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16.2k · Jun 2015
Intimate Polarities
F l o w e r s   a r e   t h e   m o s t   B e a u t i f u l
I n  f o r m s,  c o l o u r s  and   E s s e n c e s
Galaxies Even rarer
Fleur of cosmic Space
Threads of our  dreamy  dust
    Embraced in  no time  we drift
      E         n           d           l          e           s           s            l                y
                  Intimate       ­     Polarities             Sacred             Pollienation
                                        W o m e n    are   Rare  Flowers
                                  ­                M e n   Create~d:   for *Us
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
'      '       '     '
10.6k · Feb 2015

Dance is everything ~ EVERYTHING IS DANCE ~
Everybody is a Dancer ~ Everything dances!
Sound is everything

Sensual healing
Remote vibrations
Contemporary beliefs
Dissolve within a great force
Of electro magnetic Sun's charge
Fantasy ride over the ridge on the horizon's
Flickering tales and there aware beauty satiates long lost
Trust in human kindness which is unmasked is a true longing
Immense need borne into a trembling moment revealing thy
Love energy is dancing as one giant leap in the realms of
Levitation on my shy sound wings as they soar magnificent
Wondering why thy tiny serene particles open
Everlasting desire to be as one luminous
Mandelbrot's rainbow reflection on
Edges of a pure cosmic droplet
Effervescent dark magic is
This darkest intelligent
Deep pertinet gaze
Absolutly free
ˇImagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Loveˇ
6.3k · May 2015
State of Being (Senryu)
Massage does it good
To the fibres of fatigue
Back ~ ease to normal
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
The horizon was pure Magic:
Pink blue white softness ~ Light born
At the sunset ~ full Moon in bloom. . .
Saw you on wheels  ~ son!

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic traveller
6.0k · May 2015
Harmonica and Drum
On a clear sky night
The sound of harmonica dancing
By the angles of the Moon

Drum pounds  widespread
Waves floating in an ecstatic pace
The quiet bay listened with radiant Shells

Star specks lit sky humming
The Earth murmuring deeply
Pines reverberating in back chorus

Kids giggling around trippin' in thick dark
Tripping over some minor rocks, happy to
Embrace the unexpected music, dogs wiggling

Heavenly carousel shining upon their faces
Theater dreaming  of the joyfull now
This exuberant laughter unsyncopated

Steps rhythm fading on their paths
Instruments put down, sounds of
Crickets, bare naked, two plunges

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty and
Catmonk B
A dreamy collaboration
Hold to the reins of Love and don't be afraid.
Hold to the real behind the false and don't be afraid.

You must know
      that the beloved you seek is none other than you.
Hold to this truth and don't be afraid.
Like the way the valleys of the earth
Cup their hands for light and drink,

Like the way the desert opens up its sweet mouth
And laughs

When someone melts pearls in the sky
And rain, rain
Returns like a divine lover
With a hundret wonderful gifts

O, the words from the true Teacher
Bring my mind and cells
Such sacred nourishment and life.

When the moon is full
It gets gregarious and likes to chat.
I have heard it say,

"Look what can happen, dear seeker,
When you lean your graceful arms toward God in prayer,

Look at all that amorous light you can catch
That will help the night musicians and your soul
Get loose."

I stand revolving like a great dervish
In an ecstatic submission to His will.

I have been hired to perform the final act of grace.
I am the priest in every sacred wedding tent.

Tonight I am a sovereign planet
With a great wool skirt.
I am a divine artist
One stage before God's entire court.

With each sublime whirl and orbit
I bow to the Sun's feet.
I fill my glass for you, dear pilgrim,
Beneath the luminous leaking barrel.

I then pour all the contents of my heart
And eye's experience
Upon this banquet table,

For your body and mind are a precious silk cloth
Hafis has come to dye!

I circumambulate the Truth from the sky
Like a golden vulture.
I have forsaken all the crippling manners
Of even the most royal birds.

I carry a lute in my talons like a mortal weapon.
Please, please enter into a holy battle with me.
For I am God's friend
Who maims with compassion!
And you are a lost dove upon His wing.

