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Mar 2022 · 889
Quiet Nights
A B Faniki Mar 2022
My soul is almost drowning
In the flood of my
Depression; wave after wave of

It rolls over my soul.
I was just about to give
Up on life. I was just like

Water spilled on the ground that
Couldn’t be gathered again. Then
I felt your presence in

The quiet breeze of the
Night, It was like a soft
Whisper that calms a wild horse.

Now every morning I long
For the quiet nights with
The gentle breeze and soft

Whispers in the winds that
Give my soul hope about life
And anchor it to earth.
peaceful at night symbolic
A B Faniki Dec 2021
If I have not wronged someone today I will not have told
Him that our ability to be able to forgive is what made us
the most compassionate beings alive to ever walked
The earth, like how our ability to forget also made us humans

If I knew someone that I like that keeps meeting disappointment
With every turn of events in life will it not be alright to cry a river
On his behalf, the moment such a thing happens and to comfort
Him with kind and loving words that could do amazing wonder

For his broken spirit by lifting it up and enabling it to be free
As free as the North wind that brings colder weather to Irving,
Or as free as the air that we breathe without paying any fee.
If not for circumstances beyond me I will have not done a thing

For wrong, for forgiveness, for compassion, for forgetting,
For disappointment, for events, for comfort, or for loving
circumstances beyond us  make us do thing  that are humane
Dec 2021 · 846
Squandered lives
A B Faniki Dec 2021
Meet Jane, she squanders her life chasing love
Now everyone thinks she squanders her life
On sweet nothing but
By Jove! what a thing she has experienced in her lifetime:
Only God knows;
Yet they thought she squander her life on sweet nothing

Meet John he lives his life struggling
Now everyone thinks he is in love with struggles,
But is life not full of struggles.
O! What a thing he has seen in his lifetime,
Because he struggled with it, yet they though
He squanders his life searching for fool’s gold
And empty dreams.

Meet Jack he spends his time drinking and partying
Now everyone thinks he squanders his life having fun.
Hmm! All work and no play make Jack a dull boy and this
Dull Jack has the hounds of hell on his heels when he is
Sober, they had no idea what he was going through;
Yet they thought he squander his entire life
Being miserable and drunk all the time.

Meet Matt he works all his life to earn a living
And everyone thought he squander his life working,
Ah! Is not more work the reward for hard-work and
No one cares that he has promises to keep and places to
Be, yet they thought he squanders his entire life working
And may end an old lonely fellow.

Meet Abby she squanders most of her livelihood on fashion and
Material things and everyone thought she squanders her livelihood on useless things.
Oy! Some things have to give, that’s the way it has been but
No one cares she had a craving to satisfy and insecurities to hide
With cloth that glitters, yet thought she squanders her life on material things; so that she could be the center of attention.  

Let them think all they like. Let them say whatever they think of
We all have our crosses to carry, our insecurities and habit, and promises to deal with.
Life is meant to be squandered on something whether it's on a noble deed or a selfish act?
Life is meant to be squandered on something whether it's on a
Meaningless or meaningful Things?  
Life is meant to be squandered on our wishes and whips and
We have seconds of it to squander,
We have minutes of it to squander,
We have hours of it to squander,
We have days off it squanders,
We have weeks of it to squander,
We have years of it to squander,
We have a lifetime of it to squander till we are no more,
Till we return to the very dust that we are created out of.
all fingers are not equal. We all have our crosses to carry. Different folks different stroke. yada yada yada
A B Faniki Dec 2021
You happen to be one of the best
Things that she has wanted out
Of life and now that she could not
Have you it hurt like never before yet

She could not believe that she held
Her dream once, she held it in her hand
Yet she let go of it, trying to chase the Wind;
She took everything she had for granted and

Now that it is all gone, bittersweet memories
And a broken heart is all that she has.
She didn’t know what she had until it was
Gone. These days she misses the way he opens,

Up to her with just a touch like those sunflowers
In Andy’s backyard, that are planted in rows
and opens up to the sun, at sunrise. What is
left for her is to try to get back her old dreams.
Taking things floor granted have you been down that road before, when thought you love not perfect
A B Faniki Dec 2021
In my time of need, you thoughtless
Of me and did less to help, regardless
Of the things I did for you when you
Were down when life got the best of you.

