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13.7k · Aug 2014
Low self-esteem
Having low self-esteem *****
It has shaped me in ways that I can't even look at myself in the mirror

I do not want anyone to feel what I feel about myself
It is a terrible, terrible feeling
when you can't accept yourself
when you doubt everything
when you can't trust yourself
when you can't love yourself
when you give in to the voices that little you and,
and start to believe every word of it

I do not wish this upon anyone
but for some reason
when I find someone who is going through this...
it helps

I know I can talk to them
I think because they are the only ones who truly understand
Who will not make fun of me
Who will stand by me because they know,
they know what it's like to wish you could rip this skin of yours and be a different skin
because you just hate yourself so much

I am still getting used to this skin
Being overly shy and having low self-esteem has ruined me so many times, I've missed so many great opportunities because of it and as a result I developed social anxiety
13.4k · Aug 2014
No one cared until I started holding a pencil
until I started writing
let's call them poems

Did writing make people actually care about me?
Or did it just make them curious enough to ask about me?

Do they like my writing?
Or do they like how I can describe things in ways they can't?

Has this pencil brought me closer to people?
Has it made them finally see me?

Questions start to occur
every time I hold this pencil of mine

questions question question
so many questions
and not enough answers

If you ask me to speak my feelings
I will not be able to utter a word
I will not be able to form a comprehensive sentence
Give me a pencil
and I will express... gladly
Whether through writing or drawing

I suppose I owe a lot to my pencil
You might see it as a wood that leaves mark on papers
but to me
It's a whole world,
a world that I'm eager to explore

Thank you pencil
Thank you for being there for me
when my tongue isn't
Thank you for speaking up for me
Thank you for being my voice
I am new at this, new to writing but I love it! I love the feeling it gives me. Hopefully I can become a good writer some day. These are my beginnings so bear with me y'all :)
5.2k · Aug 2014
Robots and Puppets
Robots Robots Robots
All I see is robots

Where are the humans?
They are long gone my friend

Everyone is controlled by "them"
Everyone is programmed the same
Everywhere I turn I see different people doing the exact same things

"We are all the same", he said
"Why do you say it proudly?", I asked
"We like it", he answered
"You are programmed that way,
programmed to think you like it." I replied

They are manipulating you, don't you see?
You are all bunch of robots and puppets

Be who you want to be
Live the life you want to live

Do you want to live the life they chose for you?
Do you want to live the life you chose for yourself?

Do you want to be a puppet?
Do you want to be free?

All you gotta do is
Live your life the way you wanna live it and ***** everybody else who try to control you and make you live and be someone you don't wanna be.
3.7k · Aug 2014
To everyone here
Mulan might be just another fictional Disney character
Just a fraction of someone's imagination
To you
She might just be an eighty minute entertainment on your screens
Just a childhood memory
that is slowly
and gradually

But to me
To me she's more than that

You see
Growing up, I didn't have anyone that could teach me things
And I don't mean in sense of school subjects
I didn't have anyone that gave me confident about myself
So I took lessons from everyone and everything

Mulan taught me that I can be a girl and not have pink as my favorite color
Mulan taught me that I can be a girl but not wear and love makeup, dresses and high heels
Mulan taught me that it is okay to love and be good at things that were originally meant for boys
Mulan taught me how I can be comfortable in my skin
Mulan taught me that it is okay to not be a typical girl
and still have my happily ever after fairytale

Mulan taught me that it is okay,
that it is enough to just be
Mulan taught me that it is perfectly fine to be a tomboy. I'm enough.
3.3k · Jul 2014
Organs that don’t lie
You can tell exactly what I'm feeling simply by looking into my eyes
My eyes never lie

You want to know the truth?
Look into my eyes
You want to know what I'm feeling?
Look into my eyes

My eyes have exposed me too many times
more than I want
more than I can count

My eyes tell it all
My eyes don't care about the things I want to keep hidden
Don't care about the things I want to keep to myself
They will tell you who I am even if you are a stranger passing by

My eyes are all for truth
and nothing but the truth.
2.3k · Sep 2014
Insomnia lady
The sun's up
And here I am
with another sleepless night
As thoughts take over me once again
1.9k · Aug 2014
What you deserve
You deserve to be happy
You deserve that smile on your face
That smile that we don't get to see often
You deserve to get what you want,
what you desire

