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5.3k · Feb 2023
Broken Pieces Feb 2023
The farther I fall the darker it gets,
Everywhere around me I feel these threats.

I’m falling faster but I can’t slow down,
All these eyes are looking at me as I look around.
My head is shrinking, and it begins to pound,
An escape is nowhere to be found.

Can someone help me?
Can I even be seen?
Please just somebody, Please just help me get free.

Stuck in a loop, forever feeling alone,
Putting myself out there but I remain unknown.
I just want someone to see my true self,
I’m tired of putting her away on the shelf.

I fall faster into the deep abyss,
The old times I simply reminisce.
As the loop continues, the void grows,
I feel like I’m dead and I’ve begun to decompose.

Is anyone out there?
Now I’m losing my air.
4.1k · Apr 2022
Broken Pieces Apr 2022
I count each number,
The calories drowning me.
And I just can’t float.
3.5k · Sep 2020
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
She is the sunflower in the field of grass,
She stands tall, full of all that sass.

She is the sunflower bright and tall,
She is a firm sunflower that won't fall.

She is the sunflower that will change the world,
She will scream and shout and she will be heard.

She is just a sunflower in a field of grass,
But she will take a stand and won't break like glass.
3.3k · Jan 2022
Deal With the Devil
Broken Pieces Jan 2022
I didn't understand it until it was too late,
Who knew that this would be my fate.
Looking in those eyes I can't turn away,
Seeing that smile and I want to stay.

You are so beautiful in every single way,
You make me smile and brighten up my day,
You see me and make me feel special,
Who knew you were my deal with the devil
2.9k · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Why do these exist?
They tear me apart bit by bit.
I'm so tired of all these lines,
"You can't know now just wait a bit."
Please either tell me everything or leave.
I'm done with secrets.
2.8k · Dec 2021
Broken Pieces Dec 2021
The day is bright and beautiful
The sun is shining
My life is lavish and wonderful
Smiling, but not trying.

The world is quite colorful
My dear you are lovely
My life is perfectly perfect
But hidden within it's ugly

The world isn't bright
People ***** out the light
Everyone eventually hurts me
No matter what I can't be free

Everyone just smile
Everyone stay for awhile
People throw me around roughly
Isn't the world just lovely...
2.5k · Feb 2023
Broken Pieces Feb 2023
My body, my voice.
My body, my life.
Yet I drift away farther apart,
My body, but I've lost my voice.
2.5k · Nov 2020
Green Grass Meadow
Broken Pieces Nov 2020
The green grass meadow where I go to play,
A place where I can take my fears away.
A place where the sun always shines brightly,
And the grass kisses my skin ever so slightly.

The beautiful flowers brightly in bloom,
I don’t have to worry about the coming doom.
The sky so brightly blue above,
It makes me feel so in love.

Here in the meadow I am not alone,
Because here with me are my friends I call home.
Together we lay in the grass having fun,
Pointing at clouds and admiring the sun.
2.3k · Nov 2021
The Same
Broken Pieces Nov 2021
Read it forwards but it's all the same.
Read it backwards, give it a name,

Just go away.
They don't want to stay,

How could you believe they care?
Don't think that life is fair,

I'm tired of living in the past.
Turn the time, make life last

This isn't goodbye, I wish it was.
I want to be floating in the stars,

But life tends to be mean.
I want desperately to be seen.
~Read it backwards or forwards but it's kinda the same, not quite a palindrome, though the meaning is the same~
2.1k · Apr 2021
Broken Pieces
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
You know a lot of people in my life want to change who they are,
And I get that I used to think that, looking at others from afar.

One of the things I’ve learned from wanting to be you,
Was that you are hurt and broken too.

You always think someone else has a better life,
But most times they are just better at hiding the knife.

We are all walking around with our broken pieces,
If you actually saw the population of the broken increases.

Being someone else doesn’t mean you’ll be healed,
It just means your deep dark memories will be sealed.
1.7k · Nov 2021
Empty Lyrics
Broken Pieces Nov 2021
It's so poetic
Yet so empty
With so much emotion
But no lyrics

I want to smile
I want to cry
I just want to sit
And truly listen

Can I be this poetic
Can I make lovely words
Reach many others
Or is is all just for fun
1.6k · Jan 2022
Safe Place Called You
Broken Pieces Jan 2022
Happy at last I can smile,
My happiness will stay for awhile.
I really hope that yours does too,
After all I'm smiling because of you.