I can teach you
How to bribe the Beloved with an angelic tune

So that the divine manna of His glance
Will fall upon your palate.

Some days I know
You are being trained as an emissary
To serve in his office of joy.

Dear one,
Last night, in the gallery of Reality
I saw a portrait I will never forget:

The Beloved was stirring a ***
With a spoon the size of a universe
And when He lifted it
I saw this whole world and its affairs
Were not even a floating speck of a barley
Before the radiance of two diamonds
That were His brilliant cheeks!

All I could do when beholding that vision
Was to fall upon my knees

And cup my hands like a humble valley
Huddled between the thights
Of this exquisite, holy mountain range

And try to build a resevoir to hold the Beloved's
Resplendent smile
That offers myriad tickets to freedom,
That offers the splendor of hearing God sing!

I am the spinning wheel upon the infinite.
I have swallowed the axis and hub
That fathered light and truth.

Grab hold and swing from me, my dear,
Doing the impossible
With your hands and feet both clapping.

I offer a mother's comfort and knowledge
To those who are tired and weak.

And when you become strong
I will conduct like a skilled warior-king
Your divine volcanic glands exploding like new galaxies
In all their blessed madness.

God offers love, love, love
With His own hands,
To your beautiful parched holy mouth.

Open your soul, handsome, dying one.
See all gender talk like a mighty joke,
In a oneness as glorious like this!

Hafiz, go running from that gallery
Like a naked drunk lion
Roaring with a laughter that will shake
The whole earth
And every window and door throughout the sleeping

Like a man,
Like a man who is delivering on a great steed
Fantastic news!

Tie yourself as a bell
To herds of mating camels
And spring flocks of clouds and birds.

Tie yourself to spawning stars
And to leaping whales
In a game of tag with the Moon!
Tie yourself to everything in creation
That got poured from God's magic hat.

O, tie your soul like a magnificent sweet chime
To every leaf and limb in existence,

That begin to shout divine obscenities
So that he will sure send a tremendous storm.
Because Hafiz, because Hafiz,
O, sweet Hafiz,    
You are a man with such benevolent and fantastic
Good News!

Dear wayfarer,
Now indulge me in a sober moment.
Please set down your glass.

I can help you write a letter of resignation
To all your fears and sadness.

Let all movement and sound,
Let all movement and sound

Begin to speak the truth to your heart
And write its music upon your vision and
Soft pink tongue.

Soak all your prejudices in oil-
I would consider it a favor.
Bring and sing to me your darkest thoughts,
For my whole body is blazing emerald wick,
I am a pure flame
Who needs and loves to burn.

We should lean against each other more
In such a strange world as this
That can make you scared
And even believe in that lie called death.

We should support each other more
Give more warmth
In such a demanding world as this.

Let all movement
Gently yield something of God
Upon your chin and vision
And roll down on your prayer mat
That will take root in the holy soil of your surrender.
May I hone your devotion with a kiss?

For all in existence is just spinning like this
Sweet earth
In a divine current.

Why not dance like Hafiz in the cup,
In the cup of His spoon?

I offer my clapping spirit to you,
That is in eternal movement.

Hafiz offersto bow at your feet
With hands that god has shaped and pounded.

Look in my palms, my dear,
They now contain your face and infinite existence.

All your ideas of space and time are shadows
That will run from this Sun She has made me.

I want to tie myself
As a gift around your neck.
I want to place a wonderful secret
Near your veins.

Why not use my verse as a golden camel bell
That you can turn upside down into a chalice
And fill with wine?

You are a divine camel bell
That the Beloved is ringing with his own hand.

Hafiz you were a blessed slave to Truth
That died like a cut reed and became hollow-
Turned into a divine instrument
That God now lifts to His own mouth,
Plays to summon this world to freedom.

How many man exist upon this earth
To whom I could whisper a holy secret?

Dear ones,
"God has sown Himself onto my tongue."