Don't apologize for what's in your heart
Don't apologize for what you want
Don't apologize for who you are

Have fun

Oh dear self
You deserve it all
So take it
Without feeling sorry
Without feeling guilty
Just take it all
and be
Start taking care of yourself, self. You owe it to yourself to be happy.
1.6k · Sep 2014
That's enough for me
I can barely make her laugh
I am rarely the reason behind that glamorous smile

But that is okay
As long as she's laughing and smiling
That is enough
1.4k · Sep 2014
I will listen
"I'm here if you need me. I'm here if you need to talk, I'll listen."
I say every time I know she does
But she's always so reserved
Afraid to speak her feelings

"Thank you I'm fine, really"
Is the lie she tells every time
Followed by a fake smile
Thinking I can't tell the difference

Feelings are weakness
Is what she thinks

Her lips are smiling
but her eyes are crying

Her eyes have so much to say
But she bites her tongue
preventing it to speak

She holds on to her feelings so tight
Not knowing who to trust with it

I show her that she can trust me
I tell her that she can trust me but
She can't see
She can't hear

Look! I am here for you
You are not alone
I swear I am here

I want to be your safe haven
I want you to come to me
when you're happy,
when you're sad

Come. Talk. Laugh. Cry.
I'll listen
Wrote this one for my friend who's going through some tough times.
1.3k · Aug 2014
You're not seeing
They saw her face bright
smiling and laughing
They heard her giggles and laughs
Everyone wanted to be like her
Loving this adventure called life
"She's full of life", they said

Little did they know
She's an amazing actress

Her life is her best performance
She's been wearing costumes and performing
all her life
But no one was able to notice

Or maybe
they just decided not to see
They ignored all the signs
because it's easier than reality
her reality

She deserves all the awards for her performance
Oscar, Emmy, Tony...

All these years
Being around thousands of people
Her family, friends and colleagues
She was able to fool them all

Does everyone who laugh and smile all the time really that much of a happy person?
Perhaps people who are,
are the ones who do that to forget
To forget their reality

"Maybe if I pretend long enough, it'll become my true feeling, it'll become my new reality, maybe..
maybe my performance will beat my depression. Maybe.."
Just see what's in front of you. See and don't ignore.
1.3k · Jun 2015

He was a recovering alcoholic
She was a double shot of *****

He desired  her like an ex-smoker desires to smoke one last cigar before his lungs shut down completely, before he breathes his last breath
Like any smoker who would like to have the privilege to smell "Gurkha Black Dragon"

Their love was made of music notes no one got to hear
Music played only in their ears

Like moon and sun
Like day and night
They shouldn't collide
They can't meet

Mother nature would lose her balance each time they kissed
The universe did not approve of their love

A love story that should have never been lived, should never be written nor spoken about

1.2k · Aug 2014
What loving you cost me
I used to know what I stand for
I used to know what I believe in
I used to know what my values were

That was all before I knew you
before I loved you
I don't even know who I am

I lost myself
temporarily... I hope

I'm slowly fading away
Who am I?
Can I find myself and still be with you?
No is the answer
No is my answer
Not now at least

I need space
I need to be by myself figuring out who this self is
I need to let you go
I need to let this love go

Loving you has cost me something
Something that I cannot live without
Something that I need to restore
away from you

Loving you cost me
my identity
I need to let you go in order to find myself
1.2k · Nov 2014
What is this called?!
As I lay my eyes on you
I start to stutter
Words don't come out right
My brain can't form sentences

The effect you have on me, oh boy...
I'm *******
1.2k · Nov 2014
My Muse
I'm a new writer
And I already need time away from writing
Because all I want to write about
is you

When I think about writing
When I think about poetry
You are the first and the only thing
that comes into my mind

You are poetry incarnate
You are my muse
and I need you to be not

I need time away from poetry
because I see you in every one
I said I'll stop for a while
but here I am again
including you in my writing
Writing about me not wanting to write about you

It hurts
Every time I write, it hurts
As it keeps reminding me
that I didn't get you
That in this world,
there's not a happy ending story
of you and me
1.1k · Mar 2015
No words, just love

She didn't need words to understand his heart

His look, that look, the way he looked at her said it all and she felt it all... no words were needed to be uttered, just eyes meeting and falling for each other, souls clicking and fitting perfectly

982 · Sep 2014
Baby, mommy loves you
O my sweet baby
My beautiful angel
My blessing from the Almighty God

Have I told you today that
mommy loves you?