With no one else left to help me I turn
To my creator as a last recourse then
He heard my cry in the night and like a mighty
Warrior with a shepherd's staff, he rescued me that

Night. Since then I have been secure and never
Want for a thing and I feel loved forever;
Because he shelters me from harm and reckless
People that just don't care and are heartless.

Here you are today on my doorstep hurt
And in need, I thought of the past and it hurt,
I just could not help you this time, thus
When I started to close my door

My conscience got the best of me and
I gave in to it and let you in and did
Not let you down either; because I will rather
help and be hurt than not help again.
life and help and love
A B Faniki Nov 2021
This spring I learn something new
I wanted to share it with just a few
Folks here; then I realized to spew
It out without rhyme is not poetic: true.
If you're still reading this and you
Are not bored by it. Wink wink. The pursuit
Of happiness, start with one or two
Smiles a day: this is called baby steps progress.
That’s what I learn you probably knew it too.
Mar 2020 · 234
Haiku: The sun
A B Faniki Mar 2020
The sun tans the skin
into beautiful brown color
and adds natural glow.
In my haste 2 published my poetry book I uploaded a MS dat was nt edited it got a 3 star review. 4 those dat bought it I have gotten d book edited & update it u can get it 4 free. Please leave a review if u could
Thank you everyone here. I have Also corrected over twenty poems here I will get to rest soon!
Feb 2020 · 266
Life (Acrostic)
A B Faniki Feb 2020
Life the one thing we all have
In common both the rich and poor,
Fools and kings, queen and ******.It
End is the most cruelest thing—death
Hello friends my poetry book broken souls is out in amazon, it will be free for download with kindle please pick a copy and read and leave a review! Thank your to everyone here in hello poetry for the amazing support and comment.
Jan 2020 · 249
Limerick: Nosey Stargazer
A B Faniki Jan 2020
there once was a tall nosey stargazer name Alexander
who love the night sky and love to stare
at it -one night while staring
he saw a bright star falling
he imagine reporting the ******, pushing off the falling star.
Poetic Banal Tells is out this a sample from it. Pic ka copy in  amazon
Jan 2020 · 380
Are we there yet
A B Faniki Jan 2020
Are we there yet when everything
we know turns upside down like
it did during Noah's time? No!, but
global warming is taking us there.
ight ©A B Faniki 01/08/2020 allri
A B Faniki Jan 2020
All good things come to an En
I love poetry so much
and she too loves me
despite our age difference. Poetry
sometimes speak to me in

colorful sweet words and sometimes
in sad words but most times
her words to me are humours
and sensual, no matter what

words she used to speak
to me, I will always
cherish her because she has
always been good to me

by helping me express myself more
clearly, I will miss her
when what we have comes
to an end which it will

for all good things end
just like dawn follows dust
every day without failing so
what we have most end one day
© A B Faniki 01/08/2020. I never thought something as old and complex as poetry will come to me easliy or be the mediun of expressing my thought but alas she is and I love it. All right reserved
A B Faniki Jan 2020
It all started when my retired
but not tired old dear father
moved to a nice new neighbourhood,

with only sleep and the weather
to worry about and still feeling
young at heart my sexagenarian father

refused to be turn into "fiddling"
his word, while he's the figure
head of the house. So to gardening

he took, showing he was a rear
breed -old school, for two years he tiol
in his garden making it a rear

success with little harvested of small
fruit, herb, flowers, vegetables and tomatoes.
Everything change one morning in April

A neighbour's **** and two hens
with their chicks turn his garden
into a free buffet eating his plants

with vengeance of a thirst man
in desert that found a stream.
Dad took to using little stone

and stick to try and chase them
away by waving it and making
shoo! sounds the hens who seem

to value their chicks life started staying
away. but it was not so with
the white rooster he was having

None of it to ire my old father
more every morning and at least twice
daily he stand and crow louder

at my dads window and only his.
Being old and full of sleep
this annoyed him, his cosy nice

cat naps was intrude upon, the relationship
between the one feet cantankerous rooster
and father took a dive. To rip

off the **** head and feather
was my father first thought but
we plead that he report the rooster

to it owner, he trace the white
**** owner's house five house away
and found out his kin own it.

