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451 · May 2019
Jay M May 2019


Falling gently to the floor
What I had
What I lost

Taking the scissors
Looking up at the misters
Glancing at my sisters

What have I done?
I've but my life on display

You see this hair?
This is only fair
This is mine
So quit acting as though it were thine
Lets see who's in control now

Inch after inch
Flinch after flinch
Wave after wave
I gave and I gave
Well, here's my way
To say
Let my live my life
My way

You want to control me
No, let me be
I need to be free

I need your love
Set free the dove
Surrender it
Don't throw a fit

Don't be mad
That's just sad
Be proud
Just don't be too loud

I see the look on your face
Look ahead in this race
I take a bow
Look at me; see me now

- Jay M
May 13th, 2019
Well, I cut my hair. I'm rebelling. My mom and stepdad want to control my entire life and how I live it. If I want to be happy by doing the things I love, then let me. Let me have those good memories.
443 · Apr 2022
Her Memory
Jay M Apr 2022
He held her
She held him
Now he only
Holds her memory

- Jay M
April 26th, 2022
433 · May 2019
Jay M May 2019
Rushing around
Trying to do what makes me happy
Yet I forget
Having to rush back and forth
Get it
Come back

Here we go
Diving into a world only we know
All different
Yet together for the fate of the land
Friends to the end

Smiling throughout
Cheers and hoots
Down with those evil *******!
On we go!

Battling for a while
Then peace
Then, battle once more
Then stopping at a cliff hanger
Hugs, talks
Then off we go
To meet again in the days to come

- Jay M
May 9th, 2019
I've been playing for about a month or longer, and I love it.
431 · Jan 2022
Her Sides
Jay M Jan 2022
Full moon she rises
Three nights then fades
Three nights of power

Three sides has she
The one whom dance
Wide awake, deep in trance

Another side of her
The one whom shimmer and shine
Iridescent in her light, song divine

The final side
The one whom call into the night
Horns and breath of fire, in wait of a fight

The sides, they surely wane
Fading from one into the other
Phasing in and out like the sides
Of the pale lit moon

- Jay M
January 10th
Everyone has their sides, some light and others as dark as the dark side of the moon.
426 · May 2019
Birthday, Remember?
Jay M May 2019
Calming down
Waiting for the time
Where I can fill my mind
With anything else
Keep to the present...
Oh ****

The reminders
Today was the day...
Last time...
Remember when you tried?
Didn't you try to....this time last year?
Isn't today...?

The answer is...

It haunts me when I close my eyes
The same old empty night
Killing me inside
Torturing me

Yet there they are
"Happy Birthday!"

They're smiling
While I'm pretending
All my will is bending
Threatening to break
It's all fake;
My laughter
My smile
My glowing in the eyes
I do it for them
So they won't take me away
Because of my past

Oh, but they just sing
They make a scene
Like it never happened
Just forget

But it would be nice
If just a person and I
A friend and I
Would laugh
Make today a good day
A time to remember
To cover my past
Make today a blast

But that's just a dream
Isn't it?

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
I did something I'm not proud of on my last birthday...
422 · Jan 2021
Juliet To Alpha
Jay M Jan 2021
Shock to overjoyed
From overjoyed to confusion
Comms enabled
Yet scarcely a word to be said
Across the waves of rolling static

Come in, Alpha
Do you read me,

A word perhaps
A few in a day
No sign of interference
So what is the cause
Of this near stale air?

This is Juliet,
Do you read me,
Can you hear me,

Nothing more than dull static
A well worn lullaby
Playing over and over
Wishing it would stop
Be replaced by content voices
But not all is as dreams tell
Something is amiss

Will you hear me,

- Jay M
January 11th, 2021
Juliet to Alpha, do you read me?
421 · Oct 2019
Love Lyric
Jay M Oct 2019
Sitting alone
To my own thoughts
One topic
Becomes thousands
Fluxing about
At the speed of sound
Memories flashing
An aching in my chest
A gripped, compressed heart

A light
Scarcely able to survive
Running out of oxygen
Flickering in and out
I walked on a tightrope
I saw another
A creature of beauty and grace
Running across their own
Then tripping
Swinging to fall,
But their feet remaining on the rope

Awestruck, I attempted to speak
Finding myself unable to utter a word
A bird unable to use its beak
Discovering a voice existed
I used it
Reached out
Made a friend
In time
A partner

Soon, I realized I was able to run across
Just as they had
Able to soar
Fall for a moment
But come back
Somehow still upon my weary feet
But given new strength and determination
A motivation
Thanks to my love

Heart beating at the speed of a jackrabbit
Cheeks the pigment of roses
Soul tied to the other end of a red thread
Feeling something so familiar
Possibly meant to be

His hair is
November tree bark
The tree I sit under
My mask thrown asunder
My true colors show brighter
As he takes me in his arms
Branches of a strong oak
Leaves softer than a kittens fur
Voice like that of a divine
Spilling symphonies into my ear
Still I sit here
With all I hold dear
Awaiting for time to pass
And for him to be near

