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Sep 2015 · 1.1k
A Foggy Mind
Sleep starts fogging up my mind
But all I want to ever think about is you
You sustain me, keep me sane
Stitch the parts back where holes once grew

Take a zip line through my mind
You'll find out that you mean so much
Hope you read every poem I made for you
You're my pills, my greens, my crutch

Oblivion takes over my mind
Eyes tight shut but you are all I clearly see
Strung out, bare in your bed
A display, an audience limited to me
Written at 2:12 AM while sleepy af.
Aug 2015 · 793
An Ejection
I wanna be the one to make you laugh
Throw your head back, eyes squinted
Your mouth in the form of a toothy grin
Maybe some dimples here and there
But it's okay if you don't have them
I'd still think you're perfect anyway
Killing time before I leave for PE class.
Aug 2015 · 3.2k
'Friendly' Texting
Haven't felt it in a while
That tearing inside and out
The feeling of an impaled heart
The breath coming to a halt
As your name and message
Flashed across the screen
I like you. I don't know what to feel about it. Are you a distraction or a motivation?
Jul 2015 · 8.4k
The Man
There's not quite a face like yours
No one else but me adores
Mapped out, pinned inside my head
Still think of you when I lay in bed

I asked if we could get a picture
You obliged and said, "Okay, sure,"
Your braces cyan at that time
Wished right then that you'd be mine

Then you left and went to places
Red was the color of your braces
Last time, you got to Singapore
Back home I rotted to the core

Saw you then not too long after
Give or take just one year later
Turned my head back, saw your smile
Happiest I've felt in a while
Part 1 of 'For MLCN', also the first piece in my book 'Guys: Volume 1'.
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
i can take on anyone
their identities
fabricated personalities

i can look like anyone
a stolen selfie
i can claim to be mine

i can change myself
i'm a stranger
you'll never know
Because you never know who the person on the other side of the screen really is.
Jul 2015 · 660
lång distans
är världens fira

att det tog dig ifrån mig

**från oss?
Trying to write myself back in. It's been a while.
Feb 2015 · 430
Seeing Red
Our mouths and lungs became remnants of volcanic eruptions
But then I lost you in the magma, the soot, and the rubble
I lost you long before the apex of Armageddon
And now all I ever see is in varying shades of red
Feb 2015 · 768
The Long Wait
The festive mood wasn't so contagious,
but it brought me a sense of security,
false as the artificial roses I'd given
to all those whom I had 'loved' before.

The calendar was on its very last page
and I was well on my merry way
to down my final gulp of this concoction:
a blend of gloom and seething rage.

I nursed on the sour poison in my mouth
and mulled over scorned temporaries and
the would-be forevers who got away.
The clock hit twelve; I'm relieved of pain.
A very, very late poem about the end of the year 2014. This is also one of my submissions for the school paper.
Dec 2014 · 2.5k
The world must take joy
in keeping us both away
I miss you so much
A haiku expounding on my awfully wrong timing.
Dec 2014 · 589
I found out your grave
Filled with webs but no body
I mourned for nothing
Just a haiku I came up with while I was bored.
Nov 2014 · 692
Beautiful Guys
They come and go, those pretty faces
Sharing dark hair and pretty brown eyes
They peak my interests for a little while
But then they engrave themselves on my mind

I'll never forget them, those pretty faces
Providing sweet satisfaction for my eyes
But darling, you're still my number one
I drift back to you when they're gone
Basically: I find many guys attractive, but I still choose my No. 1 over them any day.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Tonight's my last night of living in the age
Wherein I exhibited a drastic change
Influenced by somebody miles away
Since then, I had not gone astray
I turn sixteen in a few hours. I don't know how to feel about that yet, hahaha.
Nov 2014 · 877
The Degenerate Son
I laze the dawn with morning breath inhabiting my mouth
Shifting my body maybe once or twice on an unkempt mattress
I would've killed for a good king-size bed, a comforter draped over me
But even I was too lazy to get up and turn the nearby radio off

I've lost myself in the smoke I've shrouded my apartment in
Seeping elegantly from the cigarette locked between my fingers
I shake my head fervently as 'elegant' isn't the correct word for it
As I've once lived a life of luxury -- bordering around dark secrets

Dark secrets that tore up the tether binding our family together
I know what it's like to be stinking rich and reeking of it all over
But I needed to jump on my motorbike and drive far, far away
While the cold air whipped at me and stung the moisture in my eyes