we never knew why but up to today
He never reported the **** his
owner, while it got more bold everyday

with it antic. New year's day becomes
what father loved to see more
than any day; for he thinks

the fat cantankerous, son of the air,
in our dialect it translate to a *******;
(he restore to calling names) will be no more

because of the drama unfolding we had
a new year vision for "Bob"
the white feather and red head

rooster.Low and behold cantankerous bob
saw the new year's day in
the usual antic befitting only bob
by coming to my dad window to crow
© A B Faniki All right reserved01/07/2020, part of banal tells coming soon. My real mean New years piem I was on able to post it because it was not finishedon time hope you lije it i will really appreciate any comment (opinion) on this
Jan 2020 · 731
Haiku: Release a lot
A B Faniki Jan 2020
In monsoon period
the gray clouds release a lot
flooding the riverbeds.
©A B Faniki 01/07/2020 All right reserved It is amazing that it is always raining heavy somewhere.
Jan 2020 · 144
A B Faniki Jan 2020
When I was but a child
anywhere I go I find magic
and you could see the joy
and delight in me everywhere

I go; but as I become a man
life becomes a strange thing
and I stranger to all the magical
places and people I use to love.

Standing from outside and looking
in now I realize what turn me
into a stranger it was because
I let the child in me die
© A B Faniki 01/07/2020 all right reserved part of banal tells coming soon. As a child i se the good in people and things everywhere I go and forgive easilybit as a grown up thing are not so much I find fault with thing and find it hard to forgive like kids do.
Jan 2020 · 154
Haiku: Hammattan season
A B Faniki Jan 2020
it is the season
that wind move stirring dust and
cold and making noise.
© A B Faniki all right reserved 01/07/2020. Winter season comes with cold and dust in  western regions of the Sahara from roughly November through march, and is generally cool and dry this is called Hammattan
Jan 2020 · 153
My favourit word
A B Faniki Jan 2020
Of all the words in the word
I have one that I love above all
and it has nothing to do with it

ambiguous nature or it exquisite sound
but rather it profound meaning and it simple
ability to mean much and say a lot.

It moves me to tears every time I heard
it for I always "Longed" for someone and feel
it deeply. Like I always long for the almighty

God, my mother, and friends that passed
away daily. what make the word beautiful
is it comes from the soul and the heart;

The word "long" is my favourite word.
because a schoolgirl-Crush give me it, on crumple
paper that said "I long 4 u, -T."
aniki 01/06/2020. I have taken to wrting in a tercet firm with the rhythm ABC, AB C, … five time. Called Tercet- Amiru. I hipe u enjoy this piece
Jan 2020 · 242
Haiku: The book of life
A B Faniki Jan 2020
The book of life is
Made with stone tablet on it
is Ten commandment
© A B Faniki 001/06/2020  all rigth reserved . A haiku about one of the great things in life books
A B Faniki Jan 2020
I recall my first day in a big city, and state
in my country what made that day phenomenal
was the incident that took place. As fate

will have it I had the window sit and saw the whole
painful and hilarious thing that took place that day.
Exhausted by a long journey from a little

town in the north which is very far away
from the shoreline, I sat in a coach watching flyovers
and awe by them and the number of people that stay

in the a big city. It look like it was swamp by ants
moving in and out of their home. There was hardly
any space that was not occupied by feets or cars.

Just as I was busy trying to look at the lovely
buildings and sights in the city a beautiful car
drove beside us with a youth who is hardly

out of his teen, his carefree nature and demeanour,
I notice for it remind me of myself in my youth,
as his car in the other lane came a bit closer

to us in a traffic jam smoke began to rise underneath
the bonnet of his car like the exhaust of a train that
use coal. I panic, and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth

I wanted to tap the glass of my window and shout yet
I just sat there watching with my heart in my
throat; while the youth rushed out and open his bonnet

he quickly began to blow away the smoke by
using his hands and mouth, the more he blew
the more the bonnet glows red, instantly he realize

he was fanning the flames; as the smoke became few
I could see a fire was beginning to rage near the battery
sit. The young man leap into a flurry of action and flew

into a shallow ditch near by, recklessly and gather a very
small handful of loose sand and weeds, and dump
it beside the battery where the fire rage with more fury

as he turn to dive into the ditch for more sand to drop
into the bonnet he suddenly stoped realizing how futile
it was. The next moment he went for his belt and zip,

but stop again when he realize that was a futile
exercise too for no **** will put out that inferno and
without a fire extinguisher he was doom, miserable,

and helpless.He then shouted "help!" turning his head
form side to side and looking at passing motorist with his
hands held up in the air like he was pleading with God.

