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593 · Jan 2023
Broken Pieces Jan 2023
Hello past and future me,
How's life?

I'm saying goodbye to all that doesn't show,
Finally moving on.

2023, the year I leave,
Goodbye everyone I knew.

Hopefully it's a good year,
At least better than 2022
589 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Hasn't been a year quite yet and the wound still stings,
Thinking back to all of those things.
I still can't believe how dumb I was,
Everyone asks for answers but all I say is because.
I have no answer for how I didn't see,
I can't even say you're name, just "he".
Because thinking of you makes me want to cry,
I have all these questions of why.
I wish I was smarter back then,
I hope it will never happen again.
577 · Apr 2020
I'm Fine
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I'm fine.
Help me!
I'm fine.
I'm fine
I'm dying inside.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
It's cold in here.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Can I disappear?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm breaking apart.
568 · Jul 2021
Broken Pieces Jul 2021
For awhile now I've been free,
But I feel stuck, drowning in the sea.

I've been good at hiding my emotions and scars,
I've been searching for you among the stars.

Running into eachother broke my heart,
But you say it's better to just stay apart.

I still have my demons I need to fight,
And you took away my light.

You can leave my life that's fine,
But don't blame me when I shine.

I may not have you,
But I have someone new.
551 · Mar 2021
Broken Pieces Mar 2021
My emotions are stable, at least they appear to be.
For some reason I feel as if it's still not me.
I keep telling myself I'm happy and I'm fine,
But am I really on that line?

Enough with the ******* rhyming nonsense,
I'm really not okay and this is my cry for help.
I want someone to save me but I don't know how,
Will someone come and take me away from this town?
550 · Apr 2020
Left Alone
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Wow glad to know you really cared,
I mean I looked at you and stared.
You're so happy to have a new dog,
I feel as if you just hit me with a log.
Did I ever truly matter to you?
No wonder you withdrew.
You talk about you're dog all the time,
Why I just try to rhyme.
I thought if I tried harder I'd be perfect in your eyes,
But after a long time a part of me dies.
I've realized that you're happier with me gone,
I've realized I was just a silly little pawn.
So I'll leave you alone,
And try to be happy on my own.
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
I feel like I'm floating on the sky,
Rather than being afraid to cry.

I feel like anything to come is good,
I feel like I'm finally understood.

But at the same time I've filled with fear,
Wondering if the bad is near.

I feel like it's wrong to feel this much joy,
Because it could just destroy.

So is it wrong to be okay?
I'm not sure if I still feel that way.
529 · May 2021
What If
Broken Pieces May 2021
What if you decided to stay?
What if you never walked away?
What if I said hello to you?
What if you said hello too?

What if we could be together?
What if we could last forever?
What if I was okay?
What if I knew what to say?

What if we never parted ways?
What if we stopped with the okays?
What if life was different and good?
What if I could've understood?

All of these things in my mind,
Are getting harder to find.
When things like these are stuck in my head,
Like the question what if I was dead.
All of us have our what if questions to live with.
487 · Jul 2020
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
I thought we would be happier if we stuck together,
But every day I have more doubt that we'll last forever.

I hate that we seem more like two drifters,
Than being anywhere close to sisters.
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
It’s this never ending cycle.
I can’t carry this anymore,
It’s so hard to hold everyone’s problems.
You want me to be okay? Sure,
But on the inside it’s so easy to see my hurt.

I’m so tired of trying to be okay,
I feel like I’m falling or maybe just shutting down.
I’m here but my soul is drifting away,
This pain is weighing me down.

People take pieces from me,
I just want to be whole again.
Sure leave set yourself free,
It’s not like I’m used to people staying.

If you really are done thanks for letting me know,
I know it’ll **** but I’ll be fine.
I’ll feel things without letting them show,
It’s this never ending cycle that repeats.
445 · Sep 2021
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
We dance in the dark,
                                    Watching the lovely sun rise.
                                    A wonderful time to leave our mark,
                                    We love and don't deal with any lies.

Our love is pure and made to fly,
My eyes focused on you I want nothing else,
It's nice to finally not wanna cry,
I don't worry about focusing on myself.

                                                    You start to fade and I wonder why,
                                                    Please don't leave me I need your smile.
                                                   What can I do what do I need to try?
                                                   We loved too long for you to leave for awhile.

                                   I start to cry I start to shake,
                                   Because I realized it was all a dream.
                                   I don't want to but I awake,
                                  Turns out not everything it what it seems.
422 · Apr 2021
Broken Beneath
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
My mind is a dark place I can't navigate,
Last night my bad dreams took over me.
Everyday gets harder and harder,
I'm trying but no one can see.

