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Jan 19 · 113
Inauguration Day
Kara Shirlene Jan 19
Paralysis sets in,
A symptom of existential dread
How did we get here again?
How did people vote to
Make America 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦 Again?

There’s nothing great about
Oppression or misogynistic expression
There’s nothing great about
The home of the brave
When so many don’t feel free.

No glory to God be;
Inauguration will be a day of mourning.
As I look for hope in honoring
The legacy of Dr. King.
May Civil Resistance fill the streets.

Let us tend to community;
For the next four years
Will require resilience and revolution.
Let us care for each other;
In numbers, there is strength.

May our sorrow and rage be a
Tool for Justice.
May we rest when we feel hopeless.
Democracy will not go down without a fight
The time to prevail is here.

© KSS 1/19/2025
Dec 2024 · 257
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
Sadness and rage
Boil under my skin
A fear, a desperation
Festering within.

We will not go back.
How can we?
How did we even get here again
In the first place?

I'm so angry,
And scared and nervous
For my own body
For many loved ones lives.

That orange ******* man.
The weak minds of his following
So much hate within him.
So much evil lurking.

I can't sleep sometimes
When the stirring gets too vast
It sits deep down, down, down
Inside my belly.

Get your bans of my body.
Anxiety rings in my mind.
And I won't pretend to even begin to understand
How others feel because I get that my skin is white.

Too much to hold internally
My body begins to shake
My head begins to pound.
My blood begins to boil.

I feel like lighting **** on fire.
Deep breathing doesn't help.
I feel like screaming.
I've got to let this out.

Just then I start to hear a whisper
A reminder traveling on the
Rustling leaves.

this energy.

Move into a place of love.
Let the tears flow.
Let the brush stroke.
Let the earth heal.
Let the rage guide.
Let the anger speak.
Let the fear release.
Let the words out.
Let the drum beat.
Let the feet stomp.
Let the hips dance.
Let the hands give.
Let the heart hold.
Let the love grow.
Let it rise up.
From the depths of your altruistic soul.

We are not going back.
We will vote to win.
We will not back down.
We will stand our ground.
We will walk with strength.
We will be hand in hand.
We will cross that bridge.
We will see love resound.
We will lift one another up.
We will not let fear win.
We will not let hate live.
We will prevail again, and again, and again.

©KSS 9/29/2024
Dec 2024 · 189
I Came to the Creek
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
I came to the creek to talk to God,
But I'm not sure God is listening.
I used to see the world through rose-colored glasses,
But now my heart just aches.

I let my tears flow down my cheeks
Like the leaves flowing down the stream.
I release my anger and anguish to the wind
And as I look up and to my left, there a blue heron stands.

Deep breath in.
I watch a chipmunk scurry behind the blue heron
I watch the blue heron watch the chipmunk.
My dog sitting next to me is full of curiosity.

Grief and despair, sadness and rage
And all I can do is sit on this rock
Listening to the flowing waters song
And write some **** poetry.

I feel sick in the depths of my stomach
For my nation, for my neighbors
For so many loved ones.
For my own body and the choices I may no longer be able to make.

The warm sun beating down
Reminds me that it's too warm for November
Our Earth is crying out
And so are we.

I'm not sure what hope feels like in this moment.
I will give my body and mind time and space to grieve.
Grief turned into forward motion
Transmutes into Love.

I came to the creek to talk to God.
But I'm not sure God is listening.
So instead of talking, I will sit in silence
To watch the blue heron, to feel the breeze, and weep.

©KSS 11/6/2024
Dec 2024 · 158
Root Resolutions
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
In my heart and on my mind tonight.
Short solutions instead of
For far too long it seems.

Bitter, lonely, hatred, greed
In so much of humanity.
My Purpose for this life
Is to BE Love.
Tonight, I just weep.

We cannot keep simply masking
When the root of fear and pain
Needs dug out, yet runs deep.
It's not a simple task,
Nor will it be easy.

But with principles like
Mindfulness, Compassion, Vulnerability
We reach the root cause of all this hurt
And bring healing in it's purest form.

Connection is the true craving -
Face to face, heart to heart.
Going within to love all parts,
And then through Love
Extending out.

It can be done,
This dreamer's favorite words.
But I promise to keep healing my hurt,
So I can love you more.

Please agree, say you'll join me
Through kindness and authenticity.
So that a dreamer's words
Will fulfill Root Resolutions.
Hand in Hand,
Heart to Heart.

