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Feb 2018 · 360
That place in my heart
Twinkle Feb 2018
There's that place in my heart
Where I know you reside
But I'll ignore that gnawing feeling
All because I mean nothing

From time to time, when my wayward mind strays
The memory of your beautiful eyes stays
Your haunting eyes eats away at my soul
God my heart resembles a black hole

One more day away from you
and all I wish is to curl up and die
Twinkle Mar 2017
She lost her heart inside his the words his mind composed...inside the myriad memories of this emerald eyes...that shone with a light she had never know...a longing she thought was hers alone...

She loved him more than life itself..
But feared that even the shadow of her
scared, wounded heart would cast
an evil that could not be dispelled.

The proof of her love was in her eyes..she loved him each moment...knowing well that even the sight of him killed her a thousand times over...
She wanted the best for him...even if it meant being without her.

His future, his dreams meant more to her than that ache deep down to see him behold her with a longing she saw in his eyes alone....none ever looked at her like that...ever
Lust was all she got....disgust if at all.

He made her feel beautiful, feel complete..seem ageless...almost magically as if his love alone could transform her demons into ashes....
He was all she ever wanted..hoped for..he was the answer to her aching heart!

She loved him like she would die every day just to be held in his transcendental embrace...

But then she ran away...frightened at the plethora of emotions that coursed through her hopeless body..afraid of her own shadow...afraid of what it meant...a reality she couldn't dream of..cudnt imagine..
worlds colliding.. hopes shattering...
she dare not love again...she dare not love again..she promised herself.."Not this time...not again"
Feb 2017 · 687
Twinkle Feb 2017
The sun stole the daylight from her eyes
He blinded her to reality
Drove her to insanity

His brilliance was meant to protect
To heal to cure
To banish ills
To drive out demons that roamed the earth

The Sun in all his glory
Did that to her?

Blinded by his sheer magnificence
She stumbled in to darkness,
His was a light so bright
That it left her without sight

Is it so ? They mocked her!
Is it so, she asked herself
Can something that is meant to protect
Also take your life?
or drive you blind?

Who would believe her?
Who could she take her plea to?
They'd call her insane
And counter blame.

You are stupid! They'd say
To play with fire
To fly too close to the sun
Which fool did inspire?

So she went back into her cocoon
Her shelter, never to return, never to falter
She was scathed, her soul a cinder
Her heart a hole, her mind a blender.
Twinkle Jan 2017
He was late.  He rushed forward.  All he could see was a crowd of people standing near a lady.  Her sister he guessed.  Dark sunglasses adorned a cherubic face.  Her red nose was a clear give away, that she had been weeping.  They had closed the grave. He was late. He didn't get a chance to see her one last time.

How could it be possible?  She had met him a few months ago!  She looked fine. He received a message from her sister.  She was dead. It was her funeral.  He could hardly believe it. How did life change in a mere few months?

Her sister was speaking to a group of young women, her friends, he gathered.  They were speaking with her sister. He overheard them say "But she never told us! She called us and said we should go camping and planned the whole trip at such a short notice.  We had so much fun! But she never told us."  

Her sister replied, "She was informed 4 months ago, somewhere at the end of Jan, that she had a few months to live.  She had developed a lung complication and it had taken a turn for the worse. The medication had stopped working. She didn't want any more doctor visits and stuff. She refused to get treated. She decided then she would have fun and live the last few months of her life, memorably.  Surprise friends, meet people she never made time for before. Make happy memories.  She lived her last days simply wanting to be happy.  She met most of the people on her wish list. Except a few who were away."  

Hearing that, his heart sank.  He was one of those she paid a surprise visit to. He remembered that day. He had been avoiding her. He recalled the surprise visit to his house. He was home that day. It caught him off guard.  He was in a spot and didn't expect that she should drop in unannounced. How upset he was! He recalled those words.  Angry words, he had lashed out at her. Then he didn't hear anything from her afterwards. Now it sank in him.  She met him at the end of Jan.  She didn't have time.  Why didn't she tell him that?  She hardly said anything at all.   He was angry with her, again, even now.  Why? Why? Why?  He approached her sister and introduced himself.  "Hi! I am John".  At that his sister interrupted him, "Oh! I have a note for you", With that she took out an envelope from her pocket and handed it over to him.

He was dazed. His sister turned her attention away.  He held the envelope in his hands, shock, disbelief, he couldn't explain what engulfed him at that moment.  He had always, avoided her.  She was irritating, a pain, he thought. She had issues.  Unresolved issues.  He remembered the time, she whispered to him, that she was in love with him.  But he ignored her.  Pretended that he never heard it. She wasn't his type. He opened the note.  It read.  

"Dear John, By the time you receive this note, I will not be physically present in this world. I am sorry for dropping in unannounced at your place, that day. I am really sorry. I realized you were upset, but believe me upsetting you was the last thing I had in mind.  

You see, I had been having issues with breathing for quite some time.  My sickness made me depressed.  A lung infection I caught on, turned into a complication. I was hoping to get better.  I never thought, that it would be the end of me.  But when the doc told me I had a few months to live.  I was shocked.  I asked myself.  What is the only thing you would regret leaving behind. And then I saw your face. You my dear friend, are the 1st person I will regret leaving behind. Not having spent time with you. And not spending time with people who have loved me irrespective of my so called "issues", these are the ones I will regret leaving behind.

So I decided to let the end of my life, albeit a few months, be the happiest days of my life.  And for once let me control what I choose to do with my days, rather than living a schedule of must do things and tasks and priorities.  You see, we have a choice, yet we choose to focus on the priorities that don't add any value or meaning to our lives.  Day and months pass by in meaningless pursuits.  We miss the opportunity to love and share our love with others.

You were in no doubt that I loved you, but I respected your decision. I don't resent it. I chose to give freely and to grow every day by being richer in the experience of just giving for the sake of it. I stopped worrying about how my actions will be interpreted by people around me.  Seriously, they have no clue about my journey and what it has taken me to keep myself alive.  

Having decided this for myself, I've spent the best days of my life in the last few months.  I am truly, happy and satisfied.  The only regret I have is that I didn't get to create a happy memory with you that day.  I also understand completely the reasons you gave me. But it doesn't matter now, does it?  I cannot create any more memories from my grave.  