Before my eyes
My memories dance
Take me into a trance
A vision of rapture
O what ecstasy
Moments of roses
Moonbeams pirouetting
Orchestra playing
Just for two
Under the full moon
Stars glistening in their wonder

A butterfly fluttering in my heart
The zoo escaped in my stomach
Flowers upon my face
Over them is lace
As I am in your sweet embrace

- Jay M
October 31st, 2019
I was told to write a lyric poem in my creative writing class, so I wrote one about you love. <3
419 · Jun 2021
Summer Paintings
Jay M Jun 2021
Grass of green sways in the valley below
Voice unseen whispers hello
Carried on the breeze
Moving about with ease

Flowers a bloom
Heart wide, of room
Laughter an echoing boom
Across the rolling hills
A perfect painting in the windowsill
Great summer's thrill

- Jay M
June 15th, 2021
Welcome to summer!
418 · Jun 2019
Make Me Feel Better
Jay M Jun 2019
Here one lies
Stomach aching
Unknown reasons
Trying to sleep,
She grabs the sheets
Pulls them over her head
And hides
From the world
And it's cruel, cruel truth

So I say
"Make me feel better"
To my mother
She kisses my head
Tries to ease me
Yet all she can do
Is give me a pill
And wait

So I say
"Make me feel better"
To myself
Only, I reply;
"For you shall never be."

Here I lay
Aching in my stomach
And other little common things
But still
No matter how much medicine I take
That's not all the pain I feel
And none of it goes away.

- Jay M
June 7th, 2019
417 · Oct 2019
Staying Afloat
Jay M Oct 2019
To stay afloat
In the rapids
Waves crashing down upon the skull
A second above
The next below
Then plunged farther from the surface
Unable to breathe
But there is no pain
Just void
Then an aching
Internal dying
Yearning for the pain
Then, there it is
Water-filled lungs
Brain on fire
Tainted soul

Seeing others above
Emotions fester
Then, a confession
Double confession
Relief, shock, and overwhelming joy
Then a clasp of hands
Being pulled up
Head breaking the surface
Above the rapids
To calmer waters
Where one can breathe
Where we can breathe
Aid each other
Build a raft
To stay afloat
Sometimes it flips
Sometimes there are moments
When water enters the lungs
Darkness fills the mind
But then
A hand
Takes one up
To the sun

Revived by the one who loves you
The one you love
Clasp of hands
The one who saved you
From falling away
With the shadows
Patching the bullet holes
Bandaging the battle wounds
Healing for both

- Jay M
October 29th, 2019
Love, whenever you read this, I want you to know;

You are my hero. You helped me to keep going, keep fighting, and gave me someone to talk to. Someone to trust. Then, as time went, I fell for you. You took me into your arms, and I actually thought past next week. I began to think about having a life. Darling, you never cease to surprise me. You told me you would never leave me. That makes my heart flutter, my mind a beach with a shining sun, and my soul dancing on a pavilion in the moonlight.

What I'm trying to say is; thank you, and I love you.
414 · Apr 2019
I Like You
Jay M Apr 2019
Here I am again
Broken into pieces
Of who I once was.

I lost so much along the road

Longing to find something
In someone
Keeping in mind; you're likely out there
Eventually making me whole again
Yet, I wonder if such is possible
Out there in the expanse
Understanding me...

Some say I am too young for such things
Alas, did they not have a first love?
Maybe someone
Will understand me
But until that day
I am alone
Lost to myself
And all reason.

- Jay M
April 12th, 2019
413 · Jun 2019
Your Story
Jay M Jun 2019
This is the poem
For the heartsick
For the bleeding
The young
The innocent
The broken
It's a hard road
And there are days,
Oh years,
But even so
You have to be stronger than fear

Get back up again
Never let them
Know they got you
Or all will truly be lost

Believe you are strong
And you will be strong
A one person army
One voice
Lifting hundreds
So what are you waiting for?
Speak your mind
Seize the time
Write the rhyme
Because it's your life

- Jay M
June 4th, 2019
412 · May 2019
Don't Let Her Be Like Me
Jay M May 2019
They try to let her know
With every night will come a brighter day
Well, hey,
Let me know when this night will end
I'm getting tired of playing a little pretend

She's only 14
Just starting her life
She's got a big family
There's no glee
Only confusion
The delusion
That I belong

With every day
She just keeps falling
Early in May
Her Birthday
Replay, replay, replay!
The terrors go on
That only she knows

Get it out of my head
But it isn't over yet

They try to hold her
But with every touch
She hesitates
Saying "wait,"
"I don't want to hurt you, too."

Come on now, girl
I know you want to leave
But just believe...
There's a chance
That there's something out there...
Waiting for you

You've got the little one
Just hold her close,
Don't let her go
"I promise..."

Teach her to carry on
Show her the way
Catch her when she falls
Don't let her fall like you...
Like me

Don't let her go
Don't let her go
Don't let....
Her be like me.

- Jay M
May 16th, 2019 a lot more like me than I realized. I hope she doesn't take after me...  All I want is for her to be happy.
410 · Feb 2021
To Rise Or To Remain
Jay M Feb 2021
Blue illuminate
Black conceal
Minutes tick by
Where is fate?