I traded the pinstriped suits for cheap muscle tees and leather jackets
And my high-maintenance loafers for darker-colored boots
I needed to be as far, far away from my past as possible as it hurt
It hurt to finally know the truth -- those horrid secrets I'd discovered

I was no one and I was undeserving of a disgustingly beautiful life
I was no heir presumptive to a company raking in mountains of cash
I was no blood brother to three boys I unconditionally adored
And most of all, I was no real son to the man I excessively revered

I changed my hair and name along the way too, because I didn't belong
I was reduced to this angsty and hurt rebel far, far away from home
I got myself an apartment and drank and smoked and wasted away
No one's come to save me from my rampant inner demons anyway
This is the story of a boy who discovers a thing or two about his true connections to the family he loves. Hurt because nobody had ever broken the truth to him, he ran away to take a breather that extends into a long period of time. He's deteriorating.
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
For The Runners
Don't leave me
biting the dust
as you speed away.
10w. Don't get attracted to runners.
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Crumbling Buildings
The walls will cave in
And trap you under debris
Never to see light
Just another haiku.
Don't you ever praise me
for being who I'm not.

I am just a cynic.

I am just a rebel.

I am just an outcast.

And I will stay angry
at the world forever.
I'm not this kind and generous person people make out to be. I have a living hell growing inside my head too, you know.
Nov 2014 · 5.2k
Fresh Air Out On The Balcony
As I write this from up above a couple hundred feet,
Overlooking this beautiful and bustling city
-- which I had only known lesser than twenty-four hours --
I cannot help but heave out a sigh of contentment.

***** even though we're hundreds of miles away from home,
This city has not ceased its glaring warmth.
Maybe it's the environment, maybe it's the people
Maybe it comes down to being just blessed.
I am in love with Davao. This city had my heart within half an hour.
Oct 2014 · 796
I currently don't have the drive to be poetic.
All this workload makes me feel like
I'm Atlas carrying the burden they call Earth.
In other words, I am so stressed.
**** paper work. Gets in my way of sleeping early.
Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Where Do I Belong?
Took three entrance exams, and taking one more this month.
All four are for the most prestigious universities.
They're popular choices for dreamers like me,
But fighting for a spot under their programs
Isn't as easy as others make it out to be.

Do I belong to University No. 1,
Where it proudly adorns and displays its title
As the Top 1 university in the whole wide country?
Sure, I'd love to work with fine, brilliant minds
But the question is: will I survive?

Or, do I belong to No. 2,
Where my father had once studied?
'I'll always be a blue eagle,' he'd proudly say.
I've always dreamed of being like him
I also heard this college had awesome laboratories

Then again, maybe University No. 3
Could be the one for me.
I could continue my heroic saga as a green archer
Cozying up in one of the largest libraries ever
With a book in hand and a heart filled with contentment

Perhaps it's University No. 4,
Which had the easiest exam so far
I've been encouraged left and right by doctors that
Should I pursue my lengthy medical studies
University No. 4 is the right place for me

Where do I belong?
I'll be away from home soon; I'm preparing myself well
For the college of my choice and the reality it brings with it
Here I am, sitting, asking myself again:
Where do I belong?
In case you couldn't tell, these four universities are (respectively): 1. UP, 2. Ateneo, 3. DLSU, 4. UST.
Sep 2014 · 815
Why, Distance? Why?
Found myself feeling
This overwhelming sadness
*You're too far away
Another haiku. After all these attractive boys coming and going, my mind still hitchhikes back to you. I hate distance.
Sep 2014 · 3.3k
I feel so powerless as the news relays its latest story
Of a vicious storm revolving the area you're in
I wish you'd appear on the television,
So I could reach out my arm and drag you to where I am

The storm's been flooding streets and delaying travel
And soon might be wrecking homes and crushing lives
I'm so afraid of you being taken away
It'd **** me to see my beacon lose its light
I just want you to be safe out there. This is also a follow-up to 'Namesake'.
Sep 2014 · 2.3k
A storm took your name
And wrecked havoc as I slept
And thought about you
A new haiku from me. Just got hit by a storm today, and it happened to be named after somebody.
Sep 2014 · 1.6k
You left in the brightest of greens,
And came home donning maroon.
How long has it been?
Eight months.
Eight months of your unavoidable absence.
Yet, while you were gone,
I continued marching on like a valiant soldier should.
I’m fighting to be like you,
You who is kind and funny and smart and undeniably beautiful.
One day, I hope, you’ll tap me on my shoulder
And say, “I’m proud of you, kiddo.”
Set in the near future wherein you finally come home.
Sep 2014 · 460
Revisiting You
I saw you a year before
In a resized, high-resolution image
Looking my way, though we were
Separated by a thin computer screen