Have I told you how long
mommy has been waiting for you
Waiting to learn and memorize your smell
Waiting to see if you have my eyes
or daddy's
Waiting to hold you in my arms
Waiting for the joy you'll bring
to mommy and daddy
just for being
Waiting for your first steps
Waiting for you to speak your first words

Mommy has been waiting
to teach you
how to be good amongst the evil
that is spreading every day

Mommy has been waiting
to show you
that even with all the evil and sadness in the world
life is still precious, beautiful
and worth living

Have I told you
that you were my every prayer?
Have I told you
that you were always mommy's dream?
Have I told you
that all I've ever wanted
was to be your mommy

My sweet beautiful angel
I am still waiting to tell you
how much mommy loves you
Mommy can't wait to meet you
For those who are wondering, I am not a mother, never were nor am I expecting any time soon.
970 · Feb 2015
Loves me not
I always thought that when time comes, when I fall in love, everything would be just perfect. Even the imperfections would seem perfect to me. I would even love the things I hate

Okay. You fall in love.. Now what?
What changes? He doesn't love you so what do you do?

I fell in love and all I did was cry
Love came bearing gifts shaped in insomnia and heartbreak
Love came with self hate
Love came with questions of what's wrong with me? Why am I not good enough? How much is good enough?

Love was never kind to me
Love made me suffer
Love made me sad
Because I am always the one who loves more, always the one who loves, never the one loved

What do you do when you love someone who doesn't love you back?
What do you do with those feelings?
Where do you put them?
What do you do with the unwanted feelings that you love and want to keep?

Love was never kind to me
Love is painfully beautiful
Love hurts but I don't want it to stop
I am addicted to you but I don't want to be recovered
How could you be both my source of pain and my pain killer?

I'm addicted to you, stay with me... Even if it's just in my dreams. Hold me and... Stay.
959 · Nov 2015
It's Me. I Am Her
I keep writing "she" in my poems instead of "I" because I'm afraid of letting people know what's really going on inside my head, of knowing that I am the one who's been in so much pain for so long and not this "she" character everyone thinks I created. I don't tell anyone because then they will look deeper, and the deeper they'll look, the darker the images they'll see. Their curiosity will get them looking and wondering the thing I'm hiding behind the fake laughs. My insanity will be an interest of theirs and not me. I will simply be an interesting story to gossip about.

I honestly can't tell you when was the last time I laughed or even smiled (not even my favorite TV shows or favorite comedians can make me laugh). I only know about the long crying myself to sleep nights. The desperate continuous prayers. Laughing became forbidden, a sin that my mind is refusing to let me commit.

I've been running through this tunnel for so long looking for that light everyone keeps talking about. But the faster I run, the further I go, the longer the tunnel seems to get. I don't see a way out of here.

Sleeping used to be my temporary way out but even that, the sadness managed to take over it. It has taken over everything, became everything that I am. I've lost interest in everything and everyone. It's like I'm living in a nightmare and I know there is no better reality to wake up to. Do you know how that feels like? To be hopeless all the time even when you are not awake? To just exist and not live? To be in pain, to feel like you're slowly dying but there's nothing physically wrong with you? To feel like you are in this world alone because no one can see that you are suffering, no one hearing your cries for help, not your friends, not even your family? Do you know how hopeless feels like? I do. And it's killing every lasting bit of me. (And I don't know how much longer I can hold on)
946 · Aug 2014
Pain was the only way she knew how to be

Pain was the only thing she knew
The only constant in her life
The only company she had
So she embraced it
Till one day it was too much
for her to bear

The moon got used to the sounds
Every night,
the weeping
Tears were all she had

Another night came
but this time
the sounds are gone
and so is she
Sometimes the pain is too much, and you are left with just one choice that is giving up.
945 · Aug 2015
Crying Wolf
Always wearing the tough guy hat
Showing others the tough wall that she has built
Making them believe that nothing and no one can break through
That the wall is made of steel
When in reality it's being put back together with cheap duct tape each night

At nights, she cracks
She can't hold it in anymore
At nights, she is most herself
Broken, but her true self. No masks no putting any shows, just herself

She can't understand what she's feeling and that is killing her
Who are you supposed to understand and know better if not yourself?