Like the way
The valleys of the earth
Cup their hands for light and drink,

The way
The desert opens up its sweet mouth
And laughs

When someone melts pearls in the sky

An rain, rain
Returns like a divine lover
With a thousands wonderful

O, the luminous words of my Beloved
Now bring my mind and soul
Such a sacred

~Hafiz ~
Hand written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
Written by Serge Kahili King

There is a famous *Zen koan
(philosophical riddle) which asks,

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

The student of Zen is supposed to meditate on this riddle until some degree of insight or enlightenment occurs. *The tricky part is
that there is no right answer. What you are, or what you know, or what you believe, is what you get.

Although no longer an active student of Zen, I was recently meditating of the riddle of one hand clapping when I got an answer that might be useful to share:

The sound of one hand clapping is the same as the sound of two hands clapping.

How could that be, you ask (for the sake of this article
I am assuming that you do ask)? It's simple, I reply.
The concept of clapping implies that a sound is being produced by two surfaces coming into contact, even if only one of them is actually moving.
No sound, no clapping; no second surface, no sound. Yet, the riddle definitely states that there is a sound and that there is clapping.

Therefore, my answer follows logically.

Yes, I know, the answer to a koan is supposed to be beyond logic, but rest assured that the answer came intuitively. The logic came after.

Before you dismiss this as simply a bit of cleverness or a waste of time, let me tell you about the rest of the meditation. After the revelation that the sound of one hand clapping must be the same as the sound of two hands clapping, it struck me that this was a nice metaphor for two of the corollaries of the Second Principle of Huna.

The basic principle states that there are no limits, which implies that everything is in a relationship to everything else. And that implies that if you change one side of a relationship you change both sides.Even if only one hand changes its position relative to another, unmoving hand , a clapping sound will be produced.

We don't have to wait for both sides of a relationship to participate before bringing about beneficial change.
Change one side of that relationship and the other side has to change because the relationship has changed.

We use this idea a lot in teaching Huna.
For instance, in third-level healing work where we assume that

everything is a dream and everything is dreaming, we say that
~ if you change one dream you automatically change all related dreams.

So you can go to an imaginary garden and make changes to symbols of your life experience, and your life experience will change.

In second-level healing work where we assume that
everything is telepathically linked, we say that
~ if you begin to silently bless and forgive people with whom you are having difficulties, they will know it and they will begin to change their behavior toward you without a word being spoken.

And in first level healing, where
we assume that everything is separate but potentially interactive,
we teach that
~ if you smile and hug a lot you will tend to get a lot more smiles and hugs back, even from people who don't normally smile or hug.

Now what do you think would happen if you applied this idea to the whole of your life?

In a strained personal relationship, for example, instead of waiting for the other person to make the first move toward reconciliation you could start the process in your own mind, either by purposely creating a better opinion of the other person, or by imagining the two of you getting along with all of your differences.  Sorry, you can't control with your imagination what the other person thinks or does (it simply doesn't work), but you can use imagined persuasion just as you might in a face to face meeting. As in any form of persuasion, however, the more your persuasion is based on a benefit to the other person, the more successful it is likely to be.

In a strained global relationship, assuming our theory is valid
(which means workable). We might be able to get together even in a smallish group and and rethink ((or redream)) our relationship with one or both countries involved. Theoretically, of course, it ought to take only one person to make a change. On the other hand, the change of one person's relationship to a country might only produce a very small change, so the more people the better. The thing to remember, in this context, is that you are trying to change how you think or feel about the country, not trying to change the country. It's a subtle but important difference, and it applies to people as well as countries.