©KSS 3/2018
Dec 2024 · 717
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
You talk about the tides
And your love for the sea.
As I listen in silence,
My mind is wondering
                      Are you ready to dive into
The Ocean that secretly resides
In the depths of my heartstrings?

Because my love isn't shallow,
It's a wave that runs deep.
Yet, I delicately dance
                      Around the shores of you
Because I see that you
Could be the Ocean too.

And inside this current
                       Of hope flowing is a
Wonderful, beautiful, terrifying thing.

So I'm waiting and watching to see
Who will take the first plunge -
                        Will it be you or will it be me?

Or maybe this time
                         Your wave of love inside
            Won't be afraid
                         To crash into mine.
             Together, forming
                         One massive riptide.

©KSS 9/2018
Dec 2024 · 167
Yin and Yang
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
There is no Yang
Without the Yin.
So tonight as the Moon
Moves to be reborn again
I, too, shall move within.

There is no Yin
Without the Yang.
So tonight once I shed my skin,
I, too, shall be reborn
With the rising Sun.

It is all balance. It is all Love.

©KSS 7/2018
Dec 2024 · 509
Ragged Edges
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
No longer will I apologize
For the ragged edges of my Soul.

For I am
Wind. Fire. Earth. Water. Ether.
Elements which within I won't control.

Ravenous and beating wild,
Always enough;
My strong, yet tender heart.

For all these things
To be known as both
Moon and Sun

- For being Me -

I'm sorry aren't words
I'll whisper anymore.

©KSS 12/2017
Dec 2024 · 160
Starving Soul
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
Feed your starving soul,
Let inspiration flow.
Thus you slip away;
Don't wait another day!

Capture every glance.
Still the water's dance.
Freeze the hands of time;
Your Spirit needs to shine!

Look now through the glass.
Don't let the moment pass.
Starving soul, feast on,
Before your spark is gone!

©KSS 11/2014
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
as in all things holy, pure, and sacred
below the sun
among the trees
and rustling leaves.

as in the sound of waterfalls
and rivers
touching boulders and moss
of sunlight cascading.

as in bluebird skies
and vast spaces
red, yellow, orange, and green leaves
feeling the crisp breeze.

as in standing on a huge boulder
trusting gravity and my own two feet
looking out and down and around
feeling alive.

as in hugging
the trunk of a grandiose tree
as in the roots planted deep
teaching me important things.

as in there's no separation
between the 5 elements
and moon phases and Love
through all living Beings and Me.
Dec 2024 · 100
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
I don't want to wear
Resilience as a badge anymore
And honestly I wonder when
Resilience because such a compliment.

Like, why do I have to
Barely thrive to survive or feel praised?
And when did society start
To see hardship as a metric of accolade?

I don't need another thing
To solidify my strength
I just want to live in peace.
To be. To breathe.

I'm so tired of being tough
When is resilience resilient enough?
I don't want to wear this crown.
I just want to go lay down.

©KSS 6/2024
Dec 2024 · 173
Blue Heron Stands
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
The Blue Heron waits
In the water's flow,
Against the wind's blow,
Still and unafraid;
At peace.

The Butterfly soars
Free in the breeze
Beside moss
Through the trees;
Strong wings.

The river runs deep
Next to small streams
Against the current
Blue Heron stands
Content, and waiting
                for the Butterfly to land.

©KSS 4/2024
Dec 2024 · 193
I Am A Witch
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
They don't know what to do
When I say I'm a Witch.
Blank stares and fake laughter
As the words just roll
Like honey from my lips.

I'm not afraid to admit
Out loud my descent.
I take pride in being a line
Of Healers and Wise Women
Who knew secrets of the Earth
And took care of their tribe.

The ones burned at the stake
Because of fear and greed
Will live on inside of me.
Through my work
And my heart, and my hands.
For I, too, am a Witch you see.

A title that's blessed
For eternity-
An honor, royal, full of dignity.
There's no shame to claiming
My Heritage.
For it beats loudly in my chest.

Natural remedies come easily
A gift that I possess.
Potions made from oils
Healing herbs and crystals
Stored inside my mind,
While Mother Earth does all the rest.

So I dare you to look past your fear
And deep inside my eyes
Where secrets of ancient Wisdom lies.
Maybe then you'll start to feel the truth
When I tilt my chin to proudly proclaim:
Why yes, actually I am a Witch.
(Sister, so are you.)

