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15.9k · Sep 2018
My Teenage Years
Unknown Sep 2018
My Teenage years;
Teenage years with people saying 'sit down and shut up'
Teenage years with no one caring
Teenage years with physical abuse
Teenage years with razor blades
Teenage years with no mother
Teenage years with bottles of pills
Teenage years with ****** assualt
Teenage years with suicide attempts
Teenage years with no reason to live
Teenage years spent pining for what was lost.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
15.3k · Sep 2018
My Suicide Note
Unknown Sep 2018
To the teachers who never really cared and ignored my problems;

To my fellow “*****”, “misfits”, etc. Who will no doubt receive more abuse upon my passing, as my tormentors will no longer have me to push around;

To those who never cared, never spoke, probably never knew my name;

To the one true friend, whose caring was the only thing that prevented this event from happening sooner;

To the God, if he does exist, who chose to play a cruel, cruel joke on me when he placed me where he did and surrounded me with so many uncaring faces;

What about my teachers? Will they be sorry to see another student become a statistic? Certainly the administration and Principal will mourn, as my death will not reflect well on them as an institution. Well, I apologize for making the statistics for your administration worse. But I don’t expect an apology for the false sympathies of people.

As for my fellow students, those who made a more significant impact on my life, I know better than to expect my tormentors to mourn.

There’s another group I have not yet addressed: those not like me who left me alone. Or should I say ignored me. I appreciate you sparing me any further harassment, but your inaction, your withheld hellos and how are you’s  did more hurt than any name calling. Your inaction effectively excluded me from student life, from the human race. You left me isolated and alone, and no words I could say can convey to you the suffering you caused. I could name names, but in doing so, I would do more now for you than you ever did for me in life.

I do not know what awaits me when I get down off this rope. Will there be a void? Or will I come face to face with God? I just don’t care anymore. If you’re anything like your people, I wouldn’t want to know you. You preached to love one another, yet I’ve felt everything except love from Christians. Even if I knew you were different, well, I'd still reject you. You have left your “followers” to treat people like me poorly. You have allowed so many of the people you “love”, including me, to suffer. So you want me to trust you with my life? I don’t want to spend eternity with a careless deity like you, or with the company you keep.

I’m trying to watch TV but I don’t know what I’m watching. It’s so lonely here. I want to sleep but it just won’t come. I’m so tired of hurting and being alone.

I hope that with my death, there'll be a wider awareness for child abuse and the effects it could have on a person. That's the only wish I have right now. A lot of people will be hurt with my passing, disappointed even, or maybe it won't matter. But I'd like to believe, no matter how much of a ****** up person I am, I died for a cause greater and bigger than myself. That's the only consolation that I have right now.

So that’s it. That’s me. Leaving the world to be a better place.

Goodbye - T

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
10.9k · Sep 2018
Unknown Sep 2018
I make you smile but I don't make you laugh.
I make you sing but the lyrics aren't for me.
I watch you dance but your eyes don't focus on me.
My evening thoughts are all about you but yours aren't about me.
I like you as a lover but you like me as a friend.

But all those things are okay with me. But when I told you that I loved you, and you said "I'm sorry but I don't love you."

It broke my heart.
Funny thing is, I still love you with all the shattered pieces.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
I've been friendzoned for a while now, ever since I met him actually.
8.9k · Jul 2018
4:30AM Thoughts
Unknown Jul 2018
its 4:30 am...
im awake thinking, living, and breathing...
but somethings different..

my heart... its breaking,aching and shaking...
all because of a guy..

my minds racing, chasing, and raising..
all the problems of my life..

and im slowly fading, wasting, and breaking..
because i dont know who i am..

not anymore...

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
5.0k · Jan 2019
My Past
Unknown Jan 2019
My past is too much of an influence on my present,
I know it's a problem.

But all I have ever been taught is
To be a joke, because thats all I am
To be silent, because nobody really cares
To never ask for help, because I'd just be judged
To never say no, Because I'd get punished.

