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10.2k · Sep 2017
helena alexis Sep 2017
she's the type of girl
to give you your
favorite flowers
then stomp on
them before
handing them
to you
once again a poem ab a fake friend
7.7k · Sep 2017
high school
helena alexis Sep 2017
once you graduate high school
you see people for who they
really are

people change and
sometimes not for the better

your best friend is now your
worst enemy
the person who intimidated you
is now one of your friends
the boy you had a crush on
is now irrelevant

some people enter high school
with tons of friends
and leave with a few friends

others enter high school
with a few friends
and leave with none at all

- my high school experience
my high school experience in a poem
7.0k · Sep 2017
lost coins
helena alexis Sep 2017
friends are like coins
they have two faces

some are shiny
some are dull
some are valuable
some are worthless

people collect them
people lose them

I've lost all my coins

- lost coins
I have no friends right now bc all of them are fake as hell
6.7k · Sep 2017
helena alexis Sep 2017
im surrounded by fake

i thought they were my friends
instead they took a knife
and stabbed me

not once,
not twice,
not three times,
multiple times

and yet I still
gave them a chance

- surrounded by fake
currently friendless bc ppl are so fake
3.7k · Oct 2017
pray for the world
helena alexis Oct 2017
this world is
falling apart
terror is

natural disasters
striking every other
day it seems like

kids bringing guns
to school where they
are supposed to learn

old men shooting up
music festivals leaving
50 dead and 500 wounded

police killing innocent
black lives who are
doing nothing but
living their lives

im so sick of it
this is not my world
trump is not my president

this is not the world
im going to raise my
unborn children in

i refuse to live in
a world where
terror is everywhere

i just want to feel
safe without having
to worry about if
im going to
survive another day
my thoughts on what is going on in the world right now
3.6k · Jul 2018
dangerous love
helena alexis Jul 2018
a reality seduced by danger is
what made her want him more
the passion between them was electric
the way their bodies fit together like
puzzle pieces in the night
she’s addicted to the thrill
and to the evil angel who
wants her to be his forever
3.4k · Aug 2018
pineapples & avocados
helena alexis Aug 2018
                i really want a juicy ripe deliciously sweet pineapple on a hot summer day the way the juice drips down my chin as i devour the sweet succulent fruit

other times

                i might want a healthy green fruit to snack on such as an avocado feeling the rough interior skin only to cut it open and find the soft green buttery deliciousness inside i love the way my lips feel as the smooth flesh hits my throat with flavor

you see
                i like both of these fruits being bisexual is like
enjoying these fruits i will always like both but on some days i might want more of the other but no matter what i will always love both
a poem about bisexuality
2.9k · Jan 2018
blank canvas
helena alexis Jan 2018
trace poems on
my inner thigh
paint a sunset
between my *******

write love letters
between my legs
use my body
as your blank canvas
2.8k · Oct 2021
helena alexis Oct 2021
this desire took over everything
she worked so hard to prevent
interrupted from working on herself

instead she found herself back in
the place she promised she would
never go back to

she tried so hard to be better
but the temptation failed her
this has now become
a problem yet again
going back to that dark place
2.7k · Dec 2017
make me yours
helena alexis Dec 2017
hold my thighs
lick me as if i’m
the only source
of liquid left on
this earth

devour me like
an animal
pinning me down
lapping me up
as if you were a dog
on an extremely hot day
2.7k · Jul 2018
sex on the brain
helena alexis Jul 2018
the magic of sensual pleasure is the most simulating powerful thing that the brain can experience
a simple touch can turn the body into overdrive
heightened senses and heavy breathing
eyes rolled back as the release is soon coming
the body clenches as the ****** approaches
the brain loses consciousness it’s like a dream
2.6k · May 2020
bad ones
helena alexis May 2020
i always fall for the bad ones

the ones who arrived from the shadow
the ones who lurk in the darkness and
flirt with danger
the ones who allow reality to slip
through their finger tips
the one whose pale face shone
in the golden sun

you see the bad ones aren’t
afraid of sampling death
they are risk takers

the bottom line is
when a good one comes along
i push them away because
the bad one still needs fixing

the bad ones do have
a way with my heart
and it gets broken
over and over

guess who comes running back?
i can still fix them if they’d let me
the bad ones have my heart
helena alexis Nov 2017
being a poet in love
means writing down
every single emotion
you’ve ever felt on to paper

it means turning simple things
about a person into
deep details that only
you would notice

such as when the one you
love simply smiles at you
that could turn into
“his mouth turned upward into
a small smile upon his cheeks
making my stomach erupt
into tiny butterflies”

it means writing every single
interaction you’ve had with that
person and turning it into something
poetic and beautiful even if it’s as
simple as a smile