Love ya always "

He closed the note. Yes, he realized no more memories, no more sorry.  You can't create memories from the grave.
Another attempt at a story.  Food for thought. Do we have time? Can we fool ourselves forever? How long can we put off things?  Think twice.
Jan 2017 · 964
Benefit of Doubt
Twinkle Jan 2017
My heart is simple, my feelings true.
I had no intention of offending you.
Not to shock, neither to stalk,
I simply decided to walk.
My sixth sense warned me not to go
I thought I just say Hello
To silently be a part of your grief
No tears apparent that I could weep.
Words a few, comfort to give.
Basic understandings, that I knew.

My world came toppling at your accusations
That I failed to understand your basic assumptions.

Yes, I do regret, surprising you.
But the greater shock, was seeing you.
Deciding to circumvent, I landed into you.
Not expecting, not realizing,
No benefit of a doubt.

I am the one shocked, I need to take stock
If this is ur attitude, twice I've taken the blame
Suffered the shame and humiliation
Only in loves name
Sometimes you never intend, but your actions are misunderstood.
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
Eclipsed Love
Twinkle Jan 2017
"I Love U" whispered the Moon  to the Sun. A forlorn look crept into her eyes. "I've always been in love with you", she whispered in a hoarse voice, choking on the oceans of love which welled up in her eyes.  A whisper barely audible and poignant.  She looked at the Sun, knowing fully well that she cud never stand in the brilliance of his love. Knowing that as the day separated the night their love could never unite. Yet she pined for him, with undying love.

She revolved around the earth, but her heart had only eyes for him. Of all the planets she had to fall in love with him.  A tiny spec, unnoticed in the galaxy.

Eclipses were short lived phenomena occurring few and far in between, rare and once in a year maybe.

But she waited for the day, when she would bask in his glory and be the cynosure of his eyes alone. She waited patience personified, knowing it was sheer madness to love the Sun.  Dazzling, hot and magnificent that he was, the universe revolved around him. He didn't even know she existed. Except for that one special day, when his eyes would notice her momentarily.

So she dressed up as pretty as she cud hoping his wayward heart would see, that it was her love which adorned her.  Just the thought of seeing him upfront would bring a twinkle in her eyes.

She waited with baited breath for that fleeting moment, shorter than a quarter of a hour. A quarter of an hour in the 8760 hours he spent outside of her world. While she waited, hopelessly endlessly, pining for the his love.

Then mockingly he came to her at last. At that designated time, teasing her about how naive she was. "Show me" she blurted with baited breath, her heart racing the universe in those fleeting moments. So he gathered her in his huge embrace and pressed his wild heart close to her breast. And in that embrace the earth was eclipsed in their union.

She could feel his wild heart through the layers of the physical distance which still separated them and she closed her eyes to his scent, the scent of the universe, that brought waves of nostalgia. She longed for more, and hugged him back. Aching to tell him how much she loved him and wanted this moment to last.  She wondered what it would be like to taste him.  She wanted his brilliance to permeate every fiber of her being.  But, she realized she was playing with the Sun.  His fire would consume her, if she flew too close to him.

He seemed unruffled, as she quivered at his touch, his scent, so full of him and so dizzy with that euphoria. Did time stop? Would the universe allow a few seconds of oblivion?

But then the world was in an eclipse. He had to leave.  So softly he whispered in her ear, "I have to leave". Reluctantly she let go, feeling the extricated from the universe, as if separating from him, meant death, fearing that perhaps this may be the last time she would see Him.

For as the world waited with expectation for an eclipse to occur and counted days when their union would be so spectacular, it also longed for normalcy.  Something wasn't right when the Moon embraced the Sun. A tiny creature smaller than the earth, she shouldn't dare hold him, they said.

She for once knew what it was to keep wandering in eternity, with so much love held in her ***** with the only hope that an eclipse would occur some day and that her yearning for the Sun would never ever fade or dwindle, in this lifetime or the next. A tsunami of a sob escaped her lips, oceans in turmoil. The door had closed on her universe, she was in a darkness. She could feel his warmth even then, but it began to grow cold. A panic started to form as she struggled to retain control.

He however, was far away unknown to her misery.  He on the other hand, belonged to the universe, no one could hold him back. Self-made, disciplined, his was a journey few would understand.

She did, she perfectly did understand. Only, she didn't expect anything from him, except few words of reciprocation. Few words, that he loved her just the same way, that she meant something to him. That his heart beat the same way for her.  She also knew that this experience meant nothing to the Sun, he would move on as he always did. He had a status to keep and the universe was watching.

But alas, he was The Sun, would he tell a tiny insignificant creature like her anything at all?

The Sun left her abode, he shrugged off the experience, and got back on his journey. While far away those watching the Sun, began to notice that a few spots had appeared on the Sun.  A memory of where he had embraced the Moon, had left a black hole on his heart.

Dedicated to the one and only man my heart loves
My first stint at creative writing...a dream tale of the romance between the Sun and the Moon revolving around an eclipse, converted to a love story.  Please share your feedback for improvisation.
Jul 2016 · 889
Twinkle Jul 2016
He broke his silence for her
He broke the rules he never should
Said what he felt like he did
He engaged with a fence sitter
Not knowing he was throwing
his heart under her feet

His eyes were blazing
His soul searing
His risk was great
His reputation at stake

Did he love her?
Should he say that he did?
Would she respond
Would she understand?

Oh she did understand!
Oh she did want it just they same!
Only her freedom was not hers to claim!

She loved him the only way she could
His happiness his dreams where precious to her
She was the distraction he could not afford
No one was going to be happy with this arrangement she understood

Sometimes it is so easy to loose yourself
in the moment and forget about the rest
But then the moment comes back to haunt
It should never have been!
Those words spoken those feelings rent
The soul laid bare and naked, exposed

Then she ran away, as fast as she could
For she saw in him her reality
A mirror of herself
He loved her as she loved him
What next, what next?