I just want to try and heal,
But I'm struggling to find a home.
I want to be okay,
I don't want to be alone.

I know we all have our broken pieces,
Mine are getting harder to hold after long.
The pieces cut be beneath the skin,
I was a fool to think I could be strong.
397 · Apr 2020
Father, Dad, Stranger
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
He was my father, I never thought that would change,
But then things began to rearrange.
I love him still to this day,
I'm just sad to say he wasn't able to stay.
I never thought he would give in,
So when he said yes my mind had begun to spin.

He was my dad, and I thought that meant forever,
He left though, now I don't talk about things just say whatever.
He was the most important to me,
Because I thought he would never think to set me free.
Now he hasn't reached out in awhile,
I've begun to lose my smile.

He's nothing but a stranger now because he's gone,
He left, he even managed to beat the dawn.
I wanted him to be there for me no matter what,
But then he left and the door slowly shut.
I guess I wasn't a good daughter,
Because you just forgot her.
379 · Mar 2020
The Question
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Why did you give us up?
                                                                     Am I not enough?
Why did you give us up?
                                                                     Did I not try hard enough?
Why did you give us up?
                                                                     Should I smile more?
Why did you give us up?
                                                                     Am I not pretty enough?
Why did you give us up?
                                                                     Was I not a good daughter?
369 · Mar 2020
A Day to Never Forget
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
On this day three years ago,
                                             I was given up for adoption.
On this day three years ago,
                                             I was no longer wanted.
On this day three years ago,
                                             I lost everything.
On this day three years ago,
                                             I was torn apart.
On this day three years ago,
                                             I gave up.
On this day three years ago,
                                             I found out I wasn't enough.
On this day three years ago,
                                             My life was no longer mine.
This day three years ago was my bio moms birthday, also the day I didn't get to go home.
357 · Sep 2020
The Road to Healing
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
The road to healing has been long and hard,
It's made it difficult to put down my guard.

The road to healing is full of ups and downs,
Making me questions all of the sounds.

The road to healing is still not over yet,
And I know it's not something I'll ever forget.

Yes the road has been hard, But I've had others to help me,
My friends and family helped me become free.

Even though it's not quite over,
I'm no longer scared I won't find closure.
355 · Aug 2020
Just Me.
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
Once there was a girl going through a hell of a storm,
She sat in the rain trying her best to keep warm.

She was so great at acting like she was perfectly okay,
She could smile so brightly and you'd never know someone went away.

Smiling was her best way to fake, while scratching was her only way to cope,
She tried to grab onto the ladder but it fell quickly, as it did so did her hope.

It's a funny little poem I've written, because in case you didn't see,
This girl lying through the smiles is actually just me.
355 · Jun 2020
I Loved, I Healed
Broken Pieces Jun 2020
I sit in my bead alone each day, trying to be happy even if I don’t feel that way.
I’m still going through the pain in my mind, I haven’t met many people who are all that kind.
I try my best to be okay, but it’s hard when the people I love don’t wanna stay.
I lost my parents then my friends, Everytime I’m happy it just ends.
I still kept my head up and kept it going, And when I was alone I just let the blood keep flowing.
I tried a couple times to just take my life, whether it was with pills or a knife.
I had become so fragile one touch and I would break, I already felt like the biggest mistake.
I’m done trying my best, cause I’m just so depressed.
I loved, I healed but it never changed how I was treated, the cycle just kept getting repeated.
349 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
People will always worry,
           That doesn't make me hate it any less.
People will always worry,
                 But I don't have much of a choice I guess.
People will always worry,
                             I hate that word so, so much.
People will always worry,
                                        It just has a sour sort of touch.
People will always worry,
People will always worry,
People will always worry,
People will always worry,
                                         All because of that one night,
                                                                        When I tried to shut out the light.
343 · Aug 2020
Late Night Thoughts
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
I'm just sitting her questioning my entire life,
Kinda wondering why I don't use the knife.

This life makes me wonder what's worth living,
This life makes me question what's worth forgiving.

Healing is a long process, but it doesn't help when I'm still sad,
I wish I could be different and just appreciate all I had.

If I could change one thing in the past, what would it be?
Would I finally be able to come to terms with being me?

These are my late night thoughts I can't escape,
But no matter what I can't change their shape.
333 · Nov 2020
My Love
Broken Pieces Nov 2020
I hope that you can see,
My love you were everything to me.