And all I've ever been told is
I'm not beautiful
I'm not fitting their standards
I'm not going to be loved

so thank you, step father
Thankyou for destroying everything I was.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
2.8k · Sep 2018
Society Is Doomed
Unknown Sep 2018
We live in a society
Where not giving a **** about what others think,
Is actually encouraged.
We live in a society that is completely built on lies.
When did sums become more important,
than knowledge of current wars?
Why is the wage gap wider than my young eyes?
And how is it that a Country that screams freedom,
won't put down their weapons when their own children are bleeding?
Why do I know how to dissect a frog,
ignorant of the fact innocent civilians are slaughtered?
Why do I know the sum of internal angles in a triangle,
Yet I don't know how to read the signs of suicidal friends,
When more than half of those suffering have no access to treatment!!??
Why am I more "worthy" than the child forced out of his own country;
for his religious identity, for being himself!?!
Why are those in power of whole Countries so blind to our demands?
When did being part of a religion become a crime?
Why do we need so badly for someone to love us?
Why should our weight define whether or not we belong?

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
society needs to change, but i'd say, it's already too late, because society is doomed.
2.7k · Jul 2019
Unknown Jul 2019
Just friends we promised
"Nothing more"
He said as he pulls me to the floor...

That night I went to bed with a *****.
He left before dawn...

He uses me but I dont mind
God help me...
I've fallen for a *****...
2.6k · Jul 2018
Unknown Jul 2018
the night falls with a silent sigh, cold and alone are we.
the understanding for which you sacrifice yourself
flares once, then dies,
taken by your obsession.
all hope must end.

your heart beats no more.
how could you not understand?
our dark thoughts surround us, crying,
save us from ourselves.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
2.5k · Sep 2018
I miss him...
Unknown Sep 2018
I doubt you'll ever see this

I still think of you...
I still cry over you...

I'm sorry for loving you, more than just a friend.
I'm sorry for being a burden to you.
i’m sorry i don’t always think,
i’m sorry i can’t shut up,
i'm sorry that i'm negative.

I love you  T,
I will love you forever

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
2.4k · Oct 2018
Unknown Oct 2018
I often idealize others, especially when I first meet them, and feel comfortable in sharing the most intimate details
with them. But I often feel that these same people don’t care enough and aren’t there enough for me.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
Unknown Sep 2018

A scarf of red
And a jacket blue
Are all that’s left
Of brothers two.
One was short
The other tall,
But now they’re gone.
You killed them all.
You fell below
And earned their trust
Now you’re covered
In their dust
You wanted more
So you went mass
How could you be
So heartless and cold?
Now this story
With sorrow is told.
The flowers all bloom
And the bird songs tell
That people like you
S H O U L D B E B U R N I N G I N H E L L.
2.3k · Jun 2021
Unknown Jun 2021
He shouts, cause there was a time when he wasn't loud enough.

He pushes people away, cause there was a time when someone hurt him.

He doesn't trust anyone, cause there was a time when someone broke that trust.

He's quiet, cause he's sick of being unheard.

He wants to be praised cause someone didn't value him enough.

He loves more, cause he was loved less once.
1.9k · Aug 2018
im tired...of everything...
Unknown Aug 2018
i want to cut.
i want to cry.
i just want to take every drug in this house,
and die!

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.8k · Sep 2018
I Woke Up
Unknown Sep 2018
I woke up
I've had enough

Enough of EVERYTHING!!

Enough of being lonely.every.single.NIGHT!!
Enough of being lied to, by the ones I love.
Oh, you promise you won't leave??
hahaha... I've heard that enough to know, no one stays.

Enough of crying myself to sleep. every. single. NIGHT!!
Enough of taking these pills, and waiting for the numbness.
Oh, you say ''I don't need them''??
hahaha... I've heard that enough to know, I need them.

The reason behind my poem? to tell you I woke up...

I woke up
I've got to change...