Will he forgive her
Why should he?
Why should he?
She broke his rules.
I love you...still do. Always will. But please forgive me.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
My dichotomy
Twinkle Jan 2015
Mesmerizing eyes anchor me to your soul
I loose myself in those translucent depths
I wonder if your lips were made for me
I wonder if your heart beats for me

When gently on your chest I lay my hand
I hear your heartbeat restrained
Thumping loudly, visibly tensed
Sensing if I'll ever guess

Strangers to unbeknown eyes
Your gaze I've held
How I would want to pretend
But you've deeply affected my rest

Words form freely, in the minds unrest
Silence seals my lips before my story unfolds
Scarcely breathing, surviving, the truth untold
Stranger I am to my own world

I don't want to be a stranger to this feeling
I don't want to be just a keeling
Never want to let you go, hold you to myself.
Bury myself in the depth of your vortex

You'll never understand
The reason of my restraint
Undelivered words and messages unsent
Hiding visibly in broad daylight
When your sweet voice I want to hear daily

The antithesis of my story is laughable
The dissonance of my utterances and intent
Perplexed and fraught between
To be or not to be
My struggle, my dichotomy
Paradoxical my situation
Fake my appearances seem
Inside I am dying my love
Dying for a simple truth from you!
Torn apart..judge me not
Jan 2015 · 3.3k
Your serenity!
Twinkle Jan 2015
A futile battle enmeshed
Overpowering emotions struggle to stay afloat
Heaving a deep breath I sink in
Isolated in my despair
Sliced through bone and marrow
Pain wrenches my soul, vice in its hold

A fragrance wafts in
Electrifying my soul
Reverberating memories explode
Bursting to surface
Tender moments, the story of a heaped up soul

In every cell of my being I feel you
Emanating exuding your deep truth
Your touch like butterflies
Transcendental your love
Rewinding reel by reel
The story of an unsaid love

I see you close, though I bear you not
My heart lost inside your soul
Irreplaceable the magic
Weaved by those deep emerald embers
Wants each moment to unfold

I ease back and surrender once again
To the assurance of this bliss
Entrenched deeply in this moment
Serenity shrouds a warm blanket
Intense emotions lay calm, spent
My soul in glorious serenity elevates
You are undeniably a part of me
My paragon, my serenity
Issue forth bright light, vibrant colors
Adorn the deep dark night sky
Your love a painting a million hues
Panoramic and divine.

Imaginary poem..wishing every bit this were real.
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
Flirting with the devil
Twinkle Jan 2015
If this title attracted your attention
As it surely should
The devil is real my friend
Rest assured it's true.

Folks I am not fibbing
The master of lies has a great disguise.
Like the Saviour he is watching you too.
But unlike the Master, your fears are his haven.
He's lying in quiet wait to trip you.

If you think I am fibbing, let me explain.
His existence is in the mind of the aimless.
He makes his home in the hopeless.
The young ones he infects with discontent
His hatred he sows deep.
This till the children of God become his sheep.

Then beguiling he'll lead them to slaughter.
Broken hearts, bitterness to plunder.
The emptiness a yawning gap.
You can't save yourself,
He'll push you to give up.
Then he'll put words of despair in the mouths of loved ones.
Break your resolve if you so much as dare.
He'll thrive on wickedness, and turn your love into despair.
All around you, you'll see hopelessness.
This minions perfecting the part.
Only the Son of God (Jesus), can break this act.

When you feel love tugging at your heart
And reach out to those hurting.
When u bury the hatchet
And choose forgiveness.
When you rise above the pettiness
Your pride destroyed
When you see in persons God's image
Trust me, you've the fetters blown away

Oh, he won't let you go easily
Your too much a prized possession
The one he'll ensnare,
The one he'll dangle, before His throne
Then the Son of God, His Christ, his body tearing, will offer himself in exchange
A bargain with his blood
Before your life can drain.

Look out Oh children of One God
The devil knows no religion
He exists it's true
Simply look around you.
The wars and guns are his legacy
Products of his insanity.
The mindless massacre of innocents
Unleashed through times immemorial
****** earth covered cries for vengeance.

Mind you, you can only be so much as used.
As you allow yourself to be.
The traps are set in every corner
It's not going to be easy.

Often you'll be goaded by those closest to you.
Offering you solace in things that should not be.
Drugs and gangs
Violence and rave
Ecstasy and addiction
Cool fads and attractions
Wanting things you'd
be better off

But it doesn't stop there
Fear is a potent weapon
He'll use it everywhere.
He'll bombard you from every corner
Till you doubt your sanity
Then willingly you'll walk into his parlour
Handing over your serenity

You'll never know what's evil.
Cause he make you believe he doesn't exist.
But my friend all long
You were flirting with the devil..
Something I had a long time to ponder on and think, what makes us evil.
Nov 2014 · 622
Love me for who i am
Twinkle Nov 2014
Love me for who I am
Love me for who I can be
Love me for what your 
love can make me.

Love me not for who I was
For the past is gone
Regaled to the memories of yesterday.

But love me for tomorrow
The promise of which is your love.
For love alone can make me
Elevate me with your loving

Rain on me, dry as a bone
Starved of comfort
Eyes set on the road ahead
Fading soul calls out
Any hope is a straw to hang on to
For the hopeless a mirage
To survive and sustain
Long before the shadows dim

Parched soul, fill the ache
Return with your love
Magnificent and transcendent
The desert blooms
An oasis in the midst of misery

Life is what you make of it
And I want to make mine scenic
Paint the hues of love
Amethyst and Amber
Garnet and topaz
Like the rising dawn
The beauty of which brings hope
On the horizon of my yearning soul.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Twinkle Oct 2014
It's so surprising
I love you so much
But will never let you know.
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
It all starts with me.
Twinkle Oct 2014
When times are tough and things go blue.
Think of others worrying too
Just because your problems are many don't think others haven't any**

I remember these lines when I was a child.
Never understood the meaning behind others smiles.
I'd complain and grumble to all and sundry
How life's burdens made me weary
Till I paused for a while to take the time to realise.
The problems I encounter are mine alone
People's cups are overflowing
Why make a bone
Everyone's so wrapped up in their strife
Life's so deary, faded are the smiles
To each one his own, the selfish style
The world's gone crazy toppled lives.

Till one day I heard the wise words once again.
Evil has a way to storm you
Till your endurance breaks
Sunk in despair and in pain
The light will slowly begin to fade

You'll long for someone to rescue you
But help is not any where in sight
People are so wrapped up in their strife
It takes a mighty move to turn the tide.