You are a safe place,
I feel like I can be free,
Because you are home.

Dancing around in the rain,
Letting go of all that pain.
I watch it go one last time,
They don't control me this is my fight.
1.6k · Dec 2021
It's Fine
Broken Pieces Dec 2021
Why can't I find the right people?
It feels like I'm stuck in this loop.
Everyone always seems so evil,
My life is one big fluke.

Can't I just be alone for awhile?
I can't keep living like this.
Can't I just give up the smiles,
But life just makes me commit.
1.6k · Sep 2021
What is This Life?
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
Why do I feel so lost?
My life is getting better day by day,
But my mental health seems to be the cost.
I'm trying to listen, but I'm tired of what they say.
The voices in my head are so loud,
It's drowning out everything out.
I feel like I have to act proud,
But I just want to shout.

Leave me be you stupid inner thoughts!
You cut me down harder than a knife,
You make me feel like I'm at a loss.
I don't want to die but I wanna give up on life!
Why does everything have to be a certain way?
Why do people continue to judge?
Can't people just finally stay,
I'm tired of each and every petty grudge.

This world is simple but yet so hard,
I want to give up but I don't know how.
I make a mirror break and use a shard,
I'm not okay, there is no way back now.
Like ***** I've known for awhile,
It doesn't change the fact that I still love you.
I keep trying to live in denial,
You keep changing but I wish you loved me too.
1.6k · Nov 2021
Broken Pieces Nov 2021
Funny, a simple change, well, it changes so much.
I feel confident by just a simple touch.
It doesn't seem like much to others,
But to me I feel brand new with these two colors.
It doesn't shine nor shimmer,
In fact it's a hell of a lot dimmer.
It doesn't stop me from feeling on top of the world,
And with this change I demand to be heard.
I won't stop, I'll keep it going,
I can't shine but I'll keep on glowing.
The world is still dark and dreary,
Thinking of the past still makes me teary.
But I feel a bit brighter,
I feel like I'm a fighter.
Thank you change for helping me out,
I'm no longer afraid to raise my voice and shout.
1.6k · Oct 2021
Broken Pieces Oct 2021
I really needed you
I thought you wanted me too
But you just ripped yourself away
Should've known you wouldn't stay

We were supposed to be perfect
But you went treated me like an object
Why is everything I do not right
Why do you always steal my light.

I saved up this love to save me
And I was happy but you couldn't let it be...
1.5k · Oct 2022
Heart Won't Show
Broken Pieces Oct 2022
Roses are red,
Violets are blooming.
What's on my heart has been said,
Yet something is still looming.

You make me smile,
You make me laugh.
I haven't felt this in a while,
Haven't felt even a half.

Familiar memories come rushing through,
But my heart isn't reminded of you.
Are you my lover
Or was it a past of another.

Please I need to know,
What my heart won't show.
Am I in love with you,
Or the past feelings I had for him too.
1.5k · Oct 2021
Broken Pieces Oct 2021
It's kinda like a storm,
Or maybe it's just rain.
I feel it deep inside,
This never ending pain.

I want it all to end,
I don't want any more.
But it's not stopping,
Now I feel it pour.

When will the eye come,
when will the pain be done.
Will it ever be enough,
Will I ever see the sun.
1.3k · Apr 2022
Title Here
Broken Pieces Apr 2022
Is that what I am
A simple mistake
Taking up space

Is that what you see
But little old me

Can I be something
Or am I stuck
Forced to be nothing
1.3k · Aug 2020
"I'm Just Tired"
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
"I'm just tired."                                                          ­              Tired of trying, 
"I'm just tired."                                                          ­              Tired of crying.

"I'm just tired."                                                          ­             Tired of smiling,  
"I'm just tired."                                                          ­               Tired of dying.

"I'm fine, just tired."                                                        Tired of saying fine,
"I'm fine, just tired."                                      When I'm way beyond that line.

"I'm fine, just tired."                                              Tired of fighting my mind,
"I'm fine, just tired."                                             Tired of always being kind. 