©KSS 10/2018
Dec 2024 · 211
Peace, Joy, Serenity
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
They say "peace flows like a river"
But I find it
Among the trees
And babbling brooks
And somehow when
I'm standing next to you.

The mossy rocks
And moonlit skies
Sooth my Soul
And somehow
So does time
Spent with you.

Moments of serenity
Come to me
On playgrounds
And with bare feet
Underneath green canopies
And somehow amidst your energy.

Chipmunks and hammock swings
Bring joy to me
So does silence away
From city lights; and starlit skies
And somehow
The blue hues in your eyes.

©KSS 7/2023
Dec 2024 · 49
Peace, Joy, Serenity
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
They say "peace flows like a river"
But I find it
Among the trees
And babbling brooks
And somehow when
I'm standing next to you.

The mossy rocks
And moonlit skies
Sooth my Soul
And somehow
So does time
Spent with you.

Moments of serenity
Come to me
On playgrounds
And with bare feet
Underneath green canopies
And somehow amidst your energy.

Chipmunks and hammock swings
Bring joy to me
So does silence away
From city lights; and starlit skies
And somehow
The blue hues in your eyes.

©KSS 7/2023
Dec 2024 · 145
Labyrinth of My Life
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
complexities and fantasies
swept up
in my mind

the balance beam
of yin and yang
all intertwined

a poetic soul
my heart always
a little too open

a pining lover
my feelings always left
a little unspoken

i romanticize
with smiles and eyes
and i cast spells too

a charismatic
hopeful romantic
with rose tainted views

melodious and melancholy
the labyrinth
of my life

©KSS 10/2022
Dec 2024 · 126
Autumn Rain
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
Beauty in stillness,
Like the calm of an
Autumn rain.
Each year the trees teach us
Letting go doesn't always
Mean pain.

Softness in surrender
Like fresh droplets
On a rose.
The wisdom of nature
Is something our Soul
Already knows.

Contentment in place
Like the sound of
Steady  rainfall
Roots planted deep reminds us
We're supported
Through it all.

Renewal in joy
Like the fall of
A cleansing rain
The newness of Life
Autumn's gift for
Us to gain.

©KSS 10/2022
Mar 2021 · 1.8k
The Wonders of Springtime
Kara Shirlene Mar 2021
The wonders of Springtime
Whisk me away.
The glisten of raindrops
So freshly they lay.
The chirping of birds,
Sweet songs do they sing.
With echoes of laughter
They joyfully ring.
A newness of life
As sprouts start to bloom.
A colorful sight!
Ridding Winter's dark gloom.
The magic of flowers
Stretching up toward the sky.
Green grass all around them,
The aromas sublime.
The buzzing of bees
Hum happy and free.
In fields of wildflowers,
What a sight to be seen!
The wonders of Springtime
Fill me with bliss!
Naught a happier sight
To be seen than this!

©KSS 4/2015
Happy Spring Equinox!
Feb 2021 · 229
Matriarchy, Poetry & Me
Kara Shirlene Feb 2021
Out of my heart
Into my hand
Written in words
My voice to be heard.

When Spirit moves
Through rhythm and rhyme
Expression of truth
Honoring wisdom and youth.

Extension of me
On paper from ink
My ancestors before;
Their words written galore.

Their spirit lives on
Through my heart and hands
Beloved Matriarchy; their gift of Poetry.
Passed down to me.

©KSS 2/22/2021
Written in reflection of #UULent day 6. word is poetry
Feb 2021 · 797
Mother Earth
Kara Shirlene Feb 2021
Mother Earth
No sacrifice She makes
Is small
At the hands of many
Who do not honor
Her at all.

And yet each Spring
New life is born
Flowers bloom
And the animals play
Hope made new
From Winter's gloom.

But the hands of men
Need to understand
Her resilience
Will not last.
And that all humans
Have a responsibility
To preserve Her brilliance-

Mother Earth
Her weight on our shoulders now
Yet She continues to give.
From Her roots & soils; harvest is plenty
Into our bellies
So that all may live.

May we set aside
Our pride and ego
And all our selfish industrial waste
Get back to nature; honoring Her lands
Great care we need to take
Of Mother Earth for all our days.