So I'll make a start with me.
Maybe some day somebody will follow
Right now it is hard to see.
I'll give myself a reason to smile
Those wise words will remind
To bury my pain behind my smiles
To reach out to those in pain
An insight in their world to gain

Having said that, things will never be easy
Evil will always try to place hurdles
To make my path greasy
Armed with my Saviour's Love
I shall remember

Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Teach me
Twinkle Oct 2014
Teach me Lord
Never to judge
when perfect I am not

Teach me Lord
Never to preach
When follow thou I not

Teach me Lord
Never to curse
when kind words fail me

Teach me Lord
Never to hurt
when healing is difficult

Teach me Lord
Never to preen
when virtues I fall short

Teach me Lord
Never to be arrogant
for I have not all

Teach me Lord
Never to be cruel
Lest your rage I invite

Teach me Lord
Never to seek revenge
I may too have betrayed

Teach me Lord
Never to Lie
spinning stories comes naturally

Teach me Lord
To be merciful
To forgive
To praise
To comfort
To utter truths
To be faithful
To stay strong
To be open
To be guarded
To be peaceful
To be resigned
To be humble

But above all to Love like you
Teach me Lord  your values, give me the strength to stay strong, when my miserable self , prostrate before thyself.
Oct 2014 · 30.3k
Twinkle Oct 2014
I shall seal my lips
Never open to utter
For I wonder
What is better
to speak your heart out
and be construed a fool
or to store it in
and be considered a sage
Sometimes what is better, to confront or to deal with the hurt. When I usually do, I fear the risk of loosing. Is it always me?
Oct 2014 · 3.9k
Twinkle Oct 2014
The beauty of truth is that one day, it shall reveal itself.  
Try as you may want to hide it.
Lies never got you anywhere.

It is understandable to lie to protect yourself
But it is terrible to influence others with your lies
The lives you've ruined, cause your understanding was skewed

But, as I said, the truth shall reveal itself
That day shall decide, whose side you are on
So you better hide, lies make a poor sheath.
Sep 2014 · 11.6k
Hug (10w)
Twinkle Sep 2014
Wish I could reach out and hug all of you.
Just to spread a little love today.. I'll stick to my promise.

My 1st 10 words write.
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
New World
Twinkle Sep 2014
There is a new world out there
For people like u and me
A world where we won't be measured by fickle standards u see

A world where "love" means
Embracing the person whole heartedly
Where different abilities and minds
Melt and mould and become one

Where caring takes a new dimension
Where hope is forever new
Where the sun shines brightly each day
And brings promises anew

Where fighting the world does not drain you out
And you can say what u feel without wondering how u'll be judged

Where u can be childlike in your innocence
And maintain the purity of your emotions.
Where u don't need to twist yourself to fit someone's frame.

And where u can worship the Lord again
Where u can stand tall and proclaim
His love for all to see
And you know you'll be backed by HIM

Where u can trust ur fellow men blindly
Cause the one who sees
Knows your heart and feels
The truth of your words
Where externals fade before his gaze
Where liars need to fear his face.

Such a world beckons
So I say
Do not give up your loving
Do not give up on your friend
Do not try to fit in someone else's mind
Be yourself, your purest self
For that's what u were deigned to be
For If that's not what the Lord intended
Then his saving grace you'll see
Not making sense of late. Wondering how to go on. The struggle is deep, the journey long. Just some fodder for my fading soul.
Sep 2014 · 811
Making sense
Twinkle Sep 2014
If only we could understand ourselves, the world around would make much  sense.
It all begins with me.
Try this. Understand who and what makes u, you'll be able to see why the world fears you.
Sep 2014 · 515
Twinkle Sep 2014
GOD sees us without our defences
He sees us without our pretences
He sees us without our sins
He sees us for who we truly are



**Isn't it beautiful :)
GOD is real, He exists, and he loves you, whether you choose to believe it or not!
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
Twinkle Sep 2014
I once knew a guy
Who had a strange reply
If I would talk about a certain friend
He would say "oh you referring to that black guy."
And if I said about another
The color descriptions came out further
So I decided to teach him a lesson
A few things about color.

I invited him to dinner 
With friends from different races
And when asked to be introduced
I began this way.

I am pink, my friend here is white
She's yellow, he's red, over there are brown and black.
Now with the introductions done, could tell me which color are you?

All I got a was jaw dropping colorless face staring back at me.
Lol...Something different I've tried fir the first time. Hope you like it.
Sep 2014 · 478
Love life and gains
Twinkle Sep 2014
From today I'll stop talking about my pain
Love, life and only what I've gained
No more rewinding the past
I am on the fast forward track.
Sep 2014 · 399
Better than
Twinkle Sep 2014
Better my simple emotions in prose
May invite some perked up nose
Better my writes may not be liked
Than for me to plagiarize
My thoughts on plagiarism
Twinkle Sep 2014
Joe Cole's Challenge I wanted to take
Pen my thoughts on paper to share
The first of its kind for me
To share my life story in a poetry

My life's story I am and going to tell
To share a piece of my heart just as well

So I sit down thinking, what I could share?
The memories come back my soul to bare

It's been a long time since I connected
Reached behind those walls
which have my heart protected
I bury deep and I can see
I've made peace with my
past so I can feel (nothing)

Those long moments buried in memories
Where a little girl embarked on her life journey.

A difficult child she was proclaimed
Oft would break her parents to tame
Rebellious and free she wanted to break free
Find out the reasons to all her queries

Answers were not that forthcoming
Sheltered a life she lived, was her feeling
But evil had other plans,
for as soon as she set foot on alien shores
All the monsters came tumbling out of closed doors.

Life wreaked in havoc
Betrayed by friends
Poor judgement and bad decisions
Made her profane
The vicious vortex kept her in spin
Salvation looked like a distant dream

Anger at the world made her lash out
Though she was successful, inside she was a doubt
If I keep my exterior a fake
I can survive longer than it takes.
She kept her life a make believe
She had no friends her heart to relieve.

She looked for love in wrong places
Broke her heart on few of the *****
Yet not a single of those lads
Took courage to love her a tad
Her heart felt the ache and longing
Wanted to understand why it was failing

Till one fine day, down in the dumps
she called out in despair
Begged on heaven gates for her soul to repair
Save her from the vortex that would drown
Stop the angry world on her to frown

Christ's redeeming light came to her aid
Broke the ******* and her sins forever bade
That day she turned to her Christ her light
Only He could be her heart's delight.
All wrong relationships fickle in her sight
She bid darkness forever goodnight

Now her life is just a day to day story
Through her love and pain give Christ glory
The demons and monsters keep surfacing from time to time
But for her Christ's light will always shine.

Give hope to those in despair and pain
Heaven's dearest treasures to gain
Share Christ's love and unyielding hope
Be grateful for all she has and more.

Treasure every relationship in Christ profound
He alone blesses, His graces abound
Though I make mistakes I'll try not to loose sight
Know what is wrong and from evil take flight

While on this earth I'll tarry so long
Yearning to sing my heavenly song.
When my time is up I'll fly to HIM
Free at last His perpetual praises to sing!
The story of my life, being saved by Jesus through Faith.  I am a Catholic, but never understood this till I made Jesus my personal Lord and Saviour.