All seems so unreal
In the seconds that fly
Strange, dim light
Unsure of the battles to fight
The foes to be hidden and sly
Or confident and outright

Slip away into sleep
Or rise to face the early dawn?
Fall back into the sweet,
Ever forgiving escape
Or stand and take on what lies ahead
The outstretched hand that can make
Any number of possibilities
From merely that to, instead, realities

To glimpse upon that which may lie ahead,
Or to fall into the tangles of the mind?
To venture forth into that which may become known,
Or to remain entranced in the confines of familiarity?
The answer, the choice to be made
Lies in every dawn.

- Jay M
February 23rd, 2021
To rise and face the day, or to fall into the soothing arms of sleep?
408 · Mar 2021
Jay M Mar 2021
Shining ever bright
Brighter than the stars
Glimmering in the sky, tonight

Twirling through every turn
Ever flowing strings
Surely with lessons to learn

Bumps may come along the road
Less so traveled and trodden
A message without a code
Lacking the need
If one should only read

Never knowing what one may find
When wandering along
Perhaps it was what was needed all along
Found in places most unexpected
All it took was to be redirected

Taken to an astounding view
Ever so near and new
A sky clear and endless blue
Fading to the dark
Let through the ethereal light
Of a wonderful night

- Jay M
March 24th, 2021
Kinda struggled to come up with a fitting title, but I got it.

Inspired by the song "The Sun Is In Your Eyes" by Jacob Collier.
404 · Feb 2020
Good Night My Love
Jay M Feb 2020
I say this now, for I havst not time left.
Not this fair night, in this night air, you see.
Goodnight, my love, for now I must go work.
School work, for there is much of it left still.
Adue, my darling, I must resume this
And you, surely you must resume your night.

(Tís Shakespeare my dear; rest well my darling.)

- Jay M
February 24th, 2020
From last night, I had been reading Shakespeare and sent a text to my love in iambic pentameter. Sounds a little like Shakespeare, in the sense of format..
403 · Dec 2020
One Year Here
Jay M Dec 2020
Frigid to the touch
Bitter yet sweet
With the flip of a coin
Constantly running a thin edge
Nearly sharp as a knife

Memories play like old films
But not everything is black and white

Not a word
Not a breath
But my own
For what lies in the past
Make each moment last
Between then and now
This is what I have to bare
The sweat upon my brow

The mark of a year
How this would bring fear
Now that it is here
Right upon me
It refuses to clear
Suffocating like smoke

Pour a glass of water
Try to be a better daughter
Let the past be that
And nothing more
Either way;
It shall haunt me forevermore

The dulling of pain
Was all I had to gain
And I had everything to lose

This day
Brings shaking hands
An unquenchable thirst
A whisper
To turn back the hands of time
But no
Never to come to pass
Not again...

- Jay M
December 10th, 2020
I'm at a year here. It hurts to think I'd have to say that to begin with...but I made it. Hopefully I'll keep going, and won't slip up again.
400 · Sep 2019
Ghost Child
Jay M Sep 2019
Living like a ghost
Walking by all I know
Hiding from everyone
Denying I need anyone
To walk alongside

Night falls
Darkness reins
Emotions overcome
Control the individual
Curled into a corner
Embracing a comfort
An object from childhood
Absorbing rivers

Still, child cries
Still, child hides
And still
The heart dies.

- Jay M
September 25th, 2019
398 · Nov 2019
Small Things
Jay M Nov 2019
A wing
Carved of wood
An inch in length
Painted black
With red and blue details
Swirls and dots

Bought at a beach
From a street vendor
Selling hand-carved trinkets
Bought by her parents
When they were together
Before their child knew of their disagreements
Before chaos entered

The last good thing
Embedded in that little trinket
That little wooden Pegasus

The girl decides
Then places it in a box
Upon a soft blue cloth
The box; black with fern patterns

Decided the girl,
"Shall go to the best thing in my life."
She prepared the gift
For her love

Meeting with him
Talking, spending time,
Then him having to return home
Seeing the girl in a few days
Forgot the gift with the girl
The child promising to bring it with her to him

Leaving it where she would remember
The girl goes to carry out her day
Forgetting it
Until she looked out her window
Seeing the remains of the gift scattered
Shredded outside her window
In pieces in her backyard
Her dog standing over them
Wagging his tail

Shock and disbelieving
The girl runs out to the remains
Trembling as she picked up the pieces
Relieved at finding the gift itself intact
The only thing ruined being the box
Once so beautiful
Now ugly shreds

Returning indoors
The little wooden pegasus wing in hand
She wept, her tears falling to the floor
For the last good from her childhood
Was almost ripped away from her

This last good
She wished to give to her love
As a symbol of trust and unity
To show her affection
It was so close
So nearly stripped from her
Almost swallowed by the jaws of a mut

- Jay M
November 23rd, 2019
This is true...I have no more words than those you see above...
396 · Nov 2019
Jay M Nov 2019
Hidden in fabrics
                                                                            Concealed beneath a mask
Taking shelter in music
                                                                                 Letting the lyrics soothe
Calm the frenzy of thoughts
                                                                                   Ease the internal storm

- Jay M
November 18th, 2019
395 · Jan 2021
Rise of the Poet
Jay M Jan 2021
Tiresome day
Seemingly little to say
Hoping for things to be
Well on their way

Tired, near gone day
Nothing much to say
Not much to see
Sleepy limbs to sway

Shuffle through
See what may be

Oh happy day!
At last,
Great things to shout and say!
Life surging back into the limbs
Run, jump about
Celebrate this greatness that has come!

