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320 · Dec 2018
Vic Dec 2018
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Hold Us
To Stop Us
To Encourage Us
I Wonder
Is There Enough space
To Keep Us
To Help Us
To Make Us
Is There Enough space
I Wonder
319 · Jun 2019
Note 89: ♡
Vic Jun 2019
The person reading this is beautiful.
A poem every day.
315 · May 2019
Vic May 2019
Life is but the blink of an eye,
Death is the real adventure
315 · Jun 2019
Note 80: No one
Vic Jun 2019
No one,
Has ever said,
They trusted me,
Loved me,
And cared for me.
That they've been trough it all,
And wanted to make sure I'm okay.

But you did.
Thank you so much.
314 · Apr 2019
Note 19: Cold
Vic Apr 2019
Fingertips frozen,
Arms up my sleeve.
But I have to write this idea down.
My hands are already filled with ink.
Everything has to be gold these days.
Golden chain, Golden eyes, Golden soul, Golden ring.
Still want to be the one to speak her name as mine though.
It's cold outside,
But I'm colder.
You poor thing.
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me. This is #19
313 · Oct 2019
Note 206:
Vic Oct 2019
I will wait for you whenever,
But when you let go, know,
That I will do so too.
A poem every day.
312 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
{ "Here, take this test I made for you." }


{ "Step/Question one: How do you really feel?" }

"I guess I feel... numb? I'm not supposed to, there's no reason, but I feel so, so empty. I mean, I can write about a lot of obvious things I feel. You know, everything you see in my poetry. And people think: Oh, this is just a little part, She must be so sad. But in reality, everything I write, is everything I feel. If you take away [name] and all my feelings for [pronouns] I feel nothing. I'm just dark inside. Dark, empty and numb.
311 · Aug 2019
Note 166:
Vic Aug 2019
Me: *Has a test tmorrow that I still have to study and homework for 6 subjects that I still have to do.

Also me: *Decides to watch an entire DEH bootleg at 22:45

And then we're wondering why my grades are so bad
A "poem" every day.
311 · Jul 2019
To all my active followers
Vic Jul 2019
To all my active followers:
Thank you so much for being here,
And just existing in general.
If you're an active follower of mine,
I'll recognise your username,
And/or your profile icon.
It makes me happy to see you liked a poem,
Or commented something funny, or comforting.
It makes me happy to realise, and think about the fact that there are people out there, god knows where, that enjoy reading my writings.
And that there are people out there, god knows who, that will always listen if there's something off.
I love you all, and please, please take good care of yourselves.
Bye :) <3
Thank you
310 · Apr 2019
Note 26: Scream
Vic Apr 2019
I am internally screaming.
But I keep my mouth shut,
And my scars hidden.
A poem every day.
309 · Mar 2019
Note 7: Six feet under.
Vic Mar 2019
Six feet under,
Down the drain.
Lie my feelings,
Is my luck.
Six feet under,
Under this dirt.
Is my hapiness,
Is my love.
Six feet under,
Or hidden anywhere.
Depression is here,
Right inside me.
Six feet under,
Where we live.
I try to
Cover this sadness.
Six feet under.
I try to hide,
Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes.
I'm slowly suffocating.
I write a small poem every dat, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #7
308 · Dec 2019
Note 260:
Vic Dec 2019

And the more I don't want to,
The more I do
A poem every day.
307 · Mar 2019
Note 9: Humans scare me
Vic Mar 2019
It's scaring me,
What humans can do.
To others, but mostly ourselves.
Take some pills.
Talk yourself into depression,
And out.
Humans scare me,
Am I one?
Or am I the monster on the opposite side of the mirror?
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me. This is #9
307 · Jan 2019
Vic Jan 2019
Why can't i just sleep without dreams
And not dream about you for a night
I don't want to die
Nor do we want to live
Live for those scarse seconds
Of absolute happiness
But I feel nothing
And When This feels
I feel you
And i'm still not supposed to
so tired of this constant well-being
305 · Aug 2019
Note 141:
Vic Aug 2019
I can't think of a poem to post today so here's a vine compilation because we're emo here.
A "poem" every day
Vic Oct 2019
'What if this bullet is my legacy?
If I throw away my shot, is this how you remember me?

The world is wide enough,
For our love to be.
Just you and me.

Rise up.
We can fight the world together.

Time's up.
At least I spent this forever with you.

Wise up.
You taught me what love was.

Eyes up.
As long as I can stare into your eyes, I will lock my eyes every time.