If this idea catches on we can introduce  "a Huna koan" ((the actual Hawaiian phrase is "nane huna," a hidden riddle or conundrum))

*"What is the sound of one person loving?"
Notes hand~written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Śūnyatā
Gazing through the tallest
green nettles

I realized they do
not bite me

Cause it was not the day
for stings and aching

Cause i had the black
mountain boots
and a heart
on my
sport gown

My hands reached
the Heavens
the white yello

Elder's Abundance

Where Scented Blossoms
Coloured my skin

And exposed my life lines

The coolest tangerine

I sat on the black soil
squished young grasses
and found the

My palm was a giant Plato
For it's snailish leg

On the left one
he was without weight
portruding forth
to his destination

Is it possible that
his house was
3,5 mm
Isn't it cute
that when streched
was 7 mm
at lenght

Visible horns
like 1 mm
and half of it

The upper
The downward

What are you looking at
My lines or me

If he climbs from my
left palm on the right one
It's ment to be

I'll visit the seaside

Fibbonacci House Spiralled
Inner layers with colours
outer still
and translucent

Is it possible
this tiny snail
thinks about me

It didn't work
It remained
on my heart's side

Then I moved this
cutest creature
on my right palm

Little little snail
you're not a match
to squeeze

From the right to the left
I thought to myself
he is she
i don't know
snail's so young
for sure it doesn't seek another snail

To cherrish and love

Climbed on my left thumb
Beautiful in motion
As a revolution
For better days

It is my heart's side
My vision became
Waffed all around on the deepest blue
White and puffy



Emerged out of


Had landed on a spider web
on the Verge
of Enchanted Forest
Where grave monument resides

was in the air
the invisible wings fluttered

My sharp vision
focused on
another three

They don't need los zapatos
They are not obsessed as
Imelda was

And i wasn't thinking
about that at all

This words are for you:
thank you for the music
but the dragonflies
buterflies I love

They were near my
one caressed among
tall grasses
one butterfly

not in oslo

Fibbonnaci Friend
who gave me this
Sharp vision

To see the magic
revealing all
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Flame
If aggravated


Turn down

your anger
Switch to the soulful relaxation
and dance

to smooth


Let your mind free



chilled out



**Superlaciously Levitating
3.4k · May 2015
Coil ~ Haiku
Floral genotype
Is near bear's DNA - Snake
To human spiral
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
3.4k · Oct 2015
By the Way/10W
Love implies
steps and stones
shattered bones
walks alone. . .

Inspired by excellent Steve's
brevity "By the Sea"

Extremely enjoyed picking up forest strawberries

among quiet zephyrs.

Imagined     by     Impeccable Space~Poetic Love
Kindest                      Memory
3.2k · Feb 2015
The Impermanence
A traveller am I on the roads of the world. In my wanderings
have I seen lands famed in story and shorn of all glory today.
I have seen the unheeded ruins of insolent might - its banner
of victory is gone with the wind, like boisterous laughter stilled
into silence by a sudden thunder-clap.

I have found stupendous pride humbled to the dust, dust
on which the beggar spreads his tattered rags, dust on which the
traveller leaves the print of weary steps to be effaced by the
ceaseless march of unnumbered feet.
I have seen a world long dead lie entombed in layer below
layer of sand like some stately ship struck by a sudden storm
and sunk in a leaden sea with its cargo of hopes and songs and memories.

Among such symbols of impermanence I move, and feel in
the very throbbing of my heart the utter stillness of the infinite.
3.2k · Mar 2015
Touch (Haiku)
come mu-khee mu-khee!
where is the walnut?
squirrel's paw - my palm.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
3.1k · Jun 2015
Pirates Pangram
Pirates crashed whimiscal skulls in a jiffy, venturing
quenched excruciating desires at zestful bounties.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Notority
3.1k · Sep 2015
The Essence
~            ~           ~
Affectionate was
your way
of letting my
worries disappear. . .

How you put your arms
tight around my shoulders. . .

How tender your voice is. . .
whispering words of comfort
into my right ticklish ear abalone.

Believing in me. Lovingly. . .

Your ocean of whispering
sounds. . .Wavered Deep,  
deep love conection. Our
Free symbiosis
enhanced by French
parfume, evaporating
from my occiput fragility.