Rising to swift moving feet
Spirits, today they soar
A great new thing there is to greet
The night no longer a bore!

Here comes this poet,
My weapon is my word,
I will slay them with my tongue
Then turn them quite around
Take them by their hands
And dance with them
To the wildest of songs!

Here comes this poet,
Words at the ready
Come and catch me now
No need to wonder how
Stride quite steady
And they shall soon know it
As here comes the poet!

- Jay M
January 12th, 2021
Beware, for here comes the poet, who dances with the strength of a great many words! See me in the dance of a leaf, the flutter of a butterfly, or a beam of light filtering through the clouds, for I feel as free and wonderful as any of those!
394 · Jan 2022
Chair for Two
Jay M Jan 2022
Laughter and banter
A room full of cheer
Couch full of people
Chair supposedly for one
Until another would come near
Squished into the soft chair cushions
Adjust ever so to make room
Now a chair for two

A movie playing
All too familiar, and so
Calm and content
Embraced in warmth
Comfort surrounds
A frigid little soul
Drawn ever closer
To a source of peace

Sleeping soundly
Against one so kind
Resting in such a place
There is somehow peace of mind

Half awake, sounds come in
Fall mumbling upon small ears
Quietly, he speaks but odd whispers
They ask, but he knows not why
Only that she is as a cat is,
When one rests upon you
No longer shall you move
Remain here, in peace

- Jay M
January 31st, 2022
Fell asleep on a friend.
391 · Sep 2019
Jay M Sep 2019
He's got the sweetest eyes
Chocolate brown hair
Sweetest little smile
That lasts a while

I've got sad eyes
Brown hair
Weird little smile
That easily slips away...

Is it too much to ask
To just be thought of?
To feel the fondness
In return?
I guess the problem is;
I'm not the girl
Anyone would dream of.

- Jay M
September 18th, 2019
390 · Dec 2020
Seasonal Dreamer
Jay M Dec 2020
Words across summer pages
Later burned in winter fires
Release that which holds yee so
Let them all go

Midsummer nights
Warm and unrest
Tossing and turning
Longing to be cold

Midwinter nights
Cold, still unrest
Curled and shivering
Longing for a bit of warmth

Midsummer dreams
Of content and ease
Midwinter dreams
Of peace and escape
Forge on, dreamer
Forget not
For it is the pain
That makes strength

- Jay M
December 8th, 2020
390 · Mar 2020
Love Is Delicate
Jay M Mar 2020
I was always a little
              ­                                 E
     ­                                                       C
        ­                                                         A
                                                               ­       T
                                                        ­                   E
And have always been  a f r a i d
Of  f a l l i n g  a p a r t
Until I met you

Then I wasn't so scared anymore
That was before
I messed up
You had filled my cup
But now it only has a sip left
There was a theft
I gave you my heart
Now I'm left with only part
But that's okay -

I can be patient until things calm down
I might frown
But that's just because I miss you
And I'm wondering if you miss me too

Wrote you a letter
Gonna send it once things get better
But for now
I wonder how
Everything went so wrong
But I'll just work on making things right
As my hope takes flight
That maybe one day
You'll be able (and want) to come back and say
You want me back

For now, Love,
I'm waiting for you
And I will do
Whatever it takes
To be okay
While you are away
And to be myself
Instead of letting it sit on a shelf

Love is fragile
It takes a while
To be steady
And it cracks
But gets patched up
We would lie on our backs
Talk about when we are grown up
Now you've got to go focus
I think I'll grow some crocus
Flowers to admire
I'll sit by the fire
To warm my half-a-heart
While we are apart

Darling, I will wait
This is fate
For now, there's no one to hold me tight
Memories of your arms around me
All of our memories - they won't leave me be
Because I'm so in love with you
And I really hope you still are too

I'll be here
My dear
Waiting for you
Do what you need to do
Then I hope you'll come find me
And we can be
Just you and me
Once again

- Jay M
March 5th, 2020
He and I...we're not allowed to talk to each other. I'll wait for him as long as it takes, and if he wants me back once everything settles then here I'll be.