I didn't know your name, however
And I decided to give up
The image of a beautiful individual
Faded from my memory as time flew

It took quite a while before
I saw you in person for the first time
Laughing, walking, talking
*You were so real
To the main man who's already in college -- this one's for you.
Aug 2014 · 444
Counted Out
Is not kind on the eyes
Neither is it
The loot between the thighs
One hopes to find
Under white sheets at night
Aug 2014 · 595
This One's For John (Again)
Hundreds of pairs of eyes are on you
As you rip the air right out of their lungs
While you dance slowly and masterfully
Beaming with passion and confidence

You merge to become one with the music
And gain 'oohs' and 'aahs' from beguiled girls
Daydreaming and wishing you were theirs
While your girlfriend spectates from a distance

The spell is broken as soon as you stop
To take a breath and take your bow
You sent the coliseum into a stormy applause
I found myself clapping along too

Backstage, you take your girlfriend into your arms
While I sit across you several feet away
You being taken doesn't matter, it never will
I'm too mesmerized by your dancing to even care
I guess we're friends now, John. I just don't know how to feel about it.
Aug 2014 · 2.0k
I'm not one for settling down
With your head rested on my lap
While I fix you a flower crown
No, I'm not that much of a sap

You're not one for stone-cold girls
But I know you'll willingly unfurl
Your heart for me to figure out
In the meadow where we'll lounge about
I don't do romantic stuff and neither am I into it,
but my liking toward you perseveres.
Aug 2014 · 12.5k
Prom: The Tragic Catastrophe
The deafening house music
The crowd of colorful suits and gowns
And the shifting colorful lights
Trapped me in the ballroom

The tasty sophisticated food
The elegant decorations
And the freaking mandatory cotillion
Didn't stop me from ******* up

I should've been more social
I should've treated my date better
And I should've enjoyed the evening
But my fear and doubt won over me
Prom happened five months ago, but it never ceases to make me feel awful.
Aug 2014 · 947
College Application Essay
Beads of sweat roll down my forehead as my fingers fly all over the keyboard
There's not much time, I need to get it done, I need this to be perfect
It's my saving grace for my lousy performance through high school
It's the leap that will take me to the next level

How's my grammar? Did I spell these words correctly?
Will they finish reading it with a lasting impression?
Am I thought-provoking? Too serious? Too unprofessional?
These questions only continue to clog my mind

I handed the type-written output over
And ask the guidance counselor if I'll do fine
She nods and fills my head with reassuring words
I swallowed them down and stiffly said 'thanks'

The car ride home summoned a couple of daydreams
I pictured myself getting into the honoree list
And making my parents' hearts swell with pride
But let's be real: Am I even going to make it?

Here I sit in front of the laptop again, fingers ready
To explore a wide range of prestigious universities
Maybe they'll require me to write an essay again
I swear on everything I'll write them better than the last
I passed the application form for this high-standard university, which required me to write an essay. I'm frankly scared as hell of how the admissions officers will react to my work.
Jul 2014 · 677
In a sea of sweaty people and no air, you're there, no doubt
Like font made bold, your thick lashes and laughter lines stand out

Being attracted to you is perilous, a sign of my impending doom
I can't stop inundating you with flustered stares across the room

You beset me with selfish and opportunistic wants better not said
So I'll dream of you shoving me up against a wall instead
Because he has no idea how hard it is to tell myself to chill out and not act upon my urges.
Jul 2014 · 2.0k
King Priam
Prideful father of two men
Even to his eldest day
Remained stiff and unbroken
While Hector was taken away
His inner strength rivaled steel
Enough to make his enemies kneel
This is an epithet we were assigned to create during English class. Also, this is to celebrate 1.1k reads on here.