~                  ~                        ~
Written by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
3.0k · Jul 2015
Tiny Creature
/                                                           Trapez

                                          ­                                   ist

                                                            ­   move



                                                          ­     t

                                                              ­            e

                                                           i       n      

                                                       ­               i

                                  ­                                si

                            ­                                         b  
                                                                ­       le

Observed by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
2.8k · Jan 2015
Butterfly Dreams
I've tasted your play
Yet there were no cards
Dealt in my favour
Nor were you really
Spiritual. . .Only

The longing emerged
Freely. . .Japanese moving pictures
Narrative becomes redundant
When You. . .untangled the soft
Butterfly knot on my silk

Gown and start to pop
Me up. . .on a lovely desk
Destroying any last
Thought of resistance.

Burning peaches, pushing
Fire, we. . . The tangible.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
2.7k · Jul 2015
Pluralism of Ideas
Your idea was to dislike cats.
I love both: You and the Cat.
And in an instant you knew I'm smart!
2.7k · Feb 2015
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
2.7k · Sep 2015
Honeymoon Pixie Dust
Assembly, advice, never

white fiery sparks ignited
The shooting star, comet's

orange setting ensemble
Tasted like juicy melons

tender invisibility scents
Town wards were asleep

walking upfront the castle's
Dust mingled with powder
honeysuckle flower allured
Honeymoon to burst out of

White Elfs knee long silver hair
round Black Elk's belly caressed

Pixie had Mahogany Henna Hue
red tongue and bluish evanescent

Saga of White Elf and Black Elk
meeting Honeymoon Pixie Dust
Imagined by
Impeccable Space Poetess
Poetic mind, heart<3
2.6k · Apr 2015
Zoe and Zeus
Zoe was always a nymphic
              God gifted prodigy  
When she was three
she already knew that
                                       above her ecliptics
                         jade eyes were shaped
  as a gift to see within her strange
Zephyr's soul
                  there were      
worlds unreachable
to mortals

unconscious dance moves
           she was performing
     a play  
finding her way through
piercing sounds of animality and natural wilderness

                            solely within her mind's eyes

           then    shut
just to prove to the thick jungle
          to highly flowering sunflowers
that her head locomotions are fully perceptive

      her tiny hands touched the ground
glistening streams of her hair had been long(ing) to touch
her tiny bare heels in pace with every
little step forth
                     she had been taken
                                   O, Zoe you knew at three
  That Zenith is the chosen point
                                           to open up
                                                     top portals
                                                                ­of deepest insight

                                                       Zoe - there is a moving star
                                                                ­      lit to praise
                                                        returning to innoccence
            ­          sensible

         intuitive little one

You could hear cracks and tremblings of every limb to limb
with dark humid soil and stones and crumbs on every ant trail
every black beetle's step there every futuristic peregreen wizzy wings
2.5k · Feb 2015
Garden Ascension
I can acomplish anything
in my dreams I forgive you
have slept with one woman
and two older ladies later
surprisingly sweet


you had me for the dessert
after the same aged chest
dune planet was innocent
awry, happy,

not occuring

our sensory receptors
to be more open

Nomens as lucid Omens
stars in your eyes and a bright
mass within waves of the mind


sensual aroused awareness
honey. . . your tower seems
like a marvel of a slick bridge
growing inside me

well gourded fortress

silent for many ages,
here, archaic oak doors stand,
imposant, aged by
translucent rains
horsmen, ladies, light
steps, the perfume of ever
crying branches thrown
to the winds of time

even heaven's allured

by this wildest dreams,
oak entering yearns for
a sweet melody,
sound sang by the
horseshoe shaped
tock         tock
tomp               tomp
thump               thump
thump               thump

we are rare devotional flowers

growing toward the Sun's love
our curved green bodies are coloured
little skirts, our petal veils listen to every
raindrop's fall. Feel every one
of them heavy light

within awe stricken garden's architecture
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Love
2.5k · Jul 2015
Will to Conclude
Life is not about
Telling jokes on other peoples behalf
The bottle is empty or full of liquid
The primal message of growth needs moist
Merges with at least two body heats infatuation

Ergo:  life, behalf, liquid, moist, infatuation===> The middle age is probbably the most magical stage of life
where infatuation absolutely and undoubtedly (will) occurs.
P.S. - Be open to life's wonderful surprises!
2.5k · Jul 2015
Midsummer Dolphins
sing, magic sea horse!
          about marine depths
         about vivid day dreams     
                                   the song of the waves echoes at the bottom
                    shallow waters             pearl shells            rainbow ears

                  someone should tell the colorful depths:

                                 about my sighs
                                located                    ­  on the edge of the horizon
                                   resting in the arms
                                    of a hundred salty flowers
                                           swaying and dancing as
                       golden midsummer breeze
              runs through scented branches    

marine shrimps are running
               toward tanned ankles
            silver bracelets
               toward brown feet
                             bronze *******

       young boys catching their first fish

sailing boats gliding
    sea gulls
Once upon a Time there lived a peasant
whose poems were whisperings of nature.

Nature aims toward growth, abundance
and decays softly back to succulent soils.

My homeland is not for your feet to step
upon, you belong to surrealistic cynicism.

My psychedelia does not approve of horrors
mundi and skips on every third classical tune.

What was impulsively chosen, can be a mistake
in pompous rituals on established compilations.

Apologies, for all the misdeeds lacking a true
appearances. You implied my life is a great lie.

No, it's not! Sometimes it is a knotted charade,
noose chameleon dreams wanting to create in

Castles build upon puffy clouds, youthful Ars
Poetica meeting a Pat Metheney's wonderland.

Beck is a phenomenal artist loving green lands.
Bachus was a goat. And Artemis protects us all!
To live Beautifully means to live according to Universal Harmony.
Wishing you all, to find the most beautiful, creative and truthful Path toward genuine Life's Art Poesis and bountyful moments of love shared with...
2.4k · Aug 2015
Rational choice
Rational choice is up*
emotional chaos;

made upon
the titilating
major day --
on general.

Aspergers Exclusive
Beautiful Mind
I'll better
be silent
on this one..
2.3k · Jul 2015
The Fracture Of Time
The silky breeze

worships the old pine trees

and sun gently caresses

the sea ripples.
2.3k · May 2015
Quote ~ ix
To have a fling at work is accepting a lot of adrenalin running through your veins. Mostly unrewarding, seldomly paid off and heartbreaking.
Hope to never experience it!
2.2k · Dec 2015
Vermillion Sweet Verses
Verses crept under my
like incarnatio Tattoos
   billowing surface


To break out like ripeness'
  opens up a delight of a persimmon  

a passion, a mad devotion
     transfering abundance
  satiate flesh flames

a sentient transformation
     from crystal clear
       scream Journey
to ethereal mind-
   waves tumbling unending  
  down on my
    with yours  

         sweet sweat's
   shimmering plankton
      surrounds me as
        your love's energy
   u n en ding  u n d u l a ti on

Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
Catkins and crimson
heather bouquet: flowery
vase - enchanted gaze!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
'       '
ˇWhisper within my ear upon Thy comingˇ
At white clouds, clasp, my beloved king !
The throat singer is heard, drummin'—
To mountan's peek poetic rings .
Gently love, my limbs ablaze --
-   to thee  -  to heaven's heir ;
Pun cores of springs amaze ,
All dancing, all like vestals fair .
Pure soul is thine at times
Of no tommorows —
To shine thy sleepless rhymes    
Within Grand Spirit's Colors .

♥     ♥     ♥
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
2.2k · Nov 2015
Let us Boost "The Ballroom"
Take my hand - you've got to
feel fun time's heading
Futuristic daydreams
are at hand -handy!
microchipped wild
boys and girls
on rent - hardly paid off -
dance! Roll the dice!
Flicker eyes!
Adrift on the dimlit
reflector rays°°°°you're
never lost or at loss;
Coloured circles glide
across the dancefloor__
bouncy boots swoon, high heels
crack, remastered barefoot Tribe~
Enjoys momentary revelations!
Latino lovers attracting
honey dew magnetic more-s
rain coats off - smiley coasts shine on~
those cunning shenanigan freckles
pressed redhair beauties against
needy torsos in ecco-leather jackets  
electrified silhouettes stunning
like elves un-fading beauty  
transforming tuxedos
of a tight
night; a jingle of
Prague crystals into
one dancing wave submerged
by the vicinity of hissing tongues  
-been- beaten by fierce kissing
in a stronghold ballroom
frenzy - polarized
beatings - hi-s and bye-s ; a
stroboscopic syncopation
ecstatic hips,  
space shuttle
mingled nirvana at a+
futuristic dream
2.2k · Feb 2016
Medeia & Jason
The archaic Mythologies
Were well depicted ventures of Human
Spirit to verily present acts of the absolute Nutness
An astute of a compelling question Still
Much relevant in today's lmplicit
Deconstruction of  Committing
A moral Excession.