She kept finding herself leaning toward wolves and their stories
People fearing the howls not realizing it's a cry for help
Perhaps she could relate
Perhaps both are misunderstood by others and themselves
Not knowing who they are and who they should be
Only knowing comfort under the moonlight

As the silent tears find their way down her cheeks
She sleeps at night with few answers
Only to wake up with more questions that she cannot find the answers to
She keeps waking up more confused than the day before
Making her wonder: "is this all that I am? Is this all that I can be?"
846 · Mar 2015
Silent Orchestra

His mistake was making her his being
When instead of sharing his heart, he gave her his whole

She played with his heart like a symphony, a beautiful masterpiece with sad melody that broke hearts

She left him with broken strings
She played him till he broke, till he could no longer compose any beat

An incomplete song with no rhythm, just a dead chorus singing with no harmony, playing a silent orchestra in an empty stage

821 · May 2015
Civil War
Her mind constantly plotted against her
Made her believe things that eventually resulted in self destruct
She never understood why… and how could she?
How is one supposed to understand the feeling to have your own mind eating you from the inside, trying to ruin and destroy everything you’re trying to build. To have yourself as the archenemy. To have yourself not giving you a chance to live. To have your own mind telling you that you are not worthy nor deserve to walk on this earth
She can’t trust herself, she therefore can’t trust anyone

“Aren’t we supposed to be in the same team?” She asked her mind
You see, depression doesn’t know what he is
Doesn’t know that he is a sickness, a disease
To him, he is just looking for a place to stay, for a home
And the only way for him to find a home is to invade and create civil wars
Depression has no problem going into a war zone with no weapons
Because he is a strong enough of a weapon himself
He has been into many wars, and won countless battles
You see, the odds are usually in his favor
So depression has no problem going into a war
807 · Oct 2014
I looked and I saw
I saw that smile
The smile that I could never be the
reason behind
The smile that I always try my best to
bring on your beautiful face
but fail each time

I saw that look and joy on your face
when you saw his name on your phone
And I wondered,,,
“Do you ever react that way
when you see my name?”
I wondered as I already know the answer
But keep wondering, hoping
Hoping that the answer has changed this time
Hoping that this is that time

I looked and I saw
And in that moment I knew
I knew that she was never mine
I knew that she was never going to be
For her heart is not with her to give
It is still with him
One side love *****!!! No matter what you do, you can never be, you can never mean to them as much as they mean to you. I'm just another face to you, I pray that that changes. Soon I hope, because I don't know how longer I can hold it together.
749 · Sep 2014
I still remember
I still remember
the first time my lips
touched yours

I still remember
how my lips felt
after the first kiss,
after every kiss

Every kiss felt like the first
My heart stopped
with every kiss
you blessed me with

I still remember
your smell when we first hugged
I still remember
the feeling on my back
with your hands touching it
every time you hugged me.. back
(I say back because you never initiated anything)

Your name still moves my heart
Your name still brings tears into my eyes
Happy and sad tears

My mind still goes back
to the moment our eyes first met

Our firsts, seconds, thirds...
are all saved in my memory

Making you giggle
was my favorite thing to do

Your smile
Your laugh
Your happiness
Still means the world to me

I care about your happiness
more than I care about mine
I think about your comfort
more than I think about mine

You engraved yourself
into my heart
without even knowing

Your name is my tongue's favorite

As days have gone by
You forgot all about me
But I...
I still remember all of you
Funny how I have a really bad memory with everything except things related to you. I wish someday I'd mean as much to you as you mean to me. I am alway the one who loves and cares more, that is both my curse and blessing.
I asked her what did she like about me
She listed the things I do for her
Said nothing about me and who I am

I then knew I was in trouble
I knew what needed to be done
I think deep down, I've always known

We always do know
but we fool ourselves
Keep hoping that eventually
they will fall for us
Because we do deserve that

The 1% chance that they will
is enough for us to keep fighting
But you should stop
when you're the only one fighting

I am tired of falling for the wrong person
Beginning to doubt there is such thing for me
Beginning to think love isn't for me