What if this love is the only thing left?


What is a legacy?

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the other side.
You let me make a difference.
We'll tell our story,
And we won't need to hide.

                 Un                                                             ­                                
              Deux                                                                       ­
              ­       Six
  ­                                                              Ne­uf

I'll see you on the other side, Mon amour.
If you know, then you know.
We both know what we know.
303 · Jun 2019
Note 86: oh btw,
Vic Sep 2019
Okay so I was listening to Beetlejuice, and he sings
'Jesus pass the Dremamime'
And I knew it was a drug, but I didn't know the effects. Turns out it causes halluciations. Well, that's the main thing, there are a lot of side effects. And to be honest, hallucinating explains a lot about Beetlejuice, and the whole musical.
You'll get a whole lotta these
303 · Jun 2019
Note 85: Cousin
Vic Jun 2019
Yeah, I saw my cousin today again after 2 years.
it was fun/
A poem every day.
302 · Jan 2019
What I Want
Vic Jan 2019
It's kinda weird actually
How it's always about me
Tried to make you understand
it was about you
Ya didn't quite catch up
Told you to just hate me
I Hurt you, And hurt our friends
And you didn't left
Hurt you just a little more
It hurt me too
And finally
You cut me off
It's not what i wanted
Not what i intended
Not what i meant to do
I'm sorry
That i hurt you
And that i hurt me
You said
That i acted like trash to you
So it would be simple
To let me go if i was gone
Turned into a lifeless body
It Was not what i meant
And i regret
Letting you go
When i still had the chance
To keep you
It's Only now that I realise
I'm never getting you back
You blocked me out of your life
In just a few simple hours
And now it kicks in
The feeling
The love
The hate
The anger
The sadness
The thought of never getting you back
And it's true
I'm sorry
For breaking you
I know that you're not giving me
Another chance
And fix things
But you thought the thing i wanted
Was to die
I still do
No one knew
That all i ever wanted was you
To be the one to speak your name
As mine
And i had it,
Now you're gone
And i didn't even have a chance
To say

"I love you"


Context is not important
302 · Dec 2020
Note 605:
Vic Dec 2020
V of Swords
Empty victory

You won the fight, but not the battle
For you didn't fight with honesty
You weren't true to anyone
You're filled with anxiety, not modesty

You need to compromise to win
Don't break just because you can
You need to find what you stand for
You live like a boy, yet you say you're a man
A poem every day
301 · May 2019
Note 71: Lost
Vic May 2019
Even if I'm stuck on an island,
Or trapped in a maze.
Without you, oh baby,
I'd be lost anyways.
A poem every day.
Vic Mar 2019
I never knew such things existed.
"Love at first sight."
And I'm still not completely convinced.
You're all I've been thinking about the last few days though.
I'm so ******* confused.
Don't even know what I'm feeling.
People would call it 'Love at first sight'
It has all the symptoms though.
Or whatever you want to call it.
But again, I'm still not entirely sure.
I don't feel anything at the moment itself.
But when we both turn around,
And walk in the opposite direction.
I can scream from hapiness.
Because it's not love.
But what is it?
I'm writing a small poem every day, about how I feel or the world around me. This is #2
299 · Feb 2019
Head stuck in a cycle
Vic Feb 2019
It's like we Can't breathe
But completely okay
No, we don't care
Because it matters
What if i don't have a devil on my shoulder
What if i am the devil on my shoulder myself
Wanting to be the one
To speak her name as mine
I found my angel
But she has not found me yet.
She'll never
I hope
299 · Sep 2019
Note 184:
Vic Sep 2019
It hurts to imagine you beside me,
Because I know it'll just never be.
But everywhere I look I find you.
Never with me, but it's all I see.
A "poem" every day.

yeah no
297 · May 2019
Note 55: Leave
Vic May 2019
You asked me to leave
So I did
I'll never get to know
If you noticed
That I left
A poem every day.
296 · Jun 2019
Note 88: □
Vic Jun 2019
Ur cute
A poem every day
294 · Apr 2022
Vic Apr 2022
A soft breeze of recognition
I finally understand the meaning of life
Three days before my death

It flows and flows
Bringing denial and love
Not knowing who recieves it

From the ocean to the river Styx
Then as I'll stare into the eyes of the gods,
I'll take a last, beautiful, empty breath
falling in love kinda mid tbh :/
294 · Oct 2019
Vic Oct 2019
Catherine of Aragon                                                           ­            Divorced
Anne Boleyn                                                           ­                        Beheaded
Jane Seymour                                                          ­                                Died
Anna of Cleves                                                           ­                     Divorced
Catherine Howard                                                           ­              Beheaded
Catherine Parr                                                             ­                     Survived