©KSS 2/18/2021
Written in honor of #UULENT day 2. Word of reflection: Earth
Feb 2021 · 60
Hands and Feet
Kara Shirlene Feb 2021
The embodiment of what it means-
Within my flesh and bones.
Within my mind and every emotion.
Within these two hands and feet.
Within these words trickling out of me.
My voice ready to speak.
Within the blood that pours from my womb.
That some would claim as a lost opportunity
One that I have no desire to birth right now, or maybe ever.
Because I love minding my business a little "too much"
Quite literally.
That society deems as "unnatural" for a lady.
The same blood that pumps through the veins
Of my wildly compassionate heart.
Within the Acts of Service I seek to birth forth.

The embodiment of what it means-
By my own.
By the way my feet touch the Earth,
And how that feels like home.
By the Sun, Moon, and  Stars above.
By the waters, Sea, and sand.
By passion, grief, righteous anger, Fire
And Unconditional Love.
By kindness and forgiveness.
By the embrace of a hug.
By the way of mindfulness.
By the way of living.
By the laughter of a friend.
By the touch of my Lover's hand.
By how tall the trees stand.
Rooted down deep.
By a song, rhythm, or melody.
By all that's already within me.

The embodiment of what it means-
Isn't something separate from you and me.
You see?
Holiness is all around us.
With every. single. breath we breathe.
We don't have to seek outside of ourselves.
We don't have to do anything.
Just as we show up here, now, and Be.
Our hands and feet.
In our very heartbeats.
We are holy.

©KSS 2/17/2021
This poem was written in reflection of #UULent
Feb 2021 · 244
Hands and Feet
Kara Shirlene Feb 2021
The embodiment of what it means-
Within my flesh and bones.
Within my mind and every emotion.
Within these two hands and feet.
Within these words trickling out of me.
My voice ready to speak.
Within the blood that pours from my womb.
That some would claim as a lost opportunity
One that I have no desire to birth right now, or maybe ever.
Because I love minding my business a little "too much"
Quite literally.
That society deems as "unnatural" for a lady.
The same blood that pumps through the veins
Of my wildly compassionate heart.
Within the Acts of Service I seek to birth forth.

The embodiment of what it means-
By my own.
By the way my feet touch the Earth,
And how that feels like home.
By the Sun, Moon, and  Stars above.
By the waters, Sea, and sand.
By passion, grief, righteous anger, Fire
And Unconditional Love.
By kindness and forgiveness.
By the embrace of a hug.
By the way of mindfulness.
By the way of living.
By the laughter of a friend.
By the touch of my Lover's hand.
By how tall the trees stand.
Rooted down deep.
By a song, rhythm, or melody.
By all that's already within me.

The embodiment of what it means-
Isn't something separate from you and me.
You see?
Holiness is all around us.
With every. single. breath we breathe.
We don't have to seek outside of ourselves.
We don't have to do anything.
Just as we show up here, now, and Be.
Our hands and feet.
In our very heartbeats.
We are holy.

©KSS 2/17/2021
This poem was written in reflection of #UULent
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
A Grandmother's Love
Kara Shirlene Jan 2021
Though you are both gone
From this Earth;
There's a gift you gave me
At my birth.

It fills a place
In my heart.
I felt it there
From the start.

You passed to me
Your wisdom, kindness, honesty.
And the passion
For writing poetry.
I cannot tell you
Just what that means.

The flutter of a Butterfly
Will always be
A beautiful sight
And the symbol of your memory
In my soul and in my mind.

In my heart
I will always feel you there,
Because a Grandmother's Love
Is the everlasting gift you shared.

Thank you for your examples & legacy.
Thank you for inspiring me.
Thank you both for sharing your life
Through written words and poetry.
And thank you both for your
Grandmother's Love you left with me.

©KSS 1/22/2021
{written in memory of my grandmothers: The two beautiful women who inspired me to begin writing poetry at a very young age. You are in my heart, always.}
Dec 2020 · 159
Orb of Night
Kara Shirlene Dec 2020
Oh how you shine
Through the darkness
That surrounds.
I wonder if you even know
The glow of your aura
That abounds.

An orb of night
Is what I see
Every time we're eye to eye.
You, clinging to the darkened stare,
I wish knew the magnificence instead
That lives there.

Instead you choose
A lonely path,
But who am I to judge?
I don't believe in wrong or right.
I just believe you're
The orb of night.

Stumbling through
Obsidian and black
Just like the moon
Half shadowed by the Darkness;
Half shadowed by the Light.