Love, if somehow you read this, know that it's okay and I'll be right here waiting for you if you want me back. For now just focus on school, and everything will be okay. I love you..
386 · Dec 2019
My Archangel
Jay M Dec 2019
So over
All this bad luck
Stuck on repeat
Misfortune is a clumsy duck
Falling, tripping over it's own two feet

Told I'm strong
Told it'll all be okay
But if I were strong
Why must this pain be so long?
Remaining, oh to stay,
Promises, promises,
Too many vows
But each one I shall keep
To stay stronger than stone
On a stage, deep bows,
Miles to go before I sleep
Shivering to the bone
But I am not alone

Awaiting are those who care
Those who dare
To share
Their time with me

Set me free
Running wild
Earth crunching beneath my feet
Nearby, the buzzing of a bee
My, feeling free like a child
Let me run wild
Heart tender and mild
Easily broken
Yet on display
Given a token
A part in the song, you shall play

Sing me a song
Play the melody
Now, it won't be long
"Just one more.", I plea
Another note
Of the song you wrote
Written across the pages
Destined to be on stages

Hold me
When I ask you to leave
For I am testing you
Please, hold me,
When I ask you let me be
For times, I grieve,
But please, do not leave

Seated on my own
Reaching out for you
Take my hand
Make your presence known
I need you
To hold me in the dark
To guide me, be my light
Hold me, darling please,
When the light fades,
Tell me you'll be there with me
Help me be the person I'm supposed to be

There's sometimes when I don't wanna wake up
Don't let me go, don't let me go,
I need backup
To let my colors show, let my colors show

I don't know what will become of me
Help me through the dark
Only you hold the key
Heal every mark
When the light fades
And it's just you and me
Breath in sync
Heartbeat for heartbeat
When the hope begins to fail, sinking deeper,
Somehow I feel your heat
Your light burning in the dark
Saving me, oh you save me,
My hero, my angel
My archangel

- Jay M
December 30th, 2019
I hope you enjoyed my piece.


This poem is for my love. My light in the dark, my archangel. Hope you like it love.
384 · Oct 2021
Salva Me
Jay M Oct 2021
Salva me
Save me
From the horrors that I say
From the misery on display
From the atrocities that play
Within the confines of my mind
For only my demons and angels to find
To **** me, or to raise me from what was left behind

- Jay M
October 21st, 2021
Salva me = "Save me" / "help me" in Latin
379 · May 2019
Jay M May 2019
Picking up the pace
Trying to win the race
Attempting to flee this place...

Running wild
Movements swift
Like that of a hare
Legs pumping

I need to be free

Here I come
Prepared to strike
But the question is;
Are you?

Brace yourself
Collision is inevitable
Like the flow of time
Ticking away

Be careful
I'll strike
'Cause you know what I am
I'm a monster

Teeth bared
Believe me
I don't care if it's aired
I'll still tear you apart

So please
Get out of the way
As I come charging through
Like a rhino
Destroying all in my path...

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019
I've been a bit...aggressive lately. Just - no surprises...
Jay M May 2020
People cautiously walking the sidewalks
Masks of all sorts over their faces
Cover the mouth, cover the nose
Keep away, far away
Heed the warnings, as they say;

Stay 6 feet away,
Cover your mouth,
Cover your face
This is no way to live
But to survive
Or before you know it
You're already dead...

People shuffling past
Lift up their head
Groan as they stand in last
Hoping not to rot in their place

Once inside, they took what they could
Doesn't mean that they should
Only to leave others with scraps
Like kids playing with bottle caps

Finally, signs saying to take less
Ease a bit of that good ol' stress
Save it for the lines of insanity
And all that is left of humanity

Walk the streets, get outside
For the time you can, no longer hide
Return soon to thy shelters
Keep busy, maybe become painters

Walk along the ocean shore
Then return home, what a bore
Paint the barren sands,
Once with so many people, holding hands
Now with little to none
Go home and be done

Scarcely utter a word
To those on the street
But over the phone, loud as a bird
In conversation, the shuffling of feet

Open slow, the lesser things
Whilst still some folks are getting wings
Soon enough, renew the world
Let it all come unfurled
Only to consume us all once more
Just like before.

- Jay M
May 20th, 2020
The purpose of this poem is to display the current state of the world, and leaders attempt to slowly bring things back to some semblance of normalcy.
373 · Nov 2019
Killer Table
Jay M Nov 2019
Four seated
In a pizza place
Sharing a pizza
Cheesy and delicious
New York style
Talk between bites

Reaching for the Parmesan
The table slides
Hits one of them
Right in the gut

Pizza drops
Back on the paper plate
Grease splattering
Eyes wide
Heads turn
Bodies shift in their seats
To see the sound
Strange noise
From the little table
Table of four

Laughing it off
All things resume
They continue to eat
That greasy, cheesy pizza

Talk of life
Current events
Bites of pizza
Two slices left
Split and taken
Being eaten

The table
So killer
Slides to one
Hitting their gut
Making them grunt

Pizza drops
Heads turn
Bodies shift
Movement from all about
The pizza place
Eyes fall upon them

Then the table is fixed
Then the pizza
Cheesy and greasy
Is devoured
Talk goes on
All resumes

After a time
The four leave
Cleaning up their trash
And leaving behind
That killer table.