Even though it's hard to move on with life,
I found a way to cope with the knife.

You used to take the pain away,
But honey you did not stay.

I'm sorry this is how it had to end,
But I am glad you didn't decide to pretend.

You showed me how beautiful life can be,
But baby you wanted to be free.

It's okay though I understand,
I guess this was just now the way I planned.

I loved you more then I could ever tell,
But my love we had to say farewell.
328 · Aug 2020
Love Myself
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
Love is such a wonderful thing,
It's like the lovely afternoon spring.

But love is not something that can magically heal me,
I'm sorry, but you're love won't set me free.

I have tried so hard to learn to love who I am,
But I've begun to give up and I hardly give a ****.

I know I can't properly heal until I can love me,
But it's like I'm stuck behind a door with the wrong key.

I wish I was able to see myself like you do,
But I see myself through such a negative view.
324 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I wish I was able to watch the world from afar,
I could just be in the sky like a star.
I don't want to live life with others, it hurts,
I'm so tired of the people who claim to be experts.
I wish life didn't have to be so hard,
I don't want to keep guard.
I want to be happy all the time,
Instead I'm wondering who committed the crime.
I want to be at peace,
But I'm torn piece by piece.
Life just flat out stings,
We're all just trying to spread our wings.
I don't want to be apart of this time zone,
Because I know I'll just end up alone.
320 · Apr 2020
Poem of the Day
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
For a while I've been trying to write,
But when I finally have an idea it's night.
I just want to write my thoughts out,
I want to talk, I want to shout!
I want more than anything to show you I'm real,
To show you it takes a while to heal.
I wish I had the right words to say,
To tell you how it made me feel for you to walk away.
I have nothing left,
I've become very depressed.
The colors I see are dull and gray,
This is my poem of the day.
304 · Apr 2021
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
My anxieties rising these days,
If they want to see they have their ways.

All I can see is old trees and dead grass,
Not seeing much is a pain in my ***.

Not being able to walk on my trail,
It’s starting to feel a lot like jail.

I feel trapped there’s nowhere to go,
I have so many emotions that I don’t want to show.
My friends very fist poem! And she says she can’t write🙄
302 · Aug 2020
Anxiety, Depression
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
Anxieties knocking at my door,
But Depressions already here.
These two together cause a war,
It gives me another feeling, fear.

Anxieties on my couch hanging out,
But Depression is coming from my room.
They reunite again and begin to shout,
It's calmed down but I have so much gloom.

Depression lays down in bed with me,
Anxiety is waiting on the floor.
Depressions grasp is strong I can't break free,
I'm not okay and I can't pretend anymore.
301 · Mar 2020
Bad Days
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Bad days will always be the norm,
I promise it's normal to be in a storm.
But when you get to the eye of it all,
Your worry begins to fall.
You are able to be at peace with all things,
You are able to unclip your wings.
You know the worst is only yet to come,
But you won't be the one to succumb.
The storm is coming fast,
But with the peace you know it won't last.
Bad days will always come around,
But they do not define you, you don't have to be drowned.
290 · Oct 2020
True Feeling
Broken Pieces Oct 2020
I break apart more bit by bit every single day,
While I wait for you to tell me you'll stay.

Those words still haven't been said,
I think you left me for the dead.

Have a great life,
At least one of us doesn't have a knife.
280 · Apr 2020
Good Things End
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I'm trying my best,
I'm working when I just want to rest.

It ***** when you find out the best thing for you,
It's not something you want to do.

I've had to let go of some really important friends,
It made me realize that all good stuff ends.
280 · Mar 2020
Mom, Dad?
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Mom, dad? I'm home to play,
Gosh it's just been the very best day.

Mom, dad where have you gone?
Why have you decided to leave by dawn?

Mom, dad? What do those words even mean?
Because mine have managed to go unseen.

Mom, dad, are you coming back,
Or will I be the one to crack?

Mom, dad? I'm older now,
Many people ask me how.

Mom, dad? I really miss you,
I hope you do too.

Mom, dad? I'm falling faster into the dark,
I've begun to lose my spark.

Mom, dad? Why did you leave me?
I'm sad to say I won't be the key.