But all I see in you
Is the light shining
Deep inside.
Which is why to me
You'll always be
The orb of night.
©KSS 2016
To the one this poem is dedicated to: I hope you have found the light that you liked to keep hidden inside, and I hope you are shining now for all to see. Because to me, even in your darkest hours, you were always shining. I just wanted you to know.
Dec 2020 · 164
Flower Eyes
Kara Shirlene Dec 2020
Beside the deep blue water
A flower grows
From the love planted there.
Beyond the rocky bluff
And green pine trees
The winds play with my hair
As I turn to look at you.
Hearts beating
Fast and wild
As your fingers caress
Every inch of my neck.
Sunlight cascades
Illuminating my face
A sight you swear you'll never forget
As you lay me down
Beside you.
For a moment, once again
Time stands still.
The world around us in black and white
But your golden blues,
And my flower eyes
Are radiant color.
©KSS 2016
Dec 2020 · 821
Residing There is Love
Kara Shirlene Dec 2020
Smiles and flowers live in those moments
Where love will last forever.
Memories made of enchanting things
Are held by us together.
Beautiful thoughts like lakeside shores,
Flood me everyday.
Springtime is a thought that passes,
But love resides always.
Only happiness exists these days
When thinking back to sweet times.
Like lyrics in a melody,
It sounds quite like paradise.
Honey suckles fill the air
In that field of love.
Clouds start to gather
While rain pours down
On us from up above.
Laughter is all the remains now
When thinking of the past.
The only thing that resides there now,
Is a love that will forever last.
©KSS 2012
Dec 2020 · 116
Kara Shirlene Dec 2020
it's the sweetest thing
when your ocean blues
are staring right at me.
and I know I like to romanticize,
but this time I know it's true.
because when my hazel greens
are staring back at you, too.
there's a Silence that
only comes when even the most
immaculate words just wouldn't be
enough to describe the love
between us.
©KSS 12/2020
Sep 2020 · 300
[Tions, Sions] of Life
Kara Shirlene Sep 2020
In times of fear and doubt.
Are things life is about.
To guide us on our way.
Reminding us everyday.
Are what we need to show.
So the world can see and know.
For us as a whole.
And Elation.
Lifelong for our Soul.
©KSS 12/2012
Sep 2020 · 319
Melodious Mother Earth
Kara Shirlene Sep 2020
Like the wind
The water calls
Listen as the sounds
Come trickling down
A peaceful calm
Fulfills my Soul
The rhythm of the flow
Brings me back home
Music made
By Mother Earth
Free song she brings to all
Be still. Just listen to her call.
©KSS 3/2017
Aug 2020 · 1.7k
The Compass
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
In the morning I rise
With a sun lit sky.
I turn my face to the east,
Oh holy Compass.
I take a moment to sit
In still silence.
As I listen within
For sacred knowledge.
This avenue of affirmations & prayer
Love and gratitude
Lead me there.
I take my sweet time
Learning the rhyme.
This message Divinity sent
Holy, holy, holy
Am I, and We, all One.
©KSS 3/2018
Aug 2020 · 607
Conversation & Coffee
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
As I sit across from you, lost in conversation and coffee
I get an unexpected feeling.
But oh, how my soul knew.
In the middle of spring, and without any warning
Sunlight rushes through.

But outside it was raining.
I was pleasantly confused.

So days and weeks I float through.
And on an ordinary Wednesday,
Lost again in conversation and coffee.
I realized... the Sunlight I feel is you.
©KSS 4/2018
Aug 2020 · 1.8k
An Ode to Dragon Pose
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Woman or Dragon?
Some could claim one in the same.
When a fire-breathing Being is met with the winds of a Goddess,
And the flames of passion are fueled with raging love and fury.
When the beat of the heart and the blood of the womb
Ignites the rhythms of Dance and Flight and Life.
When the soar in the Soul is as mighty as the roar of madness,
And then the wings take control.
When the skin and the scales become tough as nails
Because walking through fire is all that's ever been known.
When resilience is more than folklore,
And grace rests upon weary shoulders.
When the embers remain after the flame consumes
And gentleness remains there too?
Only then can one begin to understand the meaning of both-
Dragon and Woman.
©KSS 6/2019
This poem was originally written as an ode to the Yin Yoga pose Dragon. It's purpose was to highlight the fierceness of women, and how dragon pose feels in the body. I also wanted to capture the gentleness that remains when we surrender into the embers and flames of life, fury, and love. That we, as women, are fierce, gentle, brave, and much like a dragon- breathe flames.
Aug 2020 · 1.2k
The Cat Call
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Do not treat me like an object.
I'm not a pleasure tool for your lust.
I am a human,
I do not care about your ******.