it means letting your heart
do the writing for you as the
emotions pour out of your mind

but it also means heartbreak
lots and lots of heartbreak
having your heartbroken
even helps poets write about
being in love

it’s hard being a poet in love
because we can never find
someone who truly wants
to be written about
wrote this for a contest enjoy
2.5k · Sep 2017
coffee shops
helena alexis Sep 2017
i bring my notebook
into the coffee shop
writing down my
thoughts for the day

sipping on a frappe
i let my pen lead the way
writing and writing
about anything and everything

sitting in a coffee shop
with various voices
alternative music
all around me

meeting new people
focusing on my thoughts
letting the coffee fill my veins
sitting in a coffee shop as im writing this right now
2.5k · Oct 2020
the way I want you
helena alexis Oct 2020
his eyes contemplated the way she introduced herself, sultry and seductive
never breaking eye contact with him

this young woman wanted him
in ways he could never imagine
vivid dreams filled her mind
the passion, the roughness, the danger,
it all excited her

she pictured him in a way that
one day without warning he would
break her, ravage her like
no other man has before
thinking ab my crush
2.4k · Feb 2018
starry eyed
helena alexis Feb 2018
“you should see the way
your eyes light up when
you talk about him”
she says to her

“it’s like he put a galaxy
in the sky for you”

“that’s because he did”
she says with a glimmer in
her eyes the kind she only
gets while thinking of him
he gave me the stars
2.1k · Oct 2017
helena alexis Oct 2017
she’s the type
of girl to
grind your
heart into little
pieces and roll it
then smoke it
right in front of you
yet another poem about my ex best friend
2.1k · Sep 2017
helena alexis Sep 2017
sleepy boys with tousled brown hair
and piercing green eyes; a smirk
plastered on their faces

sad girls with unkempt blonde hair
and lonely blue eyes; tears streaming
down their faces

i love you the boys say
no you don't the girls reply

- fuckboys
2.1k · Sep 2017
wet dreams
helena alexis Sep 2017
she dreams of him at night
touching herself
under the covers

silent beautiful moans
escape her parted lips
as her dainty fingers
linger to the most
precious part of her

slowly moving in and out
imagining it's him
touching her all over

she closes her eyes
picturing his rough
large hands roaming
all over her petite body

her breath hitches
her toes curl
her stomach knots

it's coming
she's coming

all because of him

- wet dreams
when u have a ******* ab the boy u like so u write ab it???
2.1k · May 2018
the sun & moon
helena alexis May 2018
SUN GIRLS: sun-kissed goddesses, some a little darker than others because the sun loves them just a little bit more, writes poetry sitting outside a local coffee shop, always happy all the time, loves the color yellow, wears mom jeans and tucked in t-shirts all the time, is soft and loves love, long hair, mostly in braids or ponytails.

MOON GIRLS: dark circles under their eyes, parties a lot, drinks to forget their heartbreak, red lipstick and black eyeshadow, sleepless nights accompanied by anxiety, owns over 20 different leather jackets, loves adrenaline, risk-taker, a smoker, strong smell of cigarettes and mint gum, smirks a lot, flirty, secretly likes sun girls
2.0k · Sep 2017
our kisses
helena alexis Sep 2017
feeling your lips against mine
so soft and angelic
moving in sync
with each other

you taste like fireworks
exploding in my mouth
each kiss feels different

rougher and rougher
our lips attacking
like they are at war

- kissing you
made out w a girl in Mexico over the summer this is ab her
2.0k · Jan 2018
drug of choice
helena alexis Jan 2018
you’re like my own personal drug
my drug of choice ranges from
rolling you up like a joint

to snorting you like coke
or shooting you up like ******
and sometimes popping you
like a xanax

to even placing
you on my tongue
like a tab of acid

and when i’m without you
I get horrible withdrawals
i cry myself to sleep sometimes

i have to be with you at all times
or else i’ll go crazy you make me
forget all the bad things you make
me feel something like i’m wanted

i’m addicted to you
1.9k · May 2018
summer expectations
helena alexis May 2018
i can’t wait for the long summer nights
that are soon approaching as the days
become hotter and the nights become cooler
i can’t wait to kiss random girls and boys
at concerts and parties with bitter taste of alcohol lingering still on my lips

i can’t wait to feel the sun kiss my skin each day as i go out wearing short shorts and a crop top
i can’t wait for the long night drives to nowhere with friends,

all the road trips we’ll take to the beach, all the new people I’ll meet i can’t wait for laying down beneath the stars while listening to r&b and smoking a blunt

