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Aug 2018 · 481
Love Sickness
Knights Aug 2018
She spoke the words "I love you,"
as if they were dripping from her mouth.
Desire and longing were written in her eyes.
This fragrance of hers, was intoxicating.
One could almost choke on it.

Stay away from love.  
For it can truly be sickening.
Especially if you haven't caught it already.
Mar 2017 · 823
His Confidence and Charm
Knights Mar 2017
I'll deceive you with a smile,
I'll make you stay a while.
With a superficial charm,
That can bring mighty harm.
You've only reached the surface,
My remains remain a maze.
Am I too dark for you?

A simple face, hypnotic gaze.

With twinkles in my eyes,
I wear "Innocence" as a disguise,
Secretly bitter, better yet sweet,
master manipulator to my simple conceit.
Feb 2017 · 563
The competence & the rights
Knights Feb 2017
Tis a shame, for the ones who can see are the ones who are truly blind
For the ones who have ears to hear, lack the ability to listen
For the once who have gifts to share are selfish to share them
For the ones who have a voice to speak decide to keep quiet
For the ones who have a brain lack the thought to think
Feb 2017 · 2.3k
Drawn in pencil
Knights Feb 2017
It was February 6th, the boy could taste the wood in his teeth

Had a bad habit, of a pencil, and biting on it

It was history class, in boredom the boy could pass

A blank page, for a bored mind like his in its own cage

The page screaming, for him to fulfill it with a drawing

A rock and a girl,
Seemingly in her own world

The boy had drawn a stranger, and although he had made her

And she had come from his thoughts, her, he didn't know lots of

It was interesting, he had made a character, perhaps story teller

Couldn't tell what she was thinkin', or who she was even

It was as if this image he'd made, had its own thoughts that would fade

Just like the rock, and the girl

Both drawn in pencil, would eventually fade leaving a mere sample

The page that was once empty, was fulfilled simply,

With the vision of a portrait, that by looking at it, it stood still

Yet anyone who interpret it carries,  their own series of stories

However, to the boy she looked  quite sad, maybe because he has what she never had

The ability of speaking, breathing, living, after all she is just a drawing

Maybe she seats on the rock with thoughts that are existential, as she realizes she is drawn in pencil
Feb 2017 · 434
It is 1 a.m on a Sunday.
Knights Feb 2017
I sat alone at night
Wondering and thinking in the dark
Now and then there were times
Where it'd be impossible to find
A series of meaningful rhymes

All the stuff I wrote in the past
Were simple words
Without a meaning behind them
Complicated words
To make a poem seem more articulated

But what for?
I am still here
Sitting alone at night
Wondering and thinking
Of meaningless junk
Jan 2017 · 779
Fake it
Knights Jan 2017
Give and get
Forgive and forget
Whispers just another tale
Or is it just another lie
Everything that is told
In a single try
Is spoken wrong
Becomes everything
And everything
Is later gone

Whispers these words
And does not forget
Everyone's a hypocrite
And yet
We're all just simply
Trying to make it
Jan 2017 · 548
I have a question
Knights Jan 2017
Mommy, why does that boy look like that?
shh, don't be rude
Daddy where is that girl's dad?
now is not the time, I'm not in the mood
Mom, can you hear me sing?
darling, maybe later
Dad, will you play catch with me?
at a different time would be better
Mom can I have a couple bucks?
here you go
Dad can I borrow the car
drive slow

Goodbye, mom
Goodbye, dad

I'm sure you'll remain calm
since I wasn't even there
Its like I was never gone
Feb 2016 · 667
the love and the explicitly
Knights Feb 2016
You throw your casual lies
Just at anyone
Like a devilish *****
But that's fine for

These others
Who don't seem to be
Into the love and the explicitly

You're the kind of person
Who uses their body like poison

Instead of speaking words of trust
You hide your lies with lust
to get what you want
Their use of you is a must

You think of yourself as weapon
They think they've tasted heaven

But you know very well
What You're giving em' is hell
Feb 2016 · 914
The moon and the sun
Knights Feb 2016
She was delicate
She was fragile
Yet unbreakable

No other feeling
Could compare
To the way I felt
When I was with her

Between heaven
And earth suspended  
We were even
Our time was expended

Oh to those were the good times
She is now long gone
What was once delicate
And had it's rarity shone upon

This others you call mortals
Because to them you were a god
But I knew you weren't perfect
I knew you were flawed

But once you saw me
For what I truly was
my monstrosities
And all my flaws

That is who I was
That is who I am
You casted me away
Your love was a sham

You casted me away forever
Banished me in to the darkness
For centeries of eternal despondency
Nothing but complete blackness
Feb 2016 · 524
What's it like to die
Knights Feb 2016
Does life flash before your eyes
Do you feel anything
Do they forgive all your lies
Is it peace it will bring
Do you become another person
Another being
Do you have any reason
For the things you keep saying
For all this things I question
I'll never have an answer
Jan 2016 · 3.5k
Two faced
Knights Jan 2016
People call this place hell
But if it is
Everything I do I do well
Cause baby I was hades
Powerful enough to quell
All kinds of men and ladies
Like a God of the underworld
For I roamed this places
Like an innocent young girl
I had many faces
Jan 2016 · 460
Knights Jan 2016
A butterfly flies
The moons glows
The sun shines
And a flower grows