Change the fact I feel lonely. every. single. NIGHT!!
not everyone lies
Some people will break promises
hahaha... I've just got to live with it.

Change the fact I pop pills. every. single. NIGHT!!
These pills aren't good
They'll **** me overtime
hahaha...I've got to fight this demon.

If only it were as easy as writing this down, willing my poem to make me change...

Something I can't do...

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
whoever is reading this.
I CARE DON'T EVER GIVE UP!! I might have given up on myself, but you can be better then me, prove them all wrong, SURVIVE!!
1.7k · Sep 2018
Who Am I?
Unknown Sep 2018
who am i?
what am i?
Do I really exist?
What form of life Do I have here?
Is my identity really determined by my actions?
If so, that makes me someone who'd rather write than live.
But is that all i am?

I am creative and self-destructive
naturally skilled and unproductive.
I am fragile yet tough as a man,
struggle thru life with no real plan.

As each day passes I can feel it,
I'm slowly losing a part of my identity.

My friends are all screaming;
"who are you!?!"
"is your mask anything like you!?!"

My head is hurting,
I don’t know how it’s still on.
I'm still aching,
After all the breaking that has been done.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.7k · Oct 2018
You Didn't Really Care...
Unknown Oct 2018
you say your there for me.
but when I really open up to you,
you just don't want to see it.
you act like you care,
but when I have these thoughts,
and break downs,
I ring and your never there.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.5k · Jul 2018
Unknown Jul 2018
i feel my life fading in front of my eyes..
i try to catch it but it just keeps moving further away...

it feels like im not real, im not alive in this cycle of life.
and i dont want to keep fighting this monster inside.

i need healing, im so far behind.
but i know no one can fix me so... why even try?

im full of emotions and i just cant explain them...
its like am i alive, am i even in control of my own ******* mind??

caus right now... its dark and there is no light to follow..
im just praying that i can make it to tommorrow...

but if i am to die today, i just want to say
thank you society, for ruining my life.....

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.2k · Jul 2021
Unknown Jul 2021

You made me feel, again..
You made me hope, again...


It was all..

I've fallen for you.
Please. Don't drop me...

I trust you.
1.1k · Jun 2021
It's not you, It's me
Unknown Jun 2021
I could never make you happy
So I gave up

Not on you, No.
But on myself.

For if I couldn't make you happy..
It must surely be something to do with me.

Not you, no..
1.1k · Jun 2021
The "Problem" Child
Unknown Jun 2021
They called him
A problem child.

"Good for Nothing"

And so these words
Stuck with him
Formed his identity
Shaped his character.

Until one day
He couldn't take it anymore
So he jumped off a building
And all his problems
Seemed to vanish.
Unknown Sep 2018
I found out yesterday, i commented on your Youtube video...
My friend had told me, Youth isn't on this school holidays.
So i needed clarification, and i knew just who to ask...
My bestie, the one I'm madly in love with..
You had to block me on Facebook, against your own will..
So I had no choice, but to reach out to you through Youtube.
You'd warned me the week before, Keep it video related or else i'll have to ban you from that as well..
Not what you want to do, but you would have to.
So I commented, and begged please dont ban me, I have no one else to ask. Is youth on this holiday?
You replied within the hour, and thats when my heart caved in, again.
Yes, thats true youth is not on this holiday, was your words.
So I calculated it out, thats 2 weeks, without seeing or talking to you.
You already broke my heart 5 weeks ago, with the saying "I just want to be friends"
It couldn't of worked out anyways, as its apparently illegal.
A 16 year old and a 21 year old, its wrong they say...
But I don't care, I love him with everything I have.
So now I wait, lonely as hell, for the day I get to see you again.
I just hope I make it through the holiday, I don't know how to thoe.
Because without you, I feel so sad, empty, broken and cold.
Even thoe were just friends, part of me still hopes someday, you'll be mine to hold...