- Jay M
November 28th, 2019
My mom, sister, my friend Cadence and I went to Bronx pizza the other night for dinner. The table slid to our guts twice, and we made a joke about "the killer table". So, I said I'd write a poem about it. Here it is. :)
373 · Dec 2020
Call The Exterminator
Jay M Dec 2020
Internally tormented
Butterflies come alive
Just beneath the flesh
Some with
Wings of razors
Others soft as silk

Call the exterminator
The pests won't leave me be
They flutter about
Collide and ****
Dead ones floating in the blood

- Jay M
December 8th, 2020
They flutter about, and I know not why.
371 · Dec 2022
Vermilion Wishes
Jay M Dec 2022
I was your crimson beauty
Your vermilion wish
Hold me as I burn
Your secret little fire
Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

Vermilion wish,
Crimson beauty,
Are you real? Are you real?
The way you make me feel,
You made it seem so real

What once was
Shall it be again?
Memories so vivid,
Colorful delight,
Arrangement to estrangement,
Will my memory then die?

Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

Vermilion wish, vermilion dream,
I know you are real,
You mean so much to me…
Now I don’t know, I don’t know what to do
The likes of you,
Left a reaching hand
Reaching out, reaching out…

Walking out the door,
Didn’t turn to look,
But I did, I did
As you left the room,
I turned back to look,
I did, I did

Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

I understand, leave the open flame,
Open heart, let me bleed,
It’s okay, I’ll be okay,
Maybe not today, give me time

I was your vermilion dream,
And you were mine,
Still you are, still you are

You burn away, burn away my sins
I burned away yours
All was open, it’s still open,
Just for you,
Vermilion wishes,
I keep them alive for you

Hold me, I hold you,
Never meant to last,
But I didn’t see the end
Just wasn’t looking,
Maybe I just wasn’t looking

Space, it’s yours,
Time, I’ll always give you
As much as you need,
It’s okay, we’ll be okay,

You burn away, burn away my sins
I hid them in my skin
Far beneath, but you see through
Right through me
Through me like glass
Through me like glass

Vermilion wishes,
Songs secretly sung,
Hold my words,
Hold them in your hands
In your heart,
Keep them there,
Reignite them when you need
Reignite them when you need

Burn my letters,
Burn, burn away the sins
I was your vermilion dream,
Your vermilion wishes
Steady now, steady now
You are real, it was real
Dreams can always come true
Reignite them when you need,
Reignite them when you need
Your call I will always heed

It’s okay, it’s okay,
Reignite them when you need

You burn away, burn away my sins
I burned away yours
All was open, it’s still open
Just for you, just for you
Vermilion wishes,
I keep them alive for you

I was your vermilion dream
And you were mine,
Still you are, still you will be
Reignite it when you need,
Steady now, steady now,
We’ve got time, whenever you need,
Your call I’ll always heed,
Just for you,
My vermilion dream.

- Jay M
December 9th, 2022
This is a song about two people, a ballad if you will, and how their arrangement came to an end. But, the person whose perspective I wrote from didn't see the end of the arrangement coming. They are hurt that it ended, but they understand why, and don't hold any ill-will towards the other person. In fact, they leave the offer to pick up where they left off on the table, but perhaps if things were to go back, then it would be taken more slowly.
371 · Mar 2019
Carry Me Away
Jay M Mar 2019
In sickness I am fearful,
In health I am more so,
When I fall into slumber is my only peace,
Dreams, visions if you will,
Laughter, screams,
Both see me,
Both trying to carry me away,
Lifting me up,
Tearing me apart,
I'm only human,
What more can I do?
Where can I go?
How much will ever be enough?

- Jay M
January 28th, 2019
370 · Feb 2021
Lack Thereof
Jay M Feb 2021
In simply the worst of times
Potentially leaving others reeling
Or in my stead disturbed
Whilst leading on conversation
How is it all so?

Am I to be assuming
That it is encouraged
To put on a painted mask
Of emotions, when the fact of the matter
Is that there is nothing existing behind it?
Nothing more than a blank, slippery canvas
That simply cannot be painted upon

- Jay M
February 2nd, 2021
Once again it drains me.
369 · Apr 2020
Curious Life
Jay M Apr 2020
Life is a mystery
Solved by living through each day
Picking and choosing each little thing you do
To hopefully come out the way you dream
Even though oftentimes reality is ugly
So unfair and we yearn for things to stay
Remain and not bid us adieu
Things heat up, water to steam
In the night, people scream
Some with delight, others of fright
Some real, some making a foolish deal

Up is right and down is left
South is east and north is west
Stalking about like a major theft
Doing it's very, very best
Throwing a stone in the lake
But it comes back and in its wake
Rush toward the shore twenty more

None hear the cries of the unsure
But discover the corpses of their mistakes
Pondering what could have happened
When there were witnesses a plenty
All spewing acidic lies to disfigure
The twisted thing they could never cure

Life gives and takes
As an ocean pushes and pulls
Metal above a candle blackened
Polished to be shiny, like new

A mother lulls her child
Tells it to calm, no more to be wild
Look to the sky, as it changes hue
Does that not calm a restless soul?

Rolling clouds, endless expanse that is the sky
Some beg and plea and ask it why
But the answer they seek is not in the great vastness overhead
Or in the miles of earth and life underfoot
It's within oneself, and in those you meet
Find it, and embrace it
Don't stop searching
Especially if you're uncertain what you're searching for.

