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leeaaun Mar 2021
i won't forget,
when i cried you just looked at me
and what a silly heart of mine is—
it kept thinking,
you will pick those tears for me
and say 'i am here for you'
but you were just standing in front of me
like a stranger
pick your own tears
leeaaun Feb 2019
It is not a
common story.
It is a
of our
leeaaun Dec 2022
i prepare everything of
what to do
when i'm in pain
but when pain knocks
on the door
i forget every plan
can i not feel pain anymore?
leeaaun Feb 2023
i want to run away
from problems
but problems are running back to me
leeaaun Apr 2020
Friend: “ How are you spending your time in quarantine?.”

Me: “ Wake up, eat, watch netflix, more netflix series, eat, again some netflix series and then finally have a good night sleep.
Repeat every day”
And that's how we spend our time these days
leeaaun Mar 2021
not every
Q u e en
asks for a King,
but Kings sure do ask for
q u e e n s!
queen got it all
leeaaun Mar 2023
no matter what form
of pain
comes into your life
pain is always raw
and brutal
leeaaun Jul 2023
he calle me a warrior
just because i lived a life
harder than his

others commented
that's the easiest recipe of being a warrior

and here i am thinking
they have not even lived  through my struggles
neither they've faced my ordeals
nor felt my pain

how they have a right
to just pass words
that will stab like little needles
on my existence

making me stand as a question'
in front of everyone's eyes
where my answers will be treated as invalid
even before i will say them

that's not a warrior in their eyes
but a girl whose moves is out of their calculations
they just see me as nothing
and want me to believe that too

sadly, i am not easily influenced by someone's words
as i had so many problems to learn from
what was best for me
and i would call myself the queen who is skilled
in turning girls like me into an invlaid format
they can't decode
leeaaun Jan 11
Beneath the blossoms of Sakura's grace,
Where petals dance in a delicate embrace,
I found myself under nature's sweet spree,
A moment that sparked a love so free.

Amidst the cherry blossoms, pink and white,
Our hearts entwined in the soft twilight,
Whispers of love, like a gentle breeze,
Caressed our souls under blooming trees.

In the garden of dreams, where passion sowed,
Love flourished, a tender seedling that glowed,
Underneath the petals, where dreams took flight,
Illuminated by the soft, ethereal light.

You, my dear, were the essence of spring,
A melody that made my heart sing,
Blossoms fell around us like confetti,
As we embraced the beauty of love's decree.

Through the open window, love wafted in,
Like the fragrance of flowers on the wind,
Inside my house, a garden of emotion,
Blossoming love, a sweet devotion.

Your laughter echoed like a songbird's call,
In the sanctuary of our love-filled hall,
As Sakura's magic touched our abode,
The walls whispered tales of a love bestowed.

So, under the Sakura, our love did bloom,
A vibrant tapestry in nature's grand room,
I ask you now, with a heart sincere,
Will you be my spring, year after year?

For as the blossoms fade and seasons turn,
Our love, like Sakura, will forever burn,
A timeless dance in the garden of fate,
Where our hearts entwine, in love's estate.
leeaaun Aug 2023
love make sense
when you think it
leeaaun Mar 2021
a song created by them
that makes you addicted,
shall i name it love?
if love has a name
leeaaun Jan 2019
is not
   going to forget.
   She is karma.
leeaaun Feb 2019
It's okay.
Sometimes brave girls
also need to recharge.
To heal again,
To smile again,
To hide tears,
To feel better.
It's okay
to recharge yourself.
leeaaun Feb 2019
She's a pure soul,
made to love
whom ever her heart's want.
Who are you to judge?.
Who are you to decide
if she can love or not?.
She belongs all to hearself.
Her decisions also
belong to her.
So, don't bother
by saying conservative things
So she can stop
loving whomever her heart's want.
She's a pure soul,
made to love.
She will feed her soul
with your useless talks
and ignite her heart
with your conservative thoughts.
She will roam
in the whole wild world
and learn the tricks
of loving herself
more and more.
So don't judge her.
Don't decide for her.
Cause she's the boss
of her own life.
She can judge herself.
She can decide
for her pure soul
whether to love or not.
leeaaun Jan 2019
I need her to know,
She's the only one ruling over my heart;
As always, she'll be the
only one.
leeaaun Dec 2022
i like side characters
whose stories go along with
main story
despite all that
i don't won't to become a
side character
in someone's love story
before finding my one
does that make me selfish
in the world full of stories with
happy endings
#leeaaunpoetry #sidecharacter #lovestory
leeaaun Mar 2019
They only knew
my noises.
You know
leeaaun Jul 2023
i am silent most of the days
i have have learned this hard way