So listen as these words hiss off my lips:
I demand respect, and will accept nothing less.

Do not whistle at my back.
I am not here for your entertainment.
I will not turn to give your ego attention.
My patience has been spent.

And lest you er forget-
Without my kind you would not exist.
Alone you were not sufficient,
So God took out a rib.
©KSS 7/2018
Aug 2020 · 242
Among the Things
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Among the things of life,
One thing I can be sure.
Love overcomes all strife
And is the heart's best cure.

Among the things of time,
It works all on it's own.
Some parts  don't always rhyme
Though patience is always known.

Among the things of dreams,
Don't ever let them go!
Fret not how long it seems
Move forward; it will show.

Among the things of friends,
The best ones always care.
They're with you til the end
And always prove they're there.

Among the things of peace,
I pray it will be made.
That war will quickly cease
And all the hate will fade.

Among the things of love,
I hope you spread it out.
For it comes from up above
To rid our fear and doubt.

Among the things of bliss,
Simplicity is key.
With you I leave this:
Enjoy life's big journey!
©KSS 7/2013
Aug 2020 · 1.4k
Wonderland of Life
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
We're all a little mad
In this world of spinning dreams.
Where teardrops turn to waterfalls,
And fate's determined by the sea.
We're all a little crazy
In this field of life and love.
With winding roads and rabbit holes,
And things you wouldn't dare speak of.
We're all a bit insane
Each dealt a different hand to play.
Though we shuffle the deck of cards,
The Queen of Hearts will still remain.
We're all a bit bizarre
In this place of mystery.
For time ticks faster, faster still,
A kaleidoscope like history.
We're all a little weird
Like Cheshire grinning ear to ear.
But in this Wonderland of Life,
Grand adventures find us here.
©KSS 8/2015
Aug 2020 · 952
Caterpillar Cocoon
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Caterpillar cocoon
Swirling like a monsoon.
Spinning delicate threads
Wrong turn, they'll rip to shreds.

Caterpillar cocoon
Changes coming soon.
Winding round and round
Metamorphosis bound.

Caterpillar cocoon
Fragile like a balloon.
Hoping it won't pop
Before the change can stop.

Caterpillar cocoon
In the light of the moon.
Praying change within
Brings beauty in the end.

Caterpillar cocoon
Changes coming soon.
Metamorphosis bound
Look now, beauty's all around.
©KSS 8/2013
Aug 2020 · 381
A Willow Tree
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
When I was young
I sat beneath
A Willow Tree,
Who with the wind
Carried this message
To me:

She said, "Little child,
Filled with light
And with love,
Many fears in your life,
You'll have to overcome."

With big hazel eyes,
I looked up and asked,
"Which rode do I take?
The short or the fast?"

She smiled at me then,
And with only a laugh
Said, "Your heart will know
Which path to take
For on it you see-
You will grow."

In the warm breeze
My blonde hair blew.
Confused and scared,
I started to flee
on a long road
For which I wasn't prepared.

Before I could leave
The old Willow Tree
Said, "Wait! Just one more advice:
Never let go of your dreams!
Even through pain, fear, and strife."

So here now I stand,
With all that I am;
Believing and dreaming in life.
Courageous and strong
I still carry on through
Pain, fears, and strife!
©KSS 7/2013
Aug 2020 · 620
Magnolia Tree
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Angels all around
Whispering sweetly to me.
Through the branches and the breeze,
Through this Magnolia Tree.
I stand and look up in awe,
The beauty and strength so serene.
My Angels still whispering,
With every bird and every bee.
The message so discreet,
To any human eye.
But loud and clear it's ringing,
Aligned in heartbeat with mine.
Subtle, yet so unknown.
Loud, but whispering gently:
Surrender. Surrender. Surrender.
©KSS 3/2018
Aug 2020 · 1.7k
Made to Roar
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Women were made to roar.
So don't tell us to calm down.
We'll shake and howl,
And then stand proud
As we fix each other's crowns.