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.0k · Nov 2018
I Miss My Mom...
Unknown Nov 2018
I wish I could go back in time,
maybe then I wouldnt be crying.

I remember the last day with you,
We watched horror movies in your room.

I often wonder why it is,
You chose him over me your own son.

I understand you need him mom,
But just remember the saying.

Blood is thicker than water.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
1.0k · Feb 2019
I Am...
Unknown Feb 2019
I Am crazy and afraid
I wonder if I have a purpose
I hear the voices in my head
I see the fire of hell
I want to be free
I am crazy and afraid

I pretend I’m a good person
I feel the pain I’ve caused
I touch the darkness inside me
I worry I’m in to deep
I cry when I’m alone
I am crazy and afraid

I understand I can’t be saved
I say things I don’t mean
I dream of being normal
I try not to show I’m crazy
I hope I can be a vampire one day
I am crazy and afraid

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
978 · Jul 2021
Unknown Jul 2021
I tried

but in the end

I died
Unknown Oct 2018
All these voices,
Yet I'm still alone.
I need a friend,
I whispered in an empty room.
No one answered...
They all say,
Grow up but don't give in,
Move on but not away.
But, lets face it...
The people that promise they'll always be there,
Never stay...
So just,
Don't fall in love...
Fall off a cliff,
It hurts a lot less...

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
920 · Feb 2019
Unknown Feb 2019
He's so cute the way he smiles.
He's so cute the way he laughs.
He's so huggable when he's happy
And even when he's sad.
He's so in love with me.
I agree he's the only boy for me.

He's so cute when he sings,
the songs he sings for me.
He's so cute the way he talks,
like he's lighting up my soul.
I'm so in love with him.
He agrees I'm the only boy he needs.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
I'm in love. And for once in my life he loves me back <3
900 · Oct 2018
Stay Away From Me
Unknown Oct 2018
I'm the one you should be afraid of,
Don't try to come close and comfort me.
I fell in love with you
I got my heart broken but kept a blank face

I can't make you feel guilty about breaking me
If you don't realize you did anything wrong
It's not your fault, I guess.
I build things up In my head.
I start to believe the things I make up.
I still love you.
With all my broken, shattered and torn apart heart.
but I'll have to say goodbye.
Because I care about you,
and if you stay with me I'll end up breaking you.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
872 · Dec 2018
That moment...
Unknown Dec 2018
The moment your heartbreaks.
The moment he looks at her
And you wish it was you.
The moment you feel it.
The numbness of your heart.
That, that is the moment.,
The moment you realise it won't ever be you.

That is the moment when you feel the worst pain
But you have to persevere.
You can't give up.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
862 · Jun 2021
Unknown Jun 2021
Why am i like this?
Why me? Why why why..

That's all i ever ask myself.
Why this, Why that.
Why why why.

Perhaps thats why your leaving.
Perhaps that's why all the others left.
Because WHY wouldn't you?

Why why why..
833 · Jun 2019
They say, I say...
Unknown Jun 2019
They say i'm crazy
They say i'm dangerous

They might be right

They say He's lying
They say He's dangerous

They might be right

I say We're dying
I say we're nothing anymore

I think I might be right...
825 · Aug 2018
Tell Me...
Unknown Aug 2018
Tell me,
How many sips does it take,
How many puffs does it take,
How many pills does it take,
How many cuts does it take,
How many attempts does it take,
To feel the way I do?
To hurt the way i do?
To be the way i am?

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
802 · Nov 2023
The Poets Problem
Unknown Nov 2023
I've sworn to write, that's what I do
However to write, I must not swoon

Anything to stop, anything to change
Anything to have that one thing

For to write, is to be alone in pain
I've sworn to write, I cannot swoon..
Unknown Jun 2022
You visited this website on 7/11/21..
You’ve been vacant for so long
Sitting,thinking,wasting away
What’s the point in belonging here anyway.