This is the 1st time I thought of taking Joe Cole's challenge.  For me it is not a challenge but an opportunity to witness to Christ's redemptive love and saving grace.  Please give me your feedback on how I fared.
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
For Pradip
Twinkle Sep 2014
Show not their thinnest trace
let the words wear a happy face
how harsh may be the day’s living
hide the tears and broken wing!

Write me one sunshine poem
for my day dwindling in burning flame
needs your ink to see me through
by words beaming with lights of you!*

(Poem by Pradip Url :


Some where far my friend pleads
Masked their pain from sight to heed
Faking a smile they'll cheer others
Encouraging and urging, through their tears

So my heart goes out to them
I can't solve their primal needs
But my little light within me
Shine out as a beacon's beam

Friend dearest I plead
Troubles may try you
But you are bigger than these
Don't forget the gift you hold
Your sweet words are someone's world
Your pain may blind your eyes
But we are standing nearby

Though far away we may seem
Together like Sunshine we shall beam
The light within shall chase the gloom
Rivers of Love together shall stream.*
(Towards you!)

Million Hugs!
This one is for your Pradip in response to your poem.

Poor attempt, but I tried
Hope this cheers you
I may not be the sunshine, but I'd gladly Twinkle my little light!
Your happiness is all that matters.
Twinkle Sep 2014
Each day is a new day
Trials and temptations
come my way
Each day I battle my demons
Monsters clawing out my closet
I am not perfect, I am not divine
I can hardly claim to be sane
I can remotely proclaim
To be his true child
Yet the Father,
loves me for his own

For those who think
Religion is obfuscate
God knows no religion
I know this eternal truth,
because in my heart it resounds

His eyes all seeing
Your sighs are not unnoticed
Your soul bare before him
Every threat and torment
Right from ground zero
He knows you so profound

Yet he chooses not to judge you
Your own makings often trap you
The guilt you feel in your soul
Is the longing to be restored

Reasons of your behaviour
To your may appear sound
To him your logic is profane
In human reality ground

Yet in all His omnipresence
Your free will to Him is sacred.
This Father alone is the one
Who knows to make you strong
His loving nature hands you tests
Life's precious lessons follow
He know experience is a great teacher
Else slothful you'll grow.

So when I know my Father's Heart
I'll put my heart and soul
To get up just once again
knowing my heavenly goal
His loving lessons I will learn
Bear the bruises on my soul
In the bargain stronger I'll become
His grace I will earn

My Saviour is my model
Thrice tripped He persevered
He kept forging up ahead.
Despite His enemies jeers
He beckons now with assurance
Don't give before your state
Heaven's shore is not far away
Just try once again!
I love you Jesus and will never give up on myself, for you alone, I'll try every time to be closer and love everyone like you do.
Sep 2014 · 424
Twinkle Sep 2014
Your beauty enamours me he said
Those green eyes glinting
With a light so deep
I'll drown in the pool of your eyes
A stream of elixir daily it serves
Your lips so soft I want to feel
I want to drink of your love so deep
Make you mine forever to keep

What happened now to that desire?
What happened now to the elixir?

The pools now a void 
The streams run dry.
Incessant your words 
dried up the source.
Another one of the silly banters :-)
Sep 2014 · 772
Twinkle Sep 2014
Sometimes I want to shut that drumming sound in my head
The pounding of bothering with everyone's problems
How easy it is to project your torment on others
But how difficult to hide it within and persevere

Like a loose cannon it shoots from your lips
Not concerned where it lands
In someone's bed or someone's hand
It blasts in their face and leave them anxious
Your worries have left your cushion
They've have now bedded in my mind's prison

I feel so ***** and robbed of my peace
Your problems you've cast on to me

Though I'd like to help
I've realized now it's getting a bit
It's become a habit for you
To send crytic clues in your worries
And wringing your hands in desperation

So for now I'll pretend my cup's full too
My mind's occupied and I need my space
I can't jump in for your every whim
Give my life to run around your din.

Then you'll get angry for not helping you
You label me as terrible and bad mouth me
But seriously I care a flying rat's ***
Your problems are your making
Your mind is a cesspool of worries
It's never going to end
Till on your internal reserves you learn to depend
Sometimes people take our empathetic nature too much for granted and saddle us with their worries and continuous banter of how things are difficult for them.  They just fail to be thankful for things around them and depend so much on others draining the lives of those who choose to help them.
Sep 2014 · 417
You know nothing about me
Twinkle Sep 2014
You know nothing about me
All those years between us
Wasted time in memory

You know nothing about
Because you cared a flying rats ***
Your needs were always priority

You know nothing about me
Cause it was always about you
And how things never were your way
You'd fight and say.

You know nothing about me
Because I hid my dreams my deepest desire
Fearing you'll breathe fire

You know nothing about me
Cause in your eyes I was stupid
And you were stuck in this relationship.

So now I'll untie me and set you free
Your free to go your way
At least there'll be harmony

I am now free to follow my heart
Revel in my inner fire
Chase my dreams and desires
My gifts I sacrificed at your selfish altar
I've taken my life back from your grip
How I wish I could reclaim my heart too.
Sep 2014 · 843
He took my love...
Twinkle Sep 2014
I met a teeny bop
When I looked at him
his eyes went plop.
I am in love with you  he said
Haha I laughed "that's so sweet"
I ruffled his hair.
No I mean it he said.
I paused and smiled
Seriously, how old r you?

I am just a lad to you maybe
But your love will change me
I want to shower on u my love
Be a man for you no other can.

I froze, I have nothing to give, I said
I am running on empty.
I shied.
He pleaded, you only need but  try
Just once, open your heart to mine.

Then he took my love 
And fled.....
Just something imaginary and silly I felt like writing :)
Sep 2014 · 3.1k
Anger management
Twinkle Sep 2014
The Anger within me is boiling
The situation seems out of control
The fight or flight responses
Is as primal as it can be.
The amygdala, kicks in
And takes over for me.

But why blame it on primal
Cause religion teaches another
Created by the Father
Born of free will are we.
The choice of being noble
Or primal is in my capacity

So I decide to test my confusion
And see who lives inside of me
A person of free will or 
A carnal nature of me.

So when I encounter situations
Which would otherwise anger me
I'd like to bellow in rage
I'd like to make believe
Here my animal is taking over
I can feel his grip over me
The struggle within me is stronger
The ground I'm loosing steadily

I laugh! Where are you free will?
See whose got me now in his grip
And then in the flash of the moment
I see the irony!