Women were made to speak.
So don't silence us when we scream.
We'll stomp and rave,
And then release
The lioness within- Strong & Brave.

Women were made to lead.
So don't pretend we won't.
We'll rise and march,
And carry on fiercely,
Every sister rooted in her strength.

Women were made to bleed.
So don't act like we are weak.
We'll shed our skin,
And be renewed,
Ready to roar again.
©KSS 4/2020
Aug 2020 · 1.3k
When the Peace Lily Weeps
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
I reach to my heart
When depth of despair draws near
And the weight of the world
Rests on my weary shoulders.

I reach to my heart
When the lack of compassion and apathy prevails
Because tongues of men spit words
That couldn't be further from the truth.

I reach to my heart
When the brave and wise tend to
Other's needs alongside their own,
Because their hearts are made of
Pure Gold.

I reach to my heart
When the fear of the unknown
Becomes too much to bear.
When my mind won't stop chattering.

I reach for my heart
When it all feels like too much...

But the Peace Lily bloomed
Just to weep with us too,
And suddenly all of our burdens became one.

I reach for my heart
When there is no hope in sight
Yet- deep down I know I can feel
The Healing Light.
Because Love is all I've ever truly known.
©KSS 4/2020
This poem was written in response to my feelings of grief surrounding the global pandemic. It was April, and my Peace Lily had bloomed for the first time in a few months, and I just remember feeling so comforted by the hope of new life by this bloom. I thought, what beauty to decide to bloom in the middle of a pandemic, perhaps just to bring comfort and weep with us too.
Aug 2020 · 331
The Atramentous Friend
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Dive in.
To the place of the unknown
To the spaces within
That, for far too long,
Have been left alone.

Breathe deep.
And give yourself permission
To move down, down, down.
Down, to the lost, forgotten
Child within, screaming for remission.

Set free.
The emotions of abandon and resentment;
Casting out and calling forth your ShadowSelf.
The atramentous Friend within,
For reconciliation.

This so called place of "Darkness"
It is within to make you whole.
Explore this space of deep emotion,
Waiting for it's story to be told.

Scream out!
Shed tears, do all that needs be done.
Feel the oppression, anger, heartache, despair.
Feel it until the place within-
The atramentous Friend, is no longer caged there.

Come forth
Now, with sweet release; ragged, yet-
Reborn, Renewed, Set free, Complete.
Move back into the Luminescent space;
The fear of ShadowSelf now obsolete.

Through Love
And honoring the Self as whole;
The atramentous Friend balances
The Luminescence within.
For through all things: As Above, So Below.
©KSS 7/2018
Aug 2020 · 506
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
A word that floats in the back of my mind
As emotions ebb and flow.

When everything feels so unknown;
When seasons come and go.

A feeling in my belly,
Like the flutter of a butterfly.

The promise for a new tomorrow.
The steadfast love between you and I.

When there's nothing left to do,
But surrender.

The piece of puzzle in life that will help us
Make it through this time together.

More than just a word or flutter;
The only thing I can cling to now.

A gentle and sweet reminder,
We'll make it through somehow.

For today and for tomorrow,
And just for right now.


©KSS 4/2020
Aug 2020 · 730
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Whimsical as it may seem
I still find myself
Getting lost in a daydream.
I look up, and look around.
Beauty surrounds.
Life gets hard sometimes,
That will always be true.
But I have found
Joy in the mundane.
I've learned how to breathe
Through the pain and anxieties.
To live mindfully.
What does it mean to
Daydream now?
To find peace in
Doing nothing—
Except watching the
©KSS 8/2020
Aug 2020 · 519
Like the Autumn
Kara Shirlene Aug 2020
Like the Autumn breeze
We must learn to breathe-
softly, slowly, chill, serene.
For in our breath,
chattering mind will cease.
inhale, exhale, feel at peace.

Like the Autumn leaves
We must learn to fall-
Mother Earth embraces all.
For in our fall,
inner strength is built
ensuring always that we won't wilt.

Like the Autumn sun
We must learn to shine-
brightly, golden, so divine.
For in our shine,
lighting up the world
and those around to feel impearled.

Like the Autumn moon
We must learn to change-
Cycles never stay the same.
For in our change,
new growth is found.
within our hearts, may we astound.

Like the Autumn song
We must learn to sing-
Stillness into everything.
For in our song,
sweet melodies.
transformation; such a precious thing.
©KSS 9/2018

— The End —