that when you are vocal
about something

the more your voice will spread
the more you will lose people
from your life'

i am not good with risks
that's the only reason for my silence

now i just observe
and pass a smile

not  because its easy
its all about what i can loss over
what i can gain
leeaaun Oct 2023
would i become
a sinner

if i would do something
out of my zone

is it this much easy
to label something
leeaaun Jun 2023
there was a time
when we walked around
in the spring

when you picked flowers
to put in my basket
while i wanted to fill yours

just like that our love grew
too much,
that baskets couldn't hold em'

i thought that was a good sign about love
but who knew
unlike the birds who fly freely

those flowers will lose petals
instead of going with the flow of wind
they fall down on the ground

reminding us of autumn
every spring lover has to face it
but we couldn't

i wish now
what it would have been like
if we knew

being a spring lover is not easy
we have to go through every autumn
after every spring

a cycle that love will repeat
leeaaun Jan 2023
i feel suffocated
by your words
it's so easy for you to say
i love you
but can you admit
you don't mean them,
you big meanie
leeaaun Jul 2023
one day
your warmth will find you
to let you see
your sun had the ability to shine

it was not a failure
it was waiting for the right time
to shine for itself
instead of others
leeaaun Feb 2019
I am tangled
in your
head to toe.
leeaaun Mar 2021
i wonder if tears
really dry out,
or we don't care anymore
we don't feel it
leeaaun Dec 2022
my tears formed an ocean
caused by your misfortune
but you could just see
the rain dripping
on her face
what was i too you?
leeaaun Oct 2019
It's okay if you can't tell yourself.
“ I hope you are ok? ”
It is okay to not be okay.
Because sometimes you need
those times,
When you are sick and vulnerable.
You have to see who stands with you
when you are not yourself anymore.
Those are times,
when you need someone else
to make sure that they make you
ask yourself
“ It's okay if you are not okay
Cause I will still love you.
So take your time and heal.
Then come back.
I will be waiting.”
leeaaun May 19
And there is no discrimination
in liking what you like—
no borders to your passions,
no walls to your dreams.

You walk your own path,
each step a declaration,
each choice a celebration
of your true self.
No judgments can bind you,
no prejudice can shade your joy,
for in your heart lies freedom,
a light that shines without fear.

Like what you like,
love who you love,
let your spirit dance
in the colors of your desire.
Wear your uniqueness
like a badge of honor,
a testament to the beauty
that thrives in diversity.

No rules can cage you,
no norms can silence
the song of your soul.
You are a symphony
of unfiltered truths,
a tapestry of varied hues,
and every thread
is a note of defiance,
a chord of acceptance.

In a world that tries to label,
to confine and define,
you break free,
your preferences a revolution,
your tastes a rebellion
against the monotony
of conformity.

And there is no discrimination
in the joy you find,
no shame in the paths you tread.
For you are a masterpiece
of individuality,
a beacon of authenticity,
and in liking what you like,
you inspire others to see
the boundless beauty
of living true to oneself.
leeaaun Dec 2023
In tales of old, on Mount Olympus high,
Where gods and goddesses roamed the sky,
Aphrodite, fair and beauty's muse,
But whispers tell of a love confused.