- Jay M
April 17th, 2020
Ramblings and thoughts.
363 · Jan 2021
Pleasant Morning
Jay M Jan 2021
A pleasant morning,
Not a sign of warning,
For this day
All good shall stay.

- Jay M
January 22nd, 2021
It seems fitting, or in the least in my little sliver of life. May your day be good as well.
362 · Oct 2019
Things I Cannot Believe
Jay M Oct 2019
Things I cannot believe
My idiocy
Things I shall never achieve
O, my idiocy
Things I shall never know
O, my idiocy…

Hatred and anger
Burning flames
Things I wish not to remember
Yet never
Never will I forget…

Who am I?
I am no one
An idiot of course
A fool, so naive
A child indeed
Unorganized, I am doomed
This curse, I assumed
Would leave me, but never…

Shall I ever be released?
O never, o never,
Shall I ever be set free?
O no, o never,
Shall I see the light of day…

Do you see me?
Do you hear me?
The sorrow and woe
The sorrow and woe…

If they ever saw me
For me
Would they leave me?
Or would they feel me?
Would they lift me up,
Above the clouds,
Where they flux so freely
As a bird in flight
Across the vastness
That is my mind

Do you hear me?
Do you see me?
No, o never,
Never it goes…

O, if you could see it
O, if you could hear it
The broken melody,
The bleeding heart,
The depths it reaches to…

O never, o never,
Shall I forgive myself
O never, o never
Shall I forgive myself…

- Jay M
October 8th, 2019
362 · Aug 2019
Jay M Aug 2019
As I sit here,
Alone in my own thoughts,
I cannot help but wonder;
Am I ever truly alone?
No, I dare not say,
Alas, if I do not,
I fear my heart may explode,
Shattering me into a million pieces,
As my soul cries out in bewailment.

- Jay M
September 6th, 2018
A little older, but here it is.
360 · Apr 2019
Sing Me To Sleep
Jay M Apr 2019
Sing me to sleep,
Lull me into a dream,
So I can be at rest
At last.

A melody so soothing,
A harmony so comforting,
Tone so gentle,
Relaxing my ever anxious mind,
Bringing me to an eased state of mind.

- Jay M
April 5th, 2019
358 · Sep 2019
Jay M Sep 2019
For a moment
A simple second
You make me giddy
Make me forget my promise
But then
I have to bite my tongue

So close
Yet so far away

A longing
Yet it shall never be relived.

- Jay M
August 29th, 2019
357 · Apr 2021
Promises - In Color
Jay M Apr 2021
Once, long ago
A brilliant flash before
Saved forever in time
Faded in shades of greys
Like a photograph;
Black and white
One thing or another
Not shining in its entirety quite yet

Then, saturation of color and hue
Bring forth visions unseen
Slightly blurred at first,
Then in full detail
Sprawled out into glorious view

Though once, only raw and bare
Time brings it into exposure
Into the open air
Believe it or not
Some brought into the light of reality
As they are surely meant to be

- Jay M
April 19th, 2021
Just something new. Familiar.
356 · May 2019
Set In Stone
Jay M May 2019

The seconds
The minutes

I only have
5 days
You add today
My fate
Is set
In stone

- Jay M
May 27th, 2019
354 · Oct 2022
Jay M Oct 2022
The most clever of disguises.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
352 · May 2019
Indescribable Strangeness
Jay M May 2019
Deep inside
The demons she hides
Can't deny them
Compacting my emotions into a gem
Tossing it to the sea
Will I ever be free?

I have love
But it's not enough
I thought it would be
But they won't let me be
It's only dragging me further down
But I don't want to let him down

He's too sweet
Too kind
What a find

I am here
Deranged still
What have I become?

While I sit here
Wondering what has become of me
They try to "get help" for me
But I'm not taking the bait
I'm not going away
I'm not leaving my world behind

So confused
Lost in myself
Afraid of everything
Running blind
In a forest so dark and unknown
So familiar
But I can't see

Just bring me out
Take my hand
I know not why
I can't just deny
This strangeness
Chilling my bones

I love, and I love
But I lose

I love, and I love
But I lose...
I always lose...

- Jay M
May 10th, 2019
I don't know what's happening to me...
348 · Aug 2020
Sorrow's Ashes
Jay M Aug 2020
So used to the sorrow
One in the chamber
At all times
Cocked and ready
Barely standing
Hold steady
Stick the landing

Get back up and take another shot
Round after round
'Til it's burning hot
Slamming down to the ground
After hours, still not found

Digging up old memories
Pieces of the past
Hopefully the last

Page after page
Drop after drop
No rage
Still, make it stop
A balloon filling, ready to pop

Let it all go
Crumble to ashes
As it should have been
Years ago

What do you yearn?
A lesson to learn?
Letting it hide inside
Where your demons reside
They're living it up
While you're sitting by
Refusing to say goodbye

Wallin' alone
Breathing it in
The scent of misery
Of pain and relief
Stinging now, unforgiving
But stirring up forgotten brews
Only leaving clues

Burn it up
Break the glass
Let it all go
The past is the past
These pages are the last
Light it up
Get it out
Scatter the ashes
Heal the little slashes
And feed the flames until
The pain is long gone

Crawled my way out
From the depths of my own hell
I will scream and shout
That I'm still fighting
Because the pages and glass are gone
Doesn't mean it's over yet.