At the time he was diving into the ditch for weeds
and sand I saw the passenger door of the truck
ahead of us open and another youth maybe in his

twenties; with chest like a barrel Calmly walk
Over to the burning car and use a fire extinguisher
to douse the fire, and quickly rushed back to their truck;

for vehicles in the traffic began moving a bit faster;
since the the traffic jam had ease up. All this event
lasted for no more than 60 minute. As our driver

move on I felt and knew the youth with the burnt
car has learn about the importance of fire extinguisher
in a car the most painful way. as for me I felt relief, yet
I pray never to find myself in that young mans shoe.
© A B Faniki 01/05/2020. All right reserved plz do not copy this work or part of it.Part of Banal Tells coming soon. Terza Rima form. The longest poem I have ever wrote.
Jan 2020 · 163
My Love
A B Faniki Jan 2020
My love even in anger she looks pretty
because of the subtle smile that sneak
upon her face like the beautiful light
of the morning ray that creep upon dawn.
if you ask me what stuff are great dreams
made of the answer is simple "My Love"
for she is to me like rain
is to the earth and like sleep is
to the body good through and through.
© A BFaniki 01/05/2020 A free verse poem about love.
Jan 2020 · 217
Three in one but not holy
A B Faniki Jan 2020
there was once an ordinary man named bobby
who felt like he's three in one body
when he is asleep he feel
like a spirit with holy soul
and yet in real flesh he is no clergy.
© A B Faniki 1/02/2020 salvation is for all not just for the poius religious one we could draw strenght from out spirit and soul to make it possible for salvation to reach us.
Dec 2019 · 432
A B Faniki Dec 2019
I miss you more than u know my dear friend
I remember you more than any body care to know;
I am mad at you more than you ever know for leaving.
I also know your father and mother miss you more than
I, we have all been crying since your passing away
I don't know why God allow death to rob us of you, but
I now understood that death will be the ruin of everyone including
I -by taking away all the good people that we love most.
I feel the pain of your death more deeply because
I felt you were a goodman with a great career and
I knew you would had Made a difference.
I had wish you had more time on earth like Methuselah had and
I do hope you make it to heaven so you can tell my mother that
I miss her a lot as you both walk in the city of light.
© 12/29/2019. I is a free verse poem about the pain i felt after the passing away of a friend. What I felt, wish, hope, rembered, and knew after his passing away. Free verse poem
Dec 2019 · 322
I remember you
A B Faniki Dec 2019
I will alway remember you, your
that girl next door with
the dimples and most beautiful

smile that I have ever
seen on any pretty mouth.
I remember vividly that faithful

day like yesterday when I declare
"I love you", you laugh with both
hands covering your mouth and a delightful

sound filled my ears and the air.
before you finished laughing beneath
the beautiful stars, that wonderful