Mom, dad? I guess I must say bye,
Even if I know you won't reply.
Sometimes parents aren't the ones to be with you no matter what, I'm sad to say my bio parents left me and never bothered telling me why.
274 · Sep 2020
Just a Poem
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
I thought our fate was intertwined,
But it turned out that I was just blind.
No matter how hard I try, we never touch.
I want to do my best to be okay and such.
You were my friend, I knew I could always trust you,
But you came back to visit and you were brand new.
The time between passed, and we’d forgotten each other,
It seemed like we were no longer there for one another.
You came back though and we had a couple laughs,
But it’s obvious we’re on separate paths.
I know I gotta say goodbye, it’s the right thing to do,
But a proper goodbye is long overdue.
273 · Aug 2020
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
One, Two, Three.... It's still not enough,
Scratching over and over is leaving my skin rough.

This isn't something I can control anymore,
I can't just wait for the pain to walk out the door.

This is the way I've begun to cope,
I want to be okay, I really do, but I have no hope.

I can't really tell you how I feel,
Because I know the pain in you would never heal.

I'm sorry that this is how I am now,
I know it's not something you allow.
269 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
We were split apart,
It broke my heart.
But I chose to stay,
Because I couldn't move away.
We visit once in a while,
And when we do we all seem to smile.
But that has become more rare,
Because they become less aware.
I miss you all more each day,
Even with the hurtful words you say.
Beings siblings with you was never easy,
But that doesn't make my life any less breezy.
Can't wait to see you all,
Then I won't still feel so small.
250 · Aug 2020
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
I wonder what it would look like to listen to others,
Would I finally be able to see all the beautiful colors?

What would it be like to genuinely be okay,
Would I be able to smile and make everyone stay?

I wonder how easy it would be to get up every morning,
To get up and get ready instead of crying and mourning.

I wish I could feel really happy for a day or two,
That would be the greatest wish come true.

But until then I will sit and smile,
I don't want to make others worry for awhile.
247 · Feb 2020
Silent Peace
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
Remember the days when people would stop and listen?
Listen to nature's song and watch the sun glisten.
Nowadays people don't care,
They act as if it's not ever there.
But I like to sit in the silence and listen to the peace,
People laughing and smiling in the streets.
Thinking about the silent times,
When there weren't things like crimes.
Watching the birds hum their song,
Hoping someone might sing along.
Try to just sit here and hear the noises all around,
Someone might come and you'll be found.
244 · May 2020
Is Life Real?
Broken Pieces May 2020
Is R E A L I T Y even R E A L ?
Lately I can barely even F E E L .

                                                        I'm trying to F I N D ,
                                                        Why I've had a battle in my M I N D .

                              I watch as people L I E ,
                              Leaving the others to just sit and  C R Y .

Humans are evil, we let others  H U R T ,
And although it's not okay it makes them A L E R T .
    ­                                                      I guess everything has a R E A S O N ,
                                                          Just like each and every S E A S O N .

                              So to answer my own question, L I F E is R E A L ,
                              And it's quite a big D E A L .
243 · Feb 2020
Not Enough
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
Hello mom and dad, I'm so excited today,
I've got no time to go out and play.
Today I will make you a present,
I hope it's very pleasant.
But then the bell rings and there is a call,
The words I hear make me feel so small.
What papers are you talking about?
Please, I beg you not to shout.
Why is everyone crying?
What are you implying?
Why are we not at our house?
What are all these doubts?
Finally someone explains to me,
Mom and dad wanted to set me free.
I'm not going to see them again,
They tell me take a deep breath and count to ten.
But I don't want to breathe, I want to cry,
Because all I ever did was try.
But I was not enough,
Why is life so tough?
I did everything you asked of me,
But now I'm locked without a key.
Now I'm all alone,
Stuck in the unknown.
Will I ever get to know,
About the trouble so long ago?
Mom and dad I thought you loved us,
Did we put up too much of a fuss?
Goodbye mom and dad, I'll sure miss you,
Because I never got to see what's true.
233 · Jul 2020
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
It's getting harder and harder to eat each day,
The food is tasteless and gray.

I want to eat but I can never seem to hold it down,
So instead I lie over and over and I begin to drown.

I haven't eaten much today, but at least I ate something,
Because something is way better than nothing.

I hope tomorrow I can bring myself to eat more,
And my need to eat will be something I can finally restore.
229 · Apr 2020
Wishful Thinking
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I can't seem to write properly anymore.
Because you walked out the door.
I want to show others how I feel,
But I don't want to admit that it's real.
Would you react if I told you I was in pain?
What if I told you my world was about to rain?
I want to be the strong one,
But I can't bring myself to say I'm done.
I wish there was someone out there,
Someone who I could count of to care.
223 · Aug 2020
Memory of You
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
I have officially cleaned out any memory of you,
You can never take control of my room and make it blue.