You visited this website on..
No it doesn’t matter how long
Blinking,thinking, tapping away
What’s the writer come back to say..?
I’m back
602 · May 2021
Unknown May 2021
When he was thirteen,
he wrote another
and named it "Scared"
because that's how he felt.
His body was changing
and he didn't like it.

When he was Fifteen,
he wrote a different poem
and named it "Knowledge"
because that's what he gained.
He knew what was wrong,
so he told them his new name.

When he was eighteen,
he wrote a new one
and named it "Ghost"
because that's what he was.
Nobody respected him,
his pronouns were never heard.
574 · May 2019
Unknown May 2019
I don’t want to Open my mouth
Because I’m still afraid The truth might come out.
And if it does If it really breaks free...
You’ll see what I am, You’ll see the true me.
The one I hide With jokes and lies.
I’m a terrible person.. All jokes aside
You don’t seem to know it, You don’t seem to see...
Even a glimpse of that person That I know to be me.
I’m such a good actor I hide it so well,
Cover it with a laugh And you’ll never tell.
You see depth in my eyes, You see love and emotion.
But what would you see If I ever did open...
I can’t bear to find out, I can’t bear to show.
The me you don’t see The me that I know...
If I let it out, If I let it be
I know for a fact...
That you would hate me.
539 · Apr 2021
Unknown Apr 2021
Some people would rather live in a hell they’ve got used to than in a paradise they’ve never experienced before.
465 · May 2019
The Boy
Unknown May 2019
Alone he sits in class each day.
His hair is matted,
His clothes are *****.
The other kids all think
That he is weird,
But what they don't know is,
He's silent
For at home, when he speaks,
It doesn't go well for him.
He's shy,
because he has been taught he doesn't matter.
He's afraid,
Because in his world fear keeps you safe.
He's alone,
Because no one cares to give him the time of day.
So alone he sits,
At night he lays in bed and cries.
He wishes he had someone
Anyone, to talk to.
If only people cared about what's inside,
Instead of judging a book by its cover
456 · Oct 2018
Unknown Oct 2018
Someday i'm going to break, i'll lose it
and then the whole world will be sorry..
I'm ready to shoot, hand me the pistol.
I hid myself so much,
my sanity was the only thing the seeker couldn't find.
I have all these things going through my Mind.
My best friend forever just left me behind.
When I fall asleep is when I feel at peace the most
Not sure if what we had can be fixed but,
It would be unfair to allow you to move forward.
As I'm stuck here in our memories,
With a shattered heart.
I want you to know I won't let you forget me.
I'll place myself in every past memory of yours...
I'll interrupt every relationship you dare to hold...
it was your mistake to promise a forever
to a boy who would believe you

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
422 · Apr 2023
Loss of Love
Unknown Apr 2023
I love you
Is what I want to say.

If only it wasn’t
Wrong to say.

You loved me
Is sad to say.

If only it wasn’t
Painful to say.
2 years down the drain..
391 · Jul 2024
Forbidden Love
Unknown Jul 2024
The girl's heart fluttered with bittersweet desire, Caught in a love that she couldn't acquire. She cherished their talks, each word they exchanged, But longing for more, her heart remained pained.

She admired the woman's commitment and grace, But yearned for a love she couldn't embrace. In her heart, a battle, love against reason, A friendship tested, with emotions to season.

Yet, through it all, their friendship prevailed, Supporting each other, even when love sailed. For sometimes, love takes different forms, And true friendship weathers life's storms.

So, they continued to talk, day after day, Sharing their lives in their own special way. The girl's love may have been unrequited, But their friendship, forever united.

In this tale of love and friendship's embrace, A girl's heart finds solace in a sacred space. For in the bond they share, come what may, Their connection endures, come what may.
388 · Apr 2019
RIP Grandpa XXX
Unknown Apr 2019
Grandpa, Such a brave man
It's so sad to have to say goodbye.
A tragic accident has happened.
And now we have to let you fly.

You always put others first
even in the midst of danger.
You were the hero all along,
Fighting fires at 19, So very young.