night I knew from that moment and hour
that; for you I would move the earth
and stars to spell your name in full.
© 25/12/2019.  I rember  u . Is a tercet written for a childhood  friend and love  of mine
Oct 2019 · 361
The prick
A B Faniki Oct 2019
There was once a wealthy man who was a *****
that loves to play games which are cruel and sick
he did that with impunity for
many years without thought of fear
until the "Me too" movement put him in the nick
© A  B Faniki 10/21/2019 allight reserved. Part of banal tell a limerick. for me too movement. Some people think they can do thinhs with impunity because of their wealth or power, wel let them think again beause the truth has a way of coming out.
Oct 2019 · 1.4k
Grooming publicly
A B Faniki Oct 2019
While waiting for your date, you brought
Out your car key, then wipe it on your shirt
Sleeve and begin to pick your ears with it.
I shook my head.
Done with picking your ears clean with your
Key, you used your handkerchief to clean
The key, then put it back in your pocket.
I kept staring at you.
Our body left to itself is in constant motion;
So you blinked, scratched your chin, and shifted from
One buttock to another: on the chair outside the cafe.
I smiled at you.
Done with the motion, you looked around you
To see if someone was watching you; satisfied
That no one was, you started picking your nose.
I peeked at you from behind my book.
When you realized what you were doing and
Where you were doing it, you quickly removed your
Finger from your nose and straighten your tie.
I shook my head.
After a while, you began observing your
Nails; before you know it you have started
Biting off your nails, one after the other.
I kept staring at you.
As you put the finger that you used to pick
Your nose with into your mouth, realization
Dawned on you. Quickly you removed it.
I smiled at you.
You spite air three times while cleaning
Your tongue inside your mouth. Using your hands
You covered your mouth and nose, and then breathed into them.
I kept peeking at you from behind my book.
Your date arrived and gave you a peck on your check.
I, your observer, sitting two tables across from you,
Took a sip of my tea then stood up and left: thinking cats
Are not the only animals that groom themselves publicly.
From broken souls.
Oct 2019 · 660
little league (football)
A B Faniki Oct 2019
My little son plays football in a little league
his coordination is of a new born foal, his colleagues
on is almost the same as his
yet they score a lot of goals
This amazing feat I never see in any league.
© A B Faniki 10/9/2019 all right reserved . This poem is a limerick inspired by kids playing football.  There age ranges from 4  to 6
Oct 2019 · 323
A B Faniki Oct 2019
Thank you lord for the gift of life
How could we ever pay you for that and
All the good things you have done for us
None of us will be alive if not for your
kindness, grace, love, faithfulness and protection,
So we gather here today to celebrate thanksgiving and to
Give glory to your holy name by giving praise to you -for
In this harsh and cruel world we live in you have blessed
Everyone of us and like the proverbial tree, we are
Indeed flourishing and thriving and also multiplying in
Number so for this and many more we are saying "thank you."
Gracious Lord accept our thanksgiving like you did Abel's.
© A B Faniki  10/7/2019 all right reserved  an  Arostic saying Thanksgiving
Oct 2019 · 466
Happy wife Happy life
A B Faniki Oct 2019
Come close to me son
and have a seat beside
me I have something

important to tell you "Fred"
about living with a wife.
My dear son as a married

man, you will find yourself
in some tight situations just
like I and some men have

find ourselves in more tight
places than an old shepherd's
right arm, when this happens don't

forget this advice and words
"a happy wife means a happy life"
so strive for thy wife's happiness.
© A B Faniki 10/3/2019   a piece of advice to a son from his father the poem is written in tera z form
Sep 2019 · 248
The Selfless One is Gone
A B Faniki Sep 2019
By heavens! The selfless one, she is gone.
Brave as a lion she fought for just cause;
If courage means fearless, then she is courageous;
If today’s cubs are tomorrow’s lions, then she births lions.

I have seen humanity’s darkest side: greed and ego;
But no such darkness in her whole being.
In my sojourn on earth, l knew peace and love;
’Cause your deeds toward men translate into self-sacrifice.

Before I could say Jack Robinson, it happened;
Yesterday she was here, today she is gone. The Nile
Flows into the sea, emptying itself there: nature rules;
So the selfless one has gone home to her maker.

Adonia, I can’t fathom why you always call the
Selfless ones home first; you called the last I know.
Selfless people or good people it seems are the ones that leave earth earl y. Death is cruel for doing that
Sep 2019 · 348
Haiku: Rattler
A B Faniki Sep 2019
A gust of wind sails
by it rattles my home and
uproot trees in rage.
©️ A B Faniki 09/18/2019  a gust of wind is a rattler it rattle anything it touches and in a show of force it uproot tree and those what it want
A B Faniki Sep 2019
Dear black Santa claus I have some wish
It is not as many as the hair on
your head as a matter of fact the wish
is about hair, you see my friend Malik has turn

nineteen last summer and up to now his face
is as smooth as a baby **** without a lick
of hair, Oh! black santa in your next phase
of trip and among your commodity of hair send malik

a beard, so that he won't be in despair
not that that is any business of mine and
please dear black Santa claus don't show this letter
to Saint Nicholas your counterpart with the white beard