I took my emotions and watched them burn,
Now what you're doing is none of my concern.

I feel so free but also so broken,
I almost wish your words remained unspoken.

I'll miss you but it's for the best,
Because if the room stayed, I'd be more depressed.
220 · Jul 2020
Panic Attack
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
I try my best to breathe and count to ten.
I'm trying everything so I can feel again.
The shaking comes and I can't seem to stop it.
All of my thoughts are just telling me to commit.
I'm trying my best to see the beauty in life.
But all I can focus on is the glistening knife.
My thoughts become empty as I reach for my heart.
                                                          ­               8...
My head is clear and I'm no longer falling apart.
                                                                ­                   9...
I'm no longer afraid of death, I welcome it with open arms.
                                                           ­                                 10...
Now I don't even have to worry about the silent alarms.
217 · Apr 2021
It’s Always the Same
Broken Pieces Apr 2021
So, you broke me and I though you’d be different,
Kinda wish I had just never met you.
Even though I’m different now,
I’m tired of all the pain caused by you.

You lied straight to my face,
Told me that it wasn’t true.
How could you do that,
How could you break me too.

Honestly this is just a rant,
I feel like I can’t really write anymore.
I’m still sorry for the things that happened to you,
I wish I could drown and wash up on the shore.
201 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Inside my mind is a battle,
I'm not okay,
They didn't stay.
I'm broken,
My words remain unspoken.
I kinda want to die,
But all I do is cry.
The fights grow,
But I don't let it show.
I'm not perfect like I should be,
I'm drowning in a sea.
I no longer want to fight,
I'll just give up the light.
Everything is ending,
But I'll keep pretending.
I'm sure I'll be okay,
Just not today.
199 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
Maybe someday I will find a way to heal,
Maybe someday I will admit that they're real.

I thought the darkness would last forever,
But maybe I can fight it if we're together.
197 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
I sit here and wait for my time to shine,
I wait for the day when I'm actually fine.
I'm not just some little girl anymore,
I've learned how to cope when you walked out the door.
I won't just sit and wait,
I'm going to start tempting with fate.
I will be great someday,
And I'll do it my own way.
194 · Oct 2020
Before I Go
Broken Pieces Oct 2020
Before I go, can I try and make you happy?
Should I rewrite that line since it's a bit sappy?

Before I go, is it okay to give one last smile?
I know I know, I've cried for quite a while.

Before I go, can I tell you how much you mean to me?
I'm sorry that I will be leaving, but you'll be free.

Before I go, can I write out my last few lines?
I'll keep it happy with my "I'm fines."

Before I go, can I try one last shout?
I want you to be happy without a doubt.
192 · Aug 2020
Teen Trauma
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
Life hasn't been easy lately, we are trying our best.
But we’re just depressed.
There is no cure for sadness, if we just try to be happy,
It leads to madness.
Trying our best everyday,
Even if it feels like there's no way.
We are the ones to carry the legacy,
But we’re filled with jealousy.
We see others walking around so happily,
They seem like the perfect family.
If only we could be okay,
But the trauma will stay.
We hear the beautiful sound,
But it can’t seem to be found.
We walk empty through life,
Trying to say away from the knife.
186 · Jul 2020
Broken Machine
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
I'm not some broken machine you can f-f-fix,
Trying to make me ha-ppy just causes more conflicts.

I want to be happy, but I                                 Can't,
It's not a w       i     s    h   I can easily grant.

If I could magically be better I'd T             R                  YYYYY,
But my B      R    A    I    N        ..... is set on wanting to die.
185 · Apr 2020
Mystery Feeling
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Everyday somehow I've fallen more,
I can't even think of my life before.
He's taken over my mind,
I really want our hands to be intertwined.
He has shown me how kind people can be,
I feel as if I can only now finally see.
He is my music, I won't give him away,
But I know it's his choice to stay.
I don't know what this feeling truly is,
But I want to keep saying I'm his.
I know that with him I can be happy,
I never thought I could write words so sappy.
I finally am able to feel okay,
I feel alive in a completely different way.
What is this feeling I feel?
I can't put a word to it, but I know it's real.
185 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I want to try and tell you how I feel,
But you always tell my those feelings aren't real.

You tell me, "It'll get easier, just keep trying."
But it feels like your just lying.

My life isn't mine,
I'm not fine.

Feelings ****,
I've run out of luck.
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