Now we're Ex-Wives                                  

History's about to get                  

O v e r t h r o w n                                                                ­        

Let me tell you a story
Tha you think you've heard before                                  

Now we're, ex-wives

Divorced                                            ­                                            
Beheaded          ­                                                            
Died                                                          ­  

Welcome to the show,                                    
To The                                                    
H i s t o r e m i x                                            

Switching up the flow as we add the prefix                  

Everybody knows that we used to be six wives            

Get your hands up get this party   b u z z i n g            
You want a queen bee, well there's half a dozen            

Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
But now we're ex-wives

One                                                 ­                                       
Two                                                             ­                           
Three                                                           ­                           
Four                                 ­                                                       
Five     ­                                                                 ­                  
Six                                                           ­         

Can we all agree that I'm the 10 amongst these 3's?
294 · Apr 2019
Note 41: Our anniversary
Vic Apr 2019
Six months of delusion
A poem every day.
292 · Mar 2019
Note 11: Stars
Vic Mar 2019
As I stare into the void,
Of a world I cannot hold.
I Escape now from that world,
From the world of feeling.
There is nowhere I can turn,
There is nowhere to go on.
Want to be the one,
To speak her name as mine.
Stars in the daylight.
Sun in the moonlight.
If Only.
I'm writing a small poem every day about how I feel or the world around me. This is #11
292 · Sep 2019
What comes next?
Vic Sep 2019
"Are you really sure you'll do it?"

"Yes. I've wanted to do it for so long now."


"But then what?"

"And then, me?"

And, that moment, when we stared into each other's eyes, I knew it was meant to be.
The literal definition of; "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored." God, I don't even like that song.
291 · Sep 2019
Note 176:
Vic Sep 2019
100 followers, and this is my 300th poem!
Thank you guys so much <3
I love y'all :)
A "poem" every day.
291 · Jul 2019
Note 109:
Vic Jul 2019
Everything hits different at night
A "poem" every day.
291 · Jun 2019
Note 100:
Vic Jun 2019
A hundred days ago,
I decided it would be a good idea
To post a poem every day.
I thought I would give up after a week,
But now we're here,
Not having missed a single day
And it's been a hell of a ride.
Sadness, Anger, Happiness and love
A little part of my feelings every day.
Sometimes named,
Or not.
Sometimes a full poem,
Or a quick scribbled note.
They changed me a lot as a person,
And the way I'm seeing things.
It's been one of the best decisions I've made.
I've met so many amazing people
And read so many amazing poems.
We have a hunded now,
But I'll see you when we reach
200, or imagine,
If we reached a year.
Wouldn't that be amazing.
Thank you for reading my poetry,
And supporting me whenever you could.
I love you guys.
A "poem" every day.
291 · Jan 2019
Vic Jan 2019
I'm sorry
But I'm done
Done with living
291 · Dec 2020
Note 558:
Vic Dec 2020
A Match Into Water - Pierce The Veil

Let's go
I kissed the scars on her skin
I still think you're beautiful
And I don't ever want to lose my best friend
I scream out, God you vulture
Bring her back or take me with her

Tear it down, break the barricades
I want to see what sound it makes
I need this favour with the bags under the ******* night where you can die

How does it feel, how does it feels
All I feels like I'm on fire
Wake up
I know you can hear me

Make me a promise here tonight, that's like a tidal wave
Dreamers and early graves, I never wanted to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home my girl
This is it, when it's done, we can say that
When it's sudden death we fight back

Pretend like it don't entice you
I've seen you circling the sky above my head
You traitor

I will never leave
Or take you for granted again
Can't you get home, and not dead so
Sing a prayer for you

I know that you're in pain
But if we die at the same time does it still scare you?

Make me a promise here tonight, let's go
Dreamers and early graves, I never wanted to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home my girl
This is it, when it's done, we can say that
Oh god we're not gonna make it

We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave

We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
We will bring the tidal wave
And nothing will remain

She's mine
You stay away from her
It's not her time
'Cause, baby, I'm the one
Who'll haunt your dreams at night
Until she's satisfied

Make me a promise here tonight, that's like a tidal wave
Dreamers and early graves, I never wanted to be this way
The chemicals will bring you home my girl
This is it, when it's done, we can say that
When it's sudden death we fight back

**** it
A poem every day
290 · Sep 2019
Vic Sep 2019
There I was, at the edge of the bridge,
Begging for the water to take me away.
To somewhere far from this cruel world,
Where there's only tomorrow, no today.