- Jay M
August 12th, 2020
I listened to the song "Addict" from Hazbin Hotel while writing this...
Anyway, I have some page Burning to do.
348 · May 2019
Can You Understand?
Jay M May 2019
Condemn me to death
Torture this flesh
I will not bow
To your empty lies

Here I stand
Alone in the rain
I tread upon the cobble
Absorbing my surroundings
An emotional sponge

A constant tug-of-war
Meet the expectations
Try to live their dreams
Give in
Let go
Don't be their puppet

Choose, **** it!

More so **** me

When did I
Become so cold?
When did I
Become so numb?

Where's the person I used to know?
Where are my feelings?
Scattered about
Lost to one another
Making me unable to function
I want to feel something
Be normal
It crashes around me
I just watch it

Lifted up
Told all is well
Convinced by lies
Held by the demons
Painted like faces I know
Then pricked
By their thorns
Of reality

Maybe one day
They would see it
But no
5 years and still
They see a "happy" child

The closer they try to get
The more hurt I make them
So then
I push them away
Save them from myself...
From this monster I have become

Listening to my heart
Not the lub-dub it's supposed to be
Whispering to me
Spiders webs swaying
One bites
My blood is the venom
Black as my tainted soul

Tired of living with no defense
Can you understand
Where I'm coming from?
I'm sick of surviving
When I'm supposed to be living...

- Jay M
May 27th, 2019
I suppose this is everything, all in one.
345 · Nov 2019
All Saints Day
Jay M Nov 2019
Shining brightly in the night
In the corners of our minds
Dancing with the dead
Wherever that may be
If there at all
But still you do
Smiling down from the heavens
Passing on your good wisdom
Then walking back among the living
Just for two days
One just for you
The other for the rest
But still you do roam
Lingering to say
Your greetings and farewells
Then ascending
Back to that magical place

- Jay M
November 1st, 2019
Today is the first day of the dead; All Saints Day.
338 · Jan 2021
Jay M Jan 2021
Once upon a paper thin rim
Tipping this way and that
Only to sway too far
Slipping over the delicate border
Between what is known
And the possibilities that lie beyond

Wind whistling past
Hair flowing wildly like ribbons
Lost in a summer breeze
Limbs extended upward
Reaching hopelessly for anything
Anything at all to grasp
End the great descent
Into the abyss

- Jay M
January 12th, 2021
Just a simple word into a poem.
338 · May 2019
My Greatest Fear
Jay M May 2019
Loving and fighting
Wordlessly and real
Inaudible and echoing
Accusing, denying
I wonder what has become of my mind

Helplessly crying
Forever denying
Won't let them in
They won't know
The deadly truth
That will get me sent
Far, far away
To a land unknown
Destroying my home

I deserve to be alright
I deserve to sleep at night
Suffocated by regrets
Past mistakes

One day
I fear
I could lose all I hold dear
All so near
To my heart
To my very soul

I can't imagine a world
With them all gone
Lying on the floor
Would they hear me screaming;
"Please don't leave me!"?

Take my hand
Help me
Make it alright

Pacing back and forth
As threats fly
Slipping for a second
Then I hit the ground
Play dead?
I've been dead

The aching in my soul
Driving me to suffer the extremes
Of the what the human mind can do
All to itself

Hold on
That's all I'm trying to do now
Not stay strong
Just stay

I swear
I still love you
Even if I'm doing these things
They're to myself
Punishment for my wrongs
Yet they are seen worse

Hold me
That's all I want
One person
Whomever they may be
Hold me
Tell me it'll be alright
Maybe not now
But someday

Give me someday

Help me
Give me a tomorrow
But don't take me away
Don't strip me of everything

Don't take all I have left

- Jay M
May 8th, 2019
This is probably my greatest fear....some of you will understand...
335 · Sep 2020
Jay M Sep 2020
Back to the wall
Music playing
Something slowly arising
Preparing me to fall

Light and giddy
Swaying and saying
Words which stumble out
Sloshing and without
A drop of sense

Fingers tapping each tiny letter
Attempting to convey
The strangeness taking over
Wondering if it would get any better

Alas, it only gets worse
Before it gets better

Lying on the floor
Limbs stretched and curling back in
Laughter erupting in bursts from within
Wild, untamed and oh, what more
What more did come?

A loss of time,
All left in fog
Alone and lightly afraid
Yet thoughtless
Like a small child hearing a rhyme

Moments of time
Glimpses into memory
Much left unseen

Slipping into sleep
In my head did I weep
For what I do not know
Kneading the carpet insecurely like dough

Awakened not an hour later
Stiff and unsure
Climbing to my bed
To rest my confused head.

- Jay M
September 6th, 2020
I was alone in my room though, the whole night. I don't know what happened, but I couldn't stop laughing. I don't remember much else. Yes, I'm fine. No, I didn't take anything.
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