Suddenly as if the scene's changed
The reactor becomes the actor
Letting go of a long sigh
The drama comes to a halt.
For in that moment, free will kicked in
My freedom I realized

Yes we are carnal beings
And it's not surprising
Because animals behave just as we
But we are armed with an arsenal
To be infinitesimally good
To be heavenly

If only we listen to our inner wealth
Telling us to above all rise
When we give vent to our free will.
It's that moment to decide.

Anger is worst of the lot of monsters
But alone he's usually not.
He has a lot of companions
His minions are all about.

This matter is not simple
Don't get bogged down in psychiatry
Practice makes one perfect
Tackle your fears and threats
Handle each one steadily
Before long you'll know the signs
Arm yourself with humility
His minions will try wreak havoc
And wound your ability

So stop the amygdala from taking over
Ask yourself is it worth?
What is the worse that could happen
if things didn't go your way.
The answer will be astonishing
When you've discovered your treasure
You'll find the demon's flown
What a relief it will be
You'll feel blessed abundantly
Science tries to explain reasons behind human emotions, specially anger as a result of chemical balances in the brain.
Our responses to situation are dictated by the amygdala.  But from whatever I've read, every situation can be dealt with brain conditioning as it is done in the case of children with autism.  So I believe, we can change if we choose to, one day at a time recognise the power of free will.
Sep 2014 · 3.2k
Closed Chapter
Twinkle Sep 2014
Don't make me laugh
Your not in love with me
Let me tell you why
It's just your fantasy

Cause this is not love
You surely are mistaken
You've never felt love 
or anything close to it
Cause you never had 
love to under stand
You were too busy with pleasing
Standing up to expectations
Trying to fit a larger than life figure
Chasing dreams that were impossible
You drove yourself harder 
Hoping that somehow you'd make up for the affection you did not receive.
Your running on empty 
And empty is all you can give.

Love is not keeping yourself bottled
And taking flight for the smallest threat.
To your grandiosity.
Love is not sending cryptic clues
Trying to gauge responses
Love is not in hiding
But in making itself felt
Love's presence is silent
Yet the warmth radiates.

So I have nothing to expect from you.
Your tethering is not astonishing
I can understand the see-saw you feel inside.
An emotional wave you fear to ride.

So it's best we let bygones be what they are meant to be.
Don't start the process all over.
Try not to kindle the spark
Cause the fires have blown over.
I've healed myself, of the emptiness you've left behind.
I am not turning back this time.
My resolve is deep,  my mind made up.
I have promises made to myself.
To live a full life and always be content.

So, heads up I walk into my future
Closing the door of my past.
Letting go of the riddle of a relationship
And leaving the hurt behind.
You are now a closed chapter.
The book I could not complete.
Sometimes they just don't get it when it's over.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Tackle this mess
Twinkle Sep 2014
Things aren't going right again today
I wish I could close my eyes and pretend
That's everything would be fine soon

But then again, I need to tackle this mess
It threatens to over power me and gain
Do you know that creepy feeling, like all is lost?
Like you can feel dejected and simply sigh!
Or scream your agony out!

Some how that should help,
make things controllable
But it doesn't do a dime!

So I pause and gather my thoughts,
Penning my frustration,
at odds that fly in my path
Some how I attract the worst
I feel like that all the time

Then I close my eyes and think!
No there is worse!
I am not there!
With the worst
I am here with the blest.

I have roof over my head
Clothes to wear
A job that pays
Food on the table and
loved ones to care.

This mess is the selfishness pouring
Out of hearts that have forgotten gratefulness
In its place grows restlessness
To seek and infect and thrive on sadness
Till it devours and make its conquest.

Oh Lord, my frustration is overpowering
If you don't do something soon I'll trip
That's not what I'd want cause I'll feel like a wreck
So I turn my gaze to you and reflect
Ask myself, what did you learn today
Did you get buried in your problems
Or did you look up and pray.

You see, the GREAT TEACHER, is watching
Life's little lessons he sends our way
Chapters on human psychology
Management of Time and Stress
His methods are tough
Not meant for the weak
Only the strong, can pass His test.

He never mean't it to be easy
Cause your are just not anybody
But His special treasure
Which He would like to gather
Richer and purer, after a struggle that's worthy
Of His Kingdom so glorious.
Which I await with a sadness, the longer I tarry!

With this experience firmly noted in my life's book
I shall mark it with gladness, for when again history repeats itself
I shall remember to read this lessons with gratefulness
The GIFT of words He gave, so that I can share.
When again frustration raises it ugly head
Armed with HIS words I'll fight my best.
Often enough life's situations threaten to overpower us and make us loose control. This poem started as a way to pen my frustration, but turned into a lesson that I learnt.  WE CAN NEVER CONTROL ANYTHING. So let go and don't given in.
Sep 2014 · 4.0k
Twinkle Sep 2014
Don't break my heart and walk away
Then come back and expect me to welcome you back

Don't think that my heart is your stool (seat)
You can sit on and relax and watch me make a fool (of myself)

You may have run out of your supply and need a naive like me
But don't expect that fools will not grow wise one day
Your behavior's so predictable,  stone blinds shall stare
Sep 2014 · 384
Few words express best..
Twinkle Sep 2014
There is no Elixir for the wounds you inflict
Even if there was
You would have dried up its source long ago


When depression raises it ugly head
Often its simple cause lies in
The second hand treatment meted
by someone you care.


Find pleasures in small things in life
In activities that satisfy you
You don't have to be a know it all!


Sometime you forge ahead saying every thing will be fine
Then you look back for support
And there's none.


Do what you wanna do, who cares actually.

It is the pain of this mad ache
Which dulls my senses
Highly inebriated, going back for more.*

Few words express best collection!
Sep 2014 · 543
It's time to go
Twinkle Sep 2014
Come one its time to go
Time to leave all behind

You did your best…
As sincerely as you could
Worry not, cause no one cares
No one’s seen the scar, the wound
Gaping hole in your heart so big
The emptiness that has returned to hound

Bother not, for no one loves
Its in your mind..
People like you don’t deserve
that second chance that life can give

Move on, its over
Tell yourself, Wake yourself
Cause its past time, you moved on
and left the dust behind
Let it settle and you will see
Only memories of a dimmed out mind

Bury yourself, cause there are places to hide
Wear a mask, as you always did
Of a cheerful exterior and go back to what you did
Where you found your inner strength

Focus, cause its no use
Its not coming back and you have far to go
Life’s not over, till it happily slides past the shore
Where you’ll come to rest
your burdens galore

Can you tell anyone what you feel?
Can you tell anyone who you are?
Can you explain, why it is you?
Can you think of a way to get out?