"I'm ok."                                                             ­              Tired of the faking, 
"I'm ok."                                                             ­            Tired of the shaking.

"I'm ok."                                                             ­               Tired of forgiving,
"I'm not ok!"                                                             ­              Tired of living.
1.3k · Sep 2021
Perfect Strangers
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
You were once a person I thought I could trust,
You always had my back and made sure I was okay.
That is until my friendship wasn’t a must,
So you turned your back and just walked away.

I thought you and I would be an unstoppable pair,
We would forever be the best of friends.
Soon you grew cold and made a tear,
I tried to fix it but we couldn’t make amends.

You and I are now perfect strangers with a past,
We smile all big and bright while we break inside.
Finding out even the best friendships don’t last,
Because you looked me in the eye and lied.
1.3k · Aug 2021
Do I?
Broken Pieces Aug 2021
Do I even have any good words to right anymore?
1.3k · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
You confessed you're feelings to me in a sweet little melody,
I liked you too.
But you know what I found out?
You're a back stabbing fake.
You had a girlfriend and you never told her how you felt.
Go on, take the knife and stab me,
You've already broken my heart.
1.3k · Aug 2023
Ghost Tide
Broken Pieces Aug 2023
What's it like to die but still breathe,
To walk, talk, live, while being dead underneath.

I want to die but physically I'm here,
I'm alone in this feeling, I fear.

Sure, others feel the same,
But no one close by can share my shame.

Let me go, free to die,
Let me go, stop chasing the ghost tide.
1.3k · Apr 2021
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
Day after day,
Night after night,
I am struggling more,
I can't see the light.

                                             It's a funny little thing,
                                             The thing stuck in my mind.
                                             How could I ever think,
                                             That there was a love I could find.

I wonder sometimes,
What others would say.
They would see the scars,
And they would walk away.

                                              Every single day,
                                              It gets darker.
                                              The darkness leaves a mark,
                                              Just like a marker.

Day after day,
Night after night,
I am struggling more,
I can't see the light.
1.2k · Nov 2021
Broken Pieces Nov 2021
Am I like Pluto?
No longer a real planet.
I'm kinda just there.
1.2k · Mar 2022
The Illness That Took Away
Broken Pieces Mar 2022
The illness that took away is all I have left,
It took away everything and left me depressed.
It clawed at my bones, my skin and the beating of my heart,
I was happy and free but now we're apart.
1.2k · Mar 2022
Private Poem to You
Broken Pieces Mar 2022
This is my personal poem to you,
One that I will keep private and new.
You have helped set me free,
In a way I never thought could be.

You showed me simple things that mean a lot,
I won't let the darkness have a hold, I cannot.
You've helped show me I can fight this life,
You've helped show me I can go without the knife.

You've let me see the person I can be,
You've let me grow so I won't drown in the sea.
I thank you for the simple things you've done,
You've shown me this battle can be won.
1.2k · Sep 2021
Final Tear
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
It feels like it just happened yesterday you see,
I know you just wanted to set me free.

Not that long ago you were mine,
But now I don't get to cross that line.

It looks like you've moved on from me,
I always thought we were meant to be.

I know I'll miss you forever and ever,
But I think you want our bond to be severed.

I love you for eternity my dear,
Today I shed my final tear.
1.1k · Dec 2021
Broken Pieces Dec 2021
How do you live?
How do you breathe?
How do you not bother,
To even think of me

I've been hurt before,
But not this bad.
I've been broken a lot,
But never this sad.

You were mine,
You were home.
Now you're the place,
I leave alone.

Life will move on,
Life will spin more.
Life doesn't see me,
And my life was torn.
1.0k · Jan 2022
Broken Pieces Jan 2022
14. Anxiety
13. RAD
12. PTSD
11. Sleep
10. Sleep
9. Allergies
8. Dizziness
7. Eating Disorder
6. Headaches
5. Vitamins
4. Vitamins
3. Vitamins
2. Vitamins
1. Vitamins
                                  Yet none of them seem to help
1.0k · Feb 2021
Broken Pieces Feb 2021
I haven't been able to write for awhile,
I've been more focused on just trying to smile.

I have loved and lost,
Each time with a bigger cost.