Old Greeks came to a betwixt paradox when compairing
the two ulterior motives:  
~ a completely mad passionate love
~ a sharp cold blooded oportunistic love

Art thou
Thy soul
Of souls
O to thee?

Or that
Tide thus
So, most
Beams o'er



O, Yes!
My Bride-to-be,
Spinning fiercely
Like a dervish in
This galaxy!



My flames! My core!
Held together by my
Own attractiveness, I
Assure, I need not thee
Tis myself I do adore!
Fantastic mysteries
I keep thus pure!

Woo me to Love?
You seem assured
Of your Self as well!
But you must make
Haste to hence take
This, my body, O!
Heretofore to meld.



My lust forsaken
Broken, taken!

See how hot
These fires
Thus burn,
All my Love
To you I turn!



Be gone!
Be gone!
My Love
Must be earned.



O what woe!
And melancholy!
Ease my malady,
Be my Lady!



Perhaps one day
I shall, but as of
Now, I turn
Thee away.



I shall do
My utmost
To burn
So close
So perhaps
It will be so.


Rigel silently

*Sigh, you
Persistent thing;
I wish to cradle
You, soon too.
This is a satire dialogue of love unrequited between two fiercely burning, vainglorious and  divine celestial stars Rigel and Sirius desperately falling in love, not admitting it.

Written and imagined by ~ Jamie L. Cantore & Impeccable Space Poetess ~ as a divinely sweet, hardworking, inspiring collaboration. Let there be light! Life! Humour! And our creation! All rights intimately reserved. ;):-)

Thank you so much, Jamie, your a dear poet to me<3 lmpeccable Space poetess.

Hope that You~fellow readers have
enjoyed our little celestial story.
Thank you for reading and commenting
"Thrilled Tokens of Desperate Love"
2.1k · May 2015
Thank you stranger
Why is the primal

This was written one
week primary
to the real

Language difference
enables my poignant
ponderings to
hide among
pink puffy tonality
of your beloved
mother's tongue. To
dwelve smooth and
conducted within
your howlin'
vowels. I so
become wonder
writer smitten
by pleasant words
of other writers.
Not suffering.
As I do
in my
of no
Clouds and thunder
collapse into my
deepest core. Tearing
me there at non
acceptance. I tear my
poems. And throw them
into the abyss. Of no re
My position as a writer regarding the language difference in which my poems are created.

My poems are alive creatures, my 'virtual' little me~s, peculiar  flowerin' beings. I'm proud of them! Most of the time. Within the act of writing we (writers). . . discover magical worlds fulfiled with wonderment.

Insight, inspiration and creativity flow ceaselessly at that moments.

This poem ~"Thank you stranger" ~ is about being more accepted and appreciated by 'strangers' than in my
homeland by poets there.. It makes me sad that I  ~ "can write better" in foreign language than in my beloved mother's tongue... It's just their opinion! I know! I know!!! Yet

I deleted so many of my poems, being dissapointed by their ignorance, sometimes considering myself not to be enough..
Impulsive decisions are regretable! I have missed dearly some of my old poems. . . tearing them, deleting them for ever.

Thank you poets for all the support!
Love and blessings from me! IS:)<3
2.1k · Oct 2015
Long Tanka

How can I trust you -
Flickering flame in storm-wind
That I don't lose light!
In this dark, cold, barren night
Where crickets crave sleep -
In cricks, in my chest, Thy song
Long forgotten - Now haunts me!
Created by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
2.1k · Mar 2015
Bubble, Head, Music, Foam

Bubble, Bubble, Head and Phone

Drop it all:



self A



O, Odin !