i can’t wait to travel to different countries, experiencing the culture and life
i can’t wait to find somebody to love
1.8k · Sep 2017
finding molly
helena alexis Sep 2017
she met molly at a festival
molly made her happy
molly made her dance
molly made her forget

we’re gonna be best friends forever
molly whispered in her ear

she popped another
forever and ever
she replied with a smile
took molly at a rave and decided to write about it
1.8k · May 2020
finding molly part II
helena alexis May 2020
i met this girl once
she was different
“wanna have some fun?”
she whispered

this feeling of euphoria
courses through my veins
when i’m with her

she created stars in my eyes
so full of light
she makes me feel ecstatic
she opened my eyes to a new world
a world where i’m happy

she makes everything so bright
and vibrant, full of color
she heightens my senses

i’ve fallen in love with her
dancing and laughing
under the moonlight
i never want to be
alone without her again
a poem about my favorite drug
1.8k · Feb 2018
his eyes
helena alexis Feb 2018
your eyes remind me
of a crystal clear
sea with waves
crashing every second
1.6k · Sep 2017
helena alexis Sep 2017
she glossed her lips
to prove to him
that she was worth it

- seduction
wrote this ab the teacher I had a crush on in high school
1.6k · Sep 2017
the little things part ii
helena alexis Sep 2017
if a poet falls in
love with you be
prepared to be
written about

in every possible way
from the way your eyes
sparkle under the moon

to how your lips form
that ever-so perfect smile
it’s the little things that
poets write about

the little things about you
makes a poet want to write
and write until their hand breaks
1.4k · Nov 2017
helena alexis Nov 2017
it’s happening
it’s finally happening
a relationship between us
a friendship at most

long conversations as
we’re not doing anything
small smiles and cute
laughs all around

total eye contact
not turning away
for a single second

this is it
this is what I’ve wanted
for so long with you
i just hope it lasts
we talked all day at work and it was great
1.4k · Oct 2017
my favorite form of poetry
helena alexis Oct 2017
let me write beautiful poetry
onto your skin with my lips

each kiss represents my words
my lips represent the pen and
your body as my paper

let me create something
so beautiful with you
I want him to be mine
1.4k · May 2018
how do you like it?
helena alexis May 2018
some girls like it sweet,

an innocent angelic face, plaid mini skirts and unbuttoned white collared shirts, who goes to church every Sunday praying to god she’s not a sinner living in a yellow house with a white picket fence and a rose garden she’s an angel with the devil’s heart

some girls like it sour,

red lipstick stains on her neck, tight leather and fishnet tights, come home with bruised knuckles, isn’t religious but she’s on her knees every night
she’s a natural born sinner who is beautifully broken

how you like it
1.4k · Sep 2017
wet dreams part II
helena alexis Sep 2017
i hear your voice
in my dreams
as i touch myself

i can feel your hands
all over my body
so rough and hard

i close my eyes as
my lips part letting
out a soft moan

my hands wander to
the waistband of my
******* as they inch
lower and lower

if only these dreams
became a reality
had yet another ****** dream about the boy I like and it just so happens that I work w him tomorrow
1.3k · Jan 2018
dead flowers
helena alexis Jan 2018
the flowers that
once bloomed in
my mind because
of you are now
dead and withered
I don’t think of him anymore
1.2k · Nov 2018
dangerous girl
helena alexis Nov 2018
her tongue is a serpent
slithering slowly into my mouth
careful not to let the poison touch me

she tastes dangerous like smoke
and breath mints

i can feel her pumping through my veins,
coursing through my heart

she is now a part of me
1.1k · Oct 2017
helena alexis Oct 2017
i smoke to
forget the lies
you told me

breathe hard

feel relaxed
im calm

i don’t think
about you
idk what this is pt2
1.1k · Oct 2017
wanting you
helena alexis Oct 2017
i want you
to taste the
sweet nectar
between my legs
that drips ever
so slowly
because of you
so much ****** frustration ahhh
1.1k · Jun 2018
moonlight girl
helena alexis Jun 2018
cherry red lipstick sips
at the glass of bubbly moscato,
while sitting on the terrace
of her home in Venice,
in a pink silk robe with
black lingerie underneath

feeling the hot mediterranean
sun on her olive skin made her
feel alive, as the day went on
she reads poetry while still
pouring herself another
glass of wine
every now and again,

as the sun
begins to set, she sees her favorite
thing; la luna, the moon. she’s fascinated
by the stars and the moon of the night sky
she writes her own poetry wishing she was
apart of the night sky

Buonanotte amore mio
she whispers to the moon
every night before heading to sleep
I wish I were in Italy right now
1.0k · Jun 2018
a summer love story
helena alexis Jun 2018
“isn’t it beautiful?” the girl said with a twinkle in her honey colored eyes as she admired the sunflower field before her. bright yellow sunflowers scattered all around in an open field just waiting for girls like her to fall in love.