I fell deeper and deeper into the abyss,
There was nothing I could do or say.
But now I have arrived anywhere else.
I'm not sure if it's better, but I'll stay.
289 · Dec 2020
Note 546:
Vic Dec 2020
You laugh as if you know something I don't
Your smile is contagious, like a pest
It slides down my throat like honey
Infects my lungs like an uninvited guest

The sweetest virus in the air
Sweeter than the lies you told me
Chocolate, honey, sugar
I want something that will never be

You've given me false hope
Then destroyed it with your voice
Now it's your words that repair me
I can wish, but I have no choice

You tell me you're not hungry
Then like sweets, you devour me
You shape me, mold me, every day
Every day you overpower me

You own me like a sickness
I can't see anything but pink hue
I'm bedbound, you make me ill
But one day, I will own you too
A poem every day
288 · Dec 2018
I Wish.
Vic Dec 2018
If Only
I Could
yeah man idk, still working on it.
288 · Jan 2019
Vic Jan 2019
We could start over again
Yes, indeed she came back
But that doesn't mean you're comming back too
I would love it, that's not it
But I made this kind of confusing
So maybe think about it
And talk to me without caring
About my well-being
I broke you for a reason
So why are you still worried about me
I broke you to not care
But now you just hate me
And you still want the best
How do I undo
When the system crashed
not sure, kind of a weird poem but i just needed to write something
288 · Apr 2019
Note 23: The art of poetry
Vic Apr 2019
Blank yellow pages
Empty writing lines
Yet filled with thoughts
A poet at it's finest
A flower, Harnessed by the wind
Inspirational nothing
Words don't rhyme
Everything goes on, except time
My feelings, never fully good
And you'll never see through the eye of a true poet
A poem every day.
288 · Jun 2019
Note 76: Swimming pool.
Vic Jun 2019
You see so many different people
At the swimming pool.
People with a diving mask,
Checking out girl's ***.
Children splashing water
On each other's floaties.
Mothers and fathers,
Making sure their kids are safe.
Two people swimming after each other,
Flirting with no words.
Old people swimming
From one shore to the other.
People waiting in line,
To go off the water slide.
A couple constantly making out
In front of everybody.
You see very hot people,
And very ugly ones.
Small, big,
Old or young.
All those people
Have one thing in common.
They're happy.
A poem every day.
286 · Jul 2019
Note 123:
Vic Jul 2019
.       Quiet
                      -s           Quiet

Quiet ~
A "poem" every day
285 · May 2019
Note 62: Teachers
Vic May 2019
Do the teachers
Dislike me as much,
As I dislike them?
It would explain their face...
; l
A poem every day.
285 · Sep 2019
Something from long ago.
Vic Sep 2019
You smelled like cigarettes and coffe,
But you probably don't smoke.
284 · Jun 2019
Note 91:
Vic Jun 2019
you're lovely
A "poem" every day.
283 · Oct 2019
Dear [Deadname], (4)
Vic Oct 2019
So my brain thought of another stupid thing;  "You don't deserve to hurt this way. You don't deserve to hurt at all. So please, let me in. I will help protect you from yourself. You've been there so many times, I don't want you to fall." And it's true. I don't know if I will be able to fix you with poetry and stupid nursery rhymes, but I will try. I don't think I'll be able to fix you at all. Maybe I am, who knows? I'll always try. Will you just let me in? Not only in your mind, not only in your words, but in your heart? I want to help you with every bit that I can. And, I get that's not enough. My words will never be enough. But, I will try. So please give me the chance to? That would be enough. Whatever horrible things it are that you're feeling, I will try to understand them. To understand them, and to help you get them away. Because you don't deserve to feel bad. You don't and you never did. And I get that my words will never be good enough to live up to your expectations, but please, please. Will you give me a chance? I love you, I really do. So let me help you, let me in. It doesn't have to be soon, it doesn't have to go fast. But remember that whenever you need me, I'll be there waiting. Waiting with all my words. To make you feelbetter, even in the slightest way.
I don't know what this is but I just typed it and here we go
283 · Sep 2019
Note 172:
Vic Sep 2019
I got a F for my test
A "poem" every day
283 · Sep 2019
Note 195:
Vic Sep 2019
I'm losing my mind,
But you're here to catch it.
A "poem" every day.
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