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Batool Jan 2016
He was like
an ancient book
she wanted to
read him
word by word

He was like
a mysterious castle
she wanted to
explore his
every path

He was like
a jumbled up puzzle
she wanted to
solve him
piece by piece

He was like
an old wine
she wanted to
taste him
sip by sip

He was like
a locked door
she wanted to
open so,
kept on knocking

He was like
a lost soul
she wanted to
find him
but never could !!
Batool Aug 2015
One dark night with no moon on sky ...
With stars failing to lit up the night
He was sitting by the window of his
room, allowing darkness to engulf
him ...
holding the burning
cigarette between his fingers - the
only light in room.
Exhaling his inner bitterness, the
rings of smoke leaving his lips
making air a bit more impure,
His eyes darkened to a deeper
shade of black the fire he was
holding in was causing the oceans
in his eyes to evaporate ... Leaving
behind nothing but the dry sand .. A
barren desert.
The only voice shattering the thick
silence of room was of his soul
cracking as he witnessed the death
of his dreams.
Batool Oct 2021
One winter night,
when it's all cold and dark
memories stirr a pain
that will again leave a mark

Silent screams that echo
words that claw at soul
heart then pumps the agony
and you start loosing control

the darkness then seeps in
and coldness that follow
morning sun then shines
on a heart that's left hollow !!
Batool Aug 2015
Spread the wings,
Dare to fly.
Come with me;
Lets touch the sky.
Follow the light,
let darkness die ...
Just live the moment,
Dont ask me why ...
See the world ...
With a different eye..
Face the facts,
With head held high...
Cherish this life,
Dont just cry;
The sorrow will fade ..
In the blink of an eye.
Batool Jan 2016
He let, his soul, loose
to get lost in the
dark alleys
of forbidden land
with nowhere to go
for his missing pieces
leaving behind
but a faint trace
of his scent mixed with hope
in the acrid air
that someday
someone will actually
make an effort
to find his lost soul
and make him
Batool Jan 2016
The words she scribbled
were not about her
but still
they concealed a part of her soul
they were her horcrux !!
For all her life
she waited for someone
who'd read all
of her writings
to find her pieces
and put them together
to make her whole
but no one ever tried
so she lived
entrapped in her
as a prisoner of immortality !!
Batool Aug 2017
"What hurts the most ?"
he asked.
"autumn touched heart
in the midst of spring."
she said.
Batool Mar 2017
standing by the ashes
of his burnt wings ...
he got his answers,
why icarus was told
never to fly too low
or too high ...
but love never understands ...
or does it ?? .
Batool May 2016
After a long journey
He was finally there,
now surrounded by
locked doors
destined to remain closed,
high walls
never giving a way in,
blue sea
created to be never crossed,
he gave up one day,
never realizing that it was all
a figment of imagination
as he was trapped
in the illusion of reality !!
Batool May 2023
living in a murky world
listening to their silt laden words
started taking a toll on her
as she started losing
the vision and the clarity
slowly turning blind like
an indus dolphin !!
Batool May 2016
Every heart desires peace,
some seek it in sacred places
and some in solitude
for some it lies in dark nights
for some in morning sun
some look for it in scribbled words
and some in melodious rhythms
some search for it in water depths
and some in empty skies
Some find it by helping others
while some in risking lives
some find it in the blink of eye
and some keep yearning till the day they die !!
Batool Jun 2016
"You've invaded silence of my thoughts"
She sighed.
"Is that bad?" He asked, confused.
"Only to the extent
that i can't be alone anymore." She answered.
Batool Aug 2015
They ask me if i'm hurt
they ask me if i'm angry
they ask me to give them reason
they claim to know me much
i smile
becausewhat they don't know  is
i'm never that kind of person
who will tell them what wrong they have done
and discuss that problem away
rather i'm more like
if you dont know
what your mistake is
you dont deserve to know
kind of person ...
Batool Aug 2015
I picked up my pen
deciding to write,
an autumn poem,
cause it feels so right

staring on page
i thought and thought
failing badly cause
the words were lost

the words that were left
were all brown and red
i checked for ideas
they were already dead