I know there wont be any fires,
up there in heaven.
Not whilst your around to protect them.

I  remember how you smiled,
You lit up the room.
We will never forget you,
Your memory wont be gone anytime soon.

And no, this is not goodbye,
This is till we meet again.
When it is our time to fly,
We will meet once again.
My grandpa was in a accident, he was helping my uncle salvage a part from a car he was using the oxy when the car exploded on top of him, my uncle bravely pulled him out suffering burns himself... my grandpa had 90% burns on his body...sadly he did not make it and passed away at 11:55am on 21.4.19
375 · May 2019
Little Boy
Unknown May 2019
They hide you because they love you!
They hate you because they harm you!
Oh, Little boy!
Everyone feels ashamed of you!
354 · Jul 2019
Unknown Jul 2019
I’m the outcast of outcasts,
You May have heard my name,
awful people telling lies has been my claim to fame.
An outcast cast out to be away from all the rest,
Don’t they realize in friendship I always try my best?
I’m aware I’m not good at knowing what to say,
After all its always been this way.
I’m inexperienced with having friends I’ve never known what to do,
After a life of being alone you’d lose it too.
I’m sad and depressing I know it to be true,
But when you were sad I never left I wish I could say the same for you.
“You don’t try” they say maybe that’s how it seems,
But in the end being your friend has torn me at the seams.
You wonder why I act this way,
Why I never know what to say.
Maybe if I hadn’t been alone so long I’d act differently,
I want to act normally knowing how to be.
Do you think ignoring me and lying would ever help me grow, Obviously that’s untrue and a big fat no.
In the end I know I try and always put up with more than I can bare,
In the end I know you’re the one that doesn’t care.
325 · May 2019
The Truth
Unknown May 2019
I found myself
hunting the truth
but finding the
I found what my
couldn't show me.
I found the truth
that relays silently,
in the unknown.

-Leon Castillo
I did not make this!
324 · Jul 2021
Unknown Jul 2021
I wish I was a dinosaur...

Because all of them are DEAD
272 · Mar 2021
the return
Unknown Mar 2021
The return of the poet
was enough to make everyone ecstatic

thoe it meant lots of people would know it
that the poet had constructed

new ways in which to play it,
the words that were now corrupted.

the poet had returned but with a concerned mind.
they were no longer a poet.
242 · Sep 2020
Unknown Sep 2020
It's been a year of quarantine.

Locked inside when i turned eighteen.

We've borrowed all the books,
Smoked all the smokes.

Cooked and cleaned.
Talked and dreamed.

Oh how we wish to go back to 2019.
241 · Apr 2023
What to do
Unknown Apr 2023
I’m at a cross line,
I Don’t know what to do.

I’m losing my mind,
I Don’t know what to do.

Should I keep going?
Should I remain here?
Should I keep to the cross line?

Or should I veer away?
Away from any semblance of hope?
Away from the cross line?

I’m at a cross line,
I can’t do what I want to do.

I’m losing my mind,
I can’t do what I want to do...
239 · Jun 2019
Summer Jumpers
Unknown Jun 2019
I've been teased because I wear jackets in 100 degree weather
been asked by my mother
questioned by my " friends "
I've answered with
I get cold
I'm just rlly cold
I'm fine
its Okay

but it's not okay
I'm not fine
I'm not just really cold
I don't get cold fast
I should've answered with

I cutt
I'm scared
I should've shoved them

I should've answered my mother
I should've answered my friends

but I know I can't
and I know I shouldn't
because those friends
would've questioned me more
I would've gotten scared
I would've froze
I would regret

just like I do with my life

221 · Jun 2022
A friend
Unknown Jun 2022
I made a friend
A friend as crazy as I am.
As mentally ****** as me.

I made a friend
A friend I cannot save.
As I cannot save myself.

I made a friend
A friend as dangerous as I am.
As traumatised as me.

I made a friend
A friend I cannot mend.
As I cannot mend myself
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