Then, I say, again get up!
cause its no use, being stuck in the past
Being stuck with this state
You can’t battle it out
So make the most of it
Channel, your love to the ones who need
There are so many aching for a kind word you see
Where your words will not rebound on empty hearts
Where your words will sink in hungry souls
Waiting for a smile a hug and unconditional love

Come on, let’s go
See they are beckoning
A world yet undiscovered
Don’t stay back, stuck in the throes of pain
When you can find, new hope, new light again
Where the sun shines bright
Where the darkness will fade and bring glorious light
Where you can beam and meet a thousand smiles
You only need to find that fight
make it worthwhile till it lasts
So get up move your body
Get up before its late
Don’t give up before this fate
Cause I want to live
and you can’t take
That right I have
For I am a part of you
A force greater than you
Yet you’ve weighed me down
So I say, I want to live I want to survive
Throw me not away for a love that could not survive…..
The struggle of the spirit over the flesh….This is my spirit beckoning my body to forget the pain and move on..2 different identities of me  clashing! One with hope and one without
Sep 2014 · 706
Wickedness..trapped inside.
Twinkle Sep 2014
Wicked wicked wicked my mind
That feels so unkind
Unkind my thoughts
That damage my heart
Damaged my heart that burns my tongue
Burned my tongue that lashes out
More enemies than friends have made I

How trapped I feel inside
The walls and bonds of your presumption
How evil this mind that sways between hate and devotion

How terrible this burden I must bear
Cast on my shoulder
For a fault not mine
Delving deep on those wounds
Which cruel men with their lust inflicted
Broken the tender bow of my spirit
Set me off on a course of anger
Hatred buried so deep beneath
Seething waiting to explode

But what explodes is not me
It’s the anger and the wrong
That should not have been

Where were u when I was abused?
Where were u when as a doormat I was used?
What is it that now can be done?
To right a wrong
To right a spirit that stands forlorn.

Damaged beyond words am I
Damaged in my thinking
Damaged emotions course through my veins
Burning, scalding, bearing pain.

See that wound, that moment, that started it all
You can see for your eyes behold all.
Robbed of innocence
Trapped in blackmail
Jilted love just for gains

No one saw that person beneath
No one saw that  crushed soul
No one saw that  waif of a girl
Longing, hoping for true love’s gold
Running in directions for a sweet word
Madly following dust for pearls

You saw, u were there
You are here now
To you nothing is hidden
All externals are just veils
Your eyes can rend them all
Your word can heal it all

How hardened am I
Wickedness seeped in every act.
I don’t wanna be like that
I don’t wanna be hated
I don’t want nothing
I want to be free
From this madness overtaking me

Stretch out your hand and calm my soul
Hold my trembling heart in your fold
Show me how things can be right
Only the one who has made me has that sight…
Who we are is deeply rooted in our experiences since birth! Baring my soul my innermost seated...
Aug 2014 · 344
Twinkle Aug 2014
Today is tough
Really tough
I don't think I'll make it
But do u care Jesus.
Do u really care for me.
From the depths of my despair
I call out to Holy God.
Show yourself Lord.
I am hurting so much.
I want this to end.
Forgive me Lord.
Or i'd like to die.

Please take me away
or show me the way.

Aug 2014 · 969
Twinkle Aug 2014
Your hold over language is excellent

Your choice of words so perfect

No more no less

Always seem to have the right words to say,

whatever you  wish to convey

But somehow when it comes to me

Words in your repertoire

Get get dysfunctional

Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Twinkle Aug 2014
A sign says stay away
Don't fall, don't stay
You'll drown in her cesspool
Those glinting eyes
Reflect a mirror a world beyond
A world you'll get hooked to
Her loving like wine
When she gets in to your blood stream
She'll taste like divine
She'll spin you like crazy
She'll adore you till your dizzy
You could want nothing better
So euphoric you'd not want it to stop.

But when your eyes open
You'll see the mess
But you will not be able to escape
So inebriated and intoxicated
You'll keep coming for more
Trusting her just once again
Wanting to touch ecstasy  
You once felt, only she could take you there
Now so out of reach

It's a whirlpool in which you'll spin
At the same time float
You'll feel like your drowning
But the end is not near
Worse than quick sand
This cesspool is filled
With the mess of her abuse
Her past so overwhelming
Yet you'll find her so giving!

The owner of the mess
Is clueless herself
She yearns to get out
But she too is hooked
Her emptiness is so endearing
You'll want to rescue
The pain is part of her
Or she is part of the pain
Is yet unknown.
Just something!
Aug 2014 · 4.0k
Twinkle Aug 2014
What if we had a skin like that of chameleons?*
But instead of mirroring our surroundings
It would reflect our innermost state.

P.S : I wonder what'd look like for those whose feel empty inside.
You are welcome to imagine :-)
Aug 2014 · 3.3k
Twinkle Aug 2014
I am not sure anymore
How to tread the ground with you
It's like walking on broken glass
The shards embed deep

But it's not the glass that hurt so bad
More so the wounds your words inflict.
Aug 2014 · 2.6k
A career woman's company
Twinkle Aug 2014
She stands tall and slender like poetry
Her eyes hard as steel 
Her face a mask of sovereignty 
She's seen it all in her industry 

Outwardly she appears calm
Don't be fooled by her charms 
Her mannerisms are her keeping
Don't overstep your line. 

She's fought a hard battle 
Laid claim to the highest throne
She's driven out the competition 
But now she stands alone

At what cost comes success
The sacrifice of sanctity 
The loss of integrity 
A woman fighting in a man's world
Play by the rules or risk your dignity

The fall from grace will be so steep
One she'd rather not see coming
So she dances while she can
Her ballerinas grace has u enchanted 

When the time for the show is over
When the curtains r drawn and the lights are dimmer
She takes off her mask and weep miserably 
She has only loneliness
To keep her company
For the ambitious career woman.
Twinkle Aug 2014
Why am I sad?
Why am I bad?
Why does depression
bite off my head

Every ponder to wonder
Some days are bright
Some days are dark
If its not cyclic and then
tell me what I lack.

I want to stop my enemy
Dead in his tracks
A foe so deadly
I could have lost my life
Why should I give up
On his altar of shame
Why am I victim of his
depressing game

So I thought I'd dig deeper
Play my enemy at his game
Get the tactical advantage
While the sun still shines
For sooner will it it set
Then he's made my mind.