This time around my heart was broken,
Yet he wears pieces like a token.

When I needed someone the most,
They left like a ghost.

I let my cuts go deeper without a care,
Making sure that no one was aware.

Writing this is like a confession,
I have a major depression.
971 · Apr 2021
Am I Ready?
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
I'm finally ready to go,
But there is a fear that I won't let show.
I'm so scared I'm going to fall into the same dark,
I'm still forced to relive the past with every single mark.

What if I'm not actually ready to be okay?
What if everything goes great until people don't stay?
Why do I have so many fears about this day?
I keep saying I'm ready but is that really the way?

People tell me the fears are only in my head,
But I still have the biggest fear of being dead.
It's true I've worked hard and I seem new,
But yet there is something that still draws me to you.

I always thought if I could smile I was over you,
But I smile and the pain stays too.
If you say you're okay enough I'm sure it'll work,
But the demons will always stay around and lurk.

So yea I'm ready to leave, let's see how this will go,
Hopefully all of my emotions will begin to show.
I really do want this to be different so please help me,
I just want to be happy and be set free.
873 · Jul 2020
Run Away
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
So easily you were able to leave me,
You come back and think I'll set you free!?

I thought we would be sisters forever,
But it's clear you don't want to live together.

You told me that you love me and you'll stay,
But you turn around and tried to run away.
866 · Oct 2021
Broken Pieces Oct 2021
There is violence all around,
I'm not sure what to do.
I feel so useless now,
How can I help you?

We are all falling apart now,
I'm trying to help you see.
Kicking, slapping, falling apart,
Please listen to me.

Lower your stupid pride,
The guilt is swallowing you.
You can't just run away,
Please just say you're sorry too.

Violence, violence all around,
I just want to scream and shout.
I'm trying not to fall apart,
But you think I'm trying to pout.
835 · Mar 2021
Broken Pieces Mar 2021
You see her walking through the halls,
You don't see how she put up her walls.

If you see her at home in her room,
You can see the cuts that begin to bloom.

She's good at putting up the public smile,
You'd never understand why she goes through the trial.

She seems to always be with the stars,
But that's only because you've never seen the scars.
830 · Oct 2021
We All Fall Down
Broken Pieces Oct 2021
Life has ended, we're all dead.
The words are constantly stuck in my head.
I hear the screams and cries,
I hear them under all the lies.
Everyone is going under, but where to go?
You may have emotions but don't let them show.
You might want to try and be found,

We all fall down.
809 · Apr 2021
I Don't Get to be Saved
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
I'm always out to help everyone else,
I've never even thought to help myself.

Now I'm stuck in a rut with nowhere to go,
And here I am, I even have nothing to show.

As I'm here I have been forced to learn,
I can't save anyone if I can't save myself from the burn.

I'm trying I really am,
But I'm giving less and less of a ****.

Every time I'm close to being saved,
Another scar from others is engraved.

So I give up for now and I know that *****,
But I honestly don't give two *****.
781 · Mar 2021
New Change?
Broken Pieces Mar 2021
I've been off on a twisted adventure,
Finding the best way to reach my center.

It feels like I've been completely alone,
I feel like there are still so many unknowns.

Do I feel any change happening?
Sometimes I wonder if I'm just imagining.

I'm working hard to try something completely new,
It's really weird to be working on myself to.
780 · Feb 2021
Long Silence
Broken Pieces Feb 2021
It's been awhile since I found my inner song,
I've been looking at everything so wrong.
I disappeared into the great sea of darkness,
I tried my best but was always seen as heartless.

How can I make up for this time here?
I long for my friends to be oh so near.
I wish this wasn't the way things had to be,
But it'll take me awhile to find the real me.

I understand if you can't just wait around,
I won't be upset if you give up on my sound.
Just always remember how we used to be,
Look at the way we used to laugh and see.
770 · Apr 2021
Broken and a Mess
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
This time it's not a poem,
This time it's nothing to see.
This time I'm breaking apart,
This time I don't think I'll last.
This time I want to give up,
This time I don't know what to write.
This time I feel like ****,
This time I thought could be different.
But here I am broken and a mess.
Why can't I seem to ever be fully okay?
767 · Dec 2021
Broken Pieces Dec 2021
Who am I really?
Will I ever know?
                                                           ­              Whose hiding behind the mask?
                                                           ­               I don't think I'll ever let it show.
One day maybe I'll be okay
But today just isn't that day.
                                                            ­                 Who knew I could still bleed,
                                                          ­                 Who knew I could be so weak
I'm just ready to say goodbye
Life ***** and I don't wanna live.
718 · Apr 2021
Nothing and Something
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
How would you react if I said I missed you?
Would you miss me too?