Grace of Celestial
To Dive

The surface, energizing


Rose blushes ~ Rose Bushes
Thou Faces

Get away with the old Kneipp
Get along
With it

Snow sleet Crystal


Bubbling Boiling
Magma *******
2.0k · Apr 2015
I've always been clairvoyant.*

*Your thought processes have just fostered the most reasonable belief
which has doubted my upper statement for at least a fraction of time.
2.0k · Dec 2015
Data And Mirroring
Is It Better :

To Gesture & Not Speak


To Follow Blindly
And Imitate

2.0k · Jan 2016
Smudge Stitch Witch
Falling into the jangce jang
We sing with a clear

Pass me the passport
Sail on the roads
Of perpetual

Dream of baobabs
Dream of saharas

Crush as snake eggs
Thou lamentations

Make me a poet
Surpass me as teardrops
Mingle in every waterfall

Augure my autumn
Argonaut my silken
Wool crave me as a mad

Call me a beauty
I'll be your beast
2.0k · Aug 2016
Life is love ~ Haiku ~
Wisdom is gained through
Subtle intuition ~ love
Those were the times — exclaimed master's maid;
When youthful glow was understood —
As dust on shelves — did beauty fade;
Completely changing fair Sir's mood.

The ceremony of served tea
Remains — a consolation sweet,
As beauty brings us — peaceful glee  
The Twinings charms — the air suite.

My master is for — Pianissimo;  
He plays piano — violin —  
Splendidly Fast and Fortissimo;
All sounds swirl into my ***** like Dream!

I'll master perfect iambs late at Night
And Metre and Rhyme will be Sir's Delight!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
1.9k · Jul 2015
Among Amar Trees
Big Dipper Is Nestled In
Silvery Midnight
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
1.9k · Feb 2016
Soundless Motions

You  came to me
as a vision
as a mirage
as soft shadows
landing low

Warmly loving
the hot bouncy
and their
delicate dance
across Dali's

soundless motions
obssesive mushy
desserted sands
of time's

fractal falling

back into
the theatre of dreams

Tuning a
midnight to
those silent, evanescent
to be played
once more
and adored on longplays

Spiraling and spinning
in my memory
like a skilled
reindeer wafting
wet air through fresh
nostrils, a defiant elegance
fluttering around as colourful
wings move the magnificent
leap of a sinew lyinx
to tremble
among spring greenery

Got to develop gentle moves.
Silent. Soundless. Elegant.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic soundlessness
1.9k · Sep 2015
Je T'aime . . .
Summertime, naked and hot, in winter,
still blazing,  buried tinder of our heart;
never healed love bites arrow's splinters.

Enchanting two violins move red roses
to tremble in light wind. A song to see,
souls craving to play starry night's glee.

I know, I was borne for your body, male;
A season too late, too long a foolish desire!
tearing us apart, as omnipresent love tale.  

Many a night, your lavish words touched
me, yielding under your immense beauty,  
should I savor for you tremendous desire!

Owl's wakeful eyes are thoughts beyond
Realms. And you take me there upfront!
Summertime, naked and hot, in winters;
Never healed love bites arrow's splinters.
Imagined by Impeccable Space Poetic Love

I was searching for a music You remind me of; and
found a proximity of everything you stand for. . . .
Step upon rose petals
One by one gently
Don't hesitate

life is a continental dispersity
                            Grab your depth
                             Onto what's left
                              Unsaid and do

                                                       Transfix the sunrays
                                                        G­ather them in a left
                                                         Hand, handful burn
typhoons of tender typographies churn

Grab the liar by the hair roots
And pull yourself out of muddy
One can never persuade already persuaded.

*You've got to fight your own battles beneath your mind's capacity to always win the self-righteous 'believed' ethics imposed unto others and wisely remain silent for awhile.

Let your life style, active philosophy and true deeds speak for themselves!
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