When he's inside my head
I can't think
A simple, fun loving person
Runs to the shrink.
So get going when he's far off
I got the advantage now to stop.

So I got down to doing what I do best
Looking for information on the internet
From all what I've gathered
I thought I'd share
Friends it's not so easy, the world is bare!

It began with ruthless lifestyles
The throwing away of values
The desecration of sacraments held so pure
Families in ruin, children in shambles
Sensitive young minds, had no supply
But to seek out love or run on empty

You see I've dug and found gold
But it's not a gold I'd like to behold
For in it I see a mirror of the world's ills
Fallen on young and innocent wills

I'd could go on and it'd never be over
But the crux of the matter is what needs to be told
My friend, the world's running on empty
Each one needs to find his/her worth
But there's nothing left in society
That'll made you feel worthy

This vicious cycle needs to be broken
The Master of lies, is seeking his victims deep
His hatred planted in broken minds
His sword has struck steep.
His rage bellowing, that know no bounds
Cut and destroy before his victim can flound

It runs from generations to generations
And is labelled hereditary
But friends, hatred beget hatred
There's no rocket science in it to detect
The genius liar, spurious angel of light
Knows, what it takes to make men fall.

If ever by chance, his victims learn to love or forgive
His vicious cycle will be broken and the cage set free
Then all his victims with love will see.
That the world is beautiful,
when each one loves thee.

Give away of yourself free,
learn to heal and forgive
And change your destiny.
Stop the growelling on empty,
pick up the mantle of care
Adorn it your best and accept your test

Say to yourself, what's happened is in the past.
I forgive and choose to live,
cause I cannot change what's lost.
Stop the hurting and make your peace.
Stop the enemy in his tracks.
He's never given you worth
All his tricks and ploy,
All the lies and games
will only succeed in bring you shame.
Look not for worth in un-fulfilling things
The empty promises are not his to keep.
Look inside your heart where the well of love overflows
Open it wider, let it glow and grow.
So full and majestic and reaching high
Till it sweeps us all in it's tide.

So the lesson is out there for you and me
*Love one another and I've Loved you..
Recently I found out that what we are is deeply dictated by our experiences.
Aug 2014 · 2.0k
Meet your Lord and Saviour.
Twinkle Aug 2014
I hear His voice in the stillness of the night.
I feel His love like a blanket thick.
Warm and caring
Like the brightest sun
Like the coolest breeze
His love so tender so pure
So unassuming

He knows your deepest fears
He knows your darkest thoughts
He knows your story and all the gory
He knows why you are you.

Yet He judges not
Son of God who loves you like crazy
Has only stars in His eyes
When He looks at His beloved lady$.
His love the same
Never changing and fading
His hands stretched wide
Arms welcoming.
Never closed and accusing.

Look people of the world
Like a passionate lover
With LOVE brimming over.
Yearning and searing, like you do for another
He waits..
His unwavering love
An answer to all above
Your grief and pain
Will never be over
But they will be sweeter
He assures
Cause His love will bear the sting
When His hand your holding.
Joy abounds
Tears cease
Griefs gone
The dark night lasts no longer
The blanket is lifted
You only need to walk further
To meet your Lord and Saviour.

*(He loves everyone)
After a long long time...I woke up to this and wrote.
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
Inside me
Twinkle Aug 2014
Is God around us
Is he external
Can he feel for me when he is outside of me?
That answers it.
No He is not around us?
No He is not an outsider
He is within us.
Deep inside us
One with us.

Because when we close our eyes
And shut out the world
When we shut out the din
And hear that inner voice
It is HIM
It is home coming.
I hear his voice in the stillness of the night. I feel his love like a blanket thick.
Aug 2014 · 885
Weary heart!
Twinkle Aug 2014
My heart is weary, the light I cannot see
My suffering seems so hard to bear
My emptiness yawning stretching in front of me
Feels like this is forever's destiny

I don't want to be resigned to this fate
For I know of brighter days
Days of laughter, days of cheer
Days when my fears were never near

Hidden behind a dark boundary
There dared not approach me
Cause my moment was happy and blithe
And I never thought depression would have me in sight

But you see at the least worry
Dark clouds gathered and made me scurry
Hiding behind my closed door
I made sure none would enter

And so I hid, behind my excuse
And when I turned there was none but me
My emptiness a yawning road
All stretched out like a barren field

Gone were my friends
Gone were those days
When laughter and joy filled my ways
I could not muster the courage to call
Death was knocking at my door
I thought I could stand tall

But before long,
I was crushed below
The weight of my adversary unknown
Drowning out in this sojourn
Grappling with sanity

Is this me, could it be?
Cause yesterday I was happy and free
Today I am waiting for that moment
When the doors will open again
And the light streams steadily
Cause in this darkness my doors are closed
The door **** the mind eyes cannot *****.
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Be careful!
Twinkle Aug 2014
Be careful whom you trust
Be careful who hears your words
Be careful to whom you confide
Often enough these are people who hide

Their masks are bright and painted
The claws dipping in blood and tainted
They feed on your every word
What you confide is like gold

Unbeknownst to you, they lie in quiet wait
Waiting and watching when you'll trip over your fate
Then gleefully will issue that malicious smile
I've got you trapped now, where will you fly.

From the heart of a wounded, I write to you
Friend, fear the one who says he's true
Test and try every one you meet
Open not your hearts door to everyone you greet!
Just feeling a little low today!
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
Who's to blame?
Twinkle Aug 2014
If you let your heart be held ransom
By someone's unkind words
If you let them trample on your soul
You have no one else to blame
But yourself!

Break free from those who seek to hurt you
Cause all's in the mind
Letting go in prose is the only way to go!
Just some thoughts today from the heart! Write to make yourself feel free and let go!
Aug 2014 · 692
Break free..find the light!
Twinkle Aug 2014
We are our own darkness and we can be our own light.
We are our own prison and we can be our own freedom.
We are our own suffering and can be our own happiness.

It's all in the mind,
A fragile line between being bound and choosing to let go!

What's holds you down is not people or rules
What's holds you down is your own fetters
When you choose to stay and not break away

Who makes the rules that makes you stay
Who binds you in discipline in the name of the law
Who enforces them and pretends not to care
Those who make these rules themselves will not obey?

So I say to you, the only rule you need to follow
Is the one engraved on your heart
That is only one rule and that you must obey
For the Son of Man sealed it and its still stands true
Love one and another as I have you.
Break free from those thoughts that bind you in insanity and depression.  Jesus is the light!
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