I don't want him to accidentally send Malik a white
beard because that will freak him out.
AB Faniki © 9/8/2029 all right reserved  an attemp at humours piece using sonnet form I hope u enjoy it. It was supose to be part of my work banal tells.
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
Saint patrick day
A B Faniki Sep 2019
Go into town, call every Tom, Harry, and Nick
tell them to wear green and come out quick
today is saint Patrick's day
no chasing leprechaun today.
Only drowning shamrock in beer like we'e freak
9/7/2019  © A B Faniki all right reserved a linerik for saint oatrick day
Sep 2019 · 202
A step back
A B Faniki Sep 2019
She took a step back in life, but I guess
you can tell from the weariness she wear
and from the strain lines her brow bear
which her eyes tried to hide: without success
for the shadow beneath them- a gift from sleepless
night and restless thought that always appear
tireless and make her heart sag with despair;
and all this brought upon by a single mess:
from which she has now learn that loyalty
comes an awful second behind self interest and
a bird in hand is worth more than twenty
on a tree.She has taken a step back in life and
had she trust men she would've been in a pretty
hot soup instead of looking forward to a step forward.
A B Faniki © 5/09/2019 all right serve A sonnet about problem in life -taking a step back in life  is not ones end of life.
Sep 2019 · 1.2k
I am who I am
A B Faniki Sep 2019
I am who I am and that is
All I want to be "Me." I
May not be as majestic as a lion or
Walk as gracefully as one or
Have a roar like one, but that is
Ok, for I know who I am and what
I am worth -I am a child of grace and
Although I am not the first of my kind nor the last of
My kind yet I am one of a kind"My thumb print say so"
A B Faniki © 9/5/2019 all right reserved  knowing ones woh i s a beautiul thing and azaming . This pom is an acrostic  with I AM WHO I AM.
Aug 2019 · 724
Haiku: Lullaby
A B Faniki Aug 2019
The sound that the rain
makes while beating on my roof
lullaby to me
Haiku about rain. 8/31/2019 © A B Faniki am always fun of  rain
Aug 2019 · 624
August visitor
A B Faniki Aug 2019
Friday the 1st of August,2019 started with a
Little drizzle of rain but by one o'clock pm
Of that day -huge sheet of rain was falling
On everything in my sight, this
Droplets as little as they are, began to increase
In number and in no time began to carry everything
Not tied to the ground those tied down, they destroy
And carry the pieces, I could have sworn I heard their voice
Until the lapping of water drowns the voices.
Giving orders to each other as they go on doing what they do best
Under the sky finding their way back home to the ocean,
Sea or river of their choice. This August visitors have
Taking many lives and things worth millions in less than 24 hours.
© A B Faniki 8/17/2019 acrostic poem form . This work is about flood in august the Acrostic reads FLOOD IN AUGUST front vertical..  All right reserved part of banal tell work I hope u enjoy it
Aug 2019 · 487
Please hold my hands
A B Faniki Aug 2019
Last night I was about to take a stroll with my three years
Old niece before we set out she said "Hold my hand"
Rising her little arm to me to take hold of it, before I
Did that I said "What is the magic word" she then said
"Please hold my hand" I smiled at her and took hold of her
Little arm in my strong hand and we left our quiet
Estate and head for the main road into town;
As we walk slowly my thought kept going back to what
She said "Hold my hand" as we near the
End of our journey we came across a woman that
Had two children with her, she piggyback
One and said to the other one "give me you hand"
Like a blind man that sees the light for the first time it
Dawn on me that as I stroll with my nice that I was watching out for
My nice all time for I had made sure she has not stumble or fall, her
Young leg did most of the work yet it was my hand that keep
Her safe and in this single moment like a flash of lighting
Across the sky it cross my mind that I too
Need God to hold my hand as I journey through life, in that moment I
Did one thing - I look up to the heaven and said "Lord please hold my hand."
©A B Faniki 8/16/2019, my frist acrostic poem The firs line  form read LORD PLEASE HOLD MY HAND. All right reserved this poem is a reflection on life journey and deepending on God that knows more and is mighty .., he alonecan keep hand safe if he held his hand if we held hands we nay let go and stumble anf fall when hard times comes that is why is more safer for him to hold our hands. Just like it wasbetter I held my niece hands
Aug 2019 · 564
Humble beginning
A B Faniki Aug 2019
After the ill fortune her humble father manage
To make it -self made millioner at his old age
The turn of fortune in their life meanss she's fortunate;
But her friends said the fortune came a little late,
For she still wore the old rage that she own
and hang out with the same friends she had fun.
God knows that the only constant thing on earth
is change and yet it's always hard to accept.
Her beautiful smile and humble beginning she still carry
and won't let fortune change what she love in a hurry.
© A B Faniki 18/14/2019 humble beginning is abt loving what who u are even when things are changing around you
A B Faniki Aug 2019
Zeus is a man who has been around for long
in his long life he has heard the siren song
the song that make men
jump overboard into the ocean
he said it's an echo of "help! help!" for long
© A B Faniki all right reserved  8/11/2019 this work is part of my work for my next book  the work is in limerick form
A B Faniki Aug 2019
It is human nature to doubt everything;
It is human nature to feel with the senses before belief.
The creator knew this, hence children resemble their parents
In look and character, to eliminate doubt and establish belief.
It is natural to abuse the body for praise and glory;
It is natural to cut the body for beautification.
The creator knew this; that’s why some body parts regenerate; while
Some he made important that we feel the need to protect.
It is natural to like and desire beautiful things,
It is human nature to be greedy and cruel;
The creator knew that, so he removed desire and strength
In old age, so that humans could find rest from their nature.
The creator knows his creation, so he put checks and
Balances in place to give his creation peace of mind.
From broken souls. The creator knows the nature of his cration is a reflection on human nature. Corrected v
Aug 2019 · 459
Gift taken for granted
A B Faniki Aug 2019
Last night I cried myself to sleep and I
A man with many winter seasons under my belt;
When I thought of losses and gains of my life
Am thankful for the peace in me my soul felt