We grow old like one too
But our children are the seeds
They grow old like we do
Doing their own deeds

It's their choice
To keep the cycle
Jan 2016 · 2.4k
Prey & Predators
Knights Jan 2016
With wings to fly
I might just die
Maybe say my last goodbye
Cause honey I
As the prey they might
Chase me as I scurrie by
The predators hunt me tonight
Jan 2016 · 2.1k
Knights Jan 2016
Spoken words
Have wings
Once they're set free
They're hard to catch
Reason being
We humans
Don't have
wings of our own
Jan 2016 · 743
In The Dark
Knights Jan 2016
I don't know what's worse
Coming face to face
With the thing you fear most
Or never seeing it
But knowing that it's there

. . .
Having this sight as I lay in dim light, and as I stare in the distance, pitch darkness is what's seen
Oct 2015 · 1.8k
We don't get along
Knights Oct 2015
Me and time are not good friends
Time won't bend the rules for me
Time gets mad when I don't pay attention to her
She tells me she can't control what she is

I get mad at time when she takes away my days
I hate her way I hate all her ways of doing things
The way she makes moments of pain feel like years
And the moments of joy feel like seconds

But despite all of that
Those aren't the real reasons
Why me and time are not good friends
The real reason is because

Time doesn't like my annoying friend
Procrastination never leaves me alone
And time gets jealous

Procrastination is with me
at this exact moment
Time got mad*

15 minutes ago it was 5:16 pm and now it's 6:50
Sep 2015 · 634
You're too good
Knights Sep 2015
Sometimes I want to **** the thoughts running through my head
But then I think of you instead
And I realize
As I look into your eyes
I see a beautiful sunrise
Because you got that little spark in your eye
That I would die
Die for
But you deserve more*

You deserve something better
someone better
Sep 2015 · 725
The road to hell
Knights Sep 2015
Because heaven is full
And hell won't have me
I've been put in a place much worse
A place called earth

At least in hell I know everyone has bad intentions
But on earth you'll trust people who you think are kind
But just turn out to be sinister and cruel
The type of people who thought to have
Good intentions
Sep 2015 · 2.0k
Alert & Aware
Knights Sep 2015
The river always keeps on flowing
The waters in the river never pass by twice

His alert and clear of knowing
Him and the Gods will come to a comprise

Instead of choosing rising riches with glory
The Gods are honoured and give him the gift of being wise

Like an owl he is now the king of the forest
Aug 2015 · 732
Left with my own thoughts
Knights Aug 2015
I like the simplicity of things
Like the beauty of Saturn's rings
I don't like when things get complicated
my mind seem to get evacuated  
From all the peaceful thoughts that tend to linger
They vanish and leave me as an obsessive
Aug 2015 · 694
Knights Aug 2015
What do I know about him
I only know his name

I know that his opinionated
That's for sure
Seems to be well educated
He acts like his mature

But his not
His just a young boy
His been in my mind quite a lot
Teasing me brings him some sort of joy

I don't know why
We've only spoken a few times
He doesn't seem like a bad guy
I've only read a few lines

But know that I think about it
There's seems to be more things that I know about him
Then I expected
Aug 2015 · 1.1k
Finding you
Knights Aug 2015
I would travel across all the galaxies
Just to be with you

Even if it took me centuries
For you there's nothing I wouldn't do

I'd explore every planet
Just to find you

I'd collect all the stars I'd come across
So on the day I do find you

I'll give you all the stars as a gift and reminder
Of my fascinating journey

Of looking for and finding you
*My love
Aug 2015 · 7.4k
The art of deception
Knights Aug 2015
Like vanilla spice
And as sweet as chocolate
Her lips were nice
But the rest was poison
She'll be plotting your demise
As you're hypnotized
Aug 2015 · 907
Knights Aug 2015
Her beauty is amazing
The ideas hidden in the back of her mind
Thoughts with dreams that are mesmerizing
One day she could change this world
Too bad she's a sad young girl
She might say goodbye
Before the world
Could say
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
Knights Jun 2015
What is a sin?
An immoral act?  