i asked my mind
to give me a reason
he simply said
its the autumn season !!
Batool Aug 2015
Setting down the horizon
the sun kissed the sky
leaving it all alone
saying its good-bye
whimpering at the loss
the sky released a sigh
as the last ray left
darkness came by
holding on to the moon
the sky waited by
for the morning sun to rise
and fill it with a joy...
Batool Aug 2015
adding flavour to darkness..
Rain drops
falling softly on her window glass..
Sitting by her window
watching the steam rising from her tea cup
listining to the soft background music
played by the falling rain drops
a sigh escaped her lips
causing the mercury to drop down a bit more!!
Batool Feb 2016
All she wanted
was to be
a part of his life
All he could do
was to make her
a part of his writings !!
Notes (optional)
Batool May 2016
"I am lost." She said,
"You can't be, you were like the guiding star." He argued.
"I was, but then you came along
Your questions, like a moon, raised tides in the calm seas of my soul,
but your presence
calmed those thrashing waves,
and in the stillness of the moment,
i got lost at the shore of your heart !!" She sighed.
Batool May 2018
Standing in the doorway
she saw the boot clad feet
moving away
it took all of her courage
to not let her tears
cross the threshold of her amber eyes
she knew he won't stop
as his love for motherland
knows no boundaries
she knew this too
that she has to be a better
person for him
so in his heart he'd know
that he has someone to return to
always ...
waiting for him in the door way
who's love for him too
knows no boundaries
Batool Sep 2016
love is a strange emotion,
it blesses the soul with wings..
giving it the right to fly free in the vastness of mid-night sky
while it keeps the heart prisoner ...
it touchs the soul like
September breeze caresses
the dew touched flowers
while setting heart ablaze !!
Batool Aug 2015
If only lucky ones
get a good
or a best friend
then surely
i'm the one with
Worst Luck !!
Batool Aug 2015
She was sitting by
her window
in her silent room
watching the moon
and the night sky
the sight made her smile
her smile brighter than
the moon light
she kept her gaze locked
on the full moon
as she willingly
ignored the consequences
The moon's pull raised tides
in her brain
giving her thoughts
a voice
so that they were
noticed by world
and then they
called her
Batool Feb 2022
When madness starts to breed
And soul cripples with need
Dance to the rhythm of fire
and let the feet bleed

When fire burns with passion
and madness starts to ashen
dance and dance and dance
till fire unites with ocean !!
Batool Aug 2015
Sometimes ...
A little touch of magic
is all that is needed

to mend a broken smile;
to walk another mile,

to touch the lovely sky,
to dare to dream and fly,

to dance and love and sing;
to heal a wounded wing,

to live, to laugh, to breath
to teach the heart new beat

a little touch of magic
is all we sometime need.
Batool Jan 2016
He wants to fly like birds
and explore the sea like fish
He wants to be the star
and turn to Fire he wish
Forgetting all the way
that WHO he really is.
Batool Jan 2016
He was a man
with a happy face
people always trying
to be him
He was a charmer
for the world
a perfect husband
for his wife
a hero and a teddy
for his daughter
he knew the trick
to make them smile
but little did they all know
He was a man with Masks
and he knew to use them well
It was only Him,
his demons
and his diary
who knew
the Real Him !!
Batool Jan 2016
no one knew about his demons
and so he kept it  
a secret
that he never shared
even with himself.
His demons grew stronger
feeding on his only fear
of getting exposed
to world as
man with demons
trapped inside,
they bit and
clawed his soul ...
And now the world
knew him as
man with ragged soul !!
Batool Dec 2019
What if,
we are actually
living in the past ?
millions miles away ...
seeing only the light,
like that of dead stars.
that reach us years after
they die ...
giving us a moment
to witness
the miracle of time !!
Batool Jul 2017
and then there were nights
when she craved pain ...
cause a pain stemming from
a **** on her arm could save
her from the ache
originating from her heart

and then there were days
when she begged death
to set her free ...
cause in those moments
she felt her heart entrapped
in cage

and then there were his words
all soothing and caring
it was when she wanted
nothing but to live
protected in his arms
listening his heart, beat ..

and then there was edge of light ..
where she was standing
right where darkness begins
waiting for him to decide
either to save her soul
or let the darkness take over !!
Batool Aug 2016
when its the monsoon season,
and it rains every other day
your memories dribble down
like rain drops on a window pane
as there is no way out
they pool in the recesses of heart
like rain water pools when there is no drain,
it is then, when all i want is to be a kid again
to jump in that pool
and let the memories splash and splatter
creating a beautiful moment
worthy of living !!
Batool Aug 2015
The moon,
peeking through
my window
raising tides in my mind
urging me to write
your story !!
Batool Aug 2015
Sky blushed a lighter shade of crimson,
as sun kissed the horizon.
Batool Aug 2015
She is different
she is crazy
she is beauty
like a daisy

her hazel eyes
shine so bright
her beautiful smile
turns dark to light

acting so casual
and never shows
she always care
for those who are close

and when she is angry
dont go near
you might get a hit
if you are not clear

i love this girl
more then anything
as she is my sister
my everything !!
today is her birthday 16 August !!
Batool Jan 2016
He wanted to be found
and to never get discovered
He wanted to be solved
using an equation
that no one could ever
figure out
He wanted to be an answer
no mind could ever
He wanted to be sorted out
so that he'll be an
organized mess
He wanted to be known
by the world
without they knowing
who he is
He wanted to make her
fall for him
with her heart oblivious
of this fact
He wanted to be a fact
yet to remain a mystery !!
Batool Aug 2016
he was the only one
to return successful
from the voyage
set to discover the lost soul
of the mystery girl.
about his adventure,
he would write a story every night.
the story that had a part of her soul.
every morning,
she'd read his story
to collect the part of her soul
and place it at the right place.
he was completing her,
solving her mystery,
ending her charm,
opening the ways
that lead to her door,
making her just another
ordinary girl.
The only thing she had feared
the most !!
Batool Nov 2016
i dont know how
i dont know why
there are these feelings
i cant deny

my day is made better
with just your hi;
as smile touch my lips
and shines in my eye

my heart skips a beat
and i feel shy
when you say my name
i feel i can fly ...