I have worn beautiful cloth, in style and color
but none fit my muscles/swine perfectly than my skin;
and I have worn some pretty amazing and cool
shoes yet the soles of my feet feel more comforting

I have not a luxury of a cushion at all times
but my buttock always provide the comfort I need;
and in this life, I know what it means to
suckle a breast either for pleasure or feed

So am grateful for everything that I have
and for every year that I am alive.
© A B Faniki 5/8/2019 all right reserved snother work that will be feature in my book Banal tells. I wrote this poem last week I hope u enjoy it is a sonnet. With
Aug 2019 · 292
Woe to that generation
A B Faniki Aug 2019
I say I will leaves the debate of great matter
to the great thinkers of earth-those that can
walk on water and those that walk on moon;
for their both equal to the challenge of keeping humanity
safe: from the clutches of change that make things mad,
yet when I see the state of my generation
my heart leaps into my throat,for fear of unknown.
when the debate between these thinkers get heat it makes
me sad for slender is what both will resort to.
When religion feels call upon to act for humanity sake
and the constitution feels call upon for justice for humanity
and both could not see face to face- the sentinel
should be call upon to guard peoples lives. when this
two are at each other throat again it mean- death.
© A BFaniki.8/5/2019 I have wrote this poem three days ago is part of my book Banal tell enjoy it all right reserved. The work is about the seperation of law and religion in every society . The work is in sonnet form.
Jul 2019 · 498
The Office Hurricane
A B Faniki Jul 2019
Some superiors know how to hold a grudge,
That only death could pry them away from it;
Some colleague are inexperience in every aspect
Of their work, but well verse in treachery and groveling;

Some customers know how to transfer their aggression
And run out of patience at the sight of frown;
So we overwork nonentity most remove our crown
And put a barrier against these office hurricane for protection;