To lie, is a position where I have been
Lying being tempting is not only a statement but a fact

It is a daily struggle to resist
It is my job to beat the temptation

Before an unfortunate event preexist
I most make the right decision

"but oh darling I can't take all that pressure"
but why?
"I have to find a way to get my own pleasure"
is innocence just a lie?
*" Yes we're sinners you and I"
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Knights Jun 2015
Living at the edge...huh?
What's it like when you're actually at the edge?
What's the emotion and thoughts going through your head
Having such control over your own life
Should I jump
Your mind wants to be satisfied
Will you beat the temptation and actually survive

Should I jump

*Or stay alive
Knights May 2015
Roses are red
Violets are blue

The sun is long gone
And so are you

The sky is grey
Red's in my veins

Here I will lay
Feeling nothing but pain
May 2015 · 1.1k
The stare of the wolf
Knights May 2015
You look deep into the beasts eyes
You think you can see it's innocence

As his body lies
All he sees in you is nothing but ignorance

Don't be fooled it's your own emotions
Reflecting back at you

And his emotions
Reflecting back at him
May 2015 · 1.6k
Why do I even exist, I don't
Knights May 2015
I am nothing
I have nothing
I'm just a shadow
I don't really exist
I'm just the thing that shows up
When there is nothing left, I am a gap

An illusion
Non **existing

Prepare my execution
Why bother? It is definite
I never had a beginning
I am finite
I never started living
May 2015 · 1.2k
Knights May 2015
I love you
I love it when you're around
Than you cause such chaos
A solution that've found
I decide to make you leave
Afterwards days just seem to be worthless
Without you there's no spark
No excitement nor happiness

I'm either stuck with worries
Or a life with sweet melodies
That eventually crumbles
I'm either stuck with troubles
Or a boring life of depression

With that being mentioned
In my situation
It being a choice
A choice I cannot decide

I might as well go mad
May 2015 · 2.5k
Life is just a game
Knights May 2015
Life is the most dangerous game
We believe our life can become so lame
We **** at will
The innocence is gone
Darling the game is on
Apr 2015 · 840
is it too dark
Knights Apr 2015
I'll deceive you with my smile
I'll make you stay a while
Is my soul too dark for you
Apr 2015 · 2.9k
The shade of brown
Knights Apr 2015
A rusted crown
A ripped gown
With one noun
She shuts down
Fake smile hides one's frown
In her mind thoughts drown
Making it clear for her how...
How corrupted is this town
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
Perfection doesn't exist
Knights Apr 2015
We're drowning in our own thoughts
We're self obsessed and have high expectations
Remember nothing we aim for will ever reach perfection
But it can sure reach your own definition
Your own definition of greatness
Someone once asked me "but what if your own definition of greatness is perfection"  and I said "well is thoughts like that, that will eventually drown out your mind and the thoughts with it." NOTE: okay maybe perfection does exist. What if everything is already perfect? Perfectly imperfect, imperfectly perfect.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Knights Apr 2015
I look out my window in doubt of finding motivation
As I look deeper I see nothing but a lac of desperation
But I do feel it's relaxation and it's charming sensation
Seeing nothing but shades of greens and greys
Feeling nothing but silent wind and natures grace
It's like the world's way of giving me a belonging embrace
Everything is darkened... Faded
Sad but in a beautiful way
I don't know where the light is headed
I'll see natures beauty again some other day
Apr 2015 · 8.9k
Knights Apr 2015
Yes simple
People like simple
I'd like to say that I like simple
But if I were to say that I did, would that make me simple?
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Knights Apr 2015
celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole
relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world
a story, poem, or picture,
a story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning
but does this have a meaning?
love, loyalty, or enthusiasm
being faithful and dependable
the nature and appreciation of beauty.
philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste.
a statement of the exact meaning of a word
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
feeling my escape
Knights Apr 2015
I hear one note
I close my eyes
I hear one beat
I start to smile
I'm not just hearing
I'm also listening
How could such fimiliar words
have such different meanings
I might be percieving the sound
but I am also giving one's attention
Not only the sense of hearing
but the sense of feeling
it hits my core
chills from all of my toes
to the tip of my nose
to the back of my neck
from a shoulder to another
I let out a sound
Just to realize its over

now I feel nothing
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Knights Apr 2015
Sometimes I wonder as I look up at the sky
Am I just clueless or is the world just changing way too fast
leaving me behind
making it hard for me to catch up
sooner or later everything I once use to know
might not be gone but changed in way that will never be the same
as I am sure things can't just vanish into thin air but change into another form
if its a spirit maybe go into another realm
beauty never lasts forever as the world is slowly dying
dying just like you and I
I'll keep wondering as I look up at the sky
*wondering about infinity
its beauties begining
my beauties ending
our everlasting  
you and I and the world's after story
Apr 2015 · 993
To you I am a friend
Knights Apr 2015
To you I am a friend
I am the one who puts your agony to an end
I'm kept in clear crystal reflecting the light
I am the one who helped you forget the sinister thoughts, day and night
I make everything that once seemed wrong, finally seem right

Most say you're addicted to my taste
the taste that gives you pleasure
They think you're a mess and I'm a waste
they don't know I am the one who gets rid of the pressure

You aren't addicted to my taste but to the feeling I gave
The affect I caused on you
Sometimes I made you misbehave
Bring out the anger causing the psychotic things you do

To you I am a friend
To them you are my slave
Always till the end
I am the one who you'll *
I don't know.....

— The End —