I view King Priam as one of the most interesting characters of the Iliad. He has to play the part of king and father, and we can really see how much he loves and honors his children especially when he swallows his kingly pride and begs on his knees to Achilles to ransom Hector's dead body.
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
The Hopeless Case
Lazy, procrastinating, worthless boy
Who knew he’d topped his classes before?
High school came and robbed his joy
As his grades sank to the ocean floor

He found solace in computer games
While he kept his books tucked away
‘The lessons are hard, that’s all,’ he claims
As Mom and Dad think he’s gone astray

Senior year was his wake-up call
To abandon the games and take up his books
This was his final chance, after all
And the deciding factor of how his future looks
So  I became a member of our school paper and this is one of my submissions! I hope you like it.
Jun 2014 · 540
Another One For John
You seem so kind on the eyes
With your bronze skin and dark hair
And dimples when you smile
Not getting to see you much is unfair

You remain indecipherable to me
And I have some needs, you see
You take some thorough unraveling
But I'm up for a challenge, I can guarantee

You should be avoided, people say
'That boy's got a girl,' they'd reason
Strangely, frankly, I really don't care
You're the guy fruit in season

You and I kissed to Arctic Monkeys
In a dream that crawled into my nap
It's unrealistic and absurd, I know
But I'd still explore you like a map

You would disappear inevitably
From the lines on the map I've traced
This attraction lies under category: Physical
But in the meantime, let's keep our fingers interlaced
I've just got the eye for beauty, that's all. I like beautiful people and things.
Jun 2014 · 2.6k
A Flair for Killing
On the floor lies a shattered teacuP
Dropped by prim, graceful handS
Belonging to a certain somebodY
It was a monster so sadistiC
That he carried his wratH
Wherever he would gO
He'd be waiting at your doorsteP
With the hunger of a piranhA
When he takes you as prey like thaT
You'll regret ever crossing a psychopat**H
Hannibal-inspired (the TV series). I'm still not over the Season 2 finale.
Jun 2014 · 986
One For John
You love to dance
And you tell me it defines you
I knew you had told me nothing but the truth
As your body took the reigns and my gaze was glued

You like being looked at
Because the muddy, sloppy side of you kicks in
To you, it doesn't matter who stares
As long as you could get to pull them in

You love the taste of blood in your mouth
But you feel so much strongly for a pair of lips
Crushed against your own
With a pair of hands snaking toward your hips

You don't care about the hands
At least that's what I've heard
But I got the impression that maybe, just maybe
You just need someone to say the word

You aren't valued so well, John
And I am angered by the objectification of you
Maybe, just maybe it could be you and me
We can make it happen if you get the clue
You're beautiful, man. We have not established a solid friendship yet, but maybe we could work something out of my fascination for you.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Cash and Robber
'Hands off,' says the bag of cash to the robber.
Or, wishes it could have said,
Because it was an inanimate object,
While the robber was not.
The bag of cash was just a cotton satchel
While the robber was all flesh and blood.

'Where are you taking me?' the bag of cash silently wails.
It doesn't see the light of day
When the robber stuffs it into the trunk of his car.
Alone, the bag of cash occasionally jumps up in the darkness
As the robber's sidekick -- his car
Rushes him to an alien place.

'I have been forsaken,' the bag of cash mopes.
Once the robber takes it out,
The bag of cash will have to die.
It cannot imagine the horrifying thought
Of the robber slitting him open.
Its organs -- the wads of cash -- will all spill out in a puddle.
What did the bag of cash deserve
To meet with such terrible fate?

But the bag of cash hears a gunshot
Once, twice, and thrice.
And a flicker of hope lights up within it.
It sees the light of day again as the trunk opens
And, to its delight, sees the robber
Cuffed by the wrist and wearing a scowl.

'I can go home now,' thinks the bag of cash,
As the police officer takes it into his arms.
And once it's home, back in the vault
It can relay the frightening experience
To other bags of cash, bursting with paper bills and eagerness.
A little something I brewed up while I was DMing some of my friends last night. I kind of like this work a lot, to be honest.
Jun 2014 · 5.9k
Under The Sunlight
The sunlight turned
Your mousy brown hair
Into strings of gold
And killed the air so cold

The sunlight turned
Your frown upside-down
And stitched the gaps shut
Within this heart of mine

The sunlight turned
The abomination we made
Into a helpless heap of snow
And we didn't worry much about it