In affairs of hearts, her charms renowned,
Yet rumors spread, a deceit profound.
Her love, a tapestry woven with desire,
Yet secrets whispered, fueled the fire.

A cheater in the game of divine affection,
Her heart's allegiance sparked introspection.
For Cupid's arrows, not always true,
In love's labyrinth, confusion grew.

To Ares, god of war, she turned her gaze,
A clandestine affair, a dangerous craze.
In the shadows of Mount Olympus, they conspired,
Love's flame illicit, yet never tired.

The gods above, in their celestial court,
Witnessed Aphrodite's love distort.
For in her quest for passion's sweet embrace,
She left behind a trail of love's disgrace.

But was she a cheater or victim of fate?
In the realm of gods, emotions intricate.
Aphrodite, tangled in love's intricate dance,
A celestial romance, a fateful circumstance.

So, in the pantheon's tales of divine deceit,
Aphrodite's story, in whispers, we repeat.
A goddess of love, entangled in desire,
A cheater or not, the myths conspire.
leeaaun Nov 2023
I play a role not meant for me

They want me smiling, but my heart's in strife,
Behind their words, a hidden world of pain.
In laughter's mask, I play a role so plain,
Yet tears within me, silent as the night.

Their expectations, heavy burdens weigh,
A scripted joy, in sorrow, I reside.
Aching truths beneath the smiles they guide,
I play a part, a role I can't betray.

Behind the scenes, a tale of sorrow weaves,
Unseen by those who seek a cheerful face.
Within the script, my heart finds no reprieve,
A tragic act in this relentless chase.

They ask for smiles, but tears won't be denied,
In scripted joy, my true self can't hide.
leeaaun Mar 2023
time is slipping out
or is it me
who is letting it slip by
knowing it's
leeaaun Sep 2019
Time doesn't heal.
It reminds you,
where it hurts
the most.
Again and again.
leeaaun Aug 2019
Take time to make
your soul
happy in love.
leeaaun Jan 2019
When the day's are rough.
She pour down
her thoughts
on the paper,
to ease her
leeaaun Dec 2022
not everyone can see love
smiling in the eyes
it's a trick
given as a treat
to those who dare
to fall in love
leeaaun Dec 2022
she was a princess
who desired for a sword and horse
not a prince
who could fight her battles
when she got the
crown on her head
and same power
leeaaun Feb 2023
it's valentines day
where i can easily go on
a date
with myself
cause dating yourself
ain't a bad idea
leeaaun Jan 2019
And I live everyday of my life
with my exhausted soul,
Which is waiting for a magic
to happen with her.
Releasing her from such burning fire,
Making her full of strength
that can make her able to
forgive herself for all those
times she tries to remember him..
Remember him in vain..
The pain will start to lessen
On its own,
When she will take a breath
So light as her soul.
leeaaun Feb 2023
you were standing
at the exit
my love–
i am too bruised and wounded
to again hope
for finding the
right path towards
a wall
which isn't
a dead end

my love
maybe you are
at the right place
but i am not
the person
to find

      dis      tance
us is too vast

accept my apologies
stop waiting–
and hold his hands
who comes to you
like a moth would find fire

i truly wished to be your fire
maybe that was just
meant to be
one-sided love

so just go away
when love
comes to you

as all i see are
dead ends–
no exit

don't cry
when you hold his hand
this was meant to happen
it's okay
don't let your soul
carry the blame
which you
never deserved

you fulfilled the part of your
it was me
who was weak
against all odds
leeaaun Feb 2023
what if you are not
the only one

what if your
has been
with the

will you consider
the possibility
of this
what if?
leeaaun Jan 2023
they said
to do what i loved
when i tried to do it
they strangled me, saying
why do this
it doesn't suit you
leeaaun Feb 2021
if my wishing for myself makes you insecure,
then baby you need to fall in love
with yourself rather than chasing
someone else's 'the one'
choosing yourself should be a trend!
leeaaun Nov 2023
In love's tapestry, a tale unfolds,
Where Cupid, the archer, his story molds.
A fateful day, his aim went astray,
The wrong arrow struck, leading hearts astray.