The right person never comes
I should stop looking
I have stopped
615 · Jan 2015
I wanted you to want me
I always felt like I was suffocating her
Feared that she's seeing too much of me
Got afraid that she'll get sick of me

So I gave her space
I backed a little and waited
Waited to see how long would it take
her to think and wonder about me
How long would it take her to remember me

I was always the one who initiated
So this time,
I waited for her to come to me
For her to ask about me
For her to talk to me

I wanted you to wonder about me
I wanted to be adored by you
I wanted to matter to you
I wanted you to want me
I wanted you

The sad thing about love
is that you are not always loved
by the person you love
And that is my case with you, beautiful

I fell in love with a person who I can't let a day go by without her,
while she can go weeks without me crossing her beautiful mind

You are a disease that I do not want to be recovered from
Always the one who loves, rarely the one loved.
585 · Dec 2014
Let go of me
You keep doing this to me
It is not fair

You keep pulling me back towards you
just when I've finally found the strength to walk away
Just when I've found a way to be
without you

And just like a fool
I crawl back to you
Every single time

You keep doing this
because you know that I'll always
run back to you
like a lost little kid who has found his way back home
The home in which he never felt like he belonged
But what else can I do?!
You are the only home that I know

We both know you don't want this
Why are you doing this to me?

It feels like you only want me
when it seems like no one wants you
You only remember me, when no one remembers you

You just like knowing that you will never be alone
Don't you?
But what about me?

This is the question that I need to keep asking myself
To protect myself
because who else would other than me

What about me?
What about me?
I can't keep playing the same game over and over again.. I shouldn't! I need to look out for myself first
536 · Jul 2014
No, not love
I have never felt this way about anyone before
With you
it is just easy
With you
it comes naturally

I try so hard not to have these feelings because at the end it only hurts me
It only poisons my heart
The more I have these feelings, the more stained my heart gets
I do not like the power you have over me

No, it is not love
It is not love that I have for you
It is hate
I hate you.
483 · Aug 2014
Night thoughts (Anxiety)
I've been stuck in this hole for too long
This hole of emptiness and sadness

I can't recognize happiness
I don't think I can really feel it anymore

When I think I'm experiencing happiness
I wait...
I wait for whatever it is to come and ruin it
because that thing always comes

It hurts to live like this
It hurts that I'm used to it

These night thoughts are becoming my day thoughts too
I'm tired
I just wanna sleep
I wanna be free

They tell you to stay away from the voices
The ones that are putting you down,
drowning you,
and slowly killing every bit of you
But what do you do when these voices are inside your head?
What do you do when the voices' home is you?
Where do you run to?

*My mind,
let me be at peace, please
I beg of you set me free
Anxiety is getting the best of me again. Been reoccurring for days in a row which didn't happen before. There used to be days or weeks between them, I just keep praying that this isn't for forever.
450 · Aug 2014
Nine words

*I want you to be my happily ever after
431 · Aug 2014
You killed it
You killed something in me
Something that made people look my way and smile
The very thing that made you like me

You killed it
You killed my innocence
And for that
I will not forgive you
nor myself

Ever since then
I've been trying so hard
every day
to revive it
One, two, three, CLEAR!
... and nothing

It is not an easy thing to restore

I don't even know if it's possible
But I'll keep trying
I'll keep hoping
that one day I can again
be that girl
the girl known and admired
for her innocence
because everybody always liked that person
and so did I
I miss the person I used to be. I've changed. I don't like change.
390 · Aug 2014
3:00 AM
I am not okay
I don't know what's wrong
but something's not right
And I am not okay
368 · Jul 2014
I can feel them
I can feel what I want to write
I can feel the words running through my veins
I can feel them
So I hold my pencil to write but my page is still empty
I try to speak them but still nothing comes out

I can feel them
I want to put them in writing like I used to
but now
for some reason, it's getting harder and harder

My mind and hand are not on the same page anymore
I don't know why
I don't know what happened
But something did happen
They used to be in harmony, my mind and hand
But I guess my messed up mind is affecting my everything now

I want to put my feelings in writing but my hand is refusing
I can feel them
but not enough to put them in writing I guess
Not enough to convince my hand to write
It comes to my mind but for some reason my hand just won't write

— The End —