It's highly unlikely because you seem to be okay,
But I still wonder what it would be like if you were to stay.

I don't want to, but I think of you every day,
I'm really sorry to brings this up this way.

I can just never seem to say anything right,
It's so hard for me to think about the light.

I'm ranting on and on about how I feel,
This is the only place where I can keep it real.

I cannot imagine myself without this site,
I for sure know the future wouldn't be bright.

Well this was a poem about nothing,
But it happened to lead to something.
712 · Jul 2021
Fooled Again
Broken Pieces Jul 2021
I used to think you could be my future,
But you turned that image into a nightmare.
It’s crazy to see what you are now, and what you were,
You know that one kid, you’re next to him right there.

Who knew you’d be the one to push me over the edge,
I ended up in a mental hospital broken and alone.
I sat there thinking, trembling on the ledge,
I come back and you even have a different tone.

You can’t treat me however you like,
The saddest part is how I still love you.
Making me walk over these spikes,
Because of you I only let in a few.

I don’t want to get hurt so I push everyone away,
But of course I once trusted you with my heart.
My heart is broken into pieces, I’m not okay,
I lost my sense of art.
Hey guys! I know it's been awhile since I've written anything, but I'm officially back! I'm gonna try to write at least once a week. Thanks for all of your support!💜✌️
640 · Apr 2021
Love? Hate?
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
Every time I start to be okay,
I get worried that people will stay away.

This simple lesson I need to know,
It’s okay to let your emotions show.

Because even if people leave you,
You’ll always have yourself too.

One day there will be someone who loves you,
And those feelings will be all so new.

Love yourself and you can love others,
Hate yourself and you won’t be able to save others.
630 · Jan 2022
No Change, No Better
Broken Pieces Jan 2022
So today is another normal day,
I just want my feelings to wash away.
Why does everything always die?
Why do people always lie?

I’ve been hurt so many times,
I’m tired of these stupid lines.
Can’t things just be bland,
I’m stuck on this poetic land.

I’ve gotten good at this play,
You’ll never know if I go away.
Look at this lovely smile,
Look it may have been awhile.

I am happy forever and always,
I am stuck in endless hallways.
Life is like I’m failing,
I’m just constantly waiting.
630 · Jan 18
My Identity
Broken Pieces Jan 18
Learning to try,
Where does my identity lie?
Finding myself again is hard,
Harder when I've raised my guard.
Trying to learn it's okay to be alone,
Spending this year on my own.
623 · Sep 2021
Depression, Anxiety, Idek
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
Every time I'm doing okay,
You always gotta come back and ruin my day.
I'm just trying to breathe like what the hell!?
I haven't cut yet you hurt me and I fell.

I just want to live my life and be okay,
Make this pain and suffering go away.
How is it so easy for you to ruin me?
When all I've done is set you free.

Yay me I'm writing now,
But honestly I don't even know how.
Let's just get this over with I'm done with you,
Wish you were done with me too
621 · Nov 2020
You Were
Broken Pieces Nov 2020
You are the joy that fills my eyes whenever I smile,
You are the reason I can be happy for awhile.

You are the sun who shines through my life,
You are the reason I haven't taken the knife.

You are the reason I can talk about being okay,
You are the reason my life isn't black and grey.

You are the reason I can breathe well,
You are the reason I never fully fell.

You were the reason I was thrilled,
So when you left it hurt, it killed.

You are the reason I am fine
You are..... Well you used to be mine.

But you left us to be a distant part of our past,
Just all because you decided we'd never last.
616 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
The sky seems so blue today,
It's the perfect day to play.
But what happens if the lights go out,
Will you begin to shout?
I promise I'll still be there,
Because no matter what I will always care.
You don't have to be afraid,
To me you will always be worth more than a grade.
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