We most tell ourselves little-lies everyday that we're strong,
For this little make belief is our safety at work;
Like we hope for heaven we hope today won't
be as bad as tomorrow and our joy to be long
I wrotw these poem after experiencing these things in my place of work. I hope you enjoy it © A B Faniki 7/28/2019. This qork is ark of my WIP bannal yell soo all copy right are reserved
Jul 2019 · 940
Drug abuse kills
A B Faniki Jul 2019
There was once a rich youth who was a chief
officer, he squander his dough on drugs for cough
the chief now is not fine
the virus in him is immune
which made his handkerchief always filled with cough
L© A B  Faniki 7/21/2019 limerick for my book banal Tells . This one is about drugabuse
Jul 2019 · 1.1k
A B Faniki Jul 2019
There was an old woman name Sarah that
her future was in shamble, that we thought
but God who has created
her, use her for great deed.
this woman gave birth to, nation of might
© A B Faniki 7/20/2019. Reedited
Jul 2019 · 2.5k
summer in black
A B Faniki Jul 2019
There once was a girl who was sad
she wear what is black so to hide
when summer is here the dress,
it calls heat that drenches
these cloth in summer will have her mad.
Limerick about summet cloth. 7/20/2019
Jul 2019 · 554
magic word
A B Faniki Jul 2019
There was a man a bit boring most times
who found a magic word that open boxes;
he thought it was fun
to opening any box untill
the magic word "please" open the pandora's box.
Here is my first liemrick ever. ©A B Faniki 7/17/2019. Is about caution, even when doing good or fun things. The poem is also writing for kid to learn about saying pleasse.
Jul 2019 · 1.4k
My niece (paying Attention )
A B Faniki Jul 2019
Last night while teaching my niece
I told her "She is not paying
Attention", she said "she is",

and that she just paid it fifteen
Naira. By jove! the serious look on her
cute face while saying this had me laughing.

children given birth to these days are
as smart as a beautiful smartphone
and she only 3, last December
Niece has become my muse these days. I just wrote this poem for her © A B Faniki 7/15/2019
Jul 2019 · 209
Ode to friends
A B Faniki Jul 2019
No, no! Burden not thy friend, neither make
Him thy god, by asking the world of him.
For thy sanity’s sake look up to the heavens
For thy salvation, not to thy friend.
Make not thy friend the target of thine insult
Nor let jealousy or anger cloud thy judgment
When dealing with thy dear friend, nor be
A partner to Judas in betraying thy friend;
For step by step, karma will catch up
With thee and pay thee back in full measure.

When disloyalty and greed tear apart friends
Like an earthquake that splits a mountain,
Then the valley it creates shall be a graveyard,
Where friends’ interests shall lie in ruin, waiting
For time to heal and bridge thee again;
Or for the day of forgiveness and reconciliation;
Or for the court of men or heavenly beings.
As friends’ interests lie in ruin waiting, the
Giant wheel of time shall continue to turn,
Bringing changes with every hour that passes.

Something should be water under the bridge;
What has been, has been; everyone had his
Fifteen minutes of fame in every friendship;
Whether you played for fame or fortune,
Whether you played for honor or fun,
Whether you played for cruelty or a joke;
Thy fifteen minutes is up and thy price awaits thee.
Don’t seek for an ideal friend; those are
Out of stock now; that’s why there is an
End in the word friend, to remind you of this.
Afte experience what friendship means in adulthood I could not help but write this piece
Jul 2019 · 5.2k
A B Faniki Jul 2019
Tip of the hat in recognition
To all devoted women and mothers,
Your love, care,strength, and devotion
Knows no bound like earth's weather

Like the morning star you shine
And lit the path to life;
Like a great messiah you fine
Rest for the family you have.

The laughter of your children always
Excite you and fills you with joy.
Through thick and thing you always
Stick around to show your love;

You're an embodiment of life greatest gift;
For you're twenty persons in one for us:
You're a teacher and a great therapist,
You're a doctor and a great nurse ,

You're a achef and a great baker
You're a driver and a great instructor
You're a daughter and great mother
You're a guardian and a great protector

You're a supporter and great superwoman
You're a queen and a great matriarch
You're a home maker and a great career woman
You're an archetype of motherhood and matriarch.

Whoever said: "Jack of all trade master
Of none" has never met you, in your home;
Like the great Elephant matriarch You master
The best skills and route of motherhood.
These work is meant for my book banal tell , but I had to give it up here becasuse it is an amazing place to share my piece with other poet.
Jul 2019 · 853
Haiku: Nature's Mirror
A B Faniki Jul 2019
A clear still pond will
always reflect faces because
it's nature's mirror.
First mirror  on earth is from nature. It always give back.
© A B Faniki 9 july, 2019
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