“yes it is, it’s gorgeous.” the other girl replied, with a smile. although she wasn’t talking about the field, she was admiring the girl twirling in the field of flowers. she snapped a picture with her camera of the other girl as she thought about kissing her sun kissed skin all over. she’s a lovely girl. a girl who knows what she wants. the flowers dance as the wind blows. the girl put her camera down and ran into the flowers, finding the other girl. she hugged her from behind. the brown eyed girl turned around, facing her. suddenly, the blonde haired girl grabbed the young girl’s face, kissing her cherry colored lips as the sun loved their skin on this hot summer day.
1.0k · May 2018
mouth to mouth
helena alexis May 2018
i touch my lips
and realize they
are a shade of red
is it love?
who knows,
kiss me to check
1.0k · May 2018
helena alexis May 2018
the sky is angry tonight
her thundering screams shatter
the earth beneath her

her tears flood the streets
she is sobbing as the precipitation
from her eyes fall harder than ever

she kicks and throws things causing
lightning to strike all around her
she has been like this for days

the sun will shine soon, my love
flowers will bloom everything
will be okay again
836 · Oct 2017
helena alexis Oct 2017
he pinned me up
against the wall
and kissed me

i asked “why the wall?”

he smirked and said
“because art belongs
on walls”
based off a book I read
helena alexis May 2018
we started talking at 14 and 15
texting back and forth
exploring our feelings for each
other staying up late nights on
the phone getting to know each other

we fell in love at 16 and 17
still exploring that side of each other,
the one that liked girls
you were unsure but
you knew you had feelings for me
i liked you more than anything

we grew apart at 17 and 18
not talking as much
barely speaking to one another
you had a boyfriend at the time
and I still had feelings for you

we reconnected at 18 and 19
rekindled our feelings for one another
because deep down we both knew
we’ll always have feelings for each other
we even made a pact that
if we’re both single in 5 years
that we’d be together
and im hoping that becomes reality
to Caley
807 · Jun 2018
helena alexis Jun 2018
stars exposed along her back
bordering constellations down
to her thighs wonderful expressions continued throughout her body
vivid hallucinations and disturbing illusions
control her unconscious mind as she feels
the painful machines puncture her brain

she’s not like the rest of us
she’s the future of humanity
not really sure what this is
773 · Sep 2017
my demons
helena alexis Sep 2017
thoughts penetrating deep in your mind
impossible to end the voices in your head
people think you're crazy; insane

"worthless" "failure" "**** yourself"
the voice in your head says

making you suffer
wanting to end it all
maybe one day
just. to. make. it. stop.

- demons
wrote this when I was in a very dark place and I still am
745 · Sep 2017
the drugs
helena alexis Sep 2017
the smoke from his lips
quietly omits into the dark

he turns to face me with
his bloodshot, glossy eyes

"i want you" the drugs said

the substance in his system
had complete control over him.

- you never wanted me
729 · Mar 2019
drifted away
helena alexis Mar 2019
i felt you exit through my chest,
you were a part of me but i guess
i wasn’t enough
with each weeping breath i felt
fragments of you leave
releasing themselves from my tightly
clenched throat
carbon dioxide flavored lies expelled through my lips
your soul slowly lifted its way out of me
what i fool i was to believe i could keep you
with me no matter what
you were made solely for drifting away
698 · Jan 2018
happy new year
helena alexis Jan 2018
in 2017 i’ve had many drunken nights
laughing and giggling as the alcohol takes
over my body making new friends every second

in 2017 i’ve gotten high feeling euphoric and calm
with glossy bloodshot eyes as I continuously take hit after hit letting the drugs take control

in 2017 i had a stable job at a restaurant meeting new people everyday smiling and taking their order and that’s where I got close to him I got to know him

in 2017 i graduated high school feeling accomplished that I had completed 4 years of dreadful school no more roaming the halls or skipping class

in 2017 i met him at work we got to know each other bonding over little things I’ve ridden in his car multiple times and I’ve realized that I’m infatuated

in 2018 i will be strong i will focus on my writing
trying to write one poem a day about anything that
comes to mind
688 · Sep 2017
a poem about me
helena alexis Sep 2017
she is small
but she is also large,

she is strong
but she is also weak,

she is loved
but she is also broken.

- about me
677 · Dec 2017
imaginary kisses
helena alexis Dec 2017
i imagine you
kissing me but
i know you’re
out there kissing
someone else and
it kills me
674 · Dec 2017
helena alexis Dec 2017
little did you know
seeing your name across
my screen made my stomach
do flips and my heart flutter
he followed me back on instagram:)
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