stone we build a generation.
The children are the future, the old our voting class;
The young have given up voting because politicians have no class.

Building new laws and building new houses;
Nothing this government does smells of roses.
Leaving the EU seems like it will come back to haunt us.
Rosie is in the hospital, the NHS is seeing closes.

Sack them all because they choose money over patients;
Every generation loses faith but nothing ever changes.
So they plant a tree as they knock down a forest;
Stop with your lies, just give it a rest.

Let the people vote and then try to take the decision back.
Politics, ***** tricks; power of conviction you lack.
Money rules the world and money changes hands;
Ideology and philosophy, but still you have no master plan.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Rabbit ear’s pointing up towards the sky.
They are listening out for the bunnies that are calling out for love,
To begin their wail.
In search of a love, he is always hoping to find.
One he could love would be the one,
Who could make him wag his bright eyed bushy tail.

He knows that a wiggle of the nose is the way to go,
To find himself a mate.
Her silhouette is his reflection, a mirror version;
A recognizable shape and a friendly face.
He hops over to say hello to the mystery carrot eater.
“Hello, how are you today?  My name is Bouncer”
“Hi; I’m Leaper.”

And so the love story begins;
The bouncing, the leaping and carrot eating.
A sharing of a pleasant dream.
Only into each other’s arms are the lover’s a leaping.

On past the flowers and down into their burrow.
Bouncer and Leaper snuggle up next to each other, nice and close.
They stay down in their warren to keep each other warm,
Until spring is sprung and the kit baby is born…
And then Bouncer can hop off outside,
To fetch his Leaper a rose of thorns.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Poetry is my self-portrait, for all the world to see.
I show you my every thought and wonder about yours.
What do you read into me?

Are we all, all we could have been,
If we have never tried to study our dreams
And chased them through to the conclusion?
Why is love such an optical illusion?

What would I be if I chose to never write again?
If wishes are real,
Then why can we not all feel the need to love another?  
Why is it so easy to just throw it all away?
Such a waste and expectations so unreal;
Lovers always find new lovers.

Surrealist art shows an image from inside,
A dysfunctional mind, that slips and slides as worlds collide
And atoms separate.
Who is to say what is first-rate?
Who is last to take their place?
Who is humble enough to have nothing to say,
But are happy to wait, to be given their way?
Their way to go; a way to be.
A way to avoid the shared misery.

Pull me out of this slumber, for my mind is awake
And I cannot wait to try again, to brighten up my miserable face.
I used to smile a long time ago,
But those days are far away from me now and I can see no return,
But hopefully with just a little bit more hope,
I can ignite my future and leave my past behind to burn.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Burning bright

Dreaming of a sunbeam;
Waiting for a light to shine.
Imagining a new being,
Wandering into my life.

Waiting on a lover I have never met before.
I have been adrift too long, but now I am insight of shore.
If all feelings change, then something must begin this day.
I am alone and lost, but I am being put in my place.
Destiny’s hands guide me;
Fate is locked in Schrodinger’s box.
I am a voice of love,
Calling out to the one who is lost.

Faith never crumbles; replicate and start again.
Belief in the unknown; wishing I could find my way.
Love is where the heart is at home;
I want to exist inside her mind.
Praying for a new kiss;
Hoping for an eternal flame to become burning bright.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Burning pages with ink

All the hate sets fire to me
And burn’s through me so intensely.
Flames run up and down my arms, permanent scars;
All my charm just burns away.
Rip me up and start again.

Smash my fist against the page!
Pen gripped tightly, shatters on impact.
Drag the ink from out of my veins,
To write in blood: “This…is…fact!”
Not this is “4 REAL”, because nothing is.
Time to burn another sun, or waste another wish.

Scratch my nails across the white;
Blood drips only leave vertical lines
And all I think is written ‘down’.
I don’t know how to turn my frown around.

One way, only falling, crawling; breaking open every gift of an egg.
Leave me for dead, upon a mid-summer nights dream, lost to never.
Never to be seen again.

All my words lost in translation;
Even I can’t read back what I have written.
Words like scars imprinted on me,
I recall the spirit of the time.
Still I cannot speak truthfully or freely,
Because you would not understand!  A single thing that I write.
I only write when I am shattered.
Splintered pieces, thoughts remain.
I am searching in a dark world, without a light, looking for answers,
But there is nothing, there is nothing…there is nothing but the pain.

As I continue to waste my life away,
All is grey in this rose tinted garden.
I strike a match and then I say,
This is the end;
All is said.
All is done…
I am through with tryin’.
You were my only true friend.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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