A quiver full of arrows, each with a role,
One for passion, the other for the soul.
But Cupid, in haste, confused his art,
Shot the wrong arrow, tearing love apart.

In the labyrinth of emotions, I found my way,
Entangled in love's web, where shadows play.
The arrow meant for joy pierced my heart,
Yet sorrow's seed grew, tearing love apart.

A tragic chapter, my love story unfolds,
As pain and heartache, in its pages, molds.
Cupid's error, a twist in the plot,
A love story woven, then tangled in a knot.

People say it's a folklore, a tale to be told,
Of love's missteps, where hearts grow cold.
A saga of pain, with a sad, bitter end,
Yet in its telling, generations transcend.

For love's not always a tale of delight,
Sometimes it's pain that colors the night.
A twisted arrow, a love story's bend,
A folklore passed on, from friend to friend.

So, in the echoes of the cupid's wrong aim,
A love story born from sorrow and pain.
A folklore woven in the fabric of time,
A cautionary tale of love's subtle rhyme.
how the cupid used the wrong arrow on me, my love story is full of pain who has a sad end
leeaaun Sep 2023
In the heart of my dream place,
where I'd always yearned to be,
there's an inexplicable melancholy
that wraps around me like a heavy shroud.

It's curious, you see,
how one can stand in the very midst of their dreams
and still feel so profoundly distant from happiness.

It's as though my emotions have been muted,
rendered numb
by the overwhelming weight of this place.

The vibrant colors of my aspirations seem dulled,
the laughter I'd imagined echoes
only faintly in the recesses of my mind.

Here, amidst the fulfillment of my desires,
a shadow lingers—
a persistent ache that refuses to be dispelled.

I thought I'd soar in this dreamland,
but instead, I find myself
tethered to the ground,
my spirit heavy with an unexplained sorrow.
leeaaun Jan 15
In fairytales spun with threads of gold,
Fantasy weaves tales, but truth untold,
Dreams painted in hues of perfection,
Reality's absence, a cruel deception.

Characters clad in virtues so divine,
Yet life's complexities, they undermine,
For in the real world, shadows persist,
Fairytales evade truths that exist.

In castles tall, love's kiss breaks the spell,
But reality's truths, a harder sell,
In flawed hearts, love's journey is strife,
Fairytales deny the tumultuous life.

Happily ever after, a whimsical notion,
Life's challenges scorn such devotion,
For happiness waltzes with sorrow's song,
Fairytales mask the struggles lifelong.

So, I loathe the tales with happy endings,
Reality's narrative, it keeps transcending,
In life's tapestry, flaws are an art,
Fairytales, a facade, keeping us apart.
leeaaun Mar 2021
they say, they will stay with us
then why when our tears
fall down,
they don't even look back at us?
their lie is all they say
leeaaun Feb 2021
i was a soul whose life was all about
my own blood, flesh and bones.
i never indulge into your flight,
but you envied my sky
which was offer to me, to fly.
it was you, who compared
yourself to me.
then why you are blaming me
for your choices.
i was fine with my imperfections;
my demons and angels.
just because you couldn't
tackle your negativity,
you had no right to raise your finger
at me, as i never caused your problems.
when all i did was pass by
from your life.
i was a stranger to you.
yet you stabbed me with your
poisonous words.
shot me with your negativity.
cut my wings, by accusing me.
if you couldn't achieved your dreams,
why you killed my dreams?.
was i an easy prey—
or your failure hurt your ego!.
leeaaun Jan 2019
Our love story
is written
with blood,
that's why
it hurts.
leeaaun Mar 2021
don't label what i do as wrong,
because what you do
is what i can't
r i g h t
who knows
leeaaun Mar 2021
your rainbow deserves a better sky
you deserve more
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