i love you so much
dont ask me why
cant live without you
so never say me goodbye !!
Batool Nov 2015
The only thing
keeping him sane
taming his demons,
the only thing
soothing his pains
vaporizing his worries
was the
night sky...
He knew,
he was falling hard
for night sky
but could do nothing
about it..
As Love has its very own
strange ways
to captivate a Heart !!
Batool Nov 2015
The last Ray
lingered on horizon,
caressing the sky
as November Sun
whispered his
Last Goodbye !!
Batool Aug 2015
I sometimes feel like ocean
lonely, deep and blue ...
What tomorrow will bring
not having a single clue

whether it will be calm
or if i'll suffer from strom
if moon will raise the tides
or there will no change in form

when people tell their secrets
i listen to their tales
like ocean receive the waters
and help the sailors sail ...

And when i get so tired
i want to talk to friend
like waves come to shore
in a hope that he'll mend

but then realization hits
there is no friend of I
like ocean stands alone
till the day it's dry !!
Batool Jan 2016
She knew,
she was different
and that
she wont fit in
they'd never accept her
as the real her
she knew
there are boundaries
always to be kept
there are lines
never to be stepped on
that there are limits
never to be crossed...

They knew
she was different
and that
being different was
not here choice
it was in her
like an instinct
and knew the chances
of her dying
if they tried to
change her
but still
they ordered her to
change !!

Surrendering to them
just to be accepted
to be normal
like others
she decided to change
after fighting a war
killing her dreams
and a part of her soul
she was finally able
to supress her
wired side and
was Ordinary
like others !!
Batool Feb 2016
She was an ordinary girl
walking down the jilted path
questioning the existance
searching for answers
unfolding the mysteries
reading the souls
writing about fears
learning people by heart
guarding her secret
wearing a smile ...
fighting her battles
making them aware of
her ordinary existance !!
Batool Aug 2015
A man with broad vision
About the land of pures
a man with excellent leadership skills
stood up to fulfill
the first man's dream
he gathered the scattered people
he fought for what was
righyfully ours
he turned the rouges into NATION
Togather they
but yet the remained strong
holding each others back
against the cunning enemy
they were pure by heart
they had the golden soules
faith was running in their veins
thus they were granted
after years of hardship
with the most beautiful gift
the first man's dream was now a reality...!!

the man who dreamt IQBAL
the man who lead JINNAH
the land of pure PAKISTAN
the nation created PAKISTANIS
and this is OUR story !!

Independence Day !!
14 August Our Independence Day .. Dont hate us for what we are not -terrorist .. Love us for what we are - Jinnah's Pakistan
Batool Nov 2015
She tried
to paint pain
on the canvas
but failed
sometimes the pain
must only
be felt
and not portrayed !!
Batool Sep 2022
I want to paint ...
the saddest night
on a blank canvas
with the beautiful shades
of pain mixed with loneliness
adding a hint of unsaid words
finishing it by adding
a little drop of blue !!
Batool Jul 2016
heart yearns for peace
a drop of which
would fill the soul
up to the brink
the kind that is not found
under purple skies
in the smile of a new born !!
Batool Jan 2016
I hear people
telling me that
i am crazy.
And then
i see people
trying to be Me.
Batool Jan 2016
They were perfect strangers
connected through words
not knowing the names
separated by worlds
helping each others find
the lost pieces of their souls !!
Batool Jul 2017
she was just a girl
with rebelious heart
and brown eyes
they described her as
a dark soul,
that house demons
a broken thought,
with shrap edges
a forbidden path,
with no destination
a tangled mess
hard to love
yet he saw her as
the night sky
with rising moon
a sacred thought
with delicate edges
the only path
to his destination
a tangled mess
only to be loved !!
Batool Feb 2016
It's all about the game
the game of speaking words
if said right on time
one could conquer worlds

words that could hurt
words that could heal
words that could help you
forget what you feel

beware of the words
they could make you fall
for the deadly trap
abandoned by them all

playing with the words
is a dangerous act
but they were both players
best of the best !!
Batool Oct 2018
She housed in her mind
a different world;
And in her eyes,
abyss !!
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