I'd **** to see more days
With us under the sunlight
Over in five minutes.
Jun 2014 · 638
I'll crush your bones
In heartfelt hugs that only bears
Are capable of emulating
School's just started this week. Wow. I'm a senior. Just wow. Have a micropoem.
May 2014 · 753
Kissed By Fire
I think I have found
The spark needed to ignite
The dead flame in me
Ever since high school began, I mostly thrived on the side-lines (with torment from a handful of boys and girls alike) and kept myself low. Now that I'm approaching senior year -- I may or may not be too late -- I have rekindled a motivation in me that was put out some time toward the end of elementary school.
May 2014 · 616
Man Of My Dreams
Man of my dreams
Please give me the 'push'
A shove enough to take me off procrastination cliff

Man of my dreams
Please give me that motivation
To keep up with my studies like you did

All so I could chase after you
At whatever university you'll be studying in
Lately, you've been good for me. I noticed some changes in myself which are influenced by you unknowingly. I just fell for you too late and I don't think there'll ever be anyone quite like you (this will be another poem for another time).
May 2014 · 644
Lawrence 2
The way you smoothly maneuver your tongue
Past your teeth and getting a quick sample of your lip
It drives me insane, in a way that I feel my chest thud
I've got to focus on the lecture and get a grip

There's something about you being infuriated
Something about you slamming your fists
On the blackboard and teacher's table when you're mad
It's a scalding hot feeling that persists
No love. No emotions. Just getting high off of what you're displaying during Math class.
***** purple prose
Who does it think it is,
Looking all beautiful just because
Of flowery, sugar-coated words
Someone plucked from a thesaurus?

It's very much like a woman
Who, let's say, in one man's eyes
Is very pretty if and only if
Makeup cakes her face
To conceal dull features underneath

And that's where we writers are wrong, see
Your message can still be portrayed beautifully
Without long words one would find difficult to spell or pronounce
It's all about the raw emotion
And how we can manipulate a reader's feelings

Now, I'm not trying to say
That our generation is a dumbed-down audience
Keeping it to the point is what really gets us on our toes
But I guess if purple prose is your thing
Well, each to his/her own
This is the side of me ranting on how much I dislike purple prose. I'll also have you know that another side of me adores it (especially if it's written skillfully) and sometimes tries to write in it. Love-hate relationship. I know.
May 2014 · 846
Lately, you have been
The only one I have wished
To be with right now
I just realized all my 11:11 wishes were all about wanting to see you, talk to you -- just simply be with you. I wonder if I'll ever have these wishes granted soon enough.
May 2014 · 432
You exude raw beauty and sentiment
Through the skimming of your fingers on a guitar
And your singing voice blasting from my speakers
I often wonder why you're not a star

I can still remember stumbling across
Your covers on one summer night last year
I found myself in awe and at a loss
That your songs exhaled emotions severe

Still, I want to thank you, Hans
For triggering me to write or draw at 1 AM
I'm sure you've garnered yourself some fans
And I'm content to know I'm one of them

I hope you carry on with that career
As we delve into another school year
For the schoolmate-slash-musician who unknowingly inspired me to channel my bottled-up thoughts into sheets of paper and ink.
May 2014 · 26.3k
(Co-written with my awesome friend)

The thought is savory
But I know it won't put you in dismay
Triangular in shape, but it needs not to be a worry
As I can just imagine eating it all day

I am gobsmacked by this medley of tomato sauce and stringy cheese
Blimey! How dare you gobble this thing up and not share
Oh, for a slice I'd get down on my knees
A world without pizza wouldn't be so fair
Made with @Patweeek on Twitter! Writing this was a spur-of-the moment decision.
May 2014 · 435
Skinny-dip into my daydreams
But don't stay too long
I think irrational things
And physical infatuation is just wrong

My mind is caked with mud
And trying to wash away the slime
Won't do a thing to me
Feeling this way for you is a crime
There's no love here. Just urges.
May 2014 · 563
'No place for fingers',
Whispered the dark chocolate
Hair crowning his head.
Because there's no one else's hair that I'd like to skim with my fingers.
May 2014 · 537
Ball of Gas
He's just seven hundred kilometers away
But it feels like he's on the other side
Of this cynical, condescending ball of gas we call home
That glares down on everyone's pride

A hop, skip, and a fifty-minute plane ride away
Makes up this protective barrier between you and me
But no, this ball of gas won't let it go my way
It's a killer after all, made up of land and sea
Let's face it. The Earth is a *******.

— The End —